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Bulling is sometimes used by incompetent managers as a motivating tool. However, it oftenleads to a real or mental escape from an organization. Both, personality and situationalfactors affect the occupational mobility of bullying victims. Conducted studies show thatintensive and long-term bullying influence thinking about changing an employer. Activitieswhich effect victims’ abilities to communicate adequately and their occupational situationlead to thinking about changing a job and sending more application documents.
Mobbing bywa wykorzystywany przez niekompetentnych menedżerów jako narzędziemotywowania przez zastraszanie. Jednak często prowadzi do rzeczywistej lub mentalnejucieczki z organizacji. Na mobilność zawodową osób doświadczających mobbingu w pracywpływają zarówno czynniki osobowościowe, jak i sytuacyjne. Zrealizowane badaniapokazują, że doświadczanie działań mobbingowych w sposób intensywny i długotrwałysprzyja myśleniu o zmianie pracy. Ofiary mobbingu doświadczające patologii nawiązywaniakontaktów i patologii delegowania zadań częściej myślą o zmianie pracy i wysyłająwięcej dokumentów aplikacyjnych.
Wszelkiej działalności organizacyjnej nieustannie towarzyszą zjawiska niepożądane, które przyczyniają się do tego, że cele organizacyjne nie są w pełni osiągane. Te zjawiska i mechanizmy potocznie określa się m.in. przy użyciu takich pojęć, jak: dysfunkcje, patologie, błędy czy niesprawności. Patologią zarządzania jest długotrwała istotna niesprawność w procesach zarządzania organizacją. Przykładowo mobbing może być traktowany jako stan patologiczny, ale również dysfunkcjonalny mechanizm prowadzący do nieprawności organizacji. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie najnowszych sposobów przeciwdziałania patologiom organizacyjnym, w tym mobbingowi. Główną metodą badawczą były nieustrukturalizowane wywiady pogłębione. Przedstawione rozwiązanie opisują konkretne przypadki firm i powody podjęcia takich, a nie innych działań. Autorem części prawnej będzie wieloletni praktyk i twórca podobnych rozwiązań.
Any organizational activity is constantly accompanied by side effects which contribute to the fact that organizational goals are not fully achieved. These phenomena and mechanisms are commonly defined as Using terms such as dysfunctions, pathologies, errors or malfunctions. Management pathology is a long-lasting significant malfunction in organizational management processes. For example, mobbing can be treated as a pathological condition, but also a dysfunctional mechanism leading to organizational malpractice. The aim of this article is to present the latest methods of counteracting organizational pathologies, including mobbing. The main research method was unstructured in-depth interviews. The solution describes specific cases of companies and the reasons for such and not other actions. The author of the legal part will be many years of practice and the creator of similar solutions.
The aim of this article is to analyze the phenomenon of mobbing, its characteristics, types of this phenomenon, the phases that occur, as well as to present the obligations of the employer in this regard and the possibility of legal protection of the victim of mobbing. The text considers the concept of mobbing based on legal sources and literature. In this chapter, the source of this name was identified and the definitions of mobbing created by many researchers of the phenomenon were presented. The essence of mobbing and its purpose were described, the most characteristic features were defined, its types and reasons for its occurrence were presented. Moreover, factors influencing the development of mobbing and the phases of this phenomenon were determined. The focus was on the features of a mobber and the predispositions that a victim usually has. The article also indicates the obligations incumbent on the employer related to the prevention of mobbing in the workplace he supervises. Attention was drawn to the essence of introducing an anti–mobbing policy in every organization. The legal regulations concerning mobbing are briefly presented. The relationship between the proper organization of work and counteracting mobbing was also determined. The methods of dealing with mobbing activities by the victim – both psychological and social – are presented. Moreover, it describes what a victim of mobbing has solutions to a situation of mental terror and how to help him. An analysis of the legal provisions was also made, which stipulate liability for each case of mobbing in the workplace in relation to the employer. The legal remedies available to the victim are described. It was determined what conditions an employee must meet in order to be considered a victim of mobbing in court. The focus was on legal guarantees of protection against mobbing. The main goal of this text is to draw attention to the enormity of the problem of mobbing in labor relations (also among the teaching staff), due to the imperfection of legal provisions and the low level of social awareness, which in turn leads to individual suffering and the increasing number of suicides caused by the intensification of this problem.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza zjawiska, jakim jest mobbing – jego cech charakterystycznych, rodzajów tego zjawiska, występujących faz, a także przedstawienie obowiązków pracodawcy w tym zakresie i możliwości ochrony prawnej ofiary mobbingu. W tekście rozpatruje się pojęcie mobbingu w oparciu o źródła prawne i literaturę. Określone zostało źródło pochodzenia nazwy i przytoczone zostały jej definicje, stworzone przez badaczy. Opisano istotę mobbingu i jego cel, przedstawiono jego rodzaje i przyczyny występowania. Ponadto określono czynniki wpływające na rozwój mobbingu i fazy tego zjawiska. Skupiono się na cechach, jakimi charakteryzuje się mobber oraz predyspozycjach, jakie posiada zazwyczaj ofiara. W artykule wskazano także na obowiązki ciążące na pracodawcy, związane z zapobieganiem temu zjawisku w podległym mu zakładzie pracy. Zwrócono uwagę na istotę wprowadzenia polityki antymobbingowej w każdej organizacji. Krótko przedstawione zostały regulacje prawne dotyczące zjawiska mobbingu. Określono także związek pomiędzy właściwą organizacją pracy i przeciwdziałaniem mobbingowi. Przedstawiono sposoby radzenia sobie z działaniami mobbingu przez ofiarę – zarówno psychologiczne, jak i społeczne. Ponadto opisano jakie ofiara mobbingu ma wyjścia z sytuacji terroru psychicznego i jak można udzielić jej pomocy. Dokonano również analizy przepisów prawa, które stwierdzają odpowiedzialność za każdy przypadek mobbingu w miejscu pracy w stosunku do pracodawcy. Opisano środki prawne, jakie przysługują ofierze. Określono, jakie warunki musi spełnić pracownik, by zostać uznanym za ofiarę mobbingu przed sądem. Skupiono się na gwarancjach prawnych ochrony przed mobbingiem. Celem głównym nadrzędnym niniejszego tekstu jest zwrócenie uwagi na ogrom problemu zjawiska mobbingu w stosunkach pracy (także wśród grona pedagogicznego), ze względu na niedoskonałość przepisów prawa oraz niski stan świadomości społecznej, co z kolei prowadzi do cierpienia jednostki i rosnącej liczby samobójstw spowodowanych nasileniem się tego zjawiska.
Systematic, permanent, time-staggered hostile behavior towards an employee are just some of the features of the phenomenon known as mobbing. Such behaviors lead to mental and often physical destruction. We meet with them every day because it has been accompanied by hostility since the beginning of its existence, as an emotion, and the need to acquire and overcome. The motives of applying such behaviors depend not only on the internal characteristics of the human being that enable him to meet his needs. In a professional environment, it is the lack of appropriate rules of mutual coexistence, consent to such behavior by concealing their occurrence as well as deliberate actions. The article presents the phenomenon of mobbing in the practice of Polish enterprises. It indicates what is mobbing and what behaviors are legally recognized as mobbing. It presents the size of this phenomenon in Poland, its causes as well as the effects of using mobbing for an employee and an entrepreneur. In this article, the author is based on the literature available in this area, compares the research conducted by CBOS in 2002 and 2014, as well as the research by HR Sedlak & Sedlak, from 2015, and tries to complement this multidimensional problem with its perception by the serial employees.
Systematyczne, stałe, rozłożone w czasie wrogie zachowania w stosunku do pracownika to tylko niektóre wybrane cechy zjawiska zwanego mobbingiem. Takie zachowania prowadzą do psychicznego, a często też fizycznego wyniszczenia. Spotykamy się z nimi niemal codziennie, ponieważ towarzyszą człowiekowi od początku jego istnienia – u ich podstaw leży wrogość, jako emocja oraz potrzeba zdobywania i pokonywania. Motywy stosowania takich zachowań zależą nie tylko od cech wewnętrznych człowieka, umożliwiających mu zaspokojenie jego potrzeb. W środowisku zawodowym jest to brak odpowiednich zasad wzajemnego współżycia, przyzwolenie na takie zachowania poprzez przemilczanie ich występowania, a także celowe działania. Artykuł przedstawia zjawisko mobbingu w praktyce polskich przedsiębiorstw. Wskazuje, co jest mobbingiem i jakie zachowania uznawane są przez prawo za mobbing. Przedstawia rozmiar tego zjawiska w Polsce, jego przyczyny, a także skutki stosowania mobbingu dla pracownika i przedsiębiorcy. W artykule Autorka opiera się na dostępnej w tym obszarze literaturze, porównuje badania przeprowadzone przez Centrum Badania Opinii Społecznej (dalej: CBOS) w 2002 i 2014 r., a także badania firmy doradczej HR Sedlak & Sedlak z 2015 r. oraz podejmuje próbę uzupełnienia tego wielowymiarowego zagadnienia o postrzeganie go przez szeregowych pracowników.
A positive company image and its good reputation are usually results of ethical and honest behaviour towards employees and may improve competitiveness, increase profits, customer satisfaction, and create new job jobs. However, it often occurs in dynamically developing firms where ethical norms are not kept and this process can be seen in the lack of equal chances to get a job – people without connections remain without work. According to research, mobbing is a very serious problem. Psychological terror or mobbing in work life involves hostile and unethical communication that is conducted in a systematic manner by one or more individuals, mainly toward one individual, who, due to mobbing, is pushed into a helpless and defenceless position and held there by means of continuing mobbing activities. These actions occur on a very frequent basis (statistical definition: at least once a week) and over a long period (statistical definition: at least six months’ duration). Because of the high frequency and long duration of hostile behaviour, this maltreatment results in considerable mental, psychosomatic, and social misery.
Currently, in the workplaces, the issues of behaviours classified as unethical or a violation of an employee’s dignity and personal rights are on the rise. Mobbing is one of the manifestations of such behaviours, described in the provisions of the Labour Code. The phenomenon of mobbing refers to the quality of interpersonal relationships at work and affects the operation of the entire organizational structure. This is a severe example of the violation of personal rights because such harassment is no less than a psychological terror affected by one or more persons against (typically) a single individual. The aim of this study is an analysis of mobbing, especially as regards the employer’s obligation to oppose mobbing practices. Ethical behaviour towards staff is not only a condition for observing the principles of community life in the work environment but it is the building block for creating a positive image of the employer in the business community. Mobbing behaviour impacts an organization’ image and poses several financial costs.
Currently, in the sphere of relationships at work, the issue of behaviours classified as unethical, which cause the violation of the employee’s dignity and other personal rights, is increasing. Mobbing is one of the manifestations of such behaviours described in the provisions of the Labour Code. The phenomenon of mobbing refers to the quality of interpersonal relationships at work and affects the operation of the entire organisational structure of the employer. This is the most severe example ofthe violation of personal rights because this is a kind of harassment, namely psychological terror effected by one person or more against (typically) one person. Thus, the subject of the study is an analysis of mobbing especially with regards to the employer’s obligation to oppose mobbing practices. Ethical behaviour towards staff is not only the condition of observing the principles of community life in the work environment, but is a building block for creating a positive image ofthe employer in business. Therefore, such behaviours as mobbing, which endanger that image, pose a significant problem for the employer and bring about severe effects, also for finance.
The article exhaustingly defines mobbing and similar behaviours based on abuse. The author briefly describes the behaviour in the school context. She analyses the problem, its causes and possibilities for its prevention. The author puts a special emphasis on all parties taking part in the abuse, outlines types of victims and perpetrators, and discusses the parents’ and especially the teachers’ role. The results of the author’s research are presented from 14 junior high schools in the Warmian-Masurian voivodeship.
The article presents theory and research concerning mobbing. The research was conducted in the urban transport company which is one of the biggest work places in Wrocław. Thirteen managers and forty four employees took part in this research. The study had an illustrative, not a representative, character, since such a number of employees is sufficient to establish, whether mobbing is a standard in the organizational culture of an enterprise.
The purpose of this paper is to attract attention to the extent of mobbing, especially in the public sector and to its destructive character. Mobbing reduces the value of human capital because of incurred psychological and health losses. It influences innovation negatively and in consequence leads to lowering the effectiveness of an organization. Negative effects of mobbing may be also seen in the social and individual dimensions. According to Heinz Leymann, abandoning moral norms, wrongly comprehended tolerance are creating a climate for practising different forms of hidden violence and psychical terror. Psychological war of this kind in workplace involves the abuse of power and manipulation. Once it has appeared, it is – as put by M.F. Hirigoyen – like a machine, which set in motion, may smash everything on its way. This asymmetric and destructive interaction can only keep strengthening unless someone from the outside intervenes decisively. Yet, the introduction of the notion of mobbing to labour code does not provide sufficient protection from mobbing in workplace – regulations leave too wide, unfilled space which needs to be filled up with concrete solutions and measures. On one hand, action taken by an organization should have a formal, administrative and organizational character. On the other hand, it should take into account the ethical sphere of an organization’s functioning. It should put special emphasis on the maintenance and the development of integrity, one of the most important dimensions of the conception of trust.
This paper looks at student expectation with respect to their first job as well as selected research results on actual job experience. Specifically stressed is the multiplicity of experience underscoring trends in frequency and tendencies relating to qualities such as employment duration, type of employment contract, and the sex of the subject. The set of behaviors was related to pathologies involving interpersonal relations. A divergence of worker expectations with respect to the reality of the workplace is also signaled.
The positive company image and its good reputation are usually results of ethical and honest behaviour towards employees and may cause competitiveness and benefits increase, customer satisfaction and new job places creating. However it occurs often in dynamically developing firms that ethical norms are not kept and this process is observed by lack of equal chances to get a job – people without connections remain without work. Due to different research the very serious problem is a phenomena of mobbing. Psychological terror or mobbing in working life involves hostile and unethical communication which is directed in a systematic manner by one or more individuals, mainly toward one individual, who, due to mobbing, is pushed into a helpless and defenceless position and held there by means of continuing mobbing activities. These actions occur on a very frequent basis (statistical definition: at least once a week) and over a long period of time (statistical definition: at least six months´ duration). Because of the high frequency and long duration of hostile behaviour, this maltreatment results in considerable mental, psychosomatic and social misery.
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Mobbing — roszczenia przysługujące poszkodowanemu

Mobbing, as a legal and social phenomenon often occurring in workplaces, must be denounced, both in the legal regulations and in social non-acceptance. The aim of the paper is to present the legal claims which a worker, as a victim of mobbing, is entitled to make under civil and criminal law. In a civil action, through Art. 300 of the Labour Code, an employee who proves mobbing by his employer can claim both redress and compensation. The victim of mobbing can also claim compensation for the costs incurred relating to treatment, under Art. 444 § 1 of the Civil Code, in the case of bodily injury or health disorder. The sufferer may also seek compensation for the infringement of personal interests under Art. § 24 of the Civil Code. However, if serious mobbing has occurred in the workplace, the employer might also be held to criminal liability. He/she can bear the responsibility under Arts. 156 and 207 of the Penal Code.
The paper presents results of a pilot study aimed to exploration of the forms of resistance to mobbing (bullying at the workplace) and their effectiveness. The aim of the study is to find out what strategies bullied people use in the fight against mobbing. Furthermore, how effective are the strategies used to address mobbing situation. The text outlines the theoretical basis and the results of a study which showed eight strategies of resistance. These are performances against mobbing person, avoiding direct confrontation with mobbing person, finding social support, exodus, change of work pace, distance from mobbing person, accepting negative labels and resistance through leisure activities. This study could not clearly answer the question of what strategy leads to a successful resolution of mobbing. Two strategies that were found help mitigate the impacts of existing bullying in the workplace.
W języku specjalistycznym do opisu mobbingu stosuje się najczęściej trzy kategorie: zachowania agresywne (np. w sytuacji konfliktów), prześladowanie jednostek i dokuczanie im (ang. bullying) oraz mobbing, czyli uporczywe, zbiorowe znęcanie się kilku osób nad wybranymi ofiarami. Jeżeli prześladowanie jednostki przybiera formę powtarzających się w dłuższym czasie zachowań, terminów bulling i mobbing używa się zamiennie. Zjawisko to rzadziej opisywane jest jako: harassment (nękanie) lub ganging up someone, czyli sprzysięganie się przeciwko komuś.
The word burn out, comes from English “to burn”, which means burning and the words “out” from, out, out. Thus, the phrase “burn-out” is an expression of burnout or extinction. The original fire and the ignition of the symbol-psychologically high level of motivation goes to the person affected by the symptoms of burnout syndrome into extinction, where there is nothing, which means where he has nothing to worry about. For the Burnout Syndrome, there is as yet no generally accepted definition. Herbert Freudenberger first described this syndrome in 1975. The most important feature is chronic work-related stress and the imbalance between occupational expectation and professional reality, between ideals and reality. The burnout syndrome is the total burnout of human energy (and energy reserves) at the mental, physical and spiritual level in connection with the exercise of the profession. Burnout is formally defined as a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion that has caused long-term persistence in situations that are emotionally challenging. This emotional difficulty occurs when great expectations are combined with chronic stress (Křivohlavý, 2012 p.18). The International Classification of Diseases advises burnout syndrome under ICD 10, category Z 73.O entitled Problems associated with difficulties in organizing life that have psychological, physical symptoms and symptoms in the plane of social relations. The severity of the burnout syndrome is currently up to date with both its content and its increase. “Our legislation does not define this disease in any category of legal norms, it does not recognize it as a diagnosis and we do not have one case law or legal argument developing the process or condition caused by the burnout syndrome” (Šoltésová, Ivor, 2006, s.20). In Spain and the United States of America, burnout syndrome is recognized by law as an occupational disease.
The importance of mobbing as a pathological phenomenon that occurs in the workplace is discussed. Attention was also paid to the issues of human resource management that can be a source of mobbing behavior in organizations. Various approaches to defining mobbing and its characteristics are briefly described. Then the focus was on the types of mobbing pathologies occurring in the organization. Based on empirical research, it indicates human resource management and its relationship with the most common manifestations of pathological behaviors in the workplace of people included in the survey.
Jedną z możliwości dochodzenia roszczeń wynikających ze stosunków zatrudnienia jest sądowe rozwiązywanie spraw. Rozstrzygnięcie sprawy przed sądem jest jednocześnie rozstrzygnięciem o roszczeniach przysługujących powodowi, które musi być poprzedzone przeprowadzeniem postępowania dowodowego. W sprawach pracowniczych pozostaje ono szczególnie skomplikowane i rozbudowane z uwagi na wielość faktów występujących w tych kategoriach spraw pracowniczych i to, że świadkowie pozostają w relacjach prawnych i faktycznych. Celem opracowania jest zatem ukazanie niektórych aspektów procesowych wskazujących na specyfikę postępowania dowodowego w sprawach mobbingowych i dyskryminacyjnych. Autorka odnosi się do ogólnych reguł procesu dotyczących ciężaru dowodu, albowiem zarówno w zakresie zarzutu podejmowania przez pracodawcę mobbingu, jak też przy zarzucie działań dyskryminujących pracownika, to na pracowniku spoczywa obowiązek dowodowy w zakresie wskazania okoliczności, które uzasadniałby roszczenie oparte na tych zarzutach. Ponadto autorka omawia charakter postępowania dowodowego w sprawach pracowniczych, z jego specyfiką, która charakteryzuje się znacznym odformalizowaniem. Autorka analizuje również poszczególne środki dowodowe, to jest dowód z dokumentu, dowód z opinii biegłego sądowego czy też inne źródła dowodowe, o których mowa w art. 308 k.p.c.
One of the possibilities of pursuing claims arising from employment is the judicial resolution of cases. Judgment in court is a decision on the claims of the party, which must be preceded by the taking of evidence. The evidentiary proceedings are particularly complicated and extensive due to the multiplicity of facts occurring in these categories of employee cases as well as the fact that the witnesses remain in legal and factual relations. The aim of the study is to present some of the procedural aspects related to the evidentiary proceedings in mobbing and discriminatory cases. The author refers to the general rules of the process regarding the rules of proof, because the employee has the burden of proof in the scope of indicating circumstances that would justify a claim based on mobbing and discrimination. The author discusses the nature of evidence proceedings in employee cases, with its specificity, which is characterized by considerable deformalization. The author also analyzes the types of evidence, such as documentary evidence, evidence from the expert’s opinion, or other sources of evidence referred to in Article 308 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
Mobbing is one of the examples of pathology in organization management. In the article, we presented the problem in the perspective of organizational games using the technique of participant observation. The article is not intended to stigmatize the help facility, but to show mobbing as a significant and difficult problem for the victim. It has destructive effects and is difficult to identify and prevent. The authors believe that the article will help to pay attention to the essence of the problem and to notice negative effect.
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