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Efficient control of the consumer foodstuff market can be considered a key direction of economic development of Irkutsk region. This market is strategically important for forming human capital of the region, as food is a basis for preservation and maintenance of population’s health.The economic crisis has been negatively reflected in functioning of the market of foodstuff that is caused by the factors having both internal and external character. Increasing the cost of some kinds of food has negatively affected consumers’ demands, as the incomes of the population in the conditions of crisis are decreasing. The structure of production and sells of foodstuff has changed. While retail prices are growing, the wholesale ones (for the peasants) are decreasing. The lack of coordinated communication between manufacturers and consumers interfered with the process of replacing imported goods with domestic products. Due to long procedures of registration for credits and insufficiency or absence of pledge, the possibilities of small businesses were limited in subsidizing programs. In the conditions of economic crisis, the primary task of the enterprises of food-processing industry should be aspiring to innovative development as well as decreasing the expenses for manufacturing and selling competitive products.
Research background: Innovative development of industries and regions in Russia during the period 2005-2011 has not brought significant positive results. Innovative activity of regions and industries remained at a low level. After a relatively stable 2012-2013, the Russian economy faced the geopolitical crisis and economic sanctions in 2014-2015. Purpose of the article: The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the innovative development patterns of industrial sectors in selected Russian regions in the years 2012-2015, which include the period of negative external environment (2014-2015) for the national economy. Methods: The study enhances the analysis of statistical data and applies quantitative analysis methods (variance analysis). The research focuses on 14 regions of Russia, members of the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia (AIRR) and 2 specific industries: section D 'Manufacturing' and subsection DL 'Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment' which usually manifest high level of innovative economic activity. Findings & Value added: The research results show that the crisis period of 2014-2015 has not stimulated the increased innovative activities for both industries. The innovative sector (section D) grew faster than the non-innovative one in 2013, but this advantage became insignificant in 2014-2015. Some signs of revival for innovative enterprises in subsection DL were observed during the crises beginning in 2014, but this trend was not retained in 2015. The analysis of structural indicators (proportions) of the innovative sector shows that only a few AIRR regions have values comparable to the leading European countries. Most of the AIRR regions lag behind the leading foreign countries specifically on the 'Share of enterprises engaged in technological innovation' and 'Share of new or significantly improved products' Indicators. The study did not reveal the statistically significant positive dynamics of these indicators in the AIRR regions over the period 2013-2015.
In the article, on the background of the general recommendations coming from economic theories on the role of human capital in innovative development of the company, it pointed to the conducive to innovation requirements imposed on companies and to the corresponding skills of employees. It stressed the importance of regional and sub-regional economic development strategies, as well as the possibility of their use for the development of the human capital within their own companies.
The relevance of the article is attributed to the swift evolution of the social and state system. With the advancement of the political, economic, and social dimensions of existence, there is a growing need to consider public opinion and enhance public legal awareness in the medical domain. The purpose of the study is to apply correlation analysis in comparing legal sciences and medical sciences, combining them, and subsequently utilizing applied legal dialectics within the realm of medical law knowledge. To achieve this goal, dialectical and logical methods, as well as general scientific methods such as observation and generalization, were employed. Globalization processes are supranational in nature, and under conditions of driving factors are subject to constant development. The medical field is not an exception and is influenced by other sciences, including legal doctrine, informatics, and economics. Clinical research in the medical field is subject to international influence and development, unification and legal regulation. Internationalization processes are making innovative adjustments to the development of medical science, introducing advancements such as artificial intelligence, personalized medicine, predictive medicine, preventive medicine, participatory medicine, and precision medicine. Consequently, personalized patient data is designated as sensitive and necessitates additional legal regulation. Additional attention is paid to the issue of criminal liability of medical workers as special subjects of professional activity. The results of research are reflected in the established search routes of the possibility of improving legal awareness of medical personnel in the context of practical professional activity. Such practical ways can serve as: the creation of informative material of legal content, adapted to the understanding of persons who are not specialists in the field of law, instead, they are professionals of high intellectual level of medical services. The practical importance of the results of creating information and legal content of the medical industry can be reflected in the results of advanced training by medical personnel, in addition, in the elements of self-education of doctors – researchers, private doctors – specialists, etc. Analytical study of the statistical informative material of the medical industry is reflected in legislative and normative legal acts, taken into account in the case law of the national level, taking into account the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights.
Achieving high competitiveness of Ukraine and ensuring a decent living standard is only possible if a flexible intellectual-innovation strategy development and effective mechanism for its implementation are developed. Today, the definition of strategic goals and objectives of innovative development of Ukraine becomes especially relevant. The innovation model of development should focus on instrumental support for the implementation of the intellectual potential of innovative resident enterprises. The purpose of the article is to define priority directions and improve the strategy of intellectual-innovative development of the national economy, and build an innovative development model for achieving high scientific and technical competitiveness of Ukraine. The structural and logical scheme of the research is determined, the methods of economic research used allowed to sufficiently characterize the strategy of intellectual-innovative development of the national economy on the basis of economic analysis, data comparison, and modeling. The article describes the directions, tasks, and goals of intellectual-innovative development. The dynamics of 2015-2019 scientific-technological and innovative development indicators of the national economy is analyzed. Peculiarities of innovative development and the main restraining factors of regional development are singled out. The analysis of normative-legal acts of scientific-technological and innovative development allowed the authors to single out intellectu-ally innovative vectors of the national economy development. A long-term strategy of intellectual-innovative development of Ukraine is proposed. The innovative model of development of national economy, methods, means, direct and indirect organizational-administrative and financial-credit levers of influence on innovative development of Ukraine are schematically described.
The importance of space activities in the innovation development of economy was revealed and the possibility of innovative development of space industry of Ukraine wasconsidered. The analysis of promising a trend was presented of innovation development of Ukraine’s space industry was given
Розкрито значення космічної діяльності в інноваційному розвитку економікидержави та розглянуто можливості інноваційного розвитку космічної галузі України. Проведено аналіз перспективних тенденцій інноваційного розвитку космічної галузі України.
W niniejszym opracowaniu poruszono problem szacowania różnych aspektów i cech jakościowych rozwoju innowacyjnego. Zaproponowano nowe podejście metodologiczne do kompleksowej oceny polistrukturalnego charakteru nowoczesnego rozwoju innowacyjnego w nowych państwach członkowskich UE i pozostałych państwach członkowskich UE. To pozwoliło na identyfikację punktów wzrostu i obiecujących obszarów umożliwiających zwiększanie ich innowacyjnego rozwoju. Przeanalizowano takie aspekty jak zdolność do absorpcji informacji, innowacyjna orientacja i efektywność synergii. Analiza opiera się na logicznej ocenie wskaźników charakteryzujących naukę, technologię i społeczeństwo cyfrowe w oparciu o dane dostępne publicznie, z których wybrano główne wskaźniki charakteryzujące te trzy aspekty innowacyjnego rozwoju UE. Według algorytmu metody macierzowej dla nowych państw członkowskich UE i pozostałych państw UE dla każdego wskaźnika wybrano wartość maksymalną (referencyjną) i obliczono współczynnik zgodności z wartością referencyjną danego wskaźnika. W efekcie obliczono zintegrowane wskaźniki oceny zdolności do absorpcji informacji, innowacyjnej orientacji i efektywności synergii oraz zintegrowany wskaźnik rozwoju innowacyjnego krajów UE, co pozwoliło na ich ocenę. Innowacyjny rozwój gospodarek krajów UE różni się znacznie w odniesieniu do niektórych wskaźników i aspektów. Ocena i porównanie rozwoju innowacyjnego na poziomie krajowym zależą od wielu czynników, ale są determinowane przede wszystkim polityką państwa i priorytetami danego kraju. Dlatego obiecującym kierunkiem zwiększania innowacyjności wszystkich krajów UE powinien być przede wszystkim dalszy rozwój wzajemnej wymiany technologii w oparciu o istniejący naukowo‑techniczny potencjał integracji.
This study investigates the problem of estimating various aspects and qualitative features of innovative development. A new methodological approach to comprehensively assessing the polystructural nature of modern innovative development in the new EU member states and other EU countries is proposed, which allows us to identify growth points and promising areas to increase their innovative development. Aspects such as information adaptability, innovative orientation, and synergetic efficiency are considered. The analysis is based on a logical evaluation of indicators that characterize science, technology, and the digital society in accordance with the data presented in the public domain, from which the main indicators that characterize these three aspects of the EU’s innovative development were selected. According to the algorithm of the matrix method for the new EU member states and other EU countries, the maximum (reference) value was chosen for each indicator and the coefficient of compliance with the reference value of a particular indicator was calculated. As a result, integrated indicators of assessing information adaptability, innovative orientation, and synergetic efficiency and the integrated indicator of innovative development of the EU countries were calculated, which allowed us to rate them. The innovative development of the economies of the EU countries differs significantly in some indicators and aspects. The assessment and comparison of innovative development at the national level depends on many factors but is primarily determined by public policy and national priorities of a particular country. That is why a promising direction of increasing the innovative development of all EU countries should be, first of all, the further development of their mutual exchange of technologies based on the existing integration scientific and technical potential.
This paper discusses the influence of development level of generations on innovative development of a country in case of Kazakhstan. Parameters which influence the development level of human capital and innovative development level of a region were determined. Direct influence of human capital on innovative development of a region is proved and the results generalized on national level. Consequently, based on the performed analysis, country’s population was divided into three generations. Using official statistics, the influence of the development level of generation on innovative development of the country was proved.
W niniejszym artykule omówiono wpływ poziomu rozwoju pokoleń na rozwój innowacyjny na przykładzie Kazachstanu. Określono parametry oddziałujące na poziom rozwoju kapitału ludzkiego oraz rozwój innowacyjny regionu. Dowiedziono, że kapitał ludzki bezpośrednio wpływa na rozwój innowacyjny regionu, a następnie uogólniono ten wniosek na skalę krajową. Konsekwentnie, na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy, podzielono populacje kraju na trzy pokolenia. Wykorzystując oficjalne dane statystyczne, udowodniono, że poziom rozwoju pokoleń oddziałuje na rozwój innowacyjny kraju.
The article examines the current state of innovative agricultural development in Ukraine and determines the role of the state in the sphere of innovative development of the agricultural complex. It considers the most problematic characteristics and factors of the slowdown of innovative development of domestic agricultural enterprises. It also suggests measures that would promote the increase of innovative activity of agricultural enterprises.
In the article multiculturalism as a strategy of innovative development in higher pedagogical education in Ukraine has been viewed. The article aims to analyze and compare the contents of multicultural component in the curriculum of teacher training in Ukraine and Canada. The research methodology has included the use of theoretical and practical research methods. The essence of the concept of multiculturalism has been stated. The comparative analysis of multicultural component in the curriculum of teacher training in higher educational institutions of Ukraine and Canada has been done. The state of multicultural education in Ukraine has been outlined. The content of the subjects included in the teacher training curriculum for readiness to work in a multicultural environment has been considered. For example, National University «Lviv Polytechnic» has shown that in addition to mandatory subjects divergent courses entered in order to develop such competencies as: multiculturalism and the ability to appreciate diversity; an ability to work in a multicultural context; an ability and desire to work in a team; oral and written communication; an ability to apply knowledge in practice; understanding the cultures and customs of other countries; an ability to understand the structure of cultural systems. Multicultural teachers training in Canada includes the study of the nature stereotypes, their role in the formation of prejudice, racism, discrimination and conflict has been set. The content of teacher training has got two components: special (of subjects) and vocational has been pointed. The special role of a teacher in multicultural education in Canada has been emphasized. The importance of a teacher awareness of their own values, attitudes, perception of life and their own prejudices has been outlined. It is mentioned that extracurricular activity also plays an important role in the development of multicultural professional, as it is an important part of the educational process. In conclusion the author stresses that the accumulated global pedagogical practice potential solution to the multicultural education problem should actively be used. The issue of the general characteristics of multicultural education in modern school education in Ukraine has been defined among the prospects of further scientific studies.
The concept of “innovative culture of the head of the education institution” includes structural components: innovative thinking, innovative development, innovative activity which is a set of functions that allow them to integrate in the innovative educational space: epistemological, organizing, transformation-creative, unifying, moral and ethical. Innovative culture provides the receptiveness of managers to new ideas, their readiness and ability to support and implement innovative technologies and teaching methods in the educational process in modern higher education. Innovative culture of the head of the institution is a dynamic integrative quality of the personality developing in the course of activity, characterized by a certain level of theoretical understanding and practical skills for the implementation of leading approaches to the management activities in compliance with the norms, principles of morality and ethics. While its functions are: cognitive, prognostic, communication, information, organization and coordination, creative engineering design, analysis, corrective, innovative vector, social. We have identified such components of innovative culture of the heads of education institutions: socio-determination, information and innovation, organizational and creative, acmeological providing general and special in the development of this process. The procedural model of formation of innovative culture of the head of the education institution is represented by blocks (socio-oriented, targeted, procedural and technological, analytical and productive), developed in accordance with the provisions of synergistic, acmeological and moderating approaches, captures a number of general and specific characteristics for effective development of innovative culture of the heads of education institutions, allows to predict the reporting process, outline the strategy and tactics of further actions. The complex of pedagogical conditions for the successful functioning of the model takes into account reformation of innovative culture of the heads of institutions: variable programs of leadership development in areas of vocational and management activities; ongoing development and production of professional-personal qualities of leaders in the educational environment of education institution; the integrated us of information technology resources in professional and managerial activities of the supervisor.
Сформулированы задачи инновационного управления. Предложен методический подход к оценке инновационного потенциала для управления им. Определены основные направления стимулирования развития инновационного потенциала предприятия
The relevance of the study is due to the especially sharp of late issue of the competition in world markets, which requires strengthening of innovation component from the economy of any country, including Ukraine. Ukrainian enterprises with innovation activity are able to maintain high growth rate in the long term. The main component in the effectiveness and efficiency of carrying out innovative processes at an enterprise is its innovation potential, including professional staff that is quite difficult to estimate given the rapid changes of the fulfilled tasks. The purpose of writing this article is the analysis of existing approaches to the evaluation of the innovative potential of enterprises and their improvement taking into account the peculiarities of service enterprises, the formulation of the task of innovation management and the main directions of development of innovation potential of an enterprise. We applied system approach, methods of analysis and synthesis and the method of modeling when carrying out research. The task of innovation management of an enterprise was formulated. A methodological approach to the evaluation of the innovation potential of enterprises in the sphere of services is attached. This approach will allow the heads of the enterprises in the sphere of services to monitor creativity and collective intelligence of the employees, to assess an enterprise on innovation and make timely decisions to eliminate the deficiencies. It was stressed that special measurements, quantitative evaluation of the intellectual, professional, educational, and other qualitative characteristics of the potential of employees is quite a difficult task, to perform which the expert methods are used based on interviews, surveys of executives, business owners and prominent managers. The main directions of stimulating the development of the innovation potential of an enterprise were formulated. A conclusion was made that under current conditions, in the absence of perfect methods of evaluation of innovation potential of the services industry, review and comprehensive application of different methods proposed in economic literature will allow obtaining more reliable information for justified management decision–making regarding the management of the innovation potential of an enterprise, introducing relevant changes into the components of the innovation potential to ensure its adequacy to the set innovation goals and increasing a general level of competitiveness in the given industry and in the global market as a whole. The scientific novelty of the research lies in improving the methodological approach to the evaluation of the innovation potential of an enterprise on the basis of the complex of main indicators specific to services and consideration, during the evaluation of personnel, of the innovation potential of an enterprise. The proposed approach allows analyzing the level of innovation potential of enterprises in the different spheres of activity: production, services, state government, commercial and others, where the innovation potential acts not only as a set of available and adequately allocated resources, but also as approved management decision or immaterial object. Since under modern conditions we tackle dynamic market of goods and services and the businesses need to respond quickly to these variable factors of influence, further studies might be directed to determining the capacity and speed of the enterprises to respond to these changes, in particular the ability of the staff to work efficiently and to realize the innovation potential under these conditions.
Актуальність дослідження обумовлено особливо гострим в останній час питанням конкуренції на світових ринках, що потребує від економіки будь-якої країни, в тому числі й України, посилення інноваційного складника. Підприємства України з інноваційною діяльністю здатні забезпечувати високі темпи зростання в довгостроковій перспективі. Основною компонентою в ефективності й результативності проведення інноваційних процесів на підприємстві є його інноваційний потенціал, зокрема професійно-кадровий склад, який досить складно оцінити з урахуванням швидкої зміни сформованих завдань. Мета написання статті – аналіз існуючих підходів до оцінки інноваційного потенціалу підприємства та їх удосконалення з урахуванням особливостей діяльності підприємства сфери послуг, формулювання завдання інноваційного управління й основних напрямків стимулювання розвитку інноваційного потенціалу підприємства. Під час дослідження застосовано системний підхід, методи аналізу та синтезу, метод моделювання. Сформульовано завдання інноваційного управління підприємством. Наведено методичний підхід до оцінки інноваційного потенціалу підприємств сфери послуг. Такий підхід дозволить керівникам підприємств сфери послуг здійснювати моніторинг креативності й колективного інтелекту персоналу, оцінювати підприємства щодо інноваційного розвитку та своєчасно ухвалювати рішення з усунення недоліків. Наголошено, що вимірювання, кількісна оцінка інтелектуального, професійного, освітнього та інших якісних характеристик потенціалу персоналу є досить складне завдання, для виконання якого застосовують експертні методи на основі інтерв’ю, анкетування керівників, власників підприємств та провідних менеджерів. Сформульовано основні напрямки стимулювання розвитку інноваційного потенціалу підприємства. Зроблено висновок, що в сучасних умовах, за відсутності досконалої методики оцінки інноваційного потенціалу сфери послуг, розгляд і комплексне застосування різних методів, запропонованих в економічній літературі, з урахуванням специфіки підприємств дозволить отримати більш достовірну інформацію для обґрунтованого прийняття управлінських рішень щодо управління інноваційним потенціалом підприємства, внесення відповідних змін у складники інноваційного потенціалу для забезпечення його адекватності поставленим інноваційним цілям та підвищення загального рівня конкурентоспроможності у своїй галузі й на світовому ринку в цілому. Наукова новизна дослідження полягає в удосконаленні методичного підходу до оцінки інноваційного потенціалу підприємства на підставі комплексу основних показників, специфічних для сфери послуг, та врахування під час оцінки впливу персоналу на інноваційний потенціал підприємства. Запропонований підхід дає змогу аналізувати рівень інноваційного потенціалу підприємств різних сфер діяльності: виробничої, сфери послуг, державного урядування, комерційної та інших, де інноваційний потенціал виступає не тільки як набір наявних та правильно розміщених ресурсів, а і як ухвалене управлінське рішення або нематеріальний об’єкт. Оскільки за сучасних умов ми маємо справу з динамічним ринком товарів та послуг і підприємствам необхідно швидко реагувати на такі змінні фактори впливу, подальші дослідження можуть спрямовуватися на визначення здатності й швидкості підприємств реагувати на ці зміни, зокрема здатності персоналу продуктивно працювати та реалізовувати інноваційний потенціал у цих умовах. Табл. 2. Бібл. 13.
The article contains a study of banking innovations and the current state of innovative development of banks. The separate attention is focused on the analysis of innovations and their implementation tendencies in Ukrainian banks. It was analyzed the performance of the company, producing and selling banking innovation. There are analyzed the activity indicators of the companies, which produce and implement bank innovations. Innovation products, which could be implemented into the activity of Ukrainian banks today, are singled out. During the research the detailed attention is concentrated upon the analysis of the most popular bank innovations as long as the tendencies of bank innovative devel-opment worldwide. Also, there is argued that the implementation of the new technologies and development of the existing ones will increase the efficiency of banks activity.
Artykuł zawiera analizę innowacji bankowych i obecnego stanu rozwoju innowacyjności banków. Szczególna uwaga skupiona jest na analizie innowacji w ukraińskich bankach i trendach ich realizacji. Analizowane są wskaźniki firm, które produkują i wdrażają innowacje bankowe. Prezentowane są innowacyjne produkty, które można dziś wprowadzić do działalności ukraińskich banków. Szczególną uwagę podczas badania skupiono na analizie najpopularniejszych innowacji bankowych i trendów innowacyjnego rozwoju banków na świecie. Ponadto argumentuje się, że wdrożenie nowych technologii i rozwój już istniejących zwiększy efektywność działania banków.
Объектом исследования является человеческий капитал как фактор устойчивого развития и социально-экономической безопасности экономики. Он основан на инновациях, эффективном использовании национальных ресурсов и относительных конкурентных преимуществах страны. Человеческий капитал является важным ресурсом инновационного развития. Целесообразно повысить роль инвестиций в человеческий капитал, необходимого для развития современной информационно-коммуникационной инфраструктуры. Человеческий капитал анализируется при расчетах международных рейтингов, харак-теризующих уровень инновационного развития различных стран мира. К ним относятся: глобальный инновационный индекс, индекс человеческого капитала, индекс экономики знаний, индекс развития электронного правительства. Стратегия наращивания и укрепления научно-технического потенциала должна быть направлена на повышение эффективности его использования в следующей триаде «человек как генератор новых идей – конкурентоспособная экономика – качество окружающей среды». Таким образом, улучшение инновационных результатов деятельности возможно за счет повышения эффективности человеческого капитала, создания высокоэффективного организационного бизнес-климата. Необходим ряд мер по социальной и материальной поддержке научных исследований и разработке технологических инноваций для улучшения качества человеческих ресурсов в стране. Переход к экономике знаний предполагает завершение системной модернизации и струк-турной перестройки научной сферы как реального сектора экономики; формирование тех-нологических платформ как коммуникаторов между государством, бизнесом и наукой.
The object of the study is a human capital as a factor of sustainable development and socio-economic security of the economy. It is based on the innovation, efficient use of national resources and the relative competitive advantages of the country. The human capital is an important resource of innovative development. It is expedient to increase the role of investment in human capital, it is necessary for the development of modern information and communication infrastructure. Human capital is analyzed with the calculating of the international rankings which characterize the level of innovative development of the various countries of the world. They are: Global Innovation Index, Human Capital Index, Knowledge Economy Index, E-Government Development Index. Strategy to build and strengthen scientific and technological potential must be directed to the improvement of the efficiency of its use in the following triad of “man as a generator of new ideas – a competitive economy – environmental quality”. Improvement of the innovative activity results is possible through more efficient human capital; creating a highly business organizational climate. Measures on social and material support research and development of technological innovations are necessary to improve the quality of human resources in the country. Moving to knowledge economy requires the completion of system modernization and restruc-turing of the scientific sphere as a real economy, the formation of technology platforms as a communicator between the state, business and science
Celem opracowania jest analiza kapitału ludzkiego jako czynnika zrównoważonego rozwoju i społeczno-ekonomicznego bezpieczeństwa gospodarki. Jest on oparty na innowacjach, efektywności wykorzystania krajowych zasobów i komparatywnych przewagach konkurencyjnych kraju. Kapitał ludzki jest także istotnym czynnikiem rozwoju w oparciu o innowacje. Wskazane jest, aby podnosić rangę i znaczenie inwestycji w kapitał ludzki. Powinien temu towarzyszyć rozwój nowoczesnej infrastruktury informacyjno-telekomunikacyjnej. Kapitał ludzki na Białorusi analizowany jest w oparciu o raporty i rankingi międzynarodowych in-stytucji oceniających poziom innowacji i innowacyjność różnych krajów na świecie, jak: Global Innovation Index, Human Capital Index, Knowlegde Economy Index, E-Government Development Index. Strategia budowania oraz wzmacniania potencjału naukowego i technologicznego musi mieć na celu poprawę efektywności jego wykorzystania, przy respektowaniu następującej triady „czło-wiek jako źródło nowych pomysłów – konkurencyjna gospodarka – jakość środowiska”. Warunkami wzmocnienia innowacyjnej aktywności są zwiększanie efektywności kapitału ludzkiego oraz tworzenie sprzyjającego klimatu dla prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej. Na Białorusi konieczne jest podjęcie licznych działań na rzecz społecznego i finansowego wspar-cia kapitału ludzkiego oraz sfery badawczo-rozwojowej. Przejście do gospodarki opartej na wiedzy wymaga ukończenia systemowej modernizacji, restrukturyzacji działalności badawczo-rozwojowej oraz tworzenia platform technologicznych sprzyjających komunikacji między sektorem publicznym, biznesem i nauką.
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