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Rodzinna postpamięć Ślązaków

The author suggests a possible use of postmemory to analyse the contemporary family memory of the people of Silesia. Their memoirs about WW2 (such as working for the Wehrmacht, the Red Army invading Silesia, working in labour camps, nationality verification, displacements to Germany, and deportations to Siberia) bear signs of latent memory which is rarely revealed even to the next of kin. Present mainly within the family circle, within the local society, and among friends, these memoirs integrated Silesians and made them a unique community that considers itself a stigmatized minority. This contributed to mythologizing and stereotyping the whole memory. The family memory of the past events, full of emotions and understatements, often contradicting the official version of history, has been developed by children and grandchildren who tried to learn about it and understand it. As a result of political changes that occurred in Poland after 1989 – which triggered a slow process of memory democratisation and incorporation of Silesians’ memoirs into the official history – new academic papers, memoirs, and documentaries were released. This process inspired the second and the third generations of Silesians to share ‘family myths and legends’.
In Dagmar Leupold’s" Nach den Kriegen" and Stephan Wackwitz' "Ein unsichtbares Land", novels of second and third generation, narrators come back to the times of Nazism, Holocaust and wars as the components of family memory. The article focuses on social, especially family conditions of memory. The starting point is the assumption that family conditions exert a significant impact on the construction of memories in the discussed novels. Analysis has shown that both texts markedly transpose the mechanisms of loyalty of family memory transmission, also critically reflecting on them from the perspective of the present. By putting memories in the context of indirect family memory the writers strive for the truth about the past but also adopt an affirmative attitude with regard to its "participants". This attitude certainly derives from the leading humanistic thoughts of western cultures, harmonised with the social, cultural and political system based on democracy and Europeanness
The article analyses the manuscript of Philip Orlik’s diary (1672–1742). The Ukrainian hetman was writing it for twelve years, between 1720 and 1732. The author’s focus is Orlik’s autobiography. It is a very important part of the diary and is related to the exile period of his life. The diarist had given that chapter a separate title – “Pro memoria. Na cześć i chwałę Bogu w Trojcy Świętej jedynemu Amen” [“Pro Memoria. For the Glory of God in Holy Trinity United Amen”]. The purpose of the article is to investigate the anthropology of family memory in the diary as a pledge of the author’s endurance. Orlik perceived the diary as an interlocutor, so there is a peculiar, emotionally sensitive link between the diary and the diarist. The diary is characterised by persuasiveness. In order to illustrate it, the author of the article provides quotations from the diary without translation. The original language of Orlik’s manuscript is the Old Polish language inlaid with Latin. The diarist had put down into the diary copies of the most important letters. He wrote the letters in French and Latin. The Polish language was used exclusively in his correspondence with King Stanislav. The author analyses the autobiographical note in the context of the diary genre, defining it as a model of baroque autobiography that resonates throughout the text of the diary.
The study deals with the content and transmission of “images” connected with forced displacement and the relating processes in two three-generation families. The families were chosen based on the oldest generation´s personal experience with the forced displacement after World War II (a family of “deported” Germans living in Germany today and a family of German origin remaining in Czechoslovakia after 1945). The analysis focusses on family memory, whereby the authors ask not only about the content of memories of persons who are part of the “generation of experience”, but also about the transmission of these contents down to the generation of children and grandchildren, as well as about in which way the follow-up generations came to terms with the experience of the oldest generation. The authors point out the importance of family memory to create the identity of persons participating in that memory, and they demonstrate one of possible types of family remembering, whereby the youngest and the oldest generation are its major participants (transgenerational remembering).
1919: Memory of Vilnius – memory in VilniusThis article applies the framework of three types of memory – individual, communicative and cultural – as an effective tool for describing the phenomenon of “circulation” of the content of memory in communities of memory. I approach the Polish community in Vilnius, especially the intelligentsia, as a community of memory, and show how the three forms of memory were activated at a particular historical time. I argue that the year 1919 and the time of reviving Vilnius University was crucial for the transfer of the content of communicative memory in general, and family memory in particular, to cultural memory. The effort to revive the university was directly related to the restoration of cultural memory in the urban landscape of Vilnius. The person who played the main role in this process was Ferdynand Ruszczyc, the artistic supervisor of revitalisation of university buildings, the author of toponyms and the key figure of cultural life of the city at the time. Rok 1919: pamięć Wilna – pamięć w WilnieW swoim artykule przywołuję wyodrębnione przez współczesnych badaczy trzy formy pamięci: indywidualną, komunikacyjną, kulturową – i traktuję je jako poręczne narzędzie do opisywania zjawiska „cyrkulacji” treści pamięci we wspólnotach pamiętających. Za taką pamiętającą wspólnotę uznaję polską społeczność Wilna, zwłaszcza inteligencję, i ukazuję, w jaki sposób aktywizowały się te trzy formy pamięci w konkretnym czasie historycznym. Stawiam tezę, iż rok 1919 i czas pracy nad wskrzeszeniem uniwersytetu był kluczowy dla przeniesienia treści pamięci komunikacyjnej, zwłaszcza jej postaci rodzinnej, do pamięci kulturowej. Prace nad wskrzeszeniem uniwersytetu łączyły się bezpośrednio z przywracaniem pamięci kulturowej w przestrzeni miasta. Zasadniczą rolę w tym procesie odegrał Ferdynand Ruszczyc jako artystyczny opiekun prac rewitalizacyjnych gmachów uniwersyteckich, autor toponimów i kluczowa postać ówczesnej kultury wileńskiej.
The Croatian society is still coping with traumatizing events (World War II and civil war) and memories of them. The politics of memory, articulated by Tudjman´s strategy of generational and memory reconciliation of the society in the early 1990s, led to the relativization and even promotion of the pro-fascist Ustashe regime, and simultaneously to the marginalization and stigmatization of narratives relating to the role of national liberation struggle within multi-ethnic partisan movement. This also included members of local Czech minority. The study shows how - despite this - the narratives concerning the partisan resistance are still alive in family memory, and they form, through generational transmission, a value alternative to the contemporary nationally-oriented state ideology as well as to the cultural presentation of Czech minority. Family memory works as an autonomous ”intimate space/area” of expatriates in Croatia, which is based on searching for a generational value continuities in the period of post-communist social uncertainties.
The article is devoted to the study of the novel by Vladimir Fox, The Age of Jacob. The main purpose is to analyze ways of modeling identity in the context of the axiological priorities of the protagonist as a collective image of the Ukrainian peasant in the 20th century.
The paper’s topic is presence or absence of austronostalgy in subjective sayings. Essays by the Czech author Lubomír Martínek and memories of representatives of 13 three-generations average Czech families are the source material. The authors’ reflections concentrate on lack of austronostalgy in these subjective testimonies and the reason for this absence. One of them leads to Cathrin Horel theory that well-developed countries which did not owe their progress to the Habsburg monarchy forgot common past very quickly. The second one concerns Czech revival discourse in the 19th century with the main goal to became independent from Austro-Hungarian Empire.  
Głównym tematem artykułu jest obecność lub brak austronostalgii w wypowiedziach subiektywnych. Materiałem źródłowym są eseje czeskiego autora Lubomíra Martínka oraz wspomnienia przedstawicieli 13 przeciętnych przypadkowych czeskich rodzin. Refleksje autora koncentrują się z jednej strony na braku austronostalgii w tych subiektywnych świadectwach, a z drugiej na przyczynach tej nieobecności. Pierwsza z nich nawiązuje do teorii Cathrin Horel, że kraje dobrze rozwinięte, które nie zawdzięczają swojego postępu monarchii Habsburgów, bardzo szybko zapomniały o wspólnej przeszłości. Druga dotyczy czeskiego dyskursu odrodzeniowego w XIX wieku, którego głównym celem było uniezależnienie się od imperium austro-węgierskiego.
The Academy of Sciences Library has purchased a so far unknown illumination with Bohuslav Hasištejnský’s epitaph of Jan of Vartenberk († 1508) from the Swiss antiquarian bookshop Dr. Jörn Günther Rare Books AG. The illumination, Hasištejnský’s epitaph (with the meaning adjusted to the context) and the commemorative inscription present the figure of the Litoměřice Canon Jan of Vartenberk, who was sent to Pavia by Charles IV in 1355 to fetch the relics of St Vitus. We suppose that this illumination was probably made for Jan Jiří of Vartenberk as a component of a larger whole around 1615.
Artykuł dotyczy esejów zebranych w tomie "Topografia pamięci" (2016) zajmujących się pamięcią Martina Pollacka o jego nazistowskich przodkach, zwłaszcza o jego ojcu – SS-manie. Autorka stawia następujące pytania: Jakie znaczenie ma dla Pollacka bycie synem nazistowskiego zbrodniarza? Dlaczego i z jakiej perspektywy pisze? Dla kogo to robi? Jak odnosi się do obrazu swojego ojca? Odpowiedzi na te pytania opierają się na teoretycznym dyskursie na temat pamięci rodzinnej i wynika z nich, że Pollack w swoich tekstach nie dystansuje się od swojego ojca i nie pisze obiektywnie, lecz pozostaje subiektywny w swojej narracji. Martwi go, że jest bezpośrednim potomkiem narodowych socjalistów i zastanawia się, co to może oznaczać dla jego własnej tożsamości.
The article analyses essays collected in the volume "Topography of Remembrance" (2016) dealing with the memories of Martin Pollack about his Nazi ancestors, especially about his father who was an SS-man. The author of this article asks the following questions: What does it mean for Pollack to be the son of a Nazi criminal? Why and from what perspective is he writing? Who is he writing for? How does he relate to his father’s image? The answers to these questions are based on theoretical discourses on family memory. The thesis of the article is that Pollack does not distance himself from his father in his texts and does not write objectively but remains subjective in his narrative. He is concerned by the fact that he is a direct descendant of the National Socialists and he wonders what that might mean for his own identity.
Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit den im Band "Topografie der Erinnerung" (2016) gesammelten Essays, die eine Auseinandersetzung Martin Pollacks mit der Erinnerung an seine Nazi-Vorfahren, vor allem an seinen Vater – SS-Sturmbahnführer, sind. Es werden folgende Fragen gestellt: Welche Bedeutung hat es für Pollack, Sohn eines Nazi-Verbrechers zu sein? Warum und aus welcher Perspektive schreibt er? Für wen macht er das? Wie verhält er sich dem Bild seines Vaters gegenüber? Die Antworten auf diese Fragen basieren auf einem theoretischen Diskurs über das Familiengedächtnis. Die These des Beitrags lautet, dass es Pollack nicht gelingt, in seinen Texten sich vom Vater zu distanzieren und objektiv zu schreiben. Er überlegt, was dies für seine eigene Identität bedeuten kann.
The paper examines the ways in which Russians and Germans have been depicted in the recollections on the German occupation of Bohemia and Moravia. It is based on a set of 22 interviews with the participants recalling their own wartime experiences or the stories told in their family. Using content analysis, the paper establishes a negative image of Russians and a rather positive image of Germans across the generations of participants. The study further explores the possible reasons for this “reversal of poles” in contrast to the interpretations of Russians and Germans before the fall of Communism in 1989. The reasons are sought in three areas: the sympathy of Czechs towards the Germans and their antipathy towards the Russians (constantly revealed in public surveys ever since 1989); heavily anti-Communist interpretation of history (or the official memory); and the influence of collective European memory that no longer understands the Germans as the enemy. The study ponders over the mutual influence of individual, family and official memory as a complex process of continuous negotiation about history under the influence of contemporary needs.
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Rodinná paměť

The aim of the study is to provide an overview of knowledge about family memory. Research on family memory is interdisciplinaty, but the output is only partial and non-systematic. The significant role of family memory has been revealed mainly by studies of collective memory in relation to the Second World War. However, the number of studies on family memory is very low compared to both the collective and autobiographical memories. In the article, the possible causes of this state are analysed. Up to now, the content of family memory has been rather unclear. Nevertheless, authors share the opinion that family memories have the nature of constructs, which are created and modified with respect to family needs. The main function of family memory is to share the meaning of family events and to strengthen the family identity. Based on the study of literature, significant concepts, closely related to family memory: family stories, family identity, family rituals and intergenerational relationships, have been identified. Up to now, the research on family memory in psychology has been lacking the umbrella conceptual framework. Therefore, the model of family memory context is proposed. Its intention is to organise the main concepts and suggest the relationships between them. Finally further necessary and interesting directions in the research on family memory are mentioned.
Článek přináší přehled poznatků o rodinné paměti. Její výzkum je sice interdisciplinární, ale poznatky jsou pouze dílčí a nesystematické. Významnou úlohu rodinné paměti odhalily především studie kolektivní paměti v souvislosti s druhou světovou válkou. Ve srovnání s kolektivní i autobiografickou pamětí je ovšem počet studií o rodinné paměti mizivý. V článku jsou analyzovány možné příčiny tohoto stavu. Obsah rodinné paměti je zatím poměrně nejasný. Autoři se však shodují v tom, že rodinné vzpomínky mají povahu konstruktů, které jsou vytvářené a pozměňované s ohledem na potřeby rodiny. Hlavní funkcí rodinné paměti je sdílení významu rodinných událostí a posilování rodinné identity. Na základě studia literatury byly identifikovány důležité pojmy, které s rodinnou pamětí úzce souvisejí: rodinná vyprávění, rodinná identita, rodinné rituály a mezigenerační vztahy. Výzkum rodinné paměti v psychologii dosud postrádal zastřešující konceptuální rámec. Proto je navržen model kontextu rodinné paměti, jehož záměrem je usporádat hlavní pojmy a naznačit vztahy mezi nimi. Na závěr jsou zmíněny další potřebné či zajímavé směry budoucího zkoumání rodinné paměti.
W Gdańsku po II wojnie światowej spotkały się różne grupy dawnych i nowych mieszkańców, którzy byli zmuszeni do ułożenia relacji między sobą i budowania społeczności miejskiej. Przedmiotem naszego zainteresowania jest proces przesiedleń rodzin po wojnie z terenów Wileńszczyzny i proces odnajdywania się przez nie w społeczności miasta oraz uwarunkowania tego zjawiska. Jest to dla nas punkt wyjścia do postawienia pytania o współczesne uwarunkowania działań mających na celu inkluzję społeczną w przestrzeni miejskiej oraz zadania stojące przed pedagogami społecznymi w obliczu nasilających się fal uchodźstwa i innych ruchów migracyjnych. W artykule przedstawiamy wybrane wyniki badań jakościowych, opierając się na analizie przekazów pamięci rodzinnej. Badania te prowadzone były w ramach projektu „Wspólny Pokój Gdańsk” (koordynator: Maria Mendel), wykorzystującego założenia Krytycznej Historii Miasta. Celem projektu było poszukiwanie miejskich modi co-vivendi, rozumianych jako układy satysfakcjonujących relacji międzyludzkich w przestrzeni miejskiej determinowanej społecznie i kulturowo.
Different groups of old and new inhabitants met in Gdansk after the World War II. These people were forced to foster relations among themselves and to build urban community. The subject of our interest are the families displaced after the war from the Vilnius region, their resettlement in the city community and the factors influencing this process. This is for us a basis to ask about today’s conditions of social inclusion in urban areas and the challenges facing social pedagogues in the face of increasing waves of refugees and other migratory movements. In this article we present selected results of qualitative research, based on the analysis of family memory. These studies were conducted within the framework “The Common Room Gdansk” project (coordinator: M. Mendel) using the objectives of the Critical History of The City. The aim of the project was to search for urban modi co-vivendi, understood as mutually satisfactory arrangements of relationships in the urban space, with its socio-cultural specific.
Res Rhetorica
vol. 11
issue 1
The article proposes reflections on the persuasive intention of Monika Sznajderman's book Fałszerze pieprzu. Historia rodzinna. From the perspective of the rhetoric of family memories, the issues of amnesia, traumatic blank spots and postmemory were considered as psychological and social processes leading to the need to reconstruct one's identity and make one's own ethical choices. The framework for the analyzes was the triad of rhetorical methods of persuasion, i.e. lógos, éthos and pathos, as well as the semantics and philosophy of photography.
Autorka proponuje rozważania nad perswazyjną intencją książki Moniki Sznajderman Fałszerze pieprzu. Historia rodzinna. W perspektywie retoryki wspomnienia rodzinnego rozważone zostały zagadnienia niepamięci, traumatycznych białych plami postpamięci jako procesów psychologiczno-społecznych, prowadzących do potrzeby rekonstrukcji własnej tożsamości i dokonania własnych wyborów etycznych. Ramą dla analiz stała się triada retorycznych sposobów przekonywania, czyli lógos, éthos i pathos oraz semantyka i filozofia fotografii.
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