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The article presents problems, which are encountered by foreigners and native speakers when pronouncing and accentuating Polish numerals. The most common phonetic mistakes are described and the mechanism that leads to their occurance explained. The article concludes with a list of Polish numerals with their phonetic transcription, which shows their correct pronunciation – the one that should be considered as the model pronunciation in official statements and/or accepted in everyday speech.
Lingua Posnaniensis
vol. 53
issue 1
In this brief paper, it is argued that the initial *s- found in the Latin and perhaps Greek reflexes of the Indo-European adprep *uper(i) ‘over, above’ derives from blending with another adprep of the same meaning, *ser(i). Evidence is also presented for the creation of another blend involving these two forms, *sep-, which may underlie the Indo-European root for ‘7’. This latter assertion is strengthened by typological precedent.
The paper presents a formal account of sentences with a numeral-nominal subject and an adjectival complement, such as Tych pięciu facetów zostało zabitych ‘These five guys were killed’. The agreements in such sentences are highly idiosyncratic. To cope with them in the framework of a certain formal grammar of Polish, a number of extra means are proposed: special “numeral” realization of the nominal phrase in subject position, special “plural” adjectival complement, special rules that introduce the adjectival phrase in genitive, special valence frames for such strange phrases, and, finally, a special mechanism of interphrasal gender-number agreements. The paper argues for individual treatment of idiosyncrasies, instead of an artificial account in terms of general principles.
Description of inflected numeral types in Bulgarian (as applied in the work on a normative grammar) This article describes the principles of defining the types of inflected numerals in Bulgarian which are used in the work on a normative grammar of the language. The numerals are divided into types according to the form of the article, possibility of shifting the stress to the article and presence of two codified variants. Eight formal types of numerals are thus formed. Opis typów liczebników odmiennych w języku bułgarskim (jako część gramatyki normatywnej)W artykule opisano zasady definiowania typów liczebników odmiennych w języku bułgarskim, które zostały zaproponowane w pracy nad gramatyką normatywną. Liczebniki podzielono na typy według form rodzajnika, możliwości przesunięcia akcentu na rodzajnik i występowania dwóch skodyfikowanych wariantów. W ten sposób uzyskano osiem formalnych typów liczebników.
W artykule z okazji 95. rocznicy urodzin prof. Adama Supruna omówiono jego biografię, pracę zawodową i zainteresowania naukowe. Przedstawiono jego osiągnięcia i najważniejsze dzieła oraz szkołę naukową prof. Supruna.
The article is dedicated to the memory of Professor Adam Suprun on the 95th anniversary of his birth. It provides a brief overview of his biography, scholarly activities and research interests, and presents his main works and his school of thought.
In this study we offer a detailed synchronic and diachronic account of the hitherto un(der)- documented numeral systems of the four closely related (Eastern) Bantu language varieties: Ikoma, Nata, Ishenyi, and Ngoreme – together forming the Western Serengeti subgroup. We describe the essentially identical formation and organization of numerals in these language varieties while also noting the morphosyntactic behaviour of numeral expressions and their extended uses. Based on an extensive quantity of comparative data, we furthermore disentangle the historical background to the numerals and their systematization in Western Serengeti, connecting this specific linguistic domain with the wider genealogical profile of this subgroup.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest wykazanie, że – wbrew opiniom wyrażanym w słownikach, gramatykach, podręcznikach do nauki języka polskiego i pracach teoretycznych – narzędnikowe formy liczebników głównych kończące się na -u (np. pięciu) nie są we współczesnej polszczyźnie dystrybucyjnie równoważnymi wariantami form na -oma (np. pięcioma). Na podstawie danych z Narodowego Korpusu Języka Polskiego pokazano, że występowanie narzędnikowych form na -u jest w wypadku liczebników prostych ograniczone do konstrukcji przed X-u laty, podczas gdy formy na -oma są w pełni produktywne. Na potrzeby odróżnienia w opisie formalnym języka polskiego form występujących we frazemach (tj. szeroko rozumianych związkach frazeologicznych) od form w pełni produktywnych autor wprowadza kategorię frazemowość.
The aim of this article is to demonstrate that in contemporary Polish – contrary to the view expressed in dictionaries, grammars, Polish textbooks for foreigners and theoretical linguistic publications – instrumental forms of cardinal numerals ending in -u (e.g. pięciu ‘five’) are not in free variation with forms ending in -oma (e.g. pięcioma). On the basis of attested data drawn mainly from the National Corpus of Polish, it is shown that forms ending in -u, when used as simple numerals in instrumental positions, are limited to the construction przed X-u laty ‘X years ago’, while forms ending in -oma are fully productive. In order to distinguish, within a given lexeme, forms which may only occur in phrasemes (i.e. broadly understood phraseological expressions) from forms which occur productively, a new grammatical category is proposed: “phrasemity”.
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My jsme tři, jich je pět

The number “five” plays an important role in Czech. This is caused by the perception of the world by human brain. It can perceive particular elements as unconnected, individual, up to the amount of four, inclusive. Starting with the number five, the brain stops to differentiate such elements as individual; they merge and therefore the brain perceives the given set of elements globally as a whole. This is manifested both in the declension (the number five and higher numbers are followed by plural nouns in genitive) and in the use of certain expressions (“rok” [year], “léta” [years]) or phraseology.
V češtině hraje důležitou roli množství (počet) pět. Tato skutečnost souvisí s vnímáním okolního světa lidským mozkem. Ten je schopen vnímat jednotlivé prvky jako nespojité, individuální, do množství čtyři včetně. Počtem pět počínaje ovšem mozek přestává ony prvky rozlišovat jako jednotlivé, splývají mu, a proto pojímá příslušnou množinu globálně, jako celek. To se projevuje jak v deklinaci (po číslovce pět a vyšších následuje počítaný předmět v genitivu plurálu), tak v užívání některých výrazů (rok, léta) či ve frazeologii.
Nouns denoting quantity: The problem of terminology and classification The article presents the analysis of the terminological definition variants discussed in scientific literature and lexical units classifications like meter, bunch and wagon in such combinations as five meters of oilcloth, two bunches of parsley or three wagons of books. The difficulty in the terminological description is that this type of nouns that forms part of numerical expressions denotes neither quantity nor countable nouns, and also the double meaning of names offered to describe these units. The article justifies the choice of most adequate variants to describe these denotation nouns (nouns denoting quantity) and analyses the variants of possible classification of this group of lexical units.
Оkreślnik ilościowy. Problem terminologii i klasyfikacji W artykule poddano analizie proponowane w literaturze naukowej warianty określeń, terminologii i klasyfikacji takich leksemów, jak metr, pęczek, wagon w połączeniach typu: pięć metrów ceraty, dwa pęczki pietruszki, trzy wagony książek. Trudność opisania wskazanej terminologii wynika z tego, że po pierwsze — dany typ rzeczowników, wchodzący w skład wyrażeń ilościowych, nie jest określeniem ilości liczonych przedmiotów, a po drugie — jednostki służące do opisania ilości są niejednoznaczne. W artykule uzasadniono wybór najlepszego opisu dla tej grupy rzeczowników (określników ilościowych) oraz przeanalizowano różne warianty możliwej klasyfikacji danej grupy leksemów.
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Numeralia – pars orationis?

The author discerns three types of semantic units formalized in the lexical fund of the natural languages: predicates, shifters and proper names. She discusses the position of numerals as situated between predicates and shifters and concludes that they should be treated as predicates.
Autorka wyróżnia trzy typy jednostek semantycznych sformalizowanych w zasobie leksykalnym języków naturalnych: orzeczenia, shiftersy i nazwy własne. Omówiona zostaje przez autorkę pozycja liczebników umiejscowionych pomiędzy orzeczeniem i shiftersami, które powinny być traktowane jako orzeczenia.
Gwary Dziś
vol. 7
Composite numerals in Polish dialects and German linguistic influence
The study investigates the possible identity of Vladimír Vašek (= Petr Bezruč), author of Silesian Songs and The Blue Underwing, and Pavel Hrzánský, who authored Poems: Opus no. 5, a book of verse bearing some similarities to the future development of Vašek’s poetic self. The research is carried out via a novel authorship attribution method based on the investigation of numbers and numerals. This new investigation is complemented by the standardly employed MFC and MFW analyses. All the inquiries corroborate that Vašek’s authorship of Hrzánský’s poems is implausible. If the Hrzánský−Bezruč link is to be maintained in liter
While most attention is generally paid to lexical (autosemantic) words, the goal of this paper is to map grammatical (or synsemantic) words which have been largely neglected. The specific aim is to look into combinations of all types of grammatical words whose common feature, though they are widely different in most other respects, is their auxiliary role with regard to lexical words. This auxiliary role is to be viewed as having two functional interpretations: grammatical words may be seen either as linkers (serving as links between lexical words) or as substitutes or pro-forms (replacing lexical words in text to avoid their repetition in general). Since until now most authors have paid attention to various word classes in this area (see Bibliography), this paper focuses on the possibilities of their roles as substitutes and the limitations of their combinations with one another, a subject hardly ever mentioned, let alone researched. The investigation, involving pronouns and numerals, is based on a large corpus of Czech (SYN2010). Because of their special character and function, interjections are loosely added to the bulk of the grammatical words. It is shown that, contrary to simplified expectations, most grammatical words have a life of their own, i.e. they combine with each other and form collocations independently of lexical words.
The present contribution deals with the grammatical category of number in Czech nouns. On the basis of empirical investigation, we propose the introduction of a new semantic distinction within the forms of nouns, namely the distinction of a simple quantitative meaning versus a pair/group meaning. There are nouns in Czech that typically refer to a pair or to a (commonly encountered) group of entities, not merely to a large amount of these entities (e.g. ruce ‘arms’, vlasy ‘hair’, or sirky ‘matches’). These nouns are combined with set numerals rather than with the basic ones. In the paper, we argue that the above mentioned subcategorization is grammaticalized. A brief outline of the expressions of the pair/group meaning in Czech as compared to some other languages (German, English, Slavonic) is also provided.
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Kolikátý je mezi čtvrtým a pátým?

Naše řeč (Our Speech)
vol. 93
issue 3
The article discusses the formation, collocations, meanings, and spelling of ordinal numbers derived from numbers which are rational but not whole, namely from n a půl (n and a half). The analysis is based primarily on corpus data and partly on internet research.
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Obojí, oboje, obé, všechno

Naše řeč (Our Speech)
vol. 94
issue 4
The incongruent deictic words obojí, oboje, obé and všechno are parallel to the congruent forms oba, obojí, oboje, obé and všechen. Whereas in Czech monolingual dictionaries všechno-všechen are interpreted as two units, obojí, oboje (congruent) and obojí, oboje, obé (incongruent) do not have a separate intepretation, but should. In most cases, the quantification expressed by the incongruent forms obojí, oboje, obé - in contrast to obojí, oboje (congruent), všechno, všechen and other words with quantificational function - relates to textual positions, not to the external reality.
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