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Konsekwencją zmiany granic państwa polskiego po II wojnie światowej był trwający kilka lat proces przesiedlania ludności. Swoistym tyglem ludnościowym stały się Ziemie Zachodnie i Północne, na które przybywały transporty z Kresów Wschodnich, z Polski centralnej i Małopolski oraz emigranci państw zachodnich. Ziemie te opuszczali Niemcy. Nie bez znaczenia były kształtujące się na tym terenie stosunki ludnościowe. W trudnych powojennych warunkach procesy integracyjne następowały bardzo powoli i niewątpliwie duży wpływ na ich przebieg posiadało duchowieństwo katolickie. W niniejszym przedłożeniu ukazano politykę państwa wobec Kościoła katolickiego w latach 1945 –1951 oraz problem organizacji polskiej administracji kościelnej na Dolnym Śląsku. Zaprezentowano także zaangażowanie duchowieństwa katolickiego w organizowanie życia polskiego na tym terenie.
The consequence of change of the boundaries of the Polish state after World War II was lasting for a few years the process of resettlement of population. A peculiar melting pot of population became Western and Northern Territories, to which arrived transports from the Eastern borderlands, from Central Poland and Malopolska and immigrants from the western countries. German people were leaving these lands. Another important factor was relationship between people within this area. In the difficult postwar conditions, the integration processes came very slowly and undoubtedly a big impact on their course had the Catholic clergy. In this presentation the state policy with regard to the Catholic Church in the years 1945 –1951 and the problem of the organization of Polish church administration in Lower Silesia were shown. It was presented also involvement of the Catholic clergy in organization of Polish life within this area.
Artykuł porusza problem ewolucji socjologii miasta w ostatnim pięćdziesięcioleciu. Tłem do prezentacji różnych poglądów i nurtów socjologicznych są zachodzące zmiany społeczne, ujęte w trzy okresy. Pierwszy to rekonstrukcja gospodarki i miast zniszczonych w wyniku działań wojennych. W drugim okresie rozwoju gospodarczego (lata 1955-1975) formułowano liczne modele państwa dobrobytu, ale przede wszystkim następowały procesy suburbanizacji i metropolizacji, a także poprawy warunków mieszkaniowych w miastach. Trzeci okres (1975-2000) przejawia się pogłębianiem różnic społecznych, konfliktami miejskimi i polaryzacją, zarówno regionalną, jak i wewnątrz ośrodków miejskich.
This paper is a comparative study of main social theories of urban development in the last fifty tears. The author presents various approaches and social theories from across the world. He divides the after-war period into three phases according to the profound social changes. the first one covers the years of ending the post-war reconstruction of economy, infrastructure and cities damaged by the war. the second phase includes "the golden years" between approximately 1955 and 1975, when the formation of different types of welfare state, but mainly the urban population growth, suburbanization and metropolization processes and improvement of living conditions and urbanities took place. the third phase, covering the years between 1975 and 2000, is marked by the first signs of the decline of the welfare state accompanied by deepening social inequalities increasing urban poverty, marginalization of some groups of the population, political radicalization and urban conflicts as well as by urban and regional polarization.
Nowe społeczności lokalne, powstałe po II wojnie światowej na tzw. Ziemiach Odzyskanych, potrzebowały wielu lat, by wytworzyć więzi i zagospodarować obce im zupełnie środowiska. Artykuł omawia zachodzące wówczas zjawiska. Publikację Autor podzielił na dziewięć rozdziałów, w których opisuje najistotniejsze zagadnienia i procesy przejmowania Ziem Odzyskanych przez polskich osadników. Autor uwzględnił m. in. dramat ucieczki i wysiedlania ludności niemieckiej, rządy sowieckich komendantów wojennych, katastrofalny w skutkach szaber, niezwykle istotny społecznie proces polonizacji nazewnictwa, podziemną działalność niepodległościową oraz tworzenie pierwszych organów administracji lokalnej. Artykuł wieńczy obfita bibliografia oraz wykaz źródeł archiwalnych i wspomnień bezpośrednich świadków historii.
It took many years for the new local communities that were formed after the World War II on so called Recovered Territories to form bonds between one another and develop the environment that used to be completely unfamiliar for them. The article ‟The formation process of Polish local community in Siciny in Lower Silesia in the years 1945–1956” written by Paweł Wróblewski, addresses the events occurring at that time. The publication is divided into nine chapters in which the author describes the most significant issues and processes of acquisition of the Recovered Territories by Polish settlers. In his paper, Wróblewski included, among others, the tragedy connected with the escape and expulsion of the German inhabitants, the soviet war commendats’ reign, disastrous looting, extremely important in social context process of giving Polish place names, underground independence movement and the formation of first local administration authorities. The article ends with rich bibliography, a list of archives and memories of direct witnesses to history.
After the Second World War, Poland underwent the process of Sovietisation. The entire activity of the new authority was confined to the collectivization of agriculture and the fight with the Church. It is true that in the years 1944-1947 the authorities adopted a relatively liberal policy towards the Church, which did not exclude, however, repression against clandestine activities of the clergy, and even assassinations. Soon, an open dispute arose between the authorities and the Episcopate, which was caused, among other things, by the cancellation of the concordat, the decree establishing the obligation of civil marriages and authorities’ interference in the church administration on the Recovered Territories (Western and Northern part of Poland). The communist authorities denounced the Catholic clergy for pathological hostility towards communism and post-war reality. Without good reason, they accused the Church of using the pulpit and confessional in this fight and supporting anti-communist underground. The period of severe repression against the Church lasted in the years 1948-1955 . It was the period of arrests, trials and bishops’ removal from their dioceses. To fight with the Church, the authorities created a separate Department IV in the Ministry of Home Affairs, whose structure survived until the fall of the Communism. The whole clergy was under control. Their activities were documented in the fi les of the operational records; from 1963 each clerical student joining the seminary had his fi le. The authorities also restricted the activities of the Catholic University of Lublin and created the Academy of Catholic Theology from the departments in Krakow and Warsaw. In addition, seminarists were obliged to do military service, the aim of which was to disorganize the teaching at the seminary. To settle the conflict in relations between the state and the Church, the Mixed Commission was established at the initiative of. Its purpose was to resolve conflict issues. In fact, despite the signed agreement, the communist authorities did not keep their commitments from the beginning. They started subversive activities in the Church, forming the movement of the “patriotic priests” attached to The Society of Fighters for Freedom and Democracy. They were given, among other things, the stolen property of the charitable church organization “Caritas”. Throughout the whole period of the Communism in Poland (1944-1989) the authorities used repression against 704 diocesan priests and 211 monks. Repressive measures of the Communists against the Church, which lasted from the end of the Second World War to 1989, are part of the martyrdom of the Catholic Church in the 20th century. In the following years only the methods and means changed in the fight with the Church, the essence remained always the same-to remove religion from public life.
The report about condition of Catholic Church on Lithuania and Western Belorussia from 1947 by Michael Sopoćko tries to fill up the vacancy in the research over position of Church in the USSR after second world war. The description of the persecutions of the Church, prepared by the Vilnius priest, is direct relation by the witness of these events. The report presents important contribution for knowledge of history of Catholic Church on advisable terrains.
The article presents the origins, development and liquidation of the Jewish cooperative movement in Poland after the Second World War. It outlines the socio-political background, which contributed to the creation of a kind of national-cultural autonomy for the Jews, including one of its pillars - the cooperative movement. The functioning of cooperative institutions was analyzed for the structure of the industry, distribution and their number, and the number of workers employed there. I also assessed the role that their own cooperatives played in the reconstruction of post-war life of the Jewish population in Poland, both in the material as well as social and psychological fields, and also in the development of the cooperative movement in general.
W artykule przedstawiono genezę, rozwój i likwidację żydowskiego ruchu spółdzielczego w Polsce po drugiej wojnie światowej Nakreślono uwarunkowania społeczno-polityczne, które przyczyniły się utworzenia swoistej autonomii narodowo-kulturalnej dla Żydów, w tym jednego z jej filarów – spółdzielczości Funkcjonowanie placówek spółdzielczych analizowano pod kątem struktury branżowej, rozmieszczenia oraz liczby ich i pracowników w nich zatrudnionych Dokonano również oceny roli, jaką własne spółdzielnie odegrały w odbudowie powojennego życia ludności żydowskiej w Polsce, zarówno w sferze materialnej, jak i społecznej oraz psychologicznej, a także w rozwoju ruchu spółdzielczego w ogóle.
Studia Żydowskie. Almanach
vol. 6
issue 6
The article recalls the genesis and course of the Israeli-Arab conflict in 60. including the Six Day War and attitudes of the Polish Emigration in London towards the events. Author of the article compares the anti-Semitic policy of the communist government in Poland with attitudes of the pro-independent Polish Emigration in London. The Polish emigration milieus stand firmly on the Israeli side.
Artykuł przypomina genezę i przebieg konfliktu izraelsko-arabskiego w latach 60., w tym Wojnę Sześciodniową oraz stosunek emigracji polskiej w Londynie do wydarzeń. Autor artykułu porównuje antysemicką politykę władz komunistycznych w Polsce z postawami proniepodległościowej Emigracji Polskiej w Londynie. Polskie środowiska emigracyjne zdecydowanie stoją po stronie izraelskiej.
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The Silence of Judaica

"The National Library of Poland holds a vast collection of Yiddish prints, both pre and post-war, issued mainly in contemporary and former territories of Poland. Thanks to the effort of the Library and years of digitizing the material, about 25 thousand Yiddish newspaper issues, hundreds of books, posters and leaflets were published online and made available for free at the Library’s digital library polona.pl. Although the researcher’s dream has not yet been fulfilled and the Yiddish OCR system has not yet been implemented in polona.pl, Yiddish scholars in Poland received a powerful and user-friendly research tool. Furthermore, by publishing scans of newspapers from big cities and smaller towns, polona.pl has revealed a forgotten or suppressed multi-linguistic and social landscape of pre-war Poland. Even if some Poles living in, for instance, present day town of Chełm knew about their town’s rich Jewish history and its importance in Jewish folklore already ten or so years ago, the image was surely vague. Today, by a single click, one can literally immerse oneself into the world of pre-war Polish-Jewish reality of a small town and – even withoutunderstanding Yiddish, but simply by browsing the papers and reading Polish fragments appearing there from time to time – find out that it was more complex than one might think [...]".
The Jewish minority in Poland after 1989 is a small, well-educated community of a few thousand people, most of them with a dual Jewish and Polish national identity, mainly secular. Despite their small numbers, Jews in Poland have an extensive organizational life. Indeed, the cultural, religious and educational life of this small community is quite well organized and visible. Every year there are many Jewish cultural events, which bring closer the history and culture of the Polish Jews. There are a few titles of Jewish press and private Jewish schools.
Mniejszość żydowska w Polsce po 1989 roku to niewielka, kilkutysięczna, dobrze wykształcona społeczność, w większości o podwójnej tożsamości narodowej żydowskiej i polskiej, głównie świeckiej. Mimo niewielkiej liczebności Żydzi w Polsce mają bogate życie organizacyjne. Rzeczywiście, życie kulturalne, religijne i edukacyjne tej małej społeczności jest dość dobrze zorganizowane i widoczne. Każdego roku odbywa się wiele żydowskich wydarzeń kulturalnych, które przybliżają historię i kulturę polskich Żydów. Istnieje kilka tytułów prasy żydowskiej i prywatnych szkół żydowskich.
Writing about the annihilation of the unprecedented concentration of Jews in Poland, spurred by the unparalleled brutality of German perpetrators, we should also add that in the shadow of the Holocaust, and often hand-in-hand with its main architects, numerous members of Polish society also committed acts of aggression and terror. The most terrifying scale of acts of collective violence against the Jewish population broke out mainly in those areas captured by the Germans (Podlasie, especially its part between Grajew and Łomża, and eastern Galicia), which until mid-1941 were occupied by the Soviet Union. A wave of anti-Jewish terror has arrived in Radziłów on July 7. In the three-day pogrom – preceded by the campaign of destroying Torah scrolls and humiliating Jews (including shaving them) initiated by the Germans on July 25, 1941 – local Poles, using the approval from German gendarmes, gathered most of their Jewish neighbours to a barn and burned them there, while the others were caught and killed in different ways. The number of murdered Jews is estimated at 600. This former city did not, however, become a place of remembrance of the execution committed by Polish Christians on their Jewish neighbours. The monument commemorating their martyrdom still bears an inscription: “In August of 1941, the fascists murdered 800 people of Jewish nationality, they burnt 500 of these people in the barn. Honour their memory". The approaching end of the Second World War and the inevitable defeat of Hitler’s Germany did not mean the end of the drama of Jews in the Polish lands. In areas abandoned by German occupation forces, many survivors, often homeless, lonely and frightened, struggling with trauma and pain after the loss of their relatives, experienced further violence. Those guilty of crimes were usually not identified, and even if their identity was established, the acts they had committed did not prevent them in contemporary Poland from being granted the honour of being in the pantheon of the heroes of history written by the national majority (e.g. Józef Kuraś, pseudonym Ogień, responsible for the murders in Podhale). In the opinion of many researchers (among others, A. Całej, H. Datner, D. Engel, A. Skibińska, A. Żbikowski), the war did not contribute in the slightest to softening or discrediting the prejudice of Poles towards Jews. Anti-Jewish stereotypes turned out to be permanent. It did not cause any compassion for the victims of the Holocaust, nor solidarity with them within the society at large. As Irena Hurwic-Nowakowska argued, some part of it considered “the extermination of Jews” as “quite normal” conduct, a continuation of the “values and concepts” “implanted” during the occupation. In turn, the places of many traumatic events, marked by the suffering and death of the Holocaust survivors, have not become points that would spark remembrance in local or supralocal communities. They have arranged themselves, “spread out” into another postwar layer of “burial”, without a “definite place” to lay flowers, meditate or stop. There have been only few commemorations in space of so many cases of post-war violence against Jews. The establishment of a place of remembrance usually happened in relations to those crimes that: had the largest number of victims, occurred in larger cities, have been precisely located and, due to this baggage of characteristics, have been scientifically described (e.g. the Kielce pogrom of July 1946). It should be assumed that these at least 200 places of crimes against the survivors – this approximate number shows that a clear figure is impossible to arrive at this early stage of research – will never be remembered in any form. In striving to identify these tragic points in the historical time-space, it should be of primary importance to make them parts of the collective consciousness. It is therefore paramount that the locations of these events become places of focus for dramatic Jewish histories, assume characteristics that would transform them into carriers of memory of the victims. They should become the attachment points for the local, and non-local, identity (a source of realisation that it happened in this particular town, or its vicinity, here, no matter how hard it is now to say where exactly).
Wieńcząca drugą wojnę światową klęska hitlerowskich Niemiec nie oznaczała kresu dramatu Żydów na ziemiach polskich. Jeszcze przed zakończeniem największego w dziejach świata konfliktu na terenach opuszczonych przez okupacyjne wojska niemieckie wielu ocalałych z Holokaustu, często bezdomnych, osamotnionych i wylęknionych, nadal doznawało przemocy. Upamiętnienia w przestrzeni doczekały się tylko niektóre spośród wielu ofiar (i aktów) powojennego terroru antyżydowskiego. Podobnie zresztą w nikłym stopniu formą publicznej komemoracji objęte zostały wcześniejsze, wojenne przypadki kolektywnych mordów dokonanych na Żydach przez polskich chrześcijan. Gdy jednak już doszło do topograficznego oznaczenia informacji o aktach rozgrywającego się w cieniu Holokaustu dramatu, nie przywracano na ogół pełnej prawdy o sprawcach (ich proweniencji etnicznej czy osadzeniu terytorialnym) oraz przebiegu tych wydarzeń.
The influence of the US on the forms and course of the integration processes in Western Europe was very strong, especially in the first post-war years. It was the influence of an external force which, being free of the internal contradictions stemming from Western Europe’s interests, had at its disposal real capabilities to impose integration concepts beneficial to itself. Such integration was in line with both the economic and military interests of the United States during this period. The main reasons prompting Western European countries in the first post-war years to accept the solutions suggested by the United States were: the said countries’ difficult economic situation, fear of the communist parties’ coming to power, and the reluctant (hostile) attitude towards the USSR and the communist bloc. The combination of these causes served to temporarily neutralize the centrifugal tendencies and muted the divergence of interests between the individual countries of Western Europe. Such motives of integration also influenced the character of the emerging Western European political, military and economic organizations. The economic development of Western European countries, whose sources, in addition to the Marshall Plan, should be seen also in other factors, later led to a shift of integration initiatives from the American side to the European one. From a formal point of view, the effects of US policy in the period up to 1950 entailed: the establishment of NATO, the creation of the OEEC and the signing of the agreement on the EUP.
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