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Analyzing Stevens’s 1952 The Poem that Took the Place of a Mountain I trace the laborious journey the persona of the poem undertakes - an external as well as an internal adventure - transforming thus the world into a possible home. I show how the poem - through its self-reflexive nature and complex system of interwoven external and internal images and circular movements - may offer the persona a sense of self and home in space and time among the fragments of the broken universe.
The text is devoted to the problem of criteria selection in the process of classification of language units. The problem is particularly evident in the case of lexemes, which do not comply with the general characteristics of the class. The problem was illustrated based on two Polish lexemes ostatni (the last, recent) and kolejny (next), which might be used both at the objective and the metatextual level. The use of such words updates a set/series which orders the entities that are being referred to and it is closely related to the perspective of the speaker who executes this ordering.
The paper discusses the individuality of the phrases niemniej, niemniej jednak, niemniej przeto, and tym niemniej (‘nonetheless’ &c.). It is suggested that niemniej jednak and niemniej przeto are compounds, because the elements niemniej, jednak, and przeto represent in them different groups of inference particles. The phrases niemniej and tym niemniej are considered to be semantically close but, against the lexicographic tradition, not identical. The range of use of the latter is significantly narrower. It is not found, for example, in the so-called confirmative contexts where niemniej occurs naturally; see *Ukazuje on światu Jezusa już nie jako fikcyjną postać z mitu ani jako abstrakcyjną formułę tradycyjnego katolicyzmu, ale jako genialnego człowieka, tym niemniej tylko człowieka ‘He shows Jesus to the world, not as a fictional, mythical character or as the abstract formula of traditional Catholicism, but as a brilliant man, yet only a man’.
Contrastive Analysis of Metatext. Expressing Polish niemniej in BulgarianThe author discusses possible ways of expressing meanings of Polish niemniej, tym niemniej and niemniej jednak in Bulgarian. A confrontative analysis of the equivalents gives grounds for a reflection on how to conduct a cross-linguistic examination of metatext. Two important questions are raised: whether it is methodologically justified to compare objects non-identical such as units and compositions, lexical and grammatical means, and what exactly equivalence within metatext class means. It is expected that analysis of metatext in Polish and Bulgarian will allow to discover mechanisms of creating metatextual units.
This paper presents the multitude and variety of expressions in the Polish language (e.g. góra, minimum, maks, raptem, bagatela, wszystkiego, po (at most, at least, max., only, merely, altogether)), which could be classifi ed as adnumerative operators as defined by Maciej Grochowski. They include metapredictive adjectives such as dobry (milion) (a good (million)), ładne (100 kilometrów) (a good (100 kilometres)), bite (200 stron) (a whole (200 pages)), nędzne (200 złotych) (a measly (200 zloty)), which are characterised by connectivity with selected (standard and non-standard) units of measurement. The semantic and syntactic analysis of corpus examples shows that the discussed adjectives differ from their equivalents from the relevant language level in formal terms (non-predicativity, non-contrastivity, non-gradability, non-negativity) and semantic terms (communicating evaluations ‘to dużo’ (it’s much/many), ‘to mało’ (it’s little/few), indicating a precise or an approximate value, reinforcing assertion).
The paper describes the connectivity and the meaning of the formally instrumental phrase językiem (jakimś)/(czyimś) which co-occurs with the metatextual mówiąc. Depending on the filling of the valence spot, it can fulfill different functions: a) indicating the choice of the best code or register for the given communicative intent, b) indicating the source of a cited statement, c) informing how to interpret, according to the speaker, what has been said previously in the text. As is the case with other formally instrumental phrases counted as adverbials, here too a regular substitution of those forms with adverbial phrases cannot be observed. The restrictions, however, are probably not of lexical nature (the lack of the appropriate adverbials or adverbial constructions); rather, they result from the fact, that the meaning of the noun is relevant (the meaning of mówiąc slangiem cyklistów is different as jak cykliści). Sometimes there can be also observed a semantic emancipation of some formally instrumental forms (innymi słowy, (jednym) słowem).
The paper presents the construction (jakoś) mówiąc ‘speaking (in some manner)’, against the background of metatextual expressions which serve the sender to comment on the utterance as it is created. The kind of this commentary depends on the filling of the valency slot opened by the quasi- -adverbial, i.e. on the meaning of the adverbial expression represented by the forms of adverbs (e.g. krótko ‘briefly’, inaczej ‘differently’, delikatniej ‘more subtly’, ściślej ‘more precisely’, wprost ‘bluntly’, ogólnie ‘generally’, szczerze ‘honestly’, poważnie ‘gravely’), adverbial expressions (e.g. z grubsza ‘roughly’, w skrócie ‘in short’, w cudzysłowie ‘in quotes’), the po _-u construction (e.g. po polsku ‘in Polish’, po ludzku ‘humanely’, po prostacku ‘in a boorish way’, po ludowemu ‘the folk way’, po sportowemu ‘the sport way’), and quasi-instrumentals (językiem _ ‘in the _ language’, słowami _ ‘with _ words’, żargonem _ ‘in the _ jargon’). The author shows how adverbials struggle to become independent from mówiąc, and presents their semantic classification based on two clearly separated groups: adverbials which project an evaluation of the communication (e.g. szczerze ‘honestly’, skromnie ‘humbly’, serio ‘seriously’, żartobliwie ‘facetiously’), and adverbials which name operations performed on the communication, i.e. modify its content (e.g. krótko ‘briefly’, ogólnie ‘generally’, precyzyjniej ‘more precisely’) or select a system of symbols (e.g. symbolicznie ‘symbolically’, po ludzku ‘humanely’, brutalnie ‘brutally’, fachowo ‘professionally’, po heglowsku ‘in a Hegelian manner’).
In the first part of the article, I describe semantic features of Polish particles faktycznie and rzeczywiście. Next, I analyze three classes of factive epistemic particles: 1) assertive faktycznie, rzeczywiście, 2) excluding naprawdę, autentycznie, 3 polemical tak naprawdę, w rzeczywistości, as well as, their possible uses in the context of knowledge, namely, their topicalization, focalization and eliminatory contrasting. In the final part of the article, I make the hypothesis that these operations are lexicalized as units in the language system, i.e. naprawdę (cf. focalization), w rzeczywistości (cf. eliminatory contrasting).
The usage and meaning of mentioned (wspomniany) and described (opisany) metatext markers in Polish scientific textsMetatext markers (MMs) are defined as expressions used in a text to inform readers of its structure or relations between its elements (Fraser, 1999; Goldman & Rakestraw, 2000; Schiffrin, 1988). In this paper the usage of two MMs "mentioned" ("wspomniany") and "described" ("opisany") in scientific texts is described and the relation between their meaning and usage is analysed. In Study 1, the frequency, scope and direction of the MM is analysed in a corpus of peer-reviewed scientific texts in Polish. In Experiment 2, participants decided whether to use the aforementioned MMs to fill gaps in short scientific texts. The results of both experiments suggest that while the meaning of an MM may influence its usage, this relation may be affected by the size of the whole text. Użycie i znaczenie operatorów metatekstowych wspomniany i opisany w tekstach naukowych po polskuOperatory metatekstowe (OM) to wyrażenia informujące czytelnika o strukturze tekstu, w którym zostały umieszczone, oraz o relacjach pomiędzy jego elementami (Fraser, 1999; Goldman & Rakestraw, 2000; Schiffrin, 1988). W poniższej pracy zostało opisane użycie dwóch OM wspomniany i opisany w tekstach naukowych, przeanalizowano także relację pomiędzy ich znaczeniem i używaniem. W badaniu 1 zostały przeanalizowane częstość użycia, zakres i ukierunkowanie OM w tekstach naukowych pisanych po polsku. W badaniu 2 czytelnicy decydowali o tym, czy umieścić dodatkowy OM w krótkim tekście naukowym. Wyniku obydwu badań wskazują, że znaczenie OM może wpływać na sposób jego używania, ale wpływ ten zmienia się wraz z wielkością tekstu.
How to analyze contextuality of metatextual language units? Notes on the relation: TRS – particle semanticsThe presented article is devoted to further (after Kisiel 2010) discussion about contextuality of metatextual language units, especially particles. Having selected contextual particles as an example, the author shows how specific structuralisation of TRS is strictly connected with particle meaning. The observation leads to the conclusion that examination of TRS cannot be avoided when analysing particles. Untangling particles meaning has to be based on describing the TRS they work on. Such a procedure has been only recently applied to Polish lexicography.
The article presents two units of unclear grammatical classification, both derived from the pronoun phrases: zaś and natomiast. In the first part of the article the units are contrasted with units considered in lexicography as being semantically close: za to, z kolei, ale and a. The first one is equally dubious when it comes to its classification, the second belongs to the class of particles, the last two - to the class of conjunctions. Based on the analysis of the TR structure of sentences with the aforementioned units and their word order, together with observations on their ability to co-occur with other metatextual units, it can be pointed out that zaś and natomiast cannot be seen neither as particles, nor as conjunctions (as identified in modern Polish linguistics). The second part of the article provides a more detailed observation on TR structure of sentences with zaś and natomiast in order to recognise their specificity.
The paper is an analysis of a mediaeval grammatical commentary on translation of prayers into Polish (from the manuscript BJ 1297). The author discusses the various problems that the writer engages in the context of the preserved copies of basic prayers. The paper reveals the unusual linguistic awareness of the writer who uses the grammatical system of Latin, with which he is acquainted, to build a mode of thinking about Polish, and who reflects upon Polish, recognizes its diversification, and sees in it a chance to express the content enclosed in Latin structures. The commentary is simultaneously metatextual and metalinguistic as the writer uses, through the discussed texts, the grammar of contemporary Polish as his subject of reference.
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With the aesthetical project in mind of composing a theatre à la well-tempered clavichord (Clavecin bien tempéré du théâtre), Jean Tardieu manages to achieve it due to a couple of oxymoronic gestures, that is diairesis and sunagôgè. If the former suggests an irreverent theatre (the result of the re-writing of a series of transformational operations and of demystification of the collective imaginary) with a major focus on obsolete paradigms (vaudeville, bourgeois drama, boulevard drama), the latter is rather a matter of revisiting or transvaluating these hypotexts in the manner of, say, Matéï Visniec’s theatre. Space, time, language and characters undergo some distortion in order to highlight an outworn scenic chronotope, an old world, and to refer to theatre itself in a self-referential gesture. While showing us to the lounge, certain rough sketches would make the spectator consider a dynamic interpretation performed in Diderot’s, Labiche’s or in Feydeau’s time, but this topos has nothing to do with the function miming offstage workings, since it merely provides a theatrical convention. The spectator, receiver of a didascalic paratext with a metatextual scent, becomes an accomplice in this act of théâtromageiros
The article refers to a language awareness category. It analyses the phenomenon of functioning of metatextual elements in an utterance; specifically the so called metatextual commentaries (which occur on the surface of a text as various interjections, e.g. participal phrases). These formulas serve different functions; in the first place they organize the message and inform about its properties. The author claims that metatextual commentaries – properly interpreted – can be a tool for manifesting individual and social language awareness. The object of direct investigations of the article are metatexts in the colloquial language substance (words and idiomatic phrases). The materials excerpted from radio and television publicistic debates have been taken into account. The aims of the analysis are following 1) to enumerate the most frequent types of metatextual commentaries introducing colloquial lexical material into the language of the media 2) to determine the assessment of the material, expressed in the metatext 3) to confront the collected opinions with the theses presented in contemporary linguistic reflections.
This article shows lexemes such as głupi (gwóźdź), debilne (zebranie), idiotyczny (ząb), nieszczęsne (dokumenty) (a stupid/foolish/ridiculous/wretched (nail/meeting/tooth/document)) as a subgroup of metapredicative adjectives with expressive and colloquial markedness. When they moved to the level of speaking about speaking, they lost some of the formal characteristics of typical adjectives (they are non-contrastive, non-negatable, nod-gradable among other features) and the meanings associated with mental impairment, illness, and other misfortunes have changed into the carrier of the evaluation ‘it’s not worth talking about’. This process falls into the research on grammaticalisation. This article provides an overview of dictionary entries of the analysed expressions and the author’s preliminary hypothesis on their capability to reinforce assertion.
Artykuł ukazuje leksemy typu głupi (gwóźdź), debilne (zebranie), idiotyczny (ząb), nieszczęsne (dokumenty) jako podgrupę przymiotników metapredykatywnych o nacechowaniu ekspresywnym i potocznym. Przechodząc na poziom mówienia o mówieniu, utraciły one niektóre cechy formalne typowych przymiotników (m.in. są niekontrastywne, nienegowalne, nie stopniują się), a znaczenia upośledzenia umysłowego, choroby i innych nieszczęść zmieniły się w nośnik oceny ‘nie warto o tym mówić’. Proces ten wpisuje się w badania nad gramatykalizacją. Artykuł zawiera przegląd haseł słownikowych analizowanych wyrażeń, a także wstępną hipotezę autorki o ich zdolności do wzmacniania asercji. 
Język Polski
vol. 96
issue 4
Przedmiotem opisu w artykule jest wyrażenie pojawiające się w prywatnych, potocznych rozmowach. Najczęściej funkcjonuje ono w tekstach w postaci ciągu „powiem ci, że_”, ale nie jest to jego jedyny kształt – prawostronny zaimek w liczbie pojedynczej może być zastąpiony innym wyrażeniem adresatywnym, np. „powiem wam, że_”, „powiem panu / pani, że_” itp. Celem zaprezentowanych rozważań jest ustalenie statusu tego wyrażenia, czyli odpowiedź na pytanie, czy badany ciąg stanowi gotową całość odrębną pod względem formalnym i funkcjonalnym (w rozumieniu A. Bogusławskiego – jednostkę języka), czy też jest złożeniem jednostek, tyle że często występującym w takim kształcie. Kolejnym zadaniem jest przybliżenie zestawu cech językowych opisywanego wyrażenia, w szczególności jego właściwości pragmatycznych i semantycznych. Krótka wzmianka poświęcona została również próbie klasyfikacji gramatycznej ciągu „powiem ci, że_”.
The article presents a description of a common phrase which occurs in private, colloquial conversations. It most commonly functions in utterances as a sequence, yet this is not the only shape it assumes – the rightside singular pronoun can be replaced with an addressee-related expressions, e.g. "powiem wam, że_", "powiem panu / pani, że_" (‘I’ll tell you that_’ when ‘you’ can denote both a second person plural pronoun as well as a polite third person singular pronoun with Ms/Mr as the addressee), etc. The presented discussion aims at establishing the status of the expression, which means deciding whether the analysed sequence constitutes a complete unit formally and functionally separate from others (i.e. a unit of language according to Andrzej Bogusławski) ten used in this form. Another purpose of the article is to present more closely a set of linguistic features of the described phrase, especially its pragmatic and semantic properties. A short note also refers to the grammatical classification of the sequence "powiem ci, że_".
The article stems from a media linguistic perspective and serves as a case study for comparing the roles of a journalist and a writer. The author chose a textual experiment for that purpose, namely the 23–24 April 2016 edition of Gazeta Wyborcza, a Polish daily. On that day the paper turned into Writers’ Newspaper and was prepared in full by several dozen writers from Poland and abroad. The project’s aim was to promote reading the press and literature. The author analysed metatextual and paratextual elements along with self-commentaries regarding the project. The results show the experiment indicated the communicative specificity of the journalistic profession: the particularities of the editorial office, the importance of the topic, of character limits and fact-checking. As a communication experiment, the newspaper underlined the interactive nature of the modern-day press and its openness to the reader.
Mikhail Shishkin wrote St Mark’s Campanile (2011) as a documentary short novel, based on letters of the socialist couple Franz and Lidia. Director Nikita Kobelev presented an audio version and a theatrical interpretation of the novel in 2012. In three variants of the same text the authorial intent can be expressed through the direct speech of the author, title, irony and composition. In the present article St Mark’s Campanile is considered as a metatext in which the character is a writer and, thus, the authorial intent is hidden behind the character’s thoughts and ideas. Kobelev, on the contrary, emphasizes his point of view on the characters’ actions and ideals. In the radio drama he analyses achievements and losses of a woman involved in revolutionary activities, and in the stage performance the director focuses on Franz’s dream of family happiness.
The article presents a review of selected studies on metatext, in terms of the opposition between adverbial expressions of the primary- and metalanguage level, and among the latter – between metapredicative and strictly metatextual lexemes. I review briefly how they are covered in Polish grammars, and I list the most common criteria for distinguishing them. The focus is particularly on metatextual (metapredicative) items conformal with adverbs and on borderline phenomena. Some contentious issues are raised, such as: a) the status of gradation expressions; b) regular evolutionary mechanisms governing the transition from one class of lexemes to another, including the direction of derivation within meta-expressions; c) the status of particles which can be inserted in a broader meta-commentary; d) the status of limiting adverbials; (e) the status of the evaluative “subject-oriented” adverbs in the thematic position; e) the status of selected lexemes as regards their belonging to the class of metapredicates or particles.
Artykuł przedstawia przegląd wybranych badań nad metatekstem pod kątem opozycji między wyrażeniami adwerbialnymi z planu przedmiotowego i nieprzedmiotowego, a wśród nieprzedmiotowych – między wyrażeniami metapredykatywnymi a stricte metatekstowymi. Referuje się krótko ich ujęcie w polskich gramatykach oraz wymienia się najczęstsze kryteria ich rozróżniania. Wywód koncentruje się zwłaszcza na jednostkach z planu nieprzedmiotowego konformalnych z przysłówkami i na zjawiskach granicznych. Porusza się takie kwestie sporne jak: a) status wyrażeń gradacyjnych; b) regularne mechanizmy ewolucyjne rządzące przejściem od jednej klasy wyrażeń do drugiej, w tym kierunek motywacji w ramach metawyrażeń; c) status partykuł, dla których możliwe jest odtworzenie szerszego metakomentarza; d) status przysłówków względu; e) status przysłówków oceniających „zorientowanych na podmiot”, w pozycji tematycznej; e) status wybranych jednostek pod kątem ich przynależności do klasy metapredykatów bądź partykuł.
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