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The examples presented in this article show the importance of a recipe (and in a broader context, a cookery book) as a source allowing to learn about everyday life. Analyzing and interpreting them, historians can not only obtain data on basic food items in each historical period, their energy value and use, but also find out what the nutrition model in that period was. What is more, some casual remarks made by authors, may be significant for the research on changes in general manners and etiquette.
Aim. In Turkey, German ranks second after English as a foreign language in private courses, schools, and universities. There is an important relation between the selection of the subject of German courses, i.e., the detailed planning of the courses, and the implementation of the appropriate method.  In this research, the subject of cuisine was planned for teaching German at universities. The purpose of this research is the preparation, implementation and evaluation of a sample lesson focused on the selection of the subject of cuisine for German courses taught in the universities. Methods. This research on cuisine was qualitative in nature. The document analysis technique was used in the research (Kuş, 2007; Yıldırım & Şimşek, 2008). During the 2018/2019 academic year the researcher taught on the subject of cuisine selection in his German courses. The implementation and evaluation of the subject of cuisine are developed by Hasan Coşkun (2020) in accordance with the lesson planning model previously prepared. The materials used in this lesson are prepared according to the model developed by Coşkun (2020). The unit on cuisine has been revised for this article. Result and Conclusion. The success of the lesson planning model mentioned in this article was also observed in the activities conducted earlier. It was also seen that the students who attended German courses in connection with education or work in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland exerted efforts in establishing contact with the instructor and with other students attending the class. It was observed that participants talked about the Turkish, German, and Chinese cuisine in their families, peer groups, restaurants, and snack bars.  In addition to the subject discussed in the class, the method implemented in the lesson and the planning of the course according to the method, play an important role in the continuation of the students’ interest. Therefore, effective lesson planning models should be developed. This lesson model is also applicable to other languages. Originality. German is offered as a foreign language in Turkish schools in the second grade. Consequently, German is usually chosen as a second foreign language after English.  Students from all the departments of the university may attend the elective German language classes to study or work in Germany. The condition for participation in the courses “German for Erasmus” and “German for Communication,” taught by the researcher, aims to prepare the students to read and speak German at the A2 level. It is frequently observed that the participants speak German at different levels.  The overseas experience of the participants, the level of their German and their knowledge of other languages play an important role in this respect.  In recent years, the number of course participants from Germany and other countries have increased. The students who had been in German speaking countries within the Erasmus program participate in German courses to maintain their fluency in the German language. To conduct the courses effectively, a suitable method should be developed and such an approach will help the participants who come from different countries and students with different levels of fluency. It is believed that this inter-disciplinary research will contribute to the use of the active method during German lessons.
In 1796, the first American cookbook American Cookery by Amelia Simmons was published in Hartford, Connecticut. Although many scholars referred to it as “the second declaration of American independence” the cooking patterns presented in Simmons’ book still resembled the old English tradition. The purpose of this paper is to explore the British origins of the first American cookbook and to demonstrate that it is, in essence, a typical eighteenth-century English cookery book.
Giulia Kamińska Di Giannantonio in paper entitled Culinary motifs in the contemporary literature italian journeys proposes an analysis of descriptions of food, its preparation and eating, appearing in literature, especially in travelogues, reportages or personal documents. The author will analyse texts regarding Italy and Italian journeys written by Tessa Capponi-Borawska, Zbigniew Herbert, Jarosław Mikołajewski, Marek Zagańczyk and Dariusz Czaja. The purpose of this Chapter is to search the descriptions of examples of Italian cuisine in mentioned authors, and, next, to look and examine the narrative strategies therein. Describing and characterizing banqueting or feasting and eating meals and also introducing recipes of local dishes or foreign names of meals in the text is a very important element of contemporary travels’ reports. Its purpose is to bring closer the experience of journey to the reader and to create more attractive and more credible narration. As will be shown in this chapter, in Polish contemporary literature about Italy the culinary topic is being used in differents ways and with differents aims. Tessa Capponi-Borawska in Dziennik toskański (2004) focuses all the narration on the motive of italian cuisine. Jarosław Mikołajewski in his Terremoto (2017), a work of a syncretic genre, uses the culinary motifes to intensify the expression of his narration. Some authors, like Dariusz Czaja in Gdzieś dalej, gdzie indziej (2010), chose only one component of local gastronomy to describe, namely wine, to the exclusion of any other food types. Finally, some writers renounce absolutly mentioning food in their books in favour of the more sophisticated themes like literature, story or art (this strategy is typical for all italian books of Marek Zagańczyk).
Alicja Mazan-Mazurkiewicz’s aim in this article is to show the richness and variety of poetical implementations of culinary themes in children’s poetry as represented by Joanna Kulmowa, Joanna Papuzińska, Zofia Beszczyńska, and Agnieszka Kuciak. Mazan-Mazurkiewicz wants to emphasise how a topic that is close to the child and somehow obvious makes it possible for the receiver to be themselves poetically creative and offers them an aesthetic experience as well as an initiation (often unconscious) into the processes of artistic creation, involving humour, metaphor, synaesthesia, and retardation.
Some scholars believe that the cuisine of New England was bland and austere because of the religion. Although ascetism was crucial for the Puritan communities which settled the region, more important was diligent righteous life, thus fasting was never as important for the Puritans as it was for the Catholics. In fact only gluttony was considered to be sinful. This text will confront the thesis assuming that the New England’s cuisine was bland and will examine religion’s impact on New England’s foodways. The text will describe not only the most typical products and dishes, but also customs connected with cuisine. The Puritans did not have to fast all the time (as some would say). The most obvious evidence of that is consent to revelries and customs connected with Thanksgiving Day. The holiday itself was promoted by the local ministers as an alternative to Christmas which was rather not celebrated and in New England. Preachers would encourage people to feast provided they do not feel too much connection to the worldliness. The text will also focus on products strongly connected to the region. Coastal New England is a region rich in fish and various types of seafood. However despite fishing’s role in the history of the region, occupations such as fishermen were usually held in low regard among the first settlers. The holy day of Sabbath was also important for development of local culinary customs. All the characteristic features of the early cuisine of this region were connected to the religious practices and world views of the settlers. They had also their influence on characteristics of contemporary New England’s cuisine. Thus we can say that New England’s example shows how vast the impact of religion can be and that it can affect every field of life.
Cuisine is an integral element of any also Polish, culture. This article is a linguistic‑culturological reflection on Polish Borderlands’ dishes and beverages (e.g. kutia, wheat grain, poppy seeds and honey dish’, kumpiak ‚cured ham’, mamałyga‚ maise fluor porridge’, nadzianka, potato stuffed intestines’, strudel, paska‚ Easter bread’, „sosnówka”‚ pine liqueur’) which are a part of regional „melting pot of flavors”, and therefore the „culinary melting pot” of Ziemia Lubuska region.
Kulinaria to integralny element każdej, również polskiej, kultury. Niniejszy szkic jest językowo-kulturologiczną refleksją o kresowych daniach, potrawach, napojach (jak np. kutia, kumpiak, mamałyga, nadzianka, strudla, paska, „sosnówka”…), które współtworzą regionalny „tygiel smaków”, a tym samym „kulinarny tygiel” Ziemi Lubuskiej.
Od lat dbano o to, by posiłki przyrządzali najlepsi kucharze, co miało też związek z pozycją społeczną, bowiem bogaci pozwalali sobie na wysoką jakość i wykwintny smak, biedni liczyli raczej na ilość. Kuchnia warszawska, przechodząc ewolucję, doszła do mistrzostwa w połowie XIX wieku i o tym właśnie decydowała sztuka kucharzy. Niezależnie od epoki i mody, kuchnia ta opierała się na potrawach staropolskich, w których tradycyjnie dominował przysłowiowy schabowy z kapustą, barszcz, flaki, sztuka mięsa oraz pieczeń wieprzowa i wołowa z cebulą i chrzanem, a zapijano to piwem, coraz rzadziej miodem, sporadycznie winem, a później coraz intensywniej gorzałką. Jednak pod wpływem kuchni włoskiej, francuskiej czy w XIX w. angielskiej, kuchnia polska zmieniała się, dostosowując się do wymogów i trendów europejskich, jednocześnie niczego nie tracąc ze swojej polskości.
For years there has been taken care that meals could be prepared by the best cooks, what has also been related to the social position, as the rich could afford themselves a high quality and exquisite taste, the poor could rather count on quantity. The Warsaw cuisine, evolving, reached its mastery in the mid-19th century, and it was just decided by cooks’ art. Disregarding the epoch and fashion, this cuisine was based on Old Polish dishes where there traditionally prevailed the proverbial kotlet schabowy(breaded cutlet) with cabbage, barszcz(beet borscht), flaki(tripe soup), sztuka mięsa (boiled beef), and pieczeń wieprzowa i wołowa(roast pork and beef) with onions and horseradish, and all that was washed down with beer, more and more seldom with mead, sporadically with wine, while later more and more intensively with booze. However, under the influence of Italian, French or, in the 19th century, English cuisine, Polish cuisine was changing, adapting to the European requirements and trends, at the same time not losing anything of its Polish character.
19th century Toruń is considered to have been a town combining different national, cultural and religious communities. Both its political and material history reflect the mentality and daily life of the inhabitants of Toruń at that time. The heterogeneity of the town has inspired many researchers from vari-ous areas of science. The article presents the model of consumption of the inhabitants of Toruń in the 19th century outlining the social divisions according to level of wealth. On the basis of many sources, mainly the press, the author describes the so called culinary art which included dietary habits, the description of various products and refined food culture. The contrast between the alimentation of the affluent sections of the city and the poor reflects not only differences in their material status but also in their religion and nationality. The author also provides interesting information concerning names and ingredients of meals eaten by Torunians. Thanks to this, the consumption model of the 19th century may be easily compared with present eating habits. The main aim of the article is the attempt to answer the question whether Toruń’s cuisine is Polish, German, or perhaps it is an independent and excep-tional creation reflecting the character of 19th century Toruń and its population.
Das Thorn des 19. Jahrhunderts gilt als Stadt in einem nationalen, kulturel-len und konfessionellen Grenzgebiet. Es hatte nicht nur eine ungewöhnlich facettenreiche politische, sondern auch materielle Geschichte, in der die Men-talität und das tägliche Leben der damaligen Thorner zum Ausdruck kam. Die Heterogenität der Stadt hat für viele Forschungen in verschiedenen Wissen-schaftsgebieten die Inspiration geliefert. Der vorliegende Artikel zeigt das Konsummuster der damaligen Einwohner von Thorn, mit einer deutlichen Differenzierung der Gesellschaft nach dem Niveau des Wohlstands. Auf der Grundlage vieler Quellen, hauptsächlich aus der Presse, wird die kulinarische Kunst im weitesten Sinne präsentiert, beginnend mit der Ernährungsweise, den Eigenschaften einzelner Produkte bis zur raffinierten Küchenkultur. Die Kontraste zwischen der Ernährung der wohlhabenden Bevölkerung und der der Armen in der Stadt zeigen nicht nur Unterschiede im Vermögen, sondern auch in der Konfession und der Nationa-lität auf. Der Artikel bietet auch wertvolle Informationen zu den Namen und Zutaten der Gerichte, die auf die Tische der Thorner kamen. Dadurch lässt sich das Bild des damaligen Konsummodells leicht mit den heutigen Ernäh-rungsgewohnheiten der Einwohner vergleichen. Den Kern der Arbeit bildet der Versuch auf die Frage zu antworten, ob die Thorner Küche eine polnische, deutsche oder vielleicht eine unabhängige ist, ein besonderes Phänomen, das den Charakter und die Spezifik von Thorn im 19. Jahrhundert und seiner Bevölkerung widerspiegelt.
The article presents Silesian culinary customs in the context of the cultural changes of the last few centuries. The author refers to the remarks of Norbert Elias, who illustrated these metamorphoses by describing behaviour in everyday life, including culinary customs. This methodology is applied to the description of regional cooking customs - the author postulates broadening the field of research and going beyond the analysis of the Upper Silesian peasant’s behaviour only. He argues against the stereotype of identifying the description of native cuisine with plebeian menus, citing, for example, the case of the cuisine of Prince George Rudolf of Legnica, where the Swiss cookbook by Anna Wecker (1605) was used, the English menu at the Pszczyna court of the Hochberg family, or the influence of the Schlesisches Kochbuch by Henrietta Pelz on Silesian bourgeois cuisine at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. These examples lead the author to conclude that Silesian cuisine was open to the transfer of culinary customs, a phenomenon he interprets as a readiness to embrace cultural change by different social groups in the region.
W artykule przedstawione zostały śląskie obyczaje kulinarne w kontekście przemian kulturowych ostatnich kilku wieków. Autor przywołuje uwagi Norberta Eliasa, który te metamorfozy ilustrował poprzez opis zachowań w życiu codziennym, w tym – obyczajów kulinarnych. Ta metodologia jest odniesiona do opisu obyczajów kuchni regionalnej – autor postuluje poszerzenia pola badań i wyjście poza analizę wyłącznie zachowań górnośląskiego chłopa. Polemizuje ze stereotypem utożsamiania opisu rodzimej kuchni z jadłospisem plebejskim, przywołując m.in. przykład kuchni legnickiego księcia Jerzego Rudolfa, gdzie korzystano ze szwajcarskiej książki kucharskiej Anny Wecker (1605), angielskie menu na pszczyńskim dworze Hochbergów czy wpływ Schlesisches Kochbuch autorstwa Henrietty Pelz na śląską kuchnię mieszczańską na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Te przykłady prowadzą autora do wniosku, iż śląska kuchnia była otwarta na transfer obyczajów kulinarnych, a to zjawisko interpretuje jako gotowość do przyjmowania kulturowych zmian przez różne grupy społeczne regionu.
Vox Patrum
vol. 52
issue 1
The present commentary is aimed at elucidating the terms made use of by Photius, the Patriarch of Constantinople, in the entry abyrtake included in his Lexicon. The authors of the study maintain that abyrtake was a sauce of Medic (i.e. Persian) origin, which might have been known to the Greeks even before the VIth century but eventually beeame popular in the IVth, BC. It was a luxury dish eonsisting of vinegar, eress, garlic, mustard, raisins and salted capers.
Niniejszy szkic to próba analizy blisko trzystu nazw własnych dań zawierających składniki traktowane jak afrodyzjaki, a zatem typowych dla „kuchni erotycznej”. Punkt wyjścia do rozważań na ten temat stanowi refleksja poświęcona miejscu i znaczeniu afrodyzjaków w kulturze. Oglądowi lingwistycznemu poddano medionimy pojawiające się w popularnych programach telewizyjnych oraz Internecie – ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem uprzywilejowanych w polskiej blogosferze, blogów kulinarnych. Celem artykułu jest stworzenie wstępnej kategoryzacji tego typu nazw własnych, ich analiza, określenie niektórych ich funkcji oraz wskazanie na rolę. Rozważania uwzględniają zatem nie tylko perspektywę językową, lecz także kulturową – medioznawczą i antropologiczną.
This research presents an analysis of nearly 300 proper names of dishes including aphrodisiacs, thus typical of an erotic culinary art. A starting point for these considerations is a reflection on the importance and meaning of aphrodisiacs in culture. The analysed mediaonyms have been collected from popular television programs and the Internet, and especially from culinary blogs, which are particularly popular in Polish blogosphere. The aim of the article is to create a basic typology of the mentioned proper names and to describe some of their functions and their role in the modern world. Apart from the linguistic perspective, then, the analysis includes also some observations in culture, media and anthropology.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest dziedzictwo kulinarne w kontekście wybranych elementów kultury religijnej. Omówiono przykłady promocji konkretnych potraw, wzorów żywieniowych nawiązujących do postaci określonych świętych (św. Jacka, św. Jana Pawła II) czy miejsc kojarzonych z przestrzeniami sakralnymi (klasztory, sanktuaria). W ostatnich latach można zaobserwować, iż tego typu praktyki promocyjne są często spotykane, korzysta z nich wiele instytucji i środowisk, np.: parafie, właściciele lokali gastronomicznych, samorządy gminne, stowarzyszenia itp., które są organizatorami różnorodnych imprez o zasięgu lokalnym i regionalnym (konkursy, jarmarki, festyny itp.).
The subject of this article is to show culinary heritage in the context of selected elements of religious culture. It discusses examples of the promotion of specific dishes, nutritional formulas referring to certain saints (St. Hyacinth, St. John Paul II), as well as places associated with sacred space (monasteries, sanctuaries). Such promotional practices have become more common in recent years and are used by many different groups, such as parishes, eateries, local municipalities, associations, etc., who organize various events at local and regional level (contests, fairs, festivals, etc.).
Jedną z ciekawszych warstw słownictwa stanowią w języku polskim nazwy kulinariów, zwane z rzadka gastronimami. W tekście postanowiłam zająć się przede wszystkim nazwami, które funkcjonują na styku kultur i języków, uznając, że mogą one – często po różnych przekształceniach i zmianach adaptacyjnych – stanowić polskie kulturemy. Za kulturemy uznaję wyznaczniki dystynktywne danej kultury. A takimi – obok bigosu, pierogów, schabowego – są już na pewno choćby fasolka po bretońsku i śledź po japońsku, ale także bogracz, który jako nazwa potrawy w języku węgierskim nie występuje. Uwagę poświęcam także sposobom polszczenia niektórych zapożyczonych nazw. Przedstawione problemy są pewną propozycją dla nauczycieli języka polskiego jako obcego/drugiego, by ich uczniom ułatwić akceptację różnic kulturowych na styku kultury polskiej i ich własnej.
One of the more interesting layers of vocabulary in Polish are lexical items related to cuisine, sometimes, though rarely, referred to as gastronyms. In this text I intend to mainly discuss the names which exist at the crossroads of languages and cultures, as I believe they may, often after various transformations and adaptations, constitute Polish culturemes. I consider them distinctive indicators of a culture. Those include not only bigos [sour cabbage stew], pierogi and schabowy [pork chop], but also fasolka po bretońsku [“Breton beans”, beans, bacon and sausage in tomato sauce] and śledź po japońsku [“Japanese herrings”, pickled herring, hard-boiled egg and pickle salad], as well as bogracz [a stew], a word which despite having Hungarian origins does not operate in Hungarian as the name of a dish. I shall also focus on the methods of Polonising some borrowed names. The problems which I shall discuss offer an opportunity for teachers of Polish as a foreign/second language to help their students more easily accept the cultural differences at the intersection of Polish culture and their own cultures.
Among various motifs of Henryk Sienkiewicz’s influence, aspects related to popular culture and the quotidian rank unexpectedly high. Conscious allusions to the titles and characters from his fiction in the names of restaurants, inns, bars, and other similar catering facilities, are numerous enough to be significant. The owners of such facilities use these fictional references with the intent of appealing to both the knowledge and the emotions of their customers. They intend not only to directly encourage consumption, but also to invoke a certain aesthetic premium caused by the memories of school reading. These aspects will be analysed on the basis of several examples, mostly two restaurants: one inKrakow and the other in Bydgoszcz both styled “Ogniem i Mieczem” as well as one styled “Jarema”. Close attention will be given to multiple elements of their self-stylisation, such as menus, decor, and advertising. Other examples will explore the fictionally or biographically influenced characterisation and stylisation of such locations as Podlasie (Wola Okrzejska being Sienkiewicz’s birthplace), Częstochowa (especially Kiemlicze and Kmicic), or even Warsaw. The article concludes with an emphasis of the range of the author’s influence, especially in the context of quotidian culture.
W trakcie spożywania posiłku, picia napoju, trunku, zjadania deseru konsumenci z reguły nie zadają pytań dotyczących związanych z nimi idei. Delektują się smakiem potrawy, jej kompozycją, wyglądem, zapachem, estetyką podania. Zmysłami dotykają bogactwa treści zawartych w tym, co podane. Refleksja umysłu na temat idei i historii tego, co spożywają, nie jest pierwszoplanowa. Celem artykułu jest, po pierwsze, przedstawienie ideologicznego podłoża kuchni tradycyjnej jako sztuki przekazywania wartości kulturowych, na wybranych przykładach. Po drugie, krótka charakterystyka ideologii współczesnych sieci gastronomicznych nastawionych na konsumpcję masową. Po trzecie, charakterystyka zjawiska tzw. adaptacji kulinarnej.
The article aims at presenting cuisine as the art of transmission of cultural tradition. To investigate the problem the author starts with description of ideas, beliefs, values and culinary customs as the ground of traditional cuisine. Three chosen examples are discussed: jewish kosher cuisine, japanese washoku and chinese ,,At the round table”. Afterwards the question of the ideology of modern gastronomic chains, focused on mass consumption, are briefly characterized. The fact of culinary adaptation is taken into consideration. Finally, some conclusions as open problems are formulated to further exploration.
This work deals with the problem of the self-identity of the inhabitants of Central and Eastern Europe, and their self-determination in relation to the Austria-Hungary. An important element of this issue is the mythologization of history, also cultural memory about the past that can be shown through the certain fragment of the anthropology of everyday life-cuisine and culinary culture. The Austro-Hungarian myth fixed in culture through cuisine becomes the material of regional identity. The paper contains main conclusions of the master thesis On the search of self-identity in Central and Eastern Europe. The role of cuisine in the construction of Austro-Hungarian myth.
The aim of the article is to present the first Polish travel journal written by a woman, a Discalced Carmelite nun based in Lublin, Sister Mary Magdalene of the Saviour [Maria Magdalena od Zbawiciela] (Anna Żaboklicka), who in 1638, set out from Lublin to Lithuania in order to establish a new convent of Discalced Carmelite nuns. It is a unique text in the history of female memoirs and literary output, as it represents a genre of applied literature. Its recognition in the context of diaristic writings fills a lacuna in the research of Old Polish literature. The manuscript is a record of the trip to Vilnius. It combines elements of female private experience with a description of the world steeped in the conviction as to the importance of the mission of expanding the Carmelite Order and bolstering its status through historiographic writing. The Carmelite’s journal served as the origin for the chronicle of the Vilnius convent. The manuscript has been presented in the context of Old Polish memoirist literature with a particular emphasis on the features of travel journals. The text was addressed to the monastic community. It was analysed in terms of its structure, the elements of the setting, and cultural references interesting to the author (especially the cuisine of Lithuania and Podlachia).
Przedmiotem artykułu jest przedstawienie pierwszego polskiego diariusza podróżnego kobiety, lubelskiej karmelitanki bosej – Marii Magdaleny od Zbawiciela (Anny Żaboklickiej), która wyruszyła z Lublina w podróż na Litwę w 1638 w celu założenia nowego klasztoru karmelitanek bosych. Jest to wyjątkowy w historii memuarystyki i piśmiennictwa kobiecego tekst, należący do pisarstwa użytkowego. Jego przedstawienie w kontekście diarstyki uzupełnia lukę w badaniach nad literaturą staropolską. Rękopis zawiera zapis podróży do Wilna. Manuskrypt łączy elementy kobiecego, prywatnego doznawania i opisu świata z głębokim przeświadczeniem o istotności misji rozszerzania zakonu karmelitańskiego i budowania jego statusu przez piśmiennictwo historiograficzne. Dziennik karmelitanki stał się początkiem kroniki klasztoru wileńskiego. Manuskrypt ukazany został w kontekście pamiętnikarstwa staropolskiego ze szczególnym wskazaniem cech diariuszy podróżnych. Tekst adresowany był do zbiorowości zakonnej. Materiał przeanalizowano pod kątem struktury, elementów świata przedstawionego, informacji kulturowych interesujących dla autorki (zwłaszcza kulinariów litewskich i podlaskich). 
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