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The origin of myth as a genre points to its everlasting nature which results from both public and political demand. That is why also today it is a living category in different communities - an object of interest also for ethno-linguists. Russian myths and “dethronement” of Soviet myths make up two parallel and interpenetrating processes providing us with material which makes it possible to define the diversity of cognitive functions of this tool of effective cognition. The distinct excess of new myths and uncompromising criticism of Soviet myths is the evidence of specific mentality, specific frame of mind of the people (years 1989-2002). Their construct is wishful thinking, which is typical for the Russians, and the uncompromising nature of critical assessments of the “altars of the past” generally propagated (also in media).
vol. 4
issue 6
Arguments about history (as like as politics) is certainly not newfangled or unexpected. The competing visions of the past (winners and losers) are not, however, just a dispute over what and how it happened. On the contrary, it is not diffi cult to see that they infl uence not only upon the domination of the “piloted” vision of the past, but also on a particular social/political order. Th erefore in this article I try to show some risk behind the mythologization and politicization of the historical discourse.
Arguments about history (as like as politics) is certainly not newfangled or unexpected. The competing visions of the past (winners and losers) are not, however, just a dispute over what and how it happened. On the contrary, it is not diffi cult to see that they infl uence not only upon the domination of the “piloted” vision of the past, but also on a particular social/political order. Th erefore in this article I try to show some risk behind the mythologization and politicization of the historical discourse.
It is a truism that the work of Adam Mickiewicz occupies a central place in Czesław Miłosz’s literary universe. The present paper seeks to investigate one particular Mickiewiczian micro- element that strikingly often recurs in Miłosz’s writings, namely the so-called “kernel” of the Lithuanian forests (jądro gęstwiny). Significantly, while wilderness areas such as woods and forests have always filled the human imagination with awe and fear, Miłosz has turned the Lithuanian “thicket” into one of the cornerstones of his poetic topography, investing its mysterious “kernel” with epiphanic and eschatological potential. Partially medi-ated by some of his other childhood readings Lato leśnych ludzi (The Forest People’s Summer) by Zofia Rodziewiczówna, Na tropie przyrody (On the Trail of Nature) and W puszczy (In the Wood) by Włodzimierz Korsak, Nasz las i jego mieszkańcy (Our Forest and Its Inhabitants) by Bohdan Dyakowski and Soból i panna (The Sable and the Girl) by Józef Weyssenhoff), Miłosz’s mythol-ogization (if not sacralization) of the wildland spaces of his childhood might be said to add a particular (pagan and gendered) twist to the traditional repertory of Christian (u)topography, in particular its rural and urban manifestations (the Garden of Eden and Heavenly Jerusa-lem).
Objectives: Ukrainian informational space has been deeply damaged by centuries old colonial policy – myths have been deliberately distorting and depreciating Ukrainian history and culture. Under conditions of informational aggression together with governmental informational policy, keeping to ethics provided by mass media pedagogue has an important mission of society demythologization. This article aims to consider the modern myth as an object of scientific research and pedagogical problem, to name the causes and stages of society mythologization, to classify the myths and to name their functions; to propose a technique of psychological and pedagogical influence, aimed at demystifying the worldview. Material and methods: Analysis and generalization of scientific sources and documents have been performed. Deduction technique has been applied as a process of drawing logical conclusion based on the complex of analyzed facts and summarizing. Results: - Conclusions: The main reasons why myths arise are absence of knowledge and misunderstanding of facts, hiding truth, herd mentality, striving for unity and self-deception. Therefore, we propose to implement the work on demythologization according to the following stages: 1) myth identification, 2) determination of myth characteristics, 3) scientifically substantiated refutation of myth, 4) psychological and pedagogical activities aimed at transforming the mythical worldview. Special attention should be paid to the function which every myth performs: rational, adaptive, security function, mobilizing function, function of history legitimization or means of mass consciousness manipulation. Correct identification of every particular myth and its characteristics will provide finding the most effective pedagogical methods and technologies of demythologization.
The paper is devoted to Zinaida Gippius’s literary portraits left on the pages of ego-documents, especially memoirs. She was one of the most significant figures of the Russian Silver Age. At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, the writer created her own legend and image based on internal conflict, which in turn influenced the diversity of her portraits in memoirs. Their analysis leads to the conclusion that these portraits fit into the stereotyped, ambivalent perception of a woman, and majority of the authors reveal the tendency to mythologize and dehumanize her heroine: on the one hand her divinization, and on the other – reification. It also proves that the memoirist had perpetuated and widened the legend about her.
According to the Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, over 3, 9 million people died during the famine of the 1932–1933s However, it’s impossible to define the exact number of the dead due to liquidation of the 1937 census data by the soviet authorities who deliberately aimed at violating complete record of the deaths and stated in the documentation other death reasons instead of the ones caused by the famine. To disguise this criminal offence the soviet government directed all its efforts to creation of a myth pointing to that year crop failure as the reason of famine. Purpose. The aim of the following article is to reveal practical techniques of alternative reality creation in the soviet society based on the example of the 1932–1933s famine’s mythologization in Ukraine. Materials and methods. Analyses and generalization of scientific archive sources and international documents, overview of soviet mass media related to the topic have been performed. Research results. The soviet myth creation technology applied to the famine happening in Ukraine of 1932–1933 as a result of crop failure shows a wide spectrum of alternative reality creation means (mythologization), which was exploited by the whole history of the soviet government: liquidation of documents and evidence, intimidation and physical extermination of witnesses, blockage of access to sources of reliable information, formation of alternative “truth” and its expansion in mass media. Results. The purpose of creation and expansion of the famine myth based on the belief about crop failure in Ukraine of the 19362–1933s was to form and infix “ideologically correct” interpretation of history in the mass consciousness. It was supposed to disguise reasons of the famine, which was artificially organized by the soviet government in Ukraine, aiming at liquidation of Ukrainian rural population, resisting collectivization, i.e. dissimulating of criminal offences and masking them under ecological myth.
The article deals with the modernist reception of the literary image of the ancient poet Sappho in the works of Ukrainian writers from the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th – Lesya Ukrainka, M. Chernyavsky, L. Starytska-Chernyakhivska. In the main, the origins of the use of this image in the literature of different cultural epochs are clarified, and the specific nature of its interpretation in the works of different genres of these Ukrainian artists is analyzed. What is emphasized here is the originality in how Sappho’s image is interpretated and mythologized in the poems by Lesya Ukrainka and M. Chernyavsky, in L. Starytska-Chernyakhivska’s drama and in Lesya Ukrainka’s unfinished drama under the same title. The author also shows how the traditional image in these works combines both the general cultural paradigm and elements of modernist reception, and how in Ukraine this was a synthesis of Western European art canons and national specificities, of the “philosophy of life” and the “philosophy of the heart”, and of Apollonian and Dionysian elements. The author also confirms how in the works of Ukrainian writers from this period, the decisive factor in interpreting Sappho’s image is the focus on the artistic work of this ancient poet and the myth of love between Sappho and Phaon. Attention is drawn to the fact that in Lesya Ukrainka, M. Chernyavsky and L. Starytska-Chernyakhivska’s creative rethinking of this image, there is a tendency towards neomythologism, typical for modernist discourse in all kinds of art and in literature, in particular.
W artykule zbadano modernistyczną recepcję literackiego obrazu starożytnej poetki Safony w twórczości ukraińskich pisarzy przełomu XIX i XX wieku – Łesi Ukrainki, Mykoły Czerniawskiego, Ludmyły Staryckiej-Czerniachiwskiej. W głównej mierze wyjaśniono genezę odwoływania się do wskazanego obrazu w literaturze różnych epok, przeanalizowano specyfikę jego interpretacji w utworach różnych gatunków wymienionych wyżej ukraińskich pisarzy. Podkreślono także oryginalność interpretacji i mitologizacji Safony w wierszach Łesi Ukrainki i M. Czerniawskiego, w dramacie L. Staryckiej-Czerniachiwskiej oraz w niedokończonym dramacie Łesi Ukrainki pod tym samym tytułem. Ujawniono, w jaki sposób w analizowanych pracach tradycyjny obraz kumuluje zarówno ogólny paradygmat kulturowy, jak i jego transformację w epoce modernizmu, która to na ukraińskim gruncie syntetyzowała zachodnioeuropejskie kanony sztuki ze specyfiką narodową, „filozofię życia” z „filozofią serca”, nurt apolliński z nurtem dionizyjskim. Potwierdzono, iż w twórczości ukraińskich pisarzy wskazanego okresu decydującym czynnikiem w interpretacji obrazu Safony jest skoncentrowanie się na kwestii twórczości starożytnej poetki i micie o miłości Safony i Theonasa.Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na fakt, iż tendencją dominującą w twórczym podejściu Łesi Ukrainki, M. Czerniawskiego, L. Staryckiej-Czerniachiwskiej do kreowania obrazu starożytnej poetki jestneomitologizacja, charakterystyczna dla dyskursu modernistycznego we wszystkich rodzajach sztuki, a zwłaszcza w literaturze.
The article presents a legal act as a potential subject of mythologization. The tools derived from the studies on political myth were used to describe a phenomenon that strictly belongs to the political and legal reality – the American JUST Act of 2017, which in recent years has caused many controversies in Polish public debate. While using the theoretical methods of the most notable researchers of the political myth, such as R. Barthes or E. Cassirer, it has been shown that legal acts, as well as their reception and interpretation, are not always based on rational forms of cognition. They can also be affected by a political myth and a mythical form of cognition, which is depicted in this study by means of methodology implemented from the studies on political myth. The article formulates interesting comments that may be useful for a better understanding of the phenomena on the border of Polish jurisprudence, political science and mythology.
W artykule ukazano akt prawny jako potencjalny przedmiot mitologizacji. Do opisu fenomenu należącego ściśle do rzeczywistości polityczno-prawnej – amerykańskiej ustawy JUST, która w polskiej debacie publicznej wywołała w ostatnich latach liczne kontrowersje – użyto bowiem narzędzi wykorzystywanych w badaniach nad zjawiskiem mitu politycznego. Stosując osiągnięcia teoretyczne wybitnych badaczy mitu, takich jak R. Barthes czy E. Cassirer, wykazano, że akty prawne oraz ich recepcja i interpretacja nie zawsze opierają się na racjonalnych formach poznania. Może na nie wpływać także mit polityczny i mityczna forma poznania, co przedstawiono w niniejszym opracowaniu za pomocą znanych badaniom nad mitem narzędzi teoretycznych. W artykule sformułowano interesujące uwagi, które mogą być przydatne dla lepszego zrozumienia zjawisk z pogranicza polskiego prawoznawstwa, politologii i mitologii.
Tekst zawiera analizę dyskursu nt. twórczości fotograficznej Bronisława Malinowskiego, który w latach 1914–1918 prowadził badania terenowe na Trobriandach. Zdjęcia wykonane przez niego w trakcie tych badań zebrane są w archiwum London School of Economy i udostępnione na stronach internetowych biblioteki tej szkoły. Analizując teksty komentatorów wywodzących się ze środowiska antropologicznego, autor porządkuje zagadnienia i problemy pojawiające się przy dyskusji o fotografiach polskiego antropologa.
The text is an analysis of the discourse upon pohotographic activity of Bronislaw Malinowski, who’s been performing field work on Trobriand Islands in years 1914–1918. Set of photographs taken by him during his research can be found in London School of Economy, and is available on the Internet site of the school’s library. Analysing text by commentators derived from the anthropologists environment, author organises questions and problems concerning discussions upon the polish anthropologist’s photographs.
The process of mythologization of avifauna has been analyzed in order to study the relation between man and nature, and more precisely, between the Renaissance humanism and natural sciences. One issue is puzzling in this field – why did educated and well-read humanists mythologize nature, including the avifauna? Why did authors, for whom in principle criticism was an elementary indicator for perceiving reality, got rid of it so easily? 16th century authors with humanist education did not reconstruct nature but art, and they searched for its ideal in ancient works filled with mythologization of the nature. Humanist erudition required describing mythical animals and equally mythical symbolic of those animals. In this way one could prove that he knew ancient texts well. Reconstruction of such nature as it really existed was an attitude that was unworthy of a humanist artist. Hence the store of knowledge and ignorance that existed in those times was translated into a particular, often mythologized, text written by a Renaissance author.
Barbarian from the East. From the stereotype to the mythologization of the Russians
Варвар с востока. От стереотипа к мифологизации россиян
Casimir Pulaski enjoys today the established status of a Polish-American national hero. A political refugee from his native Poland after the defeat of the Bar Confederation, he came to America in 1777, during the War of American Independence, founded the Polish Cavalry Legion, fought against the British and died in 1779 in the rank of brigadier general of the Continental Army. The present historical study in mnemonic practices is an attempt to demonstrate how American newspapers in the years 1777-1815 participated in shaping Pulaski’s image of a hero in the national memory during the formative period of the United States. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of Pulaski’s newspaper appearances in the study material showed that his media-enhanced road to prominence in the national memory followed a winding and fragmented course. Two phases of the process, separated by 14 years of complete absence of Pulaski from the American press, have been identified: 1) immediate remembrance by means of factual war reports characterized by “heroic” discourse, and 2) delayed remembrance in the form of dispersed information about the social uses of Pulaski’s name for patriotic, political and commercial purposes. Concluding, after two years of fact-based reporting as a living military hero, Pulaski’s newsworthiness declined for several years after his death. His name was subsequently recirculated in contexts pointing to the process of his myth formation in American culture as part of the foundation myth of the United States.
Kazimierz Pułaski zajmuje dziś niekwestionowaną pozycję „bohatera dwóch narodów” jako uczestnik antyrosyjskiej Konfederacji Barskiej w Polsce oraz generał Armii Kontynentalnej walczący i poległy w Ameryce w batalii o niepodległość Stanów Zjednoczonych. Niniejsze studium z zakresu historii praktyk mnemonicznych pokazuje wyniki badań prasy amerykańskiej okresu 1777-1815 pod kątem jej roli w kształtowaniu miejsca i wizerunku Pułaskiego, znanego w Ameryce jako Casimir Pulaski, w zbiorowej pamięci powstającego wówczas narodu amerykańskiego. Badania ilościowe i jakościowe wzmianek prasowych dotyczących Pułaskiego w zgromadzonym materiale wskazują na dwie fazy procesu jego upamiętniania: 1/ pamięć bezpośrednia w postaci bieżących doniesień o jego działaniach bojowych podczas trwania amerykańskiej wojny o niepodległość, utrzymanych w dyskursie heroicznym, oraz 2/ pamięć przywrócona poprzez wzmianki i informacje o pojawianiu się nazwiska Pułaskiego w różnych kontekstach społecznych; patriotycznym, politycznym, komercyjnym oraz artystycznym. Fazy te oddziela okres ok. 14 lat całkowitej nieobecności Pułaskiego na stronach ówczesnych gazet amerykańskich. Widać stąd, że Pułaski, przedstawiany za życia jako bohater wojenny, po śmierci w 1777 r. na kilkanaście lat przestał być dla prasy tematem aktualnym. Jednak treść krótkich i dłuższych informacji, w których nazwisko Pułaskiego ponownie zaczęło pojawiać się w prasie wczesnorepublikańskiej świadczy o trwającym już wówczas procesie jego mitologizacji w kulturze amerykańskiej jako elementu narodowego mitu o początkach Stanów Zjednoczonych.
Okres masowej emigracji polskiej do USA przypada na II poł. XIX i pocz. XX w. Dominowała społeczność ubogich chłopów, która miała trudności z wejściem w środowiska amerykańskie. Było to okazją do tworzenia swoistej mitologii, której celem była poprawa polskiego wizerunku. Chętnie odwoływano się do Polaków, którzy odcisnęli piętno na historii amerykańskiej, np. Tadeusza Kościuszki, czy Kazimierza Pułaskiego. Na utrzymywanie tożsamości polskiej miały wpływ działające w USA organizacje polonijne oraz polskie duszpasterstwo rzymskokatolickie. Czasem przyspieszonych przemian w środowisku Polaków zamieszkujących w USA był okres po II wojnie światowej. Charakteryzował się on mobilnością oraz wyraźną poprawą położenia materialnego społeczności polskiej. Awans ekonomiczny połączony był z przejmowaniem amerykańskiego stylu życia.
The period of mass Polish emigration to the USA falls on the second half of the XIX and the beginning of the XXc. Peasant community, coming from material poverty marked circles, dominated. Its entrance into American groups was not without problems. The problems revealed became an occassion for creating peculiar mythology about the Polish community living in the USA., in the frames of which figures of Poles, who set marks in American history, for example Tadeusz Kościuszko or Kazimierz Puławski, were exposed. Polish community institutions acting in the USA. And Polish Roman catholic ministry influenced the keeping of Polish identity. The time of hastened changes among the Polish circles living in the USA. Was the period after the World War II. It was characterized by mobility and distinct material conditions of the Polish community. Economic promotion was combined with adopting American life style. With the passage of years, starting with the third generation, activities to find Polish roots were undertaken.
Zofia Rydet jest jedną z najwybitniejszych polskich, a nawet europejskich artystek drugiej połowy XX wieku. Pozostawiła po sobie ogromną spuściznę twórczą, ale jej biografia pod wieloma aspektami wciąż pozostaje tajemnicą. Pamięć o wielkim artyście/artystce jest często mitologizowana, a interpretacja dzieła po jego/jej śmierci zaczyna odrywać się od pierwotnych intencji twórcy. Są to procesy niezwykle interesujące dla historyków sztuki i socjologów. Można badać je, przyjmując metody biograficznie zorientowanej socjologii sztuki. W artykule wykorzystano niektóre z nich: analizę istniejących dokumentów, badania archiwalne oraz wywiady. Analiza zebranego materiału pozwoliła wskazać, w jaki sposób Rydet zapamiętali ci, którzy mieli okazję poznać ją, towarzyszyli jej podczas wypraw w teren, prowadzili z nią rozmowy o sztuce i fotografii. Celem takich badań jest próba lepszego poznania artystki, zrozumienia jej twórczości i funkcjonowania społecznego w określonych czasach i środowiskach.
Zofia Rydet is one of the most outstanding Polish and even European artists of the second half of the 20th century. She left a huge artistic legacy, but her biography still in many respects remains a mystery. The memory of a great artist is often mythologized, and the interpretation of the work after his/her death begins to separate from the original intentions of the creator. These are processes of great interest to art historians and sociologists alike. They can be studied by adopting the methods of the biographically-oriented sociology of art. This article uses some of these methods, namely the analysis of the existing documents, archival research, and interviews. The analysis of the collected material has revealed how Rydet was remembered by those who had the opportunity to meet her, accompanied her during field trips, and talked with her about art and photography. The aim of such research is to try to get to know the artist better, as well as to understand her work and the social functioning in what was a very specific time and environment.
This work deals with the problem of the self-identity of the inhabitants of Central and Eastern Europe, and their self-determination in relation to the Austria-Hungary. An important element of this issue is the mythologization of history, also cultural memory about the past that can be shown through the certain fragment of the anthropology of everyday life-cuisine and culinary culture. The Austro-Hungarian myth fixed in culture through cuisine becomes the material of regional identity. The paper contains main conclusions of the master thesis On the search of self-identity in Central and Eastern Europe. The role of cuisine in the construction of Austro-Hungarian myth.
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