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As some has attempted to prove, both “titular” disciplines have different origins. They differ in their development trends and, thus, in the contents, scope and place in the system of sciences. However, different paths of development do not preclude them from tackling the same issues, especially considering that historical geography and political geography both refer, the former in a literal sense, to the unique bond between history and geography. Specific topics, that may seem familiar to both disciplines today, were discussed as far back as the 18th century, when political geography was still defining its identity and attempting to become a valid subject of geography. However, in the case of this discipline, its interests shared with its historical counterpart (concerning such issues as heraldry and toponymy) were mostly incidental and marginal. On the other hand, the issue of territorial divisions (nations, regions, borders), described by historians (or historical geographers) as “historical and political landscapes”, was discussed by both geographies since the very beginning. The main difference between the two – geo- -political and geo-historical – approaches was the temporal perspective they assumed. While the present was most important for political geography, historical geography was more concerned with “former territorial divisions” (thus the term “historical and political landscapes” is apt). Each of the disciplines also treated the research subject differently. Political geography considered “the area described by borders and characterised by some organisation, i.e. above all a state” or region as central, while historical geography acknowledged its importance as one of many elements, apart from the transformed (cultural) environment, settlement, elementary disasters, formed communication network, the history of geographical horizons, toponymy and historical cartography, while referring it, as mentioned earlier, the reconstructed image of the past. With the development of the methodological foundations of both sciences, the belief that “what is today includes what was yesterday, so in order to understand the presence, we have to study the past” grew. This reflection was aided by the deepening relations between historical geography and anthropogeography, which influenced not only the expansion of tasks of the former, but also lead to the inclusion of the “historical element” in the scope of geo-political discussion. Reaching into the past to reveal spatial differences and similarities of a political nature, more and more boldly practised by political geography, was also caused by the references to human history (human “fate”) construed in the spirit of mechanistic determinism, as well as the changes in the political map of the world at the break of 19th and 20th centuries. As their eyewitness, political geography could not close itself in a narrow, quickly dating formula of the present. The explanation of interrelations between political entities and their physical-geographical surrounding attempted at the time required constant references to the historical context. The contemporary political map was quickly becoming, if we can paraphrase Barbag, a strictly historical map. The practice of reaching into the past to interpret contemporary phenomena and political systems caused the historical context to become an immanent element of political geography. The discipline was becoming more and more bold in interpreting the political map and the territorial characteristics of political formation and development of states and regions, not only in the presence, but also in the future. This research field saw the formation – in reference to the bond between history and geography – of a unique relationship between historical geography and political geography. Significantly, by exposing the past, political geography sometimes lost view of the presence, i.e. the element that defined its existence and distinguished it from historical geography. Thus, we can say that M. Kulesza (2009) was right when he observed, as mentioned above, that the development of political geography after World War II and, especially in the 1990s, resulted in the “internal” expansion and the emergence of new research fields, which was caused by, among other things, taking some of them from historical geography.
W artykule dokonano uzasadnienia tytułowego powiązania geografii politycznej i historycznej. W tym celu przeprowadzono analizę relacji między obiema dyscyplinami, podejmującą kwestie ich genezy, kierunków rozwojowych, treści, zakresu i miejsca w systemie nauk, a także ustanowienia ram organizacyjnych dla rozwoju tych dyscyplin w łódzkim ośrodku geograficznym.
As some has attempted to prove, both “titular” disciplines have different origins. They differ in their development trends and, thus, in the contents, scope and place in the system of sciences. However, different paths of development do not preclude them from tackling the same issues, especially considering that historical geography and political geography both refer, the former in a literal sense, to the unique bond between history and geography. Specific topics, that may seem familiar to both disciplines today, were discussed as far back as the 18th century, when political geography was still defining its identity and attempting to become a valid subject of geography. However, in the case of this discipline, its interests shared with its historical counterpart (concerning such issues as heraldry and toponymy) were mostly incidental and marginal. On the other hand, the issue of territorial divisions (nations, regions, borders), described by historians (or historical geographers) as “historical and political landscapes”, was discussed by both geographies since the very beginning. The main difference between the two – geo-political and geo-historical – approaches was the temporal perspective they assumed. While the present was most important for political geography, historical geography was more concerned with “former territorial divisions” (thus the term “historical and political landscapes” is apt). Each of the disciplines also treated the research subject differently. Political geography considered “the area described by borders and characterised by some organisation, i.e. above all a state” or region as central, while historical geography acknowledged its importance as one of many elements, apart from the transformed (cultural) environment, settlement, elementary disasters, formed communication network, the history of geographical horizons, toponymy and historical cartography, while referring it, as mentioned earlier, the reconstructed image of the past. With the development of the methodological foundations of both sciences, the belief that “what is today includes what was yesterday, so in order to understand the presence, we have to study the past” grew. This reflection was aided by the deepening relations between historical geography and anthropogeography, which influenced not only the expansion of tasks of the former, but also lead to the inclusion of the “historical element” in the scope of geo-political discussion. Reaching into the past to reveal spatial differences and similarities of a political nature, more and more boldly practised by political geography, was also caused by the references to human history (human “fate”) construed in the spirit of mechanistic determinism, as well as the changes in the political map of the world at the break of 19th and 20th centuries. As their eyewitness, political geography could not close itself in a narrow, quickly dating formula of the present. The explanation of interrelations between political entities and their physical-geographical surrounding attempted at the time required constant references to the historical context. The contemporary political map was quickly becoming, if we can paraphrase Barbag, a strictly historical map. The practice of reaching into the past to interpret contemporary phenomena and political systems caused the historical context to become an immanent element of political geography. The discipline was becoming more and more bold in interpreting the political map and the territorial characteristics of political formation and development of states and regions, not only in the presence, but also in the future. This research field saw the formation – in reference to the bond between history and geography – of a unique relationship between historical geography and political geography. Significantly, by exposing the past, political geography sometimes lost view of the presence, i.e. the element that defined its existence and distinguished it from historical geography. Thus, we can say that M. Kulesza (2009) was right when he observed, as mentioned above, that the development of political geography after World War II and, especially in the 1990s, resulted in the “internal” expansion and the emergence of new research fields, which was caused by, among other things, taking some of them from historical geography.
W artykule dokonano uzasadnienia tytułowego powiązania geografii politycznej i historycznej. W tym celu przeprowadzono analizę relacji między obiema dyscyplinami, podejmującą kwestie ich genezy, kierunków rozwojowych, treści, zakresu i miejsca w systemie nauk, a także ustanowienia ram organizacyjnych dla rozwoju tych dyscyplin w łódzkim ośrodku geograficznym.
In the study the thesis is formulated concerning historical geography about the need of a turn into applicable issues. Potential research task of this discipline could be the spatial order shaping. The text discusses selected theoretical and methodological topics of historical geography, among others its essence, source and subject. Also the differences between geographical and historical traditions are indicated. The concept of spatial order, its problems and relation to the landscape idea are described in the context of historical geography. Conclusions refer to the possibility of applying the results of historical geography research in the process of spatial order shaping.
W opracowaniu sformułowano tezę o potrzebie zwrotu geografii historycznej ku zagadnieniom aplikacyjnym i wskazano ład przestrzenny jako potencjalne zadanie badawcze tej dyscypliny naukowej. W tekście omówione zostały wybrane zagadnienia teoretyczno-metodologiczne geografii historycznej, m.in. jej istota, źródła i przedmiot oraz różnice między tradycjami geograficzną a historyczną. W kontekście geografii historycznej omówiono pojęcie ładu przestrzennego, jego źródła i problemy, a także jego związek z ideą krajobrazu. Na zakończenie sformułowano wnioski dotyczące możliwości stosowania wyników badań geografii historycznej w procesie kształtowania ładu przestrzennego.
Artykuł odnosi się do trudności w praktycznym zastosowaniu czasowo-przestrzennych baz danych w badaniach geograficzno-historycznych. Praktyka badawcza, oprócz bezsprzecznych zalet włączenia narzędzi bazodanowych do prac historycznych, przynosi także istotne trudności związane z niepewnością, niepełnością oraz brakiem precyzji informacji historycznych. Cechy te, a także subiektywizm (interpretacyjność) wnioskowania historycznego, powinny być uwzględniane w budowaniu historycznych systemów informacji geograficznej. Gromadzone w ten sposób informacje historyczne stają się łatwo dostępne do wtórnej interpretacji (schemat źródłowy). Schemat krytyczny bazy danych, konstruowany wspólnie przez historyków, ontologów inżynieryjnych oraz specjalistów od modelowania danych, powinien uwzględniać zarówno „wydarzeniowość”, jak i „procesowość” zjawisk historycznych, a także skomplikowaną charakterystykę obiektów czasowo-przestrzennych (spór między endurantystami i perdurantystami).
The present article deals with problems of the practical application of spatio-temporal databases in geo-historical studies. Research practice – besides the indisputable advantages of applying database tools for analysis of historical data – also includes the significant problems of uncertainty, incompleteness and lack of precision of historical sources. These features, as well as the subjectivism (interpretability) of should be taken into account while building historical geographical information systems. Existing solutions consider to only a small extent the properties of the research process appropriate to historical geography. One of the solutions suggested in the present article is a division of a database structure into two interrelated schemes: a source scheme and a critical scheme. Historical information thus gathered becomes easily accessible for secondary interpretation (the source scheme). The critical scheme of the database, which is collectively constructed by historians, engineering ontologists and specialists in database modelling, should consider both the event and the process character of historical phenomena as well as the complex characteristics of spatio-temporal objects (the dispute between endurantists and perdurantists).
Historical geography, treated as a separate auxiliary science of history, gives historians the opportunity to recreate the past of a specific region in the field of settlement and economic activity of people, as well as territorial changes of states and their administrative divisions. It should be emphasized that the development of Podlasie in terms of settlement and economics, especially politics, was inseparably connected with the conditions of the local geographical environment. Their reconstruction, especially in term of the natural landscape of the region, is the starting point for any consideration of the historical geography of the area (similar to other areas subjected to historical analyses) leading through the reconstruction of the cultural landscape to reconstruct its historical and political landscape. It is therefore the initial stage of any research on the settlement, economy and political history of the region, and is quite often omitted in the analyses carried out by historians. The subject of the article is a wide panorama of contemporary achievements of researchers focusing their interest on the reconstruction of the historical and geographical landscape of Podlasie until the end of the 16th century with a particular emphasis on the natural landscape and an outline of research postulates in relation to the region’s analysis of the landscape. This will make it possible to complement its unique past characteristic of the borderland, a crucible in which nations, cultures and religions were mixed together, creating a unique social, political and economic structure.
This article is based on review of the most important, traditional as well as the most recent, trends in studies of urban morphology. It provides a comparative synthesis of the major European schools of urban morphology, developed in the field of geography and architecture. For this purpose, it traces the development of morphological studies derived from three distinct traditions: German, British and Italian, and compare them with modern techniques of analysis of urban spatial forms, with particular emphasis on space syntax. Through the presentation of different theoretical and methodological approaches to urban structures the article aims to demonstrate the differences in the focus of morphological studies conducted in different areas of research. At the same time it accentuate their complementary potential.
Artykuł jest próbą syntezy i usystematyzowania dotychczasowego dorobku w dziedzinie urbomorfologii. Opiera się na przeglądzie najważniejszych, tradycyjnych oraz najbardziej aktualnych tendencji w badaniach prowadzonych na tym polu. W pracy dokonano charakterystyki i porównania najważniejszych szkół europejskich zorientowanych na problematykę morfologii miast, wypracowanych na gruncie geografii i architektury. W tym celu prześledzono rozwój badań morfologicznych wywodzących się z trzech odmiennych tradycji: niemieckiej, brytyjskiej i włoskiej oraz zestawiono je z nowoczesnymi technikami analizy miejskich form przestrzennych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem space syntax (metody syntatyki przestrzeni). Artykuł ma na celu wskazać różnice w punkcie ciężkości badań morfologicznych prowadzonych w różnych obszarach badawczych, jednocześnie zaakcentować ich komplementarny potencjał poprzez prezentację różnych podejść teoretycznych i metodologicznych do struktur miejskich.
The article presents the problem of settlement disappearance. At the stage of analysis of historico-geographical research it was possible to identify some terminological chaos, which encouraged the author to make an attempt to systematize terms and to propose clear definitions. Among the all disappeared settlements one can distinguish two basic categories: practically deserted settlements, which were completely abandoned as a result of extreme natural phenomena, repercussions of wars and natural disasters, as well as transformation of the economic structure. One can also identify formally lost settlements, accompanied by the disappearance of the proper name as a result of legal and administrative processes of consolidation, incorporation to the nearby town or phenomenon of denomination. In the context of the presented results of empirical studies author discussed some methodological problems related to the availability of the source material, as well as techniques to determine the period and decay time of settlement, to identify the phenomenon of settlement succession after temporary total depopulation, to specify the circumstances of desolation and indicate the exact or approximate location of the disappeared settlements.
W artykule dokonano konceptualizacji teoretyczno-metodycznej zagadnienia zaniku osadnictwa. Ujawniony na etapie analizy stanu badań geograficzno-historycznych chaos terminologiczny stanowił dla autora asumpt do próby usystematyzowania stosowanych pojęć oraz zaproponowania jednoznacznych definicji. Wśród ogółu osad zaginionych wydzielono dwie podstawowe kategorie: osad zaginionych de facto, w których doszło do całkowitego przerwania ciągłości osadniczej, czyli opustoszenia wskutek ekstremalnych zjawisk przyrodniczych, reperkusji wojen i klęsk elementarnych oraz przemian struktury gospodarczej. Wyszczególniono również typ osad zaginionych pozornie (de iure), w przypadku których mamy do czynienia z zanikiem nazwy własnej w wyniku prawno-administracyjnych procesów konsolidacji osadnictwa, inkorporacji do pobliskich miejscowości lub zjawiska denominacji. W kontekście zaprezentowanych wyników badań empirycznych omówiono wybrane problemy metodyczne związane z dostępnością materiału źródłowego, sposobami ustalenia metryki historycznej i długotrwałości zaniku osadnictwa, identyfikacji zjawiska sukcesji osadniczej terenów podlegających czasowo całkowitej depopulacji, określenia okoliczności opustoszenia oraz dokładnej lub przybliżonej lokalizacji osad zaginionych.
The article presents the origin and the current state of conservation of remains of Evangelical cemeteries created during the Frederician colonisation. The present study shows work results in the scope of current Łódzkie Voivodeship. The geohistorical analysis includes the genesis of cemeteries and settlement context (location of old and present cemeteries). In conclusion, the remaining cultural heritage elements in village cultural landscape were also interpreted in detail.
W artykule omówiono genezę i stan zachowania pozostałości cmentarzy ewangelickich usytuowanych w dawnych koloniach fryderycjańskich. Obszarem badań jest województwo łódzkie w obecnych granicach. Oprócz metryki powstania i krótkiego zarysu funkcjonowania nekropolii, analizie poddano także kontekst osadniczy, a mianowicie dawną i teraźniejszą lokalizację miejsc pochówku w krajobrazie kulturowym wsi. Uwzględniono również analizę współczesnych reliktów badanych cmentarzy pod kątem walorów kulturowych i ich ochrony.
Artykuł przedstawia genezę osadnictwa olęderskiego we współczesnych granicach powiatu zgierskiego, zapoczątkowanego pod koniec XVIII w. oraz dziedzictwo kulturowe wsi tego obszaru w kontekście turystyki. Analizy geohistoryczne objęły zagadnienia prawno-społeczne powstałych osad. Podczas próby wytyczenia turystycznego szlaku osadnictwa olęderskiego zostały uwzględnione aspekty morfologiczne i obiekty dziedzictwa kulturowego, tj. cmentarze i zagrody wiejskie. 
Sylwetka naukowo-dydaktyczna prof. Stanisława Litaka obejmuje znaczący obszar badań nad historią społeczno-religijną epoki nowożytnej, realizowaną w trakcie wieloletniej pracy zawodowej na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim w latach 1961–2005. W trakcie aktywności zawodowej prof. Litak współtworzył lubelskie środowisko badaczy struktur Kościoła nowożytnego i geografii historycznej oraz reprezentował je na forum międzynarodowym. Równorzędną rolę w Jego naukowych zainteresowaniach pełniła historia oświaty epoki przedrozbiorowej, która zaowocowała autorstwem popularnego podręcznika akademickiego o historii wychowania, wykorzystywanego do dziś przez studentów zainteresowanych zagadnieniami historii edukacji. Dualizm pracy naukowej odzwierciedlają również okoliczności zatrudnienia prof. Litaka zarówno w Instytucie Historii oraz w Instytucie Pedagogiki KUL. Pokłosiem lat pracy są liczne publikacje naukowe, utrzymane w konwencji przyjętych kierunków badawczych. Nieoceniona pozostaje też spuścizna Profesora w postaci kapitału ludzkiego – seminarzystów, uczniów naukowych, współpracowników, którzy podejmują trud kontynuacji obranych przez Niego kierunków badawczych. Profesor Litak wyznaczył standardy w pracy naukowej, które pozostają godne naśladowania, dał się również poznać jako ciepły, skromny, ale wymagający nauczyciel akademicki i kierownik zespołów pracowniczych. Warto podkreślić i docenić Jego zasługi dla humanistyki polskiej, ze względu na wartość merytoryczną prac, które na stałe weszły do historiografii. Pamięć o Nim, jako o człowieku nauki, który niósł ze sobą wartości badawcze i utrzymywał dobre relacje międzyludzkie, zasługuje również na propagowanie w środowiskach akademickich.
The scientific and didactic portrait of Professor Stanisław Litak includes a considerable area of research on the social and religious history of the modern era carried out during the many years of work at the Catholic University of Lublin in the years 1961–2005. In the period of his professional activity, Professor Litak co-created the Lublin environment of researchers dealing with the structures of the modern Church and historical geography and he represented it on the international forum. A parallel role in his scientific interests was played by the history of education of the pre-partitioning period. The fruit of those interests was a popular academic textbook written by him about the history of education and still used by students concerned with the issues referring to the history of education. The duality of research work is also reflected in the circumstances in which Professor Litak was employed both at the Institute of History and the Institute of Pedagogy of the Catholic University of Lublin. The aftermath of his work includes numerous scientific publications written within the convention of the adopted scientific research directions. The Professor’s legacy in the form of human capital, namely students from the seminar, scientific students and colleagues who undertake the effort to continue the research directions established by him, remains invaluable. Professor Litak established standards in research work which deserve to be followed. He was also known as a warm, modest but demanding university teacher and head of teams. What should be emphasized and appreciated are his merits for the Polish humanities, which are due to the value of his works, constituting a permanent element of historiography. Memory about him as a man of science who epitomized research values and maintained good human relationships also deserves to be kept alive in academic circles.
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań na temat przemian toponimicznych na obszarze współczesnej gminy miejsko-wiejskiej Szadek pod wpływem rozwoju osadnictwa, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem znaczenia różnych form zagospodarowania przestrzennego oraz wpływu czynników polityczno-administracyjnych. Podjęto kwestie genezy i zmienności nazewniczej jednostek osadniczych lub ich części w różnych okresach historycznych: od średniowiecza aż po czasy współczesne. W skali lokalnej pozwoliło to wykryć zróżnicowanie w zakresie typów toponomastycznych oraz szereg interesujących zależności i prawidłowości w kontekście przemian geograficzno- -historycznych osadnictwa na badanym obszarze.
The article presents the results of research on toponymic changes that took place within the area of the present urban-rural municipality of Szadek as a result of settlement development, with a particular focus on various forms of spatial development as well as political and administrative factors. The study addresses the question of the origin and changes in the names of settlement units or their parts in different historical periods: from the Middle Ages to modern times. At the local level, the research enabled identification of various toponomastic types and a number of interesting relationships and regularities in the context of geographical and historical transformations of settlement in this area.
This article presents the relationship between two monumental series developed at the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences – the Historical Atlas of Poland and the Historical-Geographical Dictionary of the Polish Lands in the Middle Ages. From this perspective, the author presents the idea of their development, conceptual assumptions and the history of institutional relations. A separate part is devoted to analysing the use of the Atlas in the compilation of the Dictionary, focusing on the volumes devoted to Mazovia.
Artykuł przedstawia związki między dwiema pomnikowymi seriami opracowywanymi w Instytucie Historii Polskiej Akademii Nauk – Atlasem historycznym Polski i Słownikiem historyczno-geograficznym ziem polskich w średniowieczu. Pod tym kątem omówiono ideę ich powstania, założenia koncepcyjne oraz dzieje powiązań instytucjonalnych. Odrębną część poświęcono analizie wykorzystania Atlasu w opracowywaniu Słownika, koncentrując się na tomach dotyczących Mazowsza.
Celem artykułu jest zaproponowanie koncepcji modelowania obiektów topograficznych w bazach danych historycznych w celu integracji geometrycznej i topologicznej. Głównym źródłem danych są mapy archiwalne w różnych skalach opracowane na przestrzeni 150 lat (od przełomu XVIII/XIX do połowy XX wieku). Ze względu na różnorodność materiałów źródłowych w celu integracji geometrii danych topograficznych zaproponowano podejście oparte na metodzie retrogresywnej.
Large informative potential of archive maps makes them a valuable source of spatial and attribute data for historians, geographers, archaeologists and planners. Since their proper application in GIS (Geographic Information System) often requires a proper database elaboration, there have been proposed several concepts of historical spatial databases. However, they do not include the full range of topographic maps’ content, and they were primarily based on secondary data sources (e.g. atlases, dictionaries). The aim of the paper is to propose the concept of topographic objects’ modelling in historical databases which will be based on archived maps in various scales developed over 150 years (eighteenth/nineteenth century – half of the twentieth century). Relating the data with current maps will be available through the connection between planned repository and contemporary spatial databases, e.g. Polish national Database of Topographic Objects (BDOT). In the project materials including Poland in modern borders will be analysed. Due to the variety of source materials, the main objective of text is to present the initial concept of historical topographic objects’ database structure on the example of the integration of topographic data geometry. The problem of how geometry should be stored for each features acquired from the map should be solved. Firstly, each of them can have a separate entry position (Time-slice snapshots) in the database. Secondly, socalled “metaobject” grid with fixed geometry, but variable attributes can be used (Space-time composite). Since archive maps are characterized by a largely low mathematical precision, therefore its content vectorization without considering the topological relationships between features seems to be incorrect. Maps’ elements belonging to the cultural landscape (e.g. settlements, communication network) should rather be stored with fixed geometry and variable attributes. In the contrast, the natural landscape (e.g. hydrography, afforestation), due to the different and difficult to capture changes especially on inaccurate maps (e.g. course of the river) should be stored with individual geometry for each feature depicted on each map.
Zarys treści: Tekst przedstawia edycję rewizji komór celnych oraz stacji mytniczych z obszaru województwa kaliskiego z 1571 roku. Wydawana rewizja powstała na mocy ustawy sejmu lubelskiego z 1569 r., na którym to postanowiono m.in. uzupełnić wyniki lustracji przeprowadzonej w połowie lat sześćdziesiątych XVI w. Akt rewizorów ziemskich województwa kaliskiego jest źródłem znanym historykom od czasów Karola Buczka, który pisał o nim we wstępie do edycji lustracji dróg wydanej przez Bożenę Wyrozumską. Źródło przechowywane jest obecnie w Archiwum Głównym Akt Dawnych, razem z innymi materiałami lustracyjnymi. Ma ono charakter czystopisu, zawierającego wiele informacji o stanie gościńców, uwarunkowań środowiskowych czy też stosunków sąsiedzkich pomiędzy szlachtą omawianego terytorium. Wydawany akt rewizorów zawiera liczne kopie wcześniejszych przywilejów, zezwalających na pobór ceł lub myta w wymienianych miejscowościach.Abstract: A presentation of an edition of an inspection of customs houses and tollgates in the voivodeship of Kalisz (1571). The published inspection was the outcome of a constitution passed by the Sejm of Lublin in 1569, which resolved, i.a. to supplement the results of an inspection conducted in the mid-1560s. Akt rewizorów ziemskich województwa kaliskiego has been a source familiar to historians from the time of Karol Buczek, who wrote about it in an introduction to an edition of a road inspection issued by Bożena Wyrozumska. A present the source is kept in the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw together with other lustration material. This clean copy contains numerous information about the state of roads, environmental conditions, and neighbourly relations between members of the gentry in the discussed territory. The published inspectors’ document includes numerous copies of earlier privileges consenting to the collection of customs duties or tolls in the mentioned localities.
The mid-sixteenth century in Poland was a period of intensified work on the reinforcement of monarchic rule and the stabilisation of state finances. An enormous contribution was made by the execution of the laws movement, whose undertakings resulted in, i.a. regaining a considerable part of the illegally seized royal landed estates. In the 1560s it also involved a detailed inspection of property belonging to the king. This task aimed not only at becoming acquainted with the detailed economic state of royal landed estate complexes leased by the starostas, but also at estimating the revenue they supplied. After all, the estates in question constituted one of the permanent pillars replenishing the state budget, which, apart from immense sums obtained from extraordinary taxes, included also proceeds from customs and the right to mint coins. Despite the fact that since the 1970s pertinent writings have been familiar with the 1571 inspection of customs and tolls in the voivodeship of Kalisz, preserved in the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw, it was treated as an inferior source and even as outright useless for historical studies. Karol Buczek – the author of an introduction to an inspection of roads in the voivodeship of Little Poland (1570) – recognised that the fundamental object of the interests of sixteenth-century inspectors involved main roads and that this work was conducted in a slipshod manner. The same author even declared that the text of the revision does not make a great contribution to the state of research, since the customs houses and tollgates mentioned in the text were known, even if only from preserved inspections dating from the period of the execution of property. Today we may say that Buczek’s opinion was overly harsh and cursory. Customs houses and tollgates were mentioned sporadically in inspections from the 1560s, but the overwhelming majority remained ignored in heretofore literature. The contents of Akt rewizorów can prove that the tour of the voivodeship (carried out upon the basis of a constitution passed by the Sejm of Lublin in 1569) was satisfactory. Despite the absence of any sort of assistance – be it only a list of customs and toll grants – the officials, i.e. the subcamerarius, the standard-bearer (vexillarius), and the tribunus managed, with the help of interviews with the local residents and own familiarity with the terrain, to travel across the entire voivodeship of Kalisz within its sixteenth-century borders and to record probably all the existing customs houses and tollgates. The source also provides much information about the emergence of main and side roads, whose course could change depending on the weather, time of year, or relations between particular neighbourslandowners. The published source is a loose-leaf volume comprising part of a larger book containing assorted inspection material – nine leafs of clean copy in one person’s handwriting. It ends with the signatures of three inspectors who supervised the whole operation, and their armorial seals. A major part of Akt rewizorów was written in Polish, and Latin was used, as a rule, for all passages originating from documents confirmed by the inspectors. A critique of the text made it possible to precisely establish the date of the document’s origin (20 April – 20 June 1571).
This article is devoted to the reinterpretation of proper names refering to one of the earliest historical sources concerning Polish history, known as “Dagome iudex” (ca 991–992 BC). The author focuses on the question of how to interpret some uncertain Latinized versions of Slavic names included in this document. For example, some historians interpret Dagome as a bastardized version of the words Ego Mesco dux meaning “I, prince Mieszko”. According to the opinion of the majority of scholars, Alemure might be the city of Olomouc, in Moravia. A paleographical and micro-philological analysis leads the author to the conclusion that these Medieval Latin forms should be transcribed as follows: Dagome – Tągoma, Misica – Mieszek, Schinesgne – Gniezno and Alemure – Lemiesza. In the author’s opinion, the document provides a description of Polish western borders including the Lower Silesia and ending at the Lusatian Neisse and the Oder, at the end of tenth century. A new interpretation of the document is discussed, suggesting that the main purpose of Mieszko was problably to prevent German territorial claims on the borderlands.
W artykule przeanalizowano treści dotyczące rzek, bagien i jezior Wołynia i Galicji, zawarte w Latopisie Kijowskim (ХІІ w.) i Latopisie Halicko-Wołyńskim (ХІІІ w.). Rozpatrzono rolę obiektów hydrograficznych w kampaniach wojskowych jak również ich znaczenie w życiu gospodarczym państwa Halicko-Wołyńskiego (żegluga, mosty, groble, brody). W oparciu o wiadomości z kronik dotyczące ekstremalnych zjawisk pogodowych (deszcz, śnieg, wiatr, mróz, mgła) ustalono przyczyny, przebieg i konsekwencje poszczególnych katastrof społecznych (głód, epidemie) na ziemiach Galicji i Wołynia w czasach książęcych. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań stanowią ważne uzupełnienie wiedzy z zakresu geografii historycznej zachodniej części dzisiejszej Ukrainy.
The article provides an analysis of records found in Kyiv (12th-century) and HalychVolhyn (13th-century) Chronicles about rivers, wetlands and lakes within the areas of Galicia and Volhyn. The role of hydrographic objects in military campaigns was duly considered along with their significance in the economic life of the Kingdom of Ruthenia (shipping, bridges, dykes, fords).Based on the chronicle records concerning extreme climatic events (rain, snow, wind, frost, fog), the causes, course, and consequences of individual social disasters (famines, epidemics) on the territory of Galicia and Volhynia during the Princely times were established The results of the conducted research constitute an important complement to the knowledge in the field of historical geography of the western part of today's Ukraine.
In this analysis, forms of archaeology popularisation with a spatial representation and its output, have been evaluated. On the basis of chosen examples, critical analysis of dominating forms of narration in the archaeology popularisation discourse, especially taking into consideration their landscape aspect (historical geography), has been performed. Permanent and ephemeral relic-preserved spaces and/or heritagescape, have been specified.
W opracowaniu poddano rozważaniu problematykę, posiadających reprezentacje przestrzennie, formy popularyzowania archeologii i jej dorobku. Na wybranych przykładach dokonano krytycznego omówienia dominujących narracji w popularyzacji archeologii, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ich aspektu krajobrazowego, za sprawą włączenia do analizy perspektywy geograficznej (geografii historycznej). Wyróżniono podział na stałe i efemeryczne przestrzenie zachowanych reliktowo i/lub konstruowanych krajobrazów dziedzictwa (heritagescape).
The paper presents the results of research concerning the currently non-existing villages of Wiączyń Polny and Leśny, where new Prussian colonies were created in the early 19th century. The development of settlements in the Middle Ages was studied, and the modern-period development was analysed against the legal and ownership relations. Both villages first appeared in historical sources in the 14th century and were part of the royal estate. For most of their history, they were leased by the nobility, with the longest-lasting being the Lasocki family. These were relatively small settlements, inhabited by serfs. Wiączyń had an inn and a grange, which included a mansion and farm buildings, including a brewery. The paper also attempts to reconstruct the layout of the village and to study the process of succession of settlement. Wiączyń Polny was an irregular roadand- square village, while Wiączyń Leśny was a multi-road village. As a result of Prussian colonisation, new villages were established in their place: Nowosolna, Wiączyń Dolny, Górny and Nowy. They were laid out in the form of regular linear villages, while Nowosolna took the form of a unique structure consisting of eight radial roads emerging from the centre.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań dotyczących nieistniejących współcześnie wsi Wiączyń Polny i Leśny, na terenie których na początku XIX w. powstały nowe kolonie pruskie. Zbadano rozwój osadnictwa w średniowieczu i dokonano analizy zagospodarowania w okresie nowożytnym na tle stosunków prawno-własnościowych. Obie wsie pojawiły się w źródłach historycznych w XIV w. i wchodziły w skład dóbr królewskich. Przez większość czasu swego funkcjonowania były dzierżawione przez przedstawicieli szlachty, przy czym najdłużej były w posiadaniu rodu Lasockich. Były to stosunkowo niewielkie osady, zamieszkane przez chłopów pańszczyźnianych. W Wiączyniu były zlokalizowane: karczma i folwark, obejmujący dwór i zabudowania gospodarcze, w tym budynek browaru. W pracy dokonano również próby rekonstrukcji rozplanowania wsi i zbadano proces sukcesji osadnictwa. Wiączyń Polny miał formę nieregularnej wsi drogowo-placowej, a Wiączyń Leśny miał charakter wsi wielodrogowej. W wyniku kolonizacji pruskiej na ich miejscu powstały nowe wsie: Nowosolna, Wiączyń Dolny, Górny i Nowy. Były rozplanowane w postaci regularnych wsi liniowych, przy czym Nowosolna przyjęła formę unikatowej struktury, składającej się z ośmiu promienistych dróg wychodzących z centrum układu.
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