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The aim of this paper is to juxtapose the image of mentally ill persons in the world cinematography with the perceptions of this social category in the Polish society. Analysis made by the author was based on the selection of well known movies to compare with some results that are available in the reports published by CBOS (a Polish Public Opinion Research Centre). In both sources the social isolation of mentally ill people is a key trait of their image, moreover, the way mental illness is shown in movies is relatively stereotypical and departs from scientific knowledge, whereas people interviewed in the surveys regarding their contacts with and attitudes toward the mentally ill individuals reveal their apprehension and willingness to keep a distance.
Introduction: Scientific communities are beginning to recognize more and more tension, burden and sometimes joy associated with caring for child with autism. Purpose: To determine the impact of the disease on functioning of a family with an autistic child. Material and Methods: We analyzed 83 families with children diagnosed with autistic disease, including 30 Polish families, 25 families from Belarus and 28 families from France. Parents filled in a questionnaire assessing their knowledge about problems associated with raising an autistic child. Results: Parents from Poland found most difficult to accept the child's health condition, and families from France coped with the problem best. For all parents the dominant impression after hearing the diagnosis was shock, French parents were the least likely to associate the disease as a punishment for their sins, which in turn often occurred among respondents from Poland and Belarus. Parents from Belarus frequently complained about problems their autistic child had with learning (about ¾ of responses). While Polish parents surprisingly often recognized as the most onerous carrying out procedures related to the treatment of the child, they often complained about depression, sadness, insomnia. Respondents from Belarus most frequently could enjoy every day. Among the behaviours of autistic children differentiating the examined countries were: disobedience (by far the least indications in France), persistence (the lowest percentage in Belarus) and lies (parents from Poland most often complained about that). Among the parents' reaction to the annoying and stressful child's behaviour the attempts to admonish and explain were dominant, but these were parents from Poland, who frequently admitted that they shoutat the child. Conclusions: Among parents' reaction to the annoying and stressful child's behavior is an attempt to admonish and explain, moreover, Polish parents frequently admit to shout at the child. There are differences in the perception of the problems of parents of autistic children in selected countries, like Poland, France, and Belarus.
The number of students diagnosed with either autism or Asperger’s Syndrome has risen ten times for the past ten years. These students come from different social, cultural and national backgrounds. Many of them seem to be endowed with talents in the fields of science such as mathematics, physics or information technology. Others can draw or paint skillfully. Each of them is different, however. They share the same deficits typical of autism which occur from the early days, namely difficulties in sociability, narrow interests or repetition of the same patterns of behavior.
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) affect children of mothers who abuse alcohol during pregnancy. There are two groups of disorders that can occur in a person with FASD: primary conditions, i.e. those with which the child is born - caused by damage to the central nervous system, and secondary conditions that appear over time. Children with FASD require special care and guidance. Very often they cannot be raised by their biological parents due to ongoing problem with alcohol
Peitho. Examina Antiqua
vol. 9
issue 1
Plato tries to explain the becoming of the cosmos by referring to the concepts of order and disorder. Scholars have usually focused on the relationship between the cosmos and the demiurge that Plato puts forward to explain the reasonable (i.e., well-ordered) development. Along these lines, scholarship has examined the providential role played by both the demiurge and the soul of the world. Yet, an interesting prob­lem still remains open: what exactly is the function of disorder? What is the sense of the concept of a perfectly established order if we do not know the manner in which it is achieved, since we have no understand­ing of the conditions that make it possible? Pursuing this line of thought, one may point to a providential role of the disorder given the balance of forces that operates in Plato’s cosmic becoming.
To describe the world and to put some order into our contemporaneity, Emmanuelle Pireyre gathered in his novel titled Féérie générale (2012) numerous examples of situations that are symptomatic of the reality of the last years. Written in a way that highlights all the nuances of everyday life and interspersed either with the narrator’s opinions on modern society, or with dreams, extracts of electronic notices, anecdotes, or even with the presentation of a collection of kisses, the stories summarize the discontinuous and complex world. Denouncing the aberrations of society, the narrator confronts the clichés and the ideas people do not have time to think about, suggesting that we see in this world only the beautiful things, love and happiness, feelings considered futile by the thinkers and the creators. In this collection of magic things, Pireyre invites at the same time the readers to distance themselves from the disorder of the world and to live on a kind of islands of happiness.
This paper presents the impact of health education on life expectancy and adaption to modern conditions. The acquisition of healthy attitude in the first and second decade of life influences the development of trade, economic status and helps efficiently cope with stress. The article highlights the impact of “health literacy”, the school environment and family upbringing and subsequent persistence in health. Organization of education should be started from childhood. Unfortunately many teachers and parents cannot supply information about sanitary education, correct sanitation, healthy nutrition and physical activity. Disciples who lack support and knowledge can be exposed under pressure of contemporary risky operations. Pediatric population makes up to 30 % of the whole population. In the first and second decade of life the baby is shaped and strengthens previously instilled habits. Stage of puberty is the most favorable moment for proper physical development of young people. During this period perpetuate conscious health behaviors, but at the same time there are health risk behaviors. These behaviors affect the quality and duration in health. Measures of health policy on school-age children should be focused primarily on prevention and health promotion.
From the analysis of the cases for the annulment of a marriage result that encephalopathy as a personality disorder causes a serious lack of discretionary judgment concerning the essential matrimonial rights and obligations mutually given and accepted (can. 1095 CIC No. 2 of 1983) and the inability of people to take up and fulfill the essential obligations of marriage (can. 1095 CIC No. 3 of 1983). In the judgments of ecclesiastical tribunals Judging College, opinions can be found which point to a defective functioning of personality traits, in this specific case of encephalopathic personality, which is a consequence of damage to the central nervous system. Disturbed encephalopthic personality does not always automatically lead to the inability of people to take the essential obligations of marriage, yet its impact on the psyche and consequently the ability to make a covenant marriage is quite significant as evidenced by studies of psychiatric and religious processes. This article presents decisions of the ecclesiastical courts which show that the disturbances caused by encephalopathy result in the inability to create positive and lasting marriages. In addition, people with this type of personality were not able to give valid consent, despite the declared willingness to persevere in marriage and made promises to change their current behavior.
The article takes up therapeutic  – pastoral reflection over an individual example of a faithul man who radically pushed the legal and moral limits against the background of deep sexual deviations. The invesigated case refers to the perpetrator of a paedophilia and murder act. There was described characteristics of the criminal`s personality, the story of his life, personal and religious development which is used for reaching social determinants that influenced his behaviour. The results of his psychological diagnosis feature the fields of his disorders, but an analisys of his religiousness is aimed at finding the way of providing him with help in his treatment process as well as finding possibilities in his moral and spiritual development. Deliberations on individual case is thought to be a contribution to create integral attitude to perpetrators of such crimes and to restore them to the society.
Chaos and order are the two categories that are perceived curiously in education. The intention of the author is to show them in different configurations. On one hand the author presents how to go over to legal order from organizational chaos and on the other hand she proves that one can go through chaos to order, for example class order, with the use of appropriate methods. Finally, entering into the process of teaching-learning, the author presents the evidence to support that chaos is not always synonymous with disorder. It also has its order which is a source of infinite possibilities.
Podejmując się próby rozpoznawania chaosu i porządku na gruncie edukacji, pragnęłam dowieść, że oba te pojęcia są immanentnie w nią wpisane. W szerszym kontekście edukacyjnym starałam się pokazać chaos i porządek w sensie prawnym. Przyjęłam konwencję opisu porządku prawnego, który to porządek może doprowadzić do chaosu organizacyjnego, a ten może z kolei okazać się niebezpieczny dla funkcjonowania placówek oświatowych. W przestrzeni sytuacji szkolnej wyartykułowałam sytuację odwrotną, dowodząc, że z chaosu naturalnego można skutecznie przejść do porządku klasowego, który jest warunkiem dyscypliny i ładu na lekcji. Wreszcie w płaszczyźnie procesu nauczania skupiłam się na chaosie, dowodząc, że nie zawsze jest on synonimem nieporządku, ma też wartość porządkującą, organizującą dydaktykę wokół twórczej myśli.
Kanoniczny proces o stwierdzenie nieważności małżeństwa, sięgając do psychologii i posługując się dostępnymi środkami dowodowymi prowadzi do zdobycia prawdy obiektywnej o zaskarżonym małżeństwie. Różnorodne czynniki mające wpływ na osobowość człowieka mogą sprawić, że jest on niezdolny do podjęcia obowiązków małżeńskich. Prawodawca kościelny w jednym z kanonów wskazał na zaburzenia psychiczne, jako ewentualną przyczynę nieważności małżeństwa. Ważne jest więc ukazanie genezy wspomnianego kanonu, jego celu i spraw, dla których został ustanowiony. Konieczne jest także wskazanie konkretnych zaburzeń osobowości, które sprawiają niezdolność do zawarcia małżeństwa. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na to, że nie ulega zmianie nauka Kościoła dotycząca nierozerwalności małżeństwa czy istnienia „rozwodu kościelnego”, a w całym postępowaniu kanonicznym w sprawach małżeńskich na pierwszym miejscu znajduje się dobro człowieka i prawda o nierozerwalności małżeństwa.
The canonical process of nullity of marriage by psychology and using the available evidence leads to objective truth about the challenged marriage. A variety of factors that affect the personality of a person can make him or her incapable of taking up marriage. The Legislator in one of the canons pointed to mental disorders as a possible cause of marriage nullity. It is important to show the genesis of the canon, its purpose and the matters for which it was established. It is also necessary to identify specific personality disorders that make the inability to marry. The purpose of this article is to draw attention to the fact that the Church’s doctrine concerning the indissolubility of marriage or the existence of “divorce” does not change. The whole of canonical conduct in matrimonial matters is in the first place the good of man and the truth about the indissolubility of marriage.
The Act of 20 February 2015 amending the Penal Code and certain other acts introduced a completely new model of protective measures (środki zabezpieczające). The article contains a critical analysis of the principles that lay at the foundation of the legislator’s move to create the current solutions, namely wide application of non-custodial protective measures, execution of those measures only after the execution of the imprisonment sentence and application of protective measures to convicts sentenced to non-custodial punishment. The author also analyses the consequences of applying these principles in particular provisions and the controversy concerning the compliance of the new normative solutions with the Constitution. The author also points to the doubts whether the advantages of extending the application of protective measures will balance the weakening of the guaranteeing function of criminal law.
Edukacja Międzykulturowa
vol. 7
issue 2
The presented text is an attempt to draw attention to the necessity to domesticate the changes in the global space. The threats and consequences of current multifaceted changes imply the need of integrated educational actions. In this study, the attention is paid to the activity of school/teachers in the situation of world disorder. What remains an important issue is teachers’ awareness and their educational and didactic activity oriented towards shaping young people’s consciousness of permanent changes and the phenomenon of multiculturalism.Due to the experience of past ages, an important tool for controlling positive coexistence, social relations and functioning in a group is culture and art, which do not only reflect the reality, but also constitute an important social message, educational material, and most of all the bond connecting communities, especially multicultural ones. Taking into consideration the value of culture/art – not only its artistry, aesthetics but also its utilitarianism, it becomes an intentional plan to incorporate culture/art into educational activities.
Prezentowany tekst jest próbą zwrócenia uwagi na potrzeby oswojenia dokonujących się zmian w przestrzeni globalnej. Zagrożenia i konsekwencje współcześnie dokonujących się przemian w wieloaspektowym zakresie implikują potrzebę podejmowania zintegrowanych działań edukacyjnych. W tekście uwagę skupiam na działaniach szkoły/nauczyciela w sytuacji nieładu światowego. Istotną kwestią pozostaje świadomość nauczycieli oraz ich aktywność wychowawczo-edukacyjna zorientowana na kreowanie świadomości młodych ludzi wobec permanentnych zmian oraz zjawiska wielokulturowości. Jak wskazują minione epoki, istotnym instrumentem regulującym pozytywne współistnienie, relacje społeczne, wspólne funkcjonowanie pozostaje kultura i sztuka, będąca nie tylko odzwierciedleniem rzeczywistości, ale ważnym społecznym komunikatem, materiałem edukacyjnym, a nade wszystko spoiwem społeczności, szczególnie wielokulturowych. Uwzględniając wartość kultury/sztuki, nie tylko jej artyzm, estetykę, ale jej utylitaryzm, celowym zamysłem pozostaje włączenie jej do działań edukacyjnych.
The Act of 20 February 2015 amending the Penal Code and certain other acts introduced a completely new model of protective measures (środki zabezpieczające). The article contains a critical analysis of the principles that lay at the foundation of the legislator’s move to create the current solutions, namely wide application of non-custodial protective measures, execution of those measures only after the execution of the imprisonment sentence and application of protective measures to convicts sentenced to non-custodial punishment. The author also analyses the consequences of applying these principles in particular provisions and the controversy concerning the compliance of the new normative solutions with the Constitution. The author also points to the doubts whether the advantages of extending the application of protective measures will balance the weakening of the guaranteeing function of criminal law.
Since most pressing today on a global scale is to be able to unite religion, philosophy, and science into parts of a coherent civilizational whole, and since the ability to unite a multitude into parts of a coherent whole essentially requires understanding the natures of the things and the way they can or cannot be essentially related, this paper chiefly considers precisely why the modern world has been unable to effect this union. In so doing, it argues that the chief cause of this inability to unite these cultural natures has been because the contemporary world, and the West especially, has lost its understanding of philosophy and science and has intentionally divorced from essential connection to wisdom. Finally, it proposes a common sense way properly to understand these natures, reunite them to wisdom, and revive Western and global civilization.
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