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Przedmiotem artykułu jest stosunek mieszkańców Włocławka i okolic do problemu zasadności kary śmierci. Autorka odwołuje się do badań socjologów, filozofów oraz teologów i drobiazgowo rekonstruuje sam fenomen kary głównej. Omawia pokrótce jego historię, genezę, aspekty filozoficzne i religijne. Następnie ukazuje – na przykładzie samodzielnie przeprowadzonych badań (ankieta) – stosunek społeczeństwa Włocławka i okolic do problemu. Jednocześnie autorka zastanawia się, jakie czynniki mają zasadniczy wpływ na kształtowanie się poglądów człowieka dotyczących tej kwestii.
The subject of the article is an attitude of Włocławek society towards the death penalty issue. The author refers to sociological, philosophical and theological researches and reconstructs precisely the phenomenon of the capital punishment. She analyses its history, genesis, as well as philosophical and religious aspects. Furthermore she shows – using an example of her own research (questionnaire) – an attitude of Włocławek community towards the problem. At the same time the author figures out which conditions influence on opinions in this particular matter.
The aim ofthe paper is to present opinions of citizens and political leaders on issues ofmetropolitan governance in Greater Poznań area. It is based on empirical findings from 1) public opinion survey conducted among over 1000 residents of city of Poznań and 20 suburban municipalities and 2) interviews with most important politicians of Greater Poznań, acting at local, regional and national level.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie postaw społecznych oraz nastawienia liderów politycznych wobec problemów integracji zarządzania terytorialnego w Aglomeracji Poznańskiej. W pracywykorzystano wyniki badań ankietowych wśród ponad 1 tys. mieszkańców Poznania i 20 gmin podmiejskich oraz wnioski z wywiadów bezpośrednich przeprowadzonych z najważniejszymi politykami Aglomeracji, działającymi naszczeblu lokalnym, regionalnym i krajowym.
Człowiek spędza średnio około 80% swego życia w mieszkaniu. Dobre warunki mieszkaniowe mają również kluczowe znaczenie dla atrakcyjności danego miasta, jego aglomeracji i komfortu życia ich mieszkańców. W poniższym tekście autorki skupiły się na dwóch podstawowych zagadnieniach – po pierwsze, jak prezentują się warunki mieszkaniowe w małych miastach w Polsce ‒ za jeden z celów postawiono analizę zmian warunków mieszkaniowych w małych miastach Polski w latach 2004–2010. Za małe miasta przyjęto ośrodki zamieszkane przez mniej niż 10 tys. mieszkańców (posiadające prawa miejskie oraz odpowiednią liczbę ludności zarówno w 2004, jak i w 2010 roku). W analizach zmian warunków mieszkaniowych w małych miastach Polski wykorzystano cechy odnoszące się do wielkości mieszkań, ich wyposażenia w poszczególne instalacje techniczno-sanitarne, jak również do ich zaludnienia. W efekcie przeprowadzonych analiz statystycznych wyodrębniono 5 grup miast, różniących się stopniem wyposażenia w infrastrukturę oraz dynamiką ich zmian. Drugim postawionym w artykule celem jest charakterystyka warunków mieszkaniowych w skali wewnątrzmiejskiej, dokonana na przykładzie Uniejowa, małego miasta zlokalizowanego w województwie łódzkim oraz poznanie opinii mieszkańców tego ośrodka na temat oceny ich warunków mieszkaniowych. Uniejów postrzegany w ostatnich latach jako „miasto sukcesu” może bowiem stanowić punkt odniesienia dla innych miast pod kątem analizowanych parametrów. Analiza zagadnienia pozwala na uzyskanie odpowiedzi, w jakim stopniu sukces ekonomiczny miasta przekłada się na postrzeganie warunków mieszkaniowych jego mieszkańców.
Humans spend an average of 80% of their lives in their households. Good housing conditions are crucial for the attractiveness of the city, its urban area and quality of life of their inhabitants. In the following text, the author focuses on two basic issues. Firstly, living conditions in small Polish towns are examined. One of the aims of this article is analysis of changes in the housing conditions of small Polish towns in the years 2004‒2010. Urban centres inhabited by less than 10 000 people are regarded as small towns (having civic rights and an adequate population in the year 2004 and in 2010). The analysis of changes in housing conditions in small Polish towns takes into account the size of the apartments, their technical and sanitary conditions, and the number of occupants. As a result, 5 groups of towns have been identified, differing in the level of infrastructure and the rate of changes. The second aim of this article is to characterize housing conditions in a small town on the example of Uniejów, a town located in the voivodeship of Łódź, and to present opinions of the residents of this town about the housing conditions. Uniejów is seen as a town of success in recent years and may indeed serve as a reference for other cities as regards the parameters analysed. The above analysis shows to what degree the economic success of a city translates into the perception of housing conditions by its residents.
W badaniach porównywano postawy wobec dyskalkulii rozwojowej (DR) u nauczycieli przedmiotów ścisłych (NPS) (n = 36) i humanistycznych (NPH) (n = 36) na różnych szczeblach nauczania i z różnym stażem pracy. Zastosowano: Skalę Postaw Wobec Dyskalkulii Rozwojowej i Kwestionariusz Aprobaty Społecznej (KAS). Badani NPS nie różnili się istotnie od NPH pod względem postaw wobec DR w obrębie aspektu emocjonalnego, poznawczego i behawioralnego. Nie wystąpiły różnice w postawach na poszczególnych szczeblach nauczania. NPS i NPH nie różnili się też postawami wobec DR ze względu na staż pracy. Uzyskane wyniki są podobne do wyników badań nad dysleksją. W obu badaniach osoby badane odznaczały się przeciętną wiedzą na temat ocenianych zaburzeń, a ich stosunek do osób z zaburzeniami okazał się zadowalający.
The research compared the attitudes towards developmental dyscalculia (DD) of science teachers (ST) (n = 36) and humanities teachers (HT) (n = 36) at different levels of teaching and with different length of service. The following were applied: The Scale of Attitudes Towards Developmental Dyscalculia and the Social Approval Questionnaire (SAQ). The studied ST did not differ significantly from HT in terms of attitudes within emotional, cognitive and behavioural aspects. There were no differences in attitudes at particular levels of teaching. ST and HT did not show differences in attitudes towards DD due to the length of service. The results are similar to the results of dyslexia research. In both studies the researched persons presented the average knowledge on the assessed disorders, and their attitudes towards persons with disorders were satisfactory.
Basically, the study concers three  problems. Firstly, an attempt was made to explain the mechanism which led to the results obtained by other authors. They found a supposedly most rigorous attitude of the Polish society towards law breakers, which was to become manifest in the demands for relentless and severe punishment of such persons. This highly rigorous attitude has been confirmed in the present study too, yet only in answers to questions drawn up as generally as those put by the mentioned authors. As the level of abstractness of the questions is lowered, the rigorous attitude diminishes, which finds expression, among others, in the disapproval of a number of penalties applied by regulation during the execution of imprisonment.       Secondly  the attitude of the local community was presented not only towards prisoners, but also towards prison einployees. As compared with many other occupations, the prestige of prison employees is rather low, yet in spite of a certain social isolation, their general opinion is not negative. It is also worthy of attention that the sense of social distance between prisoners and community was les marked than expected.       Thirdly, the attitude was described towards prison as a physical object and an institution in the local community. This problem was studies by means of questions about the opinion on the very fact of existence of such an object in twon, the possible impact the prison has on economy, supplies, etc., an  the citizens’  feeling of safety. In this formulation, the results fail to point to the existence of markedly negative attitudes, though some socio-demographic features of the examined persons tend  to differentiate their answers.       The study was realized from 1979 till 1981. In spite of the considerable interval and the differences in the country's respective social situations, the answers given by the examined persons from both groups were nearly parallel to each other.      In 1979, random samples of adults were examined, inhabitants of two towns, about 25 thousand inhabitants each, in which there were prisons. In one of these towns, the prison had been established over 20 years before, while in the second one, it was only a few years old. In each town, 200 persons were examined by means of a questionnaire, which makes the total of 400 examined persons.        In 1981, 462 persons were examined by means of the same questionnaire, who were selected with the use of "Quota Sampling" from the population of 10 towns of 11 to 95 thousand of inhabitants, in which there were prisons.        The study was intentionally realized in towns of medium population. The aim was to examine communities large enough for the prison not to dominate them on the one hand, and on the other hand, small enough to enable an assumption that a majority of inhabitants have a certain knowledge and opinions about the prison acquired through observation and nin-institutionalized flow of information.       As regards the opinion on imprisonment, it should first of all be stressed that over  50 per cent of the examined persons are of opinion that the essential aim oi this type of penalty should be the resocialization of prisoners. About 23 per cent of answers concerning this problem referred to the idea of individual prevention; 12-18 per cent of the examined persons were of opinion that imprisonment should serve to protect the society from the criminal by isolating him for a certain period of time; about 6 per cent of answers pointed to retribution as the aim of punishment, while  as few as 2-3 per cent considered the aim to be general prevention.        However, to find out if the attitude of the examined persons was rigorous or tolerant, answers to other questions were more significant, that is those concerning the mothods of execution of imprisonment, i.e., the penalties and rewards applied  towards  prisoners and the rights they enjoy. Here, a significant trend appeared to turn from rigorous to tolerant  attitudes as the level of generality of questions lowered. It seems that questions about certain abstract principles, which in the mind of an average man have no connection with any actual situation or person,  provoked answers which hinted at a rigorous attitude; yet whenever the same respondent had to answer a question which allowed him to realize the details of a given situation or the position of a given persons in such circumstances, the tolerant attitude prevailed.       Thus, for instance, as many as over 70 per cent of the examined persons approved of the most  general  statement that  „in prison, strict discipline should reign”.  When another question was asked, this time less generally formulated,  if „all amenities of life and attractive activities should be reduced to a minimum”, the numbers of approving and disapproving answers were more or less equal, which points to the lowering of the level of rigorism. The answers to further questions concerning definite cases frankly contradict  those given  to the former questions and point to a markedly tolerant attitude. Thus, for example, the question if „a prisoner should have free access to newspapers, radio, and TV in his leisure time”, was answered in the affirmative by over 75 per cent of the examined persons.       Also the questions about definite penalties and rewards applied towards prisoners were answered in a way which seems to point to the prevalence of tolerant attitudes over rigorism. The majority of the examined persons are for abolition or limitation of penalties provided by prison regulations and for granting the prisoners with a number of rights, such as unlimited receipt of parcels, letters, and visitors from the outside (prison regulations limit the number of such prisoners' contacts with the outside world and treat any extension of these contacts as a special reward). The examined  persons were also for alegal regulation of the sphere of prisoners' work, pointing to the need for making the working conditions in prison resemble those generally found in State-controlled economy.       Also the rational attitude of the public opinion towards prison should be stressed. The prison is perceived as an institution which could play a greater part than before in the life of the local community, particularly through including prisoners in the borader social unit and increasing their participation in the town’s economic activity. The citizens’ expectations point in this direction, accompanied also by the favourable opinion as to the extending of the prisoners' range of personal liberty outside the prison walls. In this connection, also the attitude of fear of the prisoners was much less marked than had been expected, as well as the bias against them, both of which appear in principle only as regards a small group of dangerous criminals.       The attitude of the local community towards prison employees is a completely separate problem. It is characterized by a peculiar ambivalence: on the one hand, prison employees enjoy a good reputation as persons and members of the local community, their financial status perceived as decidedly higher than that of an average citizen. On the other hand, however, the social status of a prison employee is estimated as very low, as compared with other professions, which is accompanied by a stressed disapproval revealed by the examined persons of the very fact of working in a prison. This may lead to a conclusion that in the social consciousness disfavourable opinion persists as to the human relations in prison and the nature of work of prison employees. This is an additional factor which speaks for changes in the system of execution of the penalty of deprivation of liberty which would modernize it and adjust it to the contemporary progressive trends in the world. The present study has not only confirmed the existence of social support for such changes but it has also revealed the conducive atmosphere to a far-reaching reform in this field.
     Basically, the study concers three  problems. Firstly, an attempt was made to explain the mechanism which led to the results obtained by other authors. They found a supposedly most rigorous attitude of the Polish society towards law breakers, which was to become manifest in the demands for relentless and severe punishment of such persons. This highly rigorous attitude has been confirmed in the present study too, yet only in answers to questions drawn up as generally as those put by the mentioned authors. As the level of abstractness of the questions is lowered, the rigorous attitude diminishes, which finds expression, among others, in the disapproval of a number of penalties applied by regulation during the execution of imprisonment.       Secondly  the attitude of the local community was presented not only towards prisoners, but also towards prison einployees. As compared with many other occupations, the prestige of prison employees is rather low, yet in spite of a certain social isolation, their general opinion is not negative. It is also worthy of attention that the sense of social distance between prisoners and community was les marked than expected.       Thirdly, the attitude was described towards prison as a physical object and an institution in the local community. This problem was studies by means of questions about the opinion on the very fact of existence of such an object in twon, the possible impact the prison has on economy, supplies, etc., an  the citizens’  feeling of safety. In this formulation, the results fail to point to the existence of markedly negative attitudes, though some socio-demographic features of the examined persons tend  to differentiate their answers.       The study was realized from 1979 till 1981. In spite of the considerable interval and the differences in the country's respective social situations, the answers given by the examined persons from both groups were nearly parallel to each other.      In 1979, random samples of adults were examined, inhabitants of two towns, about 25 thousand inhabitants each, in which there were prisons. In one of these towns, the prison had been established over 20 years before, while in the second one, it was only a few years old. In each town, 200 persons were examined by means of a questionnaire, which makes the total of 400 examined persons.        In 1981, 462 persons were examined by means of the same questionnaire, who were selected with the use of "Quota Sampling" from the population of 10 towns of 11 to 95 thousand of inhabitants, in which there were prisons.        The study was intentionally realized in towns of medium population. The aim was to examine communities large enough for the prison not to dominate them on the one hand, and on the other hand, small enough to enable an assumption that a majority of inhabitants have a certain knowledge and opinions about the prison acquired through observation and nin-institutionalized flow of information.       As regards the opinion on imprisonment, it should first of all be stressed that over  50 per cent of the examined persons are of opinion that the essential aim oi this type of penalty should be the resocialization of prisoners. About 23 per cent of answers concerning this problem referred to the idea of individual prevention; 12-18 per cent of the examined persons were of opinion that imprisonment should serve to protect the society from the criminal by isolating him for a certain period of time; about 6 per cent of answers pointed to retribution as the aim of punishment, while  as few as 2-3 per cent considered the aim to be general prevention.        However, to find out if the attitude of the examined persons was rigorous or tolerant, answers to other questions were more significant, that is those concerning the mothods of execution of imprisonment, i.e., the penalties and rewards applied  towards  prisoners and the rights they enjoy. Here, a significant trend appeared to turn from rigorous to tolerant  attitudes as the level of generality of questions lowered. It seems that questions about certain abstract principles, which in the mind of an average man have no connection with any actual situation or person,  provoked answers which hinted at a rigorous attitude; yet whenever the same respondent had to answer a question which allowed him to realize the details of a given situation or the position of a given persons in such circumstances, the tolerant attitude prevailed.       Thus, for instance, as many as over 70 per cent of the examined persons approved of the most  general  statement that  „in prison, strict discipline should reign”.  When another question was asked, this time less generally formulated,  if „all amenities of life and attractive activities should be reduced to a minimum”, the numbers of approving and disapproving answers were more or less equal, which points to the lowering of the level of rigorism. The answers to further questions concerning definite cases frankly contradict  those given  to the former questions and point to a markedly tolerant attitude. Thus, for example, the question if „a prisoner should have free access to newspapers, radio, and TV in his leisure time”, was answered in the affirmative by over 75 per cent of the examined persons.       Also the questions about definite penalties and rewards applied towards prisoners were answered in a way which seems to point to the prevalence of tolerant attitudes over rigorism. The majority of the examined persons are for abolition or limitation of penalties provided by prison regulations and for granting the prisoners with a number of rights, such as unlimited receipt of parcels, letters, and visitors from the outside (prison regulations limit the number of such prisoners' contacts with the outside world and treat any extension of these contacts as a special reward). The examined  persons were also for alegal regulation of the sphere of prisoners' work, pointing to the need for making the working conditions in prison resemble those generally found in State-controlled economy.       Also the rational attitude of the public opinion towards prison should be stressed. The prison is perceived as an institution which could play a greater part than before in the life of the local community, particularly through including prisoners in the borader social unit and increasing their participation in the town’s economic activity. The citizens’ expectations point in this direction, accompanied also by the favourable opinion as to the extending of the prisoners' range of personal liberty outside the prison walls. In this connection, also the attitude of fear of the prisoners was much less marked than had been expected, as well as the bias against them, both of which appear in principle only as regards a small group of dangerous criminals.       The attitude of the local community towards prison employees is a completely separate problem. It is characterized by a peculiar ambivalence: on the one hand, prison employees enjoy a good reputation as persons and members of the local community, their financial status perceived as decidedly higher than that of an average citizen. On the other hand, however, the social status of a prison employee is estimated as very low, as compared with other professions, which is accompanied by a stressed disapproval revealed by the examined persons of the very fact of working in a prison. This may lead to a conclusion that in the social consciousness disfavourable opinion persists as to the human relations in prison and the nature of work of prison employees. This is an additional factor which speaks for changes in the system of execution of the penalty of deprivation of liberty which would modernize it and adjust it to the contemporary progressive trends in the world. The present study has not only confirmed the existence of social support for such changes but it has also revealed the conducive atmosphere to a far-reaching reform in this field.
The article aims to introduce the topic of excise duties on alcoholic drinks as a tool of alcohol policy, not only budgetary. The situation regarding the alcohol issue in Poland (including excessive consumption, alcohol consumption by underage and other problems) makes it necessary to work on all alcohol policy tools from the perspective of public good and social good, including the issue of excise duties on alcoholic beverages. The article presents the fundamental indicators concerning the alcohol issue in Poland, collected based on the desk research method and social awareness in this area based on the author’s quantitative research and statistical analysis. Then, the results of the institutional, legal and historical study of the process of shaping the standard of the basis for calculating the excise duties on alcoholic beverages in Poland are presented. Next, the construction of the 12 Doradztwo Podatkowe – Biuletyn Instytutu Studiów Podatkowych Nr 6/2023 ROZPRAWY I DYSERTACJE excise duties on alcoholic beverages and the results of the economic analysis were shown, in which the hypothesis was verified that the current standard of the basis for calculating the excise duties on alcoholic beverages results in differentiated taxation of ethanol (ethyl alcohol) depending on the alcoholic product in which it is contained (beer, wine, spirits). The article ends with a presentation of the results of a quantitative study and statistical analysis of the opinions of Poles regarding the excise duties on alcoholic beverages. The study presents the social opinion of Poles on the excise duties on alcoholic beverages, which was subject to a representative survey in 2022 at the Institute of Finance. The critical issue was to examine the existence of a field of social acceptance for raising the excise duties on alcoholic beverages in Poland or changing the applicable standard of the basis for its calculation.
Celem artykułu jest wprowadzenie do zagadnienia wykorzystania podatku akcyzowego od napojów alkoholowych jako narzędzia polityki alkoholowej, a nie tylko budżetowej. Występujące w Polsce problemy, takie jak nadmierna konsumpcja alkoholu, spożywanie go przez osoby niepełnoletnie, każą podjąć prace nad wszystkimi dostępnymi narzędziami polityki alkoholowej, w tym podatkiem akcyzowym od napojów alkoholowych, gdyż jest to sprawa istotna z perspektywy dobra publicznego, dobra społecznego. W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe wskaźniki dotyczące kwestii alkoholowej w Polsce, zgromadzone przy użyciu metody desk research, oraz dotyczące świadomości społecznej w tym zakresie, zgromadzone na podstawie własnych badań ilościowych i analizy statystycznej. Następnie zaprezentowano wyniki analizy instytucjonalno-prawnej i historycznej w zakresie procesu kształtowania się standardu podstawy naliczania podatku akcyzowego od napojów alkoholowych w Polsce. Dalej omówiono konstrukcję podatku akcyzowego od napojów alkoholowych oraz przedstawiono wyniki analizy ekonomicznej, w której poddano weryfikacji hipotezę, że obecny standard podstawy naliczania podatku akcyzowego od napojów alkoholowych skutkuje zróżnicowanym opodatkowaniem etanolu (alkoholu etylowego) w zależności od wyrobu alkoholowego, w którym się on znajduje (piwo, wino, wyroby spirytusowe). Artykuł zamyka prezentacja wyników badania ilościowego oraz analizy statystycznej w zakresie opinii Polaków na temat podatku akcyzowego od napojów alkoholowych. Przedstawiono opinię społeczną Polaków w sprawie tego podatku na podstawie badania reprezentatywnego przeprowadzonego w 2022 r. przez autorów artykułu w Instytucie Finansów przy Ministerstwie Finansów. Kluczową kwestią było zbadanie poziomu akceptacji społecznej dla podnoszenia podatku akcyzowego od napojów alkoholowych w Polsce lub dla zmiany obowiązującego standardu podstawy jego naliczania.
Artykuł poświęcony jest prezentacji wyników badania opinii społecznej przeprowadzonych wśród słuchaczy studiów kierunków bezpieczeństwo narodowe oraz bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne w 2014 roku. Głównym problemem badawczym jest pytanie o to, jaki obraz Brunona K. dominuje w świadomości i wyobrażeniach ludzi, którzy jako studenci Wydziału Nauk o Bezpieczeństwie interesują się problematyką zagrożeń terrorystycznych w stopniu wyższym niż statystyczny obywatel. Respondentom zadano między innymi pytania dotyczące zawodu, wykształcenia, cech fizycznych zatrzymanego pod zarzutem przygotowywania zamachu terrorystycznego Brunona K. Pytano również o modus operandi planowanego zamachu, a więc o rodzaj materiału wybuchowego, cel zamachu, sposób umieszczenia ładunku, rodzaj zastosowanego pojazdu itp. Autor podjął również próbę porównania obrazu Agrobombera, jaki wyłonił się z badania opinii społecznej z obrazem terrorysty przedstawionym w prasie polskiej.
The article is devoted to the presentation of the results of the opinion polls conducted in 2014 among the students of the faculty of National security and Internal security. The main research problem is the question of how the image of Bruno K. dominates the minds and imagination of people who, as students of the Faculty of Security, are interested in the issues of terrorist threats. The respondents were asked, among other things, some questions regarding the profession, education and physical characteristics of Bruno K arrested on a charge of preparing a terrorist attack. They were also asked about the modus operandi of the planned attack and therefore the type of explosive, the purpose of the coup, the method of placing the load, the type of vehicle used, etc. The author also made a comparison test juxtaposing Agrobomber’s image that emerged from the survey of public opinion with a picture of the terrorist presented in the Polish press.
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