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In his innovative work Opowiedzieć Zagładę. Polska proza i historiografia wobec Holo - caustu (1987-2003) [To Tell the Holocaust. Polish Prose and Historiography of the Holocaust (1987-2003)], Bartłomiej Krupa presents a multi-faceted overview of lit- erary and historical works devoted to the Holocaust discourse in the Polish prose in the years indicated in the title. These include, respectively: discourse elevating the Jewish victims, pluralising the attitudes and behaviours of Polish bystanders, discourse of Polish guilt and Polish shame and the opposite discourse of Polish. Textual reading, opening the author to a multilateral, often innovative insight into cited texts, encourages contemporary reader to reflect on the issues of the Holocaust, the idea of a tolerant coexistence of nations, issues of multiculturalism and respect for differences and otherness.
Bartłomiej Krupa w swojej innowacyjnej pracy Opowiedzieć Zagładę. Polska proza i historiografia wobec Holocaustu (1987-2003) dokonuje wielopłaszczyznowego oglądu prac literackich i historycznych poświęconych dyskursowi o Zagładzie, który toczył się w prozie polskiej w latach wskazanych w tytule. Były to w kolejności: dyskurs uwznioślający żydowskie ofiary, pluralizujący postawy i zachowania świadków, dyskurs polskiej winy i polskiego wstydu oraz opozycyjny wobec niego dyskurs heroizujący. Czytanie tekstualne, pozwalając autorowi na wielostronny, często nowatorski ogląd przywołanych tekstów, stanowi jednocześnie zachętę dla współczesnego czytelnika do refleksji nad kwestiami Holocaustu, ideą tolerancyjnego współżycia narodów, zagadnieniami wielokulturowości i szacunku dla odrębności i inności.
The subject of anti-Semitism has frequently been addressed in the Christian-Jewish dialogues. The article aims at analyzing the document The Church in the Face of Racism. A Contribution Towards a More Brotherly Society, issued in 1988 by the Pontifical Commission Iustitia et Pax, dealing with the question of the anti-Jewish attitudes from the historical and the racial perspectives. The Vatican Commission states that the Catholic Church has condemned the Nazi anti-Semitism and their policy and as a proof quotes the documents, announced before World War II: the encyclicals of Pope Pius XI Mit Brennender Sorge (1937), the non promulgated Humani generis unitas (1938), and the document of the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office On the Annulment of the Association Called „Amici Israel” (1928). The article aims to prove that although the mentioned pre-war documents condemned Nazism and anti-Semitism, they contained some anti-Jewish passages and generated anti-Semitic attitudes. On the other hand the document of the Commission Iustitia et Pax takes up the question of the anti-Zionism which is not very often considered in other declarations of the Catholic Church. Condemning the racial prejudices including anti-Semitism The Church in the Face of Racism underscores that every human being is created in the likeness and image of God and stresses the principal rights of men and women. This perspective forms basis for the modern cooperation between Catholics and Jews in the fields of human dignity, religious freedom and tolerance.
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Reply to Krzysztof PersakThis is a reply to the review of author’s book Miasta śmierci. Sąsiedzkie pogromy Żydów [Cities of death. Jewish pogroms by neighbors] penned by Dr Krzysztof Persak in Zagłada Żydów (2016).Odpowiedź Krzysztofowi PersakowiOdpowiedź na recenzję książki autora, Miasta śmierci. Sąsiedzkie pogromy Żydów, pióra dra Krzysztofa Persaka, zamieszczoną w czasopiśmie „Zagłada Żydów” (2016).
The article deals with connecting information about a group of children who lost their parents at an early age during World War II, were placed in the Terezín concentration camp and after the liberation of Czechoslovakia were sent to England, where they were provided with comprehensive support. The article focuses on two sources of psychoanalytically oriented authors - a study by Anna Freud and Sophie Dann entitled An experiment with group upbringing (Freud and Dann, 1951), which is an example of annual monitoring of the development of deprived children and a study by Sarah Moskovitz (1983, 1985) documenting further development of Terezín children in adulthood. From a psychological point of view, observations indicate the possibility of good adaptation even after severe deprivation in childhood. From a historical point of view, this is a documentation of the fate of Jewish children connected with their stay in Terezín, the engagement of a number of interested helpers, including Anna Freud.
Článek se zabývá propojením informací o skupině dětí, které přišly v útlém věku o rodiče během 2. světové války, byly umístěny do koncentračního tábora Terezín a po osvobození Československa poslány do Anglie, kde jim byla poskytnuta všestranná podpora. Článek se zaměřuje na dva zdroje psychoanalyticky orientovaných autorek – studii Anny Freudové a Sophie Dannové s názvem Experiment se skupinovou výchovou (Freud a Dann, 1951), která je ukázkou ročního sledování vývoje deprivovaných dětí, a studii Sarah Moskovitzové (1983, 1985) dokumentující další vývoj terezínských dětí v dospělosti. Z psychologického hlediska sledování ukazují na možnost dobré adaptace i po těžké deprivaci v dětství. Z historického hlediska jde o dokumentaci osudů židovských dětí spojených pobytem v Terezíně a angažmá řady zainteresovaných pomocníků včetně Anny Freudové.
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Samuel Bronowski (1907-1975)

Samuel Bronowski (1907–1975) was formed in the Second Polish Republic, where he received his education and began his career in the judiciary. During World War II, he was an employee of the Statistical Office and the Criminal Court in the Łódź ghetto. The arrested man was sent to the camp in Poznań, and then to the branch of KL Auschwitz in NeuDachs. Escapee from the death march in 1945. In the Republic of Poland, an employee of the Łódź Office of Public Security, the Ministry of Provisioning and Trade, and then a prosecutor investigating German crimes in the extermination center in Chełmno on the Ner. The witness in the criminal trial of Arthur Greiser. In 1957 he left Polish for Israel, where he worked as a lawyer.
Samuel Bronowski ukształtował się w II Rzeczpospolitej, w której zdobył wykształcenie i zaczynał karierę w sądownictwie. W okresie II wojny światowej był pracownikiem Urzędu Statystycznego i Sądu Karnego w getcie łódzkim. Aresztowany, trafił do obozu w Poznaniu i filii KL Auschwitz w NeuDachs. Uciekinier z marszu śmierci w 1945 roku. W Polsce Ludowej pracownik łódzkiego Urzędu Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego, Ministerstwa Aprowizacji i Handlu, a następnie prokurator badający zbrodnie niemieckie w ośrodku zagłady w Chełmnie nad Nerem. Świadek w procesie Arthura Greisera. Po odwilży październikowej wyjechał z Polski do Izraela, gdzie pracował jako prawnik.
Procesy rekontekstualizacji oraz reapropriacji w kontekście dyskursów dotyczących mniejszości seksualnych uznawane są za podstawowe zabiegi umożliwiające znoszenie narzucanych na tą grupę stygmatów. W odnie¬sieniu do wspomnianych procesów, niniejsza praca podejmuje problematykę zmiany konotacji oraz znaczenia silnie uwarunkowanego historycznie symbolu różowego trójkąta. Autorzy poprzez prześledzenie różnych kon¬tekstów, w których współcześnie występuje wspomniany symbol – komemoracyjnych, emancy-pacyjnych oraz związanych z kulturą pop – podejmują refleksję nad konsekwencjami związanymi z dążeniami do odłą¬czenia różowego trójkąta od symboliki holocaustowej. Poprzez zastosowanie metafory kradzieży dodatkowo podjęta zostaje próba zwrócenia uwagi na fakt, że ograniczenia dotyczące prawa własności dotyczą nie tylko przed¬miotów materialnych, ale również wartości symbolicznych. Praca w oparciu o kon¬cepcję performa¬tywności aktów mowy J. Butler, reapriopriacji w ujęciu A. Crooma oraz Goffmanowskie rozumienie piętna zawiera ana¬lizę sposobów wykorzystywania symbolu różowego trójkąta w ramach współczesnych dyskursów tworzonych w USA. Główne pytanie stawiane przez autorów dotyczy kwestii własności. Do kogo zatem współ¬cześnie należy różowy trójkąt – do byłych więźniów, dla których jest on piętnem, do środowisk LGBT noszących go z dumą, czy może do użytkowników współczesnej kultury, używających go jako dodatek do różnego rodzaju gadżetów?
The processes of recontextualization and reappropriation are said to be the basic ways to neutralize the stigma that is imposed on the sexual minority groups. In light to such processes this article looks at the issue of changing connotations and meanings of the historically strongly conditioned symbol of the pink triangle. By the investigation of different contexts in which the symbol occurs today – commemorative, emancipatory, and connected with pop-culture – the authors undertake the reflection on the consequences related to the attempts to dis¬connect the pink triangle from the Holocaust symbolism. Additionally, through the usage of the theft metaphor, the authors pay attention to the fact that the limitations of property rights apply not only to material items, but also to symbolic values. On the basis the J. Butler’s performativity concept, A. Croom’s understanding of reappropriation and E. Goffman’s concept of social stigma, the paper analyzes the ways the pink triangle symbol is used in the framework of contemporary discourses created in the USA. The main question concerns the issue of property. To whom does the pink triangle belong? To the ex-prisoners for whom it is stigmatizing, or to LGBT groups, who wear it with pride, or maybe to the users of contemporary culture, who use it as a supplement to different kinds of gadgets?
This study focuses on presenting the specific Central European region of Bukovina, in its day the last crown land of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, which today is divided between Ukraine and Romania. A specific national-cultural situation formed in its capital of Chernivtsi at the beginning of the twentieth century: the Jewish minority, using standard German as its language of communication and sensing the approach of its annihilation, clung to literary creativity, consisting primarily in intensive poetry writing. After the Second World War, the literary work of these authors was published in the diaspora. In addition to the name of Rose Ausländer, the poet Paul Celan especially gained renown, and it was from his late work, written towards the end of his life, that the Israeli poet Ilana Shmueli, originally from Chernivtsi, took inspiration. The work of both these authors is directed towards hermeticism and cipher, but this is in no way detrimental to the intensity of the poetic communication of the tragedy of the Shoah.
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Drohobyckie opowieści…

The presented text was created in 2015 on the basis of several accounts. The stories of Mr. Brunon Schwarz and Mr. Alfred Szraier are exceptional for they were the last witnesses who knew Bruno Schulz personally. Recognizing the extraordinary importance of these relationships, the author tried to present them in this text in the most documentary way, avoiding literary over-interpretation. Both witnesses attended the school where Bruno Schulz taught before the war and both were his pupils. Both were also victims of the Holocaust, so the author decided to include in their text their individual fates and experiences, assuming that they constitute an important background for understanding the fate of all Drohobycz Jews. During her visit to Drohobycz, the author got acquainted with the topography of the city, visited the places of work, life and death of the writer, and the unusual in their dread execution sites of the Jewish community. The history of the recovered artifact (casket) currently held in the Museum of Literature in Warsaw was handed over to her by the nephew and legal successor of Bruno Schulz. The purpose of the presented text was to gather and document the recent accounts of witnesses who pass away, taking their memories with them. The retention of their memories is, in the author’s opinion, a duty, intended to induce the reader to think – how could this happen?
Aim. The primary aim of the study is to examine how the issue of Holocaust is integrated into teaching of history at primary schools and grammar schools in the Slovak Republic. The secondary aim is to present the methodological ideas, suggestions and recommendations for teaching Holocaust in Slovak schools. Methods. The subject of the study is analysis of basic state educational documents defining the compulsory content of education and training for the school subject of history at primary school and grammar school, thus the National Educational Programme for lower secondary education (second stage of primary school) and the National Educational Programme for grammar schools (completed secondary general education), with emphasis to Holocaust. The method of analysis is applied to textbooks of history that contain information of Holocaust. The study also includes a detailed analysis of methodological recommendations and suggestions prepared by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and the National Institute for Education to assist teachers in teaching Holocaust issue. The study is supplemented by knowledge from educational practice what was obtained through interview method with 15 teachers of history. Results. Holocaust is an integral part of teaching history at primary schools and grammar schools. Students get acquainted with Holocaust issue in Slovak and global historical context in the 9th year of primary school and in the 3rd year of grammar school with a four-year educational programme. The basic content of education is defined in the eduational standards of national educational programmes. Teachers can specify and concentize it even more within teaching of history. Its development is aided not only by textbooks of history but also by various educational and professional activities defined in various methodological materials and manuals.
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Auschwitz i nowoczesność

The text examines the relationship between the two categories – Auschwitz and modernity, in recognition of Jean Améry and Zygmunt Bauman, taking also into account the voice of the latter polemicists. In the first place is reconstructed Améry’s positive view on modernity with respect for the truth of the victims of Auschwitz. Then Bauman's critical position is discussed, indicating the modern provenance of the Holocaust and risk of recurrence of the Holocaust. Next the voices of Bauman’s opponents are presented. Yehuda Bauer, Henryk Grynberg, Andrzej Szahaj and Stefan Morawski pointed to the key role of ideology and irrational aspects of Nazism. At the end the common ground of Améry and Bauman is indicated – both turn to take the perspective of the victims.
Black humor in Władysław Szlengel works, with particular focus on Mała stacja Treblinki (A small station called Treblinki) Władysław Szlengel (1914–1943), was a Jewish poet writing in Polish. His works are the best example of the use of black humor in Polish poetry of World War II. War caused him to change his worldview, which is reflected in the change of humor in his works. The shift was so powerful that in fact Szlengel-commentator replaced Szlengel-satirist. He did not hesitate to use the sharpest irony both against his enemies and against other victims of the system. His poem A Small Station Called Treblinki is the most shocking instance of black humor. Key words: Władyslaw Szlengel; black humour; holocaust; humour; risus sardonicus;
The problem put there by the Author is the character of the relationship between philosophy and literature (poetry in particular) in regard to the Holocaust: its cultural origins, contexts, and repercussions. The discussion of this issue is not limited to deliberating over guilt and responsibility; rather, the primary question here is what Alan Rosenberg and James R. Watson recognized as a philosophical indifference to the Holocaust, or even as an attempt at normalizing it for the sake of theoretical consistency. But Kolarzowa does not see indifference in the silence of philosophy; and argues with the attempts to interpret it as shame. Instead, she views it as a strategy of avoiding the key themes connected with the relationship between rationality, science, and structures of beliefs and the Holocaust itself, the existential experience of its survivors, or the resources of post-memory. In contrast to researchers from the ‘Holocaust and Genocide Studies’ circles, she points out that this avoidance strategy is not all silence – it also manifests itself as chatter, as splitting hairs over methodological subtleties and conceptual (and ethical) distinctions, thus drawing attention away from fundamental issues. As evidence to support this hypothesis she quotes the persisting patronizing attitude of philosophy as regards literature, specifically the literature that both formulated a proper diagnosis before the Holocaust and also attempted to at least register a part of the individual and collective trauma. Philosophy, therefore, has granted itself a disciplinary role of policing statements about the Holocaust without actually speaking up in its own name.
The article features letters of three Jews coming from Gostynin, who managed to escape extermination as the only ones in their numerous families. They left Gostynin shortly before the outbreak of the war and they never came back to their hometown.
Tragedia II wojny światowej dotknęła niemal wszystkie narody Europy, a szczególnie Żydów. Mało komu z tej nacji udało się przeżyć hekatombę XX wieku. Wśród tych, którzy uniknęli śmierci, było m.in. troje Żydów z Gostynina. W zachowanej korespondencji z lat 1977 i 1979 opisali losy swoje i swych rodzin. Są to Rifka Margalit z Tel-Avivu, Celina Szaron z Hajfy, obydwie pochodzące z licznej rodziny o nazwisku Motyl i Jakub Żychlin z Anglii. Dziś już nie żyją, ale pozostawili historyczny dokument swego życia, zarazem dokument tamtej epoki. Listy te zostały poniżej zaprezentowane czytelnikom.
This article gives a short overview of recent trends in German and international historiography on the German occupation régime in several European countries, mainly France and Poland. Based on bibliographical research, which for a number of reasons proved to be problematic in itself, and a thematic focus aside from the classical political and military history the authors shows that since the end of the Cold War traditional perspectives have slowly but steadily been abandoned and, thus, former taboos tackled, leading to somewhat parallel research trends in different parts of Europe. In this regard, research on the so-called Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia seems to lag behind.
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Baťa, Židé a Steinův seznam (1938–1939)

This study looks at the sending of Jewish workers at the Baťa company in Zlín out of Czechoslovakia to safety abroad and out of the reach of Nazism in 1938–1939. Baťa sent its Jewish workers abroad for business matters during the 1920s and 1930s, and during a period when German Nazism and the Nuremberg Laws on race represented a growing threat, there was a growing emphasis on the opportunity to send a large number of Jewish workers out of Czechoslovakia to safety abroad. By using previously overlooked archival sources, and memoirs, the author investigates numbers of such workers sent away directly by the company, or with its assistance. The period looked at can be divided into a number of stages (pre-Munich, the Second Republic, the Protectorate), each of which had its own peculiar aspects due to the political situation. In this study, the author endeavours to give precise figures on the number of Baťa employees sent abroad, and endeavours to introduce new facts to discussion of this issue.
Since Ukraine achieved independence in 1991, the controversial politics of memory has influenced, in relation to heroes,  accomplices, and victims, not only building of memorials but also different perception of them, which ranges from veneration to  vandalism. This essay focusses on Soviet politics of memory in Ukraine with respect to the Second World War, and its influence  on tourism. The project is aimed at analysing the role of Soviet discourse about the war, while presenting tragic historical events  in museums and memorial sites which are important resources for  tourism. Documents from archives of the Communist Party of  Ukraine and the Soviet travel agency Intourist were assessed. In the case of this essay, determinant is the fact that tourism and  commemorative practices as cultural and social phenomena related to the Second World War intertwine and influence each other. 
This article explores selected aspects of narrative expression of identification with social entities in Holocaust survivors’ oral history testimonies, including the related conflicts of identities. In its empirical dimension, the study is based on secondary analysis of archived interviews with people born in Czechoslovakia and labelled as Jews by the Nürnberg laws, who had left Czechoslovakia and remained abroad. Oral history interview is conceived as a social and linguistic interaction of interviewer and interviewee, aiming towards collaborative production of a comprehensible account of the past. The results show how the religious, ethnical, political and national identity of narrators is expressed in the interview as a part of the life-story plot. Second explored topic is the spoken tongue as an attribute of national identity during the pre-war, war and postwar period. Considering the characteristics of the analysed interview-sample it is precisely the (absence of) language knowledge, which is reflected in the interviews as an obstacle that had to be overcome by the narrators, often quite soon after the traumatic events of the wartime.
The main purpose of this study is to analyse mutual allegation of genocide in the armed conflict in Ukraine under the 1948 Convention on Genocide and indication of provisional measures in this case (Ukraine v. Russian Federation). Other ICJ cases related to Article IX of the Convention and indication of preliminary measures are also mentioned, including by the ICJ refused allegation of genocide, claimed by the FRY in connection with the NATO bombings since 24 March 1999 or allegation from Bosna and Hercegovina against former Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) in 1993, the jurisdiction of the ICTR in the crime of genocide and other cases. This study discusses in brief history and definition of genocide, the problems of its interpretation and reservations to the convention or criticizes shortcomings in the genocide definition and prosecution. Genocide as an antinomous crime of crimes against humanity requires for its existence two constitutive elements, resting in the objective and subjective factors (actus reus and mens rea). Genocide is also an international crime under international customary law and represents a peremptory norm (jus cogens) of international law. This crime has been incorporated e.g. in the Rome Statute of the ICC. Besides individual criminal responsibility the rules of State responsibility apply for crimes of genocide and other internationaly wrongful acts.
Hlavním cílem článku je analýza vzájemných obvinění ze spáchání genocidy za ozbrojeného konfliktu na Ukrajině na základě Úmluvy o genocidiu z roku 1948 a vydání předběžných opatření MSD v dané kauze (Ukrajina v. Ruská federace). Jiné kauzy vztahující se k článku IX Úmluvy a přijetí předběžných opatření jsou rovněž zmíněny, včetně odmítnutí MSD přijmout předběžná opatření v souvislosti s bombardováním FRJ silami NATO po 24. březnu 1999 nebo obvinění Jugoslávie (Srbsko a Černá Hora) ze strany Bosny a Hercegoviny v roce 1993, jurisdikce ICTR nad zločiny genocidia a dalších kauz. Článek ve stručnosti pojednává o historii a definování genocidy, problémech její interpretace a výhrad k Úmluvě nebo o některých nedostatcích definice a trestního postihu. Genocida je autonomním zločinem mezi zločiny proti lidskosti, který ke svému vzniku vyžaduje dva konstitutivní prvky, spočívající na existenci objektivního a zejména subjektivního faktoru (actus reus a mens rea). Genocida je též zločinem podle mezinárodního obyčejového práva a představuje imperativní normy (jus cogens) mezinárodního práva. Tento zločin byl např. zakotven i v Římském statutu Mezinárodního trestního soudu (ICC). Vedle individuální trestní odpovědnosti existuje za spáchání genocidy a jiných mezinárodně protiprávních činů i odpovědnost států.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wyników badania dotyczącego organizacji systemu rachunkowości w getcie łódzkim (Litzmannstadt Getto) w latach 1940–1944. W wyniku badania ustalono, że system rachunkowości w getcie łódzkim był w wysokim stopniu uporządkowany z rozbudowaną wewnętrzną strukturą, co pozostawało w sprzeczności z warunkami funkcjonowania żydowskiej dzielnicy zamkniętej. Przeprowadzono badania z wykorzystaniem dokumentów archiwalnych, pochodzące przede wszystkim z Archiwum Państwowego w Łodzi, z zespołu Przełożony Starszeństwa Żydów w łódzkim getcie. Wartykule przedstawiono m.in. charakterystykę dotychczasowego stanu badań, zastosowanego podej-ścia badawczego, opis struktur administracji oraz przedsiębiorstw działających w getcie, badanie organi-zacji rachunkowości, rewizji finansowej, szkoleń z zakresu księgowości. Jako podejście badawcze zasto-sowano teorię społeczną Z. Baumana, dotyczącą kwestii racjonalności woli przetrwania. Artykuł jest, według wiedzy autora, pierwszą próbą zbadania organizacji systemu rachunkowości w getcie łódzkim, przeprowadzoną z perspektywy żydowskich księgowych.
The purpose of the article is to present research findings that deal with the organization of the accounting system in the Lodz ghetto. As a result of the research, it was found that the accounting system in the Lodz ghetto was characterized by a high degree of orderliness and an extensive internal structure, which were in conflict with the conditions of how the closed Jewish district functioned. Archival empirical research was carried out, covering mainly materials collected in the State Archives in Lodz The article presents characteristics of the current state of research, an applied research approach, a description of the adminis-trative structures and enterprises operating in the ghetto, an examination of how accounting was orga-nized, financial audit, and training in accounting. Bauman's social theory regarding the rationality of the will to survive was used as the research approach. The article is, to the best of the author's knowledge, the first attempt to examine the organization of the accounting system in the Lodz ghetto, carried out from the perspective of the Jewish accountants.
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