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This article presents the influence of emotions on the teaching and learning process, with particular emphasis on pronunciation classes at university level. The first chapters describe the terminological intricacies within emotions, feelings, moods etc., and then the positive and negative influence of emotions on the didactic process. The next part presents attempts to use emotions that support the learning process and to cool down difficult emotions that disorganise work in classes and negatively influence the learning process. A special case is phonetic education, which arouses many more emotions than in other classes. At the end, there is a reasonable proposal of exercises called etudes, which positively influence unwanted emotions and support emotions beneficial for the didactic process.
The paper provides an analysis of the impact of negative emotions on decision-making processes. It questions the common-sense view that negative emotions diminish rationality of decisions, i.e., increase the probability of making suboptimal choices. It is argued in the paper that this view is untenable on the grounds of neuroscience, cognitive science and evolutionary theory: the results provided by these sciences support the view that negative emotions in most instances of their occurrence, i.e. types of negative emotions, not only fail to undermine rationality of decision-making but substantially contribute to it. This does mean saying that token-negative emotions never undermine rationality of decision-making. But, as is argued in the paper, the fact that token-negative emotions may have sometimes this kind of negative effect is fully consistent with the claim that, as a rule, the effect is positive, so that one can speak about the causal connection between types of negative emotion and rational decision-making.
Emotions in human consciousness take form of emotional concepts, described by means of such features as traditions, customs, special stereotypes of thinking, behavior models, etc. The present article attempts to analyse the linguistic realization of the concept of „fear” in Russian and Ukrainian languages. The language analyze is based on the purposes of the cognitive definition.
Although recent years have seen a growing interest in positive emotions in second or foreign language learning and teaching, negative emotions are always present in the classroom and they deserve to be investigated in their own right. The article focuses on boredom, a construct that has been explored in educational psychology but has received only scant attention from second language acquisition researchers. It reports a study which examined the changes in the levels of boredom experienced by 13 English majors in four EFL classes and the factors accounting for such changes. Using data obtained from a few different sources (i.e., boredom grids, narratives, interviews, class evaluations and lesson plans), it was found that although boredom can be attributed to different constellations of factors, it was mainly traced to repetitiveness, monotony and predictability of what transpired during a particular class.
Background: The paper focuses on the problem of the effect of dance as a part of movement activities on human emotions and their experiencing in students. The movement activity has a positive impact not only on physical health of a human being, but also on his mental health. Movement not only serves to increase physical fitness in healthy subjects, physical activities suitably chosen can be applied in an effective way in with weakened organ systems. The movement is nowadays considered a suitable tool to eliminate excessive stress. Research results: The study summarises our research results of positive effect of dance on experiencing emotions of students that were verified and supported by medical practice that claims positive effect of movement on mental health of an individual. Our research results indicate that respondents from dance group experienced more positive emotions than the respondents from movement group. A statistically significant difference was found at the level of significance (p = 0.0425) in the respondents from dance group (Me = 16). Their frequency of experiencing positive emotions is statistically higher than in the respondents from movement group (Me = 13).
This article presents a new type of dictionary – a linguistic-psychological dictionary reflecting structures of language, similar to dictionaries based on associations, but also reconstructing the mental and emotional states of an average user of the Russian language. It was compiled as a result of analyzing 15918 Russian adjectives from the perspective of their relationship with emotions originating in reference to various senses. The dictionary contains information on “the emotional load” of these adjectives, that is how pleasant or how unpleasant emotions a given adjective evokes. The analyzed lexemes were assessed by respondents on the scale of emotions: slightly (un)pleasant – moderately (un)pleasant – very (un)pleasant, which was marked with an appropriate number of pluses or minuses. It cannot be overestimated how useful such a dictionary and the information it contains are. Although it is believed that representatives of different cultures experience universal emotions, their quality and intensity hidden behind particular linguistic units can diverge between different cultural-linguistic communities. Emotions are conditioned socially, culturally, and historically; they play an important role in international communication. Thus when they are incompetently and mistakenly interpreted, this can disturb dialogue between various cultures and even lead to conflicts. In the article, considering equivalents cygarowy/сигарный, differences in the evaluation of these adjectives in Polish and Russian are presented, illustrating the need to look for emotionally adequate translation equivalents when rendering them.
In our article we will try to answer the following questions: how do the teachers in the pedagogical centres and the primary schools cope with the negative emotions? What kind of techniques and strategies do the teachers use to manage their emotions in difficult situations? The theoretical background constitutes Arlie Hochschild’s theory and conception of Theodore D. Kemper. We consider whether teachers’ demonstration of emotions during their work (teaching process) is a method to achieve a fixed goal or rather a random behavior and whether an emotional expression is some instrumental operation or an accidental one? Can emotional work be considered by teachers? Do people who embody in the teacher’s role simultaneously accept the rules of behavior, including emotional behavior? Finally, whether the emotions revealed in the teachers’ work are the result of possessed power and status? As the result of conducted research, teachers employed in educational institutions revealed negative emotions more rarely towards educational reforms than the teachers working in the public schools. The basis of this regularity stems from the fact that employed staff fulfill firstly the pedagogical and later educational function in the Reformatory and Youth Detention Centres. In public institutions such as primary schools the situation is opposite. Generally, we conclude that the longer the occupational experience of the teacher, the better strategy to deal with negative emotions. Young teachers used to rely on their older colleagues experience and reflections or use a trial-and-error-method to cope with the negative emotions at work.
Stress as an individual phenomenon is a specific kind of emotional experience usually associated with negativeemotions and analysed in their context. However, under certain circumstances stress may also trigger positive emotions; analysing a stressful situation and reflecting upon it may lead one to perceive benefits of stressful experience and undertake positive reappraisal of encountered difficulties. The author’s own empirical research reveals that a considerable percentage of children finishing their early-stage school education believe that it is possible to find something advantageous, good and positive in stressful situations full of negative emotions. Examples of such positive aspects of stress given by those children indicate that for some of them the developmental process that involves coping with difficult situations has already started. The children begin to act independently (analyse the difficult situation, talk about it, ask questions, check the effectiveness of strategies) in order to overcome difficulties and find their meaning in human existence.
The article describes the problems of psychosomatic illness in children, which is apparent more often at school, as can be shown by the case of Kasia described in the work. The human psyche plays the dominant role in the onset of the illness, and unresolved conflicts, traumas and negative emotions are especially important. A child suffering from psychosomatic pain suffers no less than a person with somatic pain, and the organ in pain symbolizes the child’s problem. How to read the symbols and how to help a child at school are among the questions raised in the article.
Artykuł porusza problematykę chorób psychosomatycznych u dzieci, które coraz częściej występują i przejawiają się w szkole, czego przykładem jest omówiony przypadek Kasi. W powstawaniu tego rodzaju schorzeń dominującą rolę odgrywa psychika, a szczególnie nierozwiązane konflikty, urazy i, wiążące się z nimi, niewyrażone negatywne emocje. Dziecko chore psychosomatycznie cierpi nie mniej niż chory somatycznie, a bolący narząd symbolicznie odnosi się do problemu, z jakim dziecko musi się zmierzyć. Jak odczytać tę symbolikę i w jaki sposób pomóc dziecku choremu psychosomatycznie w szkole, to jedna z kilku kwestii, poruszonych w tym artykule.
The contribution is an attempt to capture the major differences within the semantic category of emotions: anger, aggression, fear, sadness and submission, expressed in the somatic phraseologisms of the Italian and Polish languages. In addition to the theoretical considerations, the aim of the study is to establish which idiomatic expressions containing the names of body parts are used to verbalize certain emotional states. The observations are based on the analysis of the phraseological, practical, collocation and general dictionaries, thanks to which the differences relating primarily to the metaphorical conceptualization of the emotions under study become visible. The divergencies observed between the Italian and Polish somatic phraseologisms concern mainly the source domain that is necessary for a person to be able to understand and convey emotions that are often intangible, elusive and difficult to understand.
Il contributo costituisce un tentativo di individuare le maggiori differenze nell’ambito della categoria semantica delle emozioni di rabbia, aggressività, paura, tristezza e umiltà espresse nei fraseologismi somatici della lingua italiana e polacca. Oltre alle considerazioni teoriche, nel presente studio si intende stabilire quali espressioni idiomatiche, contenenti termini che indicano parti del corpo umano, vengono usate per verbalizzare determinati stati emotivi. Nelle osservazioni si analizzano le pagine dei dizionari fraseologici, pratici, quelli delle collocazioni e generali grazie ai quali si evidenziano le differenze anzitutto nell’ambito della concettualizzazione metaforica delle emozioni studiate. Le divergenze osservate tra i fraseologismi somatici italiani e polacchi concernono prima di tutto il dominio origine adoperato per capire e trasmettere emozioni che spesso risultano intangibili, sfuggevoli e difficili da capire.
The article focuses on the analysis of the language means of the negative emotions verbalization in modern publicistic texts in Ukrainian and English. A direct nomination of emotions, interjections, vulgar words, exclamatory marks, metaphors, negative particles are considered to be the main means of the negative emotions expression.
W artykule dokonano analizy sposobów wyrażania negatywnych emocji gniewu, nienawiści, oburzenia we współczesnych ukraińskich oraz angielskich tekstach publicystycznych. Bezpośrednia nominacja emocji, wyrazy-wykrzykniki, brutalna leksyka, znaki wykrzyknienia, metaforyczne przeniesienia, negatywnie zabarwione partykuły to środki wyrażenia negatywnych emocji.
The article presents the most important aspects of the issue of emotions and their expressing in Polish as a foreign language and in Polish culture as a foreign culture. The basic assumption adopted in the text is the need of teaching the ways of expressing emotions – including negative ones – in foreign languages and cultures. Learners are not sure whether they can communicate e.g. anger, nervousness or fear in a comprehensible and adequate way without knowledge about the possibilities of communicating psychological experiences. The issue has been set in an interdisciplinary context, taking into account the achievements of authors who perceive emotions in the context of the culture-language relationship. The possibilities of perceiving the issue of emotions in the glottodidactic process have been discussed. Author’s quantitative empirical research on the ability to recognize and express negative emotions by foreigners has also been described. Its results form the basis of the didactic implications formulated in the article. It has been emphasized in the recapitulation of the argument that there is a need to include the issue discussed in the text in the Polish-language glottodidactic process.
W artykule przedstawiono najważniejsze aspekty problematyki emocji i ich wyrażania w języku polskim jako obcym i w kulturze polskiej jako obcej. Podstawowe założenie przyjęte w tekście to istnienie potrzeby nauczania sposobów wyrażania emocji – również negatywnych – w językach i kulturach obcych. Bez wiedzy na temat możliwości komunikowania przeżyć psychicznych uczący się nie mają pewności, czy w sposób zrozumiały i adekwatny do sytuacji potrafią komunikować np. złość, zdenerwowanie czy strach. Zagadnienie osadzono w kontekście interdyscyplinarnym, uwzględniając dorobek autorów postrzegających emocje w kontekście relacji kultura – język. Omówiono możliwości rozpatrywania zagadnienia emocji w procesie dydaktycznym. Opisano autorskie badania empiryczne ilościowe dotyczące umiejętności rozpoznawania i wyrażania emocji negatywnych przez cudzoziemców. Ich wyniki stanowią podstawę sformułowanych w artykule implikacji dydaktycznych. W rekapitulacji wywodu podkreślono konieczność włączania omawianego w tekście zagadnienia w polonistycznym procesie glottodydaktycznym.
The article is an attempt to show the ‘cinematic reflections’ of contemporary, difficult motherhood that Western cinematography has recently noticed and depicted. The author of the text seeks to answer the question – how do selected films violate and deconstruct the patriarchal gender order in relation to motherhood? The text presents the results of a qualitative analysis of selected film images: We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011), Daughter (2021). The theoretical basis of the conducted research was the gender approach in social research and T. Scheff’s concept of guilt and shame.
Artykuł jest próbą ukazania „kinowych odzwierciedleń” współczesnego trudnego macierzyństwa, które w ostatnim czasie jest coraz częściej zauważane i przedstawiane przez zachodnią kinematografię. Autorka tekstu poszukuje odpowiedzi na pytanie – jak wybrane obrazy filmowe naruszają i dekonstruują patriarchalny porządek płci w odniesieniu do macierzyństwa? Tekst prezentuje wyniki jakościowej analizy wybranych obrazów filmowych: Musimy porozmawiać o Kevinie (2011), Córka (2021). Podstawę teoretyczną zrealizowanych badań stanowiły: podejście genderowe w badaniach społecznych oraz koncepcja winy i wstydu T. Scheffa.
The aim of the article is to show the influence of cultural patterns of motherhood on the ways of expressing emotions by women-mothers. It presents the results of the analysis of the Internet discourse on negative attitudes towards motherhood and/or child/children. The text is based on a qualitative analysis of the content – entries on blogs nieperfekcyjnie.pl, matkawygodna.pl, mamwatpliwosc.pl, the Internet group “I regret parenthood”. The theoretical basis is provided by the concepts included in the sociology of symbolic interactionism.
Artykuł ukazuje wpływ kulturowych wzorów macierzyństwa na sposoby wyrażania emocji przez kobiety-matki. Przedstawia wyniki analizy internetowego dyskursu na temat negatywnych postaw wobec macierzyństwa i/lub dzieci/potomstwa. Tekst bazuje na jakościowej analizie treści – wpisów na blogach nieperfekcyjnie.pl, matkawygodna.pl, mamwatpliwosc.pl, internetowej grupie „Żałuję rodzicielstwa”. Podstawę teoretyczną stanowią koncepcje zaliczane do nurtu socjologii interakcjonizmu symbolicznego.
Forum Pedagogiczne
vol. 11
issue 2
Stress and negative emotions connected with it evoke specific physiological and behavioural-cognitive reactions in individuals, which affect their functioning in various areas of life. The author studied and analyzed these reactions with respect to children of younger school age - third graders of primary school, their mothers and teachers. The analysis presented in the article is integrated into the context of family, school and peer environment of the children in question.
Stres i związane z nim negatywne emocje wywołują określone reakcje fizjologiczne i behawioralno-poznawcze u jednostek, rzutujące na ich funkcjonowanie w różnych obszarach życia. W artykule - na podstawie badań własnych  analiza tychże reakcji została odniesiona do dzieci w młodszym wieku szkolnym: uczniów trzecich klas szkoły podstawowej, ich matek oraz nauczycieli i wkomponowana w kontekst środowiska rodzinnego, szkolnego i rówieśniczego wspomnianych dzieci.
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