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Some professions, for instance nurses, have been thoroughly analyzed in terms of their professional burnout. This article is dedicated to the problem of professional burnout among psychologists of different specialities. A group of elementary, gymnasium (junior high school) and high school psy- chologists, clinical and business psychologists are analyzed in terms of three dimensions of burnout: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced sense of personal accomplishment.
Retracing in his novel the labyrinthine journey that leads Oedipus from the place of his abomination (Thebes) to the city of his future glory (Colonus), Henry Bauchau fills the emptiness between Sophocles’s Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus. Bauchau’s hero, a powerful king, loses everything and stabs his eyes out when the cruel truth about his real identity is revealed. Blind, homeless, devoid of meaning of life, Oedipus leaves on a journey to pass away anywhere. However, his way to death turns out to be, thanks to benevolent presence of others and art’s liberating power, the road to personal elucidation. The story of Bauchau’s Oedipus, who finally recognizes himself as a truly human, is based therefore on the passage between absence and presence, between darkness and lucidity, on the union of contradictions which symbolize the complexity of human nature. This paper attempts to analyse different representations of absence in Bauchau’s novel. Afterwards, the article focuses on the ways which facilitate Oedipus’s road leading from depersonalization to rediscovery of his own identity.
Burnout has been widely reviewed and studied. However, the relationship between teacher burnout syndrome and curricular reform is rarely studied. Thus, the aim here is to report on the burnout syndrome among teachers during the implementation of the curriculum in Malaysia namely Integrated Secondary School Curriculum (ISSC). Two hundred and sixty four secondary school teachers who were involved in the ISSC program completed the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and the Secondary School Curricular Change Questionnaire (SSCCQ). The stepwise regression results showed that the emotional exhaustion (EE) predictor is overall workload and time sufficiency, depersonalization (DP) predictor is complexity of the ISSC, and personal accomplishment (PA) predictor is ISSC practicality. Preventing this phenomenon in the school system can lead to better retention rates among teachers.
Purpose: To examine the relationship between perceived social support and burnout among nurses. Materials and methods: The participants of this study were 42 Greek nurses of a general hospital which were randomly selected. Data was collected using the Greek version of Maslach’s Burnout Inventory for burnout assessment and the Greek version of ‘The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support’ for the assessment of participants’ levels of perceived social support. A self-administered questionnaire with questions about socio-demographic and work-related characteristics was used. Descriptive statistics and Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient analysis were conducted. Results: The results showed a negative association between emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and perceived social support, especially from friends. Social support from significant others found to have the highest impact while family support found to have the least impact in nurses’ social support. Conclusions: Findings could be applied to the assessment of burnout in Greek nurses and to future prevention of burnout through the enhancement of perceived social support.
One of the professions whose representatives are mostly exposed to professional burnout is teaching. This article is dedicated to the problem of professional burnout among Polish teachers of state schools after the reform in the Polish system of education when gymnasiums (junior high schools) were introduced. A group of primary school, junior high school and high school teachers are analyzed in terms of three dimensions of burnout: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced sense of personal accomplishment.
This article presents the way John Paul II, the head of the Vatican at the beginning of the third millennium, theologically and philosophically substantiates and establishes the principles of a new humanism through the dialogue between the Church and art as the most personalized sphere of human activity. The conceptual essence of the key idea of the humanizing function of art, in the personalistic philosophy of art of John Paul II is revealed from the methodological standpoint of religious studies. It determines the particular nature and tasks of the renewed dialogue between the Church and artists, aimed to overcome the processes of  depersonalization and dehumanization of culture, caused by atheistic humanism and growing increasingly during the 20th century. The author ponders on The Letter of Pope John Paul II to Artists and Towards a Pastoral Approach to Culture, two papal documents. Their appearance on the eve of the 2000th anniversary of Christianity became symbolic. These documents draw attention because, firstly, although the idea of a dialogue between the Church and artists as a way of embodying spiritual values of a new humanism in the theological and philosophical discourse of John Paul II had been formed over several decades, it found its conceptual solution precisely in these two papal documents. Secondly, it is in these two documents that the essence of the cultural policy of the 264th Pope is consistently set forth, meant to overcome the consequences of atheistic humanism and create a new humanism, and thus to overcome the civilizational anthropological crisis and develop a new ideological paradigm of the third millennium.
Dyskurs & Dialog
vol. I
issue 2 (2)
We operate in a social reality subject to the unbearable dictate of the countability of everything. Value and meaning only has what is or can be measurable. Quantification has become our fetish without which we can not imagine life in the modern world. We are increasingly positively evaluating typically human attributes, effectively replaced by technical, dehumanized, performance-oriented social machines. The power of statistics appropriates further dimensions of human existence, and numbers become the reservoir of various social control techniques.
Osaczające nas zewsząd procedury i algorytmizacja działania, sprawia, że procesy myślowe, czy refleksyjność, zostają wyrugowane, promując bezwzględne posłuszeństwo i poddanie się logice cywilizacji numerycznej. Liczby uznajemy za wiarygodne, miarodajne, rzetelne, a dodatkowo pozbawione ludzkiej stronniczości i interpretacji. Choć głosi się wszem i wobec zwiększający się zakres wolności i autonomiczności jednostek, mamy do czynienia z procesem przeciwnym – zniewalania jednostek procedurami, kwantyfikatorami i władzą statystyki. Brak poddania się nim grozi utratą skuteczności, o którą wielu tak zabiega, skazując jednostki na bezrefleksyjny konformizm. Nie chodzi zatem o to, aby myśleć, wręcz przeciwnie – chodzi o to, aby nie myśleć, nawykowo wykonując proceduralne wytyczne zbiurokratyzowanej do granic możliwości, odhumanizowanej maszyny. Udziwnione i sztucznie wykreowane procedury, zbliżają nas raczej do działania robotów, niż obdarzonych sprawstwem, racjonalnych podmiotów. Wartość ma zatem nie ta wiedza, która odnosi się do procesów rozumienia świata i samego siebie, ale ta, która objaśnia nam procedury, łatwo domykając niedookreślone. Podmiotowość jednostki, jej rozumienie świata – także poprzez afekty – czy samoświadomość, nie może być zastąpiona przez najbardziej wyszukane procedury algorytmiczne, które długo jeszcze pozostaną bezradne w sferze ludzkiej aksjologii.
The stylistic peculiarities of the pronouns in the Bulgarian language are examined in the paper. The reasons for the attention towards the pronouns He in their poor studying as stylistic means as well as in their belonging to the Fnguistic universalities which gives an opportunity for observations in comparative and juxtaposing aspect. First of all, on the basis of materiał from the five functional styles, conclusions are drawn about the frequency of the pronominal use in each formation. By discussing the extra-linguistic reasons for the results the marked activity of the pronouns in the colloouial speech is ascertained vs. the сотрагабѵеіу Iow frequency of use in the business speech. The statistic data are based on a body of 150 000 units for each style, fhe author quote< data conceminj the functioning of the separate groups of pronouns in the five func*'onal styles and the data are bound to the indication bookishness of the texts.The second problem which is discussed in the paper is the axiological and intensification use of the pronouns in the colloquial speech. On the basis of their distribution on the scalę us / them the assessment uses are described which are connected with the oppositions near / far, definite / indefmite, man I not man. As a result of the analysis of the cited examples the equalization of the oppositions us 'them and good / bad in the use of linguistic means is determined. Part of the examples have counterparts in other languages as for instance ii i the Polish language and this provides the opportunity to formulate the hypothe^is of universality in the assessment uses of the pronouns in the various languages as well.
The aim of this article is interpretation of the short film directed in 1958 by Jan Lenica and Walerian Borowczyk and regarded as one of the most interesting works of Polish experimental animation. Author looked upon synopsis of House as the introduction to analysis of the world portrayed in film, all its elements, symbols and their meaning. The most important question concerns condition of depersonalized human jailed in the trap of automatically repeated activities and supressing his own sexuality in his subconscious. Author also paid attention to automatism as Lenica's and Borowczyk's artistic method derived from surrealism. In this context the special usage of photography and stop motion technique of animation in House is emphasized as very important in creative process. On the basis of interpretation of the characters and objects appeared in film author drew a conclusion of the eponymous house as a metaphor of our modern world where people as the collectivity divest themselves of individual features.
Automatism of Human Existence in Jan Lenica's and Walerian Borowczyk's “House” The aim of this article is interpretation of the short film directed in 1958 by Jan Lenica and Walerian Borowczyk and regarded as one of the most interesting works of Polish experimental animation. Author looked upon synopsis of House as the introduction to analysis of the world portrayed in film, all its elements, symbols and their meaning. The most important question concerns condition of depersonalized human jailed in the trap of automatically repeated activities and supressing his own sexuality in his subconscious. Author also paid attention to automatism as Lenica's and Borowczyk's artistic method derived from surrealism. In this context the special usage of photography and stop motion technique of animation in House is emphasized as very important in creative process. On the basis of interpretation of the characters and objects appeared in film author drew a conclusion of the eponymous house as a metaphor of our modern world where people as the collectivity divest themselves of individual features.
Artykuł jest próbą ukazania ważności badań Andrzeja Walickiego dla polskiej dostojewskologii. Jego praca Dostojewski i idea wolności (1959) stała się pierwszym polskim w pełni naukowym opracowaniem, próbą interpretacji myśli rosyjskiego geniusza. Poprzedzające rozważania Walickiego liczne artykuły i eseje polskich badaczy poświęcone dziełu Dostojewskiego pozbawione były naukowego charakteru, różniły się zasadniczo od wyników badań naukowców rosyjskich. Walicki czytał autora Braci Karamazow jako filozofa, skupiając swoją uwagę na jego bohaterach, w których widział ofiary „dialektyki samowoli”: samobójców, morderców, wreszcie twórców tyranii. Dostrzegł jednak również Walicki próby wypracowania przez Dostojewskiego idei pozytywnej. Skupiała się ona na wierze w lud rosyjski, który zachował „prawdziwego Chrystusa”. Walicki nazywał ją „konserwatywną utopią”.
Celem artykułu jest analiza zagrożenia wypaleniem zawodowym pracowników domów pomocy społecznej. W części teoretycznej podjęto się opisu wybranych teorii wypalenia, specyfiki tego syndromu, a także charakterystyki funkcjonowania domów pomocy społecznej i zagrożenia wypaleniem jej pracowników. Badaniami objęto 83 osoby zatrudnione w DPS na terenie Dolnego Śląska i Wielkopolski. Wyniki badań wskazują na istotne różnice w sposobie wypalania się zawodowego kobiet i mężczyzn. Kobiety przejawiają wyższy poziom wyczerpania emocjonalnego, a mężczyźni depersonalizacji. Uczestnicy badania czerpią przeciętną satysfakcję z życia, w większości negatywnie oceniają atmosferę panującą w pracy, otrzymują niewystarczające wsparcie społeczne; wykorzystują przede wszystkim style radzenia sobie skoncentrowane zadaniem, ale także na unikaniu oraz w mniejszym stopniu skoncentrowane na emocjach. Poza tym stosują strategie radzenia sobie oparte na emocjach oraz zachowaniach unikowych, często sięgając po alkohol i środki psychoaktywne.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the risk of professional burnout in the staff of social welfare houses (DPS). In the introductory part some theories of burnout, the specificity of the syndrome, as well as the characteristics of the operation of social welfare houses in the context of their employees’ burnout risk are given. The experimental study included 83 people employed in the DPS in Lower Silesia and Greater Poland. The results indicate significant differences in the burnout of women and men. Women exhibit higher levels of emotional exhaustion, and men – depersonalization. Respondents derive average satisfaction from life, in most cases report negative atmosphere at work, and receive inadequate social support. The respondents primarily use coping styles focused on avoidance, and – to a lesser extent – focused on emotions. In addition, they also use coping strategies based on emotions and avoidance behaviors, often reaching for alcohol and drugs.
Obecna wiedza psychologiczna jasno wskazuje, że doświadczenie przez dziecko zaniedbania i krzywdzenia emocjonalnego ma destrukcyjny wpływ na jego dalsze funkcjonowanie społeczno-emocjonalne. Skutki tego rodzaju krzywdzenia są równie poważne jak konsekwencje przemocy fizycznej czy seksualnej i są tym większe, im wcześniej ma ono miejsce w życiu dziecka. Niestety te rodzaje krzywdzenia często pozostają niezauważane przez otoczenie lub są jedynie powodem do krytyki, ale nie podjęcia interwencji i terapii. W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe informacje dotyczące problemu krzywdzenia emocjonalnego, jego przejawów i konsekwencji, a także szczegółowo opisano oznaki krzywdzenia emocjonalnego służące do rozpoznawanie tego zjawiska i podejmowania decyzji o interwencji. Coraz szerzej prowadzone w tym obszarze badania wskazują, że jednym z bardzo częstych następstw traumatycznych doświadczeń w obszarze relacji z innymi są – ciągle jeszcze rzadko rozpoznawane i opisywane – zaburzenia dysocjacyjne. Dlatego też szczególny nacisk położono w artykule na przybliżenie tego zjawiska – definicję, opis rodzajów dysocjacji oraz objawów w zachowaniu dziecka świadczących o jej występowaniu.
Current psychological knowledge clearly indicates that the child’s experience of neglect and emotional abuse has a destructive impact on his further socio-emotional functioning. The effects of this kind of abuse are as serious as the consequences of physical or sexual violence. They are all the more serious the sooner they occur in the child’s life. Unfortunately, these types of abuse often go unnoticed by the close social environment or, they are just a reason to criticism but not to intervene and treatment. The following text will present basic information about the problem of emotional abuse, its manifestations and consequences, as well as detailed descriptions of signs of emotional abuse to help to recognize this phenomenon and make decisions about intervention. Increasingly widespread research in this area indicates that one of the very common consequences of traumatic experiences in the area of relationships with others are, still rarely recognized and described, dissociative disorders. Therefore, special emphasis was placed in the article on familiarizing readers with the phenomenon of dissociation - the definition, description of the types of dissociation and symptoms in child’s behavior
Studia Gilsoniana
vol. 7
issue 1
The author discusses the social and anthropological problem of material poverty from the ethical and pedagogical perspective. The article consists of three sections which respectively concentrate on the following topics: (a) poverty and globalization, (b) ways of helping the needy, and (c) poverty as a chance for personal development. The author concludes that poverty improperly approached by society can lead to a depersonalization of both the poor and those who live with them: the former are attached with tags or marginalized, and the latter miss the chance for personal development. In order to avoid depersonalization, then, poverty should be understood not only as a social problem, but also as a valuable lesson of humanity.
Dans le présent article le terme objectivité se réfère à un phénomène discursif, défini principalement comme distance des arguments envers les significations exprimées dans les prédicats et ainsi vers le contenu d’un texte entier. Son impact dépend de la fréquence des paramètres formels qui contribuent à l’omission d’information grammaticale dans le texte : passifs sans agent, structures impersonnelles, nominalisations et, d’une autre part, une faible fréquence de pronoms déictiques. Notre analyse détaillée, basée sur un corpus comparable, confirme son importance pragmatique dans les textes scientifiques. Dans ce type de discours le phénomène subit une variabilité numérique qui peut être liée à trois critères : type de texte, partie du texte et discipline scientifique dans laquelle le texte s’inscrit.
In this paper the term objectivity refers to a discursive phenomenon, mostly defined like distance of the arguments toward meanings expressed by predicates and so toward a whole text’s content. Its impact depends on the frequency of any formal parameters, lacking grammatical information in the text: agentless passives, impersonal structures, nominalizations, and, on the other hand, to a low frequency of deictic pronouns. Our detailed, corpus-based analysis confirms its high and pragmatic importance in scientific texts. Inside scientific-academic discourse the phenomenon suffers a numerical variability that may be related to three criterions: type of text, part of text and scientific discipline.
W niniejszym artykule pojęcie obiektywność oznacza zjawisko dyskursywne, zazwyczaj definiowane jako zdystansowanie się argumentów do treści wyrażonych w predykatach, a w konsekwencji do wydźwięku tekstu jako całości. Formalnymi wykładnikami zjawiska są te elementy i struktury języka, które pozwalają pominąć najistotniejsze informacje gramatyczne i pozbawiają tekst wartości deiktycznych: formy bezosobowe, struktury pasywne, nominalizacje bez aktantów oraz niska frekwencja zaimków osobowych. Zawarte w tekście artykułu analizy potwierdzają wysoką depersonalizację, czyli dużą obiektywność tekstów naukowych. Wewnątrz samego dyskursu naukowego można zauważyć różne nasycenie tego zjawiska (tutaj badanego na parametrze zaimkowym) w zależności od części badanego tekstu, gatunku tekstu oraz dyscypliny naukowej, w którą się wpisuje.
Pojęcie zawodowego wypalenia (ang. Burnoui) od pewnego czasu na trwałe weszło do powszechnego słownictwa generalnie oznaczając psychiczne wyczerpanie. Zarówno źródłosłów tego wyrażenia, jego interpretacja oraz skutki tego syndromu ciągle są odkrywane i opisywane na nowo. Zestawienie najbardziej znanej koncepcji „wypalenia” Ch. Masłach z rezultatami innych badań wyznacza dzisiejszy naukowy kierunek ich rozwoju. Systematyzując definicje, faktory, modele takiego stanu odkrywamy, że jego praktyczne konsekwencje można nawet zmierzyć. Dlatego za pomocą odpowiednich strategii i technik możliwa jest też profilaktyka lub leczenie negatywnych skutków tego zjawiska.
The concept of Burnout has for some time become a permanent element of common vocabulary that means psychical exhaustion. Both the source of this expression, its interpretation and effects of the syndrome are constantly being discovered and described anew. Ch. Maslach’s best known conception of “burnout” compared with the results of other studies determines the direction of their scientific development today. By systematizing definitions, factors, and models of this state we discover that its practical consequences may even be measured. Therefore by way of respective strategies and techniques to prevent or treat negative effects of this phenomenon.
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