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Modern prisons are viewed in this paper as highly specific configurations, providing a critical infrastructure for the forging of a new relationship between subjects and the imperial state. The comparison of three rather different temporal and spatial practices of territorial incorporation makes it possible to describe the introduction of modern statehood in nineteenth century Poland and Lithuania as a long-term process, including a radically changed legal framework. It was accompanied by the ongoing codification of penal law by all three partitioning powers, which is outlined in the first part of this paper. The article offers a deep analysis of the establishment of new practices of incarceration in remote places (vis-à-vis the imperial capitals) as an inherent part of a changing relationship between centre and periphery within the Prussian, Russian and Habsburg Empires. They were among a broad range of new bureaucratic practices fostering the territorialisation of statehood. By enlarging the presence of selected actors in remote parts of the Central European Empires, they established a direct and bidirectional relationship between the representatives of the state and its subjects. By analysing the way in which the partitioning powers re-used monasteries as infrastructures for the introduction of new penal practices in the early nineteenth century, this article offers a better understanding of the long-term structural changes. A two-step argumentation follows the functional logic of the relationship between religious spaces designed for introspection and spaces for solitary confinement. As a consequence of the reform discourse, new prison complexes were erected in the second half of the nineteenth century. They produced a highly institutionalized and structured space for the reconfiguration of the relationship between the subject and the state. An ideal version of this relationship was described in normative documents, such as prison instructions. In analysing them, this article focuses on the state-led implementation of religious practices, as they played a major role in the redesign of this relationship following the establishment of new prison complexes.
The treatment or the resocialization is the most important part of the prison sentence which methods can be individual and group. Motivated inmates and less resistance for the treatment are the main precondition for eefctive treatment. Appropriate behavior of personnel is the main factor for that result. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) as the most eefctive evidence based psychotherapy approach for oefnder population is a type for inmate treatment. CBT is a result of Aaron Beck pioneering work in the 1960s. CBT model is based on the triangle relationships between cognition, emotions and behavior. The cognition is defined as a product of the three levels: cognitive schemas, negative automatic thoughts and dysfunctional thinking or thinking errors. The inventory of risk, need and strengths (IORNS), an risk assessment instrument, based on Risk, need and responsivity (RNR) model, was used for selection of (N=27) inmates and CBT treatment pilot program final evaluation, in Macedonian prison Bitola. The evaluation was done by comparing pre and post test measures in (N=12) male inmates, as optimal number for group psychotherapy treatment. According to the RNR model the treatment program needs to be oriented to the inmates needs. Implementing CBT treatment program for group psychotherapy and IORNS as short screening tool in Macedonian prisons was the aim of the project supported by the Council of Europe in this work.
A series of mysterious deaths in prisons made the issue of persecution organs functioning, but first and foremost question the effectiveness of controls within the prison system, returned to the newspapers’ headines. In the large part the debate has been concerned with the safety of persons who may have important information regarding ongoing criminal proceedings. Opinions are divergent, and their authors often refer back to fundamental issues. The most important and arousing the strongest emotions ones among them are as follows: where is the limit of permitted prision isolation, and how should the special units for specific categories of offenders operate? The presented study is the result of research entitled “Wstępna ocena funkcjonowania oddziałów dla więźniów niebezpiecznych” (“Introductory assessment of wards for particularly dangerous criminals”) which I carried out in 2007-2008. In the research, I examined the subject of the borders of the prison isolation, with particular emphasis on the effects of its escalation, for those who are the subjects, and for those who are executors of enhanced isolation alike. The research consisted of 10 case studies carried out on prisoners, who stayed in the special prison units with a very high degree of isolation for the longest time. Their period of stay ranged from 7 to 14 years. Penitentiary records of these individuals and the material gathered during the in-depth interviews were analysed. In addition to the presentation of the data collected during the research also contains an attempt to present a useful analytic scheme to describe and understand the functioning of this segment of the prison system, which is responsible for the isolation and control of the most dangerous criminal offenders and the most recalcitrant prisoners. The unit analysed was, so-called N ward, treated as an element of the prison culture and culture in general. The primary data source is the materials and documents related to the functioning of this segment of the prison system and the awareness of individuals participating in this social phenomenon. The latter is consistent with the assumptions of humanist criminology, in which an individual experience is a key vehicle for knowledge of the culture, and the knowledge should be searched there. The essence of this approach to the study of social phenomena is a recommendation by F. Znaniecki to study it with “the humanistic factor.” The study reconstructed the origins of wards with a high degree of isolation and it systemic rationalisation. The information collected, justify the hypothesis that the system of N wards in Poland was not prepared well enough. Ultimately there are 16 branches and with over more than 400 specially protected places of imprisonment created, despite the considerable cost, only because they were presented to decision-makers as one of the key instruments to combat the organized crime.
The analysis of the materials show that the CIA prisons, where the members of Al-Kaida were kept and interrogated, were founded in Poland in 2002 when the country was governed by SLD. The PiS politicians who were in the following government knew about the fact but did not want to reveal it to the public. The party of PO which has been governing the country since 2007 has not solved the problem yet. European Court Of Human Rights held in its verdict of 24 July 2014 that there had been the CIA prisons in our country. According to that verdict Poland violated the European Convention on Human Rights and its ban on torture. Poland has not solved the problem, prolonging the investigation 15 times. It is extended until 11 April 2015. On 23 October 2014 our country appealed to European Court of Human Rights to hear the case again.
The officer core of the Prison Guard (Straż Więzienna, SW), a formation established only as late as 1932, emerged from the narrow circle of persons associated with the Prison Section, which emerged in 1918. Its membership consisted of a small cadre of Polish guards who had gained experience in prisons controlled by the occupying powers. Unless they had worked in prisons before 1918, the rank-andfile of the SW consisted of demobilised and/or retired soldiers as well as of would-be or ex-policemen. ‘Street people’ in many cases, they treated the work as temporary or took it up as an easy job. The reality they faced on the other side of the wall quickly verified their convictions about the task they had accepted. As a result, the ranks of the SW were given to heavy rotation, evident up to 1939. Employees of the interwar prison system did not enjoy much public regard; for some, leaving the army to become a prison guard felt like social degradation. Aside from a few minor exceptions – such as prison breaks, stories of convict abuse – this peculiar group of workers was generally absent from the public narrative of the re-established state. Naturally, its problems were debated among experts, but these debates did not seep into the press as often as those concerning the police. For many years after 1918, the SW continued to be perceived through the nineteenthcentury image of the guard as watchman, a personification of the oppressive partition governments. SW functionaries associated with the labour union established in 1932 as well as the Przegląd Więziennictwa Polskiego (Polish Penal Review) magazine took up the daunting task of improving that image.The article provides an analysis of their efforts, attempting a response whether their goals were achieved, at least to a degree. My focus is on the public perception of the formation, while I also try to establish whether its foundation and development was perceived as a success (as was the case, for instance, with the police). My interests, however, are not limited to the media and public image of the SW corps, but also include the conditions under which its members laboured. In this context, I am particularly interested in the realities of the prison corridor; in the article, I attempt to describe the tenor of the relations between guards and prisoners in contemporary prisons (especially the prevailing aggression). Finally, I pursue a reconstruction of the image/s of the SW created by convicts, with particular focus on the significance of the change associated with the year 1918.My analysis leads to somewhat pessimistic conclusions. The major changes involved in the professionalization of the cadres and partial implementation of the prison reform that also affected the SW do not appear to have been satisfactory. Attempts to dismantle stereotypes of the guards could only achieve limited success, and the SW remained a formation of thoroughly dubious quality.
Objectives The specific job demands of the Prison Service (PS) may affect the health of officers. The job demands-resources model (JD-R) model was used to design a survey of the consequences of working subject to particular job demands. The aim was to gain an insight into the relationship between job demands, personal resources, occupational stress and burnout and selected health consequence indicators (such as behaviors associated with the consumption of alcohol, stress symptoms). Material and Methods A total of 1732 PS officers in Poland were surveyed. The following tools were used as part of the survey: the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ II), the Multidimensional Inventory for Assessing Coping Responses (COPE), the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) and a form with a respondent’s particulars. Path analysis using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was performed. Results The assumed hypotheses were partially confirmed by the results. Out of 4 job demands categories only work pace turned out not to be a significant predictor of burnout and stress. For alcohol related behaviors, stress level was the only significant predictor, both as a direct and indirect effect taking into account job demands. It transpired that support from superiors rather than support from colleagues or self-efficacy was a significant moderator in the emotional demands – stress relationship. Limitations of the study and perspectives for its continuation are also presented herein. Conclusions Based on the obtained results it may be concluded that job demands and support from superiors do have an impact on stress in the PS group. This is also consistent with available reports in literature. At the same time stress is a significant predictor of alcohol related behaviors. Coping through the use of psychoactive substances was not a significant factor in statistical analyses and it has still not been subject to sufficient scientific analysis.
Objectives The aim of the study was to analyze the determinants of prison inmates’ personal quality of life (PQoL). Material and Methods Three hundred ninety men imprisoned in penitentiary institutions were assessed. Data were collected by means of the the Sense of Quality of Life Questionnaire, the General Self-Esteem Scale, the Social Support Scale, the Resiliency Assessment Scale, the Trait Personality Inventory, which have high validity and reliability. All models were specified in structural equations modeling using Mplus v. 8.2. Results The positive correlates of PQoL are: self-efficacy, social support, and ego-resiliency. The negative correlate of PQoL is trait depression. The study confirmed that 2 factors affected ego-resiliency: self-efficacy and trait depression. Conclusions All significant factors, such as self-efficacy, social support, ego-resiliency, or trait depression, should be taken into account in rehabilitation programs.
This article presents the context that led to the establishment of the probation system in Romania in relation to some reforms of the criminal sanctioning system. These reforms were necessary because of the difficulties faced by the penitentiary system before and after 1989, as well as the need to align the administration of penalties with the requirements imposed by the country’s accession to the Council of Europe and the European Union. Eighteen years after the creation of the probation system within the Ministry of Justice, it can be stated that this endeavour constitutes a success, but it is absolutely necessary to continue the efforts towards consolidating it. In addition, these measures have to be accompanied by a change of vision in relation to how other community members can be involved in the process of social reintegration of individuals who have broken the law.   W artykule został przedstawiony proces wdrożenia systemu probacyjnego w Rumunii w kontekście reform dotyczących zmian systemu sankcji karnych. Z uwagi na trudności, z jakimi borykał się system penitencjarny w Rumunii przed rokiem 1989 i po tym roku, wprowadzenie takich zmian było konieczne. Przemawiała za tym także potrzeba dostosowania systemu karnego do wymogów nałożonych na państwa członkowskie przez Radę Europy i Unię Europejską. Z perspektywy 18 lat od wdrożenia systemu probacyjnego w ramach Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwości przedsięwzięcie to jest uznawane za sukces. Konieczne wydaje się jednak kontynuowanie dotychczasowego wysiłku, by system ten dodatkowo umocnić. Wykonywaniu środków probacyjnych musi bowiem towarzyszyć zmiana co do postrzegania przez członków społeczeństwa konieczności ich zaangażowania w proces reintegracji społecznej osób, które weszły w konflikt z prawem.
This article presents the context that led to the establishment of the probation system in Romania, on the background of undertaking of some reforms of the criminal sanctions system. The necessity of achieving them was represented by the difficulties faced by the penitentiary system before and after 1989, but also by the need to align the administration of penalties to the requirements imposed by the country‘s accession to the Council of Europe and the European Union. Eighteen years after the creation of the probation system within the Ministry of Justice, it can be stated that, this endeavor constitutes a success, but it is absolutely necessary to continue the efforts towards its consolidation. In addition, these measures have to be accompanied by a change of vision in relation to how other community members can be involved in the process of social reintegration of persons in conflict with the criminal law.
The paper is the outcome of extensive research carried out with regard to a technology applied on a daily basis by officers of the Prison Service, i.e. a technology that facilitates the execution of custodial sentences through various means of electronic supervision. The goal of the detailed enquiries made into the subject matter has been an attempt to characterise the idea of the electronic supervision system and to establish its potential and capabilities, as well as its drawbacks. The key research issue has been to provide the answer to the question of the current state of both theory and practice of applying the electronic supervision system in the daily work of Prison Service officers, and to verify the hypothesis of whether such systems that are currently in use ought to be modified, and if so – in what ways.
Artykuł stanowi efekt badań technologii związanej z odbywaniem kary w systemie dozoru elektronicznego (SDE) wykorzystywanej w codziennej pracy funkcjonariuszy Służby Więziennej. Celem badań przedmiotowej problematyki była próba scharakteryzowania SDE, określenie potencjału i możliwości jakie daje ten system, a także poznanie jego wad. Zasadniczym problemem badawczym było znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie: jaki jest stan teorii i praktyki w zakresie wykorzystania systemu dozoru elektronicznego w pracy funkcjonariuszy służby więziennej i czy należałoby wprowadzić modyfikacje w jego użytkowaniu, a jeśli tak, to jakie.
Persons deprived of their liberty in penitentiary institutions are among the groups most exposed to SARS-CoV-2 infection. One of basic ways to limit the development of the epidemic in these institutions is to reduce the number of prisoners. The first case of COVID-19 was diagnosed in Poland on 4 March 2020. Unlike in some European countries, after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was no preventive release of prisoners in order to limit the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in prisons. In March 2020, the Polish parliament passed legal provisions which introduced a special break in the enforcement of prison sentences due to the epidemic threat and widened the possible use of electronic monitoring as an alternative way to serve prison terms. These new solutions did not contribute to a significant increase in the number of prisoners released from prisons. In the period from March to December 2020, the prison population in Poland dropped by more than 10%, however, this mainly resulted from a reduced number of admissions to penitentiary institutions. The article discusses the limitations of the use of particular measures in order to reduce the overall number of prisoners.
Osoby pozbawione wolności w jednostkach penitencjarnych zaliczane są do grup szczególnie narażonych na zakażenie SARS-CoV-2. Jednym z podstawowych sposobów ograniczania rozwoju epidemii w tych instytucjach jest zmniejszenie liczby więźniów. Pierwszy przypadek COVID-19 zdiagnozowano w Polsce 4 marca 2020 r. Inaczej niż w niektórych krajach europejskich, po wybuchu pandemii COVID-19 nie zastosowano prewencyjnego zwolnienia osób skazanych lub tymczasowo aresztowanych i skazanych w celu ograniczenia rozprzestrzeniania się SARS-CoV-2 na terenie więzień. W marcu 2020 r. parlament uchwalił przepisy prawne, które wprowadziły szczególny rodzaj przerwy w wykonaniu kary pozbawienia wolności z powodu zagrożenia epidemicznego i rozszerzyły podstawy stosowania dozoru elektronicznego jako alternatywnego sposobu odbywania kary pozbawienia wolności. Nowe rozwiązania nie przyczyniły się do istotnego wzrostu liczby więźniów zwalnianych z zakładów karnych. Ponad 10–procentowy spadek populacji więziennej w Polsce w okresie od marca do grudnia 2020 r. wynikał głównie z mniejszej liczby osób przyjmowanych do jednostek penitencjarnych. W artykule dyskutowane są ograniczenia dotyczące stosowania poszczególnych środków w celu zmniejszenia liczby uwięzionych.
Nurt SVD
issue 2
Przedmiotem artykułu jest papieskie rozumienie wolności religijnej więźniów i ich godności osobistej. Autor analizuje najpierw stosunek Jana Pawła II do wolności, w tym także wolności religii i sumienia, a potem kwestię podejścia papieża do zagadnień kary (także kary śmierci). Autor zwrócił uwagę na fakt, że Jan Paweł II z godności osoby ludzkiej więźniów wyprowadził ich prawo do wolności religijnej, a karę, w tym karę pozbawienia wolności, uznał za dopuszczalną, jeśli wykonywana jest z uznaniem podmiotowości więźniów. Osobne rozważania poświęcone są papieskiemu nauczaniu adresowanemu do więźniów, zwłaszcza młodych wiekiem, i personelu więziennego. Papież z ojcowską troską traktował młodocianych przestępców, którym systemy wykonawstwa kary powinny umożliwić szansę powrotu do normalnego społeczeństwa. Całość artykułu kończą uwagi o ponadczasowym wymiarze papieskiego ujęcia wolności religijnej osób pozbawionych wolności.
The present article is devoted to the subject of Pope’s understanding of freedom of religious prisoners and their personal dignity. The author first examines John Paul II’s relation towards freedom, including the freedom of religion and conscience, then the question of Pope’s approach towards the issues of punishment (including the death penalty). The present author drew attention to the fact that John Paul II from the human dignity of prisoners derived their right to religious freedom, whereas the punishment, including imprisonment, declared admissible if it is done with the recognition of prisoners’ subjectivity. Separate considerations are devoted to the Papal teaching addressed to prisoners, especially those young ones, and prison staffs. The Pope, with fatherly care, treated juvenile offenders to whom the penalty performance systems should allow a chance to return to normal society. The whole article is summarised by remarks on a timeless dimension of Papal recognition of the religious freedom of people who were deprived of their liberty.
W zakładach karnych w Europie i państwach muzułmańskich wielokrotnie dokonywała się konwersja osadzonych na radykalną odmianę islamu, co w konsekwencji nierzadko skłaniało ich do podjęcia aktywności o charakterze terrorystycznym. Stąd też problematyka ta jest ważna z perspektywy zrozumienia mechanizmów konwersji na ten rodzaj ekstremizmu. Artykuł podejmuje zagadnienie radykalizacji dżihadystycznej w hiszpańskich zakładach penitencjarnych oraz związków tego procesu z aktywnością terrorystyczną. Odwołuje się do metody historycznej i systemowej oraz do teorii sieci, ujmującej dżihadyzm jako swoisty globalny ruch społeczny. Koncentruje się na analizie najważniejszych inicjatyw prewencyjnych i deradykalizacyjnych, wprowadzonych na przestrzeni ostatnich lat przez władze Hiszpanii w odpowiedzi na ten problem w celu zniwelowania ryzyka oddziaływania ekstremizmu salafickiego w więzieniach. Artykuł przybliża główne przesłanki i kierunki działań administracji penitencjarnej w tym zakresie, jak również wskazuje na wyzwania im towarzyszące. Głównym wnioskiem jest wskazanie na kompleksowe i wielopłaszczyznowe opracowanie strategii prewencyjnych w hiszpańskich zakładach penitencjarnych, które – pomimo pewnych mankamentów – należy uznać za efektywne.
The process of radicalisation, that often takes place in prisions in European and Muslim countries, is extremely important to understand the challenges and threats for the international security, caused by jihadist terrorism. It is necessary to analyse how condemned individual becomes involved in militant activities. The article analyses the problem of violent radicalisation in Spanish prisions and examines anti-terrorist policy based in this context on the idea of prevention, deradicalisation and disengagement. The research is focused on the conditions and purposes of the Spanish strategies and programmes introduced in the penitentiary centers in the response to the jihadi recruitment in the Iberian Peninsula. The author emphasises the priorities of the National Strategic Plan to Combat Violent Radicalisation approved in 2015 and other initiatives and regulations to stop the Salafi proselytism and unable the indoctrination activities among the Muslim in prisions. The methodological analysis is based on the integration of historical and system method and refers to the Marc Sageman’s theory of the jihadist network, which is more appropriate to understand how they appear and operate. The main finding of the article is that Spanish authorities have implemented the multidimensional and integrated programmes countering violent extremism and anti-radicalisation in prisions that are effective, despite some elements that could be improved.
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