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The author agrees with the thesis of the verdict according to which, “the legal protection that is due to a public official granted to a physician in Art. 44 of the Act of 5 December 1996 on the Professions of a Physician and a Dentist Physician and in Art. 5 of the Act of 8 September 2006 on National Medical Emergency Service does not cover situations other than providing short-term assistance (i.e. providing first aid and performing emergency medical procedures) or medical assistance where any delay would result in exposing to danger of loss of life, grievous bodily harm or health disorder, and in other urgent cases”.
Autor zgadza się z tezą orzeczenia, zgodnie z którą „ochrona prawna należna funkcjonariuszowi publicznemu, przyznana lekarzowi w art. 44 ustawy z 5 grudnia 1996 r. o zawodach lekarza i lekarza dentysty oraz w art. 5 ustawy z dnia 8 września 2006 r. o Państwowym Ratownictwie Medycznym, nie obejmuje sytuacji innych niż udzielanie pomocy doraźnej (a więc udzielanie pierwszej pomocy i podejmowanie medycznych czynności ratunkowych) lub pomocy lekarskiej wtedy, gdy zwłoka w jej udzieleniu mogłaby spowodować niebezpieczeństwo utraty życia, ciężkiego uszkodzenia ciała lub ciężkiego rozstroju zdrowia oraz w innych wypadkach niecierpiących zwłoki”.
Mastaba AS 39 was discovered during the course of the 2013 season in Abusir South. It is located in the northeastern part of the cemetery of officials dated to the Fifth Dynasty, spanning the reigns of Nyuserre through Djedkare (2402–2322 BC). Shepseskafankh was a person of elevated status at the royal court as indicated by the titles on his unique unfinished false door. These include, among others, the title of the chief physician of the king, property custodian of the king, chief of the physicians of Upper and Lower Egypt as well as two so far unattested titles of hem-netjer-priest of Khnum who is foremost of the House of Life and of the House of Protection and overseer of the healing substances of the Great House. These titles attest to his historically unique position. Shepseskafankh’s duties included supervision over the House of Life, which was a centre authority for storing and maintaining written documents. At the same time he was in charge of the House of Protection, which, most likely, was a facility where royal children were born. Based on archaeological and epigraphic evidence, it may be supposed that it is one of the earliest structures in the examined cemetery. Despite the fact that most of the burial facilities of the tomb owner and his family members were looted in antiquity, the tomb represents a unique testimony of the latter part of the Fifth Dynasty history on a microscale.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to estimate the level of exposure and average intensity of aggression towards particular professional groups of healthcare workers. Materials and Methods: Study participants (n = 1498) were employed at open and closed healthcare units within Podlaskie Voivodeship: 493 nurses, 504 midwives and 501 physicians. The MDM Questionnaire was applied. Results: Aggression originating from patients was experienced by 92% of nurses, 86% of doctors, and 74% of midwives examined. Aggressive behavior of co-working physicians concerned 55% of midwives, 54% of nurses and 40% of physicians. The highest average levels of patient aggression, ranging between 2.20 and 3.31, were reported by nurses. Conclusions: Nurses are the group most exposed to most aggression forms and sources. Physicians are least exposed to aggression, except for aggression manifested by patients.
Introduction: Trust in one’s health care provider is essential as it may foster compassion, confi-dentiality of patient medical information, continuity of care, greater support and quality care Purpose: To evaluate patient trust in their physicians of the obstetrics and gynecology departments. Results: We used the Trust in Physician Scale comprising 11 - items. Data were collected from 109 women hospitalized in the obstetrics and gynecology departments in Kavala in Greece. Results: Of the surveyed 47.4% from Greece did not doubt their doctor’s proper care. Almost of 58.7% the respondents agreed with the statement “I trust my doctor very much, that is why I always comply with his/her advice”. More than 56.9% of the patients were convinced that “if my physician tells me something, this has to be the truth”. Almost 43.1% of patients declared trust in their physician’s therapy. Nearly half of women was convinced that their doctor is a true expert in the treatment of their diseases. Nearly 36% of the patients did not declare fear of their physician not keeping the professional secret. Conclusion: Most of the respondents doubted the proper medical care for obstetric-gynecological departments. Women do not trust the opinions and decisions of their doctors and do not consider them to be experts. Patients were afraid that the doctors do not respect the secrecy concerning their treatment.
The study examines five names of medieval medical practitioners: barber, doctor, leech, physician, and surgeon. The aim is to view the semantic change of those names in non-medical prose texts from the Middle English period. The analysis also considers their origin, frequency, semantic fields, function and both metaphorical and non-metaphorical meanings in Middle English and later. Furthermore, the research verifies to what extent the findings of Sylwanowicz (2003) are confirmed by the results of a similar examination of a non-medical corpus. The data for the study come from the Innsbruck Corpus of Middle English Prose, with the support of historical dictionaries.
Objectives: Days off, on call, night duty, working hours and job stress can affect physicians’ mental health, and support from supervisors and co-workers may have a buffering effect. This study elucidates whether job strain and job factors affect physicians’ mental health, and whether support from supervisors and co-workers has a protective effect on their mental health. Material and Methods: The subjects included 494 physicians. The Brief Job Stress Questionnaire (BJSQ) was used to evaluate job demand, job control and support. High job strain was defined as a combination of high job demand and low job control. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9. The Maslach Burnout Inventory- General Survey was used to evaluate burnout. Possible confounder adjusted logistic regression analyses were performed to obtain odds ratios for depressive symptoms and burnout. Results: As per the analysis, high job strain had significantly higher odds ratios, and support from co-workers had significant protective odds ratios for depressive symptoms. High job strain and having only 2–4 days off per month (compared to > 8 days off per month) had significantly higher odds ratios, and support from co-workers had significant protective odds ratios for burnout. Conclusions: High job strain was related to depressive symptoms and burnout, and support from co-workers had a buffering effect on depressive symptoms and burnout. An inadequate number of days off was related to burnout. Assessment of job strain may be a good tool to measure physicians’ mental health, and a sufficient number of days off may be needed to prevent burnout.
Medicine is not only a strict science, but above all, it represents a human science, in which the focus is on a human being, a patient and his health. Nowadays, clinical medicine is not only about treating a disease (to cure), but also about treating a patient as a whole (care). The object of medicine has remained the same, a man and his health. This article aims at effective communication in physician - patient relationship. There arises a question whether effective communication aimed at active listening may help in physician - patient relationship. More precisely, what could be its outcomes when it comes to patients ́ compliance of a treatment and their further satisfaction.
Research has not yet adequately explored the potential interplay between the physician’s gender and the patient’s perception of the service quality. Although various studies have covered the measurement of service quality in the hospital industry, the gender perspective has not been touched on significantly. This study is a review article that aims to explore how gender matters to the physician-patient interaction in the service setting. It discusses the patient’s responses to physicians of different genders and the behavior of physicians of different genders. Consequently, it was found that gender is one of the factors that influence the physician-patient interaction and patients’ perception of the doctor’s competence. The gender of the physician as well as the patient could influence the communication level in medical encounters. Gender-based stereotypes in the service encounter could also affect the patient-physician interaction and the evaluations that patients give to physicians. Moreover, it was discussed that traditions, religion, culture, stereotypes and past experience serve as a foundation for customers to form a preference for the physician’s sex. The relationship between the physician and the patient is shaped by many factors lying on both the patient’s and the doctor’s side. These factors include the difference in communication style between males and females, the patient-physician gender dyad, the difference in personality traits between males and females. All these factors fall under the service dimension that is essential in measuring the quality of service.
The Biblical Annals
vol. 14
issue 1
The last part of Ben Sira’s reflections on the activities of his contemporary physicians and the medicine of the time contained in Sir 38:1–15 is devoted to the attitude of the medical practitioner when healing the sick person (38:12–15). The pericope has a concentric structure with the attitude of the physicians towards God at its centre (38:13–14). The frame verses are devoted to the attitude of the sick person (38:12) and the sinner (38:15) towards the physician. According to the sage, it is not enough for a suffering person to turn to God alone asking to restore their health (Sir 38:9–11), but they should call on a doctor to help them recover (38:12a). The sick person needs a doctor’s help (38:12b). The Greek text emphasises that one should not be afraid of a doctor because God created them (the Hebrew version omits this argument; see 38:12a). Therefore, physicians are desired by the Lord and, like all creatures, God has also assigned them a specific task. However, physicians cannot rely solely on their knowledge and skills while healing a sick person. They should ask (pray to) God to allow them first to make the correct diagnosis (as explicitly stated in the Hebrew version), and then to heal their patient. The last verse of the pericope (38:15) poses many difficulties, which are reflected in numerous interpretations of its content. According to the analysis made in the article, it does not contain a negative image of a medical practitioner because its main message is the link between the cause of illness and sin (traditional perception of illness expressed in the Old Testament based on the principle of retribution). In Sir 38:12–15, as well as in the entire reflection on the contemporary medicine (38:1–15), Ben Sira made an excellent synthesis between this field of science and Israel’s faith in the divine Physician.
Teologia i Moralność
vol. 6
issue 1(9)
This article aims at discussing ethical issues which should underlie a good relationship between a physician and a patient. Reflections are based on the theses described in the The Charter for Health Care Workers developed on the initiative of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Health Care Workers and approved by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The paper attempts to present the physician's attitudes towards the pressing problems of prenatal period of human life as well as adulthood and the elderly. Ethical issues, such as the inviolable right to life and utmost respect for human life, seem to be valid and justifiable in times of commercialization and fast development of medical services, and thus need further thorough analysis.
Artykuł ma na celu omówienie zagadnień etycznych, które powinny stać się podstawą dobrych relacji między lekarzem a pacjentem . Rozważania oparte są na pracach opisanych w Europejskiej Karcie Pracowników Służby Zdrowia opracowanej z inicjatywy Papieskiej Rady Duszpasterstwa Pracowników Służby Zdrowia i zatwierdzonej przez Kongregację Nauki Wiary. W artykule podjęto próbę przedstawienia postawy lekarza wobec palących problemów prenatalnym okresie życia ludzkiego, a także problemy dorosłych i osób starszych . Kwestie etyczne, takie jak nienaruszalne prawo do życia i szacunek dla ludzkiego życia, wydają się być ważne i uzasadnione w czasach komercjalizacji i szybkiego rozwoju usług medycznych, które tym samym potrzebują dalszej dogłębnej analizy.
Practicing the profession of a physician is associated with the human life and health protection. Attempts have been made to define rules that the physician should follow and embody these rules in both ethical and legal framework. Protection of life and health is one of the fundamental human rights and an obligation of the state guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, hence provisions governing this area are included in many pieces of legislation. In practicing his or her profession, the physician bears civil, criminal and professional responsibility. Civil responsibility involves responsibility for any damage that occurs as a result of an adequate causal link. Criminal-law life and health is regulated in detail by penal code. Professional responsibility is executed by the Chamber of Physicians. Statutory laws concern the physician’s responsibility and patient’s rights. There are new domains in medicine which require new solutions.
Wykonywanie zawodu lekarza wiąże się z ochroną życia i zdrowia, dlatego od wieków wyznaczane są zasady, których powinien przestrzegać lekarz, ujmowano je w uregulowania o charakterze zarówno etycznym, jak i prawnym. Fundamentalne prawo człowieka do ochrony życia i zdrowia jest zagwarantowane w Konstytucji RP i stanowi przedmiot regulacji aktów prawnych niższego rzędu. Podczas wykonywania zawodu lekarz może ponosić odpowiedzialność cywilną, karną oraz zawodową. Odpowiedzialność cywilna wiąże się z doznaną szkodą, powstałą w adekwatnym związku przyczynowo-skutkowym. Karnoprawna ochrona życia i zdrowia jest szczegółowo uregulowana w Kodeksie karnym. Odpowiedzialność zawodowa jest odpowiedzialnością lekarza przed organami samorządu lekarskiego. Przepisy prawa stanowionego szczegółowo regulują kwestie odpowiedzialności lekarza oraz prawa pacjenta. Istnieją jednak nowe obszary w medycynie, które wymagają de lege ferenda nowych rozwiązań.
On royal physician Maciej of Błonie and his biographical-historical notesThe edition of Avicenna’s works preserved in the Provincial Library at the Higher Theological Seminary of Franciscans in Krakow contains interesting, handwritten biographical notes. It can be said with a high degree of certainty that they were written by Maciej of Błonie, a physician to Kings Aleksander I Jagiellon and Sigismund I the Old. This is suggested by the dates of his studies at the University of Krakow, the subject matter of the notes, often devoted to Mazovia, his native region, and the content of the book itself. The discovered notes, spanning the period to 1506, make it possible to fill the gaps and details of our knowledge about Maciej’s early life – there is, among other things, the exact year of his birth given, the name and date of birth of his brother, the beginning year of his school education, the year he took holy orders of acolyte, and the years he went to Italy to study and came back to Poland after having obtained a PhD degree.The article attempts to examine a possible milieu of Maciej, contacts he established which could have influenced his career, especially students of Krakow University, who studied at the same time, people who lived in Italy during the same period as Maciej; there is also a question asked about his contacts with Jan Łaski.Attention was also paid to the nature of Maciej’s notes – they appear to be draft records, without a chronological order, with numerous cross-outs and insertions. Only seldom did he put down a daily date, and he used various ways to date events. All this invites a question about the place of these notes among other diaries of the period. The article is annexed by the edition of biographical-historical notes of the royal physician.
The article is a brief supplement to biographical note about Franciszek Gumowski (1863–1939), physician and social activist from Sierpc (Masovian Voivodeship), published in 2020 in jubilee biographical dictionnary of The Scientific Society of Płock (anniversary of 200 years of Society’s founding). Gumowski was co-founder and first president of Society’s local branch in Sierpc.
W artykule podjęto próbę uzupełnienia życiorysu Franciszka Gumowskiego, zamieszczonego w jubileuszowym opracowaniu biograficznym wydanym z okazji 200-lecia Towarzystwa Naukowego Płockiego. Gumowski (1863-1939) był lekarzem w Sierpcu, aktywnym miejscowym działaczem społecznym, w tym współzałożycielem i pierwszym prezesem sierpeckiego oddziału Towarzystwa Naukowego Płockiego.
The aim of this paper is to explain the relevance of clinical guidelines in the law of medical malpractice in relation to the determination of the required standard of care. At the beginning of the paper the persons that publish such guidelines in the Czech Republic, Germany and Great Britain are discussed as well as the types of the clinical guidelines. Then, the difficulties that are associated with using clinical guidelines for determination of the required standard of care follow. In the end of the paper the benefits of the guidelines in the medical malpractice are mentioned.
Cílem tohoto příspěvku je objasnění významu clinical guidelines v oblasti právní odpovědnosti pro určení náležité odborné úrovně poskytování zdravotních služeb. Úvodem příspěvku je pojednáno o významných subjektech, jež clinical guidelines vydávají, stejně tak jako o jejich druzích, a to nejen v České republice, ale i v Německu a Velké Británii. Následuje pasáž osvětlující úskalí určování náležité odborné úrovně poskytování zdravotních služeb podle clinical guidelines. Závěrem je naopak pojednáno o jejich přínosech.
The main goal of the study was to assess the doctor’s communication with the patient. The detailed goals concerned the assessment of satisfaction with the way the physician communicates with the patient, the assessment of the communication methods used, the duration of the visit to a physician’s office, understanding of the information provided to patients, the physician’s personal culture, and the subjectivity of the patient. A questionnaire developed specifically for the study objectives was used. The analysis used data from 238 questionnaires completed correctly by cancer patients treated in a specialist hospital. The database was created in Excel and the analysis was performed using Statistica software. The analysis of the data shows that the physician’s communication with the patient is a very important aspect in the treatment process. Not all respondents were satisfied with the way the physician communicated information about the further treatment process, which increased the sense of security loss and undermined confidence in the physician’s decisions. Most patients understood the recommendations and advice provided by the physician, but there was a group of respondents who did not understand all the words used by the physician, which may lead to the non-compliance of the patient to the treatment recommendations. Patients highly appreciated the personal culture of physicians but they expected greater subjectivity in their treatment. The analysis of statements indicated that the patients’ expectations in the area of physician – patient communication are growing, which obliges physicians to broaden their knowledge in communication techniques.
Celem głównym pracy była ocena komunikacji lekarza z pacjentem. Cele szczegółowe dotyczyły oceny zadowolenia i satysfakcji ze sposobu komunikowania się lekarza z chorym, oceny stosowanych sposobów komunikacji, długości trwania wizyty u lekarza, zrozumiałości przekazywanych informacji chorym, kultury osobistej lekarza, podmiotowości pacjenta. Korzystano z kwestionariusza ankiety opracowanego specjalnie dla zrealizowania celów pracy. W analizie uwzględniono 238 poprawnie wypełnionych kwestionariuszy przez pacjentów z chorobą nowotworową leczonych w szpitalu specjalistycznym. Bazę danych założono w programie Excel, a obliczenia wykonano w programie Statistica. Zebrane dane i ich analiza pokazały, że komunikacja lekarza z chorym jest bardzo ważnym aspektem procesu leczenia. Nie wszyscy respondenci są zadowoleni ze sposobu przekazywania informacji przez lekarza dotyczących dalszego procesu leczenia, co powoduje wzrost poczucia utraty bezpieczeństwa i utratę zaufania do lekarza. Większość chorych rozumie przekazywane przez lekarza zalecenia i porady, ale jest grupa respondentów, która nie rozumie wszystkich słów wypowiadanych przez lekarza, co może prowadzić do nieprawidłowego stosowania zaleceń. Pacjenci wysoko ocenili kulturę osobistą lekarzy, ale oczekują w ich traktowaniu większej podmiotowości. Analiza zebranych wypowiedzi wskazuje, że oczekiwania pacjentów w zakresie prowadzonej komunikacji lekarz – pacjent wzrastają, co zobowiązuje lekarzy do poszerzania wiedzy z zakresu technik komunikacyjnych.
What kind of relationships had Dr. Eduard Bloch, with the creator of the ephemeral ‘Aryan’ empire? How did this humble provincial doctor get Hitler’s recognition and even gratitude? Should we sought the sources of antisemitism of the German leader in the tragic circumstances of this relationship? Dr. Eduard Bloch treated Hitler’s mother, caring her to the very end. The future Führer never forgot the sacrifice of the Jewish doctor, and after coming to power surrounded him and his whole family with care and protection. This refutes the old risky thesis about Bloch as a subconscious catalyst of Hitler’s antisemitism. The roots of Hitler’s antisemitism should rather be sought in the atmosphere of the era — ‘scientific’ literature, journalism — from studies with scientific ambitions to leaflets. Finally, biographical threads and personal resentment cannot be ruled out here. There is no simple and straightforward answer.
Jakie relacje łączyły doktora Eduarda Blocha z twórcą efemerycznego „aryjskiego” imperium? W jaki sposób ten skromny prowincjonalny lekarz zdobył uznanie, a nawet wdzięczność Hitlera? Czy źródeł antysemityzmu „wodza” Niemiec należy szukać w tragicznych okolicznościach związanych z tą znajomością? Doktor Eduard Bloch leczył matkę Hitlera, z oddaniem opiekując się chorą aż do ostatnich chwil jej życia. Przyszły Führer nigdy nie zapomni poświęcenia żydowskiego lekarza, i po dojściu do władzy otoczy Blocha oraz całą jego rodzinę opieką. Pozwala to odrzucić dawną ryzykowną tezę o doktorze Blochu jako podświadomym katalizatorze antysemityzmu Hitlera. Korzeni uprzedzeń etnicznych dyktatora należy szukać raczej w klimacie epoki – literaturze „naukowej”, publicystyce – od poważnych opracowań o ambicjach naukowych po pisma ulotne. Wreszcie, nie można wykluczyć tu wątków biograficznych, osobistych urazów. Nie ma tutaj prostej i jednoznacznej odpowiedzi.
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