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The objective of this paper is to shed light on the understudied phenomenon of expansion of Polish firms to distant markets. Authors ask the following questions: (1) What is the current state of internationalisation of Polish firms in Latin America, in both quantitative (i.e. value of exports and FDI) and qualitative terms (i.e. characteristics of key exporters and investors); (2) What are the main distance-related barriers to internationalisation of Polish firms in Latin America. In order to describe the scale, scope and characteristics of Polish exports and investments in Latin America, authors analyse publicly available information, macro-level data and micro-level data, collected from the press and financial statements of Polish firms present in Latin America, combined with the information received from the Trade and Investment Promotion Sections of the Polish Embassies. In order to assess the distance between Poland and Latin America, thus indicating the major barriers to internationalisation of Polish firms in this region, the psychic distance measures elaborated by Hakanson and Ambos and the CAGE framework offered by Ghemawat are employed. This paper contributes to the discussion on whether the ‘go global’ strategy is viable for Polish firms and whether it should be supported by the State. Keywords: internationalisation, distance, Poland, Latin America JEL Code: M16
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The violence of space

The main goal of this paper is to analyze how “space happens to us” in the “unstable equilibrium” between the need to assert for oneself and the necessity to belong to a surrounding world. We will argue that when such an equilibrium is disturbed, “space can become violent.” We will take a phenomenological approach in our work, trying to intertwin E. Minkowski and M. Merleau-Ponty’s insights on “lived space” with Bruce Bégout’s concept of “ambiance.”
The problem of outlier detection in univariate circular data was the object of increased interest over the last decade. New numerical and graphical methods were developed for samples from different circular probability distributions. The main drawback of the existing methods is, however, that they are distribution-based and ignore the problem of multiple outliers. The local outlier factor (LOF) is a density-based method for detecting outliers in multivariate data and it depends on the local density of every k nearest neighbours. The aim of this paper is to extend the application of the LOF to the detection of possible outliers in circular samples, where the angles of circular data are represented in two Cartesian coordinates and treated as bivariate data. The performance of the LOF is compared against other existing numerical methods by means of a simulation based on the power of a test and the proportion of correct detection. The LOF performance is compatible with the best existing discordancy tests, while outperforming other tests. The level of the LOF performance is directly related to the contamination and concentration parameters, while having an inverse relationship with the sample size. In order to illustrate the process, the LOF and other existing discordancy tests are applied to detect possible outliers in two common real circular datasets.
Research background: The increasing role of foreign direct investments (FDI) in global, national, regional, and local economies draws the public's attention to the criteria utilised by foreign investors in undertaking locational decisions, owing to the mostly stimulating character of these kinds of investments.  Purpose of the article: The aim of the article is to identify the local determinants of FDI distribution. Particular attention is put on the role of distance to: (i) various transport endowments; (ii) next special economic zone; (iii) different national borders, among other motives studied in empirical papers. Methods: An important value added over the existing studies is the use of continuous variables representing distances (in km) to selected points of interest (e.g., airport) or minimum distances to lines (i.e., border, road) instead of dummy variables indicating whether particular infrastructure endowment is present in a region. The estimations were run in STATA 14.2 software with the use of a negative binomial approach. Findings & Value added: The results present new empirical evidence on FDI determinants witnessed at a local level of analysis (LAU 1), fitting into the other research done at a higher level of data aggregation (NUTS 2, NUTS 3), signalling high intra-regional inequalities and the role of: (i) relative distance to various infrastructure endowments; (ii) heterogeneous border effects; and (iii) the importance of close proximity to special economic zones. Given the presence of counties? auto selection process (i.e., better developed, endowed, urbanised, favourably located) done by FDI investors, we formulate universal implications in terms of FDI promotion policy.
The article analyses Barańczak’s poetry to compare the cultural models of presenting emotions (especially characteristic to modernist poetry exploring emotional restraint) with the feeling of hurt and the resulting fear occasionally seen in his work: not expressed directly, yet affecting the perception of reality. The relation between emotions and affect powerfully shapes the image of the poetic persona in the poems of the author of Surgical Precision (Chirurgiczna precyzja), also affecting the literary language.
The present paper aims to discuss how the Socratic method oper­ates with Euthyphro inside the Euthyphro. The first part of the article focuses on the character’s description, upon which it moves to analyz­ing the very method itself not only in terms of its argumentative form but also in terms of its psychological and social aspects. Euthyphro is shown to have been a supporter of religion that was entirely incapable of living up to the religious ideals that he so confidently advocated for. Through his portrayal of Socrates’ refutation of Euthyphro, Plato seeks not only to redeem his teacher but also to criticize the then society. When describing the Socratic method, the present paper proposes to view it with a “calm distance” on the grounds of the fact that the distinc­tive feature of the method consists in creating an emotional distance between Socrates and Euthyphro. The purpose of such a strategy is to make Euthyphro realize the weakness of his position and embrace the purification through the socratic elenchos.
E l’arte di Platone ci offre qui l’opportunità di cogliere pienamente il senso di questo straordinario "potere" di Socrate, autentico Dedalo che come per un sortilegio riesce ad infondere vita e movimento nelle forme stesse del linguaggio.
The present paper aims to discuss how the Socratic method operates with Euthyphro inside the Euthyphro. The first part of the article focuses on the character’s description, upon which it moves to analyzing the very method itself not only in terms of its argumentative form but also in terms of its psychological and social aspects. Euthyphro is shown to have been a supporter of religion that was entirely incapable of living up to the religious ideals that he so confidently advocated for. Through his portrayal of Socrates’ refutation of Euthyphro, Plato seeks not only to redeem his teacher but also to criticize the then society. When describing the Socratic method, the present paper proposes to view it with a “calm distance” on the grounds of the fact that the distinctive feature of the method consists in creating an emotional distance between Socrates and Euthyphro. The purpose of such a strategy is to make Euthyphro realize the weakness of his position and embrace the purification through the socratic elenchos.
The article presents B. Leśmian as a poet involved in his self-imposed task of promoting a return to primeval nature, but, at the same time, somebody who is fully aware of the utopian character of thus formulated and adopted assumptions. The two contradictory approaches converge in a poetic figure of desire. This particular urge is treated as a model of the imagination of the poet, who creates his poetical world knowing that the ultimate aim is unattainable but constitutes the ideal of poetry and can only be a state of cognitive assurance and self-knowledge or, alternatively, a situation of ontological stability and fulfilment. However, to reach this utmost goal, either on the poetical plane or on the existentialist, epistemological and ontological plane, to fulfill the cherished desires, is not possible within the poetical world created by Leśmian. The raison d’etre of the self manifested by the protagonists of his poems as well as a justification of this poetry is the very striving towards the goal. The article shows the relevant dimensions of that desire as a metapoetical figure, anthropological and existentialist figures and epistemological and ontological figures. It further presents the opposition and the inner conflict within the modern views of the poet, who, consciously inscribes into his project its impracticability. The distance towards the current times and towards the idealistic assumptions of his own poetical programme constitutes the intrinsic originality of Leśmian’s poems.
This study investigated the household travel characteristics of health consumers in Ondo State to the available healthcare facilities. The study uses data collected from 1,181 health consumers from forty-two (42) settlements across the three senatorial districts of the State. The findings revealed that while some of the healthcare patrons travelled below 400 meters to get to the nearest healthcare facility, many of them spent more money on trips to reach their healthcare facilities. This shows that the majority of people are ready to patronize any healthcare facility irrespective of the distance and cost. The further analysis revealed that distance, travel time, cost of transport and travel mode are significant to the utilization of healthcare facilities. To this end, more healthcare facilities should be provided and located closer to people within shortest possible distance, especially in Ondo North and Ondo South senatorial districts.
W toku przeprowadzonego badania uzyskano charakterystykę gospodarstw domowych ze względu na dostępność placówek opieki zdrowotnej dla konsumentów zdrowia w stanie Ondo. W badaniu wykorzystano dane zebrane od 1181 mieszkańców z 42 (42) osiedli w trzech senackich okręgach stanowych. Ustalenia wykazały, że chociaż niektórzy klienci opieki medycznej mieszkają w odległości poniżej 400 metrów od najbliższego zakładu opieki zdrowotnej, wielu z nich wydaje więcej pieniędzy na wyjazdy do takich placówek. Pokazało to, że większość osób jest gotowa na to, aby pozostawać klientem danej placówki opieki zdrowotnej, niezależnie od odległości i kosztów ponoszonych na dotarcie do niej. Dalsza analiza wykazała, że odległość, czas podróży, koszt transportu i tryb podróży mają duże znaczenie dla wykorzystania placówek opieki zdrowotnej. W tym celu należy zapewnić więcej placówek opieki zdrowotnej, które powinny znajdować się bliżej mieszkańców, tak aby można było dotrzeć do nich w jak najkrótszym czasie, szczególnie w dzielnicach Ondo North i Ondo South.
The article presents results of research on the relationship between the rate of entrepreneurship of rural and urban-rural province of Lower Silesia and the distance from the economic centres, as well as expenditures of counties on public roads. It is assumed that the main economic centres are the county towns of the Lower Silesia Voivodship. Entrepreneurial activity rate was defined as the number of business entities registered in the REGON system per 10,000 population of working age. Distance of rural communities from economic centres were expressed as the shortest road distances. The research shows that there is no statistically significant relationship between the ratio value of entrepreneurship in the municipality and its distance from the economic centre, but it exists between the average rate of entrepreneurship of the districts and their expenditure on public roads.
Celem pracy było wyznaczenie dostępności geograficznej (w oparciu o odległość euklidesową) ośrodków podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej (POZ) dla mieszkańców Krakowskiego Obszaru Metropolitalnego (KOM). Źródłami danych były warstwy (mapy) KOM-u z podziałem na gminy i z punktami adresowymi oraz dane o ośrodkach POZ-etu z bazy Narodowego Funduszu Zdrowia. Obliczenia wykonywano w środowisku GIS (Geograficzne Systemy Informacyjne) i opierały się na szacowaniu odległości euklidesowej do POZ-etu od poszczególnych punktów adresowych. Analizowano sytuację 1 096 168 osób w 52 gminach oraz 205 ośrodków POZ-etu. Dostępność geograficzna była dobra, średnio wynosiła 1,67 km. Istnieje lokalne zróżnicowanie w dostępności. Odległość do najbliższego POZ-etu wynosiła ponad 4 km dla niektórych mieszkańców obszarów wiejskich gmin miejsko-wiejskich oraz gmin wiejskich. W prawie wszystkich miastach KOM-u odległość od najbliższego POZ-etu wynosi <1 km. Zidentyfikowano 48 potencjalnych lokalizacji nowych POZ-etów – odpowiadających na popyt blisko 111 tys. mieszkańców. Przy stosunkowo dobrej dostępności POZ-etów w KOM-ie można wyszukać jeszcze kilkadziesiąt miejsc potencjalnej lokalizacji POZ-etów dla mieszkańców z terenów o gorszej dostępności. Analiza w środowisku GIS umożliwia zarówno precyzyjną ocenę dystansu na podstawie odległości euklidesowej, jak i optymalizację.
The aim of the study was to determine the geographical accessibility (based on Euclidean distance) to PHC (primary health care) centres for residents of the KMA (Krakow Metropolitan Area). The layers (maps) of KMA were used as data sources. KMA was divided into communities and then address points were applied. A database of primary health care services was delivered by National Health Fund. Calculations were performed in GIS basing on estimated Euclidean distance from every address point to the nearest primary care centre. Analysis included 1 096 168 people in 52 communities and 205 primary care centres. Geographical accessibility of PHC for KMA citizens was generally good, with the average distance 1.67 km. There were local variations in accessibility. For some residents of rural parts of urban-rural communities and for residents of rural communities the distance to the nearest PHC was over 4 km. In almost all cities of KMA, the distance to the nearest PHC was <1 km. 48 potential locations of new PHC centres were selected – it would respond to the demand for nearly 111 thousands of residents. Due to relatively good accessibility of PHC in KMA, there are many possible sites for PHC potential location for people with poor accessibility. The analysis in GIS environment allows both precise evaluation of the distance based on Euclidean distance and optimization.
vol. 86
Writer Valev Uibopuu (1913–1997) lived in exile from 1943 to 1991. During the whole exile period he carried on an active correspondence. Especially important was the correspondence with his first wife, journalist and writer Tuuli Reijonen, which started in 1943, and the correspondence with his family members who lived in Estonia, which started in 1953. These two family correspondences lay the foundation for this article. I try to find out how was it possible to cross – or at least shorten – the physical and temporal distance between the writer and the reader and to create a common space of communication at the same time. The hermeneutic and empathetic approach has helped me to examine the letters. I approach letters as a communicative, social, and textual space which is created in the writer’s and reader’s dialogue, and which also creates their relationship. At least two worlds meet in this space of letters: the writer’s and reader’s physical and temporal places; in the case of a refugee it also means an encounter between a new and an old place. I found at least four different ways how to cross the distance in Uibopuu’s family correspondence: creating a common moment of communication, creating a feeling of mental and physical closeness, expressing the writer’s and reader’s own places, and remembering the lost home together. The writer could create the common moment of communication by using the present tense, “talking” to the reader, using forms of addressing, and guessing the place and time of reading the letter. The writer could also demonstrate the feeling of mental and physical closeness by expressing textually touching, proximity and active thinking of the other party. The reader, in turn, could move in thoughts to the writer’s place by reading the writer’s expressions of her/his own place, like the weather and the atmosphere. And by remembering the common lost home, the writer and reader together could move in thoughts to the common place of the past. With these means of crossing the distance penfriends had a chance to create a common communicative, social, and transnational space of letters.
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Koncepcja edukacji ironicznej

The essay rises the problem of complex relation between distance and engagement of a teacher in the process of philosophy teaching. Ways of dealing with this problem are searched in the way of investigation of the notion of irony, as it is understood in the philosophy of Socratic tradition. Six different approaches the notion of irony are successively presented and discussed, starting with its most popular understanding and finishing with one that is widest and far from poplar intuitions. Finally all these understandings are related to the challenge of teaching philosophy.
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The article aims to present the relationship between the notions of distance and tolerance. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The main concern of the article is to classify the features that characterize the attitudes of tolerance and distance, and to determine their inner structures. Research method: diagnostical survey including the original tolerance and distance scale (STD) and the questionnaire. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The notions of distance and tolerance were compared and contrasted based on the number of various definitions. Afterwards, the method of measuring those two attitudes was presented. Then, the research findings and the relationship between distance and tolerance were described. The concluding part highlighted the essence of those attitudes and the need for further research on them, as well as their role in the pedagogy studies. RESEARCH RESULTS: The conducted analyses led to creating the ranking of the features of tolerance and distance of the examined individuals. The rank data was then transformed into the standardized results and the factor analysis using the principal components method was performed, isolating the factors of distance and tolerance. Cluster analysis using the k-means method determined the distance profiles of the examined people, and then the relationships between the types of declared distance and tolerance attitudes were specified with the help of the multi-step regression method. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The research findings indicate the specific configurations of the notions characterizing the attitudes of tolerance and distance. Both of them may be observed in the positive and negative situational context, where their social perception is usually simplified, one-dimensional and stereotypical, but they translate into social awareness into human functioning in everyday life, including the relationships between them. Regarding the need for education of children in the atmosphere of tolerance, the research on this phenomenon should be further developed.
CEL NAUKOWY: Celem artykułu jest ukazanie zależności pomiędzy konstruktami dystansu i tolerancji. PROBLEM I METODY BADAWCZE: Głównym problemem jest ustalenie hierarchii cech charakteryzujących postawy tolerancyjności i dystansowania się oraz określenie ich wewnętrznych struktur. Metoda badawcza: sondaż diagnostyczny, w skład którego weszła autorska Skala Tolerancyjności i Dystansowania (STD) oraz ankieta. PROCES WYWODU: Przedstawiono różnorodność definicyjną pojęć dystansu i tolerancji, a następnie wykazano ich wzajemne powiązania. W następnej części zaprezentowano metodę ich pomiaru, a także otrzymane wyniki badań i związki pomiędzy dystansem i tolerancją. W podsumowaniu wskazano na istotę i potrzebę dalszej eksploracji tych konstruktów, jak również ich znaczenie dla pedagogiki. WYNIKI ANALIZY NAUKOWEJ: W toku prowadzonych analiz porangowano cechy tolerancyjności i dystansowania się u badanych osób. Następnie przetransformowano dane rangowe na wyniki standaryzowane i przeprowadzono analizę czynnikową metodą głównych składowych, wyodrębniając czynniki dystansowania się i tolerancyjności. Analizą skupień metodą k-średnich ustalono profile dystansowania się badanych osób, a w dalszej kolejności za pomocą metody regresji wielokrotnej krokowej ustalono zależności pomiędzy typami deklarowanych postaw dystansowania się i tolerancyjności. WNIOSKI, INNOWACJE, REKOMENDACJE: Otrzymane wyniki badań wskazują na specyficzne konfiguracje pojęć charakteryzujących postawy tolerancyjności i dystansowania się. Zarówno tolerancyjność, jak i dystansowanie się może się pojawiać w pozytywnym i negatywnym kontekście sytuacyjnym, gdzie ich społeczna percepcja bywa najczęściej uproszczona, jednowymiarowa i stereotypowa, ale one same przekładają się w świadomości społecznej na codzienność funkcjonowania ludzkiego, w tym relacje między nimi. Dlatego też nie należy ich rozpatrywać w izolacji od siebie. Ze względu na potrzebę kształcenia dzieci w duchu tolerancyjności trzeba pogłębić eksplorację zjawiska i jego zmiennych.
The article is a review aiming to present the current research on the concept of geographic proximity and attempts to conceptualise it. The implementation of such a task required the identification of different ways of approaching the analysed issue, which was served by a systematic review of the literature, not performed on such a scale since the study of J. Knoben and L. Oerlemans (2006) (Micek, 2017). Proximity was captured in it using three types of logic: belonging, neighbourhood or similarity. Studies of proximity perceived as a value and trying to capture its intensity are rare. On the other hand, studies based on the proximity thresholds (most often expressed regarding physical distance) or affiliation to an administrative unit dominate. Meanwhile, proximity should be measured similarly as it is perceived and therefore using the logic of similarity. Therefore, there is a contradiction between the existing methods of measuring proximity and the essence of the concept itself. There is a need to capture proximity on a continuum that illustrates its intensity. The assessment of proximity, however, requires joint consideration of both objective and subjective measures, as well as the rejection of the thesis on the binary nature of the concept of proximity (Torre, Rallet, 2005).
The article aims to present the complexity of Bolesław Prus’s reflection on collective and individual freedom in the context of the 1905 events. In Children the authordepicts the paradox of the situation, political enslavement generates the obligation to fight for freedom on terms and conditions which are independent of those who must take up the struggle. A kind of distance towards the fate of Poland and the possibility of choosing one’s own attitude to life are hard to find in the world of Prus’s protagonists. The writer’s diagnoses correspond to the greatest questions concerning the identity of Central Europe.
The observation, results and regularities quoted so far bring about several theoretical and practical remarks. Let us present the most essential of them. The function analysis, expressing the investigated distance function analysis referring to various places in space, meet many difficulties in a total presentation. The available data, used most frequently, are only samples taken from a definite place, point in space or subjectively defined time. Still, there exists an essential problem for geographical investigation, namely to what extent these samples are representative of the surrounding reality. The interpretation of the finding obtained in this way brings about almost analogous problems. The above refers to space observation. Moreover, the relativity of distance measures is not enough to treat these conventional premises and instruments as absolute. These is the possibility of transforming the discussed variables, but their form and character are often too difficult to be determined and, thus, impractical. The awarness of the problem mentioned above and the formalisation of the considered conceptions in a form (wave and time) of models does not eliminate the possibility of including these, and other complementary models referring to the remaining phenomena of a region, in a system of regional models. In my opinion this constitutes a proper way of investigating and programing the development of a region taken as a system.
Rozważania poniższe stanowią próbę ujęcia regionu w kategoriach teorii systemów, przy wykorzystaniu wybranych elementów teorii dyfuzji przestrzennej. Analizie poddano koncepcję opartą na efekcie hierarchicznym i sąsiedztwa, które wynikają z funkcji odległości.
Social statistics has been interested for many years in such categories as: standard of living and quality of life. These two categories should be regarded separately, even though in common language they are often synonymous. For this reason, the initial part of this paper provides clarification for these terms along with comments related to terminology and methods used in the research. The paper is dedicated to only one of these categories, standard of living, yet discussion of both terms was necessary. Research on standard of living has been concentrated since 1950s on building a synthetic, objective indicator which would enable not only description of a phenomenon, but also comparison of the degree of meeting material and cultural needs in the international scale. The paper presents two research procedures: the Geneva method (distance) and the method of building the Human Development Index, HDI. In case of the Geneva method, the main methodological premises have been presented along with mathematical formulae which allow building the aggregated, synthetic indicator of the degree of meeting material and cultural needs. Both advantages and shortcomings of this method have been discussed. The traces of the distance method may also be noticed in the building method of the said HDI indicator. The premises and mathematical formulae adopted in this method to enable building this indicator have been presented. The HDI index has also been calculated on the basis of the 2010 data. As this index is used in international comparisons, the research results from 2010 and the rank of Poland among 169 countries of the world have also been given.
Już od wielu lat w obrębie zainteresowań statystyki społecznej znajdują się między innymi takie kategorie jak poziom życia i jakość życia. Należy je traktować oddzielnie, chociaż w języku potocznym często są one utożsamiane. Z tego też względu we wstępnej części niniejszego opracowania dokonano systematyzacji tych pojęć, zaprezentowano uwagi dotyczące terminologii oraz stosowanych w ich badaniu metod. Pomimo iż tematem artykułu jest tylko jedna z tych kategorii: poziom życia, omówienie obu pojęć wydaje się niezbędne. Badania dotyczące poziomu życia koncentrowały się, od lat pięćdziesiątych XX wieku, wokół budowy syntetycznego, obiektywnego wskaźnika, który umożliwiłby nie tylko opis zjawiska, ale pozwoliłby na porównywanie stopnia zaspokojenia potrzeb materialnych i kulturalnych na skalę międzynarodową. W pracy przedstawione zostały dwie procedury badawcze: metoda genewska (dystansowa) oraz metoda budowania Wskaźnika Rozwoju Społecznego – HDI. W wypadku metody genewskiej przedstawiono główne założenia metodologiczne wraz z formułami matematycznymi, pozwalającymi na zbudowanie zagregowanego, syntetycznego wskaźnika stopnia zaspokojenia potrzeb materialnych i kulturalnych. Zwrócono uwagę zarówno na walory tej metody, jak i na jej wady. Ślady metody dystansowej można również dostrzec w metodzie konstrukcji wspomnianego wskaźnika HDI. Zaprezentowane zostały przyjęte w tej metodzie założenia oraz matematyczne formuły umożliwiające zbudowanie wskaźnika. Przeprowadzona została również kalkulacja wskaźnika HDI dla Polski na podstawie danych z 2010 roku. Ponieważ wskaźnik ten jest wykorzystywany w porównaniach międzynarodowych, przedstawione zostały wyniki badań z 2010 roku oraz miejsce Polski w rankingu dotyczącym 169 państw świata.
W liczącej już kilka dekad literaturze dotyczącej internacjonalizacji przedsiębiorstw istnieje wiele nurtów badawczych, których systematyki dokonywano wielokrotnie. Terytorialny zakres internacjonalizacji należy do najstarszych problemów badawczych w dziedzinie procesu internacjonalizacji przedsiębiorstwa. Początkowo był on analizowany jako koncentracja vs. dywersyfikacja (Ayal, Zif, 1978). Obecnie zakres internacjonalizacji jest jednym ze składników większości mierników jej stopnia (Kuivalainen, Sundqvist, Saarenko, 2012). Na ogół małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa w początkowych etapach procesu internacjonalizacji dokonują ekspansji na bliskie lub sąsiadujące rynki, na których tzw. dystans psychiczny (psychic distance) jest mały (Johanson, Vahlne, 1977). Natomiast przedsiębiorstwa transnarodowe, multinarodowe i globalne częściej funkcjonują na rynkach globalnych (Vahlne, Ivarssonn, 2014; Wach, 2014). Ponadto na zakres internacjonalizacji wpływają też inne czynniki, np. branża, w której działa firma, innowacyjność czy zaawansowanie technologiczne (high-tech/ low-tech) (Daszkiewicz, 2015). Głównymi celami empirycznymi artykułu są: identyfikacja kluczowych czynników determinujących terytorialny zakres internacjonalizacji badanych przedsiębiorstw oraz określenie siły wpływu tych czynników na zakres ich działalności międzynarodowej. Artykuł prezentuje cząstkowe wyniki badań przeprowadzonych na próbie 355 zinternacjonalizowanych przedsiębiorstw. Przebadano je za pomocą kwestionariusza ankiety przy wykorzystaniu wywiadów CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing). Ankietyzacja została przeprowadzona w 2015 roku w ramach grantu OPUS realizowanego na Wydziale Ekonomii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie. Obliczenia zostały wykonane za pomocą programu Statistica® PL v. 10.
: For several decades in dynamically growing internationalization literature there have been many research trends. The territorial scope of internationalization is one of the oldest research problems in the area of the internationalization process of the enterprise. It was originally analyzed as concentration vs. diversification (Ayal, Ziph, 1978). Currently, the scope of internationalization is one of the components of most measures of the extent of internationalization (Kuivalainen, Sundqvist, Saarenko, 2012). In general, small and medium-sized enterprises in the early stages of the process of internationalization carry out expansion in the close/neighboring markets where the so-called psychic distance is small (Johanson, Vahlne, 1977). Conversely, transnational, multinational and global firms frequently operate in global markets (Vahlne, Ivarssonn, 2014; Wach, 2014). In addition, the scope of internationalization is also affected by other factors, e.g. industry in which the firm operates, innovation and technological sophistication (high-tech / low-tech) (Daszkiewicz, 2015). The main empirical objective of the article is to identify the key determinants of the territorial scope of internationalization of the surveyed enterprises, and the impact of these factors on the scope of their international activities. The article presents partial results of research carried out on a sample of 355 internationalized enterprises. Firms were interviewed by questionnaire using CATI interviews (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing). The questionnaire was carried out in 2015 under a grant OPUS carried out at the Department of Economics and International Relations, University of Economics in Kraków. Calculations were made using Statistica® PL v. 10.
Aby optymalizować wykorzystanie zasobów służby zdrowia w populacji, teoretycznie pożądane jest równomierne rozmieszczenie ośrodków POZ. Celem badania jest określenie zróżnicowania przestrzennego dostępności geograficznej ośrodków POZ w Krakowie. Opieka podstawowa pełni zasadniczą rolę w poprawianiu i utrzymywaniu stanu zdrowia populacji. Dostępność do POZ w Krakowie nie była jeszcze nigdy badana. Chociaż wydaje się być satysfakcjonująca dla większości mieszkańców, została postawiona hipoteza, że istnieją znaczące różnice lokalne w dostępności do ośrodków POZ w Krakowie. Wykorzystano dane dotyczące rozmieszczenia przychodni POZ na podstawie bazy z NFZ na rok 2012. Analizowano bazę PESEL dla mieszkańców Krakowa (745 210 os.), przypisując poszczególne numery PESEL do punktów adresowych. Dystans pieszy wyznaczano poprzez obliczenie odległości euklidesowej. Obliczenia wykonywano wykorzystując program Esri ArcGIS 10.0, nakładkę Network Analyst. Średnia odległość od najbliższego POZ była dla większości mieszkańców Krakowa (89,43%) mniejsza niż 1 km. Zaobserwowano pewną zmienność lokalną w dostępności do POZ. W 4 dzielnicach powyżej 30% mieszkańców mieszka w średniej odległości większej niż 1 km od najbliższego POZ. W 5 dzielnicach 100% mieszkańców mieszka w odległości < 1 km od przychodni. W warunkach wolnego rynku rozproszenie POZ jest stosunkowo równomierne i nawiązuje do układu osadniczego. Dostępność geograficzna ośrodków POZ dla mieszkańców Krakowa jest dobra. Wyniki badań mogą stanowić podstawę optymalizacji dostępności POZ.
The aim of the paper is to use a geographical information systems (GIS) approach to demonstrate the extent to which different areas in Kraków vary in their spatial access to general practice. Primary health care plays an essential role in improving and maintaining the health of population. The equity of access to GP has never been examined in Kraków. Although it seems to be satisfactory for most citizens, we hypothesized that there are significant local variations in the primary careaccessibility in the city. Data on primary care resources was obtained from National Health Fund (2012 r.). Data concerning Kraków population (745 210 citizens) was based on the PESEL database, which is unique Polish Common Electronic System for Registration of the Population. For the needs of analysis, PESEL was linked to personal postal addresses. The foot distance was calculated as a Euclidean distance using the Network Analyst extension of Esri ArcGIS 10.0. We confirmed that the average walking distance was, for most of the citizens (89.43%), less than 1 km and therefore the access to GP was good. We demonstrated that there weresome local variations in spatial accessibility. In four districts, more than 30% of 89 the citizens live 1 km or more from the nearest primary health care centre. In five districts, 100% of the population live within 1 km from the clinic. In the free market conditions, the distribution of primary care resources is relatively uniform and refers to the settlement system. The accessibility to the general practice is good. This study can be also used to optimise the distribution of primary care resources.
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