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Hrdina a nepriateľ  : Masaryk a slovenská otázka

The author shows how the perception of Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk (1850–1937) by the Slovak society was created and has been changing in the course of history and how it was infl uencing the Slovak milieu. He dates Masaryk’s contacts and disputes with Slovak intellectuals already at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. At the same time, he had a great infl uence on the young generation of Slovak liberals grouped around the “Hlas” journal. Masaryk was widely respected in Slovakia as the founder and fi rst president of the Czechoslovak Republic. A major change occurred with the demise of the First Republic in the autumn of 1938, and particularly with the birth of the independent Slovak State in March 1939. The power in Slovakia was taken over by Hlinka’s Slovak People’s Party which, according to the author, introduced negative ideological deformations into the assessment of Masaryk’s personality and historical role. Its members depicted Masaryk as an enemy of the Slovaks, who had not abided by the Pittsburgh Agreement, had given orders to shoot at Slovak workers, had been responsible for the death of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik in 1919, etc. After 1948, the propaganda machine of the ruling Communist Party of Czechoslovakia adopted some of these negative stereotypes, its offi cial historical interpretation of the pre-war Czechoslovak Republic as a bourgeois state also including a condemnation of its representatives, including Masaryk, who was labelled an agent of imperialism in the 1950s. The author claims that consequences of the dual ideological deformation still exist in Slovakia, supporting his statement by, for example, the fact that Masaryk’s name and other forms of his presentation (statues, busts, names of streets and institutions, etc.) are almost absent in the public space.
Autor představuje, jak se historicky až do současnosti vytvářel a měnil obraz Tomáše Garrigua Masaryka (1850–1937) ve slovenské společnosti a jak slovenské prostředí ovlivňoval. Masarykovy kontakty i spory se slovenskými intelektuály datuje už do přelomu 19. a 20. století. Významný byl přitom jeho vliv na mladou slovenskou liberální generaci takzvaných hlasistů. Jako zakladatel a první prezident Československé republiky byl Masaryk na Slovensku široce respektovaný. Podstatná změna nastala se zánikem první republiky na podzim 1938, a zejména se vznikem samostatného Slovenského státu v březnu 1939. Moc na Slovensku převzala Hlinkova slovenská ľudová strana, která podle autora vnesla do hodnocení Masarykovy osobnosti a historické role negativní ideologické deformace. Luďáci vykreslovali Masaryka jako nepřítele Slováků, který nedodržel Pittsburskou dohodu, nechal střílet do slovenských dělníků, byl zodpovědný za smrt generála Milana Rastislava Štefánika v roce 1919 a podobně. Propaganda vládnoucí Komunistické strany Československa po roce 1948 část těchto negativních stereotypů převzala a v rámci oficiálního historického výkladu předválečné Československé republiky jako buržoazního státu odsuzovala také její představitele včetně Masaryka, který byl v padesátých letech označován za agenta imperialismu. Důsledky této dvojité ideologické deformace na Slovensku podle autora přetrvávají dodnes, což dokumentuje mimo jiné na skutečnosti, že Masarykovo jméno a zpodobení zde téměř absentuje ve veřejném prostoru (sochy, busty, názvy ulic a institucí a podobně).
In his essay, the author draws from a presumption that the strong Masarykian myth that was being formed since 1918 and that became a part of a broader founding Czechoslovak myth represents several basic archetypes characteristic for different periods of the life of Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk (1850–1937), as well as different roles he found himself in the course of time: a Hero (mainly until 1918), a Father (mainly since 1914), and a Philosopher (continuously). Referring to period publications and press, the author sketches contours of that part of the Masarykian myth which deals with his youth, growing up, and predestination, attempting at its de-construction.
Autor v tomto eseji vychází z předpokladu, že silný masarykovský mýtus, který se utvářel od roku 1918 a který se stal součástí širšího, zakladatelského československého mýtu, reprezentuje několik základních archetypů, které byly charakteristické pro různá období života Tomáše Garrigua Masaryka (1850–1937) i pro různé role, v nichž se postupem času nacházel: Hrdina (především do roku 1918), Otec (především od roku 1914), Filozof (průběžně). S odkazy na dobovou publicistiku a žurnalistiku autor načrtává obrysy té části masarykovského mýtu, která hovoří o jeho mládí, dospívání a osudovém předurčení, a pokouší se o její dekonstrukci.
This article is a review of Małgorzata Chrobak’s recent book monograph titled Bohater literatury dziecięcej i młodzieżowej z okresu PRL-u. Między kreacją a recepcją. The author argues that Bohater literatury… is an absorbing and well-researched book which may inspire other scholars to study different aspects of children’s and young adult literature written during the period of the Polish People’s Republic, as well as more recent works about life in socialist Poland.
The word ‘myth’ means tradition, legend. Myth-making is seen as the most important event in the cultural history of mankind. In primitive society mythology presents the basic way of understanding the world. The history of the people needs to be told of his mythology, and not vice versa. In our view when creating the image of a political leader should come from the heroic myths. The main characteristics of political myth are relying on the archetype and some technological artifice. We can say that the political myth is an adaptation of a cultural myth for political purposes. Political myth thus becomes a necessary form of communication between people and the government. Political myths are widely used in election campaigns, because from a psychological point of view the mythologizing the political leader allows differentiate him from competitors.
This article is devoted to the analysis of generic and stylistic features in Yanka Bryl’s novel Ptushki i gnyozdi. The discussion is focused on the ways the main hero is presented as well as on the role of lyricism in the novel. The hero is in the center of composition that describes his feeling and expresses his thoughts and attitudes.
After the presidential air plane crash near Smolensk, in Russia, on April 10th 2010, we had all witnessed a transformation of this historical event into a myth. The aim of this article is to document this transformation, by following the different types of narratives after the crash (news articles, blogs, films), especially in its immediate aftermath. The analysis of these sources shows that the “Smolensk myth” has been born, fully formed (with all the ideas and motifs we can see today), almost immediately after the crash.
Contemporary “war prose” contains works on both the Second World War and the subsequent conflicts in Afghanistan and Chechnya. The aim of the article is to analyse the changes of the war hero myth in autobiographical texts of the wars’ participants. Among the authors are Oleg Yermakov, Zachar Prilepin, Arkady Babchenko. As we find out, the contemporary “war narrative” is interwoven with the lack of ideology and patriotic pathos. A soldier fails to accept his war; moreover, he questions the authorities in their decision to break out the military conflict. In these conditions, it is difficult to make heroic acts and sacrifice for the good of the homeland.
The creation of an era itself, as rhetoric of time, creates the otherness from which it builds up its own borders. Thus the creation of an era goes hand in hand with identity formation. The beginning of the 20th century, as the boundary of an era, appears as such a self-reflective moment in the life of Târgu Mureş. The study aims at presenting the social, economic and cultural changes of this period, notably the time when György Bernády was the mayor, the most significant period of urbanization of the town, the moment of the conscious designation of the above mentioned boundary of an era. It makes an attempt to grasp the beginning of the powerful personality cult of the former mayor; it analyzes those strategies of canonization and discourses that have played a key role in the process of the myth-formation of the hero and its time. In this era the process of György Bernády’s raising to the status of a cultural hero took place. The articles, which appeared in the local press, give a clear-cut image about what kind of judgements and appreciations have developed about the city and its councillor, as well as the infrastructural and cultural development
Dynamic development of modern political populism in Western countries encourages to analyze this issue from many different perspectives. In addition to investigations based on political sciences, economics, and interdisciplinary comparative studies, it is valuable to relate populism to the mythological context. In this article, I assert that the return of populism indirectly results from its connection with political mythology. The particularly significant role in making the populisms attractive is played by the expressive leaders of political movements, who refer to mythological contents, including the heroic ethos, by their general attitude, presented philosophy and the creation of their biography. Thanks to such pose, they gain on reliability, political authenticity, and gather a wide social support. Presented herein analysis employed the model of Josepha Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey”, which highlights the common characteristic of contemporary populist hero and his mythological counterpart.
Popularity of horror story for adult readers contributed to the fact that in the years 2000-2015 increased a number of children’s books referring to the horror novel and incredible story. The transfer of formula is connected with the repetition of motifs, parody, using the gallery of monsters. Children’s heroes of horror for immature audience are confronted with anxiety represented by monsters, experiencing numerous adventures, oscillating between horror and comic. New experiences lead to gain valuable skills and meeting with monsters leads to self -acceptance and self-development.
Acta Ludologica
vol. 6
issue 2
This paper discusses the concept of the hero and the role of memory as an object of (re)construction of the world in the narrative of the Nintendo digital game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Through the analysis of how memory is reconstructed in Link and the characters that inhabit Hyrule, memories, historical and social memory, monuments, documents, space, and gameplay within the same digital game are also reconstructed. Testimonial memory, in turn, will help remember and construct the narrative of Link’s personal and social history by reconstructing the story. The personal experience that the player has while interacting with the game through the act of playing can build the metadiscourse between memory and narrative to understand the hero and his journey through the world. In this sense, the importance of the character Link within the game is affirmed, as he is a much more complex subject than a simple archetype within the game mechanics.
Acta Ludologica
vol. 6
issue 2
This paper discusses the concept of the hero and the role of memory as an object of (re)construction of the world in the narrative of the Nintendo digital game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Through the analysis of how memory is reconstructed in Link and the characters that inhabit Hyrule, memories, historical and social memory, monuments, documents, space, and gameplay within the same digital game are also reconstructed. Testimonial memory, in turn, will help remember and construct the narrative of Link’s personal and social history by reconstructing the story. The personal experience that the player has while interacting with the game through the act of playing can build the metadiscourse between memory and narrative to understand the hero and his journey through the world. In this sense, the importance of the character Link within the game is affirmed, as he is a much more complex subject than a simple archetype within the game mechanics.
The article considers two types of consciousness, which are typical of Dostoyevsky's heroes. The first type searches for support in human mind. However, individualism of the modern person leads him to revolt against the world, and gives rise to solitude and isolation in the "underground". Such rational thinking creates deadly deadlock to the existence of the human. The second type of consciousness is mythological. It is also connected with the inevitability of death which is, however, a condition of the subsequent revival and the rebirth, allowing the person to see the world differently.
The uncomfortable situation of Poles in Lithuania is, among other things, the effect of Lithuanian historical education. Excerpts from the textbook on the history of Lithuania show diametrical differences in contemporary ideas about the past of both nations. Shared heroes are useful to overcome prejudices of the previous century (which affect the image of 1385-1795). One of them is Michał Kleofas Ogiński, Lithuanian nobleman, a political activist during the last years of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and two decades after its collapse. He has the rank of a great national hero in Lithuania and Belarus but is valued in Poland above all because of his piano compositions. The analysis of fragments of his work Memoirs about Poland and Poles helps us to regard a representative of the noble nation from a different perspective. It makes us aware of the cohesion of Polish and Lithuanian national identity at the turn of the 19th century, helps us to appreciate the heritage of the past and offers a chance to build positive relations between us. Rectifying a distorted vision of history is a prospect for a mature partnership now and in the future.
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Jozef Tiso  : můj nepřítel - tvůj hrdina?

The author fi rst summarizes the career of Jozef Tiso (1887–1947), a politician and a Roman Catholic priest. His entire political life was linked to Hlinka’s Slovak People’s Party; he was always a representative of its moderate faction, and even represented it as a minister of the Czechoslovak government. In 1939, he became its chairman. In the First Czechoslovak Republic, he was a dyed-in-the-wool federalist; since the proclamation of the Slovak State in March 1939 until the end of his life, an advocate of Slovakia’s independence. As the president of the Slovak Republic between 1939 and 1945, he was responsible for Slovakia’s political regime, alliance with the Nazi Germany until the end of the war, and deportations of Slovak Jews. After the war, he was tried by the National Court of Justice, sentenced to death, and executed in 1947. The author analyzes in detail the accusations brought against Tito during the trial and Tiso’s defence, as the arguments presented by both parties were later used by Tiso’s adversaries and sympathizers. Czech politicians and general public after the war were united in their condemnation of Tiso; in their eyes, Tiso’s biggest crime was his share in the destruction of the common state. On the other hand, the Slovaks’ view on Tiso depended on their attitude toward the previous political regime in Slovakia. Furthermore, the author monitors how Tiso’s cult was formed in the separatist segment of the Slovak exile since the end of the war. It was spreading mainly in the United States, Canada, and Argentina, but the efforts aimed at Tiso’s moral purifi cation were unsuccessful. The article also pays special attention to Tiso’s refl ections in the Czech and Slovak dissent in the 1970s and 1980s. In the end, the author describes disputes over Tiso which broke up after 1989 in Slovakia and which were a part of the “return of history” to the public space. They were related to attempts for Tiso’s commemoration and historical rehabilitation, and found their way to the media, politics, and historiography. The essay is concluded by a statement that the Czech society is not interested in Tiso as a historical fi gure, but that Tiso still divides the Slovak one: a minority of the Slovak society sees Tiso as a hero and a martyr, while most Slovaks perceive him as an unsuccessful and discredited politician.
Autor nejprve resumuje kariéru politika a římskokatolického kněze Jozefa Tisa (1887–1947). Politicky byl celý život spjat s Hlinkovou slovenskou ľudovou stranou; vždy v ní zastupoval umírněné křídlo, mezi válkami ji reprezentoval i jako ministr v československé vládě, v roce 1939 se stal jejím předsedou. V první Československé republice byl přesvědčeným federalistou, od vyhlášení Slovenského státu v březnu 1939 až do konce života obhájcem slovenské samostatnosti. Jako prezident Slovenské republiky v letech 1939 až 1945 nesl odpovědnost za tamní politický režim, za spojenectví s nacistickým Německem až do konce války i za deportace slovenských Židů. Po válce stanul před Národním soudem a na základě jeho rozsudku byl v roce 1947 popraven. Podrobněji se autor věnuje obviněním Tisa vzneseným v soudním procesu a jeho obhajobě, protože na argumentaci obou stran byly do značné míry založeny postoje pozdějších Tisových odpůrců a příznivců. Česká politika i veřejnost byly po válce v jeho odsuzování jednotné, přičemž za největší zločin pokládaly Tisův podíl na rozbití společného státu, zatímco náhled Slováků na Tisa závisel na jejich hodnocení minulého politického režimu na Slovensku. Dále autor sleduje, jak se v separatistické části slovenského exilu od konce války formoval Tisův kult. Šířil se v tomto prostředí především ve Spojených státech, Kanadě a Argentině, snahy o Tisovo morální očištění ale vyzněly naprázdno. Samostatná pozornost je v článku věnována Tisovým reflexím v českém a slovenském disentu v sedmdesátých a osmdesátých letech. Nakonec autor líčí spory o Tisa, které propukly po roce 1989 na Slovensku a byly součástí „návratu dějin“ do veřejného prostoru. Odehrávaly se kolem pokusů o Tisovu komemoraci a historickou rehabilitaci a pronikly do médií, politiky i historiografie. Stať uzavírá konstatování, že českou společnost Tiso jako historická postava nezajímá, slovenskou ale stále rozděluje: menšina v něm vidí hrdinu a mučedníka, většina neúspěšného a zdiskreditovaného politika.
In the rich and colorful Hungarian film history from post-war years to the present day we find an abundance of comedies combining satire, epigram, burlesque, but true parody film among them is not too much, is a rare phenomenon. What is the reason? We are looking for the answers in examples of two trials of parody film: the first and the only parody of James Bond: Az Oroszlan ugrani készül (dir. György Révész, 1969) and Kojak Budapesten (dir. Sándor Szalkai,1980), inspired by the main character of the American television series Kojak. Both attempts are accompanied with specific “side effects”. It tells a lot about the possibilities and limits of the Hungarian film parody.
The aim of the article is to present the work of Paweł Jaszczuk, an author of crime novels associated with the Warmia and Mazury region. He was the laureate of the second edition of the Grand Caliber Award in 2005. The presentation of his crime novels is to show that in his creative method, on the one hand, there is a visible tendency to emphasize topics related to the past, and on the other hand, the mechanism of combining historical narrative with pop culture threads.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie twórczości Pawła Jaszczuka, który dzięki swoim dokonaniom stał się reprezentatywny, zarówno dla literatury kryminalnej, jak i dla środowiska Warmii i Mazur. Od wielu lat pisze powieści kryminalne, przyczyniając się do rozwoju odmian gatunku, a jednocześnie korzystając z tej formy, porusza ważne współcześnie tematy. W jego utworach widać także przebieg pewnego procesu: rozpoczynając od narracji historycznej, w której ważne miejsce pełniła przeszłość, coraz częściej zabiera głos w sprawie teraźniejszości i jej wyznaczników: dominacji polityki w życiu, rozprzestrzeniania się kultury masowej, rozpadu rodziny czy wszechobecnego ageizmu. Przedstawienie jego powieści kryminalnych ma wykazać, że w jego metodzie twórczej z jednej strony widoczna jest tendencja do eksponowania tematów związanych z przeszłością, a z drugiej strony mechanizm łączenia narracji historycznej z wątkami popkulturowymi.
The present article focuses on Liang Qichao’s (1873–1929) idealised image of a national hero that could be observed in his biographical articles about Western heroes at the turn of the 20th Century. Liang believed that examples of modern Western personalities might serve as valid role models for creating patriotic society in China and also shape future Chinese heroes. He presented his readers with Western personalities, stressing their qualities and positive traits. He also pointed out some drawbacks he saw within Western history. Liang wanted his readers to study national hero types, learn from their mistakes and try to achieve their positive traits: national awareness, ability to cooperate, and selfless pursuit of the national interests.
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Jan Palach w czeskiej poezji

The article tackles the analysis of lyrical pieces dedicated to Jan Palach. From the extensive material, including inter alia Kazimierz Wierzyński’s poem Na śmierć Jana Palacha w Pradze broadcasted by the radio station of Radio Free Europe, or the piece written by a popular Bulgarian poet, Valery Petrov, entitled Self-immolation, I have selected only those works which were created in Czechoslovakia right after Jan Palach had committed self-immolation. The primary reason for such a selection is that they were composed shortly after Palach’s act and were written by Czech and Slovakian poets emotionally committed to the dramatic political suicide of a young Prague student and experienced the events of January 1969 directly. As a consequence, the following works remain in my interest: Miroslav Holub’s Praha Jana Palacha and Josef Kainar’s Bolest at’ mi poví, published in a weekly magazine of the Association of Czechoslovakian Writers “Letters” on 23rd January 1969, Jan Skácel’s Hořící keř, as well as the poem by Pavol Horov Malé rekviem za Jana Palacha a iných, both published in “Letters” on 6th and 13th February accordingly, and the poem written on 30th January 1969 by Jan Zábrana entitled První (Noc v Tatrách). The aspects I am mainly interested in in the works referred to above are the manners of articulating the heroization of Jan Palach and his act. Indeed, these poems constitute a part of heroic discourse, they create heroic narration and present the self-immolated person in a blaze of glory as an indisputable hero
In spite of the fact that Lucan’s sympathies are apparently with the Republicans, his attitude to Pompey, which emerges from the Pharsalia, turns out to be rather critical. Moreover, this criticism actually comes very close to ridicule. Lucan depicts Pompey as a senile and narcissistic leader who dwells on his past success and lives in the world of his own fantasies. Trapped in the vicious circle of his delusions of grandeur, he is rather grotesque than majestic. The harder he tries to enhance his public image, the more pathetic he becomes both in the eyes of his friends and in those of his enemies. The effects of his efforts are, therefore, quite contrary to their purpose. On the one hand, the figure of the senile and deluded Pompey is the caricature of the decaying Roman Republic, whose degeneracy it obviously mirrors. On the other hand, however, Lucan’s grotesque anti-hero is the exact opposite of archetypal epic characters such as Virgil’s Aeneas. Willing yet unable to emulate his literary predecessors, he functions as the caricature of the literary paradigm of a standard epic hero.
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