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W artykule podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy i w jakim zakresie możliwe jest włączenie do współczesnej ortodoksyjnej makroekonomii paradygmatu zrównoważonego (trwałego) rozwoju. Inaczej jest to pytanie, czy możliwa jest inkorporacja ekonomii ekologicznej i/lub ekonomii trwałości, opartych właśnie na tym paradygmacie, do makroekonomii głównego nurtu. Rozważania autorów prowadzone są na poziomie epistemologicznym i częściowo ontologicznym. Punktem wyjścia jest rozróżnienie podstawowych nurtów we współczesnej makroekonomii, a następnie wykazanie ich daleko idącej jednorodności z tego punktu widzenia. Autorzy dokonują też rekonstrukcji zakresu badawczego ekonomii ekologicznej, poprzez wyróżnienie jej części składowych (tzw. nowej ekonomii środowiska, nowego środowiskowego pragmatyzmu, społeczno-ekologicznej ekonomii) i charakteryzując je z punktu widzenia kategorii zrównoważonego (trwałego) rozwoju. Odpowiedź na pytanie o możliwość włączenia tak rozumianej kategorii zrównoważonego rozwoju do ekonomii głównego nurtu jest w zasadzie negatywna ze względu na zasadnicze rozbieżności epistemologiczno-ontologiczne między ekonomią głównego nurtu a ekonomią ekologiczną i ekonomią trwałości.
The paper is an attempt at answering the following question: whether or to what extent is it possible to include the paradigm of sustainable development into contemporary orthodox economics. In other words, it is a question about the possibility of incorporating the ecological economics and/or sustainability economics, as based on this paradigm into the mainstream macroeconomics. The authors approach to this question is largely based on the epistemological point of view, also including to some extent ontological aspects. The point of reference of their analysis is, fi rst of all, the recognition of main substreams in modern macroeconomics. Following that, the authors try to prove their substantial cognitive homogeneity in this respect. In the next part of the paper, the authors accomplish a reconstruction of research areas of ecological economics, also recognizing its parts: new environmental economics, new environmental pragmatism and socio-ecological economics, and characterizing them from the point of view of the category of sustainable development. The answer to the question about the possibility of including the paradigm of sustainable development into the main body of contemporary mainstream macroeconomics is basically negative because of crucial epistemological and ontological discrepancies between it and ecological economics and/or sustainability economics.
В статье предпринимается попытка ответить на вопрос, возможно ли включение в со- временную ортодоксальную макроэкономическую науку парадигмы устойчивого раз- вития и если да, то в каком объеме. Иначе говоря, это вопрос о возможности включить экологическую экономику и/или экономику устойчивости, опирающиеся именно на эту парадигму, в основное течение макроэкономической мысли. Рассуждения авторов про- водятся на эпистемологическом и, частично, онтологическом уровне. Исходной точкой является характеристика основных течений в современной макроэкономике, а затем до- казательство их далеко идущей однородности с этой точки зрения. Авторы проводят также реконструкцию исследовательского диапазона экологической экономики путем выделения ее составных частей, т.е. новой экономики окружающей среды, нового праг- матизма окружающей среды, социально-экологической экономики и характеризуют их с точки зрения категорий устойчивого (прочного) развития. Вопрос о возможности вклю- чения понимаемой таким образом категории устойчивого развития в основное течение экономической науки получает отрицательный ответ в силу принципиальных эпистемо- логических и онтологических расхождений между основным течением экономической мысли и экологической экономикой и экономикой устойчивого роста.
The problem of the concept of ecological and environmental economics and the relationship between them is the vital research problem in modern economics. The presentation of disputes in this respect is the subject of the presented article. For obvious, substantive and non-substantive reasons, the scientific views of Professor Tomasz Żylicz will be the central axis. The purpose of the topic presented in this paper analysis is not to settle the controversy but to present the dispute using the views of some discussion participants, especially the comments formulated by Professor Tomasz Żylicz. The research method is based on a critical analysis of the literature and desktop research. Conclusion 1: The problem of understanding ecological and environmental economics is just one of the many important issues that can be found in the works of Professor Tomasz Żylicz. Conclusion 2: This problem is connected with very interesting theoretical, cognitive and terminological issues and practical issues related to the implemented environmental policies or sustainable development strategies at their various levels.
In this paper we have given a short account of the shortfalls of neoclassical economics, far removed from Aristotelian political economics, which was considered by him as the art of household management. The objective of it was a flourishing life or the Good Life. The main aim of humankind is the development of a desirable way of living and sustaining the quality of life, also for future generations. In order to achieve that goal, people created a number of institutions to facilitate achieving that end. All institutions, as they are devised for human purposes, cannot be outside human control, they should serve society. In the paper it is argued that the economy, as one of the social institutions, should play a particular role in enhancing human and non-human well-being. The paper contains the proposal of a unified system of measuring institutional and eco-system performance. Moreover, it is argued that among many proposals for the development of new proposals for studying economic matters, ecological economics is the most suitable for researching into the quality of life.
This paper addresses a general vision of the science of equity and sustainability, which could be called ecosocionomics. The conflict between economies, ecosystems, and social justice could be reconciled on a consensual platform constructed on the scientific basis. Concurring with Wilson’s reasoning, it is argued in this paper that a proposed new platform of knowledge should confirm all the indisputable facts of all branches of science. We definitely reject any form of a win-win, or even win-win- win hypotheses. The three goals: economic efficiency, ecosystem protection, and social fairness are not compatible, they stand rather in opposition one to another. As far as human race occupies and reshapes the only World, there is no choice but to sit down and jointly solve our common problems. Mother Earth feeds humans generously, but only to certain limits of her carrying capacity , which cannot be exceeded. This paper represents a step in the ongoing process of looking for a way how to live within the natural limits, and the limits that were created by humans.
Throughout the last half of the twentieth century and at the beginning of the twenty-first century, the relationship between development and environment has been reconfigured in various ways. At the general level there are currently two antagonistic currents in conflict: the one that promotes sustainable development, and the one that, from the oxymoron development and environment, seeks alternatives to development. This work seeks to apply biophysical indicators to understand the biophysical structure of South America and provide methodologies for new alternatives to development. For this, the biophysical indicators of ecological footprint and water footprint are developed, built within the framework of analysis of material flows of the field of Ecological Economics, which will allow to determine the magnitude and characteristics of the flows of materials and energy that are derived of the productive profile and the pattern of external insertion of South America.
A lo largo de la última mitad del siglo XX y a principios del siglo XXI se ha ido reconfigurando de diversas maneras la relación entre desarrollo y ambiente. A nivel general, actualmente, hay dos corrientes antagónicas en pugna: la que promueve el desarrollo sostenible, y la que a partir del oxímoron desarrollo y ambiente busca alternativas al desarrollo. Este trabajo busca aplicar indicadores para entender la estructura biofísica de América del Sur y brindar metodologías para nuevas alternativas al desarrollo. Para ello se desarrollan los indicadores biofísicos de huella ecológica y de huella hídrica, construidos en el marco de análisis de flujos de materiales del campo de la Economía Ecológica, que permitirán determinar la magnitud y las características de los flujos de materiales y energía que se derivan del perfil productivo y el patrón de inserción externo de América del Sur.
The article begins with an analysis of the inconvenient starting points for reflection on the Anthropocene, inspired by the position of Anna L. Tsing. Next, the interdisciplinary, normative and pluralistic field of ecological economics will be presented, with a particular focus on the concept of degrowth. The text will trace the “grammar” of this discipline, revealing its selected philosophical assumptions, methodological postulates and concepts. It will also look closely at Peter A. Victor’s concept of “management without growth.” It will seek answers to what degrowth is and why the cooling of growth is inevitable.
Artykuł rozpoczyna analiza niedogodnych punktów wyjścia refleksji w epoce antropocenu, inspirowana stanowiskiem Anny L. Tsing. Następnie przedstawiona zostanie interdyscyplinarna, normatywna i pluralistyczna dziedzina ekonomii ekologicznej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem koncepcji dewzrostu. Prześledzimy „gramatykę” tej dyscypliny, odsłaniając jej wybrane założenia filozoficzne, postulaty metodologiczne i pojęcia. Przyjrzymy się również bliżej koncepcji „zarządzania bez wzrostu” Petera A. Victora. Będziemy szukać odpowiedzi na pytania, czym jest dewzrost i dlaczego wystudzenie wzrostu jest nieuniknione.
The term economy of social responsibility appeared in the context of the concept of 'sustainable development economics'. The starting point was R. E. Smith's statement that sustainable development is synonymous with the doctrine of corporate social responsibility. This means that social responsibility is an important aspect of the organisation's economy and its political and legal as well as administrative environment. Social responsibility requires knowledge of the directions of the state's economic policy. Also important is the social and cultural environment defined by the lifestyles and values system of societies, their traditions, consumer patterns, cultural preferences and religions. The ecological environment, however, expresses the state and quality of nature. The analysis of the theory and practice of applying the doctrine of the social responsibility of the organisation led to a definition of the corporate social responsibility, including cities as business centres. It also led to the conclusion that the doctrine of the corporate social responsibility has constitutional power in Poland. Contrary to popular belief about the voluntary approach to social responsibility of the organisation, a thesis was put forward that social responsibility is a constitutional norm in Poland. In the context of cities' social responsibility, the aspects of research were indicated by: the implementation of social responsibility in cities as organisations important for the state, practices that cities develop, developing cities and indicating the best indicators of measuring cities' social responsibility. A further thesis was put forward that social responsibility applies to the entire state. On the other hand, from the point of view of barriers to sustainable development, an important goal is to look for measures and conditions that ensure long-term preservation of social responsibility, which relates to three aspects: ecological, social and economic.
Opracowanie poświęcone jest roli koncepcji człowieka w kształtowaniu i realizacji polityki zrównoważonego rozwoju. Stawia się tu pytanie, czy i jak w dobie istniejących kryzysów gospodarczych, koncepcje człowieka na których opierają się heterodoksyjne kierunki ekonomiczne, mogłyby dostarczyć lepszej podstawy dla formułowania podstaw ekonomii (zakresu, celu, metod) a poprzez nią polityki gospodarczej (i jej celu, podmiotu i narzędzi). Dla potrzeb opracowania wybrane zostały trzy najbardziej charakterystyczne, odmienne koncepcje człowieka leżące u podstaw takich współczesnych heterodoksyjnych kierunków ekonomicznych jak: ekonomia behawioralna, ekologiczna i humanistyczna. Na ich to podstawie w dużej mierze opiera się też koncepcja człowieka – homo sustinens, utworzona jako podstawa dla polityki zrównoważonego rozwoju. Omówione koncepcje człowieka mogą mieć różne zastosowanie w polityce zrównoważonego rozwoju (rozszerzenie repertuaru narzędzi, struktury podmiotowej, i lepsze doprecyzowanie celów) a ich integracja otwiera szanse na przyszły rozwój tej polityki.
The following study is devoted to the role of the concept of human nature in the development and implementation of sustainable development policy. It’s discussed, whether and how in the time of economic crises, human concepts underlying the heterodox economic schools, could provide a better basis for the foundations of economics (scope, purpose, method) and therefore for the economic policy (its goal, actors and tools). For the purpose of this study three most distinctive, different concepts of human nature are selected, which build the fundaments of behavioral, ecological and humanistic economics, belonging to current heterodox economics. These concepts influenced the creation of homo sustinens - a concept created as a basis for sustainable development policy. The concepts of human nature discussed in the paper may have different applications within the sustainable development policy (extending the repertoire of tools, the structure of entities and actors, and better clarification of the goals). Their integration into the sustainable policy opens up opportunities for the future development of this policy.
Adjusting institutional environment of banks to climate change and risks Climate change issues increase the role of sustainable economic growth, which requires sustain#able financial sector. For development of sustainable financial sector, results of scientific studies demonstrate a special role of banks, which are able to generate private investments for environmental and consequent socio-economic challenges. According to scientific literature, the authors emphasize that involvement of banks in development of sustainable financial sector depends on three directions for addressing climate change in financial sector - climate risks assessment practices, regulatory framework that takes into account climate change and characteristics of climate risks, corporate social responsibility. Additionally, the recent knowledge displays that climate change appears as cascading risks with possible negative effects on soundness of banking sector. As far as institutional environment of banks is substantial for their soundness, special attention has to be paid to its characteristics in the context of climate change and climate risks, which actualize necessity of adjustments. The aim of the present study is to find, which accents appear for each factor of institutional environment of banks as well as to expand a set of factors by understanding a place of climate change and climate risks through their effects on financial sector. As a result of the analysis, for the institutional environment of banks, the authors indicate new accents, which appear due to climate change and climate risks as well as offer additional factors such as regulatory framework for banks in terms of climate change, social responsibility of banks related to climate change as well as application of financial instruments for development of technologies for solving environmental issues. The novelty of research appears in the complex considering of institutional environment of banks in the context of climate change what rarely is presented in studies.
Klimata pārmaiņu radītas problēmas palielina ilgtspējīgas ekonomiskās izaugsmes lomu, kurai ir nepieciešams ilgtspējīgs finanšu sektors. Zinātnisko pētījumu rezultāti parāda, ka ilgtspējīga finanšu sektora attīstībā īpašu lomu spēlē bankas, kuras spēj piesaistīt privātās investīcijas vides un no tiem izrietošiem sociālekonomiskiem izaicinājumiem. Analizējot zinātnisko literatūru, autori uzsver, ka banku iesaiste ilgtspējīga finanšu sektora attīstībā ir saistīta ar trim virzieniem, kuri nosaka, kā risināt klimata pārmaiņu jautājumus finanšu sektorā - klimata risku novērtēšanas praksēm, normatīvo regulējumu, kas ņem vērā klimata pārmaiņas un klimata risku iezīmes, korporatīvo sociālo atbildību. Turklāt, jaunāko pētījumu rezultāti parāda, ka klimata pārmaiņas parādās kā kaskādes riski ar iespējamu negatīvu ietekmi uz banku sektora stabilitāti. Tā kā banku institucionālā vide ir būtiska to stabilitātei, īpaša uzmanība jāpievērš tās īpatnībām klimata pārmaiņu un klimata risku kontekstā, kas aktualizē nepieciešamību pielāgoties. Šī pētījuma mērķis ir noteikt jaunus akcentus katram banku institucionālās vides faktoram kā arī paplašināt faktoru kopumu, izprotot klimata pārmaiņu un klimata risku vietu caur to ietekmi uz finanšu sektoru. Analīzes rezultātā autori parāda jaunus akcentus banku institucionālajā vidē, kas parādās klimata pārmaiņu un klimata risku ietekmē, kā arī piedāvā papildu faktorus, kā piemēram, banku normatīvais regulējums un banku sociālā atbildība klimata pārmaiņu jomā, kā arī finanšu instrumentu pielietošana tehnoloģiju izstrādei apkārtējās vides problēmu risināšanai. Pētījuma novitāte parādās kompleksajā banku institucionālās vides analīzē klimata pārmaiņu kontekstā, kas pētījumos tiek atspoguļots reti.
Проблемы изменения климата повышают роль устойчивого экономического роста, для которого необходим устойчивый финансовый сектор. Результаты научных исследований демонстрируют, что особую роль для развития устойчивого финансового сектора играют банки, которые способны привлекать частные инвестиции для решения экологических и вытекающих из них социально-экономических задач. После анализа научной литературы, авторы подчеркивают, что участие банков в развитии устойчивого финансового сектора связано с тремя направлениями для действий с изменением климата в финансовом секторе – практиками оценки климатических рисков, развитием нормативно-правовой базы согласно тенденциям изменения климата и особенностями климатических рисков, корпоративной социальной ответственностью. Кроме того, результаты новейших исследований показывают, что изменение климата проявляется в виде каскадных рисков с возможным негативным воздействием на стабильность банковского сектора. Поскольку институциональная среда банков существенна для их стабильности, особое внимание необходимо уделять ее характеристикам в контексте изменения климата и климатических рисков, что актуализирует необходимость адаптации. Целью настоящего исследования является определение новых акцентов для факторов институциональной среды банков и расширение набора факторов за счет понимания места изменения климата и климатических рисков через их влияние на финансовый сектор. В результате анализа для институциональной среды банков авторы указывают новые акценты, которые появляются в связи с изменением климата и климатическими рисками, а также предлагают дополнительные факторы, такие как нормативно-правовая база для банков и социальная ответственность банков в условиях изменения климата, применение финансовых инструментов для разработки технологий для решения экологических проблем. Новизна исследования заключается в комплексном рассмотрении институциональной среды банков в контексте изменений климата, что редко представлено в исследованиях.
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