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The purpose of this paper is to present a new model of social inhibition (a) conceptualised as a dual structured construct including shyness and modesty, and (b) showing the complexity and diversity of these two social inhibition forms across various domains of psychosocial functioning (i.e., self-image, cognitive, emotional, and behavioural). Locating these two forms of social inhibition within the space of the Circumplex of Personality Metatraits enabled us to identify conceptually adjacent constructs to social inhibition and put the latter into a broad personality context. Through supplementary meta-analyses of the relations of shyness and modesty with the Big Five personality traits, we confront our theoretical proposition with existing empirical findings. Our paper implies that social inhibition might be successfully treated as a psychosocial disposition with two related and shared core elements, but distinct and differentially targeted forms-more neurotic and dysfunctional shyness and more agreeable and adaptive modesty.
Une observation plutôt amusante au début concernant le contraste évident entre l’audace française et la timidité roumaine a stimulé les auteures de cet article à s’interroger un peu plus à ce sujet et à examiner les implications que peut avoir en traduction la pudeur intrinsèque d’une langue (ou, au contraire, son manque de pudeur). Pour répondre à leurs questionnements, les auteures ont analysé cette asymétrie entre le roumain et le français à la lumière de réflexions de traducteurs, de traductologues et d’autres spécialistes de la langue.
An initially benign, slightly amusing observation about the obvious contrast between the French audace and the Romanian shyness has stimulated the authors of this study to go a little further and to examine the implications that the intrinsic modesty (or lack thereof) of a language can have in translation. Thus, they set to analyze here this asymmetry between Romanian and French based on reflections from translators, translation theorists and other linguists.
La traduction norvégienne de Journal du voleur de Jean Genet (1948/1949) semble plus pudique que l’édition française courante, tandis que la traduction américaine semble plus impudique. Le traducteur norvégien a légèrement modifié le texte afin d’échapper à la censure norvégienne, tandis que le traducteur américain a basé sa traduction sur la première édition de Journal du voleur, presque introuvable en France aujourd’hui, et qui est encore plus provoquante que l’édition courante. Les choix des traducteurs sont liés à leur connaissance de l’oeuvre de Genet et à leur conscience des pratiques de la censure dans le(s) pays de la langue-cible.
The Norwegian translation of Jean Genet’s Journal du voleur (1948/1949) seems more modest than the common French version, whereas the American translation seems more immodest. The Norwegian translator slightly changed the text in order to avoid Norwegian censorship, while the American translator based his translation on the first French edition of Journal du voleur, which is almost impossible to find in France today and which is more provocative than the common French edition. The translators’ choices are linked to their knowledge of Genet’s literature and their awareness of censorship practices in the country/countries of the target language.
The paper presents an analysis of Thomas’ thought on the virtue of modesty and shows its relation to temperance and nobility. The matter of modesty is of lesser importance in the ethics of Thomas Aquinas. The virtue of modesty is subordinated to the virtue of temperance and its role is to help us shape our external steps and actions in order. When speaking of modesty Thomas willingly turns to the views of Cicero and Andronicus. In the Summa, in its parts dedicated to temperance, Aquinas analyses all kinds of modesty. Important among them is humility, which directly pertains to temperance. Its subject is to regulate our desire to be exceptional. Hence, humility gives us ability to proper self-esteem. All other virtues, which are kinds of modesty, regulate: our longing to knowledge, attitude toward neighbours, ways of spending our leisure time, ways of dressing up. Thomas points out in his texts that the process of achieving the virtue of modesty is not a complicated task, because its object does not cause any particular difficulties. Not as in the case of moderation, which needs auxiliary virtues in order to restraint our strong natural craving.
Background. Pahlavani and Zurkhaneh rituals have existed in Iran since the Parthian Empire. This martial art continued in the Islamic period and flourished due to cultural and social settings. A study on the evolution of this art specifies its prospering during the Qajar period as the Zurkhaneh became a common site in the urban context. Pahlavani martial arts play a significant role in depicting heroic behaviors and valiant tutoring and highlight unique architectural features and place emphasis on various cultural venues embedded within signs and symbols. Problem and Aim. The aim of this study is to portray what moral and cultural principles are applied to the structure and arrangement of the Zurkhanehs of the Qajar period. It also attempts to study the cultural and moral position of the Zurkhaneh within Iranian society. Recognition of the symbols and signs of this Pahlavani martial art can therefore acquaint us with the evolutionary process of the foundation of such institutions, and their cultural role, by analyzing concepts such as modesty, virtue and Futuwwa in the structure of the Zurkhanehs of Iran during the Qajar era. Methods. The present study investigates the issue under study via a descriptive-analytic methodology based on library resources and field observations. Conclusion. The findings of the research show that concepts of modesty, virtue, and Futuwwa are perceived in the Qajar Zurkhanehs of Tehran specifically in the way of entering and in the positioning of the Morshed and heroes.
Tło. Rytuały Pahlavani i Zurkhaneh istniały w Iranie od czasów Imperium Partów. Sztuka walki Pahlavani była kontynuowana w okresie islamskim i rozkwitła ze względu na uwarunkowania kulturowe i społeczne. Badanie ewolucji tej sztuki określa jego prosperowanie w okresie Qajar gdy Zurkhaneh (miejsce ćwiczeń) stał się wspólnym miejscem w kontekście miejskim. Sztuki walki Pahlavani odgrywają znaczącą rolę w przedstawianiu bohaterskich zachowań i nauczania, zachowują unikalne cechy architektoniczne i zachowują różne miejsca kultury osadzone w znakach i symbolach. Problem i cel. Celem niniejszego badania było przedstawienie, jakie moralne i kulturowe zasady są stosowane w strukturze i układzie Zurkhanehs z okresu Qajar. Próbowano również zbadać kulturową i moralną pozycję Zurkhaneh w społeczeństwie irańskim. Dlatego rozpoznanie symboli i znaków sztuki walki Pahlavani może zapoznać nas z procesem ewolucji powstawania takich instytucji i jej roli kulturowej poprzez analizę pojęć takich jak skromność, cnota i Futuwwa (rodzaj etyki) w strukturze Zurkhanehs Iranu w okresie Qajar.Metody. Niniejsze studium bada zagadnienie poprzez metodolgię opisowo-analityczną w oparciu o zasoby biblioteczne i obserwacje terenowe. Wnioski. Wyniki badań wskazują, że koncepcje skromności, cnoty i Futuwwa są zauważalne w okresie Qajar w Zurkhanehs w Teheranie, szczególnie przy wejściu i pozycjonowaniu religijnych werestów Morshed i postaci bohaterów.
On the basis of own biographic studies conducted between 2007 and 2009 and continued from 2013 to 2015 (analyses and interpretation of 70 biographies and autobiographies of known researchers), I proposed in my article and justifed a thesis that among the main factors dynamizing individual scientifc development, apart from intellectual attributes, are personality traits such as modesty. Scientifc development is fuelled mainly by values and the related character (or personality) traits of the researcher. I also put forward an assumption that scientifc development of researchers contributes to the progress in science understood as a sphere of culture. The attitude of modesty – the antonym of pride and megalomania is then especially required of a researcher and proves his or her predisposition to discovering the truth and to communicating the research results in an honest manner. Modesty also helps one choose an optimal style of research, which in turn leads to considerable discoveries.
Linguistic analysis carried out showed that the guilt and shame are words inherited from proto-language, about the parallel development. Their common trend in the field of semantics was the transition from the concrete to the abstract and the consequent disappearance of meanings specific. It is also blurred the boundary between these words of Polish general and specialized terms in the field of ethics. Both words occupy a permanent place in the Polish language system, as evidenced by numerous relationships of expression, phraseology, antonymic. Linguistic picture of guilt and shame encourages individual attempts to interpret it. The Catholic Church issue of guilt and shame associated with sin and moral disorder. First of all, it draws attention to the sin of disobedience and pride as a source of human guilt and shame and even guilt. We recommend moderation, which is a moral virtue, to achieve harmony allowing internal and avoid guilt and shame.
Przedmiotem artykułu są postawy i cechy dzieci, które autorzy listów Nowego Testamentu oceniają wprost lub pośrednio jako pozytywne i zalecają swoim adresatom w ich odniesieniach do Boga, Chrystusa, Ewangelii, innych ludzi i wartości. Do takich postaw należą: służba (Flp 2,22), posłuszeństwo (Ef 6,1–3; Kol 3,20; 1 P 1,14–16), skromność i niewinność (1 Tes 2,7), przyjmowanie karcenia (Hbr 12,4–11), pragnienie zdrowego mleka matki (1 P 2,1–3). Poza tym semickie wyrażenia typu „dzieci Abrahama” czy „dzieci posłuszeństwa” podkreślają pochodzenie i zależność dziecka od rodziców oraz udział w ich dobrach. Natomiast w poufałych zwrotach w stylu „dzieci moje” czy „dzieciątka moje” dochodzą do głosu serdeczność, zaufanie i oddanie charakterystyczne dla dzieci. Zalecając postawy dziecięce dorosłym chrześcijanom, autorzy listów nie chcą doprowadzić ich do infantylizmu, ale do zachowania duszy dziecka. Mimo że nie nawiązują do pozytywnych wypowiedzi Pana Jezusa na temat dzieci, ich spojrzenie na dzieci jest podobne. Zwracają tylko częściej uwagę na negatywne postawy małych osób.
The subject of the article is the attitudes and characteristics of children, which the authors of the New Testament epistles evaluate directly or indirectly as positive and recommend to their addressees in their relation to God, Christ, the Gospel, other people and values. Such attitudes include: service (Phil 2:22), obedience (Eph 6:1–3; Col 3:20; 1 Pet 1:14–16), modesty and innocence (1 Thess 2:7), receiving discipline (Heb 12:4–11), the desire for healthy mother’s milk (1 Pet 2:1–3). Besides, Semitic expressions such as ‘children of Abraham’ or ‘children of obedience’ emphasize the child’s origin and dependence on parents and participation in their goods. While in familiar phrases such as ‘my children’ or ‘my babies’ the cordiality, trust and devotion characteristic for children come to the fore. By recommending children’s attitudes to adult Christians, the authors of the letters do not want to lead them to infantilism, but to preserve the child’s soul. Although they do not refer to the positive statements of the Lord Jesus about children, their view of children is similar. They only pay more often attention to the negative attitudes of small persons.
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