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The subject of these considerations is the deprivation of freedom ordered to diagnose the state of an individual’s/person’s mental health. Polish law provides for such a diagnostic deprivation of freedom in the event of a suspected offense with a simultaneous doubt as to the person’s sanity at the time of the committing the act (Code of Criminal Procedure), doubt as to mental illness beings a cause of behavior threatening one’s own life or health, or the lives of others (Act on the Protection of Mental Health) and the existence of a mental illness as a reason for incapacitation (Code of Civil Procedure). These legal institutions differ as for constitutional justification (Article 31 point 3) of the Polish Constitution) and their permissible duration. These differences are the main subject of the analysis. Particularly doubtful seems the possibility of diagnostic deprivation of freedom provided for in the proceedings on incapacitation, as to its duration (it may last up to 3 months).
This study deals with burnout as a multifactor phenomenon, which is a state of complete mental, somatic, cognitive, and behavioral exhaustion. The aim is to provide an analysis of burnout, its causes, symptoms, developmental stage, and diagnostic methods. The study reported burnout as one of the manifestations of the contemporary developed, hurried, and consumer society, which is characterized by an increased pace of life and ever-growing economic and social demands. The first part of the analysis found burnout on a general level and in specific the profession of a university teacher. The first part of the study focuses on the characteristics of burnout, its reasons and various influencing variables, as well as the most vulnerable individuals. Another part of the study presents the different stages of burnout, which differ in various stages of development. In the next section, burnout relative to the profession of university teacher, which is characterized by specific forms and load requirements, is presented. At the conclusion of the study, the prevention of burnout, which should take place on a personal, organizational, and work level, is taken into account. Attention is drawn to the methods of diagnosing burnout. In essence, the study provides a comprehensive presentation of burnout, which creates potential and increasing threats to the form of the individual. The aim of the study was to develop a systematic approach to look at burnout as a gradual process with a set of cumulative and interrelated symptoms.
Sport of highest achievements is a multiple-factor system of training of high quality athletes who represent our country at representative competitions of various level: at the Olympic Games, the World Cups and continental superiority, at the international tournaments and so forth. Such athletes are a part of national teams of Ukraine, the national teams of sports and sports societies, a number of the strongest people of different regions of our country. The leading trainers who carry honorary titles “The honored trainer of Ukraine” are engaged in their preparation and are leading experts of the highest category from the sports. But unfortunately, most of the experts in training of highly skilled athletes, place the main emphasis on technical and tactical preparation, ignoring psycho-emotional training of the subordinates. And modern scientific researchers note that the main reason of defeats of our combat athletes at the international competitions lies in the psychological factor. Psycho-emotional preparation in sport of highest achievements, and especially in single combats, for today, does not receive proper attention that is the main factor through which a large number of athletes at official competitions aren’t capable to show the result, greatest possible for themselves and to occupy the first place on a podium. Therefore in this article, we made the analysis of modern scientific researches and scientific and methodological literature and allocated the psycho-emotional factors disturbing our athletes in their achievement of high results and also specified the ways of their overcoming. The prospect of further research should be the implementation of these recommendations in practice of the leading trainers in martial arts, for the formation of psychological stability of their children during the official competitions, as well as in preparation for them. We propose to use the obtained information for lectures and practical classes on the discipline “Psychology of sports”.
The article is devoted to the role of individual psychological sphere in sports activities of an athlete. Mental state is the component of human’s mind and is in dialectical interconnection with it as a part of the whole. It should be taken into account that the main target of psychological training of sportsmen is organization of psychological promptitude to maximum realization of abilities in the competition. The result can be attained by means of mastering the methods of psychological regulation, and the main target of running this process is the mental states. Furthermore, one fact should be emphasized that maximum progress is possible by achieving by the sportsmen of the certain level of mental states that are considerable for specific activity in the current kind of sport. That is why the investigation of components of the system that is mentioned above should be substantial lever in sufficient increase of sport activity. The aim of the article is the determination of prognosis-informative features of athletes’ mental state that can be used to customize their training process and evaluate the success of their training activities. Research methods that were used in the course of research are theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature, psychological and educational testing, and methods of mathematical processing. Results of the study. Analysis of motivation features gives the possibility to study more differentially the perennial extreme activity of athletes’ high availability for the competition, excessive emotional tension. The practical significance of the results is that the ways of assessment of compliance of athlete mental condition to the particularity and specific tasks of motive activity in the training session are developed. Conclusions and recommendations for further research. Specific features of mental states that have positive or negative impact on the success of motive sports actions are still not revealed
Path of Science
vol. 2
issue 6(11)
Автором досліджений вплив передзмагального і передстартового стану юних борців вільного стилю на тактико-технічні показники їх змагальної діяльності. Доведена доцільність застосування індивідуалізованого комплексу педагогічних засобів і методів оптимізації передзмагальної підготовки юних борців вільного стилю.
The author investigated the effect of a precompetitive and prelaunch status of young freestyle wrestlers at the performance indicators of their competitive activity. Proved the feasibility of an individualized complex of pedagogical methods and methods of optimization of precompetitive training of freestyle young wrestlers.
The extended mind thesis is sometimes used in the argumentation for the group agency. Those who are ready to explain the behavior of some groups in terms of their intentional states argue that the system composed of many individuals can constitute an agent which is in many respects analogous to the individual cognitive subject. In the paper I argue that the choice between the individualistic and holistic perspectives with regard to the explanation of group behavior is determined by the chosen research problems. By indicating selected positions towards group intentional states I evaluate how far we can draw an analogy between individual and group agency.
Tezę umysłu rozszerzonego Andy’ego Clarka i Davida Chalmersa wykorzystuje się często w uzasadnianiu istnienia podmiotowości grupowej. Zwolennicy wyjaśniania zachowań niektórych grup w odwołaniu do ich stanów intencjonalnych argumentują, że system złożony z wielu jednostek może być podmiotem poznającym pod wieloma względami analogicznym do podmiotu indywidualnego. W artykule argumentuję, że wybór perspektywy indywidualistycznej lub holistycznej w wyjaśnianiu zachowań poznawczych grup jest zdeterminowany wyborem konkretnych problemów badawczych. Omawiając wybrane stanowiska wobec tak zwanych grupowych stanów intencjonalnych, oceniam na ile zasadne jest przeprowadzanie analogii pomiędzy podmiotem indywidualnym a grupowym.
BackgroundEmergency medical staff (EMS) are a professional group at a high risk of burnout and an imbalance between work and private life, the so-called work–life balance (WLB). This affects their mental state and physical health. The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between the number of hours of work and the state of health as well as coping with the stress among emergency medical staff, as factors conditioning the maintenance of WLB.Material and MethodsThe study involved 129 people employed in the medical emergency sector. The study was conducted as a diagnostic survey using tools such as: the Mini-COPE Inventory for Measuring Coping with Stress, a specially designed questionnaire regarding the work schedule, and sociodemographic data.ResultsThe examined people were able to manage stress in an active way, and they most often rated their health as good. Most of the respondents also received family support, and both men and women declared it. However, only about half of the respondents declared their satisfaction with the income earned. The correlation between the number of hours and age was r = –0.156 (p = 0.077), and that between the number of hours and physical health r = –0.12 (p = 0.171).ConclusionsGenerally, EMS are able to cope with stress and are satisfied with the support they receive from their families. However, the number of on-call times at work has a negative impact on their health status, which, together with a lack of satisfaction with the financial situation, may contribute to disturbed WLB. Further research on the WLB phenomenon, along with monitoring the number of working hours of people employed in emergency medicine, are recommended.
WstępPracownicy sytemu Państwowego Ratownictwa Medycznego (PRM) są grupą zawodową narażoną na duże ryzyko wypalenia zawodowego i zaburzeń równowagi między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym (work–life balance – WLB). Rzutuje to na ich zdrowie psychiczne i fizyczne. Celem badania była ocena zależności między liczbą przepracowanych godzin a stanem zdrowia i radzeniem sobie ze stresem jako czynnikami warunkującymi utrzymanie WLB u pracowników ratownictwa medycznego.Materiał i metodyW badaniu wzięło udział 129 osób zatrudnionych w PRM. Badanie przeprowadzono metodą sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem Inwentarza do pomiaru radzenia sobie ze stresem (Mini-COPE) oraz autorskiego kwestionariusza dotyczącego grafiku pracy badanych i ich danych socjodemograficznych.WynikiBadane osoby w sposób aktywny potrafiły radzić sobie ze stresem i najczęściej oceniały swój stan zdrowia jako dobry. Większość badanych otrzymywała również wsparcie ze strony rodziny, jednak zadowolenie z osiąganego dochodu deklarowało już tylko około połowy z nich. Korelacja między liczbą przepracowanych godzin a wiekiem wyniosła r = –0,156 (p = 0,077), między liczbą przepracowanych godzin a subiektywną oceną zdrowia fizycznego była na poziomie r = –0,121 (p = 0,171).WnioskiPracownicy systemu PRM potrafią radzić sobie ze stresem i są zadowoleni z otrzymywanego wsparcia ze strony rodziny. Duża liczba dyżurów w pracy wpływa negatywnie na odczuwany przez badanych stan zdrowia, co wraz z brakiem zadowolenia z sytuacji finansowej może przyczyniać się do zaburzenia WLB. Zaleca się dalsze badania nad zjawiskiem WLB i monitorowanie liczby godzin pracy osób zatrudnionych w PRM.
Studia Gilsoniana
vol. 5
issue 4
The article shows the way in which the discovery of the existence of the Absolute is made in existential metaphysics. This existential metaphysics provides us with knowledge about reality. It shows the content of the experience of being, the content given to us in the transcendentals. It also unveils the foundation of the rational order, which is given to us in the discovery of the first principles of the existence of being and of cognition. Metaphysics provides us also with knowledge concerning the structure of being. It shows us being as composite and plural; being which is “insufficient” in its structure and calls for an explanation. That being—that is problematized in existence, given to us in experience, and incompletely intelligible in itself—lifts us toward its ultimate “complement” and understanding, to the Absolute.
Jednym z zagadkowych wątków powieści M. Zareckiego „Vyazmo” jest zmienność koloru oczu Wiery Zasulicz. Jego powtarzalność zainspirowała do poszukiwania treści, których można domyślać się. Klucz do rozszyfrowania tej zagadki stanowi analiza opowiadania J.D. Salinger’a „Śliczne usta moje i oczy zielone” przeprowadzona przez I. L. Galińską (1986). W obu utworach pojawia się motyw miłości połączony z odrazą. Analiza pozwoliła wysnuć wniosek, że M. Zarecki świadomie wykorzystuje określone kanony poetyki staroindyjskiej.
One of the mysterious motifs in M. Zaretsky’s “Vyazmo” is the changeable color of Vera Zasulich’s eyes. The reoccurence of this artistic detail stimulates the search for its implicit meaning, and the analysis of J. Salinger’s “Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes” made by I. L. Galinska (1986) gives the key to decipher it. Both works are characterized by the motif of love in its complexity with the feeling of disgust. The study serves as the evidence to conclude that M. Zaretsky employs the canons of the ancient Indian poetics in all conscience.
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