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In the nineteenth century, there was a significant development of rail transport in Poland. The use of rail transport by the Polish Armed Forces depends on the current situation in the country and in the world as well as on the tasks performed by military institutions. In peacetime, the railway is used mainly for the transport of troops to the area of training grounds and maneuvers. A key role during the transport of troops is also a properly planned route, taking into account the available railway infrastructure. The technical condition of the infrastructure largely affects the activities of a military nature. Adequate infrastructure affects the logistical security of own and allied troops in times of peace, crisis and war. Properly logistically secured, the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland have a fundamental impact on the country's military security.
Regional rail transport in Poland in its current form began in 2004, when the organizing and subsidizing regional passenger services became the task of regional government. The most important company which has been used to realize these tasks was ”Przewozy Regionalne”. The company has faced numerous problems and permanent underfunding. In 2008 the owner of ”Przewozy Regionalne” changed to regional governments. The article examines the process of changes in the company and its current situation. The author justifies the changes are not sufficient to improve the situation and further actions are required.
Air travel has increased rapidly in Central Europe in the first decade of the 21st century thanks to the admission of Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia to the European Union and the liberalization of their air travel market. Rapid increase in the number of air travelers in Central Europe created new challenges for Central European airports, which had to expand, modernize and better connect to urban cores. The best solution of the last problem is to organize rail transport, which can handle considerable high passenger volumes, avoids traffic jams, and exerts a relatively small impact on the natural environment. The creation of rail transportation systems increases the airports competitiveness of making cities and whole geographical regions more accessible in general. Another benefit of this transport is that the construction of airportrail links includes metropolitan areas which had no efficient transport systems.
The construction of passenger stops of the railway transport has been proposed in order to operate the communication infrastructure of two housing complexes – the village of Mirków and the Residential Estate ‘the Four Seasons’ (Polish: ‘Cztery Pory Roku’), belonging to the agglomeration of Wroclaw. The possibility of the location of the stops within the existing infrastructure is considered. There are presented several variants of the solution to the track layout with passenger service facilities (platforms). The parameters are provided to use for the proposed railroad turnouts and the track pavement structure. In the case of the Estate ‘Four Seasons’ there are also discussed the conditions for the construction of the tram route enabling communication with the center of Wroclaw. The concept of the tram loop in terms of the location of the estate area and the geometric layout of tracks is presented as well.
In the modern world, in Europe and in Poland, many forms of cooperation between states and enterprises can be observed. Many business entities take a lot of effort to offer the most up-to-date services and to prepare sales and marketing networks ready to win on a competitive market. These processes affect transport market as well. The article focuses on global transport services, in particular on the competition in international cargo traffic on the China-Europe route. It is presented on the background of the globalization and competitive processes in transport services. The demand for transport services, resulting from rapid growth of China is discussed, with particular interest in two modes of transport: railway and sea. The article considers the conditions for China-Europe rail transport due to the recent initiatives towards building the "Silk Road". It opens new possibilities for rail transport to compete on the China - Europe route, especially considering the factor of time. The conclusions present the guidelines for further development in the area of transport services on the China-Europe route.
According to experts, passenger and goods transport is essential for the economic growth and prosperity of each society. Every transport system burdens the environment, using the dedicated infrastructure and its resources. The contemporary means of transport use the environment to generate propulsion energy (directly in combustion engines or indirectly in electric power plants). Rail transport is considered to be environment-friendly owing to its low external costs, which include the costs of the consequences of discharging gases and/or dusts into the atmosphere. In the paper the method of research, which is characterized by a different ratio than in the observation of the subject to the phenomenon under consideration. Observing the studied phenomenon has not been changed. The aim of this research was to identify the components of rail transport costs borne by the orderer of a transport service and by the electric power plant supplying the railway with electricity, on the basis of a case study of the transport of aggregate. Calculations showed the share of such costs in transport costs (in the considered case) to be marginal. In the light of this finding the definition of external costs is critically evaluated..
This article presents results of research devoted to spatial diversification of accessibility to passenger rail transport in the Łódź province. The analysis was conducted on the basis of a full inventory of railway connections of carriers providing their services within the boundaries of the region. Calculations were made in reference to 158 train stations and train stops as well as the population of 4,965 settlement units. Two variants of reaching a train stop by passenger were distinguished: on foot and using individual car transport. Both solutions include a number of border variants in the form of maximum equidistances of access on foot and isochrones of travel by car. Research proceedings were based on two-step floating catchment area (modified for the purposes of research into effectiveness of public rail transport), which provides for train frequency and travel time to individual stops from the topological perspective.
This article focuses on the application of the queueing theory for the analysis of transport processes with regard to rail traffic. Selected aspects of queueing theory application for the analysis and rail traffic flow assessment are presented. A literature review regarding process modelling in rail transport using mass service theory models was performed. In order to study rail traffic flow, the application Java Modelling Tools- JSIM graph was used. The train movement process was analysed with regard to the traffic flow. The study was conducted on the basis of selected stretches of railway lines, numbers 2 (central long-distance in Warsaw) and 448 (central suburban in Warsaw).
Changes in the functions of Polish borders at the turn of the 20th and 21st century resulted in a reorientation of transport connections with countries of the former Soviet Union. One of the consequences of the phenomenon are considerable transformations in the scope of degree of use of rail transport in cross-border passenger traffic. The objective of the article is the dynamic assessment of the importance of railways in passenger traffic between Poland and Ukraine in the years 1990–2016 (including limited data for 2018), with consideration of the infrastructural and organizational factors. The analyses employed data on traffic of persons and vehicles on railway and road border crossings. They provided the basis for the determination of changes in the position of rail towards other modes of cross-border transport. The second source is Network Train Timetable (in Polish: Sieciowy Rozkład Jazdy Pociągów), used for the preparation of maps of connections functioning in selected time intervals. The analyzed period was characterized by a continuous decrease in the importance of rail in bilateral passenger traffic. It proved completely inflexible towards systemic and geopolitical transformations and intermodal competition of bus transport, and from 2013 also air transport. The spatial layout of rail connections suggested initial de-concentration involving several border crossings, and then concentration on two main lines. The vast general increase in traffic that occurred in recent years in the Ukrainian direction constitutes a chance for increasing the role of rail transport in a situation of overload of road border crossings.
W wyniku zmian funkcji granic Polski na przełomie XX i XXI w., nastąpiła reorientacja powiązań transportowych z państwami byłego ZSRR. Jedną z konsekwencji tego zjawiska są znaczące przekształcenia w zakresie stopnia obsługi transgranicznych przewozów pasażerskich przez transport kolejowy. Celem artykułu jest dynamiczna ocena znaczenia kolei w ruchu osobowym między Polską i Ukrainą, w latach 1990–2018, z uwzględnieniem czynnika infrastrukturalnego i organizacyjnego. W analizach wykorzystane zostały dane o ruchu osób i pojazdów na kolejowych i drogowych przejściach granicznych. Określono na tej podstawie m.in. zmiany pozycji kolei względem innych gałęzi obsługujących przewozy transgraniczne. Drugie źródło stanowią Sieciowe Rozkłady Jazdy Pociągów, które posłużyły do opracowania map sieci połączeń funkcjonujących w wybranych przekrojach czasowych. Badany okres charakteryzował się stałym spadkiem znaczenia kolei w dwustronnym ruchu osobowym. Okazała się ona całkowicie nieelastyczna względem przemian systemowych, geopolitycznych oraz konkurencji międzygałęziowej ze strony transportu autobusowego, a od 2013 r. także lotniczego. Układ przestrzenny połączeń kolejowych wskazywał na początkową dekoncentrację w ramach kilku przejść granicznych, a następnie ponowną koncentrację na dwóch liniach magistralnych. Ogromny przyrost ruchu ogółem, jaki nastąpił w ostatnich latach na kierunku ukraińskim, w sytuacji przeciążenia drogowych punktów granicznych, stanowi szansę na zwiększenie roli transportu kolejowego.
Public transport is one of the most important elements in the development of the economy and the social space in which it is located. Therefore, it is very important for the area to properly organize and plan a smooth and fault-tolerant transport network that will facilitate transport in the area. The paper analyzes the structural - using graph theory - railway network of the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway to assess its structure in terms of its organizational and functional application. This network is used, inter alia, to co-implement public transport within the Tri-City and Kashubia.
vol. 61
issue 3 (368)
The Supreme Audit Office has conducted the audit of the performance of the Polish Railways (PKP) capital group, comprising the activity of 14 most important companies of the group, included in the audited period, i.e. the years 2010-2013, to the holding managed by PKP SA called the PKP Group (Polish: Grupa PKP). The audit was carried out on the initiative of NIK, as a result of the risk analysis of the railway transportation functioning in Poland, carried out by the NIK Department of Infrastructure. The analysis showed that, despite a series of activities related to the transformation of railways introduced in 2001, the process of modifications of the railway market has not always been successful. The PKP Group, in the first decade of its operations, did not bring satisfying economic results, and the companies established by PKP SA that constitute the PKP Group were mostly unprofitable.
In the realities of modern battlefield, training of soldiers is crucial, therefore it is so important to develop an optimal concept of moving troops by rail transport, for exercises and training in peacetime. Using the simulation of the implementation of rail and road transport, it is possible to analyse and meet the needs of the selected relationship of individual stages of the process studied. Simulation model allows to state that it serves as an illustrative, training element and an element showing some results with changeable situations, therefore it can be a solution for training and making critical decisions for competent commanders.
issue 329
343 - 352
Celem opracowania jest analiza obowiązujących i projektowanych przepisów dotyczących prawno-administracyjnych instrumentów ochrony przedsiębiorców narażonych na stosowanie praktyk monopolistycznych przysługujących Prezesowi Urzędu Transportu Kolejowego. Przepisy ustawy z dnia 28 marca 2003 roku o transporcie kolejowym (tekst jedn. Dz.U. z 2019 r. poz. 710) nakładają na Prezesa UTK takie zadania, jak nadzór nad sprawiedliwym i niedyskryminującym traktowaniem przez zarządców wszystkich aplikantów w zakresie dostępu do infrastruktury kolejowej oraz nadzór nad sprawiedliwym i niedyskryminującym traktowaniem przez operatorów obiektu infrastruktury usługowej wszystkich przewoźników kolejowych w zakresie dostępu do obiektu infrastruktury usługowej. Aktualnie procedowane są dwa projekty nowelizacji prawa transportu kolejowego rozszerzające katalog zadań i kompetencji Prezesa UTK.
The goal of the paper is to analyse the applicable and designed regulations regarding legal-administrative instruments of protecting entrepreneurs exposed to monopolistic practices available to the President of the Office of Rail Transport. The regulations of the Act of 28th March 2003 on rail transport (consolidated text, Journal of Laws 2019, item 710) set the following tasks for the President of the Office of Rail Transport: supervision over fair and non-discriminating treatment of all applicants by managers in relation to the access to rail infrastructure and supervision over fair and non-discriminating treatment of all railway carriers in relation to the access to service infrastructure objects by operators of a service infrastructure object. Currently, two projects of amendments of the rail transport law extending the catalogue of tasks of the President of the Office of Rail Transport are underway.
The paper addresses key challenges in passenger transport caused by COVID-19. The aim of the publication is to show the consequences of the pandemic for the evolution of passenger transport and the development directions of the sector, as well as the change in mobile behaviour. Moreover, the paper analyses passenger traffic by air, rail and public transport. The data was compared with the volume and structure of traffic before the pandemic. Regardless of how the scenarios related to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic will play out, there is no doubt that mobility trends have changed significantly. The pandemic has impacted mobile behaviour primarily through the development of hybrid working, home office, e-commerce or e-entertainment. Indeed, all modes of transport have been affected by the changes. Fast-growing new travel trends like shared mobility have been curtailed due to the fear of coronavirus infection. The passenger transport sector faces many challenges as a result of the epidemic situation, especially as the pandemic has seen a return to private car travel, which conflicts with the tenets of sustainable development, including sustainable mobility.
The article contains the description of transportation sector (particularly concentrated on the domination of road transport) and presents the situation of rail transport with its chances for development in the circumstances of European Union’s pro-ecological policy.
Despite similar economic and legal conditions in Poland and the Czech Republic, the situation of local railway lines in each of these neighbouring countries is completely different. In Poland more than 90% of third-category and over 44% of second-category lines were closed down between 1989 and 2011, whereas the Czech Republic did away with only 14% of its regional lines during the same period. This means that two decades of transformation processes in Poland have resulted in a massive decline in the importance of the regional railway network, which is one of the most important symptoms of a rapid decline in the role of the railway transport system as a whole. By contrast, the Czech Republic still has one of the densest railway networks in Europe, thanks to the vital role of its local lines. The main reasons for this big difference between the two countries - and for the very minor importance of the regional railway service in Poland - are the lack of a realistic transport policy at the state level and the badly conducted restructuring of the national PKP railway company (PKP - Polskie Koleje Państwowe, Polish State Railways). Other reasons are the poor state of the railway infrastructure and also factors connected with the structure of settlement, as well as the historical development of the railways in certain parts of the country. These factors have merely reinforced an already vast bureaucracy and aggravated the wastage for which the PKP was known during the communist period. The main question that arises concerning the future is whether decision-makers in Poland at both national and regional levels - as well as those in the railway companies themselves - will be able to follow the Czech example, as this would appear to be the best solution for the greatest crisis the Polish railway system has seen in decades.
Poland, due to its location in the center of Europe, is a key element of the New Silk Road (NSR), an initiative that attempts to create the shortest land connection between China and Western Europe. This article analyzes various industry reports, national development strategies up to 2030, and EU and local projects to see is the further development of NSR an opportunity for container rail transport in Poland. As it turns out, the issue discussed in the article has hitherto been outside the circle of researchers’ interest, thus the analysis is an important supplement to the existing research gap. It indicates that the further participation of Poland in the Chinese One Belt One Road initiative is a great opportunity for the economic growth of the Republic of Poland (RP).
Благодаря своему расположению в центре Европы Польша – ключевой элемент китайской инициативы, которая является попыткой создать самое короткое су¬хопутное соединение между Китаем и Западной Европой. В данной статье были проанализированы различные типы отраслевых отчетов, национальные стратегии развития до 2030 года, а также проекты Один пояс и один путь и местные проекты для того, чтобы ответить на вопрос, является ли дальнейшее развитие Нового шёлкового пути шансом для железнодорожного транспорта в Польше. Оказывается, что представленная в статье проблема до сих пор остается вне круга интересов исследователей данной темы и проведенный анализ частично заполняет существу¬ющий пробел в исследованиях. Проведенный анализ показывает, что дальнейшее участие Польши в китайской инициативе Один пояс и один путь создаёт чудесные возможности для экономического роста Республики Польша.
In this article the situation of Polish rail transport during the first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic is presented. Noticeable trends of rail transport usage are outlined. Basic parameters such as the number of passengers, the amount of goods transported indicators depicting the state of rail transport in 2020 and 2021 are shown. To learn about the issues, a review of the literature was used, i.e. compact items, scientific articles, and an analysis of statistical data from the Reports of the Railway Transport Office.
W artykule przedstawiono sytuację polskiego transportu kolejowego podczas pierwszej i drugiej fali pandemii COVID-19. Nakreślono zauważalne trendy wykorzystania transportu kolejowego. Przedstawiono podstawowe parametry, jak: liczba pasażerów, ilość przewiezionych towarów, wskaźniki obrazujące stan przewozów kolejowych w 2020 i 2021 roku. Do poznania zagadnień wykorzystano przegląd literatury, tj. pozycje zwarte, artykuły naukowe oraz analizę danych statystycznych z Raportów Urzędu Transportu Kolejowego.
W artykule, obejmującym pierwszą część tematyki dotyczącej transportu publicznego jako elementu strukturalnego metropolii, ujęto syntetycznie istniejące i planowane zasady szynowego transportu publicznego na obszarze kształtującej się metropolii warszawskiej, w szczególności jej śródmieścia. Celem przeprowadzonej analizy jest zebranie wiedzy o istniejących systemach transportowych: kolejowych różnej rangi (także Szybkiej Kolei Miejskiej), metra, tramwaju na tle dominującego obecnie ruchu samochodów indywidualnych. Przedmiotem badań będzie porównanie sytuacji na obszarze Warszawy z najlepiej funkcjonującymi modelami obsługi transportowej w głównych metropoliach europejskich. Posłuży to wydobyciu niedociągnięć w niezależnym od siebie kształtowaniu różnych sieci transportowych w mieście. W dyskusji przedstawione będą różne opinie, postawy i zasady odnośnie do sposobów obsługi komunikacyjnej zarówno miasta i jego centrum, jak i zapewnienia dostępności do węzłów aktywności w Warszawie dla użytkowników z zewnątrz, dojeżdżających codziennie z terenów położonych w promieniu do 100 km. Wnioski z pierwszej części, zawarte w niniejszym artykule, dotyczyć będą modernizacji konkretnych sieci transportowych, a w części kolejnej konkretnych kierunków naprawy niesprawnego i niespójnego systemu transportowego, gwałtownie rozrastającej się metropolii stołecznej.
The article, covering the first part of the subject of a public transport as a structural element of the metropolis, synthetically discusses existing and planned principles of public rail transport in the area of the developing Warsaw metropolis, in particular its downtown. The aim of the analysis is to collect knowledge about existing transport systems: railways of various ranks, including Szybka Kolej Miejska (Warsaw’s suburban train), the underground, the trams on the background of currently dominating individual car traffic. The subject of the research will be a comparison of the situation in the area of Warsaw with the best-functioning models of transport services for the city centers in the leading European metropolises. This will help to bring down shortcomings in the independent shaping of different transport networks in the city. The discussion will present different opinions, attitudes and principles regarding the methods of communication service both for the city and its center, as well as ensuring access to activity nodes in Warsaw for external users, commuting every day from areas located within a radius of up to 100 km. around. The conclusions from the first part in this article will concern the modernization of specific transport networks, and from the next part the specific directions of repairing the inefficient and inconsistent system of the rapidly growing metropolis of the capital.
The article presents research on the impact of the financial crisis between 2007-2009 and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 on the freight and passenger rail transport sector. Multidimensional comparative analyses were used in the study. The data obtained for the research were grouped. They were, then, compiled on categorized line and bar charts. The research shows that during the financial crisis between 2007-2009, a decrease in the number of transported goods by 48 488 thousand tons was observed. During the COVID-19 pandemic between 2019 and 2020, a decrease in the number of goods was also visible - by 15,363 tones. However, when considering the number of passengers transported, during the financial crisis between 2007-2009 in Poland there was an increase by 1,928 people and in the period of impact of COVID-19 in 2020 compared to 2019 a decrease by 130,270 passengers. When examining the rail passenger transport sector in Poland, a decrease in the number of employees by 385 was observed in the years 2003-2021. During the financial crisis between 2007-2009, the number of employees increased by 5,745 people, while during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, compared to 2019, it decreased by 109. In the case of the rail passenger transport sector in Poland, the number of employees oscillated around the arithmetic mean of 23,914 employees. Between 2003-2007, a downward trend can be observed, followed by a visible increase in 2008 and a downward trend in subsequent years.
W artykule przeprowadzono badania dotyczące wpływu kryzysu finansowego w latach 2007-2009 oraz pandemii COVID-19 w 2020 roku na sektor transportu kolejowego towarowego i pasażerskiego. W opracowaniu zastosowano wielowymiarowe analizy porównawcze. Pozyskane do badań dane poddano grupowaniu. Następnie zestawiano je na skategoryzowanych wykresach liniowych i słupkowych. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że w czasie kryzysu finansowego pomiędzy 2007 a 2009 rokiem zaobserwowano spadek liczby przewiezionych towarów o 48 488 tys. ton. W okresie pandemii COVID-19 pomiędzy 2019 i 2020 rokiem również widoczny był spadek liczby towarów ‒ o 15 363 tys. ton. Natomiast rozpatrując liczbę przewiezionych pasażerów, w czasie kryzysu finansowego pomiędzy 2007 a 2009 rokiem w Polsce nastąpił wzrost o 1928 osób, a w okresie oddziaływania COVID-19 w 2020 w porównaniu do 2019 roku spadek o 130 270 pasażerów. Badając sektor pasażerskiego transportu kolejowego w Polsce, zaobserwowano w latach 2003-2021 spadek liczby zatrudnionych o 385 pracowników. W czasie kryzysu finansowego pomiędzy 2007 a 2009 rokiem odnotowano wzrost liczby zatrudnionych o 5745 osób, natomiast w czasie pandemii COVID-19 w 2020 roku w porównaniu do 2019 roku spadek o 109. W przypadku sektora pasażerskiego transportu kolejowego w Polsce liczba zatrudnionych oscylowała wokół średniej arytmetycznej 23 914 pracowników. W latach 2003-2007 zaobserwować można trend malejący, a następnie w 2008 roku silny wzrost i w kolejnych latach tendencję malejącą.
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