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This paper summarizes the discussion about the origin and the status of Afrikaans. Two schools appear to be opposed to each other: the philological school and a creolistic view. The philological school tried to demonstrate with meticulous research of sources that Afrikaans is a full daughter of 17th century Dutch, which set foot ashore with van Riebeeck in 1652 at the Cape of Good Hope. Linguists who thought of a pattern of creolization in the formation of Afrikaans point to the influence of the languages of slaves brought to South Africa and to the influence of the original inhabitants, the Khoi and the San. This contribution mainly outlines the ideological background of these two schools of thought. For the philological school this is the system of Apartheid, while for the Creolist view the emphasis is more on decolonization.
The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance and influence of Fernando Ortiz’ Contrapunteo cubano del tabaco y el azúcar (1940) for current discussions on transculturality, cultural hybridism and creolization, especially. Through a comparative approach certain differences and similarities between Ortiz’ approach and other contemporary authors such as Á. Rama, N. García Canclini, P. Burke, W. Welsch and É. Glissant are underlined. It is asserted that Ortiz’ classical anthropological survey constitutes another contribution of an Antillean-Caribbean intellectual corpus whose importance should be better appreciated. Althought the emphasis in Ortiz’ book is on the Cuban society of his days, his broad transcultural perspective still has, in the present times, high relevance.
In this paper, I study the narrative structure and the layers of meaning in the Treme (2010-2013), using the concept of rhizome introduced in A Thousand Plateaus by Deleuze and Guattari (1987) and the Hannerzian “root metaphor” of creole culture. As for New Orleans in the Treme, music makes the narrative structure not just multilinear but rhizomatic. Moreover, spontaneity and hybridity highlight dialogicity and poliphony as well as a strong ironic and subversive capacity concerning music and creole culture. On a narratological level, analysing the critical representation of social problems after the destruction of Hurricane Kathrina raises the problems of focalization and narratorial distance
Creolization and balkanization as a result of language (dialect) contact. Is the origin of mixed languages universal?There are several types of language contact depending on the relations between languages. The article focuses on the results of language contact with multi- and unidirectional influence: balkanization, pidginization, creolization and other types of contact – why not all of them result in mixing codes. The author considers various theoretical approaches to describe languages in contact, the process of convergence and the genesis of mixed codes. While the comparison of such language situations as Balkan Sprachbund, colonial and postcolonial societies, multi-ethnic societies in the Western world, has shown  that each type of language contact needs its own approach, the final part of this paper is  devoted to two analogical language situations: Russian Old Believers in Poland and Poles in Siberia. However, despite of many similarities, even these two communities have developed their bilingualism in a different way.Kreolizacja i bałkanizacja jako rezultat kontaktu języków (dialektów). Czy istnieje uniwersalna geneza języków mieszanych?Możemy wyróżnić kilka typów kontaktu językowego w zależności od relacji pomiędzy językami. W artykule omówiono rezultaty kontaktu językowego z jedno- i wielokierunkowym wpływem: bałkanizacja, pidginizacja, kreolizacja oraz inne typy kontaktu, a także podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie o to, czemu tylko niektóre z nich skutkują powstaniem języków mieszanych. Analizie poddano różne podejścia teoretyczne, służące opisowi języków w kontakcie, procesowi konwergencji oraz powstaniu języków mieszanych. Ponieważ porównanie takich przykładów kontaktu językowego jak Bałkańska Liga Językowa, społeczności kolonialne i postkolonialne oraz wieloetniczne społeczeństwa na Zachodzie pokazało, że każdy typ kontaktu wymaga innego podejścia, końcową część artykułu poświęcono dwóm praktycznie analogicznym sytuacjom językowym: Rosjanom-staroobrzędowcom w Polsce i Polakom na Syberii. Pomimo wielu podobieństw okazuje się jednak, że w obydwu społecznościach bilingwizm rozwinął się w inny sposób.
Lingua Posnaniensis
vol. 55
issue 2
This paper describes the linguistic and cultural influence of India on the countries of Indo-China in the 5th to 15th centuries A D. It is shown that India’s penetration into South-East Asia took the forms of Late Brahmanism ~ Early Hinduism and of Buddhism. Indian settlers were promoting different variants of Sanskrit written culture in Java. Differences between culturally dominant Sanskrit, the language of the Indian migrants, and the orally used Austronesian languages of Java were great; as a result of interaction between the two there appeared highly Sanskritized versions of Old Western Javanese (Kavi) and later also of Old Balinese. Between the 7th and 15th centuries a great number of literary texts in Kavi were created in Java. The influx of Indian culture into ancient Burma, realized mostly by the land-route and only partially by sea, implied two main waves differing linguistically: the Sanskrit-bound wave and the P āli-bound one. Under the influence of Sanskrit and numerous texts in Sanskrit a Mon script based on the Indian brāhmī was developed in Upper Burma in the 9th century; later on it became the national system of writing, in use even today. The starting point for the history of Pāli epigraphy and literature in Burma was 1058 AD when Theravāda Buddhism was proclaimed the state religion of the Pagan kingdom. In the 11th to 15th centuries a great number of works in different fields of knowledge appeared in Burma. T he language used in them was a creolized Pāli/Burmese resulting from the intensive linguistic interaction between Pāli and Sanskrit on one hand and the vernaculars on the other. The most important stages in the development of this language and of literary activity in it are characterized.
Shmuel N. Eisenstadt has fundamentally modified the classical theory of modernization. Over the course of his work, which is connected with the changes of sociological theory since the 1950s, he has executed a turn from the comparative analysis of institutions to the research program of comparative civilizations. The research program of multiple modernities has emerged out of this attentional shift coming from the First Research Program 1986, which led to “multiple modernities” and to the Second Research Program 2003. A key milestone was the critique of the theory of structural differentiation as the main process underlying the sociostructural evolution of societies; this began with The Political Systems of Empires (1963), along with the development of convergence theories of modernization, which have had impact on contemporary sociological theory beginning with that same book. In the meantime, the research program of multiple modernities now continues into the Third Research Program of Multiple Modernities, Membership, and Globalization 2016 and its implementation (Preyer and Sussman, 2016a, b). Firstly, I will show how the program seeks to sketch an updated vision of the theoretical systematization of research on globalization since the 1990s. Secondly, I will go on to sketch the foci of research within the Third Research Program in our era of globalization; finally, I shall outline some consequences of changes in the research situation within sociological theory.
The article is devoted to analysis of texts of relevant literature, in which verbal and iconic components are integrated into a single narrative space. The creolization of the text is one of the main tendencies of modern literature (A. Bilzho, L. Goralik, A. Ilichevsky, O. Muhina, Andrei Sen-Senkov, S. Spirihin etc.). Thearticle discusses the functions of figurative elements, their relationship with compositional, narrative and language features. The study concluded that the combination of verbal and iconic signs in one semantic space actualizes the performative nature of the modern literature.
Termíny naturalizácia, exotizácia, modernizácia, historizácia a kreolizácia použil Anton Popovič v tzv. Holmesovom kríži v sedemdesiatych rokoch 20. storočia. Odvtedy sa bez nich slovenská teória prekladu nezaobišla. Podrobnejšie ich rozpracoval aj J. Vilikovský. Po ekviva‑ lencii a posunoch patria k najfrekventovanejším pojmom teórie a kritiky prekladu u nás. Možno ich využiť aj pri koncipovaní dejín prekladu na Slovensku v 20. storočí ako nosné. Pri striedaní jednotlivých období v preklade u nás vystupuje vždy niektorá z týchto tendencií ako dominantná. Po dominancii naturalizujúcich tendencií v päťdesiatych rokoch, keď dominujú preklady klasiky, sa objavuje prevaha aktualizačných prekladov, uvádzaná Feldekovým manifestačným vystúpením v Mladej tvorbe koncom päťdesiatych rokov, pokračuje v priebehu šesťdesiatych rokov 20. storočia s dominanciou modernej literatúry. Toto striedanie dominantných tendencií nie je mechanické, no uplatňuje sa aj v spätnom pohľade. V období realizmu dominujú naturalizačné tendencie (Kukučín, Hviezdoslav), v období Moderny exotizačné (Roy, Krasko), no už v medzivojnovom období sa exotizácia strieda s naturalizáciou (Jesenský, Jesenská, Rázusová ‑Martáková) a J. Felix tieto preklady vyzdvihuje, aj keď vo vzťahu k archaizácii a modernizácii je za tzv. vivifikáciu, prispôsobenie prekladu dobe, v ktorej preklad vznikol, jej čitateľovi. Popri naturalizujúcich prekladoch nadrealisti v období druhej svetovej vojny a tesne pred ňou uprednostňujú moderni‑ záciu a exotizáciu v preklade a premosťujú tak obdobie naturalizácie v päťdesiatych rokoch do šesťdesiatych rokov, keď sa zbližujú s nastupujúcou generáciou konkretistov. Po roku 1968 zase modernizácia mechanicky neustupuje do úzadia, vrcholné preklady sú stále modernizujúce či aktualizačné. Po roku 1989 nastáva postupne po vlne exotizácie, najmä amerikanizácie (krátko po prevrate) vo vrcholných, najmä básnických, prekladoch k umierňovaniu modernizujúcej a exo‑ tizujúcej metódy, k tomu, čo nazýval Felix vivifikáciou na časovej osi a Popovič kreolizáciou, miešaním kultúr. Hovoríme o umiernenej, či klasicizujúcej prekladateľskej metóde, preklad si plní svoje základné poslanie, približuje sa štýlu prekladaného autora.
After the clear dominance of naturalizing tendencies in the 1950s, when classic translations were preponderant, a predominance of up ‑dated translations appeared. This was introduced by Feldek’s manifestation appearance in Mladá tvorba at the end of the 1950s and throughout the 1960s by the dominance of modern literature. This alternation of dominant tendencies is by no means mechanical, but it is also applicable in hindsight. Whereas in the period of Real‑ ism, naturalization tendencies (Kukučín, Hviezdoslav) seem dominant, the period of Modernism foregrounds those of exotization (Roy, Krasko). However, in the inter ‑war period, exotization took turns with naturalization (Jesenský, Jesenská, Rázusová ‑Martáková). J. Felix praises these translations although with respect to historization and modernization he is in favor of so ‑called ‘vivification’, i.e. adapting translation to the epoch in which it originated, as well as the reader. Furthermore, Surrealists in the period of the Second World War and shortly before it seem to prefer modernization and exotization besides naturalizing translations. Thus, they bridge the period of naturalization from the 1950s to the 1960s when they became closer with the starting generation of Concretists. Again, after 1968 modernization was not pushed to the background mechanically; prime translations are still being modernized or up ‑dated. After 1989, gradually after a wave of exotization, especially Americanization (shortly after the Revolution), attenuation of the modernizing and exoticizing methods in supreme translations, those of poems, in particular, may be observed, in contrast to what was referred to by Felix as vivification on a temporal axis and creolization, i.e. mixing of cultures, by Popovič. This is called an attenuated or classicist translation method; translation fulfils its basic role, it approximates to the style of a translated author and is at his service.
Romanization is one of the most cultural phenomena of the Roman world, whose distant echoes are palpable even today. It should be construed as a consolidation of the image of the Roman state throughout its territory, while taking local cultural components into account. It was not directed and controlled from above; on the contrary, it should be approached as a grassroots process, by and large a spontaneous one. It was not straightforward and direct either, as Roman culture was disseminated and consolidated via a secondary, or „second-hand” impact.
Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy specyfiki werbalnej implementacji zakazów i ograniczeń w tekstach odnoszących się do kwarantanny i epidemii. Przedmiotem zainteresowania jest kategoria zakazu oraz specyfika werbalizacji tej kategorii, a więc zawartość strukturalna i semantyczna, pragmatyczne i dyskursywne cechy funkcjonowania werbalnych reprezentantów semantyki zakazu. Za materiał badawczy posłużyły teksty komunikatów informacyjnych w języku ukraińskim, odnoszące się do zakazu odwiedzania miejsc publicznych bez masek ochronnych. Przeanalizowano środki leksykalne, składniowe oraz graficzne dla wprowadzenia zakazu w tekście. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na kategorie adresanta i adresata, sposoby eksplikacji tych elementów dyskursywnych czy specyficzną kreolizację badanych tekstów.
The article deals with the specifics of the verbal implementation of prohibitions and restrictions in quarantine-epidemiological texts. The object is the category of prohibition, the subject is the specifics of the verbalization of this category, namely the structural and semantic content, pragmatic and discursive features of the functioning of the verbal representatives of the semantics of the prohibition. The actual material for this paper is the texts of informational messages in the Ukrainian language, which refer to the prohibition on visiting public places without protective masks. Lexical, syntactic, graphic means of textual organization of prohibition announcements were studied. Special attention is paid to the categories of addressant and addressee, methods of explication of these discursive elements, specific creolization of the studied advertisement texts.
The article resumes the life story of Peter Blair from Jamaica (1835–1897), member of the Moravian Church and long-term teacher and missionary on the Mosquito Coast. On this background and in the broader context of the study of Moravian Church missions in the New World are analyzed the processes of identity making in the colonial and post-colonial Caribbean, the problems of racial, national and religious (self)identifications, but especially the mechanisms of “creolization”, i.e. the cultural and social “regrounding”, the formation of new and coherent social formations out of the fragmentation brought about by the colonization.
Článek shrnuje životní příběh Petera Blaira z Jamajky (1835–1897), člena Moravské církve a dlouholetého učitele a misionáře na Pobřeží Moskytů. Na pozadí tohoto příběhu a v širším kontextu studia moravských misií v Novém světě jsou analyzovány procesy utváření identit v koloniálním a postkoloniálním Karibiku, problémy rasové, národní a náboženské (sebe)identifikace, ale zejména mechanismy „kreolizace“, tedy kulturního a sociálního „zakořeňování“, utváření nových a koherentních sociálních formací z roztříštěnosti způsobené kolonizací.
The article discusses the influence of the process of urbanization on the Belarusian nationality. Due to some historical conditions the Western cities-communes have not formed in Belarus. At the beginning of the New Ages the Belarusian city has had Magdeburgian law and the trading relations, it has been the centre of the political life, the residence of the State officials and the provinces. Through the social-economical backwardness of the Russian empire the peasants of Belarus could not move into the towns from the country. The towns and the cities in Belarus were not Belarusian but Jewish and Polish ones. Due to the World War II there have emerged the Polish Holocaust, repatriation and the Soviet industrialization which have made some auspicious conditions for the overtaking modernization in Belarus. During only one generation the peasant Belarusian nation has become the urban one. Such overtaking process of the urbanization has been preventing the formation of the standards and the traditions of the Belarusian city. The basis of the social and cultural life of Belarusians has been forming the traditions of the Soviet culture. That is why we can come to the conclusion that the overtaking modernization is closely related to the radical changes of the national identity. The more overtaking is modernization of the cities and the whole State, the more dangerous is the deprivation of the national peculiarity. The nation whose spiritual life is not utterly formed can hardly successfully adapt itself to the social and economical changes, which are determined by the overtaking modernization. These alterations do absolutely not correspond to its spiritual way of life.
Šiame straipsnyje apmąstoma urbanizacijos proceso įtaka baltarusių tautiškumui. Dėl tam tikrų istorinių sąlygų Baltarusijoje nesusiformavo vakarietiško pobūdžio miestai-komunos. Naujųjų laikų pradžioje baltarusiškas miestas turėjo Magdeburgo teises ir prekybinius santykius, buvo politinio gyvenimo centras su valdininkijos rezidencija ir provincijomis. Dėl Rusijos imperijos socialinio-ekonominio atsilikimo Baltarusijos valstiečiai negalėjo iš kaimų persikelti gyventi į miestus. Pastarieji iki pat XX amžiaus pradžios buvo ne baltarusiški, bet žydiški arba lenkiški. Antrasis pasaulinis karas lėmė lenkų holokaustą, repatriaciją ir tarybinę industrializaciją, kuri sudarė palankias sąlygas sparčiai Baltarusijos urbanizacijai. Būtent dėl šio proceso labiausiai nukentėjo valstiečiai. Tereikėjo vienos kartos, kad valstietiška baltarusių tauta taptų miestiška. Toks spartus urbanizacijos procesas neleido susiformuoti baltarusiškojo miesto gyvenimui būdingoms normoms ir tradicijoms. Baltarusių socialinio ir kultūrinio gyvenimo pagrindą sudarė rusų sovietinės kultūros tradicijos. Taigi sparti modernizacija glaudžiai susijusi su radikaliomis tautinio tapatumo permainomis. Kuo sparčiau modernizuojami miestai ir visa valstybė, tuo didesnis pavojus prarasti tautinį savitumą. Tauta, kurios dvasinis gyvenimas dar nėra visiškai susiformavęs, vargu ar gali sėkmingai adaptuotis prie itin sparčios modernizacijos nulemtų socialinių ir ekonominių pokyčių, kurie visiškai neatitinka jos dvasinio gyvenimo būdo.
The article addresses the issues of the specificity of Capeverdean crealization and the role of ethnicity in intercultural communication in insular and transnational conditions of the creole society. Since the Cape Verde archipelago was uninhabited until the 15th century, when Portuguese explorers discovered the islands, the colonization started with the building of new society, mostly of mixed European and African heritage (mestiços). It gave rise to the unique creole culture in the Lusophone Africa. Historically sizeable diaspora community across the world, outnumbering inhabitants on the islands, is still an active factor of intercultural communication. Its transnational ethnicity also co-determines of intercultural communication trajectory.
This paper examines the multiplicity of the definitions of “Creole” applied by social researchers, linguists, and anthropologists since it was coined in 16th century in the colonies founded by the Portuguese and the Spanish. On the basis of the data gathered during the ethnographic fieldwork in three Secondary Schools in the East-West Corridor of Trinidad, we revisit the definitions of Creole and suggest that only further ethnographic research might provide us with the understanding of the contemporary concept of Creole (or creole, various spellings have been used). In this article we argue that the concept of Creole has different connotations in Trinidad when it refers to language and when it is used to describe ethnicity. In the first case it implies inclusion and unity among Trinidadians, whereas in the latter meaning, it has dubious connotations and it might refer to “us”, the Trinidadians, proud of the diversity (thus again implying inclusion), or, on the other hand, excluding Trinidadian East Indians or Indo-Trinidadians (therefore indicating exclusion).
Este artículo examina la multiplicidad de las definiciones de “criollo”, aplicada por los investigadores sociales, lingüistas y antropólogos, desde que fue acuñado en el siglo XVI en las colonias fundadas por los portugueses y los españoles. Basado en los datos recogidos durante el trabajo de campo etnográfico en tres escuelas secundarias en el corredor este-oeste de la Trinidad (de Trinidad y Tobago), revisamos estos conceptos y sugerimos que sólo la investigación etnográfica adicional puede proporcionarnos el entendimiento del concepto contemporáneo de “criollo”. En este artículo sostenemos que el concepto de criollo tiene diferentes connotaciones en Trinidad cuando se refiere a la lengua y cuando se utiliza para des¬cribir el origen étnico. En el primer caso, implica la inclusión y la unidad entre los trinitenses, mientras que en el último significado tiene connotaciones dudosas y que podría referirse a “nosotros”, los trinitenses, orgulloso de la diversidad (de nue¬vo, lo que implica la inclusión), o por otra lado, excluyendo los indios orientales en Trinidad o los indios trinitenses del ámbito de aplicación (por lo tanto, lo que indica la exclusión).
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