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Sport sponsorship has developed into a major global industry. Even though it is still a significant communication tool for companies, in recent years, sponsorship is no more just a matter of exposing a logo on a jersey or purchasing an in-stadium sign. Rather sponsors and sport entities should engage in an activity that enables them to exchange value. Sponsorships are moving toward complex patterns of interactions in which each “player” is engaged in a meaningful activity that can deliver mutual benefits. The aim of the paper is to analyze the sport sponsorship’s evolution in the latest economic recession. To understand the patterns of relations among different actors involved within a sport sponsorship arrangement, we take as “interpretive lenses” the strategic partnerships’ theoretical framework and make an application to a wide range of empirical sponsorship cases. Our main focus are national and international sponsorships related to professional teams and major sports events in which we are able to underline roles and strategic behaviors of sponsors and sport entities. The empirical analysis has been supported by a qualitative methodology. Data and information has been gathered using online secondary sources. Moreover, interviews with key executives and professionals involved within several sport sponsorships deals have been carried out. Findings suggest that sport sponsorships are assuming the role of a huge variety of agreements-exchange transactions, collaborations, strategic alliances, cooperation, consortia, etc.-that involve multiple complementary assets (technology, distribution channels, financial resources, etc.) and functions (R & D, marketing, organization, etc.). Furthermore, by implementing sports partnerships corporate and/or institutional actors are able to emerge among various stakeholders and to gain a global exposure.
Research background: Fluctuations in economic activity forced companies to change the traditional methods of organization and management and to search for new tools, knowledge, resources and competences in order to strengthen their positions. This has particularly intensified debates on corporate social responsibility (CSR) not only between business people, but also between pieces of research,  industry leaders and government representatives. The ongoing global ecologic crisis quickened discussions about how the alternation of macroeconomic business environment influences the development of CSR. Purpose of the article: The aim of this paper is to investigate how the changes in macroeconomic business environment influence the development of socially responsible activities in Baltic Countries and Slovakia. Methods: A statistical analysis of secondary data was used in order to reanalyse the data for the purpose of gaining new insights. The objectives of statistical analysis in this paper were twofold: firstly, to identify the challenges in macroeconomic business environment; secondly, to explore the development of socially responsible activities in different countries. The research period covered the years 2006-2016. The choice of this period is determined by data availability. Findings & Value added: The authors found that economic conditions may diversely affect the development of different dimensions of CSR. Even in unfavourable macroeconomic conditions companies continue to be involved in socially responsible actions because of long-run CSR benefits. The analysis is useful at an international level because it justified the development of socially responsible businesses in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia, and has provided an opportunity to assess the tendencies of CSR development during the different period of economic cycle.
Economic recession in its simplest explication is the decline in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of any country. For over 25 years, recession set in Nigeria in 2015 with the oil price adjustment that affected global economy. Its effect on the country’s export has been punishing, seeing export and government revenues decline rapidly. This is due to some factors that include the fact that oil is Nigeria’s main source of foreign exchange earnings and government and financial revenue; insurgency in the North East of Nigeria and the agitating activities of the Niger/Delta region which has seen Chevron and some oil prospecting companies, the straightening of dollar which has made the Naira of less value. The study determine the extent to which the recession has affected students of school age. It describes the process of Theatre for Development (TFD) in the University of Calabar International Demonstration Secondary School (UCIDSS) as a means of evaluating the students’ knowledge of economic recession and how the recession has affected their studies and career choice. The issues discussed here came from the students, enabling them develop critical reasoning that will help them rekindle their ambitions as well as eliciting their knowledge of changes around their environment. Methodologically, Semi-Structured Interview, TFD and other participatory methodologies like FGD and playmaking were used and for those students who may have issues discussing their views in problem, Key informant Interview was applied.
This article is devoted to research of tendencies and activities of the world coffee market. The author has described factors that influence the conjuncture of the coffee sector. It’s been found out that coffee market, comparatively to other markets, had had less impact from the economic recession. Made forecasting global consumption of coffee in 2015/16 harvest year.
This paper investigates the implication of economic recession on the infrastructural development using Ikare, Akoko, Ondo state as a case study. The study posits that infrastructural facilities are a potent indicator of socio-economic performance of a region and could be understood from the perspective of economic recession, which undoubtedly affects and determines both the welfare, advancement, economy and political sphere of a region. The first stage in the collection of primary data was the reconnaissance survey of eleven wards of the city. Fifteen copies of the questionnaire were administered in each ward, making a total of one hundred and sixty-five questionnaires; on the whole, 153 questionnaires were retrieved for the analysis. The study also adopted secondary sources of data and analyzed them both descriptively and inferentially. The research revealed that economic recession had impacted negatively on access to power supply, transportation and health status of the respondents. Furthermore, the paper found out that economic recession had an unpleasant effect on the housing and educational facilities in the study area. Moreover, the research showed an unpronounced effect of the economic recession on portable water supply and telecommunication of the respondents. The Chi-Square test carried on the effect of economic recession on infrastructural facilities, revealed the calculated value 48, while the tabulated Chi-Square value is 0.1036. This shows that economic recession makes significant impacts on the infrastructural facilities of Ikare Akoko, Ondo State. Also, it was vivid from the research that the government’s efforts to alleviate the problems of economic recession on infrastructural facilities are commendable. The paper recommends more tripartite governmental investment at local, state and federal levels in the infrastructural sector of the economy, also, the existing infrastructure should be adequately maintained by the concerted efforts of the populace and governments.
Autorzy badają skutki jakie niesie ze sobą recesja gospodarcza i jej wpływ na rozwój infrastruktury, wykorzystując Ikare, Akoko w stanie Ondo jako studium przypadku. W badaniu przyjęto, że obiekty infrastrukturalne są ważnym wskaźnikiem wydolności społeczno-ekonomicznej regionu i mogą być rozumiane z perspektywy recesji gospodarczej, która niewątpliwie wpływa i określa zarówno dobrobyt, postęp, gospodarkę jak i sferę polityczną danego regionu. Pierwszym etapem zbierania danych źródłowych było przeprowadzenie sondażu rozpoznawczego jedenastu dzielnic miasta. Użyto piętnaście kopii kwestionariusza w każdej z dzielnic, co dało łącznie sto sześćdziesiąt pięć kwestionariuszy, z czego odzyskano 153 do dalszej analizy. W badaniu wykorzystano również dane z opracowań. Były one analizowane zarówno opisowo jak i do opracowania wniosków. Badanie ujawniło, że recesja gospodarcza miała rzeczywisty negatywny wpływ na zaopatrzenie w energię, transport i stan zdrowia respondentów. Dodatkowo, odkryto, że recesja gospodarcza wywarła negatywny wpływ na obiekty mieszkalne i te związane z edukacją na obszarze objętym badaniami. Ponadto, badania wykazały pewien wpływ recesji na dostawy wody pitnej oraz usługi telekomunikacyjne dla respondentów. Test chi-kwadrat przeprowadzony w celu rozpoznania wpływu recesji gospodarczej na obiekty infrastruktury wykazał obliczoną wartość 48, podczas gdy tabelaryczna wartość chi-kwadrat wyniosła 0.1036. To pokazuje, że recesja gospodarcza ma znaczący wpływ na obiekty infrastruktury Ikare Akoko. Również, badanie wyraźnie pokazało, że wysiłki rządów aby złagodzić wpływ recesji gospodarczej na obiekty infrastruktury są godne pochwały. W swoim artykule, autorzy zalecają więcej trójstronnych rządowych inwestycji w sektorze infrastruktury gospodarki na poziomach państwowym i federalnym, a istniejąca infrastruktura powinna być odpowiednio utrzymywana wspólnym wysiłkiem ludności i rządów.
The background of this study is related to the loss of confidence in the financial sector after the economic crisis which began in 2008. In Central and Eastern European countries a specific aspect of this issue was identified, namely: the loss of confidence in foreign currency loans, considered an exotic bank product. Beside the political aspects of this topic the social responsibility of banks’ marketing and advertising should also be considered at two important stakeholders categories: consumers and regulatory bodies. This study is guided by the following research question: how were the Swiss franc foreign currency loans introduced in the Hungarian and the Romanian market? In this paper the exploratory phase of the research is presented. The general economic situation in the recession and the specific marketing and advertising expense in this period led to a better understanding of the situation. In the case of two developing countries, Hungary’s and Romania’s banking sector are presented with a focus on the exotic product such as the foreign currency loan. The results emphasized the key factors of successful and less successful country cases.
Gospodarka UE, po sześciu kolejnych kwartałach stagnacji, w drugim kwartale 2013 r. wykazała wzrost w porównaniu z poprzednim kwartałem. Jednakże w ujęciu rocznym PKB UE w 2013 r. pozostał niezmieniony. Komisja Europejska ogłosiła niedawno prognozę przewidującą wzrost PKB UE o 1,5% w 2014 r. Ożywienie przyspieszy w 2014 r. i będzie pobudzane głównie popytem wewnętrznym, a w mniejszym stopniu popytem zewnętrznym, jak to miało miejsce dotychczas. Sytuacja ta jest wynikiem osłabienia wzrostu w niektórych krajach rozwijających się, jak Indie, Indonezja, Meksyk, Rosja i Chiny oraz aprecjacji euro, która pogarsza konkurencyjność eksportu z UE. Proces ożywienia gospodarki całej UE skrywa jednak duże różnice tempa wzrostu krajów członkowskich. Większość krajów UE wykazała wzrost już w 2013 r. Jednakże w Grecji, Hiszpanii, Holandii, Portugalii, Włoszech, Finlandii i Czechach dodatnia zmiana dochodu nastąpi dopiero w 2014 r. Bezrobocie pozostaje nadal poważnym problemem, a udział osób bez pracy jest szczególnie wysoki w Grecji, Hiszpanii, Portugalii, Włoszech i Francji. Komisja Europejska jest świadoma, że ożywienie jest jeszcze słabe, a utrzymujące się ryzyka finansowe, ekonomiczne i polityczne mogą zaburzyć ten proces.
The EU economy, after six consecutive quarters of stagnation, recorded a positive growth in the second quarter of 2013. However, in annual terms GDP is expected to remain unchanged in the EU in 2013. The European Commission recently issued a forecast that predicts GDP in the EU to expand by 1.5% in 2014. The recovery should expand and strengthen in 2015 and be more domestic demand driven and less externally driven, as was the case previously. It is the result of weakened outlook for growth in some emerging economies like India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia and China, and the appreciation of the euro that worsen competitiveness of the EU exports. The process of recovery of the global EU economy masks big differences in growth rates across Member States. Most EU economies experienced a positive growth already in 2013. However, Greece, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Finland and the Czech Republic are forecast to reach positive growth in 2014. Unemployment is still a difficult issue with rates of jobless extremely high in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy and France. The EC is aware that recovery is still fragile and persisting risks of financial, economic and politic nature may undermine this tendency.
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Nierówności dochodowe i kryzys gospodarczy

W artykule zaprezentowano stanowiska i argumenty sformułowane w trakcie dyskusji na temat wpływu rosnących nierówności dochodowych w krajach rozwiniętych gospodarczo na globalny kryzys finansowy, zapoczątkowany w 2008 roku. Główna hipoteza głosi, że zwiększające się rozwarstwienie dochodowe przyczyniło się do powstania bąbla spekulacyjnego na rynkach nieruchomości i aktywów finansowych zarówno wskutek nadmiernego zadłużenia średnio i nisko uposażonych gospodarstw domowych, jak i ekspansji sektora finansowego spowodowanej koncentracją dochodów w rękach najzamożniejszych. Hipoteza o wpływie nierówności dochodowych na kryzys bankowy i w następstwie na recesję gospodarczą nie jest powszechnie akceptowana. Niemniej, znaczenia nierówności dochodowych dla stabilności gospodarki – podobnie, jak dla jej wzrostu i dobrobytu społecznego - nie można z pewnością ignorować. W artykule zaprezentowano stanowiska i argumenty sformułowane w trakcie dyskusji na temat wpływu rosnących nierówności dochodowych w krajach rozwiniętych gospodarczo na globalny kryzys finansowy, zapoczątkowany w 2008 roku. Główna hipoteza głosi, że zwiększające się rozwarstwienie dochodowe przyczyniło się do powstania bąbla spekulacyjnego na rynkach nieruchomości i aktywów finansowych zarówno wskutek nadmiernego zadłużenia średnio i nisko uposażonych gospodarstw domowych, jak i ekspansji sektora finansowego spowodowanej koncentracją dochodów w rękach najzamożniejszych. Hipoteza o wpływie nierówności dochodowych na kryzys bankowy i w następstwie na recesję gospodarczą nie jest powszechnie akceptowana. Niemniej, znaczenia nierówności dochodowych dla stabilności gospodarki – podobnie, jak dla jej wzrostu i dobrobytu społecznego - nie można z pewnością ignorować.
The article presents the views and arguments put forward during the discussion on the role of rising income inequality in developed countries in the global financial crisis which started in 2008. The main hypothesis is that the increasing stratification of income contributed to the speculative bubble in real estate and financial assets markets as a result both of the over-indebtedness of medium and low income households, as well as the expansion of the financial sector due to the concentration of income in the hands of the wealthiest. The hypothesis about the impact of income inequality on the banking crisis and subsequent economic recession is not universally accepted. Nevertheless, the importance of income inequality for the stability of the economy - just as for its growth and social well-being - can not certainly be ignored.
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