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Celem artykułu jest ocena walorów turystycznych Parku Mużakowskiego, ich rozmiarów i uwarunkowań rozwoju turystyki oraz kształtowanie i ochrona omawianego obszaru. Przedstawione zostaną wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych na 100 osobowej grupie osób odwiedzających Park Mużakowski. Ankieta miała na celu: określenie narodowości turystów, częstotliwość odwiedzin parku, czasu w nim spędzonego, liczby osób towarzyszących przy zwiedzaniu parku, motywów odwiedzin, uprawianych form turystyki, oraz ocenie walorów turystycznych, krajoznawczych, wypoczynkowych, obiektów historycznych w polskiej i niemieckiej części parku. Przeprowadzona została analiza SWOT, która miała na celu określenie walorów turystycznych oraz szans rozwoju turystyki w Parku Mużakowskim. Za pomocą tej analizy określono mocne i słabe strony parku. Zaproponowane zostały formy turystyki, które mogą przyczynić się do aktywizacji turystycznej tego miejsca. Zasugerowane zostaną także formy uatrakcyjnienia turystycznego i zagrożenia dla walorów omawianego parku. Na podstawie analizy SWOT zostanie udowodnione, że Park Mużakowski predysponuje do pełnienia funkcji turystyczno-rekreacyjnej. Turystyka w tym parku jest dziedziną o dużym potencjale i możliwościach rozwojowych. Ze względu na niewystarczającą infrastrukturę turystyczną, jak również brak kampanii promocyjnej o ogólnopolskim, a nawet europejskim zasięgu turystyka w Parku Mużakowskim i jego walory nie są szeroko rozpowszechnione.
The Muskau Park constitutes the central place of the Muskau Bend Landscape Park. It is situated on the largest terminal moraine in the world. This article aims at evaluating the tourist valuables of the Park, their size and tourist development conditions. It presents the results of a poll conducted on a 100-peoplegroup of visitors to the Muskau Park. The poll was to determine the nationality of the surveyed tourists, the frequency of their visits, time they spend there, the number of accompanying persons, reasons of their visit, forms of tourism they practice, and their opinion on the tourism, landscape and leisure values of the historical facilities both on the Polish and German sides of the border. The questions will also consider tourism movement, tourist management, attractiveness, promotion of Muskau Park and the evaluation of tourist and leisure offer of the area. The conducted SWOT analysis will aim at describing the tourist values and chances of development for tourism in the Muskau Park. Thanks to the analysis, strong and weak points of the park will be emphasized. The article will propose forms of tourism which could become useful in activating the tourism and recreation aspect of the area. It will also suggest the forms of increasing tourist attractiveness and point out the threats for the values of the Park. The results of the SWOT analysis will be used to prove that the Muskau Park is predisposed for the tourism and recreation function. It is a domain of a large potential and possibilities for development. The conditions for this development lie within recognizing the social needs and expectations. Due to the insufficient tourist infrastructure and lack of a promotional campaign of a countrywide or even Europe-wide range, the tourism of Muskau Park and its values have not become widely known.
The article presents the subject of Ferber Park – historical, and forgotten forest park, placed in Orunia-Św Wojciech-Lipce district, whose origins date back to 17th century. The article described the past of the place and it relations with Ferber family, which history – although important for the city – seems to be not well known. The research covers the subject of the analysis of the terrain and composition as well as the historical context of the place and its surrounding. Natural aspects were also addressed, such as geology, soil conditions, and vegetation cover. An analysis of the potential land use was carried out, taking into account the activities of the visitors. The presented historical outline, juxtaposed with the current state and research in field of natural resources, served as an introduction to considerations on the potential directions of revitalization in order to restore the neglected place to its aesthetic values. Considerations have been made regarding the reconstruction of non existing objects, or their replacement with modern elements. The topics discussed were the adaptation of historic gardens to the realities of contemporary public spaces, the way of displaying the cultural heritage in the field of art of greenery design and essence of preserving natural cultural properties.
Artykuł podejmuje tematykę Parku Ferberów – historycznego, lecz nieco zapomnianego parku leśnego, leżącego w dzielnicy Orunia – Święty Wojciech – Lipce. Przytoczona została przeszłość miejsca oraz jego związek z rodem Ferberów, którego historia – mimo że istotna dla Gdańska – wydaje się być mało znana. Opisane zostały badania obejmujące tematyką analizy terenu i kompozycji oraz kontekst historyczny miejsca i jego otoczenia, a także zabudowa i rozmieszczenie otaczających obiekt zabytków. Ocenie poddano również aspekty przyrodnicze, takie jak m.in.: geologia, warunki siedliskowe i glebowe oraz szata roślinna. Przeprowadzona została analiza potencjalnego użytkowania terenu, uwzględniająca aktywności podejmowane przez odwiedzających. Przedstawiony rys historyczny zestawiony ze stanem obecnym oraz badaniami z zakresu zasobów przyrodniczych, posłużyły jako wstęp do rozważań na temat potencjalnych kierunków przeprowadzenia rewaloryzacji, w celu przywrócenia zaniedbanemu miejscu jego walorów estetycznych. Zostały podjęte rozważania dotyczące odtwarzania nieistniejących już obiektów oraz zastąpienia ich współczesnymi elementami. Poruszony został temat adaptacji zabytkowych ogrodów do realiów współczesnych przestrzeni publicznych,sposobu eksponowania dziedzictwa kulturowego z zakresu sztuki ogrodowej oraz istoty zachowywania zielonych dobytków kulturowych.
The author deals with the problem of a “dead” park. The fallen landscape construction is like a necropolis. The refl ections are organized around Fazaniec – a border park established in Upper Silesia in the mid-19th century by count Hans Ulrich von Schaffgotsch. The death of the park after 1945 is interpreted in connection with wildness, darkness, decline, transgression as well as being beyond culture and social emotions.
A park is described in this article as a scene of public life where members of the modern society develop their shared forms of behaviour. This is also the perspective of interpretation for the final scene of Witold Gombrowicz’s short story Lawyer Kraykowski’s Dancer. A humorous portrait of manners drawn by the author could constitute a peculiar commentary to the nightlife of the Warsaw parks of the 1920s. A park seems to be a suitable metaphor chosen to tell the story of a lawyer and “a dancer”, as well as of the complex social relations determined by humanizing actions and the feeling of uncertainty about human nature which constantly evades them. The authors of the article are particularly interested in this “uncertain” aspect of nature inscribed in the figure of an urban garden, which reminds us that all our calls for regulation are just an appearance, a veil hiding an always distant phantasm.
The paper provides an attempt at reincorporating Giszowiec Park in the wider context of the Silesian Forest and locating the mining settlement somehow around the park centre. The idea is connected with the obelisk, which is centrally located in Giszowiec Park and constitutes a geometrical centre of the estate, constructed on a square plan, with a one-kilometre long side. Giszowiec, intended to be a colony, a miners’ village, has a chance for a second life in the age of the restructuring of the mining sector due to its sophisticated composition, whose heart is the park, forming a part of the old forest.
The work presents an interpretation of Wawrzyniec Żuławski’s Wędrówki alpejskie [Wandering in the Alps], a book which is regarded as an example of classic mountain literature, republished several times. The author focuses her reflections on the description of the Alps, noticing in it three key ways of presenting this mountain range: as “a park of parks”, a playground and a neighbourhood. The analysis of Wawrzyniec Żuławski’s exceptional style unravels the author’s attempts to capture in words “the beauty of mountain experiences.” However, while reading Wędrówki alpejskie, what comes to the foreground is the book’s factual dimension. In his accounts of the expeditions from the 1930s and 1940s, a passionate mountaineer and an artist (a writer and a composer) reports on the changes in civilisation which took place in the area of the most important (in cultural terms) European mountain range as a result of the process of park creation. Moreover, Żuławski depicts in his notes significant cultural transformations in the consciousness of people coming to mountain national parks and in their attitude to the mountainous landscape. On the one hand, what seems to be striking in the accounts which are the subject of our interpretation are the tensions between the ideals of protecting “wild” nature and the development of mass tourism. On the other hand, what is particularly thought-provoking is the sense of melancholy, caused by the awareness of the old “romantic” alpinism being displaced by a sport model, aimed not at “metaphysics of the mountain”, but at achievements and records.
Park as an intentionally formed phenomenon is an example of imposing on reality both anthropocentric patterns and those typical of a specific cultural context. Interpreted against the backdrop of space, nature, landscape, it unravels its power as a human gesture, sign and measure of human nature – expresses a man’s attitude to the world. Founded on the topographical experience, a park gains the status of a place and initiates the processes of taming and naturalization. Everyday being with a park leads to living, which then endows a park with an order of life and identity. To be, to naturalize, to live – these are the practices of existence in the world, deconstructed by the processes of globalisation, including digitalization. While analysing digital realizationsof a park and a park extended over the spaces emitted by the screens and monitors of digital devices in terms of the functions it performs in a modern and postmodern city, this paper asks about contemporary forms of settlement, embodied by virtual and real parks.
The article discusses the transformations of the idea of park in modernity. In the Age of Enlightenment Europe replaced the white of medieval cathedrals with the green of parks. A man, like Candide from Voltaire’s satire, started to “cultivate his garden,” changing private parks in public spaces. As a consequence of that process the idea of park as a place where you could experience beauty and pleasure completely “vanished”. Urban green spaces started to be determined by an efficacy parameter – which can be witnessed in Le Corbusier’s or Ebenezer Howard’s projects – thus opening the way for transforming former landscape parks into modern places of consumption: commercial parks and amusement parks.
Based on the fourth part of Pamela Lyndon Travers’s series of children’s books, Mary Poppins in the Park, the article proposes a view of a park as a dychotomic place: subjected to some rules, yet simultaneously a real and magic space which stirs one’s imagination. Following this double understanding, it can be stated that a park ideally matches the title character of the novel, who cares (often too much) about her children’s appropriate behaviour, but at the same time displays her predilection for children plays and imagination games. The conclusion highlights the two-dimensionality of the park, which by welcoming adults and children, becomes the space of both the real and the imaginary.
The article presents the accounts of Polish diarists’ overseas travels (16th–17th century), which include descriptions of parks and gardens. The authors: Mikołaj Krzysztof Radziwiłł “Sierotka” and Karol Stanisław Radziwiłł, Krzysztof Zawisza, Jan Ocieski, Teodor Billewicz, Maciej Rywocki, and others marvelled at the impressive gardens and bestiaries in France, Italy, Spain and the Holy Land. In the travellers’ accounts – diverse in terms of their attention to detail – there appeared descriptions of gardens, their location and arrangement, together with some opinions and evaluations made by the authors. What drew their particular attention and admiration were magnificent fountains, exotic plants and animals.
Striving for a healthy lifestyle depends on habits. These habits, thanks to the family and the school will be inherited by successive generations. The article presents the contribution of teachers in shaping the attitude promoting the outdoor activities. In the Wola district, the green areas are used during the classes in the school throughout the school year. Unfortunately, the frequency of use of the nearby parks is very moderate when it comes to activities conducted during different classes, and to practice the active forms of recreation, the teachers and children several times a week use the green areas of Wola district. Large green areas are important lungs of the district and the city. These areas can also be used to conduct school tours to explore the surrounding nature. By the way, it should be noted that the green areas of Wola district are under a careful concern. Apart from the environmental function (biological, climatic and hydrological) they play important non-environmental functions, among others, educational, recreational, leisure, and aesthetic. The Wola district, given the significant role played by the green areas, takes into account the investment tasks related to green areas in long-term planning, on an ongoing basis the parks are being modernized, new recreation areas and playgrounds are created, which emphasizes the recreational role of these areas but also the educational value because of their huge historical importance.
Dążenie do prowadzenia zdrowego trybu życia uzależnione jest od nawyków. Te (nawyki) dzięki rodzinie i szkole będą dziedziczone przez kolejne pokolenia. Artykuł przedstawia wkład nauczycieli w kształtowanie postaw sprzyjających podejmowaniu ruchu na świeżym powietrzu. Na Woli tereny zielone wykorzystywane są podczas prowadzonych zajęć szkolnych w ciągu całego roku szkolnego. Niestety częstotliwość korzystania z pobliskich parków jest bardzo umiarkowana, jeśli chodzi o zajęcia prowadzone podczas różnych przedmiotów, natomiast w celu uprawiania aktywnych form rekreacji nauczyciele i dzieci korzystają kilka razy w tygodniu z zielonych terenów dzielnicy Wola. Pokaźne tereny zieleni stanowią istotne płuca dzielnicy i miasta. Obszary te można wykorzystywać także do prowadzenia wycieczek szkolnych, by poznawać otaczającą naturę. Przy okazji należy stwierdzić, że wolskie tereny zielone są otoczone staranną troską. Obok funkcji przyrodniczej (biologicznej, klimatycznej i hydrologicznej) pełnią – istotne z punktu widzenia społecznego, w tym wychowawczego – funkcje pozaprzyrodnicze, m.in. rekreacyjną, wypoczynkową i estetyczną. Dzielnica Wola, mając na względzie znaczącą rolę jaką, spełnia zieleń, uwzględnia zadania inwestycyjne związane z terenami zielonymi w planowaniu wieloletnim, na bieżąco dokonuje się modernizacji parków, powstają nowe miejsca rekreacyjne i place zabaw, co podkreśla funkcję wypoczynkową tych trenów, ale także walory edukacyjne ze względu na swoją ogromną wagę historyczną.
In a world full of violence, which affects everyone from small children to adults, harm is caused to animals. It is easier to defend a people who can be relied on for legislation. Unfortunately, animals are not able to defend themselves in this way. Hence the importance of environment care of those who are the most vulnerable and dependent people. It does not matter whether the animal is a pet or wild. Bears, goats, and marmots that live in the mountains are protected. Unfortunately, laws cannot eliminate accidents related to the irresponsible behavior of tourists and poaching. Accidents such as the bear Magda and the bear Cuba, the murder of the little bear in the Valley Chochołowska and accidents with the horses Jordek and Jukon attracked media attention. Perhaps this is because people think that, in the Tatra National Park, bad animals living there live there. Nothing could be further from the truth. It depends on the people and animals living there whether there will be conditions for a safe, peaceful life and reproduction.
A critical note dedicated to Małgorzata Fabiszak's and Anna Weronika Brzezińska's book, Cmentarz, park, podwórko. Poznańskie przestrzenie pamięci, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warszawa 2018. (in Polish).
Nota krytyczna poświęcona książce autorstwa Małgorzaty Fabiszak i Anny Weroniki Brzezińskiej, Cmentarz, park, podwórko. Poznańskie przestrzenie pamięci, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warszawa 2018.
Autorka, odwołując się do złożonych problemów ochrony zniszczonego na skutek trąby powietrznej w lipcu 2011 r. białaczowskiego parku, porusza ważne kwestie związane z zagadnieniem ochrony autentyku w polskich ogrodach historycznych i postuluje wypracowanie metody postępowania konserwatorskiego, nie tylko w celu ratowania Białaczowa, ale także usprawnienia ewentualnych działań w analogicznych przypadkach, które niestety coraz częściej mogą się pojawiać z powodu zmian klimatycznych. W skład omawianego zespołu rezydencjonalnego w Białaczowie (woj. łódzkie) wchodzi rozległy (ponad 22 ha) park o charakterze krajobrazowo-leśnym, kształtowany na przestrzeni wieków przez wybitnych planistów (Lindauer, Stricker, Szanior, Tański). Uznawany był on do niedawna za jedno z najcenniejszych założeń ogrodowych w Polsce, charakteryzujących się wysokimi walorami zarówno kulturowymi, jak i przyrodniczo-krajobrazowymi. Po kataklizmie skala zniszczeń była nieporównywalna do jakichkolwiek, jakie do tej pory na skutek czynników naturalnych dotknęły założenia ogrodowe na terenie Polski. Po zdarzeniu tym w zasadzie natychmiast rozpoczęto prace porządkowe, jednak poza nimi do tej pory nie udało się niczego więcej zrobić, by uchronić tę cenną historyczną kompozycję przed całkowitym zniszczeniem. Sam proces rewaloryzacji założenia, poza oczywistymi trudnościami wynikającymi z charakteru i zakresu zniszczeń, z wielu przyczyn jest niezwykle skomplikowany. Przede wszystkim niezbędne jest określenie kierunku działań konserwatorskich dotychczas nie dość precyzyjnie zaplanowanych. Powinny one zmierzać do ochrony autentyku. Park jest wielowiekowym „zapisem” przemian kompozycyjnych, od zespołu o prawdopodobnie średniowiecznej metryce, po XIX-wieczną, przekształcaną jeszcze na początku XX w. rozległą kompozycję krajobrazową. Paradoksalnie, zniszczenia drzewostanów odsłoniły wiele elementów dotychczas nieczytelnych w układzie. Wydaje się niezwykle ważne, by jak najszybciej podjąć profesjonalnie prowadzone prace polegające na ochronie wszystkich elementów i odbudowie jego układu przestrzennego w oparciu o relikty historycznej kompozycji.
The author of the paper, referring to the complex issues of protection of the historic park in Białaczów destroyed by a windwhirl in July 2011, discusses important issues connected with the protection of the original in Polish historic gardens and suggests developing conservation methods not only to rescue Białaczów but also to improve such activities in similar cases which unfortunately take place more and more often as a result of climatic changes. The residence complex in Białaczów (Łódź Voivodship) includes a huge landscape and forest park (over 22 ha) formed over the centuries by eminent designers (Lindauer, Stricker, Szanior, Tański). Until recently it was considered to be one of the most valuable historic gardens in Poland with high cultural as well as natural and landscape value. The scale of damage after the disaster was incomparable to any previous natural disasters to the historic gardens in Poland. Although the cleanup work began right after the tragic event, not much more has actually been done so far in order to save the valuable historic site from a total destruction. Apart from obvious difficulties connected with the character and scope of damage, the redevelopment process itself is highly complicated for a number of reasons. First of all it is necessary to define the objective of conservation work which so far has not been precisely planned. That objective should be to protect the original. The park is a centuries-old “account” of compositional transformations from a historic complex of maybe even medieval origin, to a huge 19th-century landscape complex that was still further developed at the beginning of the 20th century. Paradoxically, the damage to the trees revealed many elements of previously unclear layout. It seems to be extremely important to begin professionally conducted work as soon as possible in order to protect all of its elements and redevelop its space layout on the basis of the original remains of that historic site.
It is impossible to imagine London without its royal parks. One of the most beautiful among them is Kensington Gardens, forever connected with the figure of a boy who didn’t want to grow up: Peter Pan. This article provides an interpretation of James Matthew Barrie’s novel Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens (1906), centred mainly around literary portrayals of garden space, which becomes an embodiment of the paradise of childhood: Arcadia, a pleasant place, locus amoenus, allowing one to exist beyond evanescence, growing up and sadness. Kensington Gardens are London’s green island, primeval Neverland, where the fairy-tale and the magic are rooted: during a day it creates a playing space for “human children,” whereas at night it goes under the rule of Queen Mab and mysterious fairies. The outline of various interpretation paths which can be followed in Kensington Gardens are accompanied by the reproductions and analyses of Arthur Rackham’s illustrations, which in an outstanding way capture the whimsical genius of the author of Peter Pan.
Badaniami objęto florę roślin naczyniowych parku zamkowego w Uniejowie i parku miejskiego im. Żerminy Składkowskiej w Turku. Pierwszy z ogrodów został założony w dolinie Warty, drugi w dolinie niewielkiego cieku o nazwie Folusz. W sezonach wegetacyjnych 2018–2019 przeprowadzono spisy roślin naczyniowych w obu obiektach. Wśród odnotowanych gatunków wydzielono grupy: socjologiczno-ekologiczne, siedliskowe oraz geograficzno-historyczne. Bazując na analizie flory w zakresie spektrum geograficzno-historycznego określono dla badanych obiektów wybrane wskaźniki antropogenicznych zmian. W charakteryzowanych obiektach odnotowano łącznie 314 gatunków roślin naczyniowych. Flora parku zamkowego w Uniejowie obejmuje 217 gatunków, a w parku miejskim im. Żerminy Składkowskiej stwierdzono 202 taksony roślin naczyniowych. We florach badanych ogrodów odnotowano 217 gatunków rodzimych i 97 obcego pochodzenia. Parki są siedliskiem dla takich gatunków jak: Gagea pratensis, Thalictrum flavum, Galium schultesi oraz Corydalis intermedia. Szatę roślinną założenia ogrodowego w Uniejowie charakteryzuje wyższy wskaźnik naturalności flory (25%), niż flory parku w Turku (10,9%). Rezultatem tego są wyższe wskaźniki obrazujące antropogeniczne przemiany obiektu leżącego w Turku. Parki wokół zabytkowych obiektów (zamków, pałaców, dworów) oraz duże parki miejskie stanowią refugia flory naturalnych siedlisk w krajobrazie antropogenicznym.
This study deals with the vascular plants in the castle park in Uniejów and Żermina Składkowska park in Turek. The first of them was set up in the Warta river valley, the second – in the valley of a small stream called Folusz. During the vegetation seasons of 2018–2019, a descriptive list was made of the vascular plants at both sites. The identified species were divided into three groups: sociological-ecological, biotopic and geographical-historical. Based on the analysis of the historical-geographical spectrum of the flora, selected indicators of anthropogenic changes were defined. In total, 314 species of vascular plants were identified in the studied places. The flora of the castle park in Uniejów includes 217 species of vascular plants, in Żermina Składkowska park 202 such species were found. 217 of those species are indigenous, while 97 are non-native. Some of the species found in the parks are: Gagea pratensis, Thalictrum flavum, Galium schultesi and Corydalis intermedia. The flora of the park in Uniejów is more natural (25%) than that in the park in Turek (10,9%). Consequently, the indicators of anthropogenic changes for the Turek park are higher. Parks around historic buildings (castles, palaces, manors) and large city parks constitute refugiums of the flora typical of natural habitats in the anthropogenic landscape.
Czesławice, a small village located near Nałęczów, in the Puławy Poviat, is known in the Lublin region for an extensive palace and park complex blended picturesquely into the natural valley. Thename (originally “Czasławice”) derives from the name of the Czasławski family – the first owners recorded in original documents as early as 1531. The exact location of the old manor house(made of wood, and later of brick) is not known. The plans from 1870 record the existence of an 18th-century brick manor house and a complex of farm buildings, whose construction can,in all likelihood, be dated back to the 1st half of the 19th century, as a part of Count Ludwik Małachowski’s investment activities. In 1886, Czesławice was purchased by Wacław Wernicki, an industrialist from Warsaw, who intended to build a mansion in a place ensuring good climatic conditions, healthy air and a beautiful landscape in order to restore his sick wife to health. Anotherreason for the choice of this location was the construction of the eastern section of the Vistula railway line with the Miłocin (later Nałęczów, presently Sadurki) railway station situated 3kmaway from Czesławice. The impressive palace in Czesławice was built to the south-east of the previous manor house. There is no evidence for the fact that the current manor house wasconverted from the brick manor house left by the previous owners; this has not been confirmed by architectural research conducted here in the years 1986 to 1987. The palace was probablyerected according to the design by Leonard Marconi as a new plan in a new place, adapted to the conditions of the land gently sloping towards the stream valley. The park wasdesignedby Walerian Kronnenberg – one of the most outstanding garden layout designers of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The total area of the complex, including the farm, was24ha. According to the Decree of the Polish Committee of National Liberation (PKWN) of 6 September 1944 on the agricultural reform, the estate was taken over by the state and granted to the Higher College of Agriculture in 1955. The new owner started a thorough reconstruction of the palace. At the beginning of 1960, connecting passages and side wings were rebuilt, where thesecond usable storey was introduced in place of the mezzanine. New staircases were designed, ceilings and roofs were replaced, and partition walls, new holes, flues and air ducts wereintroduced, destroying the retained decorations on the ground floor level. At that time, the object had not yet been entered into the national register of historic monuments and was notprotected by the law, therefore the renovation was carried out without a conservation plan. The school never finished the repair works and did not clean the ponds, but due to financialdifficulties, it also failed to carry out its plans to build a boarding house in the park area. In the years 1987-1991, only some parts of the palace were used – in the southern wing, therewere offices, whereas other rooms were occupied by temporary users who did not care about the palace being a historic monument. In 1991, the Provincial Conservator of Monumentsordered the school to protect the palace and the retained elements of interior decor. This acted as a motivation to look for a new user. In June 1996, the palace and the 14 ha of thepark area and ponds were sold to Sp. z o.o. HERMES company based in Lublin. The apparent opportunity for the historic building turned out to be an utter disaster. Almost immediately,without any conservation or building permits, the company started works that led to a substantial devastation of the palace and the park within less than a year. A number ofspecimen trees were cut down, the palace roof covering was replaced and all external plasters were hacked off together with the details of façade decorations: cornices, trims, pilasters,rustications and portals all disappeared. Bare plain walls stripped off of plaster began to be lined with polystyrene foam. The conservation office suspended the works and notified theprosecutor’s office about the destruction of the historic monument. A new chapter in the history of the palace and park complex in Czesławice started only in August 2001, when it was sold toa new owner – Renata Grochowska, who, together with her husband, has been making every effort to save the building. The first actions of the new hosts have focused on the basic protection of the palace and the park. Details, interiors and decorations of the palace are being reconstructed on the basis of old designs and archival documentation. Gradually, but consistently, thepalace and the park in Czesławice are regaining their splendour. The intention of the owners is to recreate the residential character of the complex and make it available for cultural, touristand research purposes. Around 150 unique specimen of the park tree stand, which consists of more than 2,500 items of over 60 species, were classified as natural monuments subjectto protection. Steps are being taken to clean the ponds, to unclog drains, to renovate dykes and to plant lawns. After many years, the historic building is returning to its formermagnificence.
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Prezentowany artykuł jest próbą przedstawienia wybranych alternatywnych sposobów zagospodarowania terenów miejskich z wykorzystaniem naturalnych elementów, tworzyw i zjawisk oraz korzyści płynące z tego typu działań. Natura może wzbogacać przestrzenie miast na wielu poziomach, od skali rozległych założeń urbanistycznych – parków rekreacyjnych, tematycznych, edukacyjnych, ogrodów botanicznych, po wypełnianie niezagospodarowanych miejsc lub rewitalizowanie zaniedbanych terenów, ingerencje typu urban farms na dachach, balkonach i ścianach budynków oraz elementy małej architektury, a nawet wnętrza. Prezentowany materiał i wyniki badań mogą być punktem wyjścia dla dalszych opracowań dotyczących projektowania w historycznej tkance urbanistycznej.
Presented article is an attempt to present selected alternative sollutions of a use of natural elements, resources or materials in urban and architectural design, and it shows benefities interlinked with such activities. Nature may enrich city spaces on different levels, from large urban plans or parks – recreational, educational and thematic – up to filling urban gaps, creating gardens and urban farms at roofs, balconies, walls etc. and within so called small architecture and interiors. The material can be a point of departure to further studies concerning architectural design in historical urban fabric.
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