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Introduction. In previous years, the number of suicide attempts has increased in Europe. Intoxication with hypoglycemic drugs, including insulin is a rare a tool for attempting suicide that may lead to a severe patient status. Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the severity of insulin poisoning with examples of two patients. Methods. The analysis of clinical history of patients and review of available literature. Results. A 22-year-old patient was hospitalized in the Department of Toxicology and Cardiology due to a suicide attempt in the way of insulin poisoning; time of poisoning was unknown, and the level of glucose was indeterminable. The patient was treated with intensive specific pharmacotherapy. After hospitalization, which lasted 5 months, the patient’s condition had been stabilized but with no verbal contact and quadriplegic paralysis. Another patient was a 41-year-old woman hospitalized two times in the Department of Toxicology and Cardiology due to the insulin poisonings. In each case of hospitalization of this woman, severe recurrent hypoglycemia was observed up to 25 mg% until the fifth day of hospitalization and the treatment used improved the patient’s condition and there was no development of serious complications. Conclusion. Normally effective treatment at the right time can recover the patient completely
Introduction. Diesel oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons. These compounds are widely used in everyday life. Oral exposures are most often accidental and affect mainly children, but they also happen in adults. Oral ingestion may lead to aspiration of pulmonary alveoli which may cause necrotizing pneumonia. Aim. The aim of the study is to assess te severity of diesel oil intoxication on an example of a presented case. Methods. The analysis of the clinical patient history and review of available literature. Results. A 27 year old patient was admitted to the toxicology department due to accidental diesel poisoning. Patient drank a small amount diesel oil, then suffered nausea and vomiting, which resulted in aspiration of diesel to respiratory system. During hospitalization focal necrotizing pneumonia was diagnosed. Patient was treated with intensive specific pharmacotherapy. On the 11th day of stay, the patient was discharged with recommendation of control in the pulmonological and toxicological clinic and chest x-ray examination in order to diagnose the suspicious oval change discovered in the right lobe during hospitalization. Conclusion. First toxicity symptoms are non-specific, so well collected anamnesis is crucial. Complications of hydrocarbon ingestion can be a threat to patient’s life. Due to rarity of the problem, there are no clearly defined treatment guidelines
Background Acute pesticide poisonings constitute an important toxicological problem in numerous countries. This report refers to patients treated for poisonings at the Toxicology Unit, Łódź, Poland, in the period 2004−2014. Material and Methods Data to be analyzed were obtained from medical records of hospitalized people. A group of 24 301 patients aged ≥ 15 were selected. In the group of 149 people poisoned with pesticides (0.61% of all poisoning cases), there were 40 women and 109 men. Logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the impact of age on suicide attempts using pesticides. Results Suicide attempts significantly more frequently concerned younger people. In this type of behavior, coumarin derivatives were significantly more often used than organophosphorus compounds or pesticides classified as “others.” The patients with suicidal pesticide poisonings stayed in the ward significantly longer than those poisoned unintentionally. Conclusions In the analyzed population inhabiting an area with a high degree of urbanization, in terms of the place of residence and employment, pesticide poisonings were more common in men than in women. Suicide attempts using pesticides more frequently concerned younger people. Information found in this study may prove useful for education purposes, and also in informing clinicians. Med Pr. 2019;70(6):655–67
Objectives Many research studies conducted in various toxicology centers point to drugs as the most common cause of intoxication. Long-term observations make it possible to clarify the nature of these poisonings. The aim of this study was to examine the trends and reasons of intoxication in patients hospitalized over a 10-year observation period (2005–2015), as well as to compare the number of patients poisoned with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), mainly over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. Material and Methods A retrospective observational study examined the medical documentation of patients hospitalized in the Department of Toxicology and Internal Diseases of the T. Marciniak Lower Silesian Specialist Hospital in Wrocław in 2005–2015, including the analysis of the causes of intoxication as well as total poisoning-related death statistics. Quarterly and annual analyses of the numerical data, and comparisons of the frequency of poisonings were included. The patient population from the area of Lower Silesia, Poland, was examined. Results The number of hospitalized patients has increased, with attempted suicide being the leading cause of death. Male intoxication and mortality have been found to predominate. Drugs are the most common cause of poisoning, and among these the most common are sedatives and psychotropic drugs. Intoxication due to NSAIDs, especially OTC drugs, increased significantly in the observation period. In 2005 no fatal cases were reported as a result of NSAID intoxication, while in 2015 mortality significantly increased to 43%. Conclusions The lack of a common trend in poisonings is observed but the number of hospitalized patients has increased, especially among young people, which is consistent with global trends. Drugs are the most common cause of mortality, and a significant increase in NSAID (mainly OTC) poisonings in particular indicates the growing prevalence of an uncontrolled use of these drugs. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2019;32(4):489–501
The article examines the question whether possession of an intoxicating drug (specifically cannabis) for the purposes of one’s religious practice is allowed in the light of the constitutional provisions that guarantee freedom of conscience and religion as well as the right to manifest one’s religion by religious worship, prayer and participation in rituals and that prohibit compelling anyone not to participate in religious rituals. Freedom of conscience is not the same concept as the freedom to practice a particular religion. It follows from the Constitution that the freedom to express one’s beliefs may be limited due to, inter alia, health, morality or public order. Therefore, the author takes the position that although freedom of religion is an important right among other human rights and freedoms, the right to manifest one’s beliefs must often give way to a higher-order good. Hence the conclusion that there are no grounds to consider the process of deliberate intoxication as religious worship that enjoys constitutional protection.
Artykuł stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy posiadanie na potrzeby swoich praktyk religijnych środka odurzającego (konkretnie konopi), jest dozwolone w świetle przepisów konstytucyjnych gwarantujących wolność sumienia i religii, prawo do uzewnętrzniania swojej religii przez uprawianie kultu, modlitwę i uczestniczenie w obrzędach oraz zakazujących zmuszania do nieuczestniczenia w obrzędach religijnych. Wolność sumienia nie jest pojęciem tożsamym z wolnością praktykowania określonej religii. Z brzmienia Konstytucji wynika, iż wolność uzewnętrzniania przekonań może zostać ograniczona ze względu na m.in. zdrowie, moralność czy porządek publiczny. W konsekwencji Autorka zajmuje stanowisko, iż wolność religii jest co prawda ważna w katalogu praw i wolności człowieka, ale jej część w postaci uzewnętrzniania przekonań musi niejednokrotnie ustąpić przed dobrem wyższego rzędu. Stąd konstatacja, iż brak jest podstaw do uznawania procesu celowego wprawiania się w stan odurzenia za kult religijny korzystający z ochrony konstytucyjnej.
In the biographical work Ecce homo, specifically in the chapter “Why I Am So Clever,” Nietzsche discusses the issues of nutrition, place, climate, and recreation that for him form a “casuistry of selfishness.” With the sentence “water is enough,” he indicates not only his relationship to intoxicating drinks, but also makes a general recommendation. The article is devoted to the question of how the motifs of intoxication and philosophy are related to each other. If, for Nietzsche, the intensification of philosophical life carries the title of “amor fati,” then the question can be more precisely stated as follows: How are the motifs of intoxication and “amor fati” related to each other? This seemingly marginal question gains urgency if we consider the inseparability of “amor fati” and the Dionysian ideal, which carries within it the meaning of intoxication. The answer rests in the development of the motif of “bodily virtue” that disposes a person to be open and affirmative to the world.
V životopisné knize Ecce homo, konkrétně v kapitole „Proč jsem tak chytrý“, pojednává Nietzsche otázky jídla a pití, životního místa, klimatu a rekreace, které pro něj tvoří „kazuistiku sobectví“. Tezí „voda stačí“ definuje nejen svůj vztah k opojným nápojům, ale rovněž obecné doporučení. Příspěvek je věnován otázce, jak spolu souvisí motivy opojení a filosofie. Pokud pro Nietzscheho vygradování filosofického života nese titul „amor fati“, lze otázku zpřesnit do této podoby: Jak spolu souvisí motiv opojení a zmíněný motiv „amor fati“? Zdánlivě marginální otázka získává na naléhavosti, pokud uvážíme neodlučitelnost „amor fati“ a dionýsovského ideálu, který v sobě nese význam opojení. Odpověď spočívá v rozvinutí motivu „tělesné ctnosti“ disponující člověka k otevřenosti a přitakání světu.
Opracowanie porusza problematykę alkoholu i wpływu, jaki może mieć fakt jego użycia przez sprawcę przestępstwa na zdolność rozpoznania przez niego znaczenia podjętego czynu lub pokierowania swoim postępowaniem. Ustawodawca karny, zamieszczając przepis usprawiedliwiający pełną odpowiedzialność sprawcy znajdującego się w stanie nietrzeźwości w tej samej jednostce redakcji tekstu prawnego, co niepoczytalność i poczytalność w znacznym stopniu ograniczoną (art. 31 § 1-3 k.k.), wskazuje tym samym na pewne powiązanie tych stanów. Art. 31 § 3 k.k. w swoim obecnym kształcie może jednak budzić wątpliwości, które uzasadniają wysunięcie postulatów de lege ferenda dotyczących jego zmiany. Na uwagę zasługuje także kwestia wymiaru kary za przestępstwo popełnione przez sprawcę znajdującego się tempore criminis w stanie nietrzeźwości, zwłaszcza zwłaszcza w kontekście nowelizacji k.k. z dnia 13 czerwca 2019 r. i przewidzianej w niej propozycji dotyczącej wprowadzenia §2a do art. 53 k.k.. Natomiast z psychopatologicznego punktu widzenia stan odurzenia prowadzi niewątpliwie do zakłócenia czynności psychicznych sprawcy czynu zabronionego. Zakłócenia te, występujące u sprawcy poddanego oddziaływaniu alkoholu, nie w każdym przypadku uzasadniają jego odpowiedzialność karną na ogólnych zasadach przewidzianych w k.k. W pewnych przypadkach mogą bowiem prowadzić do zmniejszenia, a nawet zniesienia poczytalności sprawcy czynu zabronionego. Zagadnienia te stanowiły asumpt do podjęcia przez autorkę opracowania pracy badawczej, której wybrane wyniki zostały zaprezentowane w niniejszym artykule naukowym.
This study presents the issues of alcohol and the impact that its use by the offender may have on the ability of recognition of the meaning of his act or directing his proceedings. The legislator by posting a provision that allows to justify the full responsibility of the offender being in a state of inebriation in the same unit of a legal text like insanity and significantly diminished sanity (Article 31 of Polish Penal Code), indicates the some kind of linking between these states. Article 31 § 3 P.P.C., however, in its current form may raise some doubts. They justify the de lege ferenda postulates regarding its change. Also noteworthy is the issue of punishment for a crime committed by the perpetrator in a state of intoxication, especially in the light of the amendment to the Criminal Code of June 13, 2019 regarding the rules of punishment. Moreover, from a psychopathological point of view, the state of intoxication leads undoubtedly to the disruption of the mental activities of the perpetrator of a prohibited act. These distortions not in every case justify criminal liability accordingly the general principles provided for in the Penal Code. In some cases, they may lead to insanity or diminished responsibility of the perpetrator. These issues were an incentive to undertake research work, the selected results of which were also presented in this scientific article.
The basic aim of the study was to investigate the influence of alcohol consumption on the road traffic safety in Poland. For this purpose, statistical data were used, published. by the Road Traffic Department of the Civic Militia Headquarters in the years 1975-1984, as well as the data published in Statistical Yearbooks of the Central Statistical Office for these years.  It was impossible to include earlier periods in the analysis as in 1975 the rules of statistical registration of traffic accidents were changed, making the data from before 1975 uncomparable. When analysing the problem of the influence the extent of alcohol consumption has on road traffic safety, attention should be drawn to two problems. Firstly, accidents are caused not only by drunk drivers of vehicles but also by drunk pedestrians. Secondly, the drunkenness of the participants of traffic is not an isolated factor but it acts in correlation with other factors, such as e.g. faulty configuration of the road or wrong organization of road traffic. The taking into account of the above problems complicates the analysis of the discussed subject; however, they should not be left out of consideration. A collision of a car with a pedestrian has for many years now been the most frequent type of a traffic accident in Poland, amounting to 43-45 per cent of all traffic accidents. Moreover, traffic accidents caused by drunk pedestrians constitute 43-50 per cent of all accidents caused by drunk persons. Therefore, the contribution of drunk persons to traffic accidents in Poland is considerable; yet it is very difficult to find out how many drunk pedestrains participate in traffic and, in this connection, what is the relation between the number of such persons and that of accidents they cause. For that matter, such difficulties arise also , when one tries to find out the number of drunk drivers of vehicles as in Poland there are no data available which would make such an estimation possible. In spite of these difficulties, the basic hypothesis has been confirmed, according to which the greater the extent of alcohol consumption, the. Higher the frequency of traffic accidents caused by drunk persons. As shown by a statistical analysis by means of the correlation coefficient, there is a strong direct correlation between the two phenomena (r =0.680). This correlation was true for the years 1975-1980 only, while for the years 1981-1984 the smaller was the extent of alcohol consumption, the greater was the frequency of traffic accidents caused by drunk persons. It should be assumed that this absurd result was caused by the lowering of the official figures on the extent of alcohol consumption in Poland in the years 198l-1984 which did not take into account the consumption of illegally distilled alcohol. An estimation was made of the above figures and thus the approximate actual extent of alcohol consumption in Poland in the years 1981-1984 was established. Also the results of traffic accidents caused by drunk persons were studied. Judged by the number of deaths per accident, they .appeared to be much more serious than those caused by sober participants of traffic. The difference between the results of accidents caused by drunk as compared with sober persons was also found to vary according to whether the drunk perpetrator was a pedestrian or a driver, and what vehicle he was driving in the latter case. For instance, while 0.114 persons per accident died in traffic accidents caused in 1979-1984 b sober pedestrians, the ratio was 0.156 in the case of drunk pedestrians; the respective ratios were 0.116 and 0.191 in the case of sober vs. drunk drivers of passenger cars, and 0.132 and 0.320 in the case of sober vs. drunk drivers of tractors.             The distribution of traffic accidents caused by drunk persons according to the time of the day, day of the week and month of the year was also analysed. The yearly distribution of accidents caused by drunk pedestrians appeared to shape differently as compared with accidents caused by drunk drivers. Drunk drivers of vehicles cause the greatest number of accidents in the period from July till October. and drunk pedestrians - from October till January.             Also the analysis of the territorial distribution of traffic accidents caused by drunk persons brought interesting results, Drunk pedestrians cause traffic accidents first and foremost in towns (about two thirds of such accidents), in big cities in particular, whereas drunk drivers cause accidents mainly on roads out of towns (about 60 per cent of such accidents).             The lack of data concerning the extent of alcohol consumption in the separate voivodships greatly complicated the analysis of the territorial distribution of traffic accidents caused by drunk persons. However, it was possible to arrive at the following conclusion: the number of accidents caused by drunk participants of road traffic per 10.000 of the population of a given voivodship (the index of occurrence of such accidents) depends not only on the extent of alcohol consumption in the voivodship but also to some degree on its urbanization and development of road transport. Particularly in voivodships where a high level of urbanization (measured by the size of the urban population) and a highly developed road transport (measured by the number of persons per one passenger car) is not accompanied by an adequate quality of roads and good organization of road traffic; the large number of accidents caused by drunk persons cannot be explained by a high level of alcohol consumption. Bad road conditions exert the greatest influence on those of the participants of traffic who find it difficult to adapt their behavior1r to the complex situation on the road, i.e. on drunk persons, among others, whose intellectual and psychomotoric efficiency is handicapped due to the effects of alcohol. Bad road conditions may ,,produce" errors committed by drunk participants of traffic, and lead to traffic accidents caused by these persons, thus making the number of such accidents larger than that expected when considering the .number of drunk' participants of road traffic. However. there are voivodships where the factors leading to traffic accidents caused by drunk persons do not seem to be major and yet the number of such accidents is considerable. These are probably the voivodships where the extent of alcohol consumption is particularly high.             It should be added that the taking up of the subject included in the title was justified by the seriousness of the problem. In the years 1975-1984, the number of traffic accidents caused by drunk persons was on a constant increase in Poland. While accidents caused by drunk persons constituted 21.5 per cent of all accidents in 1975, their respective share was 26.5 per cent in 1984. Therefore, it is imperative to apply measures that could stop a further growth of this dangerous tendency.
This paper presents the meaning of the concept of love in philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. Love in its proper form is a kind of intoxication (Rausch), therefore it is an expression of feeling of power. Besides there are also distorted types of love. There are love of the herd, which is one of the modest virtue, and Christian love as manifestation of the greatness weakness. The main aim of this paper is to demonstrate, that despite of relatively few fragments of Nietzsche’s works about love, love in his philosophy is an important component of reality. This applies especially to perfect love, which is manifestation of the being itself in its greatest fullness.
This paper presents the meaning of the concept of love in philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. Love in its proper form is a kind of intoxication (Rausch), therefore it is an expression of feeling of power. Besides there are also distorted types of love. There are love of the herd, which is one of the modest virtue, and Christian love as manifestation of the greatness weakness. The main aim of this paper is to demonstrate, that despite of relatively few fragments of Nietzsche’s works about love, love in his philosophy is an important component of reality. This applies especially to perfect love, which is manifestation of the being itself in its greatest fullness.
A 45-year-old male patient was admitted to the Regional Poison Center because of poisoning with dimethyloaniline contained in a toxic resin-curing dimethyl aniline-based formulation ingested inadvertently. Intoxication happened at workplace. The patient was then transferred to the Toxicology Clinic, where he stayed for 3 weeks. During the hospitalization, the primary method of treatment involved administration of methylene blue, which is the antidote of choice in such cases. During the intensive care and treatment of the patient massive intravascular hemolysis was seen. In that case treatment with blood products was required. He also showed signs of liver dysfunction due to cholestatic liver damage and jaundice. The reported case shows that severe organ damage may result from poisoning with even a small amount of the toxicant. Med Pr 2017;68(6):795–801
Do regionalnego ośrodka zatruć (ROZ) przyjęto 45-letniego pacjenta z powodu omyłkowego zatrucia pochodną dimetyloaniliny w miejscu pracy. Substancja toksyczna trafiła do organizmu drogą doustną. Podczas hospitalizacji podstawowym sposobem leczenia było podawanie błękitu metylenowego jako klasycznej odtrutki stosowanej w takim przypadku. W trakcie intensywnej opieki i leczenia u pacjenta zaobserwowano masywną hemolizę wewnątrznaczyniową, wymagającą leczenia preparatami krwiopochodnymi, oraz cechy uszkodzenia wątroby w postaci cholestatycznego uszkodzenia wątroby i żółtaczki. W Klinice Toksykologii pacjent przebywał 3 tygodnie. Opisany przypadek wskazuje na możliwość wystąpienia ciężkich powikłań narządowych w przebiegu zatrucia nawet niewielką ilością substancji chemicznej. Med. Pr. 2017;68(6):795–801
Methemoglobin is an oxidized form of hemoglobin that is not capable of carrying oxygen. Exposure to exogenous oxidizing agents can cause severe methemoglobinemia and subsequent hypoxia. This article presents the rare case of a 23-year old patient with methemoglobinemia of 54.2% of total hemoglobin, induced by workplace exposure to 1,4-diaminobenzene and diphenylamine. Following the hyperbaric oxygen therapy the patient was discharged in good general condition and referred to a district hospital for observation. Med Pr 2018;69(3):345–350
Methemoglobina jest utlenioną formą hemoglobiny, która nie ma zdolności do przenoszenia tlenu. Narażenie na egzogenne czynniki utleniające może spowodować rozwój ciężkiej methemoglobinemii z następową hipoksją. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono rzadki przypadek methemoglobinemii rzędu 54,2% u 23-letniego pacjenta, spowodowanej narażeniem w miejscu pracy na 1,4-diaminobenzen i difenyloaminę. Po leczeniu tlenoterapią hiperbaryczną pacjent został wypisany w stanie ogólnym dobrym i skierowany na obserwację do szpitala powiatowego. Med. Pr. 2018;69(3):345–350
Celem artykułu o „Kamieniu na kamieniu” była próba spojrzenia na filozoficzne aspekty powieści Myśliwskiego poprzez przykładowe opozycje powierzch-nia/głębia, słabe/mocne, sytuując tęsknotę głównego bohatera powieści po stronie tego, co powierzchniowe i światowe, wskazując jednocześnie na jego religijną tęsknotę za aspektem głębokim swojej egzystencji, który również zdaniem interpretatora lokuje się w tym, co powierzchniowe. Artykuł chce przybliżyć „Kamień na kamieniu” jako powieść o dobrym „gospodarzeniu” w świecie poprzez ukazanie dialektyki występujących w powieści na zasadzie przeciwieństw, braci, Szymona Pietruszki oraz Michała.
The article on “Kamień na kamieniu” is an attempt to look at the philosophical as-pects of the novel by Wiesław Myśliwski through oppositions such as sur-face/depth or weak/strong, locating the longing of the main character of the novel on the side of the superficial and worldly, while pointing out his religious yearning for a profound aspect of his existence, which, according to the interpretation suggested in the article, is also located within the superficial. The article is intended to present “Kamień na kamieniu” as a novel about a good “host” in the world by demonstrating the dialectic between the brothers Szymon Pietruszka and Michał.
Red fly agaric is one of the most recognizable species of mushrooms. Although the knowledge of its toxicity is common in Polish society, a rise in its recreational use has been observed in recent years. The aim of the study is to describe the phenomenon of fly agaric consumption and to characterize its enthusiasts in the context of individual and social conditions. The study was conducted using a proprietary questionnaire with questions about red fly agaric usage, issues related to mental health, and sociodemographic data. A total of 95 respondents were qualified for the research sample: 32 women, 60 men, and three people who declared a gender other than binary. They were divided into two groups: experimenters (OE) and regular red fly agaric users (OU). The frequency, form, dosage, and place of fly agaric consumption among the respondents was determined, as well as the circumstances of and sources for acquiring the substance. The subjects noted the effects-direct and long-term-of taking fly agaric. The results show that the use of psychoactive substances is constantly developing and that the changing trends make it necessary to reflect on the support system for people with addiction problems.
Muchomor czerwony to jeden z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych gatunków grzybów i chociaż wiedza o jego toksyczności w polskim społeczeństwie jest powszechna, to w ostatnich latach obserwujemy zjawisko jego rekreacyjnego zażywania. Celem badania było dokonanie opisu tego zjawiska i scharakteryzowanie uczestników internetowych grup dyskusyjnych w kontekście indywidualnych i społecznych uwarunkowań używania tego grzyba. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone przy wykorzystaniu opracowanej na potrzeby badania ankiety, zawierającej pytania dotyczące: zjawiska zażywania muchomora czerwonego, kwestii związanych ze zdrowiem psychicznym oraz danych socjodemograficznych respondentów. Do próby badawczej zakwalifikowano 95 osób: 32 kobiety, 60 mężczyzn oraz trzy osoby, które zadeklarowały inną płeć. Zostały one przydzielone do dwóch grup: osób eksperymentujących (OE) i osób używających muchomora czerwonego regularnie (OU). Zebrane dane pozwoliły określić z jaką częstotliwością, w jakiej formie i dawkach oraz w jakich okolicznościach przyjmują i z jakich źródeł pozyskują go badani. Ustalono jakie efekty zażywania, bezpośrednie i długotrwałe, obserwują u siebie badani. Uzyskane wyniki pokazują, że stosowanie substancji psychoaktywnych jest stale rozwijającym się zjawiskiem, a zmieniające się w nim trendy stwarzają konieczność podjęcia refleksji nad systemem wsparcia dla osób z problemem uzależnienia.
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