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The subject of this paper is a linguistic image of the land-the territory in Russian and Polish phraseology and paremiology. The purpose of the paper was to define the Russian and Polish linguistic image of the land-the territory, as well as to find similarities and differences between them. In the paper the theoretical basis of the linguistic image of the world is discussed. The functioning of the land-the territory in culture is also presented. In the main part of the paper the phraseological units and proverbs in Russian and Polish are presented and compared. On this basis the conclusions about the linguistic picture of the land-the territory in Russian and Polish are formed.
The analysis of 694 proverbs selected from widely accessible collections allows their classification into semantic fields ranging from names of foods, ways of eating, the necessity and urge to eat as well as the effects of eating, to the rules of eating and conduct during meals. Most of the proverbs analysed refer to actual situations (ca. 84%); the remaining (ca. 16%) include metaphors that illustrate or codify social behaviours and their consequences. Proverbs registered in the 19th century written Polish language constitute over a half (52,4%) of the data, while those from the 20th century amount to over one fourth (26,3%). The rest (26,3%) is dated as coming from the 15th–18th century. Over 72% of the proverbs analysed are syntactically complex with regular sound instrumentation and about 28% are syntactically simple. The analysis brings out a very important need to regulate the rules of the eating process and of conduct while eating, as well as the significance of healthy nutrition.
The article discusses proverb innovations in the aspect of textual criticism. On one hand, their functional specificity allows them to be still considered as fully-featured proverbs, on the other hand, it reveals an array of peculiarities related to modification and/or expansion of lexical composition of the output proverb, which is connected with identification of particular levels of meaning (literal, figurative and situational) by the receiver.
The aim of this article is to present the results of the analysis of linguistic image of water in Russian and Polish idioms and proverbs. The study shows the differences and similarities of the images of water recorded in both languages. The theoretical basis of the research is the notion of the linguistic image of the world defined as the set of beliefs and convictions recorded in the language of a certain language community. The object of the study are Russian and Polish proverbs and idioms, containing the lexeme “water,” excerpted from the dictionaries of idioms and proverbs. The comparative analysis of the two images of water has shown two basic tendencies. On the one hand, they share common, universal traits, which are the consequence of objective characteristics of the described object, as well as the universal cognitive processes and intercultural contacts. On the other hand, they differ in many aspects, having specific traits, which may result from different climatic or cultural conditions. In the Russian language the following traits are more distinctly expressed: the destructive influence of water, its power over the world. In the Polish language the characteristics appearing more frequently are: value of water, its indispensability and positive influence on man’s health and beauty. One of the most important elements of the linguistic image of water is the axiological aspect — the detailed analysis has shown that in both cases negative convictions are prevalent.
The very peculiarity of paremiological units and the fact that many scholars have developed an interest in this rich and intriguing lexical and factual material resulted in a wealth of interdisciplinary research. The present-day paremiology finds common ground with such disciplines as phraseology, semantics, logic, ethnography and cultural studies, literary studies, textology, onomastics, teaching methodology, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, translation studies or gender studies. Interdisciplinary research has a chance of effectively dealing with the many complex problems connected with how proverbs function in the present-day social and cultural conditions.
Specyfika językowa jednostek paremiologicznych oraz zainteresowanie badaczy tym niezwykle bogatym i ciekawym materiałem faktograficznym zaowocowały pojawieniem się różnorodnych badań interdyscyplinarnych. Współczesna paremiologia znajduje wspólną płaszczyznę naukową z takimi dyscyplinami, jak frazeologia, semantyka i logika, etnografia i kulturologia, literaturoznawstwo, tekstologia, onomastyka, metodyka nauczania, socjolingwistyka, psycholingwistyka, teoria i praktyka przekładu, genderologia. Badania interdyscyplinarne mogą skutecznie rozwiązać liczne i złożone problemy związane z funkcjonowaniem jednostek paremiologicznych w nowych realiach społeczno-kulturowych.
Proverb is a genre of folklore and it is thought reflection of the whole nation. The proverbs contain rich material about the perception of the world and reflect the specific conditions of development of material and spiritual culture. The examined proverbs illustrate the stereotypes of the Poles and Czechs about themselves, their neighbours and other nations.
The aim of this paper is to analyse how Catalan proverbs can be related to several Greco-Latin antecedents according to which the house occupies a fundamental place in people’s lives. In these proverbs, the house is represented from two different but complementary points of view: the space of intimacy, in which every individual can feel safe, and the place where the socialization of people begins, so that it constitutes a microcosm governed by social rules which condition the relationships between its inhabitants.
The aim of this article is to present fragments of image of infernal powers and their relationships to other characters which were depicted in idiomatic expressions and proverbs of Russian and Polish language. The analysis of the material presented in this work shows identities and dissimilarities revealed in linguistic image of internal powers (devil, evil spirit, fiend, Satan): both features which are characteristic to infernal powers only and features characteristic to infernal powers and humanbeings. The article describes the relationships between man, priest and angel as well as appearanceand behavior of infernal powers. The line of thought reveals that, despite common religious roots and customs, linguistic image of infernal powers in Russian and Polish language is different.
This anthology includes the texts of the 2th international conference “German phraseology and paremiology in contact and contrast”, which was organized from 23th May to 25th, 2019 at the Institute for German Studies at the University of Wrocław. The anthology contains articles from different subject areas that refer to proverbs and idioms. You can find here the studies of grammar, of syntax, of semantics, of linguistics and of didactics.
Spanish refranero forms a sort of code whose aim is to guide and control the conduct of the members of the linguistic community that has coined these proverbs and uses them. A great part of the ideology that can be gathered from Spanish proverbs was already present in Classical culture. Therefore my overall objective is to trace the Classical precedents of Spanish proverbs. Particularly this paper aims to find in Latin language and literature formal or ideological precursors of a certain amount of Spanish proverbs concerning the stoic attitude we should take in order to confront misfortune. This attitude is based on facing with resignation what fate holds in store for us and it results in accepting pain as an essential part of human existence, promoting a conformist behavior that restrains aspirations to better conditions and makes it unlikely that the establishment will be broken.
The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive, theoretical overview of how proverbs are used as a communicative and discursive strategy, taking into account the speaker’s communicative intention. I will pay attention both to the benefits of the use of this type of formulaic sequence in the construction of the speech, and to the illocutionary force and pragmatic implications entailed by these utterances. In order to do so, some considerations will be required – the encoding of the meaning of the proverbs, the decoding process by the addressee, and the way proverbs are inserted in the discourse. This paper inspects the importance of such factors as the need for articulation of fluent speech, the assumption of cultural patterns, the appeal to proverbiality that aligns the speaker with power structures of the community, or the masking of the speaker’s voice behind a collective entity in order to socialize and release tensions related to interpersonal contact.
This paper aims to investigate the Classical proverbs listed as equivalents to the Catalan proverb L’amic, prova’l primer ans que l’hages menester by Sebastià Farnés in his volume entitled Paremiologia catalana comparada. In this paper, I will establish these Classical proverbs’ sources, consider their authenticity and correspondence with this Catalan proverb, and increase the number of Classical sources, since this Catalan proverb bears witness to its Classical tradition and is related to philosophical and literary passages that can be considered as previous manifestations of this tradition. These Greek and Latin passages are compiled and compared so as to determine the different ways in which the idea included in this Catalan proverb was expressed over time. The conclusion is that the consideration about friendship presented by this proverb is embedded into a long textual/ideological tradition which ultimately refers to the sage Solon, the poet Theognis and the philosopher Theofrast, although there may be connections with the Judeo-Christian tradition as well.
Antyprzysłowia są grupą aforyzmów wykazujących bezpośrednie powiązania z formami i treściami przysłów. Powstają na drodze transformacji zdań przysłowiowych, poprzez różnorakie postaci humoru, ironii, parodii, interpretację dosłowną i tzw. efekty wyobcowania. O ile przysłowia zwykło się identyfi kować z „mądrościami ludowymi”, antyprzysłowia uważa się za „prawdy przekręcone”. Okazuje się, że antyprzysłowia mają długą tradycję zarówno jako rodzaj tekstu, jak i zabieg literacki, ich treści zaś stanowią barometr życia kulturalnego i społecznego. Ocenę wartości kulturowej antyprzysłów ułatwia rozważenie samego zagadnienia kultury i form jej realizacji.
This paper presents an analysis of the etymology and semantics of the words bydlo and skot. The analysis is based on data from dictionaries that describe both the Polish and Russian general language and their dialectical variations. Language data shows that bydlo and skot lexems have features in common but also many differences. Their meanings have evolved over the centuries. Directions of semantic shifts are surprising in many definitions. The complexity of the connotations is complemented by Polish and Russian paremias (proverbs).
The aim of this paper is to present the Spanish proverbs related to the topic of greed that can be understood as a continuation of Publilius Syrus’ sentences. For the analysis are taken into account the contributions of two Hellenistic philosophical schools (Stoicism and Epicureanism), which illuminate the scope of the criticism of greed that occurs in these proverbs, both from a psychological as a social point of view. Latin sentences and Spanish proverbs are compared according to their formal or semantic continuity, as well as depending on other aspects (such as the tone or prosodic issues).
This article is an attempt to analyze anti-proverbs related to the SARS-COV-2 pandemic, extracted from Twitter under the hashtag #covidsprichwörter. The subject of the study is all paremiological neologisms in relation to their source proverbs, in order to be able to determine which of the traditional proverbs enjoy particular popularity among Twitter users due to the number of existing variants. In order to achieve the stated goal, the topic of anti-proverbs is first analyzed. In the next part, the new formations are examined for their formal similarity with the prototypical proverbs in relation to the syntax and type of transformation.
The object of analysis in this paper are fixedword combinations (phraseological units and proverbs) with components denoting names of agricultural tools. They were used to conceptualize numerous ideas connected not only with the appearance of tools and agricultural work done, but also with various aspects of individual and collective life. Most of the analysed phrasemes already belong to the recessive sphere of phraseology. In order to understand them completely, it is necessary to have some knowledge of what they look like, what purpose they served and what kind of work was done with their use, which is not always clear to people who don’t know anything about the village reality.
A Familiarity of the Most Common Croatian and German Proverbs among the Youth The results of an extensive study on the familiarity of Croatian proverbs, which was conducted in 2014 with 867 informants from all over Croatia showed that young people aged 11–20 (adolescence) provided in 79.30% ratio the wrong answer to the questions about the familiarity of the most common Croatian proverbs. The aim of this paper is therefore to test the hypotheses of previous researches and to answer the following questions: To what extent are the most common proverbs to informants in this age group actually known? Are there differences between the adolescents in Germany and Croatia, and why? The survey has been carried out with native speakers aged 11 to 20 in the German and Croatian language area using a questionnaire.
Bisherige Untersuchungen im Bereich der Parömiologie in Kroatien (vgl. Aleksa Varga, Matovac 2016) haben gezeigt, dass kroatische Muttersprachler die am häufigsten auftretenden Sprichwörter in der kroatischen Sprache sehr gut kennen. In Hinsicht auf die verschiedenen Altersgruppen der Probanden zeigten sich jedoch erhebliche Unterschiede. 79,30% der Jugendlichen bzw. der Probanden im Alter von 11 bis 20 Jahren kannten die häufigsten kroatischen Sprichwörter nicht oder kannten diese in einer anderen Form z. B. in Form von Antisprichwörtern. Eine weitere Forschung zur Bekanntheit der Sprichwörter unter muttersprachlichen Probanden im Alter von 11 bis 20 Jahren sollte daher neue Einblicke ermöglichen. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden mit Hilfe von muttersprachlichen Probanden bzw. Jugendlichen aus dem deutschen und kroatischen Sprachraum und eines Fragebogens ermittelt, der danach statistisch ausgewertet wurde. Beantwortet werden sollte, in welchem Maß die muttersprachlichen Probanden die häufigsten Sprichwörter in ihrer Sprache kennen und ob Faktoren wie Alter und Schulabschluss darauf Einfluss haben. Untersucht werden sollte ebenfalls, ob sich Unterschiede bei den Jugendlichen aus dem kroatischen und deutschen Sprachraum in Hinsicht auf die Bekanntheit von Sprichwörtern zeigen und warum.
Celem rozważań jest ukazanie kategorii PRAWDY z perspektywy paremicznej. Przedstawiane dociekania, oparte na materiale języka polskiego i języka rosyjskiego sprowadzają się do unaocznienia zakresowości PRAWDY w głównych jej wymiarach: Prawda. Istnienie. Własności; Prawda a inne wartości, antywartości i pojęcia. Analiza pozwala na ogólniejsze uchwycenie tej kategorii oraz odzwierciedla aspekty specyficznojęzykowe.
The aim of the considerations is to show the category of TRUTH from a paremical perspective. The presented inquiries based on the material of the Polish language and the Russian language boil down to visualizing the scope of TRUTH in its main dimensions: Truth. Existence, properties; Truth and other values, counter-values and concepts. The study renders a thorough analysis of the category with its specific linguistic aspects.
The article presents an analysis of phrases and proverbs with a toponymic component, which were excerpted from lexicographic sources recording Silesian dialects. The object of description is the image of “a little motherland”, or to be more precise, little Silesian motherlands (Śląsk Cieszyński, Górny Śląsk oraz Śląsk Opolski), which is present in those units (i.e. phrases and proverbs). Thanks to particular toponyms in phraseology and paremiology, the following aspects of old times reality have been preserved: administrative centers, the development of industry and railroading, mental health care, education, prison system, agriculture, craftsmanship, trade, religious life, dialectal differences between residents of neighbouring towns, real estate.
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