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Introduction: Fungi and moulds are biological hazards that are ubiquitous both in the communal and occupational environments. The aim of the study was to assess the presence of airborne fungi in two kindergartens in Kavala, Greece. Materials and methods: Materials for the tests were: the air samples (in front of the buildings and the selected rooms) of the two kindergartens. The first Kavala kindergarten was located atop a hill and the second in the city center. The air pollution was determined using SAS SUPER 100. Results: The mean number of fungal colonies isolated from air of the kindergarten rooms in the city center was 478.3±148.4 CFU/m3. The mean number of fungal colonies isolated from air of the kindergarten on the hill was 343.6±188.8 CFU/m3. Aspergillus niger was most frequently isolated in air samples from the kindergarten rooms in the city center, while Penicillium species predominated the kindergarten rooms on the hill. CFU values in the air samples outside the kindergartens were higher in the center than on the hill of Kavala. CFU values of the examined air samples are varied. In the kindergarten rooms in the center of Kavala the most frequently isolated species was Aspergillus niger, and in the kindergarten on the hill it was Penicillium species. Conclusions: The present study demonstrated considerable numbers of fungi in the air in two kindergartens in Kavala, Greece.
The legislator considers the term “educational system” as one of the basic education laws. The legal term (included in the Education Law Act) “the educational system covers” lists its elements. They include, for example, various types of schools, kindergartens, alternative forms of preschool education, children’s holiday homes, centers of education. This system realizes recognized values, principles, as well as certain postulates and guidelines contained in the law. In essence, it is a collection of organizational units, whose activity is regulated by the Education Law Act. The majority of these activities are addressed to pupils. Some elements are also addressed to teachers and serve to develop them. Colleges of Social Service Workers do not fit in with the rest of the educational system.
For the purposes of the academic course entitled Methods of Initial Formation of Mathematical Concepts, we created a didactic and manipulative pro-duct “Kockalica” (cubes) which is applicable in about 50 school lessons. These findings have come out as a result of numerous submitted seminar works, prepared teaching resources, activities and simulation tasks developed by students of College of Vocational Studies in Subotica. During the implementation of the final exams and professional development sessions in kindergartens, this didactic resource has been implemented in a number of educational topics. The conducted survey, developed by our students and kindergarten teachers, indicates the usefulness and applicability of “Kockalica” (cubes) in the acquisition of mathematical concepts in children of this age. In the process of shaping of this simple and widely applicable teaching resource, Braille script has been carved onto the surface, making it more accessible for visually impaired and blind children. The aim of the paper is to present an innovative teaching resource “Kockalica” (cubes) to a wider range of potential users and practitioners.
The article presents the history of Jewish kindergartens and after-school care centers on the postwar Lower Silesia, and documents the struggle of the Jewish community regarding childcare. It is focused on institutions subordinate to Central Committee of Polish Jews, and directly – to the Provincial Committee of Polish Jews in Wrocław. It present the housing conditions, the staff and rules of operation of the Lower Silesian establishments, including those in Wrocław and Legnica.
Objectives: The main objective of the study was to determine the levels of house dust mite (Der p1), dog (Can f1), cat (Fel d1) and cockroach (Bla g2) allergens in kindergartens localized in an urban agglomeration. Material and Methods: A quantitative analysis of allergens was carried out in settled dust samples collected by vacuuming the floor surface in three kindergartens (N = 84) and children's clothing (N = 36). The samples were collected in springsummer and autumn-winter periods as well as at the beginning and end of the week. The allergen dust concentration was determined by enzyme-linked immunoenzymatic assay (ELISA). Results: The mean geometric concentrations (±geometric standard deviations) of allergens Der p1, Can f1, Fel d1 and Bla g2 determined in kindergartens were: 0.02±3.21 μg/g of dust; 0.97±4.49 μg/g of dust; 0.30±4.43 μg/g of dust and 0.01±3.08 μg/g of dust, respectively. Younger classrooms (children aged from 3 to 4 years) were characterized by almost twice higher mean concentration of allergen Fel d1, as compared to older classrooms (children aged from 5 to 6 years) (p < 0.05). A significant impact of seasonality on the level of dog allergen Can f1 was found (p < 0.05). No significant weekly variation was found in average concentrations of the allergens. Children who had a dog and/or cat at home were characterized by high concentrations of allergens Can f1 and Fel d1 on their clothes (59.2±5.39 μg Can f1/g of dust; 3.63±1.47 μg Fel d1/g of dust), significantly higher than concentrations of allergens in children who did not have any pets (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Special attention should be paid to keeping the kindergarten rooms tidy and clean and to an appropriate choice of furnishings and fittings which would prevent the proliferation of the house dust mite and accumulation of allergens.
After the end of World War II, in 1950, the Caritas division, established as a Catholic organization, was converted into a lay institution governed by the Caritas Catholic Association, a communist body. The activity of this new formation was focused on helping those in need and on providing aid to the poorest. The division took over Caritas’ entire property. Among the facilities now governed by the institution were kindergartens. In Kielce itself, there were 21 kindergartens managed by the Association. The article presents the resources of particular facilities governed by the Caritas Catholic Association, the principles of their functioning, the methods of work with the wards, and the scale of care provided to pre-schoolers in the then Kieleckie Voivodeship.
Po zakończeniu II wojny światowej w 1950 roku doszło do przekształcenia dotychczasowego katolickiego Caritasu w świeckie, całkowicie podległe władzy komunistycznej Zrzeszenie Katolików Caritas. Zakres działalności nowego tworu miał sprowadzać się do pomagania najbardziej potrzebującym oraz udzielania wsparcia najbiedniejszym. ZKC przejął cały zastany majątek Caritasu. Wśród placówek, które były pod jego zarządem, znalazły się też przedszkola. W Kielcach w omawianym okresie pod zarządem ZKC pozostawało 21 placówek wychowania przedszkolnego. W artykule opisano, jakim zapleczem dysponowały placówki podległe ZKC , zasady ich funkcjonowania, metody pracy z wychowankami, przedstawiono ponadto specyfikę ówczesnego personelu pedagogicznego oraz skalę świadczonej opieki wobec dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym w ówczesnym województwie kieleckim.
Rumuńscy przywódcy komunistyczni uważali, że po latach ciemnoty i wychowywania dzieci w tradycyjnych zwyczajach „wychowanie w rodzinie wymaga dodatkowego doradztwa”. Według Stearnsa „dzieci trzeba było stworzyć od nowa”, państwo udawało, że wie więcej o potrzebach dzieci niż ich rodzice. W żadnym innym okresie w historii państwo nie zastępowało rodziców w aż takim stopniu, poprzez szkołę, organizacje dziecięce, edukowanie rodziców z użyciem różnych poradników pisanych przez ideologów Partii, które były w pełni zgodne z komunistycznymi ideałami, ale mniej wspólnego miały z rodzicielstwem. Dzieci stały się obiektem wychowania państwowego, ponieważ „na rodzicach nie można było w pełni polegać przy wykonywaniu tego zadania i potrzebowali dodatkowego doradztwa”. Celem badań jest ukazanie masowego wtargnięcia państwa w życie rodzinne, przejmowania przez nie pewnych ról rodziców i dziadków – często poprzez socjalizację bardzo małych dzieci – i kontroli, którą sprawowano siłą, by spełnić wymagania Partii. Dzieci postrzegano raczej jako własność państwa niż rodziców, co przyniosło pół wieku rozdarcia pomiędzy stare zwyczaje, do których rodzice byli przyzwyczajeni, i nowe zasady wprowadzane siłą przez państwo. Kładziemy nacisk na wsparcie dla matek i dzieci i cechy wychowania w czasach komunizmu.
The Romanian communist leaders believed that, after centuries of ignorance and raisingchildren according to customs and habits, “family upbringing is in need of additional guidance”. According to Stearns “children had to be remade1” and the state pretended that it knew more about children’s needs that their own parents! More than in any other historical period the state substituted itself for the parents, through the school, children’s organizations and by indoctrinating the parents, using various guides and advice books written by the ideologists of the party, fully complying with communist ideals but less so with parenthood. The child is the object of state upbringing since “parents were not fully reliable for the task of raising their own children and they needed additional guidance”. The aim of this study is to reveal the massive intrusion of the state into family life, the taking-over of some roles specific to parents and grandparents – often by socialising children at very young ages – and the control that was reinforced in order to accomplish the requirements of the party. More than belonging to their parents, children were rather seen as belonging to the state and this brought half of a century of dualism between the old habits that the parents were used to and the new rules reinforced by the state. We shall stress the connexions between the proclamation of gender equality, mass schooling, family support measures for mothers and children and the characteristics of upbringing in the communist period.
The goal of this study is to evaluate the relationship between the time spent in front of a computer or TV and eating habits in kindergarten children. The study was conducted in May and September 2012 in two kindergartens in Krakow (n=61) and in a kindergarten in Podłęże, a village near Krakow (n=34). The average age of the studied children was 5.02±1.17. 40 parents of boys and 55 parents of girls took part in the study. The differences in responses related to gender and place of living were checked. The analyses of correlations among particular factors, including BMI, were conducted by means of the Spearman rank. Most of the kindergarten children (60%) spent an hour or less in front of TV. No relation between the time spent in front of TV or computer and gender or place of living or BMI interpretation was noticed. The time devoted to watching TV was connected with the frequency of snacks and fast-food consumption. The higher the education of mothers the less frequently children eat in front of TV. The frequency of sweetened beverages was also linked with the time spent in front of a computer. The relation between time spent in front of TV or computer and frequency of high energy food consumption among children was confirmed in the study. An effort should be made to educate parents about probable increased risk of children’s obesity connected with watching media
Background: Microbiological contamination of the air and the acquisition of the antibiotic resistance by pathogenic bacteria is a growing phenomenon that has a substantial impact on the quality of our health. This problem applies mainly to public areas where we spend a large part of our lives. This study was focused on the microbiological analysis of the air in some kindergartens and antibiotic resistance of bacteria of the Stephylococcus spp. genus. The identification of the isolated mould fungi has been also made. Material and Methods: Air samples were collected from classrooms in the seasonal cycle in the mornings and afternoons using 2 methods, sedimentation and impact. Air samples collected outside the kindergartens served as controls. Air quality assessments were based on the groups of indicator microorganisms, according to Polish standards. The susceptibility of isolated staphylococci was assessed with the disc-diffusion method, using 8 different classes of antibiotics, in line with the recommendations of the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST). Results: The analyses show that, regardless of the method, the total number of heterothropic bacteria and staphylococci in the air of the analyzed kindergartens exceeded the allowable limits. There was no air pollution with the fungal infection. Based on the antibiogram, it was found that Staphylococcus spp. strains showed the highest sensitivity to chloramphenicol and the lowest to penicillin and gentamicin. Among the fungi moulds of the genus Cladosporium predominated. Conclusions: The results of the analyses highlight the need for regular health checks and further research to help identify biological factors that may significantly affect the quality of health of people living in public spaces. Med Pr 2015;66(1):49–56
Wstęp: Mikrobiologiczne zanieczyszczenie powietrza i nabywanie przez chorobotwórcze bakterie oporności na antybiotyki to coraz częściej obserwowane zjawiska, które wpływają na jakość naszego zdrowia. Dotyczą one przede wszystkim miejsc użyteczności publicznej, w których spędzamy znaczną część naszego życia. Celem niniejszej pracy była mikrobiologiczna analiza powietrza w wybranych przedszkolach i ocena antybiotykooporności szczepów z rodzaju Staphylococcus. Dokonano również identyfikacji wyizolowanych grzybów pleśniowych. Materiał i metody: Próbki powietrza pobierano w salach dydaktycznych w cyklu sezonowym, w godzinach porannych i popołudniowych z wykorzystaniem 2 metod – sedymentacyjnej i zderzeniowej. Próbki pobierane na zewnątrz przedszkoli były próbami kontrolnymi. Jakość powietrza oceniano w oparciu o grupy mikroorganizmów wskaźnikowych, zgodnie z Polskimi Normami. Lekowrażliwość wyizolowanych gronkowców oceniano metodą dyfuzyjno- krążkową z użyciem antybiotyków 8 różnych klas, zgodnie z rekomendacjami Europejskiego Komitetu ds. Oznaczania Lekowrażliwości (European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing – EUCAST). Wyniki: Z przeprowadzonych analiz wynika, że niezależnie od zastosowanej metody ogólna liczba bakterii heterotroficznych i gronkowców w powietrzu analizowanych przedszkoli przekraczała dopuszczalne normy. Nie odnotowano nadmiernego zanieczyszczenia powietrza grzybami pleśniowymi. Na podstawie antybiogramów stwierdzono, że szczepy Staphylococcus spp. największą wrażliwość wykazywały wobec chloramfenikolu, a najmniejszą wobec penicyliny i gentamycyny. Wśród grzybów dominowały pleśnie z rodzaju Cladosporium. Wnioski: Niniejsze analizy wskazują na konieczność systematycznych kontroli sanitarnych powietrza oraz prowadzenia dalszych badań, które umożliwią rozpoznanie czynników biologicznych mogących znacząco wpłynąć na jakość zdrowia osób przebywających w pomieszczeniach użyteczności publicznej. Med. Pr. 2015;66(1):49–56
Władze komunistyczne Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej dążyły do laicyzacji systemu oświaty i wychowania, począwszy od najniższego poziomu edukacyjnego, jakim były przedszkola. W ramach antykościelnej i antyzakonnej polityki wyznaniowej państwa, placówki wychowania przedszkolnego prowadzone przez żeńskie zgromadzenia zakonne poddane zostały procesowi stopniowej likwidacji w pierwszych dwóch powojennych dekadach. Ograniczanie niezależnych od panującej ideologii podmiotów, biorących dotąd udział w tworzeniu sieci placówek wychowania przedszkolnego, skutkowało w warunkach niedemokratycznego, totalitarnego systemu politycznego, narzuceniem monopolu państwa na organizowanie, prowadzenie i nadzór nad placówkami wychowania przedszkolnego, co sprzyjać miało skuteczniejszej indoktrynacji wychowanków. Jednym z instrumentów realizacji wytyczonego celu stało się prawo oświatowe. Choć do 1961 r. oficjalnie obowiązywały przedwojenne ustawy oświatowe z 1932 r., w praktyce już w latach czterdziestych rozpoczęło się eliminowanie zgromadzeń zakonnych z obszaru wychowania dziecka w wieku przedszkolnym. Zjawiska tego nie powstrzymały protesty przełożonych zakonnych i hierarchii Kościoła, powołujące się na ratyfikowaną przez rząd PRL międzynarodową konwencję w sprawie zwalczania dyskryminacji w dziedzinie oświaty, w myśl której, oprócz państwowych przedszkoli działać mogły również „inne”, niepaństwowe placówki oświatowo-wychowawcze. Pomimo braku przeszkód prawnych, zgromadzenia zakonne nie mogły reaktywować działalności w zakresie prowadzenia placówek wychowania przedszkolnego.
Polish communist authorities of the People's Republic sought to secularization of education system, starting from the lowest level of education, namely kindergartens. As part of the anti-Church state religious policy, kindergartens run by female religious congregations were gradually eliminated in the first two postwar decades. Restricting independent of the ruling ideology entities that had been contributing up to that moment to preschool education institutions, resulted, in an undemocratic, totalitarian political system, in the monopoly of the state on organizing, conducting and supervising the institutions of preschool education, which would encourage more effective indoctrination of pupils. The education law became one of the instruments to implement the objective. Although until 1961 a pre-war educational Act of 1932 officially was still in force, in practice since the forties the state began to move religious congregations away from responsibility of raising a child of a preschool age. This phenomenon was not stopped by protests of superiors from religious congregation and hierarchy of the Church who claimed that the Polish government ratified international convention against discrimination in education, according to which, apart from state-run kindergartens there could also be “other” non-state educational institutions. Despite the absence of legal obstacles, religious congregations could not revive the business of conducting pre-school education.
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