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The decision regarding the abolition of compulsory schooling for six-year olds has practically been made. The Ministry of Education argues that it is following the people’s will, who protested against the lowering of first graders’ age. Personally, I would prefer if the officials used different arguments, even if they resulted in the same decision. Educational reforms should have educational basics or other important social aims, and should not be a part of the public image of the officials. In order to refer to the plan of moving six-year olds back to the nursery, it is vital to understand two things. Namely, what scientific studies reveal about the age when children start the education, and also, what we know about the effects of the Polish reform.
W związku z rosnącym zainteresowaniem edukacją domową jako alternatywną formą realizacji obowiązku szkolnego wzrasta potrzeba prowadzenia systematycznych badań naukowych mających na celu zapewnienie rzetelnych danych na jej temat. O ile na świecie tego typu studia prowadzone są od dłuższego czasu z wykorzystaniem różnych strategii badawczych i zorientowanych na badanie różnych aspektów tej formy, o tyle w Polsce jest ich zdecydowanie mniej. W artykule podjęto próbę dokonania systematycznego przeglądu polskich studiów empirycznych publikowanych w recenzowanych czasopismach naukowych. W celu znalezienia odpowiedniej literatury opracowano strategię wyszukiwania, którą następnie wdrożono w wielu bazach danych. W efekcie zidentyfikowano tylko kilka prac, które spełniały przyjęte warunki i które poddano analizie. Autorzy skomentowali także w artykule uwarunkowania stwierdzonego stanu rzeczy oraz implikacje odnośnie do dalszych prac.
Due to the growing interest in home education as an alternative form of realization of compulsory schooling, the need for systematic research to ensure reliable data on it is also growing. While in the world this type of studies has been carried out for a long time with the use of various research strategies aimed at analyzing various aspects of this form, there are definitely fewer of them in Poland. The article attempts to systematically review polish empirical studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. In order to find the relevant literature, a search strategy was developed and then implemented in many databases. As a result, several works were identified that met the adopted conditions and were analyzed. In the article the authors also discussed the conditions of the polish homeschooling research situation and the implications for further work.
Temat artykułu został sformułowany jako „Sytuacja dziecka rozpoczynającego naukę w szkole podstawowej”. Tematyka dotycząca podjęcia przez dzieci obowiązku szkolnego jest w bieżącej chwili bardzo popularna. W przypadku niektórych osób pojawiają się liczne obawy, czy na pewno pierwszoklasista poradzi sobie w szkole nie tylko ze stresem, ale i licznymi obowiązkami, które często są dla niego trudne do zaakceptowania. Artykuł ma charakter teoretyczno-badawczy. Przybliżono w nim terminologię występującą w tekście. Dokonano krótkiej charakterystyki sytuacji dziecka rozpoczynającego naukę w klasie pierwszej. Opisano postać współczesnego wychowawcy pracującego w szkole podstawowej. Zaprezentowano ideał nauczyciela, który powinien pracować z dziećmi w wieku przedszkolnym. Zwrócono uwagę na jego życzliwość do dzieci, pomysłowość, kreatywność, cierpliwość, pasję do wykonywanego zawodu oraz przyjazne nastawienie do rodziców swych podopiecznych. Przedstawiono również problematykę badawczą oraz przedmiot badań. Opisano metodę, technikę i narzędzia badawcze, a także dokonano charakterystyki miejsca przeprowadzonych badań oraz opisu badanych grup. Obszerna część artykułu to omówienie wyników badań własnych – analiza i interpretacja.
he subject of the article was formulated as ‘The situation of a child who started primary school’. The subject of the compulsory schooling is very popular at the moment. For some people, there is a great deal of doubt whether a first-grader will be able to cope at school not only with stress but also with many responsibilities that are often difficult for them to accept. The article is of a theoretical and research nature. The terminology found in the text is approximated. There is a brief description of the situation of a child who has started school in the first grade. A description of the contemporary educator working in elementary school in presented. An ideal teacher to work with preschool children is depicted. Attention was paid to their friendliness towards children, ingenuity, creativity, patience, passion for the profession and a friendly attitude towards the parents of their pupils. The research topics and the subject matter of the research are also presented. The method, technique and research tools are described as well as the characteristics of the place of the conducted research together with a description of the researched groups. A large part of the article is a discussion of the results of our own research―an analysis and interpretation.
Przedmiotem analizy jest upolitycznienie w polskim systemie szkolnym wieku obowiązku szkolnego w ramach wdrażanej przez ministerstwo edukacji od 2009 r. zmiany ustrojowej. Odpowiadam na pytanie, czy rzeczywiście sześciolatki są do tej zmiany gotowe, dojrzałe? Czy poradzą sobie w szkole, która konstruuje proces uczenia się w sposób już radykalnie odmienny od przedszkolnego? Problem nie sprowadza się bowiem do dojrzałości psychofizycznej, ale do dojrzałości instytucjonalnej i obowiązującego curriculum. Argumentacja władz edukacyjnych nie ma nic wspólnego z naukową, gdyż nie o wspieranie rozwoju dzieci chodziło w tej zmianie, ale o jak najwcześniejsze wypchnięcie absolwentów obowiązkowego szkolnictwa na rynek pracy. Wykazuję, jak powoływanie się przez władze na brytyjskie rozwiązania w tym zakresie służy jedynie manipulacji politycznej.
The analysis is based on the politicization of the age of compulsory school since 2009 in Poland. It was implemented in the framework of state system change by the Ministry of Education. In my work I answer the question whether six years old children are ready for this change and mature enough? Can they cope in schools, which lead the learning process in a way that is radically different from the pre-school education? The problem is not related only with the psychophysical maturity, but the maturity of the existing institutions and curriculum. Education authorities presents different point of view to scientifical approach, due to the fact that the main aim of this educational change was movement of compulsory education graduates into labor market as early as possible. It was not related with support of children’s development. I claim that quoting the British authorities solutions, by educational political authorities from our country, only serves to political manipulation.
The subject matter of this article was the right to education with a particular regard to the rights of the child being a pupil and his/her right to personal treatment in the teaching and the whole educational process, the right to the open and motivated assessment of the progress in learning, the right to impact the school life via local government activities, as well as the right to the freedom of conscience and religion, and the right to recognise and preserve the national identity in the teaching process. The issue of pupil’s responsibilities, and in particular compulsory schooling and compulsory education, have also been raised. The article defi ned the right to education and placed it among other acts of international law – the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, as well as the Convention on the Rights of the Child, known as the World Constitution of the Rights of the Child. In addition to the nature of the right to education, the subject matter of the consideration was also the principles and guarantees of its implementation, contained in the Basic Law. Their analysis led to the conclusion about the limited nature of the right of parents to bring up the child according to their own convictions, the implementation of which should be compatible with the welfare of the child and the constitutionally guaranteed right to receive education. An analysis of the regulations applicable in the prescribed scope statutory, and in particular in terms of universal and equal access to education have also been discussed. The refl ections presented in the article have been enriched with case law examples and judgments delivered by the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, the Supreme Court, and the Common Courts. The analysis of the existing legal references, the doctrine, and the case law has allowed to reach a conclusion on the fundamental nature of the right to education, the implementation of which conditions the development of an individual and the full use of its rights.
In 1774, state authorities in Austria and its crownland Galicia introduced compulsory elementary education for children. The aim of the article is to show the conditions and the degree of fulfillment of educational obligations by the plebeians living in Galicia. For this purpose, the situation in the Latin Diocese of Przemysl was analysed. The compulsory school system was intended for children from peasant and bourgeois families. In order to implement it, state institutions issued several legal acts. Nevertheless, attendance in almost all compulsory schools was low throughout the analyzed period. The problem was particularly striking in rural schools. Peasants did not want to send their children to school. They did not see the benefits of education. They preferred to employ children on their farms or send them to other people for gainful employment. Children often went to school only at certain times of the year or regularly left school during the school year. In towns, too, the degree of fulfillment of school duties was quite unsatisfactory. In general, boys had a better attendance record than girls. In spite of the compulsory character of schools, state authorities often did not enforce educational obligations.
W artykule podjęto problem sytuacji dziecka rozpoczynającego naukę w szkole podstawowej. Ukazano szeroką debatę, jaka rozpoczęła się – i w zasadzie trwa nadal – nad problemem wieku dziecka, które powinno być objęte obowiązkiem szkolnym. Przywołano argumenty zarówno zwolenników, jak i przeciwników rozpoczynania edukacji szkolnej w wieku sześciu lat. Opisano szczególnie istotne dla tej debaty założenia reformy oświaty z 30 sierpnia 2013 roku wraz z jej nowelizacjami. Przedstawiono wyniki badań ankietowych, jakie zostały przeprowadzone w lutym 2016 roku w jednej z niepublicznych szkół podstawowych w Tarnowie wśród nauczycieli i rodziców oraz płynące z nich wnioski i postulaty. Zwrócono również uwagę na społeczny wymiar decyzji o rozpoczęciu przez dziecko obowiązku szkolnego i na konieczność kształtowania dobrej współpracy między rodzicami a szkołą.
The article revolves around the issue of most advantageous age at which a child should enter primary school. This debate concerns the age at which a child should be subject to compulsory education. Arguments of both supporters and opponents of starting the education at the age of 6 have been presented in the article. Moreover, guidelines of the educational reform from the 30th of August, 2013 with amendments have been described. The article presents the results, conclusions and statements of questionnaires conducted among parents and teachers in February 2016 in a private primary school in Tarnów. Moreover, attention has been drawn to the social aspect of the decision about starting compulsory education and the necessity of shaping good cooperation between parents and schools.
The article “Deletion of a student from the list of pupils and school duty” presents the problem of student relocation or relegation. This is a complex problem. The final solution depends on many factors. The basic ones are the type of school as well as the age of the student, which in turn is associated with the concept of compulsory schooling and the obligation to learn. Taking into account the fact that the transfer, and the more the removal of the student from the school, causes specific legal decisions, it is worth to familiarize the school community with the premises and consequences of these activities.
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