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Ecotourism, understood as a form of leisure conforming with the principles of environmental protection and promoting its natural and cultural values, is dynamically developing in almost all parts of the world. Properly carried out, ecotourism projects may be an essential instrument of regional development. Problems of ecotourism development in four areas of West Africa, i.e. the Comoe National Park (Ivory Coast), the Dogoń Country (Mali), the northern Dallol Boss Region and Koure (Niger), and the Air and Tenere Natural Reserves (Niger) are discussed in the article. A common characteristic of the chosen areas are their significant natural and cultural values and the occurrence of tourist activeness allowing to ąualify them as ecotouristic sites. The analysis of both external and internal success factors in ecotourism leads to the conclusion that, in the discussed regions, ecotourism development is a positive phenomenon. It should, however, be accompanied by continuous supervision of environmental conditions and ecological education of the local population.
On the one hand in recent years nature tourism (turystyka przyrodnicza) has constituted a significant part of the tourism industry, on the other it has caused many problems for researchers attempting to define the phenomenon. Should the tourism destination or its primary motivation determine its categorisation? Is there indeed a need when considering practice as well as theory? The authors of the article have attempted a discourse with both foreign and domestic literature and subsequently sought to find the perceived meaning of turystyka przyrodnicza (nature tourism) amongst students of Poznań University particularly those associated with the natural environment on their degree courses. The present article should be considered as a contribution to further work in this field theoretically as well as practically
Ecotourism is a little popular form of village tourism. The results of the research show that only 7% of respondents use this form of spending free time while over 52% of them have never heard of it. According to the opinion of the surveyed ecotourism farms owners, ecotourism needs the support of regional policy and also intensive promotion which will enable to reach the awareness of potential tourists.
Ekoturystyka jest mało popularną formą turystyki wiejskiej. Jak wskazują wyniki badań, tylko w przypadku 7% respondentów jest to wykorzystywana forma wypoczynku, a ponad 52% w ogóle o niej nie słyszało. W opinii badanych właścicieli gospodarstw ekoturystyce potrzebne jest wsparcie polityki regionalnej i intensywna promocja, pozwalająca na dotarcie do świadomości potencjalnych turystów.
On the one hand in recent years nature tourism (turystyka przyrodnicza) has constituted a significant part of the tourism industry, on the other it has caused many problems for researchers attempting to define the phenomenon. Should the tourism destination or its primary motivation determine its categorisation? Is there indeed a need when considering practice as well as theory? The authors of the article have attempted a discourse with both foreign and domestic literature and subsequently sought to find the perceived meaning of turystyka przyrodnicza (nature tourism) amongst students of Poznań University particularly those associated with the natural environment on their degree courses. The present article should be considered as a contribution to further work in this field theoretically as well as practically.
This paper concerns the problem of adapting river valley landscapes to tourism, especially to ecotourism. River valleys are closely connected with human civilization, despite being completely natural in their origin. The activity of watercourses can sometimes destroy cultural heritage sties, but they can also help transport goods over long distances. Consequently, by changing its neighborhood, a river also changes itself. The diversity and beauty of their landscapes make these areas very interesting for tourists. This fact, connected with the traditional ways of using rivers and theirs valleys, creates an increase in the danger of synanthropization. Therefore, we are facing the challenge of how to show the wide range of interesting ecosystems these areas consist of, without harming them. Nowadays, every tourist event and venue should consult the sustainable development assumptions. Ecotourism seems to be the most suitable way to solve this problem. Nevertheless, this kind of tourism is not for everyone. It contains several really important factors and, in fact, it is not always easy to create and participate in ecotourism. Some new possibilities, such as ecomuseums or an ecotourism river track, can become an opportunity to present river valley landscapes quite safely and on a satisfactory level of tourist organization.
The need for conservation and protection of natural ecosystems from the consequences of non-rational exploitation is a key issue for all industries. Tourism depends strongly on the quality of environment, but it can contribute to degrading or saving vulnerable ecosystems. The development of infrastructure for ecotourism is a way of mitigating the negative consequences of human activity and solving a range of related problems in the local labor market as well as improving living standards. The authors describe a series of actions aimed at developing ecotourism, which have been partially implemented in the Smotrytsky Canyon. In addition to presenting characteristics of the ecological and cultural value of the canyon, the authors analyze how it is affected by the existing anthropogenic factors. A list of necessary actions for environment restoration is presented, with special emphasis on erosion control, including plans for their implementation. Finally, the authors consider economic problems of developing ecotourism infrastructure and ways of minimizing their financial costs.
Przyroda w swej formie ożywionej i nieożywionej jest warunkiem koniecznym istnienia gospodarki turystycznej, w pewnym sensie jest podstawowym składnikiem produktu turystycznego. Dlatego uznano, że warto dokonać analizy mechanizmów legislacyjnych, które warunkują od strony prawnej zabezpieczenie jakości głównych zasobów produkcyjnych gospodarki turystycznej w Polsce. Produktywne zarządzanie, jego efektywność ekonomiczna i organizacyjna, wymagają niejakiej znajomości reguł ustawodawczych w zakresie tworzenia warunków dla rozwoju turystyki zrównoważonej.
The nature, in its animate and inanimate form is the precondition of the tourist industry, in a sense the former is the basic material for the latter. Therefore we have decided that it is worthwhile executing the analysis of the legislative mechanisms which legally condition the security of the main production resources of the tourist industry in Poland. Productive management, its economic and organisational efficiency require a certain acquaintance with the legislative rules within this scope. The authors of this study are focused on the description of the legal conditionings of organisation and management in the Polish system of environmental protection.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie korzystnego wpływu polskiej sieci ekoturystycznej „Między Bugiem a Narwią” na pobudzanie zrównoważonego rozwoju obszarów wiejskich w Polsce. W pracy przedstawiono niektóre, wybrane działania na rzecz rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego, które autorzy zidentyfikowali, analizując działalność poszczególnych członków sieci zlokalizowanych w powiecie ostrowskim na Mazowszu. W artykule przedstawiono interesujące przedsięwzięcia, wpisujące się w koncepcję zrównoważonego rozwoju zarówno lidera sieci, jak i tych członków, którzy wydają się w mniejszym stopniu identyfikować z siecią, jednak są członkami sieci, więc działają w jej ramach. W pracy zaprezentowano inne instytucje, które – zainspirowane formami aktywności członków sieci – włączyły się w działania na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju badanego obszaru. Jednocześnie działania prorozwojowe członków sieci mogą wychodzić poza teren powiatu ostrowskiego, które też częściowo zidentyfikowano.
The aim of the chapter is to demonstrate the impact of the ecotourism network „Between Bug and Narew” on the sustainable development of the Ostrów poviat in Mazovia. This influence was demonstrated by presenting the implemented activities for socio-economic development, which the author identified by analyzing the activities of network members. The chapter presents projectsthat fit into the concept of sustainable development of both the network leader and those who seem to be less identified with the network, but operate within its framework. The institution will also be presented, which, inspired by the forms of activity of the network members, joined the activities for the sustainable development of the poviat. At the same time, pro-development activities of network members may go beyond the poviat's area, as was also written about.
Border areas are a real challenge for tourism development. Usually associated with the periphery from a socio-economic point of view, these areas often have natural potential and attractive landscapes that have been little transformed by human activity and numerous historical and cultural tourist attractions. Although these areas have considerable tourism potential, this is not sufficient for the sustainable development of tourism and the exploitation of this potential is strongly influenced by the degree of permeability of the border. This is the case of the Romanian-Serbian border, which overlaps the most spectacular sector of the Danube – the Iron Gates Gorge. The main aim of this article is to analyse the role of tourism in the development of border areas and how it functions in a particular territorial context: the Danube Gorge located at the border between Romania and Serbia. The Romanian-Serbian border currently functions as an external border of the European Union in a favourable historical and political context, given the tradition of good neighbourliness between the two entities, the states located on either side of the Danube. However, the communist period altered the prospects for tourism development in this region through a very drastic and controlled border regime, even though the area benefited from major investment projects, such as the dam and hydroelectric power station at Porțile de Fier, built in the 1970s in cooperation with the former Yugoslavia. An analysis of the statistical data on tourism development shows that tourist traffic is on the increase, although there is a contradiction between the upward trend in tourist flows and the backwardness of large-scale tourist infrastructure, with the dominant type of accommodation being small, flexible, and rural accommodation that does not require large investments. The results presented in this article can be summarised in the general conclusion that the development of tourism in the Danube Gorge–Iron Gates remains dependent on the political factor and the border regime, even though the region has a remarkable tourism potential.
The purpose of this article is to evaluate the possibilities of touristic development of the La Lopé National Park and to indicate the most important barriers and limitations of the area exploitation. For this purpose a SWOT method was applied. This assignment presents the situation as of the end of 2014. The majority of the up-to-date data was collected during the mission, the purpose of which was to observe the region, and which was organized by Université Omar Bongo in Libreville and Warsaw University. The La Lopé National Park has a significant touristic potential which is very poorly used. The diagnose of the reasons for that can be an indicator for attempts to rationally use the resources of the region and present an appropriate development strategy.
Tourism has become one of the fastest growing sectors of economies of many countries. The rapid growth of tourism has created many challenges and opportunities for established and emerging tourism destinations. The purpose of this article is to analyze the role of certification programs for sustainable tourism. This paper discusses about the concept of sustainable development and sustainable tourism. The article concludes with examples of sustainable tourism certifications.
In 2020 and 2021, the entire evolution of human society is under the sign of a paradox, of the adversity of events, coming in avalanche. The tourist evolutions themselves suffer the imprint of the paradox. These paradoxes urgently require new paradigms, the famous ‘paradigm shifts’, mentality, optics, action. The purpose of this research is to outline the main aspects of the research problem and diagnose the situation, with focus on identifying hypotheses for future descriptive or causal research as well as to explore the reasons, attitudes and values of the paradigm and paradox, which differentiate the two notions approached: testing new concepts of forecasting, a product specific to the destination under analysis and in identifying other viable, sustainable alternatives and their analysis in parallel with modelling and promoting new ideas of tourism products or services, respectively improving the existing ones. This article aims to capitalise on the paradox, already successfully applied in economics by the author of the method and in shaping and delimiting ecotourism (in particular the ecotourism from the destination Țara Hațegului – Retezat), emphasising the role of self-contradiction of the field, through a specific type of economic reasoning, in which the rapid evolution of tourism risks are becoming its own cause of its disappearance, knowing that too much tourism kills tourism. Responsibility and the mesological spirit are the only ways to counteract the paradox phenomenon, even a paradigm in the metamorphosis of ecotourism.
This article considers the influence of ecotourism, a fast-developing form of tourism, on an important area in the functioning of the tourism market, which is the behaviour of its participants. The aim of the article is to present the way in which the developing concept and principles of ecotourism can affect the behaviour of consumers (tourists) and the activity of tour operators (providers of tourism services). The authors propose a unique research approach which consist in addressing both the expectations on the part of tourists as well as those related to business targets of the tourism industry. This article presents conceptual framework and outlines methodical approach which can be useful for the future research. Twelve types of behaviour regarding both tourists and tour operators were distinguished, followed by a description of the character of the possible influence of ecotourism on each of them. In this way the article also presents an outline of a new approach to managing business (including market relations), taking into consideration the growing popularity and importance of ecotourism.
Evaluating the current ecotourism situation in the Aral Sea region of Uzbekistan and offering strategies for its sustainable development are the main objectives of the study. The threats, opportunities, weaknesses and strengths (TOWS) analysis was applied to identify the required management strategies. The article aims to review the literature on ecotourism promotion in the Aral Sea region. Based on TOWS, the results show that state support during the pandemic should be strategically coordinated to secure the sustainability of the ecotourism industry in Uzbekistan.
Celem artykułu jest analiza przestrzennego zróżnicowania poziomu atrakcyjności podregionów w Polsce z punktu widzenia możliwości rozwoju w nich turystyki przyjaznej środowisku przyrodniczemu, tzw. ekoturystyki. Do analizy wykorzystano wskaźniki charakteryzujące atrakcyjność środowiska naturalnego podregionów (stymulanty) oraz wskaźniki mierzące poziom jego zanieczyszczenia (destymulanty). Klasyfikacji podregionów dokonano za pomocą analizy dyskryminacyjnej. Wstępnej klasyfikacji obiektów na grupy, a tym samym wyboru zmiennej grupującej, dokonano stosując metodę k-średnich.
The main goal of this paper is the analysis of the spatial differentiation of Poland
The Indian Ocean island of Rodrigues provides an interesting landscape case study. It offers a characteristic example of a small island territory whose natural and environmental resources have been overexploited by human activity and whose inhabitants are now clinging to the remains of its symbolic heritage in an attempt to implement conservation and sustainable reconstruction. From this perspective, rurality, with its attendant agricultural practices, its traditional gardens and its natural or humanized landscapes, has become an essential asset; one which the island is trying to promote by means of a tourist strategy based on the enhancement of economic and identity-focused parameters.
The article discusses the essence and significance of the healthy lifestyle as an important component of the tourism consistent with the sustainable development model. The change in the paradigm of science was presented which has found its reflection in, among other things, popularisation of the idea of eco-development. One of the core elements of the sustainability are: to live in harmony with nature and take carre about the quality of the environment now and for future generations. There are many indicators, which have an influance on the human health. One of the most important factors are: the lifestyle and environment (natural and social). The change of lifestyle and leisure habbits for healthy ones, can be the first step to the eco-development. Although, the tourism strongly depands on the quality of natural environment, scarcely the minority of society is aware that the tourism fullfils as well a pro-healthy function as forms the ecollogical consciousness. The sustainable tourism is becoming increasingly important on this area. It’s idea is based on the model of sustainable development. According to the definition, it includes all forms of tourism development, management and tourism acitivities that support ecological, social and economic integrity of areas, and preserve their natural and cultural resources. It is concluded that the balanced tourism can be one of the relevant elements of a healthy lifestyle.
Koncepcja zrównoważonego rozwoju pojawia się w literaturze od kilkudziesięciu lat w odniesieniu do modelu gospodarki w różnych dziedzinach, w tym również w turystyce. Strategia rozwoju turystyki w Polsce na każdym poziomie samorządowym powinna zawierać koncepcję zrównoważonego rozwoju regionów z uwzględnieniem przyjętych dla niej spójnych zasad. Ze względu na ograniczony zakres lub brak badań nad zrównoważonym rozwojem regionów (przede wszystkim w aspekcie wpływu podejmowanych działań), w niniejszym artykule przeglądowym podjęto temat zrównoważonego rozwoju w odniesieniu do turystyki, świadomości ekologicznej turystów oraz możliwości realizacji alternatywnych rodzajów turystyki w Polsce.
The conception of balanced development has been appearing in the literature for the last decades in reference to a model of economy in different domains as well as in tourism. A strategy of tourism development in Poland on each level of local authorities should include the regions’ balanced development conception which includes concise regulations approved for it. Due to limited scope or lack of studies on regions’ balanced development ( first of all in the aspect of the influence of the undertaken activities), this review article deals with the issue of balanced development in reference to tourism, tourists’ ecological awareness and possibility to realize alternative kinds of tourism industry in Poland.
Tourists, very often, are not aware of dangers associated with the natural environment, such as poisonous plants, venomous or dangerous animals, climate, earthquakes, or volcanoes. They expose themselves to risk due to a lack of knowledge about both animated and unanimated components of nature. Often tourist unwisely want to experience something thrilling and unusual – like a photo with a wild animal. Particularly unsafe are all kinds of intoxications, particularly those connected with plants, because knowledge about plants is definitely poorer than knowledge about animals, which leads to – often deadly in consequence – poisonings by hazard. Travelling abroad became more popular nowadays, even to some exotic destinations. The number of nature-based tourists and ecotourists is rising, consequently, causing numerous dangerous situations for these tourists. This paper contains basic information about some selected risks caused by nature, particularly, one provoked by plants growing in Poland and worldwide. It also contains the results of a study connected with tourist awareness about the abovementioned threats.
Celem niniejszej publikacji było przedstawienie pomysłu tworzenia Zielonych Szlaków Greenways jako czynnika pobudzającego i rozwijającego turystykę. W pracy dokonano prezentacji idei i głównych przesłanek Zielonych Szlaków Greenways. Ukazano ich znaczenie; opisano korzenie i rozwój Zielonych Szlaków Greenways na świecie, w Europie i w Polsce. Analizie poddano jeden z przykładów Zielonych Szlaków Greenways zlokalizowanych w Polsce – Szlak Odry. Wskazano pozytywny wpływ Szlaku Odry na rozwój turystyki w wybranych, mniejszych miejscowościach leżących na tym szlaku. Przywołano najważniejsze osiągnięcia i sukcesy w tej dziedzinie. Tezą postawioną w pracy było założenie, że Zielone Szlaki Greenways mogą stanowić istotny czynnik pobudzający rozwój turystyki, zwłaszcza w skali regionalnej. Dotyczy to w szczególności miejsc i miejscowości położonych na obszarach o mniejszym potencjale turystycznym. Artykuł powstał przy wykorzystaniu zwartych materiałów książkowych, czasopism, jak również informacji netograficznych i kontaktów osobistych z koordynatorami Zielonych Szlaków Greenways. Metoda badawcza zastosowana w publikacji to krytyka piśmiennicza i wywiad telefoniczny. Wyniki badań potwierdzają postawioną tezę, że Zielone Szlaki Greenways pozytywnie wpływają na sytuację i rozwój turystyki.
The aim of this publication is to present the idea of creating Greenways as a factor stimulating and developing tourism. The paper presents the idea and the main premises of Greenways. It shows their significance. The publication describes the roots and the development of Greenways in the world, in Europe and in Poland. An analysis is made of one of the examples of Greenways in Poland—the Oder River trail. The paper presents a positive influence of the Oder River Trail on the development of tourism in selected smaller towns located on the trail. The most important achievements and successes in this area are shown. The thesis formulated in the paper was the assumption that Greenways can be an important factor stimulating the development of tourism, particularly at the regional scale. In particular, it concerns places and towns with lower tourism potential. The paper was created with the use of nonserial book materials, journals, as well as netographic information and personal contacts with Greenways coordinators. The research method used in the publication was literature criticism and a telephone interview. The research findings positively verified the formulated thesis that Greenways positively influence the situation and development of tourism.
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