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Marriages in Ethiopia

Le mariage semble être un élément commun à tous les milieux culturels dans le monde. Cependant, dans chacun de ces milieux, le mariage est perçu différemment. On dit souvent que l’Éthiopie est – ou l’était au moins jusqu'à présent – un bastion du christianisme. On pourrait donc croire que l'institution du mariage dans ce pays ressemble à celles des autres pays chrétiens. Pourtant les mariages en Éthiopie ont un caractère bien plus africain. On y accepte des liaisons variées, pas toujours sanctionnées juridiquement (conformément avec la loi européenne) et pas toujours monogamiques. Cet article parle des différents types de mariage pratiqués en Éthiopie depuis des siècles. Aussi bien les voyageurs du XIX-ème que les chercheurs du XX-ème siècles ont remarqué la diversité des liaisons et la facilité avec laquelle les Éthiopiens se marient et se divorcent. On a distingué six principaux types de liaisons et de nombreux types mineurs. De plus, chaque couche sociale préférait un seul type de liaison. Les mariages contractés par le clergé et l’aristocratie étaient différents de ceux contractés par la bourgeoisie ou encore par les commerçants. L’Ethiopie est un pays diversifié au niveau ethnique et la multiplicité culturelle fait que les coutumes liées au mariage sont très différentes. Les mariages chez les chrétiens d'Amhara n’ont rien à voir avec ceux des communautés musulmanes des Afars ou des Somaliens. Certains pratiquent ainsi «la taxe matrimoniale» tandis que d’autres doivent faire preuve de courage et de ruse pour gagner les faveurs des parents de l’élue de leur cœur. De nombreuses coutumes décrites dans l'article ne se pratiquent plus, alors que d'autres ont toujours lieu.
The article is the first part of statistical analysis of marriage records of Jewish people from Piotrków Trybunalski for the period of 1808–1870. The author rises issues related to the age of entering into a marriage taking into consideration: social and economicfactors, permanent celibacy, prospective spouses’ origins, seasonality, and remarriage patterns. One of the most significant conclusions is the age of concluding a marriage which is the first one for both parties, it is assigned about 20 for women and 22 for men – distinctly lower than in non-Jewish urban communities in the 19th century, like in Piotrków Trybunalski. The author points out diversity in matrimonial customs among Jewish communities of Poland of that time. The statistical evidence from Piotrków Trybunalski does not provide full explanation of the observed differences. Both frequent marriages of widowers with single women, and the duration of widowhood among the group being studied fit into a model investigated in other (non-Jewish) communities, and are contrary to traditional Judaism recommendations.
In the article we test the hypothesis that the weakening of family ties, as measured by reduction of marriages and a cascade of divorces, caused economic slowdown in Poland. We also suppose (second hypothesis) that the level of economic growth and welfare facilitate life for oneself, make the individuals apart thus limiting the number of marriages and resulting in increasing number of divorces. We verify these hypotheses by using an econometric model of economic growth with social equity of the family. The model consists of 9 equations (5 stochastic and 4 identities) and exhibits the feedback between GDP and some variables representing social capital, marriages disintegration ratio especially. We have run several simulation scenarios changing efficiency of enforcement of penalties, GINI coefficient, marriages disintegration ratio. We also made a forecast for Polish families disintegration in period 2009–2011 assuming different GDP growth. The results confirmed both hypotheses. In further studies we plan to verify the more complex hypothesis of the existence of an optimal GDP growth rate for the disintegration of marriages.
In a changing and increasingly globalized world, in which migration is on the rise, more and more frequently marriages are being entered into between people of different nationalities, and also, often enough, of different confession or ethnicity. Many scholars claim that the widespread nature of this phenomenon may, in fact, attest to a high level of integration of the migrants into the society and their resultant social acceptance. On the other hand, various studies reveal that in numerous societies mixed marriages are not generally approved of. Marriage may be perceived very differently, depending on the actual perspective or an approach opted for when putting it under closer scrutiny. For some, its key component will consist in the relationship between two individuals forming it, others will be happy to see rather as a primary building block of a society, a kind of social nucleus, others still, first and foremost in business terms. Finally, marriage may also be looked upon as a means of controlling and oppressing women. In different domains of the law, the institution of marriage is bound to be perceived very differently. In terms of immigration law, marriage is perceived first and foremost as an instrument for the legalization of a foreign national’s residence in another country. Marriage may also be looked upon as a certain source of risk, including that to public security. The very fact of its conclusion may be considered a criminal offence, e.g. in the case of forcing someone into entering into such a relationship. A number of countries face a recognized problem of the so-called forced marriages. In terms of immigration law, the problem consists in making an instrumental use of the institution of marriage in order to legalize one’s residence in the country. This is referred to as a marriage of convenience, or paper marriage, fictitious union, sometimes also referred to as fake marriage. Under Polish law, they are subsumed under the term “marriages contracted in order to circumvent the legislation in place,” i.e. presumably the Foreign Nationals Act. There are various definitions of virtual marriages to be found in the literature on the subject. They are referred to as relationships in which at least one of the partners contracts a marriage with no intention of pursuing true married life whatsoever. Other definitions highlight a purely instrumental use of the institution of marriage in order to achieve certain benefits, usually with a view to being granted a bona fide residence status, but also for the purpose of escaping from oppressive family relations or cultural pressures exerted by a social group to which they happen to belong. Relevant EU provisions recommend that the Member States introduce mechanisms for the monitoring of mixed marriages and make references to specific cases whereupon a fictitious marriage might well be suspected. Polish legal regulations have been duly adapted to them (provisions of Article 169, Foreign Nationals Act). The number of cases in which provincial governors agreed that a marriage had been contracted in order to circumvent the legislation in place is not high. Over 10 years, only 1,178 of such cases have been identified throughout the country, which accounted for just over 2% of all decisions on legalizing a foreign national’s residence in the country in connection with contracting a mixed marriage. The paper presents the results of a representative sample of residence legalization cases, whereupon provincial governors found marriages to have been contracted under false pretences in the period spanning 2009–2013. A total of 138 of such cases were examined. A vast majority of the surveyed marriages subsequently found to be fictitious was based on the paradigm most popular in the Polish context, i.e. a female Polish citizen marrying a foreign national (72% of cases). Most often, such marriages were contracted by Nigerian nationals, followed by Armenians, Turks, and Ukrainians. The residence in Poland of around a half of the expats might be regarded as a short-term one (as it would not last in excess of 3 years), another 25% might can be described as medium-term migrants, and the remainder, the long-term ones, since they had lived in Poland country for over 10 years. Nigerians and foreign nationals from South Asia and the Mediterranean countries did not usually spend more than three years in Poland, whereas our eastern neighbours and the Armenians tended to stay for at least 4 years, and frequently more than 10 years. A vast majority of married couples, almost 70% of all cases, first met in Poland. In 13% of the cases, they met in another EU country – usually during a longer sojourn of female Polish citizens in that country, or, in a single case, a male Polish citizen. Most foreign nationals marrying Polish women (69%) were over 26 and under 40. There were relatively few older ones, i.e. those over 40 years of age. The average age of female Polish citizens married by them was different, though, as the group of younger ones, i.e. up to 30 years of age, seemed to be dominant. The group of older women, i.e. over 50 years of age, also is quite prominent. In very few cases it was possible to determine during the residence legalization procedure that the spouses had concluded a formal agreement regarding the fictitious nature of their marriage, which would also have its financial aspect: a Polish national was due to receive money in exchange for contracting marriage to a foreign national. Such an aspect was encountered in 15 cases only, and most often the information came from a Polish national who felt cheated out of the payment of the amount originally promised to him/her. When determining the fictitious nature of a marriage, the officials were often aided by the spouses themselves – in 2/3 of the cases under investigation at the time of filing an application for the legalization of residence, they no longer lived together (although sometimes it was due to the fact that the husband still lived abroad having just applied for the right to claim residence in Poland, yet such cases were rather few, as was indicated above). Following an on-site verification whether a married couple actually lived together for the duration of the administrative proceedings, it transpired that in up to 91% of the cases they did not, including the 42 cases, when one of the spouses explicitly described the relationship as over. Polish citizenship as a ‘commodity’ has steadily grown in value in view of the attendant opportunity to obtain legal residence in other EU countries and contracting employment without the need for any permits. Hence, many people are ready to go to any lengths to obtain such a highly prized document. Consequently, the phenomenon of marriages of convenience is expected to rise. On the other hand, this particular type of motivation for contracting marriage by foreign nationals is, and most likely will remain rather hard to detect, so we might just as well acknowledge this as a hard fact of life. There will always be various ways to circumvent legal regulations. While constructing the legislation aimed at preventing fictitious marriages, it should be considered how much effort and resources we are prepared to allocate to preventive measures, to what extent they are expected to be effective (since often they are not, despite the substantial expenditures incurred), and to what extent we can afford to limit the citizens’ rights in this particular respect. When making incursions into someone’s family life and interfering with their marital relations, this is definitely an issue of paramount importance. Finally, it should be borne in mind that marriage is a kind of social contract, and that it has always been so. Marriage out of love is a relatively new concept, and related to a larger extent to a cultural fabric of the global North. In other cultures, marriage has often retained its historical character. One simply needs to acknowledge and accept it as a fact of life when shaping migration policy.
The article is the second part of the analysis of Jewish marriage certificates from Piotrków Trybunalski between 1808 and 1870. The author discusses social strategies of matching spouses on the basis of the declared grooms’ and the parents’ professions in the certificates; he also takes into consideration where the newlyweds had lived before contracting marriage and afterwards in order to explore the dwelling habits and the support on part of the parents. The results of the investigations, indicating social and professional endogamous preferences and neolocality, are analysed in the demographic and cultural context of the time. In the end, the author sums up the demographic differences and similarities between the Jews and the Christians and asks a question on the role of religion, social, and economic in shaping the demographic behaviour of the Jews from Piotrków.
The years 1875–1906 saw an intensive development of the urban complex of Szczecin; the industrial, housing and social infrastructure was rapidly growing, and there wasan inflow of rural population from outside the county of Randow. The socio-economic development in the outskirts of Szczecin was accompanied by significant demographicchanges. The article presents the effects of the accelerated urbanisation and industrialisation of Pomorzany (German: Pommerensdorf) – a suburban district of Szczecin – in comparison to neighbouring towns and villages, where such changes were much less rapid or did not occur at all. That is why on the basis of the documents from the Register Office a list was made; it is a list of 1,357 marriages contracted in the years 1875–1906 in the jurisdiction of the Register Office of Gumieńce (Standesamtbezirk Scheune). Thanks to the aggregative method it was possible to measure annual numbers of marriages, seasonality of marriages and an average age of newlyweds. Within the jurisdiction of the Register Office of Gumieńce, Pomorzany was the district where the growth was the fastest: in the period in question its population quadrupled and the number of dwelling houses increased twofold. An analysis of the marriages contracted in Gumieńce revealed that the inhabitants of that district were the youngest newlyweds in the jurisdiction of the Register Office of Gumieńce and the difference of age between bride and groom was the smallest (2.2 years). The inhabitants of Gumieńce, Mierzyn (Möhringen) and Stobno (Stöven) contracted marriages when they were much older, and the difference of age between bride and groom was bigger (2.8–3.8 years). Also the preferences of the newlyweds depended on their social and professional position. Craftsmen, labourers and their daughters contracted marriages at the youngest age, owners of farms and farmers’ daughters – at the oldest age.
Nurt SVD
issue 2
Jan III Sobieski przywilejem z 12 marca 1679 r. nadał Tatarom ziemie w ekonomii brzeskiej. Otrzymali oni dobra w Studziance, Lebiedziewie i Małaszewiczach. Osadnictwo kontynuowali kolejni królowie. Wyznawcy islamu mieszkali m.in. w Połoskach, Małaszewiczach Wielkich i Małych, Trojanowie, Worońcu, Ossowie, Wólce Kościeniewickiej, Koszołach, Ortelu (dawnym Wortelu), Bokince (zwanej tatarską), Kościeniewiczach. Skupieni byli wokół Studzianki gdzie do 1915 roku funkcjonował meczet. Założyli także dwa cmentarze tatarskie w Studziance i Zastawku, które przetrwały do dzisiaj. W świetle adnotacji ksiąg metrykalnych z lat 1798-1911 w parafii w Studziance zawarto 131 małżeństw. Związki małżeńskie były zawierane w różnych miejscowościach. Duchowny tatarski jeździł z posługami do swoich wiernych, udzielając im ślubów. Pełnił niejako rolę urzędnika stanu cywilnego w terenie. Imamowie zapisywali księgi w języku polskim. Jedynie w latach 1800-1801,1803-1805 dokonywali wpisów po łacinie, a od 1867 roku zapisywali je po rosyjsku.
On 12 March 1679, king Jan III Sobieski of Poland, issued an edict settling the Tatars on Crown Estates in Studzianka, Lebiedziew and Małaszewicze in the province of Brest. Under later Polish rulers, Tatars lived in Połoski, Małaszewicze Wielkie and Małe, Trojanów, Woroniec, Ossowo, Wólka Kościeniewiecka, Koszoły, Ortel (former Wortel), Bokinka Tatarska and Kościeniewicze. Their largest community was in Studzianka and its environs. They had a mosque in Studzianka, active until 1915, and cemeteries in Studzianka and Zastawek, still existing today. In the parish registers 1798-1911 in Studzianka there are 131 entries for Tatar marriages. They were contracted in different villages. An imam would go from place to place to perform the rites. The marriage entries are in Polish, Latin (for the years 1800-1801 and 1803-1805) and Russian (from 1867 onwards).
In the last quarter of the 19th century in Western Pomerania some demographic and socio-economic processes took place at the same time: stabilisation of death rate and a decrease in reproduction, an agricultural crisis and a migration fever. After pulling down the city walls Szczecin (German: Stettin) started spreading in all directions. The main objective of the research has been to grasp the process of demographic changes, which were parallel to the socio-economic development of the Szczecin suburbs, as wellas to present the effects of the accelerated urbanisation and industrialisation of Pomorzany (German: Pommerensdorf), one of the Szczecin suburbs, in comparison to neighbouring settlements, where such changes occurred not so fast or even did not happen at all. For that reason on the basis of the Register Office’s certificates a list was made, which included 1357 matrimonies contracted in the years 1875–1906 within the jurisdiction of the Gumieńce Register Office (German: Standesamtbezirk Scheune). The aggregate method has been used to determine the annual numbers of matrimonies, seasonality of matrimonies and an average age of newly-weds. The research indicates that in the years 1875–1906, parallel to an increase of the inhabitants, in Pomorzany the number of contracted matrimonies and the matrimonial rate were increasing regularly, where as the annual seasonality rate was decreasing. In more remote settlements, in Gumieńce, Mierzyn (Möhringen) and Stobno (Stöven) agriculture was dominant, the number of matrimonies did not change significantly, and the annual seasonality rate had big fluctuations from month to month.
Rozprawy Społeczne
vol. 11
issue 3
Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu jest określenie najważniejszych czynników przyczyniających się na przestrzeni lat do podejmowania decyzji o małżeństwie lub rozwodzie, z uwzględnieniem zjawisk takich jak małżeństwa powtórne, separacja, kohabitacja i życie w pojedynkę. Na przestrzeni lat można bowiem zaobserwować spadek ilości zawieranych małżeństw i wzrost ilości rozwodów. Mimo iż małżeństwo uznawane jest za jedną z ważniejszych wartości w życiu i ciągle jest jednym z najpowszechniejszych wyborów to coraz częściej wybierane jest również życie w związku nieformalnym lub w pojedynkę. Taki stan rzeczy może być determinowany rozmaitymi czynnikami społecznymi, demograficznymi oraz instytucjonalnymi zapoczątkowanymi w Europie w latach 50 XX wieku; nie tylko takimi jak wspólne zamieszkiwanie przed ślubem czy społeczna akceptacja zjawiska rozwodu i małżeństw powtórnych, ale również większa niezależność kobiet lub też posiadanie w życiu ważniejszych celów niż wstąpienie w związek małżeński. Zaistniałe zmiany mogą prowadzić do wyboru form życia najbardziej odpowiadającym poszczególnym jednostkom, niezależnie od przyjętych norm społecznych.
The main aim of the following paper is to determine the most significant factors that have contributed to marriages and divorces over the years, including such phenomena as re-marriages, separations, cohabitations or single living. Over the years, a decrease in the number of marriages and growth in the number of divorces can be observed. Although marriage is reported to be one of the most important values in life and is still the most popular choice, living in a non-marital relationship or living alone has notably increased recently. It can be determined by a variety of social, demographical or institutional factors that originated in Europe in the 50s of the 20th century, not only such as living together before getting married, social acceptance of divorce and re-marriages but also a greater independence of women or having more important goals in life than getting married in the future. These changes may lead to selecting these forms of life that suit particular individuals most, regardless of the established social norms.
Elisabeth of Görlitz, granddaughter of Charles IV, married Anthony, Duke of Brabant. After his death at the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, she was forced to take care of her own well-being while being yet again embroiled in Luxembourg’s politics. This study will therefore focus on the period of time the young widow attempted to cope with her new life situation, maintain a good political and economic position and find a new husband.
In some Western European countries, for a few years now there has been an intense debate concerning the phenomenon of religious-only marriages, solemnized through a religious ceremony. From the perspective of state law, such religious spouses are treated as cohabitees, which places certain limitations on their rights and obligations compared to married couples recognized by state law. In Poland, there is no ongoing discussion on this matter. Furthermore, there are no data regarding the frequency of such relationships, if any. The main objective of this article is to partially address this gap and initiate a discussion. To achieve this, exploratory research was conducted by analysing judgment justifications available online, focusing on cases where the couples were in exclusively religious marriages. Selected justifications underwent qualitative content analysis using MAXQDA software to gain insights into how judges and other participants in the proceedings approach this type of relationship. Another aim of the article is to highlight the legal challenges that religiously married spouses might encounter and to explore potential solutions in this regard. The research indicates that the marriages in question generally did not elicit consternation or negative attitudes in the analysed cases. On the contrary, both judges and participants in the proceedings typically did not question the significance, depth, and permanent character of family bonds formed through religious-only marriages. However, this approach is not reflected in current legislation, which differentiates the rights and obligations of individuals in intimate relationships based on whether a civil marriage has been contracted, often disregarding the actual nature of the relationship.
W niektórych krajach zachodnioeuropejskich obserwujemy od kilku lat wzmożoną debatę dotyczącą związków, które zostały zawarte jedynie w oparciu o religijną ceremonię i zwane są małżeństwami wyłącznie religijnymi (religious-only marriages). Dla prawa państwowego tacy religijni małżonkowie są zazwyczaj wyłącznie konkubentami, co rodzi pewne ograniczenia w zakresie ich praw i obowiązków w porównaniu do osób pozostających w małżeństwach uznawanych przez prawo państwowe. W Polsce ta dyskusja nie jest prowadzona. Nie mamy również żadnych danych na temat tego, czy Polacy wchodzą w takie relacje. Podstawowym zamierzeniem niniejszego artykuł jest chociaż w niewielkim stopniu uzupełnienie tej luki i rozpoczęcie dyskusji. By je zrealizować zostały przeprowadzone eksploracyjne badania dostępnych online uzasadnień sądowych, w których znajdowała się wzmianka o tym, że para przebywała w małżeństwie wyłącznie religijnym. Wybrane uzasadnienia zostały poddane jakościowej analizie treści przy zastosowaniu oprogramowania MAXQDA, by zrekonstruować podejście do tego typu relacji ze strony sędziów oraz pozostałych uczestników postępowania. Dodatkowym celem artykułu było również zwrócenie uwagi na problemy prawne z jakimi mogą się borykać małżonkowie wyłącznie wyznaniowi i rozważenie potencjalnych rozwiązań w tym zakresie. Badania pokazały, że omawiane małżeństwa nie budziły konsternacji ani negatywnego nastawienia w analizowanych sprawach. Wręcz przeciwnie zarówno sędziowie, jak i uczestniczy postępowania nie kwestionowali, co do zasady, istotności, głębi i trwałości więzów rodzinnych, jakie tworzą małżeństwa wyłącznie religijne. Nie ma to jednak odzwierciedlenia w obecnym prawie, które różnicuje prawa i obowiązki osób w bliskich związkach w zależności od tego, czy doszło do małżeństwa cywilnego, niejednokrotnie nie zwracając uwagi na to jak wygląda ich faktyczna relacja.
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Największym bogactwem kraju są jego ludzie dlatego szczególnie uważnie należy śledzić tendencje zachodzące w rozwoju demograficznym kraju. Stan i struktura ludności są determinowane przez urodzenia, aktualne trendy dzietności, umieralność, saldo migracji zagranicznych oraz przeciętną długość trwania życia. Polska znalazła się w bardzo trudnej sytuacji demograficznej. Utrzymujący się przez wiele lat niski poziom dzietności, ujemny przyrost naturalny, ujemne saldo migracji zagranicznych przy wydłużaniu się przeciętnego trwania życia spowodują niekorzystną relacje osób w wieku poprodukcyjnym do osób w wieku produkcyjnym. Liczba ludności Polski będzie malała, społeczeństwo polskie będzie się starzało, odsetek ludzi starych w stosunku do liczby ludności w wieku produkcyjnym będzie jednym z najwyższych w Europie w 2060 r.
The greatest wealth of a nation is its people and that is why it is necessary to monitor the trends related to the demographic of a given country. The state and the structure of a society are determined by birth, mortality and total fertility rates; and also by the net migration balance and the average life period. Poland has found itself in a very difficult demographic situation. The total fertility rate remaining low for years, the negative migration balance and population growth in conjunction with rising life expectancy will result in a disadvantageous relation between the old people and the working-age population. The population of Poland will be decreasing and aging, the ratio between the old people and the working-age population will be one of the highest in Europe in 2060.
he subject matter of the article „The membership of Jawornik to the civil and ecclesiastical administration and its population from 1860 - 1945” is showing the movement of the population of the country of Jawornik in Niebylec commune from 1860 to 1945, with the division into four periods: from 1860 to 1896, from 1897 to 1917, from 1918 to 1939 and from 1939 to 1945, in the context of contemporary personal law. The article consists of two parts: the first one shows the civil and ecclesiastical administration of Jawornik and contemporary personal law, the second one illustrates the natural movement of people with introduction of demographic dynamics. There are also such respective events in the area of births, marriages, and deaths with showing their number, structure and other characteristic features. There are the numbers of twin births, names of midwifes, the number of extramarital births, most frequent reasons of deaths, the age of deceased and their percentage in respective age groups. There also are the numbers of signed marriages, the age of spouses, place of living of future spouses, the place of living of women, most often chosen by Jawornik boys and the place of living of the boys, chosen by Jawornik girls. There also are the months when the weddings were organised. The article is a look on Jawornik from the point of view of the number and movement of the population.
Te demographic history of the village Krasne (the Krasne parish included also other villages) from 1786 to the second half of XIX century was presented in the article, and was based on the parish registers. Te Krasne parish in the examined period of time demonstrated a continuity of the pastoral cast. The demographic rates used to assess the credibility of the source are positive. During the examined period there were 3794 baptisms, 725 marriages and 2 645 deaths in Krasne. They were all analyzed using a number of statistical methods. Moreover, the following aspects were analyzed, based on a reconstruction of families method: unmarried births, women performing function of midwife, deaths due to epidemics in families, generation transformations in peasant families, individual fates of given members of the rural population, persons of the underclass of rural population, owners of the village: Skrzyńscy, Kochanowscy
In the article we test the hypothesis that the weakening of family ties, as measured by the reduction in the number of marriages, a cascade of divorces and the decrease in the fertility rate, has brought about an economic slowdown in Poland. We also suppose that the economic growth and increased standard of living influence the increasing number of marriages, the fertility rate, and results in a decreasing number of divorces. We verify these hypotheses using an econometric model of economic growth with the family social capital. The model consists of seven stochastic equations and exhibits the feedback between GDP, labour productivity and some variables representing social capital, in particular the marriage disintegration ratio. We try to verify the hypothesis of the existence of an optimal divorce rate for economic growth.
Artykuł niniejszy przedstawia rodowód rodziny szlacheckiej Łoknickich herbu Nieczuja w XVI–XVII w. Zwrócono uwagę na zawierane małżeństwa w określonym kręgu średniej szlachty zamieszkującej obszary pograniczne Podlasia z Wielkim Księstwem Litewskim.
This article presents the pedigree of the Łoknicki noble family of the Nieczuja coat of arms in the 16th–17th centuries. Attention was paid to marriages in the circles of middle nobility living in the border areas of Podlasie neighbouring with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
The article is a view of relation that bonds Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz and Jadwiga Unrug- -Witkiewicz that emerges from his mails to the wife. His view of imperfect relationship of man and woman, marriage, a relation towards the sacrament, offspring, love and faithfulness contains the traces of God’s reality.
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