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Sport fulfils both physical and mental needs. Hymns of soccer fans belong to expressive manifestation of club symbolism on a par with flags and club emblems. They are simultaneously an example of expression of emotions for one’s personal or national team. Contents of these new texts are clearly organised because portraits of both teams in those songs are distinct. Lexis and order in which portrayed world is presented seam to announce stereotypization, music-textual variation and linguistic image of the team. That dynamism presents spontaneity and vital folklore strength of youth fan subculture. Moreover, mentioned phenomenon signalizes metamorphosis of modern mass culture in modern world. The research permits to distinguish the following groups of texts: hymns, songs, melorecitation and mixed type. Rigorous holding of the original song in stadium hits happens rarely – only among those reminding hymn on the basis of musical arrangement and because of high stylistics of the tune. They are not filled with vulgarisms and bring certain innovation of the text and the elevated style tone down aggressiveness of the statement. Historical sports events and religiosity of the society imprint on them. Christmas carols are very popular - one can perceive full desacralization and profanation of Christian beliefs. Another popular way of creating stadium songs is referring only to known melodies of Slavic popular music; text brings attractive content using new popular phraseology and imagery that stereotype information scheme. Authors reach depreciated appraisal thanks to recalling names of nationalities of which soccer representatives did not receive unique success and popularity of the masters. Melodies of neighbouring cultures are being used for the funny travestation for example change of melodies tempo brings out an amusement, a joke or musical trick. Juxtaposition of elevated style (hymns)and lower styles (popular songs) builds and establishes stereotypes. In the text created by fans knowledge about the world is taken without any criticism and is used in communication of one social group or the multicultural communication, creates kindness climate for their soccer team. It may also represent unnecessary aggression towards an opponent or on the both sides of the game (in case of weak play of the favourite team). On the other hand word-musical manipulation establishes and creates the view of the soccer world and also brings it’s own taxation. Wide arrange of metaphors, that enrich the language is used to reach that aim. Metaphors are substrate influencing everyday communication of soccer fans and they enable adaptation of already existing songs for the new situation of sociolect discourse.
The paper explores a wide range of ethnographic challenges – risky situations, methodological dilemmas, ethical and logistic problems ‒ that we encountered in our field research on most devoted fans of FC Twente Enschede. The analysis is focused on the variety of issues that come along with the process of exploration of largely closed communities of hardcore fans. By doing so, we want to provide some guidelines for those researchers who would want to undertake similar adventures ethnographic tasks in the future. The paper is centered around four major issues. The first one refers to the access to the hermetic world of football fans, while the second section is devoted to the different types of dangers that are linked with experiencing football fandom in the match day. The third one are the consequences of such radical ethnography for the identity of the researcher, resulting from carrying out the research in the mode of “complete immersion.” The fourth issue is the influence of the first three problems (gaining access to a closed group, dangers of full involvement in the actions of a group and changes within the identity of the “immersed one”) on the inner accuracy and outer integrity of the ethnographic description.
Strength of identification with football club has strong influence on the experience of football fans during the football match. The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between the strength of identification and motivational factors which lead to the cheering. 56 fans of Slovan Bratislava were involved in the research. We used Sport spectator identification scale and Sport fan motivation as research methods. We expected that football fans would have different motives leading to cheering in relation with identification with club. Stronger identified fans were motivated to watch football mainly with eustress which they experience during match. They believed that victory of their club is their victory too.
In this article the author talks over the world of football fans in Krakow according to his own memories and observations. This autoethnografic material, which can be described as a popular scientific anthropological reportage, has been enrich with an analysis of football fan’s press articles. Also visual issues, e.g. iconosphere, or football fans’ street art has been discussed. To interpret collected material, the author uses such anthropological therms and paradigms as myth, commune of sense of humor, a game of identity, and others. Author intentions is to present complex society, which happened to be excluded in public debate. Article has popular scientific character. It has been written in personal manner.
In Ukrainian society football fans environment is usually perceived in a negative way — first of all due to its characteristic verbal aggression and rude behavior at the stadiums and beyond them. In Ukraine, like in all the other European countries, movements of football fans have never been aside events in the country, declared aggressive attitude towards fan movements which professed left views. Change of verbal aggression and traditionally hostile attitude towards rival fan groups happened in fans environment in 2013–2014, when in Ukraine Revolution of Dignity took place and fans were the first to defend its values. February 13, 2014 Manifesto of football fans was publicized which bears witness to transformation of traditional rhetoric of fans. Provisions of the Manifesto under the name of “A fan to another fan is like a brother and a friend from Luhansk to the Carpathians” which say about establishing of an open-ended truce among Ukrainian football ultras still hold. The aim of the article is to present change of verbal and non-verbal behaviour of Ukrainian football fans during social and political events in Ukraine in 2013–2016 and to give the examples of texts from the discourse of football fans which have become commonly recognized mottos and songs during Maidan and Russian aggression in Ukraine during 2014–2016.
Sport, a szczególnie piłka nożna postrzegane są jako domena typowo męska, zarówno w kontekście zawodników, jak i kibiców. Poniższy artykuł dotyczy procesów kształtowania narracji o męskości w środowisku kibiców piłkarskich. Ma on na celu wyjście poza stwierdzenie, że świat kibiców to męski świat. Analiza zawarta w tekście dotyczy tego, jak męski charakter kibicowania jest kształtowany i podtrzymywany. Z tego powodu celem niniejszego studium jest próba odpowiedzi na następujące pytania badawcze: (a) za pomocą jakich kategorii kibice opisują znaczenie męskości i relacji między mężczyznami – kibicami?; (b) w jaki sposób degradują męską tożsamość innych kibiców? Analiza narracji o męskości pozwala wyodrębnić najważniejsze kategorie męskości dominujące w tym środowisku, które związane są z manifestowaniem męskości poprzez braterskie więzi, jak również poprzez feminizację innych mężczyzn. Akceptowalną formą męskich więzi jest „braterstwo”, którego granice kształtowane są przez wykluczanie z tej sfery kobiet oraz feminizowanie mężczyzn, którzy nie pasują do obrazu „prawdziwie” męskiego kibica.
Sport, particularly football, is often defined as a “men’s world” in respect to both players and fans. This paper investigates the process of constructing a narrative about manhood in the world of football fans, and aims to go beyond the observation that football fandom is male-dominated. Furthermore, it examines how the “male character” of fandom culture is shaped and maintained. By doing so, this study addresses two research questions: (a) Which semantic categories are used by fans to underline the significance of manhood and ‘homosocial bonds’ between male fans? (b) How do football fans undermine the masculinity of other fans? An analysis of fans’ narratives of masculinity allows us to identify the most important categories used in fandom culture that aim to either boost one’s ‘masculine identity’ or feminize those who do not fit into the mold of hegemonic masculinity.
In Ukrainian society football fans environment is usually perceived in a negative way — first of all due to its characteristic verbal aggression and rude behavior at the stadiums and beyond them. In Ukraine, like in all the other European countries, movements of football fans have never been aside from politics: they always emphasized their national identity, actively reacted to social and political events in the country, declared aggressive attitude towards fan movements which professed left views. Change of verbal aggression and traditionally hostile attitude towards rival fan groups happened in fans environment in 2013–2014, when in Ukraine Revolution of Dignity took place and fans were the first to defend its values. February 13, 2014 Manifesto of football fans was publicized which bears witness to transformation of traditional rhetoric of fans. Provisions of the Manifesto under the name of “A fan to another fan is like a brother and a friend from Luhansk to the Carpathians” which say about establishing of an open-ended truce among Ukrainian football ultras still hold. The aim of the article is to present change of verbal and non-verbal behaviour of Ukrainian football fans during social and political events in Ukraine in 2013–2016 and to give the examples of texts from the discourse of football fans which have become commonly recognized mottos and songs during Maidan and Russian aggression in Ukraine during 2014–2016.
В українському суспільстві середовище футбольних фанатів сприймають здебільшого негативно — як соціальну спільноту, якій притаманна словесна агресія та брутальна поведінка на стадіонах і поза ними. В Україні, як і в інших європейських країнах, рух футбольних фанатів ніколи не дистанціювався від політики: фанати завжди підкреслювали свою національну належність, активно відгукувалися на суспільно-політичні події в країні, демонстрували негативне ставлення до фанатських груп, які сповідують ліві погляди. Зміна словесної агресії та традиційно ворожої поведінки стосовно фанатів команд-суперниць відбулася в середовищі футбольних ультрас на зламі 2013–2014 років, коли в Україні відбулася Революція гідності. Фанати були першими, хто виступив на захист її вартостей. 13 лютого 2014 року з’явився маніфест футбольних ультрас, у якому помітна зміна їхньої традиційної риторики. Засади маніфесту, який має назву: «Від Луганська до Карпат фанат фанату — друг і брат», проголошували безстрокове перемир’я, що залишається непорушним дотепер. Метою статті є представлення трансформації вербальної та невербальної поведінки українських футбольних фанатів під час суспільно-політичних подій в Україні у 2013–2016 роках і розгляд текстів, які творять дискурс фанатів футболу, — текстів, які стали загальновживаними гаслами та піснями під час Майдану та російської агресії у 2014–2016 роках.
Przegląd Socjologiczny
vol. 62
issue 3
107 - 127
The paper analyzes the role of football clubs in the process of local identity formation in the age of globalization. The empirical base is drawn from the data collected during the fieldwork research conducted among the fans of the Dutch football club Twente Enschede. Twente is deeply rooted in the tradition of the city and the region, and at the same time involved in European international competition and global football transfer market, being exposed to pressures stemming from growing commercialization and multiculturalism in the world of football. The consequences of these processes for the local fans and local community are discussed in the article.
Artykuł analizuje rolę klubów piłkarskich w procesie formowania się tożsamości lokalnych w epoce globalizacji. Empiryczną bazę stanowią dane zgromadzone podczas badań terenowych przeprowadzonych wśród kibiców holenderskiego klubu piłkarskiego Twente Enschede. Klub Twente jest głęboko zakorzeniony w tradycjach miasta i region, jednocześnie uczestnicząc w międzynarodowych rozgrywkach oraz globalnym piłkarskim rynku transferowym, będąc zatem poddanym procesom wynikającym z rosnącej komercjalizacji i wielokulturowości świata futbolu. W artykule omówio
Głównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie historii kibicowania piłkarskiego w Polsce w kontekście eliasowskiego procesu cywilizowania.. Autor tekstu, opierając się badaniach empirycznych (wywiady pogłębione z kibicami, analiza treści czasopism i stron internetowych powiązanych z treścią kibicowską), śledzi przemiany w postawach i zachowaniach kibiców piłkarskich. Analiza kultury kibicowania pozwala wskazać rozwijające się wymiary tej kultury, jej „profesjonalizację” i funkcjonalne zróżnicowanie. Daje się bowiem zauważyć, że wiele aspektów tej kultury ucywilizowało swój charakter, co dotyczy zarówno unormowania aktów przemocy, jak i na przykład angażowania się w działalność społeczną. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że głównym budulcem kultury kibicowania jest antagonistycznie – czy wręcz drapieżnie – zorientowana tożsamość, której głównym komponentem jest opozycja do różnych aktorów społecznych.
The main aim of this article is to present the history of football fandom in Poland in the context of Elias’s civilising process. The article is based on empirical research (in-depth interviews with football fans; content analysis of magazines and websites) and follows changes in the attitudes and behaviour of football fans. An analysis of fandom culture allows us to indicate the developing dimensions of this culture, its “professionalisation” and functional differentiation. Many aspects of this culture have become more “civilised” in nature, both in terms of regulating acts of violence and, for example, promoting engagement in social activities. The analyses show that the main building block of fandom culture is an antagonistically – or even predatorily – oriented identity, whose main components are in opposition to various social actors.
Tekst ukazuje, jak kibice piłki nożnej używają religijnych motywów w swoich przyśpiewkach. Istnieje kilka przyczyn tego rodzaju działania. Pieśni religijne stanowią istotny element polskiej kultury. Parafrazowanie ich ułatwia zapamiętanie rytmu. Klub piłkarski bardzo często bywa określany „świętym”. Kibice porównują klub do Boga, co dodaje wagi i wprowadza klub w sferę sacrum. Tego rodzaju przyśpiewki pokazują również, że klub piłkarski jest uważany za święty przez kibiców tworzących tego typu przyśpiewki.
Text shows how football fans use religious motifs in their songs. There are a few reasons for that. Religious songs are an important part of Polish culture. Paraphrasing them makes it easier to remember the rhythm. Club is very often said to be “saint”. It is compared to the God. It adds importance and brings the club into sacrum zone. It also shows that club is regarded by sacrum by fans who create this kind of songs.
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