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The Kazakh folk epic talks about the heroic deeds and life of nomadic tribes, being the historical and cultural heritage of the nation, which has been passed from mouth to mouth for centuries, thereby preserving national memory and contributing to the maintenance of patriotic feelings. The purpose of this article is not only to consider the Kazakh epic in the traditional vein of narrating about the historical past, but also to emphasize its ethnographic and genealogical value. By analyzing epic poetry, folk songs and folklore in general, as well as examining fragments of individual works, the authors recreate a holistic picture of the genealogical basis of the folk epic. The article compares the differences in the traditions of the Kazakh epic poetry of the 16th-18th and 19th centuries, which are observed, first of all, in the compositional structure, the subject of the story, the worldview in general. According to the results of the study, it was determined that the genealogical basis of the Kazakh folk epic lies in a certain archetype of a hero, the only son born to become a defender of the honor and dignity of the nation. At the same time, special attention is paid to describing its origin through a poetic description of its family tree. From this follows the complex genre of the epic chronicle, which has artistic and historical value and is an example of spiritual heritage. This study is of practical use for specialists in the field of history, literature, ethnography and genealogy.
This article deals with the historical poetics of narrative (inter alia in line with the programme of ''diachronic narratology'', which focuses on describing and analysing the development of narrative forms and devices). Attention is also focused on the techniques that are characteristic of realism, which is understood to be a discourse phenomenon in literary history (i.e. not as some timeless phenomenon) and primarily as the suppression of novel dialogicality resulting from the aesthetic norms of 19th century realism. In line with Mikhail Bakhtin and Patricia Waugh's theories, dialogicality is presented as a trend that is typical of the novel genre. Quite characteristic of the pre-realist novel is the conflict between the depicting (author's) and the depicted (narrator's) voice. The requirement for more realistic narration resulted in the suppression of this dual voice, i.e. in a trend towards the objectivization of narrative, which manages to conceal its literary nature and aim for the illusion of directly depicting reality. The objectivization of narration is based on Czech historical prose material (Linda, Klicpera, Tyl and Jirásek), in which the orientation towards a neutral perspective was made evident inter alia in the gradual elimination of narrative commentary, which had originally fulfilled both an interpretational and a formative (patriotic rhetoric) function. A similar phenomenon involving concealment of literariness also appears in personal narration, in which the fictional narrator progressively suppresses the originally evident authorial authority (obvious, for example, in the forewords to novels). Realist novels frequently mask themselves as authentic speech genres (with written or oral narration).
Příspěvek se zabývá historickou poetikou vyprávění (mj. ve shodě s programem tzv. diachronní naratologie, která se zaměřuje na popis a analýzu vývoje výpravných forem a prostředků). Pozornost je soustředěna na prostředky příznačné pro realismus, jenž je chápán jako diskursivní jev v literárních dějinách (tj. nikoliv jako nadčasový jev), resp. především na potlačování románové dialogičnosti v důsledku estetických norem realismu 19. století. Ve shodě s teoriemi Michaila M. Bachtina a Patricie Waugh je dialogičnost objasněna jako tendence typická pro románový žánr. Pro předrealistický román je zcela příznačný konflikt mezi zobrazujícím (autorským) a zobrazeným (vypravěčovým) hlasem. Požadavek po realističtějším vyprávění vyústil v potlačování tohoto dvojhlasí, tj. v tendenci k objektivizaci vyprávění, které dokáže zastírat svou literárnost a směřuje k iluzi bezprostředního zobrazení skutečnosti. Objektivizace vyprávění je doložena na materiálu české historické prózy (Linda, Klicpera, Tyl, Jirásek), v níž se směřování k neutrální perspektivě projevovalo mj. postupnou eliminací narativního komentáře, jenž původně plnil jednak interpretační, jednak formativní (vlastenecká rétorika) funkci. Podobný jev zastírání literárnosti se objevuje i v osobním vyprávění, kde fiktivní vypravěč postupně zcela potlačuje původně zjevnou autorskou instanci (mj. zřetelnou v románových předmluvách). Realistické romány se hojně maskují jako autentické řečové žánry (vyprávění písemná, příp. i ústní).
Tematy i Konteksty
vol. 8
issue 3
The author of the article discusses the very act of reading and understanding of the classic texts. He points to the inaccurate (and, in his opinion, threatening the integrity and intentionality of messages) strategies of reading the old literature based on methods proposed by the modern methodologies. The author postulates insufficiency of such an approach, referring to the words of Alsdair MacIntyre, who emphasised the historical thought in the field of the history of ideas, and to the words of Quentin Skinner, who suggested contextualising the message by analysing the intentions and motivations behind the literary work. By referring to the researchers, the author promotes poetics as one of the tools which serve to understand the intentionality of speech acts and messages of the former ages. At the same time, the author provides examples showing the application of historical poetics in the process of comprehending old Polish texts.
W artykule autor rozważa zagadnienie aktu lektury i rozumienia tekstów dawnych. Wskazuje na nieodpowiednie (jego zdaniem zagrażające integralności i intencjonalności dawnego komunikatu) strategie lekturowe dawnej literatury czynione metodami czy stylistykami podpowiadanymi przez współczesne metodologie. Przedstawia niewystarczalność takiego podejścia, odwołując się do myśli Alsdaira MacIntyra, wskazującego na istotę myślenia historycznego w dziedzinie historii idei czy Quentina Skinnera, który podpowiada zadanie ukontekstowienia wypowiedzi poprzez analizę intencji i motywacji, uruchamiających dzieło. Autor, powołując się na badaczy, wskazuje na znaczenie poetyki jako jednego z narzędzi służących do zrozumienia intencjonalności aktów mowy i wypowiedzi epok dawnych. Podaje przykłady zastosowania czy użycia poetyki historycznej w procesie zrozumienia tekstów staropolskich.
The contribution summarizes and recapitulates issues of narrative historical poetics. It deepens knowledge of profile narrative texts (classic and modern) and narrative modes (rhetorical, objective and subjective narration) with respect to the developmental point of view. In conformity with Doležel’s requirement of the research on narrative transformations in so called longue durée (long duration) the contribution observes the processes of subjectivisation and objectivisation of modern Czech narration.
W artykule podjęto próbę zrekonstruowania strukturalnych podstaw fabuły Opowiadania o ikonografie i złotniku – jednej z najbardziej artystycznych opowieści Maksima Bogdanowicza, w której archetypiczny trójdzielny schemat wątku cyklicznego, choć zachowany, został znacząco zmieniony i na nowo zinterpretowany. Kanoniczna jego „strata” przejawia się w makrofabule jako model artystyczny sytuacji indywidualnej i konkretno-historycznej, archetypowe „poszukiwanie” przedstawia punktowe linie możliwych rozwiązań fabularnych, a otwarty finał pojawia się po raz pierwszy w miejscu „zysku”. Oczywista modyfikacja uniwersaliów fabularnych, która następuje w toku tego rodzaju wtórnego rozgrywania artystycznych kodów wypowiedzi, może hipotetycznie oznaczać jeden punkt chronologiczny fundamentalnie ważny dla zrozumienia ewolucji białoruskiego narodowego myślenia artystycznego – początek formowania się kolejnego historycznego typu fabuły w literaturze białoruskiej.
У артыкуле здзейснена спроба рэканструявання структурнай праасновы сюжэта Апавядання аб іконніку і залатару – аднаго з самых высокамастацкіх апавяданняў Максіма Багдановіча, у якім хоць і захавана, але істотна перайначана і пераасэнсавана архетыпная трохчленная схема цыклічнага сюжэта. Кананічная для яе “страта” ўвасабляецца ў макрасюжэце як мастацкая мадэль індывідуальнай і канкрэтна-гістарычнай сітуацыі, архетыпны “пошук” уяўляе пункцірныя лініі магчымых сюжэтных рашэнняў, а на месцы “набытка” ўпершыню паўстае адкрыты фінал. Відавочная мадыфікацыя сюжэтных універсалій, якая адбываецца ў ходзе такога кшталту другаснага разыграння мастацкіх кодаў выказвання, гіпатэтычна можа азначаць адзін прынцыпова важны для разумення эвалюцыі беларускага нацыянальнага мастацкага мыслення храналагічны пункт – пачатак фармавання ў беларускай літаратуры яшчэ аднаго гістарычнага тыпу сюжэта.
In the article, an attempt has been made to reconstruct the archaic plot structure of Story about the Iconographer and the Goldsmith – one of the most highly artistic of Maksim Bogdanovich’s stories, in which the archetypal tripartite scheme of the cyclical plot has been significantly changed and reinterpreted. The canonical for its “loss” is embodied in the macroplot as an artistic model of an individual and historical situation, the archetypal “search” is represented as dotted lines of possible plot solutions, and for the first time instead of “gain” an open finale appears. The obvious modification of plot universals, which occurs in the process of this kind of secondary playing of artistic codes of expression, hypothetically can mean one chronological point that is fundamentally important for understanding the evolution of Belarusian national artistic thinking - the beginning of the formation of one more historical plot type in Belarusian literature.
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