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In this paper, I respond to a recent published analysis of my work by Dr Piotr Bylica, which characterises me as a “naturalistic theist”. I suggest that Bylica’s analysis takes this approach in order to fit my thought into his own “levels of analysis” scheme, but that it does not accurately represent my own theistic beliefs. I further argue that this process has resulted in the loss of important nuances in my work on areas such as miracles, dualism, and biblical interpretation.
Studia Ełckie
vol. 19
issue 1
45 - 60
This article devoted to the devotions to St. Stanislaw Papczynski in Elk is a theological-pastoral reflection not so much on the forms of these devotions but rather on discovering signs of God’s action in them. The miracles, acknowledged by the Church during the beatification and canonization of St. Stanislaw Papczynski, related to human life at its beginning and its end. It is a telltale sign for the current times, when the value of human life is questioned. Therefore, raising Fr. Stanislaw Papczynski to the glory of the altars cannot merely go down in history, it is to be a seed sown in the soil of the contempo-rary Church to still bear new fruits of mature Christian life.
Teologia w Polsce
vol. 12
issue 2
Modern interpretation of the Holy Scripture, especially historicocritical exegesis must crash with the classical dogmatic approach. The case in which this crash is unavoidable is the historicity of Jesus Christ and his miraculous deeds. For contemporary mentality miracles are definitely strange so it is not surprising that such kind of interpretation of the Gospels, in which miracles taken literally are excluded, has been occurring for few ages now. Today, we see a debate between exegetes who are deeply engaged in modern rationalistic paradigm and the ones who try to be faithful to the Church testimony in the first place. This article argues that modern exegesis must lead to the leap of faith. Only faith can affirm the truth of the Gospel, taking aside the question of historical character of Jesus’ miracles. Ultimately, the case of Jesus is mainly about faith, not only about historical research.
Summary The aim of this article is to proceed the analysis of the meaning of saints’ and relics’ cult in the military victories of the Piasts, from the 10th to the beginnings of the 13th century. To create a solid political community in Christian Europe it was crucial for a ruler to assure the saints’ protection and convince the subjects about their favorable intercession. The stories about the miracles beneficial for the Piasts shows to themselves and to their subjects that the rulers were chosen by God, who approves their proceedings. The Piasts became beneficiaries of the miracles due to the proper worshipping of the saints and their relics and in response to their Christianization activity. Using the descriptions of the saints’ miraculous support in battles in the texts written for the Piasts as an argument legitimizing and sacralizing their rule is a sign of the early reception and understanding the role of the cult of saints in the ideology of power.
The purpose of the article is to investigate the philosophical and theological validity and coherence of the classical concept of a miracle within the contemporary scientific world view. The main tool in this process will be the cognitive standard model of the formation of religious beliefs operative in the cognitive science of religion. The application of this model shows why an intentional agent is assigned as responsible for the occurrence of events with no visible cause such as a miracle: miracles are events that violate the intuitively expected behaviors observable in the physical reality. It will become evident that much of the conceptual content of the classical understanding of miracles can be retained despite of the ontological and epistemological challenges of the contemporary science. In particular, this concerns the semantic view of miracles in which a miracle does not occur as an objective Divine intervention but qualifies as religious interpretation of the natural course of events always in reference to a cultural and personal context that is unique to those who directly experience these events either as direct recipients or as observers.
I shall show that Dr. Harris’ study of biblical scholarship is treated in a very serious manner in my paper, as it is the element identifying him as a representative of naturalistic theism (NT). NT is a position that has been recognized in the literature on science and religion for several years. Dr. Harris’ commitment to the rule of methodological naturalism in the natural sciences, as well as his lack of evidence for the limits of using it in his hermeneutical analysis of divine action, makes his academic papers represent the main assumptions of NT. Model of levels of analysis (MLA) helps to show the empirical character of accounts of divine action as an important part of the traditional theistic interpretation of this action, and scepticism towards such an interpretation as a main characteristic of all advocates of NT.
In my response to Kowalski’s commentary I indicate that: 1) there is an imprecision in Kowalski’s presentation of the NOMA principle; 2) the NOMA principle is not a valid way of presenting theistic religions; 3) the argumentation adopted by Kowalski is inconsistent, due to inconsistency in the NOMA principle itself. The Kowalski’s cure for the “Confrontations Between Theists and Atheists” mentioned in the title of the Kowalski’s commentary is the postulate of a “miracle-free” theism, which means the elimination of theism. Another important weakness of Kowalski’s proposal and of the application of the NOMA principle in general is the self-contradictoriness of this position: when we decide on the truth value of this or that factual religious statement by reference to science, then we deny the essence of the NOMA principle itself.
This study deals with miracles at Marian pilgrimage sites. On the basis of printed pilgrimage books from selected sites — Svatá Hora near Příbram, Stará Boleslav, Hájek near Prague and Tuřany — it shows what types of events were described as miraculous and how people talked about them. It also touches on the role of votive offerings and material objects in miraculous stories.
The culture associated with pilgrimage sites was undoubtedly one of the most significant phenomena of spiritual life in the Czech lands in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. On the basis of a thorough excerpt of official sources and hand-written or printed miraculous answers of the Virgin Mary of Chlum from 1651–1768, the study reflects pious pilgrimages to Chlum Svaté Máří (translated as St. Mary’s Wooded Hillock − TN) during the Baroque period. Pilgrimages were pious journeys to a particular destination, the purpose of which was to ask for a blessing or to give thanks for received grace. They were an indisputable mean of re-catholicisation, which was supposed to strengthen the faithful inwardly and gift them with spiritual graces for their penitent deeds, among which pilgrimages were rightly included. Large gatherings of the faithful increased the sense of belonging together, deepened the awareness of ecclesial community and imprinted an indelible experience on the souls of the participants for along time. The frequency of pilgrimages depended on the liturgical calendar, the weather, and the course of farm works in a particular year. Miraculous healings of the pilgrims were an important impetus to undertake the pious journey to the worshipped Madonna in Chlum Svaté Máří.
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The Things That Mark an Apostle

The Biblical Annals
vol. 11
issue 1
The Acts of the Apostles describes – sometimes in rather colorful details – signs and wonders wrought by the apostle Paul. Can this portrait of the apostle be corroborated based on his own letters? Or do we have to conclude that contemporaries of the apostle paint a more or less hagiographic picture of Paul’s miraculous activities? What is the place of miracles surrounding Paul and wrought by him within the whole of his life and mission?  A survey of Paul’s letters allows us to get a view of how the apostle sees the function of signs, wonders, and mighty works within the dynamics of the proclamation of the gospel. Viewed in this way, the possible difference between information based upon Paul’s own communication and that of his contemporaries about him appears to decrease. A clearer picture of the part miracles play within the whole of Paul’s mission may also help to rethink modern and post-modern worldviews from a biblical perspective.
The Biblical Annals
vol. 10
issue 3
This study explores the Greco-Roman memorialization of healings through material culture as a point of comparison for the Gospels’ miracle traditions.  Special attention is given to the ex-votos left at healing shrines and especially the Iamata inscriptions connected with the Asclepius cult.  This corpus of evidence brings into focus a series of dynamics that help illuminate the stories of Jesus’ two healings of a paralytic (John 5:1-15; Mark 2:1-10).  The comparisons help clarify both the common memorializing supports that informed and sustained the memory of Jesus transmitted in the Gospels, as well as the distinctive relationship of the Christian cult to certain specific places where memories of Jesus where preserved.
Vox Patrum
vol. 75
Translation into Polish: Versus domni Bertharii abbatis de miraculis almi patris Benedicti (PL 126, 979-98)
Tłumaczenie na język polski: Bertariusz z Cassinum, Wiersz opata Bertariusza o cudach świętego ojca Benedykta
The commentary focuses on Gould’s idea of NOMA, according to which science and theology are two Non-Overlapping Magisteria. The term “non-overlapping” is appropriate because methods of validation of claims in these two fields of intellectual investigation. are different, not because the areas of investigation should be different. The author was once an active atheist, in Poland; now he is a practicing theist, belonging to a Reform synagogue in the United States. He thinks that Gould’s idea, if universally accepted, could help to reduce intensity of dangerous doctrinal confrontations between theists and atheists, and between different groups of theists. The commentary ends by a quote from a statement about desirable collaboration between religion and science, made by Pope John Paul.
Vox Patrum
vol. 49
The author of this article not only described these miracles, but also made an attempt to interpret them. The first of the miraculous events, employing the ancient motif of a child medium conveying. God’s will to the believers, justifies the claim that the contemporary Christianity adapted pagan divinatio to suit its needs, reshaping it in the Christian mood. The other of the miracles was meant to show the power of both a prayer by a saint man addressed to the only God, and the sign of the cross (the symbol of the new and the only faith), which due to the Porphyry’s prayers, marked the bodies of the children awaiting the rescue. Owing to their being stigmatized with the cross by God’s Providence, they escaped unharmed from the seemingly hopeless situation.
Abbé Jean-Baptiste Bullet był osiemnastowiecznym francuskim uczonym i teologiem. Korzystając z osiągnięć nauk przyrodniczych przedstawił fizyko-teologiczny dowód na istnienie Boga, w którym organizacja i struktura przyrody posłużyły mu do wykazania istnienia inteligentnego Stwórcy, którego boskie atrybuty można wykryć w przyrodzie. Bullet podkreślił fakt, że ludzie nie widzą nadprzyrodzonego aspektu przyrody, gdyż przyzwyczajenie prowadzi ich do widzenia regularności przyrody jako czegoś normalnego.
Abbé Jean-Baptiste Bullet was an 18th century French scholar and theologian. Using his knowledge of natural sciences, he offered a physico-theological proof of the existence of God in which the organization and the makeup of nature was used to show the existence of an intelligent Creator whose divine attributes could be detected in nature. He stressed the fact that humans are missing the miraculous aspect of the makeup of the world since they are used to it and thus consider is something normal.
Teologia w Polsce
vol. 12
issue 2
Nowoczesny sposób interpretacji Pisma Świętego, w tym zwłaszcza egzegeza historyczno-krytyczna, w wielu punktach musi zderzyć się z podejściem kościelno-dogmatycznym. Kwestią, która rodzi w tym spotkaniu szczególnie dużo wątpliwości, jest historyczność Jezusa, a zwłaszcza czynionych przez Niego cudów. Dla nowoczesnej mentalności cuda są czymś skrajnie obcym, toteż od kilkuset lat pojawiają się próby takiej interpretacji przekazu Ewangelii, która wykluczyłaby literalne przyjmowanie opisów wydarzeń cudownych. Również i dziś w egzegezie toczy się pewien spór pomiędzy tymi, którzy mocno tkwią w nowoczesnym, racjonalistycznym paradygmacie, a tymi, którzy starają się być zakorzenieni nade wszystko w tradycyjnej teologii. Niniejszy artykuł dowodzi, że współczesna egzegeza z konieczności prowadzi do decyzji wiary. Tylko owa wiara może opowiedzieć się za prawdą Ewangelii, niezależnie od kwestii historycznego charakteru opisów cudów w tekstach biblijnych. Ostatecznie sprawa Jezusa i Jego cudów jest sprawą wiary, a nie samych badań historycznych.
Modern interpretation of the Holy Scripture, especially historicocritical exegesis must crash with the classical dogmatic approach. The case in which this crash is unavoidable is the historicity of Jesus Christ and his miraculous deeds. For contemporary mentality miracles are definitely strange so it is not surprising that such kind of interpretation of the Gospels, in which miracles taken literally are excluded, has been occurring for few ages now. Today, we see a debate between exegetes who are deeply engaged in modern rationalistic paradigm and the ones who try to be faithful to the Church testimony in the first place. This article argues that modern exegesis must lead to the leap of faith. Only faith can affirm the truth of the Gospel, taking aside the question of historical character of Jesus’ miracles. Ultimately, the case of Jesus is mainly about faith, not only about historical research.
Based on a detailed excerption of manuscript and printed sources, we map the strategies of spreading and worshiping the cult of the Jesuit patron St. Francis Xavier in expressions of local piety. On the example of the Tertianship House in Telč, we observe the forms of reverence, how the cult of St. Francis Xavier was accented within the Order (Xavierian festivities – e.g. ceremonies connected with his feast or the anniversary of his canonization, and theatre plays), as well as how it was promoted outside the Order’s community (e.g. the establishment of the pilgrimage site in Knínice near Telč, Stations of the Cross, special devotions, pious peregrinations, granting indulgences). Using the ‘miraculous looks’ recorded in the Jesuit annual reports and in the history of the Jesuit Province, we present a reflection on St. Francis Xavier as a holy doctor and protector not only in the times of plague.
A Discourse on Miracles and Resurrectio et quae sequuntur are the first Polish translations of John Locke’s two minor treatises on religious matters. In presenting his understanding of miracles and the resurrection, Locke tries to reconcile the content of Scripture with the principles of reason, including those of his philosophy. The limitation of knowledge to what was certain opened a field for religious speculations, but also in these reason played the role of a guarantor of their non-contradiction. The issues of miracles and the resurrection allow for a better interpretation of the problems that Locke discusses in his Essay Concerning Human Understanding, such as the relation of empirical cognition to speculative philosophy, personal identity, and corporeality.
Rozprawa o cudach oraz Resurrectio et quae sequuntur to dokonane przez Adam Grzelińskiego pierwsze polskie przekłady dwóch drobnych rozpraw Johna Locke’a poświęconych zagadnieniom religijnym. Przedstawiając swe rozumienie cudów oraz zmartwychwstania, Locke stara się pogodzić treść Pisma świętego z wymogami rozumu, w tym z zasadami własnej filozofii. Ograniczenie wiedzy do tego, co pewne otwierało pole dla spekulacji religijnych, jednak i w ich przypadku rozum pełnił rolę gwaranta ich niesprzeczności. Zagadnienia cudów oraz zmartwychwstania pozwalają na pełniejsza interpretację omawianych w Rozważaniach dotyczących rozumu ludzkiego zagadnień takich jak stosunek poznania empirycznego i spekulatywnej filozofii, tożsamość osobowa, cielesność.
The following article is an attempt to outline the holistic vision of miracles as provided in John Henry Newman’s thought. The abovementioned concept was presented in relation to David Hume’s theory questioning the credibility of testimony on miraculous events that eventually led to prove the truth of miracles. Subsequently, Newman’s arguments concerning interpretation of the nature of miracles as signs. Here, Newman’s concept on the importance of antecedent probabilities in the assessment of testimony credibility could be seen as an original contribution to the dispute on miracles. Moreover, the relation between antecedent probabilities and personal disposition, both religious and moral one as such, is developed. The conclusions drawn by Newman serve to undermine the theory advocating the neutral assessment of supernatural facts as provided by Hume.
W artykule podjęta została próba całościowego ujęcia koncepcji cudu w myśli Johna Henry’ego Newmana. W tym celu ukazano ją na tle głównej idei podważającej wiarygodność świadectw o cudach, a w konsekwencji prawdziwość cudów, którą sformułował David Hume. Kolejnym krokiem było przedstawienie ujęcia Newmana, które zawiera się w tradycji interpretacji natury tych zjawisk jako znaku. Oryginalny wkład Newmana w dyskusję na temat cudów przejawia się w podkreśleniu roli uprzednich prawdopodobieństw w ocenie wiarygodności tych świadectw. Inspirujące jest także powiązanie uprzednich prawdopodobieństw z dyspozycją religijno-moralną podmiotu poznającego. Wnioski Newmana podważają tezy Hume’a o bezzałożeniowej (neutralnej) ocenie zjawisk nadzwyczajnych.
Po utworzeniu diecezji koszalińsko-kołobrzeskiej w 1972 r. biskup Ignacy Jeż ogłosił Skrzatusz diecezjalnym sanktuarium. Wieloletnie starania biskupa i salezjańskich kustoszy doprowadziły do uroczystej koronacji figury Matki Bożej Bolesnej w 1988 r. W 25. rocznicę tego wydarzenia rozpoczęto wydawanie Rocznika Skrzatuskiego. Redakcja czasopisma postawiła sobie za cel propagowanie na szerszą skalę maryjnego sanktuarium. Pojawiają się w nim artykuły także o tematyce biblijnej i mariologicznej. Główny nurt jednak stanowią treści związane z samym sanktuarium i trwającym tam nieprzerwanie kultem Matki Bożej Bolesnej. Wydana niedawno transkrypcja manuskryptu ks. Andrzeja Józefa Delerdta umożliwiła szerokiemu gronu czytelników zapoznanie się z ciekawym źródłem z drugiej połowy XVIII w. Prezentowany, dotąd nieznany dokument, odsłania podstawę ogłoszenia Piety Skrzatuskiej jako cudownej przez biskupów poznańskich w drugiej połowie XVII w. Komisarze wysłani przez administratora diecezji, ks. Jana Braneckiego, przedstawili władzy duchownej dokument, w którym udowodnili, że to, co dzieje się w Skrzatuszu, ma podłoże działania Bożego. Autor w niniejszym artykule osadza dokument na tle sytuacji regionu w połowie XVII w. Kolejnym krokiem będzie wydanie tekstu dokumentu w języku oryginalnym z całym krytycznym aparatem.
After the creation of the Koszalin-Kolobrzeg (Kołobrzeg) Diocese in 1972, Bishop Ignacy Jeż proclaimed Skrzatusz a diocesan sanctuary. Many years of efforts of the bishop and Salesian custodians led to the solemn coronation of the statue of Our Lady of Sorrows in 1988. On the 25th anniversary of this event, the publication of the Rocznik Skrzatuski began. The editorial board of the magazine set itself the goal of promoting the Marian sanctuary on a larger scale. There are also articles on biblical and Mariological topics. The mainstream, however, is the content related to the sanctuary itself and the uninterrupted cult of Our Lady of Sorrows there. A recently published transcript of the manuscript of Fr. Andrzej Józef Delerdt enabled a wide group of readers to get acquainted with an interesting source from the second half of the 18th century. The presented, so far unknown document reveals the basis for proclaiming Pieta Skrzatuska – as miraculous by the bishops of Poznan (Poznań) in the second half of the 17th century. Commissioners sent by the administrator of the diocese, Fr. Jan Branecki, presented the clerical authority with a document in which they proved that what was happening in Skrzatusz was based on God’s actions. In this article, the author places the document against the background of the region’s situation in the mid-17th century. The next step will be to publish the text of the document in the original language with the entire critical apparatus.
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