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The horse is not only an animal for the farmer, is also a valuable “tool” for working on the land and a friend sharing hardships. In this article I will try to determine how users perceive of a horse by the dialect, in his simple, but deeply traditional memories about horses. The paper is a clear two–part structure. The first part contains an image interpretation and its horse hierarchy, the second part presents the dialect texts, first spoken, next written, told by older residents explored the environment, written in a simplified manner, based on and which have been analyzed.
The paper presents a linguocultural study of some aspects of nomadic culture, which are reflected in the texts of the fairytales of the Yakuts. The analysis of Yakut fairytales reveals that their storylines are often centered around the concept of the road – the core element of nomadic culture. The road is viewed as transition, both physical and metaphorical, from the ordinary world to the world of magic. This is the place where the key events of fairytales usually happen. Furthermore, the rites and customs of nomadic people, including the initiation rite, the wedding rite, the traditional holiday of the Yakut horse herders (ysyakh), the horse worship, etc., are represented in the texts of Yakut fairytales. They correspond to the world view of the nomadic Turkic peoples, based on the worship of nature. Nomadic cattle breeding has determined the lifestyle of the Yakuts for many centuries. It resulted in the formation of the principles of life based on archaic mythological concepts – hero, horse, alaas, serge, ysyakh, etc.
The article fi rst discusses the economic organisation of the Piast state; such toponyms as Konary and Kobylniki are given particular attention. The historical region of Kujawy has provided the starting point for further analysis. Historical sources were explored in search of the fi rst mentions of the villages in question. At the same time, attempts were made to correlate the location of the villages with the location of meadows and pastures suitable for grazing horses. Then, archaeological record from Kujawy confi rming the use of horses was analysed, notably fi nds of spurs and horseshoes. The paper discusses centres of princely rule (Brześć Kujawski and Kruszwica) that yielded evidence confi rming the use of horses. Equestrian elements have been also recorded at early medieval cemeteries; the article investigates selected excavated sites throughout the Piast domain, including Lutomiersk, Końskie, Pokrzywnica Wielka, Łączyn Stary, Korzybie Duże, Czersk, Daniłow Mały, Sowinki and Dziekanowice.
In the opinion of the author of this article, Żeromski, showing a tragic picture of the January Uprising in Ravens and Crows Will Peck Us to Pieces, runs very skillfully polemic with the views of Stanislaw Tarnowski, both political and social, which are summarized in the hearing From the experiences and reflections, as well as the aesthetic-literary ones, expressed among other things in the works devoted to Arthur Grottger, Polish romantics or in reviews of Sienkiewicz’s historical novels. Irydion and Konrad Wallenrod play a special role in the intricate network of intertextual references presenting in Żeromski’s story. Count Stanislaw Tarnowski spoke many times about these literary works, occupying a unique position in the minds of Poles living in the 19th century. His writings designate the area of controversy, which is the foundation of imaginative and ideological construction of Żeromski’s story Ravens and Crows Will Peck Us to Pieces.
Celem badań przeprowadzonych wśród osób uprawiających rekreację konną było uzyskanie informacji na temat jeździectwa jako formy rekreacji ruchowej i jej wpływu na życie osób, które w niej uczestniczą. W badaniu wzięło udział 352. respondentów korzystających z usług ośrodków jeździeckich funkcjonujących na terenie województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego. Posłużono się metodą sondażu diagnostycznego oraz techniką ankiety. Do zebrania danych posłużył autorski kwestionariusz ankiety. Na podstawie uzyskanego materiału empirycznego można stwierdzić, że głównym motywem uprawiania jeździectwa jest zamiłowanie do koni, które uzupełniane jest potrzebą aktywnego wypoczynku w środowisku przyrodniczym. Poza tym regularne uprawianie rekreacji konnej w istotny sposób wpływa na życie jeźdźców, kształtując ich charakter, szeroko rozumiane zdrowie i kontakty społeczne. Natomiast główną barierą utrudniającą regularne uprawianie jeździectwa są wysokie koszty tej formy rekreacji fizycznej.
Recreational horseback riders were surveyed to gather information about horseback riding as a form of active recreation and its influence on the participants’ lives. A total of 352 respondents who are clients of horseback riding centers in the Region of Warmia and Mazury were surveyed. The research methods involved a diagnostic survey and a questionnaire. Data were collected with the use of a questionnaire designed by the author. The gathered empirical data indicate that the main reasons for participation in recreational riding are the love of horses and the desire for active recreation in natural surroundings. Regular horseback riding significantly influences the participants’ lives by promoting personal growth, health and social contacts. The high cost of recreational riding is the main barrier to regular participation in this form of physical activity.
The article introduces Catherine Malabou’s concept of plasticity and Deleuze and Guattari’s theory of becoming to research on the infamous, so-called Diary of Vaslav Nijinsky, the legendary dancer and choreographer of Sergei Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes. In this document Nijinsky describes, among others, the walks he presumably took around St. Moritz in Switzerland in 1918-1919. The text was written when Nijinsky started developing symptoms of mental illness eventually diagnosed as schizophrenia. Yet in the article Nijinsky’s descriptions of walks are treated not as medical symptoms but as kinetographies of universal plasticity, in this case radically transforming the dancer’s identity or, better, disidentifying him as a site of becoming. It is the access that Nijinsky’s notebooks grant to a specific plane of kinetic experience which makes them of interest to the studies of human mobility, including dance. By deconstructing the peculiar character of plasticity the traces of which Nijinsky’s writing contains the article advances further the project of cultural kinesiology seen as vital component of performing arts theory and cultural analysis in general and situated on the crossing of philosophy and performance studies.
In her article, the author states that the topic of countryside in Russian lit-erature has been addressed for a long period of time and this is continued on a contemporary basis, as exemplified by literary works of new realist, including Zakhar Prilepin (Sankhja, short stories from the collection Eight) and Irina Mamaeva (Lenka’s Wedding, The Land of Gai). The depiction of countryside pre-sented by these writers is negative in meaning as descriptions of both rural life conditions and spatial elements are dominated by motifs of destruction and decay. People leaving here do not have any opportunities or hope for improvement of their lives and cannot adjust to the reality following the political transformations. Showing the vanishing of patriarchal tradition, Prilepin and Mamaeva attempt at some kind of dispute with the representatives of rural prose of the 1960s and 1970s.
For almost half a millennium, the landscape surrounding the stud farm in Kladruby nad Labem has served the purpose of breeding and training of the famous Kladruber horses. At the present day, this area is a national cultural monument and, since 2019, also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The grounds of the Kladruby nad Labem National Stud, one of the oldest functional studs in the world, are situated in the Polabí region, in the floodplain of the river Elbe. The National Stud is a uniquely preserved historical cultural landscape with an extraordinary balance of natural and cultural values, including both landscape composition and remnants of original biotopes.
Emanuel Marcel’s Collection has become a part of the Slovak National Museum – Bratislava Archaeological Museum. It includes two small bronze figurines of a horse and a horseman that very likely belong to each other. Together, they allegedly represent a “Thracian horseman”, a divinity worshipped notably in the territory of the Roman province of Thrace, but also in the western Black Sea region and in the Balkan Peninsula. E. Marcel probably brought the statuettes after a visit in south-eastern Europe. Unfortunately, we do not know the circumstances relating to the finding of these artefacts.
vol. 9
The main goal of this paper is to discuss the current state of research on horse domestication in prehistory by using selected evidence. This article refers to the steppe origin of horse domestication. Recently, the debate on this problem concerns not only archaeological aspects but also specialist analyses, such as archaeozoology or genetics. The interdisciplinary character of the problems explored in this article creates significant research possibilities, especially with regard to the of origins and dating of horse domestication. All of these issues are still open for debate among archaeologists.
The main reason for this study are the bronze objects found on the body of a woman (supposedly a “priestess”) from an Iron Age grave (VII century BC) from Marvinci in the Republic of Macedonia. There has also been a bronze statue recently presented in a public space in Skopje, as a contemporary art interpretation of this archeological finding. The main focus of this article is a semiotic analysis of arch-shaped bronze elements from this grave. Based on the form of similar finds from Europe they are defined as cheek-pieces i.e. elements of the reins for horse riding, but in Macedonia they have been used in another function – as female jewelry or as handles of a specific ritual implement. The study suggests overcoming of these contradictions through the following semiotic relations: a girl/mare + equipment for riding = a harnessed mare/wife, i.e. the use of these objects as symbols of a “wild woman” who is transferred from the sphere of “natural” to the sphere of “cultural” through the act of marriage, becoming a “tamed/a domesticated wife”. Within the same relationship the following paradigm is proposed (husband = ruler: wife = subject). Several facts are stated in the argumentation of this relationship: the mythological and ritual traditions based on ancient written sources; a ritual tradition of Slavic and Balkan folklore; a Slavic and ancient Greek lexeme with the meaning husband and wife whose etymology is based on the meaning of harnessed. This semiotic relation offers a possible key for the interpretation of the twenty bronze statues of horsemen placed in the last three years in the capital of the Republic of Macedonia, as part of the project “Skopje 2014”.
This article analyses an excerpt from the third song of Georgics. Virgil described a disease that attacked many animal species, including cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and humans. On the basis of the described symptoms and the number of species attacked by the plague, it should be concluded that the poet described anthrax – a zoonotic disease caused by the Bacillus anthracis bacterium.
Еще в древние времена верховая езда завладела сердцем аристократии. Лошадь считалась уникальным существом, ставшим символом благородного происхождения. В Древней Греции всадник приравнивался к воину. С лошадями связан ряд политических и социальных значений, важных также в Средние века и раннее Новое время. Важную роль, которую лошади играли в обществе, нашла свое отражение в искусстве: живописи и скульптуре. Первая Речь Посполита была страной, которая особенно любила лошадей, придавая им новые символы и значения.
In the ancient times horse riding took over the heart of aristocracy. The horse was considered as a unique creation, which was a representation of noble origin. In ancient Greece, the rider was identified with a warrior. Around the horses appeared a lot of political and social meanings, especially important in the Middle Ages and the early modern period. An important role, that horses used to have in the society, was reflected in the art: painting and sculpture. The Republic of the Nobles was a country that loved horses more than others, gave them new symbols and meanings.
Horse theft on Polish lands was a serious problem already in the 19th century, which did not decrease until independent Poland in 1918. In the years 1914–1921 the decline of the horse population was influenced not only by thieves called horse rustlers (Polish: koniokrady). It was influenced by the military units, which in the years 1914–1921 took part in war struggles, which were particularly painfully experienced by Malopolska, Lubelszczyzna, as well as other areas in the East called Kresy. All armies invoking the laws of war legally requisitioned or illegally robbed horses. The independent Second Polish Republic never freed itself from the phenomenon of horse theft. In the years 1918–1939 between 80 and 100 thousand horses were stolen in Poland, out of which more than 50% occurred in the Eastern Borderlands (Polish: Kresy Wschodnie). In interwar Poland horses were stolen by individual thieves or entire gangs specialized in this crime. These were well-organized criminal groups, whose thefts were preceded by long preparations and observations. The gangs cooperated with fences and dishonest village leaders, who arranged documentation to legalize the theft of horses, which the thieves had previously changed their coat colour. Such horses were bought at fairs at competitive prices by trusted individuals, often interested in foreign smuggling. In 1938 the police ascertained that 705 horse thieves and 200 horse fences lived in Poland. All nationalities living in the Second Polish Republic were involved in this type of crime. However, the Roma, a relatively small number living in Poland, led the way in mass horse abductions. In the poor Polish countryside horse thieves were the most hated group of criminals, caught by the inhabitants several times became victims of lynching, which a few horse thieves did not survive.
Kradzież koni na ziemiach polskich była poważnym problem już w XIX w., który nie zmalał do czasu niepodległej Polski w 1918 r. W latach 1914–1921 na spadek pogłowia koni mieli nie tylko wpływ złodzieje zwani koniokradami. Wpływ na to miały oddziały wojskowe, które w latach 1914–1921 brały udział w wojennych zmaganiach, jakich szczególnie boleśnie doświadczyła Małopolska, Lubelszczyzna, a także pozostałe obszary na Wschodzie zwane Kresami. Wszystkie armie, odwołując się do prawa wojennego, legalnie rekwirowały albo bezprawnie rabowały konie. Niepodległa II Rzeczpospolita nigdy nie uwolniła się od zjawiska kradzieży koni. W latach 1918–1939 w Polsce skradziono od 80 do 100 tysięcy koni, z czego do ponad 50% kradzieży doszło na Kresach Wschodnich. W międzywojennej Polsce konie kradli indywidualni złodzieje lub całe wyspecjalizowane w tej przestępczości gangi. Były to dobrze zorganizowane grupy przestępcze, których kradzieże poprzedzały długie przygotowania i obserwacje. Gangi współpracowały z paserami, a także nieuczciwymi sołtysami, którzy załatwiali dokumentację legalizującą kradzież koni, którym złodzieje wcześniej zmieniali ubarwienie sierści. Takie konie na jarmarkach po konkurencyjnej cenie kupowały zaufane osoby, często zainteresowane zagranicznym przemytem. W 1938 r. policja ustaliła, że w Polsce mieszka 705 koniokradów i 200 paserów koni. W ten rodzaj przestępczości uwikłane były wszystkie narodowości zamieszkujące II Rzeczpospolitą. W zbiorowych uprowadzeniach koni prym wiedli jednak dość nielicznie zamieszkujący Polskę Romowie. Na niezamożnej polskiej wsi złodzieje koni byli najbardziej znienawidzoną grupą przestępców, złapani przez mieszkańców kilkakrotnie stali się ofiarami samosądów, których kilku koniokradów nie przeżyło.
Internal parasites were a serious problem for breeders in ancient Rome. Invasions caused significant material losses due to their negative impact on the condition of animals, weight gain or milkability. The authors of agronomic and veterinary texts referred to them by the names hirudines - leeches, lumbrici - intestinal roundworms or vermes - worms, but it is difficult to determine whether the names were assigned to specific species of parasites. There are many indications that the names lumbrici or vermes were sometimes used interchangeably. Symptoms, formulas of drugs and methods of dealing with infected endoparasites of animals primarily concerned horses and cattle, unlike exoparasites which are mostly diagnosed and treated in sheep, cattle and then horses. Medicines were prepared on the basis of, among others, plants, oil, vinegar or lye. Formulas had been refined by the ancient Romans for several centuries and their effectiveness, in lighter cases, has been confirmed by modern researchers.
Pasożyty wewnętrzne stanowiły poważny problem dla hodowców w starożytnym Rzymie. Inwazje powodowały znaczące straty materialne ze względu na ich negatywny wpływ na kondycję zwierząt, przyrost ich masy czy mleczność. Autorzy tekstów agronomicznych i weterynaryjnych określali je nazwami hirudines - pijawki, lumbrici - glisty jelitowe czy vermes - robaki, niemniej trudno określić czy nazwy były przypisane do konkretnych gatunków pasozytów. Wiele wskazuje, że nazwy lumbrici czy vermes bywały stosowane zamiennie. Objawy, recepty leków oraz sposoby postępowania z zakażonymi endopasożytami zwierzętami dotyczyły przede wszystkim koni oraz bydła w odróżnieniu od egzopasożytów diagnozowanych i leczonych przede wszystkim u owiec, bydła a następnie koni. Leki przygotowywano na bazie m.in. roślin, oleju, octu czy ługu. Recepty były dopracowywane przez starożytnych Rzymian przez kilka wieków a ich skuteczność, w lżejszych przypadkach, została potwierdzona przez współczesnych badaczy.   
В статье исследуется мотив лошади, широко представленный в литературе, переписке и публицистике Болеслава Пруса. Цель автора состоит в том, чтобы представить образ лошади в творчестве писателя как участника повседневной жизни, развлечений и человеческого труда в обществе второй половины XIX века. Автор анализирует следующие вопросы, связанные с проблемами, которым на протяжении многих лет Прус-писатель и Прус-журналист уделял внимание (например, варшавская рекреационно-спортивая верховая езда, конные скачки, коневодство, городской транспорт, сельскохозяйственные работы, деятельность благотворительных ассоциаций, направленная на улучшение судьбы лошадей в городских окрестностях). Целью статьи также является попытка демонстрации этического протеста писателя, сопровождающая описанный в его литературных и образ использования этих рабочих лошадей.произведениях вред, нанесенный лошадям,
This article treats the motif of the horse present abundantly in Bolesław Prus’s fiction, correspondence and journalism. As represented in Prus’s literary output, the horse is a participant in the everyday life, pastime and work of people living in the second half of the 19th century. Ewa Krzakowska-Łazuka discusses the following topics associated with horses and explored by Prus over the years: recreational horse-riding as Warsaw sports, horse racing, horse breeding, public transport, farm labor, the activity of charity organizations aimed at improving the fate of horses in the urban environment. She also makes an attempt to explain the author’s ethically motivated protest encoded in his images of abuse and exploitation of workhorses.
Artykuł bada szeroko reprezentowany w literaturze, korespondencji oraz publicystyce Bolesława Prusa motyw konia. Przedstawia zapisany w twórczości pisarza obraz konia jako współuczestnika życia codziennego, rozrywki i pracy człowieka w społeczeństwie II poł. XIX wieku. Analizuje kolejne, związane z końmi zagadnienia, którym na przestrzeni lat Prus pisarz i Prus dziennikarz poświęcał uwagę (m.in. warszawska hippika rekreacyjno-sportowa, wyścigi konne, kwestie hodowlane, transport miejski, praca na roli, działalność towarzystw dobroczynnych na rzecz poprawy losu koni miejskich). Celem artykułu jest również próba demonstracji etycznego protestu pisarza, towarzyszącego utrwalonemu w jego twórczości obrazowi krzywdy i eksploatacji koni pracujących.
В литературе лошадь обычно изображается как верный спутник человека, благородное и умное животное. Однако образ лошади в некоторых произведениях приобретает загадочность, вызывает ужас, страх, символизирует внутреннюю тревогу или желание убежать. Иногда лошадь даже отождествляется с посланником смерти, он воплощает в себе темные непостижимые силы, которые человеческий разум не может понять. Этот аспект неисследованного характера лошади в немецкой литературе является предметом рефлексии.
Literature usually represents a horse as a loyal companion of a man, a noble and intelligent animal. The image of a horse in some works, however, relies on their mystery, it evokes anxiety, fear. It symbolizes an internal unease or a drive to escape. Sometimes a horse is equated to the messenger of death; it personifies dark, incomprehensible forces that cannot be understood by a human mind. This aspect of the unexplored equine nature in Germanlanguage literature is addressed in this study.
Изображение, в общем, понимается как образ, воображаемое или подобие. В настоящее время это понятие связано с его формированием и восприятием с целью воздействия на окружающую среду. Таким образом, думая об изображении, в первую очередь мы воспринимаем его личные коннотации. Можно ли анализировать изображение животного, а точнее лошади? Оказывается, да, потому что этот представитель парнокопытного млекопитающего, сопровождавший человека в его жизни с доисторических времен, появился в искусстве, в том числе в кино. Он имел честь быть его объектом, или, скорее, субъектом. Среди множества ролей, которые он должен был сыграть, была еще и гуманизирующая роль – роль терапевта. Цель статьи – представить образ лошади как терапевта в избранных примерах фильмов и проанализировать его.
The image, in general, is understood as an image, an image or a likeness. Nowadays, this concept is associated with its shaping and reception in order to influence the environment. Thinking about the image, first of all, its personal connotations are taken. Can you therefore analyze the image of an animal, and more specifically a horse? It turns out that yes, because this representative of the even-toed ungulate, accompanying man in his life since prehistory, appeared in art, including film. He was honored to be his object or rather subject. Among the many roles he had to play, there was also a humanizing role – the therapist. The aim of the article was to show the image of the horse as a therapist in selected film examples and its analysis.
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