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Introspekcia a kognitívna fenomenológia

In this article, the author presents the starting points for a discussion about cognitive phenomenality and, especially, the introspective arguments in its favor. These are based on the argument of abstracting away, in which we neglect its non-phenomenal parts from the selected cognitive state and the result of the operation is a pure phenomenal sense, associated with the cognitive state. The author describes the process of abstracting away with several examples. Immediately following other examples from the philosophy of emotions, he shows that in spite of its intuitive power, the method of abstracting away does not come with substantiated conclusions. This casts doubt on the strength of the introspective arguments that are raised in favor of cognitive phenomenology, especially in the context of a more general thesis about the unity of mind. Finally, the author comes to the conclusion that cognitive phenomenology needs other than introspective methods to defend itself.
The paper discusses a method for discovering important concepts of culture through the process of scrutinizing the most numerous sets of synonyms (which are treated as names of entrenched and salient concepts of the given language’s culture), and subsequently combining them in a set of cultural concept networks. The author focuses on the evolution of cultural concepts and the linguistic material from 19th and 20th c. dictionaries of synonyms, and the Polish version of WordNet which served as the base for the analysis. The paper shows the evolution of some of the concepts of culture established in the 19th c. and still vivid in present day discourse of collective identity.
Following in the footsteps of vanished existences is one of the motifs of Patrick Modiano’s writings. Chevreuse is a variation on this theme, featuring a character who tries to recover his past threatened by oblivion. It is, however, singular that the modality of this memorial quest is introspective. This article will explore how the narrative navigates the tension between the apparent looseness of the plot, which becomes mimetic of the experience of remembering itself, and the attempt to create, by means of writing, a network allowing the memories to make sense of one another. From this perspective, we will study the two valences of the writing which embrace the convolutions of a lacunar memory on its becoming a hermeneutic instrument; then we will demonstrate that this ars memoriae endows itself with a poetics of dream and imagination to overcome this ambivalence and to proceed to the mental recreation of a disappeared world.
C’est un topique des écrits de Patrick Modiano que de partir sur les traces d’existences disparues. Mettant en scène un personnage qui tente de se ressaisir de son propre passé menacé par l’oubli, Chevreuse se comprend comme une variation sur thème. Il est toutefois singulier que la modalité de cette quête mémorielle soit introspective. Aussi s’agit-il d’explorer la manière dont la narration élabore une tension entre l’apparente lâcheté de l’intrigue qui se fait mimétique de l’expérience même de remémoration, et la tentative d’élaborer par l’écriture un réseau permettant aux souvenirs de faire sens les uns par rapport aux autres. Dans cette perspective, nous étudierons les deux valences de l’écriture qui embrasse les circonvolutions d’une mémoire lacunaire autant qu’elle se mue en instrument herméneutique ; puis nous montrerons qu’en dernière instance, cet ars memoriae se dote d’une poétique du rêve et de l’imagination afin de dépasser cette ambivalence et de procéder à la recréation mentale d’un monde disparu.
This paper presents a grand challenge for Digital Archaeology of a different kind: it is not technical in and of itself, it does not seek out technological solutions for archaeological problems, it does not propose new digital tools or digital methodologies as such. Instead, it proposes a broader challenge, one which addresses the very stuff of archaeology: an understanding of how digital technologies influence and alter our relationships with data, from their creation and storage ultimately through to the construction of archaeological knowledge. It argues that currently this area is under-theorised, under-represented, and under-valued, yet it is increasingly fundamental to the way in which we arrive at an understanding of the past.
One of the most common visions in respect to introspection is represented by the so-called inner-sense (or inner-perception) model. But there are some good reasons to consider this model unsuitable. However, nowadays there are a few scholars (e.g. Armstrong) who defend it still. In this paper, I mention also other approaches to introspection (first of all, such as self-fulfillment, self-shaping, and self-expression approaches). But the primary goal of the paper is to defend a pluralist approach to introspection that allows us to examine introspection as involving many mental processes. In this model, a historical context and a phenomenological experience are engaged, too. It is not a quite new position. I discuss some (re)presentations of the pluralist approach. For instance, I reject Schwitzgebel’s solution as too radical and I support the direction proposed by Prinz.
The introspective novel implies a perspective that goes beyond the clichés of the psychological novel. One of the main differences lies in the complex system of the new modernist code that can be easily traced in introspective novels, where expressing thoughts and over-all perspectives are established by criticism. The paper aims at analyzing shapes of the new literary code where thought transposed into art is no longer an expression of a subject, but becomes trans-subjective, by means of metamorphosis. The word is, thus, in introspective writing, more than an instrument of communication, much rather a sign of the aspiration towards the truth.
People’s feelings of confidence in the correctness of their knowledge while answering a knowledge test can be inferred in two ways: either by averaging the values of specific confidence values assigned to each item in a test (local confidence) or by asking after the termination of the test for an evaluation of the number of correct answers regarding the entire test (global confidence). Surprisingly, when local and global confidence values of the same test are compared, global confidence tends to be significantly lower than local confidence (the confidence frequency effect). In the present study a heuristic process explanation for the effect is presented and its validity is empirically tested. The global confidence heuristic (GCH) process is based on the ability of participants to recall, after a test was completed, the frequencies of specific confidence values which were assigned to the test’s items. Participants build their global confidence by adding about half the number of their guessed answers, to the number of questions with sure answers. The proposed GCH process was supported quantitatively. A content analysis on retrospective explanations provided by participants indicated that this process was feasible. Further research is needed in order to fully explore the power of the explanation suggested here for the confidence-frequency effect.
vol. 49
issue 1
The article introduces different approaches to (self-)awareness, as presented in this issue of Glottodidactica. Its first part discusses the advantages of developing (self-)awareness – in relation to the foreign language teacher and the foreign language learner. The general concept of savoir-être competence (existential competence) is also mentioned. In the second part possible research perspectives in this area and examples of research are given. The third part lists techniques and tools which can be used to stimulate teacher and student self-awareness.
The sphere of art, which became highly personalised after the First World War, reflects the state of fragmentation of society into individuals and their inner world. In Egon Hostovský’s novel Ztracený stín (Lost Shadow, 1931), this phenomenon appears on various textual levels, but the dominant realm, reflecting the chaos of the world as well as of the inner self, is the level of motifs in the author’s poetics. In the process of self-identification of the main protagonist Josef Bašek, the rupture in his psychological experience is encoded in the recognition of his own deformed image, the new identity of the double, in the mirror. The author thus reflects the disintegration of an integrated structure in two directions. On one hand, the external world foments an individual metamorphosis of personality, while on the other this is no longer merely a matter of the human inner self and psychological experience, but in its deformed aspect becomes a visible component of the fragmented society within which the protagonist operates.
В статье рассматриваются некоторые черты поэтики жанра интроспекции (заглядывания вовнутрь), связанной с мифопоэтическим оформлением локуса домашнего окна. Окно является границей, отделяющей внутреннее, обжитое пространство дома от более хаотичного и неизведанного, а потому потенциально опасного внешнего пространства. В художественной литературе встречаются две основные разновидности интроспекции: статическая и, реже, динамическая. Каждая из них позволяет построить разные варианты поэтических ситуаций. Некоторые из них, почерпнутые из произведений М. Ю. Лермонтова, Н. В. Гоголя, И. С. Тургенева, А. Терца и других авторов, приведены в качестве иллюстраций таких ситуаций.
The paper discusses some of the characteristics of the genre of poetic introspection (inward glance) connected with the home window as a myth-making locus. The window is the boundary that separates the inner, familiar domestic space from the more chaotic and unknown, and therefore potentially dangerous outer space. In literature, there are two main varieties of introspection: static introspection and, less frequently, dynamic one. Each makes possible the creation of different versions of poetic situation. Examples from the works of Mikhail Lermontov, Nikolai Gogol, Ivan Turgenev, Abram Tertz and other authors are given as illustrations of these situations.
W centrum uwagi artykułu znajdują się korelacje pomiędzy introspekcją, ankietowaniem oraz analizą opierającą się na korpusach tekstowych. Metodologia „types and tokens” jest dziś uważana za najbardziej współczesną i powszechnie stosowana. Jednocześnie brak uwzględnienia współzależności między częstotliwością wystąpień (tokenów) a profilem poszczególnych tekstów tworzących całościowy korpus, który bezpośrednio wpływa na specyfikę użycia badanych form gramatycznych, a z drugiej strony, brak uwzględnienia czynników „pozakorpusowych” (przede wszystkim introspekcji, jako wymiernego kryterium kompetencji językowej), wywołuje niekiedy poważne kolizje między wynikami analizy korpusowej a rzeczywistym stanem rzeczy w sferze funkcjonowania kategorii gramatycznych. Kolejnym współczynnikiem, który zazwyczaj nie jest brany pod uwagę w ilościowych badaniach korpusowych, są specyficzne zastosowania analizowanych form (implikatury konwencjonalne), niekonieczne uwarunkowane kontekstem, który może zostać rzeczywiście wyłoniony nawet z dobrze opracowanego korpusu, jako relewantny w stosunku do określenia funkcji odpowiedniej jednostki bądź formy gramatycznej.
The article deals with selected aspects of a corpus-based investigation of the categorial functions of language entities in comparison with other research methods, i.e. introspection and native speaker’s questioning. The types-and-tokens methodology is nowadays considered most modern and thus it is commonly used. At the same time, the ignorance of the interdependence between the frequency of tokens and the individual profiles of texts which constitute the total corpus often leads to essential collisions between the results of the corpus-based analyses and the real categorial functioning of the forms in question. On the other hand, the ignorance of corpus-independent factors (in particular, introspection as an essential criterion of language competence) sometimes triggers serious research discrepancies as well. A further factor which is often ignored in empirical corpus-based research are the specific uses of the analysed forms in an utterance (conventional implications) which do not always depend on the contexts which form the entity-and utterance-relevant corpus in question.
Mit dem vorliegenden kognitionslinguistisch orientierten Beitrag wird für den Einsatz der Introspektion als Methode der Erhebung und Auswertung individuell-subjektiver Daten plädiert. Es wird gezeigt, wie mittels der introspektiv-intersubjektiven Verfahren individuell-subjektiv konzeptualisierte Bedeutungsinhalte der Ausdrücke ermittelt und hinsichtlich ihrer emotionalen Prägung untersucht werden können. Es wird veranschaulicht, dass nicht nur die die Emotionen benennenden und ausdrückenden Spracheinheiten, sondern auch die scheinbar neutralen Ausdrücke, darunter auch die grammatischen, prozessual emotionale Prägung aufweisen.
The paper, presenting research within the scope of cognitive linguistics, provides arguments for the application of introspection as a method of collection and evaluation of individual-subjective data. It shows how individually and – subjectively conceptualized meaning content of expressions can be analyzed with respect to their emotional markedness with the use of the introspective-intersubjective method. It shall be demonstrated that not only the language items which name and express emotions but also the seemingly neutral expressions, including grammar items, exhibit processually emotional markedness.
Celem artykułu jest wskazanie typów źródeł i sposobów ich wykorzystania przy opracowywaniu słownika paradygmatów frazeologizmów czasownikowych. Autorzy charakteryzują wykorzystywane źródła, omawiają użyteczność źródeł słownikowych i korpusowych (w zależności od etapu prac nad słownikiem) oraz ich ograniczenia. Szczególną uwagę poświęcają roli introspekcji w tworzeniu słownika gramatycznego.
The article discusses types of language data sources and the ways they may be used in the compilation of a dictionary of paradigms of verbal phraseological units. The authors describe the sources they used and discuss the usefulness of lexicographic and corpus sources and their limitations. Special attention is paid to the role of introspection in the process of making a grammatical dictionary.
The article presents research aimed at defi ning relations between formal aspects of future time perspectives of women, men, and aging, as well as selected aspects of individuals’ self-assessments, such as: life satisfaction, optimism, autonomy, selfcontrol, self-improvement, independence, introspection, and pursuit of values. Research subjects included 227 women and 177 men above the age of sixty. The future time perspective questionnaire, the satisfaction with life scale, the life orientation test, and the introspection scale were all used. Those aspects of self-image, which were important in the case of women, did not necessarily matter with men. The greatest number of differences between men and women appear in focus on current matters and in long time perspectives. In women the selected aspects of future time perspectives most often relate to pursuit of values and independence, while in men to life satisfaction, age and different intensities of introspection.
Wieloaspektowość badań poświęconych jedynemu oratorium Ludwiga van Beethovena Chrystus na Górze Oliwnej może dawać złudzenie braku potrzeby ich kontynuacji. Jednak pośród szczegółowych analiz nadarza się przestrzeń do ujęcia całościowego. Warto pokusić się o umiejscowienie dzieła wiedeńskiego klasyka w kontekście przemian dziejowych i jego osobistych przeżyć, spróbować nakreślić tradycję niemieckiego oratorium i umiejscowić dzieło kompozytora z jego strukturą formalną w realiach epoki. Ten zakres problematyki będzie esencją niniejszego tekstu, stanowiąc pierwszą część obszerniejszego materiału. W drugiej odsłonie rozważania przybiorą zakres bardziej analityczny, poświęcony tekstowi i jego relacji do struktur muzycznych.
The only oratorio of Ludwig van Beethoven’s “Christ on the Mount” has been thoroughly researched and one would expect that there is no aspect of this work requiring further examination. However, all the detailed analyses lack what a holistic approach to this composition may offer. It is definitely worthwhile to place the Vienna classic`s oratorio in the broader context of historical changes and his personal experience as well as to make an attempt at establishing the tradition of the German oratorio and juxtaposing the formal structure of van Beethoven`s piece against the reality of the epoch. This subject matter is the essence of the essay to be followed by a more comprehensive study. In the next article we will speculate on the oratorio lyrics and their relation to musical structures in a more analytical way.
Two brief Late Antique religious texts, respectively by the monk Theophanis and by Monoimus the Arab, present an interesting problem of whether they embody the authors’ experience, or whether they are merely literary constructs. Rather than approaching this issue through the lens of theory, the article shows how phenomenological analysis and studies of living subjectivity can be engaged with the text in order to clarify the contents of introspective experience and the genesis of its religious connotations. The analysis uncovers a previously unnoticed form of embodied introspective religious experience which is structured as a ladder with a distinct internal structure with the high degree of synchronic and diachronic stability. This approach also helps one identify the specific introspective techniques in the canonical and non-canonical literature of early Christian tradition, as related to the concepts of “theosis” and “kenosys”, as well as to suggest some neurological correspondents of religious cognition.
Studia Gilsoniana
vol. 7
issue 2
The article is based on Robert Kugelmann’s work, Psychology and Catholicism: Contested Boundaries. It examines the development of Catholic psychology as a history of defining boundaries within scientific empirical psychology from 1829 to the present. The author divides the historical period into three periods: One: Neoscholastic Rational Psychology (1829–1965); Two: After Vatican II Psychology (1965 to present); and Three: An Emerging Thomistic Rational Teleological Behavioral Psychology. The essay examines the development of Neoscholastic rational psychology as a response to modernist experimental psychology. The neoscholastic movement approached the new discipline of empirical, as opposed to rational, psychology with the firm conviction in the formulation of a meta-psychology, based on a Thomistic metaphysics that would allow for an eventual synthesis of rational and empirical psychology. However, a synthesis with empirical psychology never came to realization, mainly over the issue of the faculties of the soul as foundational for a science of human behavior. The author argues that, even to the present day, the best approach to entering into a trading zone (transitional genus) with the principles and methods of scientific psychology is by avoiding all expressions of past, present, and future introspective psychology and brain mentalism, and turning to a synthesis with teleological behavioral principles and Aristotelian-Thomistic faculties of the soul psychology.
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