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This article presents the influence of emotions on the teaching and learning process, with particular emphasis on pronunciation classes at university level. The first chapters describe the terminological intricacies within emotions, feelings, moods etc., and then the positive and negative influence of emotions on the didactic process. The next part presents attempts to use emotions that support the learning process and to cool down difficult emotions that disorganise work in classes and negatively influence the learning process. A special case is phonetic education, which arouses many more emotions than in other classes. At the end, there is a reasonable proposal of exercises called etudes, which positively influence unwanted emotions and support emotions beneficial for the didactic process.
This study explores the foreign language learning emotions of four EFL adolescent students in Romania and the ways in which their emotions emerge in their sociocultural context. Multiple qualitative methods were employed over a school semester, including a written task, semi-structured interviews with the learners and their teachers, lesson observations and English-related events outside the classroom. It was found that, while all four participants reported experiencing positive emotions in language learning, a distinction was identified in the intensity and stability of their emotions. Two participants expressed a strong and stable emotion of love towards English, while the other two participants experienced enjoyment in their English language learning without an intense emotional attachment to English. Unlike enjoyment, love was found to be the driving force in the learning process, creating effective coping mechanisms when there was a lack of enjoyment in certain classroom situations and motivating learners to invest greater effort into language learning in and out of the classroom. The findings thus revealed that, unlike enjoyment, love broadened cognition and maintained engagement in learning. The study emphasizes the role of strong, enduring positive emotions in teenage students’ language learning process.
The purpose of this study is to define medical and psychological factors characterizing the nurses with many years of the professional experience who are took part of bridging studies. Fifty nine nurses were participating in this survey. Main goal of this survey was to investigate association between clinical depression symptoms, level of neurotransmitters and the number of years in the nursing profession. Data analysis showed no symptoms of clinical depression. The level of neurotransmitters, serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline was maintained in medium level in the whole group. Respondents were characterized by higher disposition to feel gratitude and average life satisfaction. There was no sig- nificant correlation between experience in the nursing profession, depression factors and the level of neurotransmitters.
Background: The paper focuses on the problem of the effect of dance as a part of movement activities on human emotions and their experiencing in students. The movement activity has a positive impact not only on physical health of a human being, but also on his mental health. Movement not only serves to increase physical fitness in healthy subjects, physical activities suitably chosen can be applied in an effective way in with weakened organ systems. The movement is nowadays considered a suitable tool to eliminate excessive stress. Research results: The study summarises our research results of positive effect of dance on experiencing emotions of students that were verified and supported by medical practice that claims positive effect of movement on mental health of an individual. Our research results indicate that respondents from dance group experienced more positive emotions than the respondents from movement group. A statistically significant difference was found at the level of significance (p = 0.0425) in the respondents from dance group (Me = 16). Their frequency of experiencing positive emotions is statistically higher than in the respondents from movement group (Me = 13).
This article presents a new type of dictionary – a linguistic-psychological dictionary reflecting structures of language, similar to dictionaries based on associations, but also reconstructing the mental and emotional states of an average user of the Russian language. It was compiled as a result of analyzing 15918 Russian adjectives from the perspective of their relationship with emotions originating in reference to various senses. The dictionary contains information on “the emotional load” of these adjectives, that is how pleasant or how unpleasant emotions a given adjective evokes. The analyzed lexemes were assessed by respondents on the scale of emotions: slightly (un)pleasant – moderately (un)pleasant – very (un)pleasant, which was marked with an appropriate number of pluses or minuses. It cannot be overestimated how useful such a dictionary and the information it contains are. Although it is believed that representatives of different cultures experience universal emotions, their quality and intensity hidden behind particular linguistic units can diverge between different cultural-linguistic communities. Emotions are conditioned socially, culturally, and historically; they play an important role in international communication. Thus when they are incompetently and mistakenly interpreted, this can disturb dialogue between various cultures and even lead to conflicts. In the article, considering equivalents cygarowy/сигарный, differences in the evaluation of these adjectives in Polish and Russian are presented, illustrating the need to look for emotionally adequate translation equivalents when rendering them.
The object of the linguistic analysis are articles published in the years 1895–2005 in „Przewodnik Katolicki” – one of the oldest Polish periodicals and the oldest Catholic weekly in Poland, chich to a large extent has preserved its traditional line. The research conducted in this paper is of an empirical, material and interpretative character. Its purpose is the analysis of linguistic facto excerpted from „Przewodnik Katolicki” which were used by the magazine editors to express positive emotions. Only morphological indicators of positive emotions (inflectional expressive forms, morphological expressive forms) have been analyzed. Analyzing the expressive forms, the author reveals their factual emotional values coded in the elements constituting those constructions, i.e. inflectional morphemes and morphological formants. To achieve this goal he also takes into consideration other aspects of the process of expression. He includes both interactions between the constituent elements (the inner context) of inflectional and morphological structures and the activity of other components of an utterance or consituation which jointly organize the emotional meaning of expressive forms. The reconstructed senses are presented in the form of explications, following the ideas of Anna Wierzbicka and Stanisław Grabias, as analytical formulas equivalent with the defined constructions.
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Emoce vyvolané zvířaty

Animals have always represented an important part of life and thus they can evoke a wide range of emotions. This work has focused on the positive emotions evoked by animals in humans, specifically beauty as seen by human eyes. Since there is a multitude of species in the world that belong to various taxonomic groups, it is important to examine, how humans cognitively categorize them and what characteristics influence the perception of beauty in individual groups. The question was whether the size and shape of the animals’ bodies or their colour and markings influence their beauty. Previous research has successfully employed the testing method of presenting stimuli in form of photographed animals, which were then rated by respondents according to perceived beauty. Numerous works based on this method originated, studying both positive and negative attitude towards animals, which enabled further research to be carried out in other countries. Crosscultural comparison of the perception of beauty is an important part of the research of animal beauty, because it allows a comparison of opinions on animals of people from different cultural backgrounds, including native groups still living in hunter-gatherer hierarchy to this day. Identical features of what is seen as beautiful across cultures would imply that the positive perception of animals evolved before the humans settled the whole world and is thus independent of the current environment. The perception of animal beauty is an interesting subject not merely from an evolutionary standpoint, but also since it opens a possibility to use the findings in campaigns targeted to help endangered species. This work is a summary of results of studies focused on positive perception of animals on different levels and in different contexts, and it offers a concise overview of the perception of beauty by humans.
Zvířata vždy představovala důležitou součást života člověka, a proto v něm mohou vyvolávat nejrůznější emoce. V této práci jsme se zaměřili na pozitivní emoce, které v nás zvířata vzbuzují, a to zejména na krásu viděnou lidskýma očima. Jelikož na světě existuje velké množství druhů patřících do různých taxonomických skupin, je důležité se podívat, jak lidé zvířata kognitivně kategorizují a jaké charakteristiky ovlivňují hodnocení krásy v každé skupině zvířat zvlášť. Zajímalo nás, zda krásu ovlivňuje velikost a tvar těla nebo barevnost či vzor jednotlivých druhů. V předchozích pracích byla úspěšně využita testovací metoda předkládání stimulů v podobě fotografií zvířat, které respondenti hodnotí podle vnímané krásy. Na základě této metody vzniklo mnoho prací zkoumající vztah ke zvířatům (jak pozitivní, tak negativní) a umožnilo provádět výzkumy i v jiných zemích. Mezikulturní srovnání vnímání krásy je důležitou součástí výzkumu krásy zvířat, neboť umožňuje porovnat názory lidí na zvířata z odlišných kulturních prostředí, včetně domorodých obyvatel žijících dodnes v lovecko-sběračském uspořádání. Pokud by totiž byly znaky určující, co je na zvířatech krásné, mezikulturně shodné, dá se předpokládat, že pozitivní vnímání zvířat se vyvinulo v evoluci dříve, než lidé osídlili celý svět, a tudíž není závislé na současném prostředí. Vnímání krásy zvířat není zajímavé jen z hlediska evoluce, ale dává nám možnost využít tyto poznatky v cílených kampaních na pomoc ohroženým druhům zvířat. Tato práce je shrnutím výsledků studií zabývajících se pozitivním vnímáním zvířat na různé úrovni a v různých souvislostech a přináší ucelený pohled na vnímání krásy zvířat u lidí.
The introducing article of the thematic volume delineates the circumstances of the birth of positive psychology, and the aims formulated in the first manifesto of the new scientific approach of the millennium. It reviews the antecedents: the heritage of the humanistic psychology, and mentions that positive psychology undertakes the empirical verification of humanistic hypotheses. The study summarizes the results of the positive psychology of the last 10 years in 10 points (e.g. elaborating the inventory of strengths, creating the theory of positive emotions, forming the symptoms, and setting the model of mental health, identifying the strategies of enhancing experience etc…). The deficit of a universal stock of concepts, and creating a general theory are mentioned as critical points.
Stress as an individual phenomenon is a specific kind of emotional experience usually associated with negativeemotions and analysed in their context. However, under certain circumstances stress may also trigger positive emotions; analysing a stressful situation and reflecting upon it may lead one to perceive benefits of stressful experience and undertake positive reappraisal of encountered difficulties. The author’s own empirical research reveals that a considerable percentage of children finishing their early-stage school education believe that it is possible to find something advantageous, good and positive in stressful situations full of negative emotions. Examples of such positive aspects of stress given by those children indicate that for some of them the developmental process that involves coping with difficult situations has already started. The children begin to act independently (analyse the difficult situation, talk about it, ask questions, check the effectiveness of strategies) in order to overcome difficulties and find their meaning in human existence.
In the context of second language acquisition, foreign language enjoyment (FLE) is a relatively new concept. For that reason, none of the few research carried out in the field thus far has been focused on whether gender might be an important determinant of either a high or a low level of FLE. Thus, the purpose of the present paper was to examine the influence of FLE on learning English as a foreign language, as well as to investigate this relationship from the perspective of gender. The results of this study revealed that there are no statistically significant differences between males and females in FLE, while such differences are found in terms of the sources of FLE each gender perceives as the most crucial ones. It has been proved that FLE increases with the level of students’ proficiency, and a high level of FLE results in students’ greater academic achievement.
For many second and foreign language learners, the goal of language instruction is fluent oral performance. Such performance can be achieved if the mechanisms underlying L2 performance have been automatized. It is generally recognized that promoting automaticity in the classroom requires massive repetition and consistent practice, which, however, need to correspond to conditions of use in order for transfer into real speech to take place. It is also often acknowledged that meeting these requirements in classroom instruction is very difficult as traditional repetitive practice activities often take time away from communicative language use and fail to induce positive emotions in learners. In this article, we take a fresh look at the theory behind, and the implementation of, pattern practice. We begin by arguing that it is construction grammar that provides a theoretical foundation for pattern practice. We also demonstrate that monolingual drills in the audiolingual method marginalized meaning and were often mechanical. We then present bilingual drills as an alternative exercise type which facilitates pattern recognition, oral repetition and focus on meaning. We show that referring to the native language makes it possible to localize and individualize the examples used and to induce positive emotions in the process. Finally, we discuss communicative drills and use transcripts of classroom interaction to demonstrate that repetitive practice, communication and positive emotions can all be combined.
The aim of this article is to present theoretical and practical perspective of positive emotions in the process of teaching and upbringing, especially in the space of regional education. In the first part, author describes the place of emotions in the theoretical models of education of J. Locke, J.J. Rousseau, J. Herbart, researchers of New Educations Movement and C. Rogers’ humanistic theory of child development. A separate place devoted to the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions developed by B. Fredrickson. This theory posits that experiences of positive emotions, like joy, interest, contentment, and love, broaden people’s momentary thought-action repertoires which in turn serves to build their enduring personal resources, ranging from physical and intellectual resources to social and psychological resources. The field of regional education very well fits into the theory of positive emotions. The children may observe and understand their own place and its tradition. They may be proud of it, and they would like to do something good for the local society in the future. An integral part of this article provides a proposal of substantive basis of regional educational for the Podtatrze region.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie roli pozytywnych emocji w wychowaniu i edukacji, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem możliwości, jakie w tym względzie otwiera przed szkołą edukacja regionalna. W pierwszej części przeanalizowano poglądy wybranych pedagogów pod kątem ich zapatrywań na miejsce emocji w procesie wychowania (J. Locke, J.J. Rousseau, J. Herbart, M. Montessori, różni pedagodzy spod znaku Nowego Wychowania, C. Rogers). Kolejną część poświęcono teorii pozytywnych emocji B. Fredrickson, która wykazała znaczenie takich uczuć, jak zadowolenie, radość, duma, zainteresowanie i miłość w procesie wychowania. Następnie omówiono opracowaną dla regionu Podtatrza merytoryczną podstawę edukacji regionalnej, która zawiera w swej treści cele ogólne i szczegółowe. Całość zamykają refleksje na temat tego, w jaki sposób głębsze zakorzenienie we własnej bliższej ojczyźnie sprzyja generowaniu i utrwalaniu pozytywnych emocji wśród uczniów.
The purpose of the article is to compare the narratives about contentment (zadowolenie) in individuals from two different generations of digital natives, i.e. digital natives 1.0 and digital natives 2.0. The term “digital native” refers to an individual born and raised in the digital age, with modern technologies constituting an integral part of life. Different environments, in which people of various generations grew up, determine differences, for instance, in their emotional functioning, and in the contents and structure of emotion representations developed by them. The study took into account narratives related to contentment, produced by 148 individuals representing various generations. The specificity of the representation of contentment, identified in the two generations of digital natives, was described based on the qualitative and quantitative analyses. It was shown that the narratives about contentment allows identify in digital natives a lot of information on objects, and few references to family. The narrations about contentment observed in the participants from Generation digital natives 1.0 contains little information on animals. On the other hand, representation of contentment in individuals from Generation digital natives 2.0 contains a lot of information on symptoms and synonyms, tangible values and intangible values.
Celem artykułu jest porównanie narracji na temat zadowolenia u osób z różnych pokoleń, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dwóch pokoleń digital natives, tj. digital natives 1.0 oraz digital natives 2.0. Pokoleniem digital natives określa się osoby urodzone i wychowane w erze cyfrowej, dla których nowoczesne technologie są nieodłącznym elementem życia. Odmienne warunki, w jakich dorastali przedstawiciele różnych pokoleń, warunkują odmienność ich funkcjonowania (w tym emocjonalnego) oraz różnice w zakresie treści i struktury konstruowanych przez nich reprezentacji emocji. Przeanalizowano wypowiedzi na temat zadowolenia 148 osób z różnych pokoleń. Na podstawie jakościowej i ilościowej analizy opisano specyfię treści narracji o zadowoleniu dwóch pokoleń digital natives. Wykazano, że narracje o zadowoleniu wśród digital natives zawierają liczne informacje na temat przedmiotów oraz małą liczbę odniesień do rodziny. Narracje o zadowoleniu przedstawicieli digital natives 1.0 są ubogie w informacje na temat zwierząt. Reprezentacja zadowolenia u osób z pokolenia digital natives 2.0 jest natomiast bogata w informacje dotyczące symptomów i synonimów oraz wartości materialnych i niematerialnych.
The article presents the objectives, concepts, methods and characteristics of the artistic and social action known as “#givethanksfor”, pursued through social media, based on the assumptions of participatory art. The article describes the components of the action, how it was created and importance of the artistic work done, which is the finale of the action. The artist asks questions: “Can participatory art exist online?” and “Will the artist’s actions based on participatory art allow to awaken and show a feeling of gratitude in a group of people?” Answers were attempted based on considerations of participatory art, gratitude and online artistic activity.
Artykuł przedstawia cele, koncepcje i metody działania oraz charakterystykę przebiegu akcji artystyczno-społecznej „#dziękujza” w mediach społecznościowych w oparciu o założenia sztuki partycypacyjnej. Opisuje jej elementy składowe, sposób powstania i znaczenie wykonanej pracy artystycznej będącej finałem akcji. Artysta stawia pytania: „Czy sztuka partycypacyjna może zaistnieć w internecie?” i „Czy działania artysty oparte na sztuce partycypacyjnej pozwolą rozbudzić i unaocznić uczucie wdzięczności w grupie ludzi?”. Odpowiedzi próbowano uzyskać na podstawie rozważań o sztuce partycypacyjnej, wdzięczności oraz przeprowadzonego działania artystycznego w internecie.
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