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As the population is growing older, sociologists and economists are becoming more interested in analyzing this phenomenon. There are two paradigms for interpreting old age. The first one points to excluding old people from social and economic life. It is argued that there should be a balance between activities and possibilities of old people. The other paradigm points to the social, political and economic activities of old people until the end of their lives. It emphasizes their life experience and competencies. The article presents new processes and socio-cultural phenomena that refer to seniors. Some of them are negative like ageism, social isolation, deprivation, the uncertainty of fate and existence. Others are positive and described as “the cult of age” like the dynamic expansion of the grey people industry, development of health care and consumer projects for the elderly. The article argues that the sense and dignity of life of the elderly should be defended, as it is the main motivation and reason for living.
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the paper is to analyse the impact ageism may have on providing healthcare to elderly people. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The article investigates the consequences of ageism in medical settings, where the elderly are particularly vulnerable to discrimination, distinguishing ageism from appropriate practice variation as well as giving suggestions to improve the situation. The paper analyses research published worldwide on selected issues connected with ageism with special attention to medical professionals’ attitudes and ageist behaviours of the elderly’s environment in a situation of their disability or illness. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: Firstly, the relation of ageism to other forms of stereotyping is outlined. Then, the threats of positive ageism are elaborated. The next section is devoted to self-stereotyping of the elderly and its impact on their functioning. Then, the paper discusses medical professionals’ attitudes and ways to measure them, as well as educational interventions that may alter them. Finally, the article refers effective ways of adjusting health promotion messages to the needs of older adults. RESEARCH RESULTS: Ageism bases on mechanisms similar to sexism and racism, but there are some remarkable differences. Positive ageism may be compassionate, however, might be harmful when intruding into an elderly person’s decisions. Self-stereotyping may be described with a model of a vicious cycle. Contact with the elderly is found to be useful in changing medical staff’s attitudes. Family-centred messages are most effective when it comes to health promotion among older adults. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Studies on ageism prove that negative convictions about the elderly are harmful and affect their functioning. Inclusion of the elderly should be applied in social contexts as well as in science, as the elderly are often missed out in research samples.
The concept and assumptions of this paper arise from theoretical and empirical statements which regard activity as a factor having impact on psycho-physical fitness of an elderly person and their satisfaction with life. An elderly person’s activity can manifest itself in different forms and in different fields. The paper is focused on cultural activity because it is one of important types of human activity which, pursued in free time, brightens life up and makes it more attractive. The writer’s attention in the paper is concentrated on presentation of senior women’s contacts with popular culture. On the basis of the author’s own research the role of mass media in the life of senior women has been presented. Frequency of and reasons for watching television, listening to the radio, reading newspapers and magazines as well as connecting to and using the Internet have been discussed. The research has shown that contacts with different forms of popular culture have a beneficial influence of the life of elderly women. Television was the most willingly and most frequently selected form. It also has to be emphasized that despite the growing familiarity with computers and the Internet, still a significant proportion of senior women does not use tchem.
The changing demography and the progress in medicine, pharmacy, undertaking preventive actions, allow a wider group of people reach the age of aging, and even a longevity. Unparalleled in the human history number of people will reach and exceed the ninetieth and hundredth year of life. Therefore the main aim of this study was to determine the level of the sense of the quality of life for generations of 90+ and comparing it with the sense of the quality of life for people in earlier stages of aging (75–89, 60–74). The sense of the quality of life was defined as a multidimensional occurence, including four main spheres of man’s functioning: psychophisical, psychosocial, subjective and metaphisical (spiritual).
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Ageing policy in Malta

Malta is no exception to the unprecedented demographic changes that are being experienced by industrial countries. As a result of declining fertility and mortality levels, Malta registered a decrease in fertility rates and a major improvement of life expectancy at birth. Recent months witnessed a range of silver linings in contemporary Maltese ageing policy. In March 2013 the newly elected Government took note of the diverse issues facing the ageing of Maltese population by positioning the responsibility for ageing policy under a ‘Parliamentary Secretariat for Rights of Persons with Disability and Active Ageing’ (previously ‘Parliamentary Secretariat for Elderly and Community Care’). Th e fact that the Secretariat also migrated from the ‘Ministry of Health, the Elderly, and Community Care’ to the ‘Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity’ spoke volumes about the novel direction that ageing policy is taking in Malta – namely, a shift from the long-held focus on ‘elderly care’ to ‘active citizenship’ issues. Th is paper presents current developments in Maltese public policy related to ageing. Given the increasing numbers and relative vulnerability of this group, there is hardly any policy ‘programme’ in greater need of thorough inspection. It includes nine short sections. Following this brief introduction, the subsequent section highlights the demographic context. Th e third and fourth sections discusses policy concerning productive and active ageing respectively. Th e fi ft h section submits a short review of health ageing policies. Th e next three sections community and long-term services for older persons in Malta, as well as the nation’s in-roads in establishing legislation that safeguards older persons from elder abuse. Th e fi nal section brings the paper to a close by forwarding proposals for the future of ageing policy in Malta. In the foreseeable years, an increasing number of Maltese citizens will live into advanced age. However, there is no doubt that with sustainable and long-term policies in place, Maltese society will be more than equipped to being one of the best countries to grow old in.
Reflecting upon the possibility of value-free policy that is unfettered from any epistemic morals, this article focuses on the overt and covert influences involved in the choice of the Maltese government to hinge ageing policy on activity theory. The influence of activity theory on international and national ageing policies reached unprecedented heights as the World Health Organization, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and European Union all began championing the concept of active ageing as the foundation for ageing policy in their respective member organisations. An Active Ageing Index was also developed to quantify the extent to which older persons can realise their potential for active ageing lifestyles. Malta also supported such a policy ethos and in November 2013 the Maltese government launched the National Strategic Policy for Active Ageing: Malta 2014-2020. While this strategic policy was successful in enabling higher rates of employment, social participation, and independent living amongst persons aged 60-plus, at the same time it overlooked the heterogeneity of older persons in terms of socio-economic status, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, disability. The possibility that active ageing lifestyles are stifled by older persons’ experiences of ageism and age discrimination was also overlooked. It is augured that the second National Strategic Policy for active ageing policy in Malta, targeting the years 2021 - 2027, mitigates against such lacunae by employing a more democratic understanding of activity theory and active ageing ideals.
The text presents the main issues related to old age and aging in relation to the family values professed by the young generation. The article consists of two parts: theoretical and empirical. The former one focuses on the main issues of the subject along with their characteristics, while the latter contains the research on family values from the perspective of secondary school students. The research shows the similarity between the values held by the youth and their parents which proves the importance of the family in the process of passing on values.
Issues of sexuality have been considerably under-studied in the analysis of later life in social gerontology. Sexual identity was considered to have a minor impact on life and social inequalities in old age. Consequently, the experience of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender older people have been largely unrecognised in the study of ageing. This paper argues for the need to incorporate the dimension of sexuality in the study of ageing. It points out the heteronormative biases that are part of the dominant discourses in gerontology. The theory of active ageing that has so far dominated representations of the ‘desirable’ way to age is used as a case example of this heteronormative imaginary of old age. The second part of the paper focuses on possible ways of conceptualising ‘LGBT ageing’. The aim of the paper is to discuss intersectional perspectives as a means of deconstructing the heteronormative imaginary of old age and as an analytical tool that may help us to conceptualise in a meaningful way the potential specificity of the experience of LGBT older people.
The article is an introduction to the discussion about the linguistic and psychodidactic concepts justifying the thesis that the senior language learners are able to learn foreign languages and that they can achieve educational success in the process of foreign language learning.
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Jakość życia seniorów

Europe has a great social challenge. Seniors in the social landscape are its inseparable and an important element, but never before have they formed such a large group. That is why the quality of life of older people has become such an important challenge. The article is a voice in the discussion about the aging society and the quality of life of seniors. This text aims to approximate the importance of quality of life and the analysis of individual elements such as health, contacts with families, active participation in social life, opportunities for development or the ability to implement their own plans and objectives, taking into account the needs, opportunities and values of older people. The subject matter is the voice in the shaping social image, it is a contribution to supplementing pragmatic knowledge about the functioning of older people. Seniors, thanks to their experience and values passed on to younger generations, are huge capital with invaluable resources: knowledge, wisdom and skills. The detailed characteristics of selected elements that create the quality of life will allow a more comprehensive understanding and take steps to optimize the quality of life of the older generation.
Przed Europą stoi wielkie wyzwanie społeczne. Seniorzy w krajobrazie społecznym są jego nieodłącznym i istotnym elementem, jednak jeszcze nigdy dotąd nie stanowili tak licznej grupy, dlatego ważna stała się jakość życia osób starszych. Niniejszy artykuł to głos w dyskusji na temat starzejącego się społeczeństwa i jakości życia seniorów. Ma na celu przybliżenie znaczenia jakości życia oraz stanowi analizę poszczególnych elementów (takich jak zdrowie, kontakty z rodziną, aktywny udział w życiu społecznym, szanse na rozwój czy możliwości realizowania własnych planów i zamierzeń), z uwzględnieniem potrzeb, możliwości i wartości ludzi starszych. Seniorzy dzięki swojemu doświadczeniu i wartościom przekazywanym młodszym pokoleniom są ogromnym kapitałem z nieocenionymi zasobami wiedzy, mądrości i umiejętności. Szczegółowa charakterystyka wybranych elementów tworzących jakość życia pozwoli w pełniejszy sposób zrozumieć problemy i podjąć kroki w celu optymalizacji jakości życia starszego pokolenia.
The specificity of the senior age is becoming better recognized by gerontology, psychology, sociology and related sciences. It is also a serious challenge for the Church, because this community wants to provide pastoral care for all his faithful adequate to their needs. In this study were firstly presented specific religious needs of the elderly. The objectives and forms of pastoral seniors have also been described. In the final part of this article an apostolic activation of older people was underlined. From the point of view of the people involved it is paramount. The lay Catholics in Poland who are in old age are irreplaceable apostles, especially in the field of building of family bonds, charity, experience of suffering and prayer. The task of the clergy is apostolic formation of seniors, as well as animation of apostolic groups of old people in parishes.
Specyfika wieku senioralnego, coraz lepiej rozpoznawana przez gerontologię, psychologię, socjologię i nauki pokrewne, stanowi wyzwanie dla współczesnego Kościoła, który pragnie wszystkie grupy swoich wiernych otaczać adekwatną do ich potrzeb troską duszpasterską. W tym opracowaniu zostaną przedstawione najpierw specyficzne potrzeby religijne ludzi w podeszłym wieku, następnie cele i formy duszpasterstwa seniorów, by w końcowej części skoncentrować się na tym, co z punktu widzenia samych zainteresowanych wydaje się bezcenne, a mianowicie na aktywizacji apostolskiej ludzi starszych. W Polsce świeccy katolicy w podeszłym wieku są niezastąpionymi apostołami, szczególnie w dziedzinie budowania więzi rodzinnych, działalności charytatywnej, zbawczym przeżywaniu cierpienia i modlitwie. Zadaniem duszpasterzy jest natomiast formacja apostolska seniorów, a także animacja apostolskich grup ludzi starych w parafiach.
Ochrona osób starszych wynika z ich kondycji biologicznej generującej szeroką gamę ograniczeń. Godność osoby ludzkiej oraz oparty na niej szereg praw podmiotowych domaga się wprowadzenia prawnych zabezpieczeń. Powinny one nie tylko zagwarantować ludziom starszym dostęp do dóbr i usług, ale też pozytywnie wpłynąć na rozumienie moralnych zobowiązań względem nich, czyli na kształtowanie się moralno-społecznych postaw. Właściwie skonstruowane prawo jest nośnikiem treści zawartej w normach moralnych. Za jego pośrednictwem utrwalane zostają prosenioralne zachowania. Ma to szczególne znaczenie nie tylko z tytułu sprawiedliwości, jaka należy się ludziom starszym, ale przyczynia się do właściwego zagospodarowania potencjału, jakim pod względem materialnym, duchowym i społecznym dysponują ludzie starsi.
The protection of older people is the consequence of their biological condition which is related with a wide range of restrictions. The dignity of the human person and a number of subjective rights require legal safeguards. These legal norms should not only guarantee the older people access to goods and services, but also have a positive influence on understanding of moral obligations towards them. That is on the shaping of moral and social attitudes. The law is to be a carrier of moral norms. It is to organize a social order. This is particularly important not only for the justice which should relate to older people but also to others.
Protoculture has already existed in animals and is manifested by using a natural object as a tool or by coping the habits of another animals being successful in doing something. At the beginning it was the practice of everyday life, the act of survival, what can be understood as “technique”. After that the process of rational cognition (theory) takes place, and innovative theories propagate the “science” development. Science discovers rules in our nature and society as well as in human activity called culture. Science is a certain sphere of consciousness including self-consciousness, thus science could be created together with consciousness, as a product of thinking mind. Such mind is possessed by humans only. Probably, science has been developed till nowadays following the technological progress. Most likely generalizations of tools behaviors and social contacts have caused brain development and favored abstraction, future vision and articular speech. Since the beginning of Civilization, science had been created not because there was a demand for it, but as the reflection on human life, the result of technical achievements, and as the answer for the question “why does it happen?” When man has protected his basic requirements and received nutritional surplus above daily needs, he has gained a little free time for contemplation, and his reflections have directed the civilization development. In this case, the only way: “thinking is the action” is not adequate. Science, as a turn, causes a revolution in technology, but does not serve for small engineering improvements, as revolutions have also a destructive face. As long as evolution strengthens and improves existing system, revolution destroys the old system, and the new one may fail to be good. If science has been interfered in technique continuously, the technical progress which makes our life easier would have been stopped. Science takes into account cognition of existence, as well as, the realities which are still unknown according to their being and functions. Propagation of knowledge belongs to education, whereas invention of artifacts (things which do not come into existence simultaneously) belongs to technique, engineering and art. The main aim of science is the summary (generalization) of technical and engineering achievements, which may serve as verification of the process of cognition. Science, as a tool of intellectual cognition, should provide a better contact with surrounding world, nature and universe. It should also serve human development and help to understand the sense of our existence, promote ability of thinking and intellectual self-realization. In the context of previous considerations, there are four, very important problems in human biology, especially in auxology. The first one concerns directions of studies on the basis of current information concerning mechanism of ontogeny causing variation in body build and functions of contemporary human populations. The second one deals with dissemination of knowledge in human biology, on the university and general levels. The third problem is about application of human biology and ecology in medical and pedagogic practice, as well as concerns the evaluation of planned engineering actions, changes in human life environment. There is also a fourth problem, which varies in particular countries, and it includes the state of each scientific anthropological atmosphere. In most of countries, physical anthropology is still understood as natural history on Man, his variation in time and space, and as the biological base for social practices. However, the main accent which included anthropogenesis, rasogenesis, and ethnogenesis has changed into mechanisms of adaptation to changing environment (also understood as living conditions and social surroundings) during ontogeny, and causes the mechanisms of evolution (phylogeny is recapitulated during the first phases of ontogeny).
Abstract The subject of the article is the silver economy sector in Warmia and Mazury, and the purpose is an attempt to answer the question about its role and place in the face of the ongoing process of population aging. Material and methods The study was prepared on the basis of selected literature on the subject matter, as well as the analysis of the entries of key documents. Results The decrease in the number of people in the pre-working age, with the simultaneous increase in the share of people in the post-working age testifies to the progressing phenomenon of aging in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship. Conclusions The consequences of aging constitute a significant barrier to the activity of older people. Building an innovative economy based on the concept of silver economy will allow to curb current demographic weaknesses and develop the region.
Streszczenie Przedmiotem artykułu jest sektor srebrnej gospodarki na Warmii i Mazurach, a celem próba odpowiedzi na pytanie o jej rolę i miejsce w obliczu postępującego procesu starzenie się ludności. Materiał i metody Opracowanie przygotowano na podstawie wybranej literatury z zakresu podjętej tematyki, jak również wykorzystano analizę zapisów kluczowych dokumentów. Wyniki Zmniejszanie się liczby osób w wieku przedprodukcyjnym, przy jednoczesnym wzroście udziału osób w wieku poprodukcyjnym świadczy o postępującym zjawisku starzenia się województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego. Wnioski Konsekwencje starzenia się stanowią istotną barierę aktywności ludzi starszych.Budowanie innowacyjnej gospodarki opartej na koncepcji silver economy pozwoli na zahamowanie obecnych słabości demograficznych i rozwój regionu.
Rozprawy Społeczne
vol. 9
issue 4
Celem artykułu jest odniesienie rozważań o starości Jana Pawła II do aktualnych tendencji w gerontologii społecznej. Zmaganie się Jana Pawła II z własną chorobą, cierpieniem i wiekiem solidaryzuje papieża z ludźmi niedołężnymi, starymi, ubogimi, którzy znoszą swoje troski i udręki ciała każdego dnia. Tym samym zwraca się do lekarzy, polityków, duszpasterzy, jaki i samych wiernych w celu zabezpieczenia godnego życia seniorom, łagodzenia bólu, wsparcia w cierpieniu. W swoich wypowiedziach podejmuje problemy ludzi w podeszłym wieku w wymiarze indywidualnym i ogólnoświatowym. Przedstawiona perspektywa przyczyna się z jednej strony do podejmowania działań na rzecz grupy osób w podeszłym wieku a z drugiej do sprecyzowania problemów związanych z jej wzrostem. W nauczaniu Jana Pawła II występują zagadnienia związane ze starzeniem się społeczeństwa na świecie w obydwu sformułowanych obszarach.
The aim of the article is to consider John Paul II’s teachings on the old age in the light of current trends in the domain of social gerontology. John Paul II’s struggle with his own illness, pain and old age made him the symbol of all the frail, the old and the poor suffering physical pain and every day anxiety. This way, he addresses doctors, politicians, clergymen, and the faithful themselves to take care that senior citizens live their lives in dignity, to alleviate their pain and to support them in their trials and suffering. The Pope considers problems of elderly people individually and in the global perspective which, on the one hand, encourages undertakings aimed at helping the old, on the other, promotes efforts to identify and determine problems following from the fact of the growing number of old people within the society. The teachings of Pope John Paul II include both kinds of the mentioned issues concerning the ageing society of the world.
Poland’s population is aging like the populations in most developed countries. The fast rising number of the oldest old (the so‑called “double aging”) and their problems will probably be the dominant theme in the debate about seniors in coming decades. The purpose of this paper is to present the potential motives of migration of people over the age of 75 residents of large cities in Poland. Performed material from their own research that has been carried between February and August 2016. The analysis results indicate that older people are reluctant to change their place of residence, and the main theme of migration are health problems.
Polska, jak większość krajów rozwiniętych, staje w obliczu starzenia się populacji. Dynamiczny wzrost liczby najstarszych mieszkańców naszego kraju (tzw. proces podwójnego starzenia się) i ich problemy w najbliższych dekadach zdominują prawdopodobnie dyskurs dotyczący seniorów. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie potencjalnych motywów migracji osób po 75. roku życia, mieszkańców wielkich miast w Polsce. Przedstawiony materiał pochodzi z badań własnych, które zostały zrealizowane między lutym a sierpniem 2016 roku. Wyniki analizy wskazują, że starsi Polacy niechętnie zmieniają miejsce zamieszkania, a głównym motywem migracji są problemy zdrowotne.
Starzenie się ludności nie tylko w Polsce, ale i na całym świecie wydaje się być zjawiskiem powszechnie znanym, ale, jak twierdzą eksperci, nie do końca w pełni uświadomionym i nierzadko ignorowanym przez rządy pod względem tworzenia właściwych warunków życia osobom w podeszłym wieku. Zwiększone potrzeby ludzi starszych dotyczące warunków życia skupiają się wokół pięciu najważniejszych obszarów ich egzystencji. Są to: służba zdrowia i opieka medyczna, instytucja pomocy społecznej, warunki ekonomiczne, rola społeczna pełniona przez osoby starsze – rola dziadków, możliwości edukacji i zapewnienia rozwoju osobom w starszym wieku w celu aklimatyzowania ich do życia w szybko zmieniającym się współcześnie społeczeństwie.
The aging of the population, not only in Poland but throughout the world seems to be a well-known phenomenon, but, as experts say, not quite fully conscious and often ignored by governments in terms of creating good living conditions for the elderly. The increased needs of the elderly on living conditions are focused on five key areas of their lives. These are: health and medical care, social welfare organization, economic status, social role played by the elderly, or the role of grandparents, education, and ensure the development of older people in order to adapt them to life in a rapidly changing modern society.
Każdy senior chce zachować sprawność i samowystarczalność jak najdłużej, dlatego też coraz więcej osób szuka sposobów na aktywną starość. Ćwiczenia taneczne na miarę własnych możliwości fizycznych przynoszą maksimum efektu. Taniec jest skutecznym sposobem na przedłużenie młodości. Rytmiczne ćwiczenia przy akompaniamencie muzycznym, odpowiednio dobrane do wieku i możliwości ruchowych, są jednym ze środków profilaktyki gerontologicznej. Zajęcia taneczne zapobiegają demencji starczej, zwiększają zdolność pochłaniania tlenu przez organizm, poprawiają wentylację płuc, zwiększają maksymalną objętość wyrzutową i minutową serca, poprawiają krążenie, przez zwiększenie objętości krwi i częstości skurczów serca, poprawiają strukturę mięśniową, zwiększają zakres ruchomości w stawach, stabilizują układ kostny, polepszają stan psychiczny ćwiczących i leczą samotność. Praca ma na celu przedstawić taniec jako naturalną i uniwersalną formę aktywności ruchowej, która troszcząc się o wszechstronny i harmonijny rozwój psychofizyczny oraz formując wolę i charakter, kształtuje zdrowie osób starszych. Do realizacji sformułowanego problemu badawczego wykorzystano różnorodne metody badawcze, w tym metodę analizy literatury przedmiotu, metodę obserwacji, metodę intuicyjną, metodę komparatystyczną oraz sondaż diagnostyczny oparty na badaniach ankietowych.
Every senior wants to stay fit and self-sufficient as long as possible, so more and more people are looking for ways to stay active. Dance exercises that are tailored to one’s physical capabilities bring the maximum effect. Dance is an effective way to prolong youth. Rhythmic exercises with musical accompaniment, appropriately selected for age and mobility, are one of the means of gerontological prophylaxis. Dance classes prevent senile dementia, increase the body’s ability to absorb oxygen, improve lung ventilation, increase maximum ejection volume, improve circulation, increase blood volume and heart rate, improve muscle structure, increase mobility in joints, stabilise the skeletal system, improve mental state of exercise and heal loneliness. The work aims at presenting dance as a natural and universal form of physical activity which, caring for a comprehensive and harmonious psychophysical development and formation of will and character, shapes health of the elderly. Various research methods were used to implement the formulated research problem, including the method of analysing the literature of the subject, observation method, intuitive method, comparative method and diagnostic survey based on questionnaire surveys.
Каждый пожилой человек хочет сохранить как можно подольше физическую форму и самодостаточность, потому все больше людей ищет способы на активную старость. Танцевальные упражнения по мере физических возможностей индивида приносят максимальый эффект. Танец – действенный способ продления молодости. Ритмичные упражнения с музыкальным сопровождением, соответствующим образом подобранные к возрасту и двигательным возможностям – одно из средств геронтологической профилактики. Танцевальные занятия предупреждают старческую деменцию, повышают способность поглощать организмом кислород, улучшают вентиляцию легких, повышают максимальный ударный и минутный объем сердца, улучшают кровообращение путем увеличения объема крови и частоты сердечных сокра- щений, улучшают мышечную структуру, увеличивают диапазон движимости в суставах, стабилизируют скелет, улучшают психическое состояние упражняющихся и лечат одиночество. Цель работы – представить танец как естественную и универсальную форму моторной активности, которая, заботясь о всестороннем и гармоническом психофизическом развитии, а также формируя волю и характер, формирует здоровье пожилых лиц. Для реализации сформулированной исследовательской проблемы использовали разновидные исследовательские методы, в том числе метод анализа литературы по предмету, метод наблюдений, интуитивный метод, сопоставительный метод, а также диагностический зондаж, основанный на опросах.
W artykule podjęto temat metodyki nauczania osób w starszym wieku w zakresie: planowania zajęć, określania ich celów, metod, treści, przyswajania wiedzy oraz oceny postępów uczenia się. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono sformułowanym zasadom nauczania seniorów.
The article discusses teaching methodology for older adults within: planning educational activities, defining its purposes, methods, contents, knowledge acquisition and learning progress evaluation. Special attention was paid to the formulated principles of teaching seniors.
Zgodnie z główną tezą artykułu starość nie daje się jednoznacznie opisać jako fenomen podlegający jedynie procesowi medykalizacji. W zależności od kryteriów, jakie weźmie się pod uwagę, raz wydawać się będzie, że jest zmedykalizowana, a raz – że podlega odmedycznieniu. Przykładowe analizy mają pokazać, iż powinno się raczej mówić o farmaceutykalizacji starości, podkreślając, że w wymiarze obiektywnym proces ten rzeczywiście występuje. Jeśli chodzi o proces umedycznienia i ufarmakologicznienia starości rozpatrywany od strony seniorów, to w znaczący sposób ograniczają go takie czynniki jak zasobność seniorów, dostępność lekarzy i usług medycznych, czas oczekiwania na wizytę czy zabieg. Celem artykułu jest także pokazanie słabości i ograniczeń metodologicznych w odniesieniu do zagadnień medykalizacji jako problemów badawczych i próba wywołania dyskusji, której efektem będzie rekonceptualizacja sposobów badania medykalizacji w Polsce.
According to the main thesis of an article the old age is not easily classified as a solely medicalized phenomenon. Application of various analytical tools shows that the phenomenon can be seen as medicalized and demedicalized. Examples of analyses are to show that one should rather talk about pharmaceuticalization as it really occurs in an objective dimension. Medicalization and pharmaceuticalization considered from the perspective of the elderly is significantly limited by such factors as material status of the old, accessibility of physicians and treatment, time of awaiting for a medical procedure. The aim of an article is also to show methodological weaknesses and limitations in relation to issues of medicalization seen as research questions and a try to evoke a debate which, in effect, would bring reconceptualization of medicalization research in Poland.
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