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The article reflects upon the way in which writings by W.G. Sebald mediate between the constructing of space and hybridity. Specifically, the function of photography within the narration is analyzed here. In conclusion, photographs, despite their strong referential charge, do not in any way diminish the undoubted textualization of space in Sebald’s works.
The paper summarizes some remarks on the metaphor of map, as it is used within the field of geopoetics. The first of its meanings refers to representation of literary space in a work of fiction. The second is often applied to describe an imaginary vision of real geographic (political, economic etc.) space. It is therefore determined (or “created”) by culture, or rather by innumerable cultural texts, which affect our common, i.e. culture-dependent imagination. In both cases “the map” should not be considered as a representation in its traditional meaning of something essentially present or given. Instead, Deleuzian metaphors of the rhizome and the fold seem more convenient here, as they highlight this unready, process- and interpretation-dependent character. The sets of metaphorical notions, such as “fold/ply”, “double fold/twofold/two-ply” and “folding/creasing/ironing imaginary maps” are used in this paper to clarify the idea of “antechamber effect”. In consequence, this is a phenomenon which, within the realm of literary imagination, renders some real territories with weak cultural potential nonexistent.
The article analyzes spatial represenatation of New York as presented in Janusz Głowacki’s works after his decision to emigrate in 1981. The literary assimilation of space is realized through three narrative strategies, i.e. stereotyping, walking, and naming/writing mode. The author of the article proposes geopoetic, anthropological, and sociological reading of his various texts (autobiography, essays, short stories, and dramas).
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Literární prostory otcovství

The main goal of the article is to join the debate about literary images of fatherhood in the contemporary Czech and Polish prose. The article focuses on the analysis of the specific literary spaces that have appeared with a new type of literary characters, so-called “new fathers”. They renounce their professional activities and stay home looking after babies. The comparative analysis of two novels – Petr Šabach’s Putování mořského koně (Hiking of a Sea Horse) and Marek Kochan’s Plac zabaw (The Playground) – tries to present similarities in the structures of literary space, as well as the way of contextualisation of masculinity in the space of playground and home. The article also tries to place the analysis against the background of social changes of parenting and fatherhood in Poland and the Czech Republic during last decades.
The article presents the way of domesticating the space of the health resort and hospital in three works of Miron Białoszewski: The Heart Attack, Konstancin and The Letters to Eumenides. The illness – in 1974 first and then in theyear 1983, second heartattack – forces thewriterto stay consecutively in unfamiliar health resorts, and at the same time it opens a new stage in his life and work. Following the assumptions of geopoetics that the way of seeing space is associated with the activity and the perception of the entity, as well as taking into account the causative role of the places, I analyze the changes occurring in Białoszewski’s health resort texts. I further present the stages of constructing the “self” and demonstrate the importance of space of the health resort and hospital in each of the stages. 
The article is an attempt at reading Natalia Fiedorczuk’s text Jak pokochać centra handlowe [How to fall in love with shopping centers] in the perspective of Marc Aug´e’s theory of non-places (non-lieux) and Ewa Rewers’ concept of the subject as a non-place. The author uses the strategy in which attributes of non-place as a physical space are combined with the ontological status of the subject. It lets me define depressive condition of the mother as a transitive one, constituted on the figures of movement, anonymity and loneliness. This strategy also incorporates into maternity discourse the issues marginalized in cultural awareness (depression, emotion policy and maternal memory).
Artykuł dotyczy poezji poznańskiego twórcy - Andrzeja Babińskiego. W analizowanych utworach widoczne są wątki katastroficzne i surrealistyczne, uobecniające się w sposobie ewokowania przestrzeni poetyckiej. Składają się na nią przede wszystkim pełne fantazji wizje, często irracjonalne, wolne od zasad logiki, splecione z elementów na pierwszy rzut oka przeciwnych sobie, pochodzących z odległych pól semantycznych, a wynikające z rozluźnienia logiki związków przyczynowo-skutkowych. W przestrzeni Babińskiego o sile oddziaływania wiersza oraz o spójności komunikatu decyduje swoista logika obrazów zespolonych ciągiem asocjacji wynikających z wyobraźni poety; kluczem jest tu właśnie obrazowość tej twórczości i jej plastyczność, ukierunkowujące odbiór wierszy w kontekście geopoetyki, regionalizmu i katastrofizmu.
The article concerns the poetry of the Poznań poet Andrzej Babiński described from the perspective of the author’s biographical experiences, his work and creative worldview. The analysis covers the author’s poetic imagination and the images of the world plunged into a permanent apocalypse. In addition, it examines the image of the world that slips away from under the feet of man, resulting from the conviction about the crisis of civilization and the death of poetry, as well as the loss of values in the post-war world. Reflections on this subject are presented in the context of geopoetics, locality and catastrophism.
The article attempts to show the role literary space can play as a carrier of values in the literary and cultural education of students. This problem will be discussed using J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit or There and Back Again fantasy novel as an example. Research on the reception of this book in Poland by contemporary teenagers and my experience with the discussed issues have motivated me to describe a few strategies for dealing with this novel in Polish language education in axiological terms.
The article reflects upon the works of Andrzej Bart and Zbigniew Kruszyński, concentrating on how urban space is correlated with the category of identity. The most useful here then seems geopoetic reading with its concepts of history’s influence upon geography (and different visions of Polish identity), biography and space identity, mythologizing urban space (Łódź in Bart, Radom and Wrocław in Kruszyński), and the relationship between autobiographical memory and space experience. Additionally, of special importance here is the interaction between movement and stability and between sedentariness and nomadism.
The article attempts to recognize the most distinctive aspects of spatial representations in literary works from the 20th and 21st centuries. It analyzes the narrative strategies employed in the following novels Terminal by Marek Bieńczyk, Sońka by Ignacy Karpowicz and Ludzka rzecz by Paweł Potoroczyn. Consequently, it shows that textual exploration of space which is foreign, other, untameable may be instrumental in authorial self-representation and that it may additionally reveal the writing process with its innate limitations.
Es ist nachgewiesen, dass Zeit und Raum als zentrale Kategorien der menschlichen Kognition zu den wichtigsten Aspekten der fiktionalen Wirklichkeitsdarstellung zählen, weil alles, was passiert, an Raum und Zeit gebunden ist. Ohne Raum wäre keine Handlung vorstellbar, denn die Welt kann nur räumlich (und zeitlich) imaginiert werden. Die Opposition EIGEN vs. FREMD ist kulturspezifisch und konstant. Argumente dafür lassen sich unter anderem im literarischen Diskurs finden. Wird das Thema des Fremden und Eigenen hinterfragt, wird eine Trennlinie bzw. eine Grenze konstruiert. Im Beitrag wird diese Opposition als text- und sinnbildende Kategorie aus verschiedenen Perspektiven am Beispiel des Romans NIEDERGANG von Roman Graf betrachtet.
Space and time are the main categories of people’s cognition and they must be counted as the most important aspects of the fictional world, as everything that happens is bound to time and space. There is no action without space because one can imagine the world only spatially and temporally. The opposition FRIEND or FOE is culture-specific and eternal. One can find the examples of this opposition in various discourses, e.g. in the literary discourse. Space can be enclosed by boundaries, e.g. it may be the imaginary boundary between friends and foes. The paper deals with the concept of the semiotic borders as well as textforming opposition FRIEND or FOE in the mountain novel „Niedergang“ written by R. Graf.
This study observes the process whereby the Czech cultural scene was redefined during the first few months of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. In an attempt to protect Czech culture and to preserve the autonomy of Czech institutions as proclaimed by the German occupiers, society deliberately undertook centralization and self-regulatory measures. The National Partnership (Národní souručenství), which 97% of the male population joined during spring 1939, was initiated as a part of its internal policy by the Cultural Council, which had had programmatic continuity since November 1938. Under the „new conditions“ it was meant to become the autonomous, proactive working and advisory centre for the National Partnership´s cultural and educational work. Although it had taken part in the organization of such spontaneous demonstrations as the second burial of Karel Hynek Mácha, it was soon arranging a number of promotional events in an attempt to centralize, control and regulate the cultural scene. In its cultural and political discourse it highlighted the topoi of the good Czech book, which became a symbol of resistance and a means for preserving national identity. The most successful promotional event used by the Cultural Council to take control of the entire spectrum of artistic and cultural life whithin the Protectorate was the December Czech Book Month organized in towns and rural areas. The preparations were strictly centralized and controlled, and it was only possible to exhibit books previously listed by the Cultural Council. „A good Czech book“ became a cult object, on the basis of which Protectorate society was newly defined, legitimizing it in the face of overbearing German culture and bolstering its resistance. The event also resulted in economic assistance to the graphic and book industries, while redefining the Czech literary scene and the totalitarization of Czech society.
The subject of this review is 'Przestrzenie Wacława Potockiego', a book by Krystyna Krawiec-Złotkowska, which takes up the problematics of genre and subject in the poet’s writings in the context of tradition. The reviewer notes the well thought-out, systematised structure of the study as well as the attempts at organizing the huge area of intertextual entanglements of Potocki’s work. She emphasizes also an open character of the study, which suggests that the research undertaken by Krawiec-Złotkowska should be continued.
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Literární geografie: problém Máchových krajin

The article analyzes literary landscape in the work of Karel Hynek Mácha, specifically, it focuses on the way in which the landscape in the poem Máj and in the prose Cikáni has been interpreted through history. Using specific interpretative case studies, it illustrates the chronological change in the interpretation of Mácha’s landscape, which range from the first attempts to reconcile literary landscape with real topographies to the increasing independence of the literary representation. The author of the article interprets mimetic reading of Mácha’s landscapes as an expression of the contemporary effort to strengthen the consciousness of national self-identity based on a cultural continuity demarcated not only historically but also territorially.
The article aims to interpret the poems of Małorzata Lebda using the “travelling concept” of the space in-between. Desiring to stay close to the poetic text, the author focuseson the various ways in which the soma and the space interact. She does not merely understand the function of soma/spatio/graphy as identifying themes of the body and space in the poem but as illustrating how the two are related This illuminates the problems and possibilities of contemporary cultural humanities. 
This article presents a pandemic interpretation of Łukasz Barys 2021 debut, The bones you carry in your pocket. It aims to analyze the impact of the virus as a „spectrum” (Derrida) on the life of the individual and to look at the „assamblage” (Žižek) effect of the pandemic. It encompasses the „human and the non-human” (Žižek), bringing together a constellation of „postmemory” (Hirsh) spectres, traumas, bones, death and past that begins to dominate reality. The narrative is thus the testimony of an individual living in a world of blight. However, it is a latent and silent testimony. It can be found in the descriptions underlined between family traumas and the grime of everyday life, in which death, love and illness are constantly mixed together.
The article is focused on the emotional perception of space and ways of its designation in Feodor Sologub’s creative works. The base of this perception is so-called “claustrophobic” experience which is understood as a way of spatial self-identification of the subject which connects ontologic, existential, mental and subject realities. This phenomenon provokes a number of specific feelings (discomfort, excitement, horror; feeling of closeness, weight, constraint; losing the orientation in the world and self-control). “Literary claustrophobia” at various levels of the text is the key model for F. Sologub’s poetics.
Анна Альштынюк - Беласток
W artykule omówiono strukturę czasoprzestrzeni w powieści „Ptaki i gniazda” wybitnego białoruskiego pisarza Janki Bryla. Zwrócono uwagę na wpływ kategorii czasu i przestrzeni na oś konstrukcyjną i fabularną utworu. Współistnienie dwóch płaszczyzn czasu i przestrzeni (życie i wspomnienia Alesia Runiewicza) było uwarunkowane fabularno-kompozycyjną strukturą powieści i pozwoliło wielopłaszczyznowo odsłonić świat wewnętrznych przeżyć głównego bohatera.
The author of the article analyzes time-spacial structure of the novel “Birds and Nests” written by an eminent Belarusian writer Yanka Bryl. It is emphasized that time and space influence structural and storyline axes of the book. Coexistence of these two layers (life and memories of Ales Runevich) was conditioned by the structure and storyline, and enabled to show the main heroe’s mental experiences.
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