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The article analyses the job market in the context of demographic changes that affect the regions of Poland and Germany, measures the regions’ development using selected taxonomic methods, explores similarities and differences between them, as well as shows other regional disparities. The study comprised 16 Polish provinces and 16 German states (so-called Länder), a total of 32 regions. Covering an area that is highly diversified not only economically but also demographically and in terms of the job market, the regions are here subjected to a multidimensional statistical analysis.
The aim of the article is to identify the reasons for low employment rates of people with disabilities in Poland, and to examine whether employers, disabled employees and other staff want to talk about the rational use of the rights of a disabled employee and what views, opinions or other circumstances can make it difficult. Four hypotheses were formulated in the work, which were verified on the basis of surveys and interviews conducted in the period from March to September 2017 in the Voivodship of Silesia. The considerations were rounded off with conclusions and comments.
This paper discusses the research results and reflection on competences, especially didactic competences of geography teachers and candidates for geography teachers in the aspect of challenges which education faces nowadays. The most important challenges are: the high quality of the process of training, innovation and the necessity to adjust to constantly changing requirements of the job market. The author of this article has for over ten years conducted research on geography teacher-trainees’ development of subject competence and didactic competence. Personal and interpersonal competencies graduates of higher education significantly affect his chances in the labour market. A profile of the graduate should also help potential employers choose competent employees. Author of this paper believes that the acquisition of the appropriate competences by geography students – candidates for teachers constitutes the most important element in professional training of the future teacher including a geography teacher.
The objective of the paper is to analyze the skills and attitudes of Generation Z in Poland in order to update and systematize data on features of all generations that are active in the Polish labour market. The issue deserves research due to the specific perception of work and business by young people, which, by affecting their motivation, forces companies to modify their operations. Employee engagement programmes must be adjusted to the skills and preferences of individualists, who are proficient in Internet use, but inconsistent in their decisions or endeavors and not prepared for teamwork. Short attention span and short-lived interests of young staff, which require a kinesthetic, multimodal working environment, may disrupt a traditional company culture. Communication with Generation Z, used to ongoing communication and co-creating, is a serious challenge to managers. Low levels of soft skills and economic literacy may undermine the benefits from excellent adaptability of the young generation. Tabular summaries of generation-based characteristics will be presented. The paper is based on the literature on the older generations as well as reports and statistics on Generation Z.
The object of the study are the major tendencies observed on the job markets of highly developed countries. Apart from a few exceptions most of them have a high unemployment rate. The growing costs accompanying employment are an obstacle to raising the level of employment. In many countries those costs are already nearly equivalent to the wages. On the other hand, the progressing process of diffusion of new information transmission technologies has led to a noticeable shift from work contracts to various untypical forms of employment. A high level of efficiency achieved by the OECD countries makes it possible to ensure an appropriate standard of living with a decreasing level of employment. Thus, at the beginning of the 21st century shortening of work time has become a rule. This is done by various methods, the most popular one being part-time employment. It must be remembered, however, that limitation of work time is not always seen as justified by the person to whom it pertains.
As a consequence of globalization human life is subjected to many mechanisms that go along with it for example homogenization, culture diffusion, consumptionism, relativism and constant change, which lead to unreflectiveness affecting all aspects of human life. A human beeing exists in a common reality in accordance to a very flexible scenario, without much thought about the sense of existence. This situation reflects on education, which should concentrate on efficent spreading of knowledge and skills necessary to live in current conditions, which are a source of many chances but also dangers. Those changes can’t be analyzed without taking markets into consideration, understood as having and usefulness. Those trends cause the „production” of alumni that are very efficient from an economical point of view and oriented on self realization, but aren’t oriented on reflective exploration of the world. This situation results in comparing humans to machines and in an obsessive want of getting a diploma which certifies obtaining education understood as a commodity. This in turn is an incentive to reflect upon the foundations of education a process that is the most important investment in the development of human capital.
Professional career has become an increasingly frequently chosen subject of theoretical research based on numerous sciences, such as psychology, sociology, economics, pedagogy, and management. Constantly emerging, new theories of professional development provide a new perspective on this issue. A plethora of contemporary transformations obliges an individual to take responsibility for his or her own professional biography. If every person carries out a career, regardless of its quality, and if that career lasts for the person’s whole lifetime, both throughout the period of professional activity and the time of preparation preceding it, one can presume that the choice of career requires reflection and in-depth conceptual considerations, which proves its significance for the subject.
Women show greater and greater activity on the job market, they obtain better positions, salaries, etc. However, the statistics concerning their professional activity differ from those of men. We should take into consideration the fact that women are the ones who give birth to children and, in majority, take care of their upbringing, especially in the first years of child’s life. Policies of particular states are different in terms of the amount and availability of family benefits, and that can be reflected in women’s willingness to return to work.
This paper presents the results of a pilot study conducted in 60 selected companies located in Wrocław and Lower Silesia. The main objective of the study was to get information about prospective employers’ expectations of graduates of humanities with foreign language knowledge and skills, should those companies decide to employ them. It was found that according to employers social and personal competencies are as important as skills in using specialized language and new technologies. Preferred are graduates who are fluent in two foreign languages (English and German) and who have extensive general knowledge.
In the very beginning of this particular paper, an author is trying to determine and describe who Millennials actually are. Then, the basis of Millennials definition is analysing corporation’s activity over the past years regarding this age group. The main goal of the thesis is to bring their specific futures out and describe what corporations on Polish job market are doing to encourage them to work in their offices. Especially in Poland within the last years, it is observed that big multinational companies are paying special attention to Millennials and trying to hire them before competitors will do so. As a part of this paper, an author will describe corporate politics and practices on Thomson Reuters and BNY Mellon examples. Within this work, an author is also discussing key features and differences between this generation and Millennials parent’s generation. Additionally, there is a reference to corporate social responsibility concept and work-life balance issues.
The narration of this article is focused on showing various ways of capturing the phenomenon of career from a subjective perspective. The subject of an analysis will be the reconstruction of chosen theoretical perspectives, where one emphasizes changes in quality attitude to the career phenomenon and showing the “career making” meaning of people’s activities. The content presented in this article is concentrated on a subjective, personal aspect of capturing a career. In this sense, career is always ascribed to a specific individual, it is their assets and this particular individual attaches importance to the career phenomenon. In this sense, career is the sequence of experiences of a particular individual, linked with the quality of a professional life; this is a unique structure, resulting from autonomous choices.
The present paper argues that employees' responsibility for performing certain duties effectively and producing certain results is very important under curent economic conditions. The effectiveness of an employee's performance in a free market economy is closely connected with the employee's professional development. This is why it is vital anticipate both effective self-fulfilment in terms of performing professional duties and achievement of particular professional results/success. Accomplishment of personal and corporate aims is significant, too. What also matters is one's awareness of the responsibility for one's performance at work, ongoing development of one's skills/competence and self-assessment in terms of one's professional potential.
This article presents results of research focused on opinions of polish tourist guides about the idea opening access to their job. The author (on grounds of interviewed IDIs) presents arguments of supporters and opponents of deregulation and appraised possibilities to make “collective reaction” in this matter. The author shows examples of foreign tourist services markets and results of surveys (about deregulation). Moreover, he presents places of polish tourist agents on scales of social positions.
Dynamiczny wzrost ilości danych oraz powszechna informatyzacja gospodarki wpływają na zwiększenie zapotrzebowania rynku pracy na specjalistów w zakresie Big Data. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie konieczności dostosowania edukacji akademickiej do wymagań współczesnego rynku pracy oraz szerszego wprowadzenia do programów kształcenia studentów specjalistycznych przed-miotów dotyczących technologii i analizy dużych zbiorów danych. W artykule omówiono znaczenie Big Data w biznesie, zaprezentowano przykładowe kompetencje oczekiwane przez pracodawców w stosunku do kandydatów aplikujących na stanowisko specjalisty Big Data oraz dokonano przeglądu wybranych programów nauczania polskich uczelni z punktu widzenia ich powiązania z tą tematyką.
The dynamic growth in the amount of data and widespread informatization of the economy have contributed to increasing demand on the labor market for Big Data specialists. The aim of this paper is to point out the need to adapt academic education to the requirements of the modern labor market and to introduce specialized courses concerning Big Data technology and analysis of large data sets. The paper discusses the importance of Big Data. It presents also some examples of required compe-tencies of the job positions related to Big Data as well as contains the review of chosen curricula on the Polish universities from the point of view of their relationship with Big Data.
The narrative used in the article refers to the interpretational complexity of the phenomenon of contemporary society. Globalization fulfills a wide spectrum of the global world phenomena in the situation of unobviousness, diversity, ambivalence and ambiguity, which influence the new quality of sociocultural life. Trying to understand the content given to the distinguished definitions of society, intellectuals refer to the theory of the social development and to the interpretation of the mechanisms of a social change, with a focus on the spheres of social life, which are the impulses for changes taking place in the society. Emphasizing heterogeneity and changeability of forms of postmodern social organization, one may point to the following orientations capturing subtleness of the contemporary society: orientation to a global change, orientation to a certain type of civilization ascription to risk, orientation to responsibility, orientation to anticipation, orientation to responsible participation and cooperation in a changing and interdependent global society, orientation to knowledge, orientation to experience borrowed from the media, orientation to the consumption ideology. Society faces the task of selfdetermination in the situation of non-obviousness, risk, fragmentation and ambiguity. By no accident then, were the the globalizational processes in the world and a critical and permanent thought and evaluation of the changes taking place in the modern global society, in the focus of the authoress. Paying attention to the quality of the global “cultural ecumene” (U. Hannerz) inclines reflection about global changes in lifestyles which is meaningful for the quality of changes in the job world and career planning and career management practices. The sequential development of an individual (which is integrally linked with the career development) constitutes the essence of the process, which is lifelong. The economy which is based on knowledge determines the orientation on knowledge of the contemporary society. The development of careers of members in such a society is its crucial element. Moreover, the quality of socio-cultural and economic changes will demand constant career management and modification of its individualized paths.
Edukacja zawodowa rozpoznana naukowo na przełomie XX i XXI wieku aktualnie wpisuje się w kierunki reform szkolnictwa ponadgimnazjalnego i wyższego i ich rynkowego orientowania, wyrażając w ten sposób troskę o losy zawodowe absolwentów, rozumiane jako ich szanse na zatrudnienie, czyli wpisanie edukacji w oczekiwania pracodawców. W ich wypełnieniu przydatne będą modele zawodów i ich kształcenia, w tym modułowego, dostosowywanego do efektów kształcenia na różnych jego poziomach i w różnych rozwiązaniach organizacyjnych, starających zapewniać się w ten sposób nie tylko elastyczność ścieżek, ale również adekwatność oferty edukacyjnej do nieustannie zmieniającego się świata pracy. Należy żywić nadzieję, iż powyższe rozwiązania, wdrażane do praktyki edukacyjnej po ponad dwudziestoletnich badaniach, poprawią relację między edukacją a rynkiem pracy, wyrażoną lepszą sytuacją absolwentów na tymże rynku.
Even in our times, occupational education, academically recognised at the turn of the 19th and the 20th centuries, fits in perfectly with the concept of school reforms in post-secondary schools and higher education. It mostly concerns job market orientation and focus on graduates as well as their chances of employment by inscribing education into employers expectations. Occupational and educational models – also modular – were adapted to educational effects on different levels and organizational solutions and aimed to assure not only flexibility but also adequacy of educational offer to constantly changing job market, what is needed to achieve the goals. It is to be hoped that these solutions used in practise after 20-year research will improve relations between education and job market, expressing it by better situation of graduates.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych wśród 4025 pracujących mieszkańców Rudy Śląskiej. Wyodrębniono spośród nich 334 górników. Porównano odpowiedzi ogółu ankietowanych z odpowiedziami osób zawodowo związanych z branżą górniczą. I tak w artykule przedstawiono system wartości uczestników badań, zwrócono także uwagę na źródła informacji o wolnych miejscach pracy. Analizowano poziom zbieżności odpowiedzi udzielonych przez górników z odpowiedziami ogółu pracujących mieszkańców Rudy Śląskiej. Diagnozowano także problemy rozwoju zawodowego uczestników badań, a także poziom ich kompetencji cywilizacyjnych.
The article presents partial results of surveys, which were conducted among 4025 working inhabitants of Ruda Slaska - out of whom a group of 334 working miners was singled out. The answers of all the respondents were compared with the answers of the people professionally associated with the mining industry. The system of values of the surveyed people is described in the article. Attention is also drawn to the sources of information concerning job vacancies in places, where the respondents were employed at that time. The level of similarity between answers given by miners and those given by respondents working in other lines of business is analyzed. The problems of professional development are also analyzed together with civilization competence of the respondents.
W artykule poruszono problematykę związaną z kształceniem kompetencji zawodowych w świetle aktualnych wymagań rynku pracy, a także zarys najistotniejszych kompetencji twardych i miękkich poszukiwanych wśród osób chcących podjąć pracę zawodową. Uwzględniono również oczekiwania pracodawców w stosunku do absolwentów szkół, w szczególności szkół zawodowych. Przedstawiono też najważniejsze postulaty, mające na celu zwrócenie uwagi na konieczność ciągłego nabywania nowych i doskonalenia już posiadanych kompetencji zawodowych.
The article raises the issues related to the education of professional skills in the light of the current labour market requirements. It also outlines the most crucial hard and soft skills required from candidates applying for a job. Moreover, it takes into account the expectations of employers about graduates, especially from vocational schools. It also presents the most important demands in order to draw attention to the need for continuous acquisition of new skills and developing the already possessed ones.
In the paper we analyze the system of real estate education at the Cracow University of Economics. Additionally the paper shows the results of research which was carried out at the Cracow University of Economics in the period between October and November 2010. The questionnaire containing 13 questions was submitted both real estate and not real estate students. The main objective of this research was to analyze main reasons why students choose real estate education, their expectations about education process and they intentions after graduation.
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badania ankietowego przeprowadzonego w okresie październik - listopad 2010 roku wśród studentów specjalności "gospodarowanie nieruchomościami" na Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym w Krakowie. Celem badania było poznanie powodów dla których studenci wybierają ofertę dydaktyczną w zakresie ekonomiki nieruchomości, ich opinii o programie nauczania oraz planach zawodowych po skończeniu edukacji na uniwersytecie.
Celem niniejszego artykułu było zanalizowanie wymogów stawianych uczelniom przez ich głównych interesariuszy – społeczeństwo jako całość, studentów oraz środowisko pracodawców, dotyczących przygotowania studentów na potrzeby rynku pracy. Przeprowadzono badania danych statystycznych oraz raportów instytucji i zespołów naukowców. Wynika z nich, iż przy wyborze kierunku studiów i uczelni studenci coraz bardziej zwracają uwagę na możliwość uzyskania atrakcyjnej pracy po ukończeniu nauki. Wydaje się, że MNiSW w coraz większym stopniu wspiera działania uczelni, mające na celu urynkowienie oferty dydaktycznej. Istnieją jednak znaczące różnice w poglądach co do efektów owych działań prezentowanych przez głównych interesariuszy – zarzuty wobec poziomu wykształcenia absolwentów zgłaszają przede wszystkim pracodawcy, sygnalizując obszary luk kompetencyjnych. W środowisku akademickim trwa dyskusja na temat dalszych zmian, w szczególności dotyczących profilu praktycznego studiów. Wydaje się jednakże, iż działania dotyczące dostosowania oferty uczelni do rynku pracy idą w dobrym kierunku.
The aim of this article was to analyze the requirements of major stakeholders of higher education institutions – the society as a whole, students and employers, concerning educating students for the needs of the labor market. Statistical data and reports of various institutions and research teams were analyzed. As a result, one can draw a conclusion that when choosing their studies and the school, students are increasingly paying attention to the prospects of acquiring a good job after graduation. It seems that the MSHE is increasingly supporting the activities of higher schools aimed at the marketization of the didactic offer. Still, there are considerable differences in opinions concerning the effects of these actions presented by major stakeholders, especially employers. They raise concerns about the level of education of graduates, signaling areas of competency gaps. Academic debate on further changes is underway, particularly on the practical profile of studies. It seems, however, that actions to adapt the offer of higher schools to the labor market are moving in the right direction.
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