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W artykule, odwołującym się do zagadnień z zakresu geografii historycznej, politycznej i religii, podjęto próbę nakreślenia genezy i pierwotnego rozwoju przestrzennego protestantyzmu na ziemiach polskich. Analiza tych aspektów rozwoju religii protestanckiej, przy uwzględnieniu licznych dekompozycji, którym podlegała ona w ciągu wieków, posłużyła również do ustalenia stopnia wpływu pierwotnego rozprzestrzeniania się omawianego wyznania na jego współczesny zasięg przestrzenny w Polsce.
At its outset, although Polish Protestantism gained big popularity, it did not manage to cover a broad social scope. It gained members mainly among the nobility and wealthy bourgeoisie. Cieszyn Silesia region was an exception – Lutheranism was adopted by many Polish peasants from this area. The Counter-Reformation and further persecutions of Protestants in post-partition Poland, and also in the People’s Republic of Poland, resulted in decrease in their ranks and decline of many of their existing clusters. The modern offspring of the initial Polish Protestant movement includes two of the most numerous factions – Lutheran and Calvinist, represented by Evangelical-Augsburg Church and Evangelical Reformed Church. As opposed to the initial influence of both these confessions, since the late 18th century the Lutherans have dominated in numbers over the members of Evangelical Reformed Church. It was caused mainly by the partitions of Poland, especially under Prussian occupation, where Lutheranism was supported by the local authorities. Many Protestants from Saxony, Silesia and Bohemia immigrated to Poland to settle in the developing, industrial cities of the Kingdom of Poland. The changes in numbers of followers of both confessions led to substantial shifts in their spatial influences.
W artykule przedstawiono zarówno genezę i uwarunkowania rozwoju przestrzennego mniejszości karaimskiej na ziemiach polsko-litewskich, jak i podjęto próbę ustalenia elementów składowych poczucia odrębności grupowej Karaimów we współ- czesnej Polsce. Określono również formy, charakter i zasięg przestrzenny ich spo- łeczno-kulturalnej aktywności, podjętej zwłaszcza w wyniku przemian ustrojowych w kraju, po 1989 r., kiedy stworzone zostały nowe warunki do transmisji samoidentyfikacji narodowościowej i religijnej w kierunku różnorodnych inicjatyw środowiskowych.
The Karaims in Poland are in many ways a unique social group. According to the established regulations, they are considered as an ethnic minority. They also fulfil all the requirements to have the legal status of a religious group – Karaim Religious Association. What is unique about the Karaims is the fact that they are the smallest among the traditional national and ethnic minorities in Poland. Moreover, the number of Karaims is lower than the number of members of most Churches and religious groups registered in Poland. The Karaims are not only a religious and ethnic minority, but they also remain a separate cultural community. It is due to the fact, that apart from formal (resulting from a legal background) and objective (resulting from, e.g. being raised in a Karaim family or practicing Karaism) criterion, the allegiance to the Karaim community also depends on the sense of identification with the Karaim cultural community. The belonging to such perceived community is subjective in its nature, based on the awareness of participation in a common heritage, sense of strong ties with other Karaims – it derives from the belief of being a Karaim, because of one’s awareness of being a Karaim. Even by accepting such a broad criterion of belonging to Karaim community, where both objective and subjective factors play a qualifying role, it is evident that this minority is getting smaller in size. Even the ‘transition period’, which took place after 1989, when the cultural code of many social groups was reformulated, did not influence any significant changes of this community, although it clearly gave a new impulse for the environmental activity of the Karaims. As a result of the political transformation, the number and the scope of social-cultural events organized by Polish and Lithuanian Karaims increased visibly.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the socio-religious role of the Lutherans parishes in the history of urban agglomeration in Lodz. To illustrate this activity it's also important to present the relicts of the material heritage of this denomination, which can be observed in the urban space of these cities. Considerations in this article, are related to deliberately selected two cities: Pabianice and Zgierz, where the Lutheran church (in the form of the parish), for many years has shaped the socio-religious face of these urban centers. The considerations contained in this paper were based on the source material contained in the literature, as well as other papers open for general use like parish brochures and online resources.
Głównym celem artykułu jest analiza społeczno-religijnej roli, jaką odegrały parafie ewangelicko-augsburskie w dziejach miast aglomeracji łódzkiej. Dla lepszego zilustrowania wspomnianej aktywności zasadne pozostaje także wskazanie reliktów dziedzictwa materialnego tej denominacji, jakie można zaobserwować w przestrzeni tych miast.W niniejszym artykule rozważania podjęto nad dwoma wybranymi ośrodkami miejskimi: Pabianicami oraz Zgierzem, w których kościół luterański w postaci parafii od wielu lat kształtuje oblicze społeczno-religijne tych ośrodków miejskich. Rozważania zawarte w treści artykułu oparte zostały w pewnej części na materiale źródłowym zawartym w literaturze, jak również innych ogólnodostępnych opracowaniach: broszurach parafialnych czy zasobach internetowych.
The following paper addresses the history of the Protestant minority residing in the city of Pabianice. One of the most significant religious minorities in the region, Protestants settled in Pabianice as early as in 19th century, with the settlement being strongly influenced by the development of the textile industry. From the very beginning, their presence was marked by an active participation in the community life, participation which included both financial support and voluntary work for the common good. The Protestant parish in Pabianice boasts a fine collection of priceless relics, including, to mention but a few, the parish church, cemetery and the Kindlers' burial chapel. Supervised by the regional art conservator, these sights form a major contribution to the city's rich history. The Protestant community itself may be credited with setting up a number of cultural and educational projects, including art exhibitions and concerts. Despite the small size of the congregation, the parish remains active in terms of both religious and social life, providing ample opportunity for social interaction as well as religious instruction for the youngest of its members. The peaceful coexistence of Protestants and Catholics, as well as many other minorities residing in Pabianice, resulted in numerous initiatives which brought benefit to all parties concerned. Some of these, however, ended abruptly during World War II. The postwar era was marked by suspicion and mistrust which chased many of the Protestants away. Out of several thousand believers before World War II, there are now only a few hundred left. Hindered by stereotypes, the cooperation between Protestants and Catholics is often restricted to ecumenical worship. With the Protestant community declining, there needs to be closer cooperation between the parishes and the city council in order to preserve the common heritage
W artykule, odwołującym się do zagadnień z zakresu geografii politycznej i historycznej, przedstawiono specyfikę aktywności społecznej (w tym oświatowej i kulturalnej) wiernych Kościoła Ewangelicko-Augsburskiego w Pabianicach oraz scharakteryzowano należące do niego relikty dziedzictwa materialnego.
The following paper addresses the history of the Protestant minority residing in the city of Pabianice. One of the most significant religious minorities in the region, Protestants settled in Pabianice as early as in 19th century, with the settlement being strongly influenced by the development of the textile industry. From the very beginning, their presence was marked by an active participation in the community life, participation which included both financial support and voluntary work for the common good. The Protestant parish in Pabianice boasts a fine collection of priceless relics, including, to mention but a few, the parish church, cemetery and the Kindlers' burial chapel. Supervised by the regional art conservator, these sights form a major contribution to the city's rich history. The Protestant community itself may be credited with setting up a number of cultural and educational projects, including art exhibitions and concerts. Despite the small size of the congregation, the parish remains active in terms of both religious and social life, providing ample opportunity for social interaction as well as religious instruction for the youngest of its members. The peaceful coexistence of Protestants and Catholics, as well as many other minorities residing in Pabianice, resulted in numerous initiatives which brought benefit to all parties concerned. Some of these, however, ended abruptly during World War II. The postwar era was marked by suspicion and mistrust which chased many of the Protestants away. Out of several thousand believers before World War II, there are now only a few hundred left. Hindered by stereotypes, the cooperation between Protestants and Catholics is often restricted to ecumenical worship. With the Protestant community declining, there needs to be closer cooperation between the parishes and the city council in order to preserve the common heritage.
W artykule, odwołującym się do zagadnień z zakresu geografii politycznej i historycznej, przedstawiono specyfikę aktywności społecznej (w tym oświatowej i kulturalnej) wiernych Kościoła Ewangelicko-Augsburskiego w Pabianicach oraz scharakteryzowano należące do niego relikty dziedzictwa materialnego.
The main goal of the article is to analyze the role of Lutherans in shaping the cultural landscape of Piotrków Trybunalski. In addition, the elements of the material heritage of this denomination and its significance for the development of tourism in the town were analyzed. These considerations concern the area of Piotrków Trybunalski primarily for historical reasons – the Lutheran parish established in this town at the end of the 18th century and it is one of the oldest Evangelical parishes in the present-day Łódź Province. It is also one of the few urban centers in the voivodeship, which uses the presence and heritage of religious minorities to promote their diversity and cultural richness.
Głównym celem autorki artykułu jest analiza udziału luteranów w kształtowaniu krajobrazu kulturowego Piotrkowa Trybunalskiego. Analizie poddano elementy dziedzictwa materialnego tej denominacji w przestrzeni miasta oraz jego znaczenie dla rozwoju turystyki w mieście. Niniejsze rozważania dotyczą obszaru Piotrkowa Trybunalskiego przede wszystkim ze względów historycznych – parafia luterańska, erygowana w tym mieście pod koniec XVIII w., należy do najstarszych parafii ewangelickich na terenie dzisiejszego województwa łódzkiego. Jest to także jeden z nielicznych w skali województwa ośrodków miejskich, który wykorzystuje obecność i dziedzictwo mniejszości religijnych do promowania swojej różnorodności i bogactwa kulturowego.
National minorities, i.e. Jewish and German, constituting distinct (almost completely – as the followers of Judaism, or largely – as Evangelical Christians) religious groups, had considerable influence not only on the development of Pabianice's economic life, but also on the shaping of the social and cultural space of the city. Initiatives taken by their representatives were directed, on the one hand (and predominantly), to their own national or religious communities, which was mostly characteristic for the Jewish and, to a lesser extent, German minorities and, on the other, to a wider group of residents, which mostly applied to the Evangelicals. The dominant contribution to the development of socio-cultural sphere of the city, especially philanthropy, was made by religious communities. Providing assistance to the poor and needy was regarded a religious duty. The positive public perception was also meant to increase the number of followers in the Evangelical Church. The creators of the social and cultural life of the city also included entrepreneurs belonging to those communities. They contributed to the formation of numerous social (charity organisations, sports clubs) and cultural (musical societies) initiatives not only due to their accumulated wealth, but also due to the need to help others, take on different challenges and keep up the positively perceived image of a benefactor. They included almost all residents of the city interested in such forms of activity or support. The socio-cultural activities of minority communities have left their mark on the city, giving it a form of organisation. It became apparent primarily in the development of different parts of the space by each of the most active communities (Germans and Jews). The German minority, responsible for the creation and development of Pabianice industry, located their social and cultural institutions in the so-called New Town. This part of Pabianice was inhabited and developed “industrial” immigrants, many of whom were of German origin. As a minority not participating in the development of local industry to such an extent, Jews were socially and culturally active in the part of Pabianice known as New Town, especially in the initial phase. It was an area of concentration of both the first Jewish settlers and the later ones, that came during the economic prosperity.
Mniejszości narodowe (głównie żydowska i niemiecka), tożsame na ogół z mniejszościowymi wspólnotami religijnymi, wniosły wymierny wkład w rozwój zarówno gospodarczy, jak i spo- łeczno-kulturalny Pabianic. Głównym celem artykułu jest określenie charakteru i form organizowania w przestrzeni miejskiej aktywności społeczno-kulturalnej przez wymienione grupy.
Celem analizy jest porównanie lokalnego zróżnicowania społecznego w dwu niejednorodnych kulturowospołecznościach lokalnych: dwuwyznaniowej oraz dwuwyznaniowej i dwunarodowej. Badania skoncentrowanebyły na lokalnie stosowanych mechanizmach utrzymywania zróżnicowania między grupami. Ujęciekomparatystyczne umożliwiło precyzyjne uchwycenie uwarunkowań kontekstualnych. Badaniami objęto teobszary życia, w których dochodzi do przecięcia się sfer prywatnej i publicznej. Zwrócono bowiem uwagę,iż lokalne mechanizmy utrzymywania odrębności prowadzą do zjawiska nadawania publicznego znaczeniaprywatnym wyborom, a w pewnych sytuacjach nawet do ich sankcjonowania przez opinię publiczną. Z tegowzględu w tekście zaprezentowano wyniki analizy następujących obszarów życia społecznego: genezy lokalnychpodziałów i ich pamięci społecznej, doboru małżeńskiego, obszaru władzy politycznej oraz szkoły. Wśródkonkluzji należy wskazać, iż o głębokości społecznego podziału nie decyduje zwielokrotnienie odmienności,a raczej geneza podziałów i ich pamięć społeczna. Większe przyzwolenie na tożsamość „mieszaną” (rodzinynuklearnej lub nawet jednostki) w obrębie lokalnego dualizmu funkcjonuje w społeczności o dwuwymiarowymzróżnicowaniu społecznym, ale ze wspólnym doświadczeniem wykorzenienia (wśród mniejszości i większości).Badania potwierdziły lepszą polityczną samoorganizację mniejszości, która może zwrotnie oddziaływać namobilizację większości. Wreszcie sposób instytucjonalizacji rozdzielności miejscowego szkolnictwa (różnesposoby segregacji) pełni znaczącą rolę w socjalizacji do miejscowego dualizmu.
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