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The aim of this paper is to introduce the reader into the field of didactic means and their use by educators at universities with technical orientation from students´ perspective. To check the status of the two selected universities in the Slovak Republic and one university in the Czech Republic, we conducted a research, which was attended by 194 respondents and its results are presented in this paper.
The purpose of the presented study is to present research conducted in the conditions of vocational education in the Slovak Republic, aimed to assess the effectiveness of the use of interactive whiteboards for teaching vocational subjects. The main method of research was the pedagogical experiment; another method used was the questionnaire method. The authors’ research findings give evidence that students obtained significantly better results in acquired knowledge and skills when interactive whiteboards were used for teaching than when taught traditionally. The authors also present recommendations for teaching practice in Slovakia.
Tento príspevok je zameraný na nové technológie vo vyučovaní fyziky na Prešovskej Univerzite. Dávame najmä do pozornosti zaradenie interaktívnej tabule SMART Board do edukačného procesu na školách. V krátkosti chceme prezentovať prvú etapu riešenia projektu KEGA, ktorý sa zaoberá problematikou IWB.
This paper is dealing of new technologies in Physics education at the University of Presov. We give our particularly attention to the inclusion of interactive whiteboard SMART Board in the educational process at schools. In short, we present the first phase of the project KEGA, which deals with issues of IWB.
Informačno-komunikačné technológie sú v súčasnej dobe neoddeliteľnou súčasťou každej sféry spoločenského života, vzdelávací proces nevynímajúc. Do škôl sa okrem počítačov zavádza i interaktívna tabuľa, ktorá poskytuje nielen priestor na motiváciu žiaka, ale ponúka i zážitkové učenie, ktorým si žiak lepšie osvojí poznatky individuálnou prácou. Interaktívna tabuľa predstavuje v našom prostredí pomerne novú technológiu, s jej použitím na školách súvisí viacero problémov. Jedným je nedostatočná pripravenosť učiteľov na využívanie tejto technológie, druhým je nedostatok výučbových materiálov použiteľných pre potreby interaktívnej tabule.
Information and communication technologies are currently an integral part of every sphere of social life, not excluding the educational process. The schools, in addition to introducing comput-ers and interactive whiteboard, which not only provides space for student motivation, but also offers experiential learning whereby the student will master a better knowledge of individual work. Interactive whiteboard in our environment is a relatively new technology, with its use in schools is related to a number of problems. One is insufficient preparedness of teachers to use of this tech-nology; the second is the lack of teaching material for the needs applicable interactive whiteboard.
V predkladanom článku autor naznačuje a prezentuje možnosti a sposoby využitia interaktívnej tabule na základnej škole. V texte sú rozpracované klady a možné nedostatky pri práci s interaktívnou tabuľou, rôzne spôsoby a základné metodické otázky priebehu vyučovacieho procesu, ktoré prispievajú k správnemu učeniu žiaka a vytvoreniu prostredia, ktoré stimuluje žiaka k aktivite a spolupráci. Nakoľko nie všetci učitelia techniky, majú prístup ku klasickej IWB, naznačujeme možnosť využitia prenosného interaktívneho systému eBeam Edge, ktorý sa môže stať primeranou náhradou klasickej tabule. Poukazujeme na jednu z foriem a možností, akou informačné technológie prispievajú k zefektívneniu vyučovacieho procesu.
In the present article, the author presents and suggests possibilities and ways of using an interactive whiteboard in primary school. The text elaborates the advantages and possible disadvantages of working with interactive whiteboards, various methods and basic methodological issues during the learning process, contributing to correct pupils' learning and create an environment that stimulates students to activities and cooperation. Since not all art teachers have access to the classic IWB suggests the possibility of using portable eBeam Edge interactive system, which may become appropriate to replace the conventional blackboard. There is demonstrates one of the ways and means, such as information technology contribute to more efficient teaching process.
V predkladanom článku autor naznačuje a prezentuje možnosti a spôsoby využitia interaktívnej tabule na základnej škole. V texte sú rozpracované klady a možné nedostatky pri práci s interaktívnou tabuľou, rôzne spôsoby a základné metodické otázky, priebehu vyučovacieho procesu. Venuje sa aktívnemu zapojeniu žiakov, do možných interaktívnych cvičení a pokusov, ktoré prebúdzajú záujem žiakov a prispievajú k správnemu učeniu. Poukazuje na jednu z foriem a možností, akou informačné technológie prispievajú k zefektívneniu vyučovacieho procesu.
In the present article, the author suggests and presents options and uses an interactive whiteboard in primary school. In the text elaborated positives and possible shortcomings when working with interactive whiteboards, different methods and basic methodological questions during the learning process. She is active involvement of students in the potential of interactive exercises and attempts to arouse the interest of students and contribute to proper learning. Points out one of the forms and possibilities, such as information technology contribute to more efficient teaching process.
Příspěvek je zaměřen na moderní formu výuky, aplikovanou pomocí interaktivní tabule. Interaktivní výuka studentů je novou, stále více se rozšiřující formou výuky, při níž se studenti seznamují se specifickými vyučovacími metodami, prostředky a pomůckami. Jedná se zejména o manipulaci s interaktivní tabulí a práci se speciálními počítačovými programy. Interaktivní výuka vytváří prostor pro motivaci, aktivní výuku i zábavu.
The contribution is focused on a modern way of teaching, applied with the help of board. Interactive tuition of students is a new, more and more widespread form of teaching through which students meet specific teahing methods, means and tools. We talk mainly about manipulation with interactive board and work with special computer programs. Interactive tuition creates space for motivation, active tuition and entertainment.
V predkladanom článku autor naznačuje a prezentuje v rámci realizovaného výskumu na základných školách, možnosti a spôsoby využitia interaktívnej tabule. Text uvádza rozpracovanú metodiku, spôsob vyhodnotenia a čiastkové výsledky zistené v edukačnom procese v predmete Technika. Rieši metodické otázky priebehu výučby, ktoré podporujú učenie žiaka a vytvorenie interaktívneho prostredia, pri vytváraní vybraných kompetencií žiakov.
In the presented article, the author suggests and presents, as part of the research realized in primary schools, possibilities and ways of using interactive whiteboard. The text includes in-progress methodology, process evaluation and partial results observed in the educational process in the subject of technology. The text addresses methodological issues during the learning process that support student learning and creating an interactive environment to create the pupils' selected competence.
This article examines the current trends in the development and use of computer technology in special education, as well as provides the basic characteristics of the classification of TME. Technical meansoccupy a special positionin the system of education, as their use increases the effectiveness of education. The article states that teaching geography is impossible without the use of visual aids, as most of the objects and natural phenomena presented in the school course can not be observed in nature, and, in this sense, the study of geography requires students to have an advanced imagination and distraction techniques . The use of computer technologies in teaching geography to children with hearing impairment is difficult due to the lack of specially designed electronic aids, particularly taking into account the age and mental development of children in this category and guidelines for working with modern technical means of education. Using TME in a special (remedial) school is of great importance for the overall development of students with reduced motivation to learn. It should be noted that, over time, a number of technical means of educationin special remedial schools is becoming less relevantand is being replaced by modern technical devices, computer technology, for which the methods of operation are not well developedat the moment. The use of technical means opens up new opportunities for extra-curricular and leisure activities of environmental study nature with hearing-impaired students. The intensive nature of introducing computer technology in the educational process of remedial schools and the lack of special modern technical means of teaching geography to children with hearing impairmentare indicative of the need to establish the scientific concept of developing methodological support of technical means of education. The authors highlight the significant role of TME in the formation of knowledge on geographic objects and phenomena in students with hearing impairment.
The contribution brings part of the research results on using interactive boards in teaching English at lower-secondary stage of elementary schools in the Czech Republic. The whole research focused on ways of using this modern device, on types of interaction and mainly tried to find out whether there is sufficient space for developing communicative competence through oral interaction. Here mainly the part about forms of interaction is described.
W niniejszym artykule skupiono się na prezentacji tablicy jako aktrakcyjnego narzędzia dydaktycznego, ale niekoniecznie atrakcyjnego w opiniach nauczycieli. Odwołano się do opisu i badań prowadzonych w Wielkiej Brytanii nad tym, jak ITE wpływa na uczenie się. Zaprezentowano badania prowadzone w wybranych szkołach w szkołach w woj. zachodniopomorskim i na tej podstawie zaproponowano wnioski dla praktyki edukacyjnej.
This article focuses on presenting the interactive whiteboard (IWB) as a new didactic tool used in the classroom. It refers to the description and research performed in the United Kingdom, exploring how the use of IWBs affects learning. A pilot study is presented, performed in a school in west pomeranian voivodeship, Poland regarding teacher preparedness and methods used for accomplishing the educational objectives using an IWB.
W niniejszym artykule poruszona została tematyka znajomości tablic interaktywnych przez doradców metodycznych. Na wstępie opisane zostało, kim są doradcy i jaką rolę pełnią w systemie edukacji w świetle obowiązujących przepisów. Zaprezentowane w drugiej części wyniki badań pokazują, że doradcy metodyczni mają dużą wiedzę na temat tablic interaktywnych. Wiedzą oni, gdzie i w jaki sposób mogą one być wykorzystane, co daje im możliwość pomagać zarówno młodym, jak i bardziej doświadczonym nauczycielom.
In this article the Author raised the subject knowledge of methodological advisors about interactive whiteboards. At the introduction describes who are methodological advisors and what role they play in the education system under the relevant legislation. Presented in the second part results of the test show that the methodological advisors are high knowledge about interactive whiteboards. They know where and how they can be used, which gives them the opportunity to help both young and more experienced teachers.
Interactive whiteboard in the education of future teachers
Príspevok je zameraný na využívanie interaktívnej tabule ako významného činiteľa uľahčujúceho výučbu prírodovedných predmetov. Chceme v ňom stručne priblížiť čitateľovi druhú etapu riešenia nášho projektu KEGA. V ňom na základe získaných materiálov z prieskumov a výučby vo vybraných ročníkoch na základných školách v Prešove, sme si na zvolených témach počas vyučovacích hodín overovali funkčnosť vypracovaných meracích nástrojov v spojení s interaktívnymi tabuľami. Prezentujeme v ňom aj niektoré čiastkové závery výskumu súvisiace s problematikou riešenia nášho projektu, ktorých interpretácia vychádza v tejto etape z pozorovania vybraných kľúčových kompetencii žiakov počas ich práce s interaktívnou tabuľou na vyučovaní fyziky.
The paper is focused on the use of the interactive whiteboard as an important factor facilitating Science teaching. We want bring to reader the second phase of our research on project KEGA. Thereof on the basis of materials collected from surveys and from teaching training in selected grades in secondary schools in Presov, we selected the topics during school lessons to verify the functionality of the measuring instruments developed in conjunction with the interactive whiteboard. We will also be presenting some partial conclusions of the research related to the problem of our project, whose interpretation is based at this stage of observation of selected key competencies of pupils during their work with an interactive whiteboard for teaching training of Physics.
Príspevok, ktorý vznikol za podpory grantovej agentúry KEGA je zameraný na analytické spracovanie rozšírených možností práce s interaktívnou tabuľou. Interaktívna ako dotyková projekčná plocha nemusí byť iba obmedzená na využitie aplikačného softvéru, ktorý je jej súčasťou. Jej prepojenie s hardvérovým a softvérovým vybavením ponúka tak rozšírené možnosti využitia. Článok sa zaoberá možnosťami multimediálnych systémov, ktoré predstavujú najvhodnejšie uplatnenie pri výučbe technicky orientovaných predmetov najmä z pohľadu dodržania podmienky názornosti, ktorú takého predmety prioritne vyžadujú. V článku sú zmienené rozšírené možnosti prostredníctvom multimediálnych PowerPointových prezentácii, multimediálnych prenosných dokumentových formátov – známych pod skratkou PDF a multimediálnych flash animácii.
The contribution, which was supported by Grant Agency KEGA focuses on analytical processing increased opportunities to work with interactive whiteboard. Interactive touch as a projection screen are not only limited to the use of application software that is part of it. Combining it with hardware and software offers advanced options such use. The article deals with the possibilities of multimedia systems that are best suited for teaching in technical subjects especially in terms of compliance with the conditions of clarity that such items be urgently. The article mentioned enhanced capabilities through multimedia PowerPoint presentations, multimedia Portable Document Formats – known by the acronym PDF and multimedia flash animation.
In the digital world schools adapt to the changing reality following the technological progress. The aim of this article is to show teachers potential benefits of using the interactive whiteboards applied into the educational process. Author also draws attention to the shortage of teacher’s skills in the field of in-teractive whiteboard usage. The good practice, programs and tools shown in the article, combined with teacher’s skillfulness can guarantee modern educational approach to preschool education. Teacher would have an opportunity to encour-age students to be interested in learning. The aim of the article is also to indicate that schools shouldn’t be perceived as boring. The second goal is to encourage students to be actively involved in the teaching–learning process.
W cyfrowym świecie również szkoły dostosowują się do zmienia-jącej się rzeczywistości, podążając za postępem technologicznym. Celem niniej-szego artykułu jest ukazanie nauczycielom korzyści, jakie płyną z wykorzystania tablic interaktywnych w procesie kształcenia. Autor zwraca uwagę również na braki w umiejętnościach obsługi tablic przez nauczycieli. Przedstawione dobre praktyki, inne programy i narzędzia w połączeniu z umiejętnym wykorzystaniem tablic dają współczesnemu nauczycielowi edukacji wczesnoszkolnej wiele moż-liwości zaciekawienia i zachęcenia do nauki, pokazywania treści w innowacyjny sposób. Wszystko po to, by szkoła nie była postrzegana jako nudna, zacofana, by uczniowie od początku swojej edukacji aktywnie włączali się w cały proces nauczania–uczenia się.
The article serves as a summary of one of the parts of the research carried out under the NP-2550 grant in the Department of Education and Media in Education of the Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. The presented analyses concern the application of modern educational tools in the process of education. The work includes a discussion of the frequency, as well as ways, of using ICT devices by early education teachers. It shows the relationship between the presence of modern computer tools in the teaching process and the constructive-cognitive character of activities undertaken in the classroom. The research referred to was carried out among 148 teachers in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Province. The analyses presented to the reader are mainly based on the quantitative data obtained on the basis of: knowledge and skills tests, observation, as well as surveys. The research material was supplemented with qualitative data obtained through the conducted interviews.
V príspevku sa autori venujú pozorovaniu žiakov v predmete Technika na vybranom obsahu učiva prostredníctvom pozorovacích hárkov v súvislosti s implementáciou interaktívnej tabule a elektronicky spracovaného interaktívneho predvádzacieho materiálu. Svoje pozorovanie zameriavame na vybrané kompetencie a analýzu zistených poznatkov.
In this paper, the authors devote observation of students in the subject Technique for selected curriculum content through observation sheets regarding the implementation of an interactive whiteboard and electronically processed interactive demonstration material. His observation focusing on selected competencies and an analysis of the findings.
The article reveals the importance of an adequate leadership in teaching foreign languages with the use of Information and Communication Technologies. The accent is made on the attitude forming towards Innovational Educational Technologies in teaching foreign languages.
Artykuł ujawnia znaczenie odpowiedniego „przywództwa” nauczyciela w uczeniu języków obcych z użyciem technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych. Akcent jest położony na nastawienie stosowania innowacyjnych technologii dydaktycznych w nauczaniu języków obcych.
The interactive whiteboard is getting its popularity up to leading positions of active use not just by teachers but students too. The paper highlights the interaction basis of an interactive effect using interactive board as an effective tool for teaching and learning students. The modern teacher with a creative sense of new dimensions in education is an example for a student in developing the creative spirit and cooperation. Interactive whiteboard is – thanks to its compatibility and wide variety of options – a factor forming instructive, efficient, friendly and stimulating climate in the classroom.
Tablica multimedialna zyskuje na popularności nie tylko wśród nauczycieli, ale również wśród uczniów. Niniejsza praca podkreśla znaczenie efektu interaktywności na przykładzie wykorzystania tablicy multimedialnej, jako skutecznego narzędzia do nauki. Współczesny nauczyciel, świadomy istnienia wielowymiarowości w edukacji, stanowi dla ucznia przykład tego, w jaki sposób rozwijać ducha kreatywności i współpracy. Tablica multimedialna, dzięki swojej uniwersalności i mnogości zastosowań, jest edukacyjnym narzędziem prowadzącym do stworzenia efektywnej, przyjaznej i stymulującej atmosfery w klasie.
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