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On the basis of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and empirical studies of the educational process in higher educational economic institution, the necessity of systematic teachers’ training for the organization of independent work of students, while studying mathematical disciplines, has been defined in this article. Taking into account modern requirements of scientific and pedagogical activities, the definition of "didactic competence of the teacher of mathematical disciplines" has been proposed as an important condition of organization of independent student’s work. The components of the didactic competence as a system unit have been characterized, namely motivational-value, cognitive, methodically-organizational and reflective components. To ensure a sufficient level of didactic competence of teachers of mathematical disciplines, it has been proposed to conduct trainings, consultations and interviews in accordance with the principles of coaching technology.
The article discusses the role of independent work in the formation of self-competence of future engineers-teachers, the need to acquire the skills to maintain and improve their professional skills. The author proposes to use a complex system of organization of independent work of students, which aims at an extensive review process, in our case, the process of independent work of students and the relationship and unity of purpose, objectives, content, diversity of methods, forms and means of independent work. The organizational and methodological activity is an important component of independent work of the future engineer-teachers. In the process of organization of independent work we should ensure the right mix of volumes of classroom and out-of-class independent work. You should avoid extremes, allocating most of the time on extracurricular work, which leads to a slowdown in the study of educational material and, accordingly, development of the ability to self-educational activity. At the same time we should not forget that constant presence and assistance of the teacher is also not conducive to the formation smooth abilities. It is revealed that the objectives and goals of students’ independent work must be performed with a focus on the state standards of higher education and goals for the relevant sections of the discipline. The purpose of independent work must match the structure of students’ readiness for further self-education. The goal will be to determine the scope and structure of the content of the training material submitted for independent study, as well as the necessary methodological support. The crucial role of independent work of future specialists belongs to the teacher, who must work with a particular person, including strengths and weaknesses, abilities and personal inclinations. So independent work of future engineers-teachers as a kind and integral to their learning and cognitive activity contributes to the development of installation on an independent systematic provision, expanding their knowledge, skills to navigate the flow of information in the process of addressing the educational and professional objectives, contributes to the intellectual development of an appropriate specialist promotion from the lowest to the highest levels of mental activity, that is, to the formation of self-competence.
The article is focused on the problem of independent work of students (future pedagogues), which, on condition of Bologna education system prevailing, is becoming the basis for personality and professional credo forming for young specialists. The notion of independent work is defined through comparison of approaches to this issue by a number of researches. The author distinguishes independent work as an organization form of student self-guided activity within which students adopt necessary knowledge, acquire skills and abilities and get conscious of the necessity of education receiving. Correspondingly, the independent work purpose is student’s independence forming, development of his competence, attainments and skills by means of all the learning sessions content and methodology. In the article it is demonstrated that students’ independent work promotes not only development of professional skills and abilities in certain specialization, but also such competence qualities as experience of creative and research activity in solution of new problems and experience of social and estimation activity. The essence of the notion «competence approach», which actualizes the sense of students’ independent work in connection to transfer in educational system from adaptiveness principle to graduates’ competence principle, is revealed. The latter is taken as a basis of State Program «Teacher». Among important competences the following are described: instrumental, interpersonal and systemic. And among the main measures of the students’ readiness to individual work are: ability to plan one’s activity, to see variable ways of set aims and to find optimal out of them, skill of speed reading, ability to distinguish guiding idea in acquired information, proficiency in compact data reduction, competence to fulfill variable types of received information recordings (proceedings, extracts, quotation, etc.), meeting of bibliography requirements.
The article describes the conceptual framework of the study of the role of independent work in the process of the future teachers’professional training at the higher educational establishment. The future teachers’ professional training at the higher educational establishment is a purposeful, systematic and organized process of pedagogical influence in the learning process and informative time, so that professionally significant and personal qualities are formed in the future teachers. It is considered that future teachers’ independent work at the higher educational establishment is the specially organized educational and cognitive activity of the future teachers with regard to their individual characteristics, aimed at self-fulfillment of educational tasks and the formation of individual’s independence, activity and creativity. So, future teachers’ independent work at the higher educational establishment causes a change in the relationship between a teacher and a student as equal subjects of educational activity. That is why all psycho-pedagogical (organizational, methodological) means of ensuring future teachers’ independent work at the higher educational establishment should be corrected. The content of the process of the future teachers’ professional training at the higher educational establishmentis selected. The kinds of independent work in the process of the future teachers’ professional training at the higher educational establishment are highlighted, the stages of independent work in the process of the future teachers’ professional training at the higher educational establishmentare demonstrated. Attempts to determine the nature of the future teachers’ independent work in the training process at the higher educational establishment on the example of Sumy state pedagogical university named after A. S. Makarenko have been done. Accordingly, future teachers’ independent work at the higher educational establishment is separated in three stages: self-reproductive; reproductive-critical; critical-creative.
W artykule autorka stawia pytanie: czy można stosować w stosunku do prac dyplomowych sposób definiowania pojęć: „samodzielne” i „opracowanie” z ustawy o prawie autorskim, czy też należy poprzestać na wykładni gramatycznej pojęć dokonywanej na podstawie ustawy Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym (w myśl zasady autonomii pojęć w ramach danego aktu prawnego)? W celu odpowiedzi na pytanie autorka wskazuje na znaczenie słownikowe pojęć: „samodzielne” i „opracowanie”, następnie przedstawia znaczenie słów „samodzielne” i „opracowanie” na gruncie prawa autorskiego. Autorka dochodzi do wniosku, że zestawienie określeń „samodzielne” i „opracowanie” używanych w definiowaniu pracy dyplomowej przez ustawę Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym i na gruncie prawa autorskiego wzajemnie się wyklucza. Dokonywanie wykładni sformułowania „samodzielne opracowanie” na gruncie ustawy Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym powinno odbywać się w drodze wykładni gramatycznej tych pojęć. W dalszej części artykułu autorka zastanawia się, czy brak zgodności w rozumieniu pojęć „opracowanie” i „samodzielność” na gruncie prawa autorskiego i ustawy Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym wyklucza możliwość ochrony prac dyplomowych na gruncie prawa autorskiego. Dochodzi do wniosku, że prace dyplomowe mogą stanowić przedmiot prawa autorskiego, o ile spełniają warunki wyznaczane przez art. 1 ustawy o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych. Chodzi tutaj o specyficzne dla tej gałęzi prawa przesłanki warunkujące objęcie ochroną prawa autorskiego intelektualnych wytworów pracy ludzkiej. Istnieją one, obok wymogów formułowanych co do charakteru pracy dyplomowej w ustawie Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym, w tym zapisów wskazujących na określony sposób wyrażenia, konieczność utrwalenia pracy dyplomowej (w przypadku prac pisemnych) oraz konieczność posiadania określonej wartości.
In the article, the author puts a following question: can the way of defining terms “independent” and “work” from Act on Copyright be used in relations to diploma theses, or should these definitions be replaced by the grammatical interpretation on the basis of Law on Higher Education Act (according to the rule of terms’ autonomy in specific legal act)? To answer the question, the author introduces dictionary meanings of considered terms, and then presents their meaning on the grounds of copyright. The author arrives at conclusion that different definitions of words “independent” and “work”, used to define diploma thesis by the Law on Higher Education Act and on the grounds of copyright, are mutually exclusive. Interpretation of the phrase “independent work” on the basis of Law on Higher Education Act should happen through grammatical interpretation of these terms. In the next part of the article, the author wonders if lack of agreement on the meaning of terms “work” and “independence” between copyright law and Law on Higher Education Act eliminates the possibility of copyright protection of diploma theses. The author arrives at conclusion that diploma thesis can be an object of copyright, as long as they fulfil conditions named by Art. 1 of the Copyright Act. These conditions consist of specific for this branch of the law prerequisite conditions of providing copyright protection for intellectual product of human labour. They exist next to character requirements of diploma thesis in the Law on Higher Education Act, which include specific way of expression, necessity of preservation of diploma thesis (in case of written thesis) and necessity of presenting certain value.
The article deals with the ways of increasing motivation towards the academic discipline ‘Latin and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology’ at the medical university and proves their usefulness. Specifically, the author’s attention is focused on such methodical aspects as: ‒ the greeting and farewell in Latin. The author believes that it is important for the first-year students as a form of respect to language and to a lecturer; ‒ the usage of the Latin proverbs and sayings. Firstly, by using the given educational material the lecturer may achieve an educational (moralizing) goal in the classroom. Secondly, a proverb is one of important tools in the phonetic warming up that helps students to prepare their organs of speech for different activities in class. Thirdly, through proverbs and sayings students learn many words and master grammar rules; ‒ self-study of the Latin proverbs and sayings during the school year. Students are proposed to learn by heart a certain number (about 50) of eloquent expressions during the school year. They choose interesting proverbs by themselves; ‒ encyclopedic minutes. This is a short presentation of some informative facts (myths, legends) that related to the peculiarities of the Latin language; ‒ different projects. Students can be involved as listeners or speakers into studentsʼ research societies (circles) organized by the Department of Foreign Languages; in the studentsʼ scientific conferences at all levels; in cultural events related to foreign languages, including Latin. The following methods are used in the article: analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, interpretation of pedagogical sources with the purpose to determine the conceptual and terminological apparatus; observation ‒ with the purpose to identify the ways of increasing motivation towards the academic discipline ‘Latin and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology’. The prospect of further research is the analysis of the student’s interest while studying the discipline Latin and the Fundamentals of Medical Terminology (foreign languages) at the medical university.
The urgency and significance of the managerial aspect of professional training of the future teachers at a pedagogical higher education institution is due to new priorities and socio-cultural values of the 21-st century, aimed at innovating the content, means, forms and methods of their vocational and pedagogical training. Modernization of the system of higher education requires the efforts of pedagogical workers to develop the creative potential of the participants of the educational process. Thepurposeofthestudyustohighlightthemainapproachestothedefinitionoftheessenceoftheconceptsof “culture”, “activity”, “management”, “managementculture”, “managementcultureof students-bachelors ofpedagogicalhighereducationinstitutions”; to define andcharacterize the structuralcomponentsofmanagement culture (motivational-value, cognitive, operational-activityand managerial-analytical). The methodologicalbasisofresearchconsistsofgeneralscientificmethods: analysis, synthesis, systematizationinordertofindoutthestateof the developmentoftheproblemunderstudy; comparison, generalizationinordertoformulateandconcretizethefindingsofthestudy. Theresearchdeterminesthestructuralcomponentsofmanagementcultureof the future teachers: motivational-value, cognitive, operational-activityand managerial-analytical. Thus, the motivational-value componentreflectsthesystemofmotivesandvalueorientationsof the studentsonthesuccessof the activitiesrelatedtotheformationofmanagementcultureanddirectlyinmanagementactivities. Thecognitivecomponentcharacterizesthepresenceofthestudentsofprofessionallyorientedknowledgenecessaryformanagementfunctionsand a creativeapproachtothesolutionofmanagerialtasks. The operational-activity componentreflectsthepresenceof prognostic-diagnostic, communicative, organizational, regulatoryand control-correction skillsandabilitiesof the students.Management-analytical componentcharacterizesthepresenceof the students’ communicativeandorganizationalskills, leadershipqualitiesandtheabilitytomakemanagerialdecisionsfortheeffectiveimplementationofprofessionalactivities. Theconductedresearchmakesitpossible todeterminetheperspectivedirectionsoffurtherdevelopmentof theproblemofformationofmanagement cultureof the future teachers: thestudyofthepeculiaritiesofformationof themanagementcultureof the students-masters inthecontextoforganizationofindependentwork on pedagogicaldisciplines.
In the article scientific and methodological bases of pedagogical management of future primary school teachers’ independent work are theoretically grounded. The essence of the studied phenomenon as a purposeful activity of a university teacher, aimed at improving the efficiency of organization and implementation of independent work of primary school teachers during their training is revealed. The structure of pedagogical management of independent work, which is a relationship of target, motivative, semantic, operational-active and control-efficient components is defined. It was found out that the bases of pedagogical management of independent work of future primary school teachers are system, activity, personal and differentiated approaches. The system approach is to examine the structural components of pedagogical management of independent work of future primary school teachers not in isolation but in conjunction and system. It enables to explore the issue of unity and connection between the teacher and the student. Activity approach involves the creation of a teacher in the pedagogical management of independent work environment in which the student becomes a subject of knowledge, activity and communication. The personal approach provides orientation in the pedagogical management of the independent work of future primary school teachers on the individual student as a target, subject, result and the main criterion for its effectiveness. Differentiated approach is due to the need to take into account the individual students’ characteristics by teachers, their natural instincts and skills in the pedagogical management of independent work. Implementation of the system, activity, personal and differentiated approaches that underpin the pedagogical management of independent work of future primary school teachers, allows at a qualitatively new level to realize the defined process. The prospect of further research we see in the development of methodological recommendations for teachers on the implementation of the above mentioned approaches.
The role of independent work in the conditions of implementation the competence approach in modern school is described in the article. Today it is considered to be an important factor of the «learning skill» competence formation. The subjective competences are formed on the basis of the experience of independent solving problems and though independence versatile interpreted by teachers and psychologists, it provides obtaining the activity techniques, awareness and validity of actions, criticism, ability to make a decision, manifestation of individuality, etc. The instrument of acquiring independence, independent learning activity is an independent work, which is organized by the pupil, and is motivated, controlled and realized at the convenient time for him. This requires self-regulation, targeted control of one’s own actions and in learning activities – matching the capabilities of the students with the requirements for designing a self-learning process and the ability to consciously control it. The formation of skills of self-learning requires external influences that provide a rational organization of independent work to strengthen all of the cognitive processes of students: sensation, perception, memory, attention, imagination, thinking, skills to submit one’s own verbal judgments. Independent work includes such functions as learning, developing and upbringing, which integrate the chemical methods, concepts, laws and theories with the skills to work consciously with different information resources and use the gained knowledge in practice. This approach provides the formation of the personal character and behavior features. Together this forms the ability to self-learning, which is an integral component of the competence «learning skill». With the change of the education system from traditional to the competence, change the methods of productive learning, among which the author distinguishes such groups: cognitive, creative (oriented at creating by students their own educational product) and organizational-activity. Systematic use of a wide variety of multi-level independent work and various forms of its implementation, gradually teaches students self-learning. The skills of self-control and self-assessment are carried out through informed choice feasible level of tasks. This, in turn, will provide continuous self-examination of the level of knowledge of program material.
The input of the European credit-transfer system in higher educational establishments changes whole education process, methods and forms of cooperation of students and teachers. A gradual transition originates from an information transfer to guidance by educational-cognitive activity of students and forming in them skills of independent work. The article is directed at the research of readiness of the students of specialty “Primary education” to the realization of independent educational-cognitive activity as one of the methods of studies and self-education in the methodological mathematical training. For realization of the set aim the theoretical (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, systematization of theoretical and experience data) and empiric (supervision, conversations, questionnaires, independent work) methods of research were used. With the purpose of the research of the ability to carry out independent educational-cognitive activity, the students of specialty “Primary education” were offered an independent work. The selection of tasks was carried out in accordance with the levels of independent productive activity (copying actions, reproductive activity, productive activity, independent activity) set in psychological pedagogical literature. Independent work included different types of tasks: reproductive, reconstructive-variant, heuristic and creative. The results of the executed tasks of reproductive character show that in most students (about 70 %) independent productive activity is formed at initial level (levels of copying actions). The analysis of implementation of reconstructive-variant tasks specifies that most students (over 70 %) have a low level of formed skills of reproductive activity, only about 30 % students can generalize receptions and methods of educational-cognitive activity related to the recreation of information about different properties of educational object. Implementation of tasks of heuristic and creative character demonstrates that ability to carry out productive and independent activity is not formed in most students (over 70 %). Research results specify on the necessity of search of the effective methods of students’ educational-cognitive activity organization in the conditions of the credit-transfer system of teaching, as only 30 % of students are apt at productive independent educational-cognitive activity and ready to the change of forms and methods of studies.
The article presents the results of a study on the use of individual tasks with children of primary school age in the conditions of independent work at home. The purpose of this article is to develop and experimentally validate a methodology for the use of individual tasks in terms of independent work at home, aimed at improving physical fitness of children of primary school age. Practical value of the work consists in development of methods of using individual tasks in physical education of children of primary school age in conditions of independent work at home, which can be applied in the process of extracurricular work in physical education of children as individual homework, according to the new curriculum for physical education. The study is based on generally accepted concepts of leading scientists in the field of physical education and sport. Research methods are: analysis and generalization of literary sources, physical fitness testing, and methods of mathematical statistics. The studies revealed that the level of physical preparedness of junior pupils is low. Considering the data obtained, we developed a technique of using individual tasks in terms of independent work at home, aimed at increasing the level of physical preparedness of children of primary school age. Experimental results proved the effectiveness of our proposed method for increasing the level of physical preparedness of junior pupils. The results of the experimental studies indicate that the proposed experimental method is a reliable means of improving physical fitness of children of this age and can be used in secondary schools as a procedure of individual homework assignments, according to the new curriculum for physical education. Further studies involve the development and experimental substantiation of the method of individual tasks usage in conditions of independent work at home to enhance physical fitness level of children of secondary school age.
Informational and educational resources for independent work of students today are one of the most effective means. Technique of creating and using these tools requires constant research through the intensive development of of new information technologies. The present article describes the most effective tools and technologies for creating Internet resources for independent work of students of IT-specialties. Methods of their use in the educational process are The present article describes the most effective tools and technologies for creating Internet resources for independent work of students of IT-specialties, substantiated methods of their use in the educational process substantiated.
The article is aimed to examine the international experience of using innovative methods in the foreign languages teaching for the students of non-language faculties. The critical analysis of the literature, the deep study and summarizing of the positive experience of Ukrainian, European and American teachers of English and French as foreign languages allowed the author to focus on the efficiency of the introducing new approaches to teaching foreign languages, for special purposes in particular. Such methods as problem-based learning, blended learning, communicative language teaching, together with technology-based approaches, such as blog or Bring Your Own Device method, are briefly described in the article. The article is focused on the active role of a student, when the role of a teacher is that of a facilitator, helping students with the activities they do themselves. The basic principle of the problem-based learning is the fact, that the language learning is strengthened by the students’ experience in the other fields. Students not only acquire language competences, but become proficient in problem-solving, logical thinking and team work, thus becoming more competitive in their future career. Innovative technologies, in their turn, give both the teacher and the students not only the opportunity to get access to the unlimited sources of information, but to find the new ways of interaction, to see the language course relevance and possibilities of its practical use, that is to improve the interdisciplinary connections. The practical significance of this article is closely connected with the effectiveness of the methods discussed, possibilities of their implementation into the language teaching. The above-mentioned efficiency is proved by the experience of using institutional and teacher created blogs for the language-teaching purposes. It goes without saying that the peculiarities of these methods, as well as the aspects of teaching adults, should be taken into account. Their influence upon the students’ motivation cannot be overestimated, but at the same time, they can cause such problems as lack of cognitive activities. This fact can be the basis for the further study of the modern technologies impact on a future professional’s personal development as well as the role of the foreign language teacher and the necessity of the life-long learning.
The article discusses the development, improvement and research opportunities for application of methodological system of teaching math correspondence students of engineering specialties of technical universities, which contributes to higher motivation to learn mathematics, can improve the quality of teaching part-time students mathematics, but also enhances the creative and intellectual potential of students through self-organization, optimizes the ability to work with computers and allow themselves to make responsible decisions. Distance education is a form of training and retraining of specialists with higher and secondary special education, as well as a form of education on the job. In modern conditions the solution to the problem concerning the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), particularly program-methodological in educational process is complex. Methodological system of teaching mathematics correspondence students of higher technical school is of practical importance because it helps during the learning process to increase the level of mathematical training of students and to form independent work skills. The paper presents a practical implementation of the developed methodological system, in particular, created program-methodological complex of teaching mathematics correspondence students of engineering specialties. By requirements of teaching mathematics the students of technical universities are features of each component of the guidance system: objectives, content, organizational forms, methods and means of education. The research results can be used in the practice of teaching mathematics in high school while preparing engineering students, distance learning, as well as during the study of other disciplines (physics, chemistry, special subjects) during the development of computer learning tools. The study does not fully solve the problem of improving the methods of teaching mathematics correspondence students of technical universities using program-methodological complex system of distance learning, which enables the prospect of further scientific understanding of the raised issue, particularly in terms of creation of methodological maintenance of the mathematics and the development and use of software tools for the effective use of ICT.
The development of intellectual skills of future teachers of mathematics is revealed in the article. The concepts of intelligence and intellectual skills are defined. It is noted that mental operations lie in the basis of intellectual skills. Therefore, intellectual skills is a set of activities and operations on reception, processing and use of information in educational activity. It is asserted that these skills are formed effectively in future teachers of mathematics in interactive teaching. The examples of students’ intellectual skills development during individual work in mastering discipline material of «Practical course of solving non-standard tasks» for the speciality «Mathematics» are given. It is known that this discipline deals with the methods of non-standard tasks solution, the consideration of which is necessary for mastering modern mathematical set with the purpose of its further application in the study of mathematics and carrying out an independent research. It is found out that student’s individual work is a form of mastering educational material beyond compulsory training lessons. The article offers checking students’ individual work to conduct in the form of a conversation between a teacher and students. Interviews can be conducted both individually and collectively. It is known that the activities which provide an individual decision of educational problems causes an active mental work and conversely, activities for mechanical execution, memorization and reproduction lead to passivity. We propose to move away from a traditional survey and to build checking of individual work using interactive technology in the form of presentations of collective projects in the article. The combination of individual and group forms of work with the purpose of ensuring the quality and efficiency control of each student individual work is considered. The author argues that such testing of individual work will assist not only the educational-cognitive activity of students, but also the development of their intellectual abilities.
В статье рассматриваются возможности использования самостоятельной работы с целью формирования профессионально-педагогической компетентности студентов; уделяется внимание цели, задачам, классификации, содержанию самостоятельной работы (инвариантному и вариативному), ее учебно-методическому обеспечению.
The article discusses the possibility of using independent work in order to form students’ professional and pedagogical competence; attention is paid to the goal, objectives, classification, content of independent work (invariant and variable), its educational and methodological support.
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