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The article presents legislation on sex offenders in the USA, United Kingdom and France. The author discusses the nature of the registers and the role played by them in the strategy applied in selected countries to deal with sex offenders. He also provides an analysis of legal basis for establishing a register of sex offenders in Poland and offers proposals for legal solutions with a view to the future law.
The author has investigated a corpus of informal email messages produced by post intermediate Czech learners of English. The method of analysis draws upon Biber & Conrad (2009) employing primarily a qualitative analysis as part of the author´s dissertation. First of all, the paper touches upon such descriptive terms as style, register and genre. Secondly, the paper presents the results of an analysis of genre features including deviations. In the concluding part, the article outlines implications for practice.
Register motivation (RM) represents one of 17 types of lexical motivation. The termregister motivationrefers to the term(communication) registerwhich is defined as situationally conditioned language behaviour of people connected by their common activity (D. Slančová). Register lexical units are thus situationally conditioned (such as child lexis, sport lexis etc.). Moreover, the relation among lexis, register and sociolect is analyzed. Finally, the relation of RM with other types of motivation (e.g. paradigmatic, word-formation, phraseological, syntactic and interlingual motivation) is outlined.
This study discusses the main issues regarding division of real estate based primarily on the Act of 21 August 1997 on real estate management. Basic definitions related to the division of real estate and the problems of their precision have been presented. In the scientific work have been listed and described the types of divisions, specific cases of their occurrence and rules of conduct independently of the local spatial development plan in the area of real estate, the division of which is to be made. In addition, the economic consequences of divisions of real estate in the form of the need to pay betterment levy or pay compensation for expropriated property were also included.
vol. 17
The year 1989 was both in Poland and in many other European countries, which were in the sphere of the Soviet influences, the beginning of revolutionary changes: political, economie, social and cultural ones. They also influenced the Polish language of politics which has changed radically for the last 20 years. An important reason for a variety of styles and registers is the instability of the Polish political scene, the abundance of political parties, constantly forming new parliamentary groups and government coalitions, and the disappearance of the others. In the language of the contemporary politics the lexis is particularly extensive and includes thousands of words referring to the public life of the Poles. The major point of the article is the claim that the language of contemporary politics is getting poorer, loses its elegance and becomes more and more primitive. The author sees the reasons for this pauperization in the trends of contemporary culture. He shows the main features of the phenomenon: a turn towards commonness and informality, an emotionality of expressions, a hermetic vision of the world, an impossibility of a dialogue and an increase in populist attitudes.
As is well known, formal and colloquial registers should not be understood as two independent departments without any relation between them, but as two extremes of the continuum of speech. It should be added that this continuum will be different for speakers of different languages, since certain lexical, pragmatic or syntactic elements, among others, can be understood as corresponding to different registers, either due to the influence of the L1 or the learning process. The aim of this study is to analyze the existence of pairs of lexical preferences according to the register. In addition, it will be checked if these lexical preferences are given in both L1 and L2.
Background: The aim of the paper was to present basic statistical data on occupational diseases diagnosed in 2012. Material and Methods: The work was based on the data from "Occupational Disease Reporting Forms" received by the Central Register of Occupational Diseases in 2012. The data comprised information on nosologic units, gender and age of patients, duration of occupational exposure, sections of the national economy and voivodeships. The incidence was specified in terms of the number of cases in relation to paid employees or to employed people. Results: The number of occupational diseases accounted for 2402 cases. The incidence rate was 23 cases per 100 000 paid employees. In spite of the general decline in the number of cases, the incidence of infectious and parasitic diseases increased by 8.6%. The highest incidence was noted for infectious and parasitic diseases (6.8/100 000), pneumoconioses (5.5/100 000), hearing loss (2.1/100 000), diseases of: the peripheral nervous system (2/100 000), voice disorders (1.9/100 000) and the musculo-skeletal system pathologies (1.1/100 000). The pathologies specified above accounted in total for 84% of all occupational diseases. The industrial sectors of the national economy characterized by the highest incidence included mining and quarrying (288.3/100 000) and manufacturing (27.8/100 000). The highest incidence was recorded in the Silesian (46.2/100 000) and the lowest in the Opolskie (4.2/100 000) voivodeships. Conclusions: The downward trend in the incidence of occupational diseases continues. Different incidence of voice disorders among teachers in individual provinces suggests that uniform preventive, diagnostic and certification standards are missing. Med Pr 2013;64(3):317–326
Wstęp: W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe dane o chorobach zawodowych stwierdzonych w 2012 r. Materiał i metody: Podstawą opracowania były „Karty stwierdzenia choroby zawodowej” wystawione przez stacje sanitarno-epidemiologiczne w 2012 r. i przesłane do Centralnego Rejestru Chorób Zawodowych w Instytucie Medycyny Pracy im. prof. J. Nofera w Łodzi. Dane przedstawiono z uwzględnieniem jednostek chorobowych, płci i wieku osób chorych, okresu narażenia w miejscu pracy na czynniki szkodliwe, które powodują stwierdzoną patologię, oraz w zależności od sekcji gospodarki narodowej i województw. Zapadalność scharakteryzowano za pomocą współczynników obliczanych w stosunku do liczby zatrudnionych lub liczby pracujących. Wyniki: Stwierdzono 2402 przypadki chorób zawodowych. Współczynnik zapadalności na 100 tys. zatrudnionych wynosił 23. Przy ogólnym spadku liczby chorób zawodowych w 2012 r. wzrosła o 56 (8,6%) liczba przypadków chorób zakaźnych lub pasożytniczych. Najwyższe współczynniki dotyczyły chorób zakaźnych lub pasożytniczych (6,8 na 100 tys. zatrudnionych), pylic płuc (5,5 na 100 tys.), ubytku słuchu (2,1 na 100 tys.), chorób obwodowego układu nerwowego (2 na 100 tys.), narządu głosu (1,9 na 100 tys.) i układu ruchu (1,1 na 100 tys.). Wymienione patologie stanowiły łącznie 84% wszystkich chorób zawodowych. Sekcjami gospodarki o charakterze przemysłowym, których dotyczyła najwyższa zapadalność, były górnictwo i wydobywanie (288,3 na 100 tys.) oraz przetwórstwo przemysłowe (27,9 na 100 tys.). Pod względem terytorialnego rozproszenia najwyższą zapadalność odnotowano w województwie śląskim (46,2 na 100 tys. pracujących), a najniższą w opolskim (4,2). Wnioski: Utrzymuje się tendencja spadkowa zapadalności na choroby zawodowe. Zróżnicowanie zapadalności w województwach na choroby narządu głosu u nauczycieli wskazuje na brak jednolitych standardów profilaktycznych, diagnostycznych i orzeczniczych. Med. Pr. 2013;64(3):317–326
Within the project “Pragmatics above grammar: Subjectivity and intersubjectivity in Estonian registers and text types” (PRG341) we are studying the expression of subjectivity and intersubjectivity in different written and spoken registers of modern Estonian. We focus on adverbs that function as discourse markers (e.g. vist ‘maybe, probably’, ilmselt ‘apparently, obviously’, tegelikult ‘actually’), markers that develop from main clauses containing cognition verbs that take sentence complements (e.g. (ma) arvan ‘I think’, usun ‘I believe’, (mulle) tundub ‘it seems (to me), it appears (that)’) as well as modal and performative verbs (e.g. võib (juhtuda) ‘can (happen)’, peaks (tulema) ‘should (come)’; kinnitan/väidan (olevat) ‘I affirm/claim’). The analysis combines quantitative corpus-linguistic and qualitative pragmatic approaches, thus belonging to the field of corpus pragmatics. Unlike previous studies of related topics, the project systematically compares the usage of markers in different registers (spoken, online communication, print texts) and text types. The pilot studies performed thus far have revealed several problems with the existing Estonian corpora, important in the study of pragmatics. Firstly, some text types are underrepresented or not represented at all, the text types cannot always be distinguished, and the particular text may not always correspond to the nominal text type (e.g. an academic text may contain quotes from texts of other types). All of this makes it difficult to do comparative statistical analysis of different text types. Secondly, the markers under examination are multifunctional and identifying their (inter)subjective function requires consideration of context broader than a single sentence. However, the public search systems for the existing corpora do not provide this context. For instance, the discourse marker function of cognition verbs is indicated primarily by the fact that the topic of the conversation or text follows through the subordinate clause, not the main clause. Since the available search systems do not provide context larger than a single sentence, the identification of the topic of the discourse, and therefore of the potential discourse-marker function of the verb, is made more difficult. To avoid these problems, the project working group is developing a new “Pragmatics” corpus, being created in the SketchEngine environment. The corpus is made up of 10 subcorpora representing different text types and registers. Each subcorpus contains roughly 500,000 words.
Przedmiot niniejszego opracowania dotyczy ram prawnych działalności realizowanej przez przedsiębiorców w sferze turystyki. W tym zakresie analiza odnosi się przede wszystkim do regulacji zawartych w Ustawie z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o usługach turystycznych (tekst jednolity: Dz. U. z 2014 r., poz. 196 z późn. zm.). Prowadzone rozważania zmierzają do realizacji dwóch celów badawczych. Pierwszym z nich jest przedstawienie statusu prawnego, jaki mają wybrane kategorie podmiotów gospodarczych działających w turystyce. Drugi sprowadza się do odpowiedzi na pytanie o rolę samorządu terytorialnego w działalności wspomnianych wyżej podmiotów. W odniesieniu do drugiego celu postawiono tezę, że samorząd terytorialny odgrywa istotną rolę w tej działalności. Analiza, którą przeprowadzono, po pierwsze pozwala na sformułowanie wniosku, że przedsiębiorcy turystyczni mają złożony status prawny, a po drugie potwierdza tezę o istotnej roli samorządu terytorialnego w działalności przedsiębiorców turystycznych. Przejawia się ona w szerokim zakresie uprawnień realizowanych przez marszałka województwa na podstawie ustawy o usługach turystycznych, np. w myśl art. 7 ust. 1, 2 i 3 ustawy marszałek województwa prowadzi specjalny rejestr dla przedsiębiorców turystycznych.
The subject of this article refers to the legal frameworks of activity run by entrepreneurs in the sphere of tourism. In this realm the analysis concerns, firstly, regulations contained in the Tourism Services Act of 29 August 1997 (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2014, item 196, as amended). The ongoing considerations are aimed at carrying out two research goals. The first goal is to describe the legal status held by selected categories of economic entities active in tourism. The second goal is reduced to the answer to the question of what is the role of the territorial self-government in the activity of the above-mentioned entities. With reference to the second goal, the thesis has been submitted that the territorial self-government plays an important role in this activity. The analysis that has been made firstly allows the formulation of the conclusion that tourism entrepreneurs have a complicated legal status and, secondly, confirms the truthfulness of the thesis about the important role of the territorial self-government in the activity of tourism entrepreneurs. This role manifests itself in the wide range of powers of the marshal of the voivodeship on the basis of the Tourism Services Act (for example, according to article 7 items 1, 2 and 3 of the Tourism Services Act, the marshal of the voivodeship runs a special register for tourism entrepreneurs).
This study presents a lexical semantic analysis of the French verb blaguer and related expressions. This verb belongs to a suite of “French humour practices”, and French-English dictionaries translate it as ‘to joke’. However, Anglo-specific terminology such as “joke” does not match the conceptual semantics of blaguer and its related noun blague. Relying on Anglo-specific terms to categorise culture-specific practices perpetuates conceptual and terminological Anglocentrism. This study furthers the call to avoid the dangers of sustaining Anglocentrism in the theoretical vocabulary of humour studies (Goddard & Mullan 2020; Goddard 2018; Wierzbicka 2014a).            Working from the assumption that semantic categories reflect particular ways of speaking, thinking, and behaving, this study’s goal is to capture the insider perspective that French speakers have about the meaning of the verb blaguer and the noun blague. Making local understandings more obvious and accessible to cultural and linguistic outsiders will increase cross-cultural understanding and foster appreciation for the different ways that speakers construct and interpret their world with words (Levisen & Waters 2017).            The analytical tool for this study is the technique of semantic explication couched in the simple cross-translatable and culture-neutral words of the Natural Semantic Metalanguage (Goddard & Wierzbicka 2014). Carefully chosen example sentences are drawn from Google searches (google.fr) of authentic language use of the verb blaguer and the noun blague. Comparative reference is made to the verb ‘to joke’ from Australian English to highlight the differences in the conversational humour cultures of French and English speakers (Goddard & Mullan 2020; Béal & Mullan 2013, 2017).
The linguistic situation in medieval Croatia was fairly dynamic. The present article discusses the stratification of linguistic culture in the Middle Ages as regards its division into the three registers (high, middle, low) inherited from ancient rhetoric and poetry and received in the Middle Ages. We conclude that there was no strict division among the three languages according to function in the Middle Ages, and that the languages themselves did not constitute styles or registers. The Old Croatian language possessed all three registers (high, middle, low) already in the Middle Ages. However, the hybrid Čakavian-Church Slavic variety as well as the Croatian redaction of Church Slavic were not used as everyday (in)formal business/colloquial codes, so that they did not develop a middle and low linguistic register.
An attempt is made to assess the Central Register and Information on Business Activity (CEIDG) as a teleinformation system operating in conjunction with other electronically accessible public registers. The need for an integrated system of public registers results from the Act on freedom of economic activity of 2 July 2004 that provides, among others, for a system of verification of the data already entered in the Register. As the analysis shows, the Act did not originally provide for the necessity to transfer to the Central Register and Information on Business Activity the data entered in other public registers, but merely imposed an information obligation on concession authorities, registers of regulated business activity as well as relevant licencing authorities. Currently, the statutory provisions regulating the freedom of economic activity provide that economic courts, the Central Information unit of the National Court Register, the National Criminal Record, ward guardians and relevant organs deciding upon incapacitation, organs of state administration issuing or withdrawing permits to foreigners wishing undertake business activity in Poland as well as concession authorities, registers of regulated business activity and licencing authorities are obliged to make their data and information available to the CEIDG. The imposed obligation, however, does not mean that the above entities comply with its provisions. As practice shows, the Exchange of information between the Central Register and Information on Business Activity and the obliged entities is still negligent. The paper also indicates certain other problems related to the functioning of the Central Register and Information on Business Activity, and the availability of an entrepreneur’s address if the same as the place in which business is conducted, in particular. Despite the shortcomings, however, there are advantages as well, such as. e.g. a fast track procedure for those wishing to undertake economic activity, or a creation of a register of representative offices. Nevertheless, the current regulation requires further amendments to improve the existing system.
Artykuł dotyczy oceny funkcjonowania Centralnej Ewidencji i Informacji o Działalności Gospodarczej (CEIDG) jako sytemu teleinformatycznego powiązanego z innymi rejestrami publicznymi dostępnymi w formie elektronicznej. Konieczność istnienia takiego powiązania wynika wprost z treści ustawy z dnia 2 lipca 2004 r. o swobodzie działalności gospodarczej np. w celu weryfikacji danych wpisanych do CEIDG. Przeprowadzone w tej mierze badania wykazały, że początkowo ustawodawca nie uwzględniał konieczności przekazywania do CEIDG informacji zamieszczanych w innych rejestrach publicznych, ograniczając się wyłącznie do nałożenia na organy koncesyjne, organy prowadzące rejestry działalności regulowanej oraz organy właściwe do spraw zezwoleń i licencji obowiązków informacyjnych. Obecnie przepisy ustawy o swobodzie działalności gospodarczej zakładają udostępnianie danych i informacji do CEIDG przez sądy gospodarcze, Centralną Informację Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, Krajowy Rejestr Karny, opiekunów i kuratorów w zakresie postanowień o ograniczeniu lub utracie zdolności do czynności prawnych, organy administracji rządowej w zakresie utraty przez cudzoziemców uprawnień stanowiących podstawę podejmowania działalności gospodarczej na terytorium RP, a także organy koncesyjne, organy prowadzące rejestry działalności regulowanej oraz organy właściwe do spraw zezwoleń licencji. Nie oznacza to jednak, że obowiązki te są wypełniane zgodnie z przepisami ustawy. Jak ukazuje praktyka, mimo istnienia obowiązków informacyjnych i funkcjonowania rejestrów publicznych wymiana informacji między tymi rejestrami a CEIDG jest znikoma. W dalszej części opracowania wskazano na problemy związane z funkcjonowaniem CEIDG, w szczególności w zakresie udostępniania adresu przedsiębiorcy jeśli jest taki sam jak miejsce wykonywania działalności. Nie sposób jednak nie dostrzec korzyści regulacji ułatwiającej podejmowanie działalności gospodarczej poprzez zintegrowanie wniosku (tzw. jedno okienko) czy też utworzenie rejestru przedstawicielstw. Wydaje się jednak, że obecna regulacja wymaga dalszych zmian w celu jej udoskonalenia.
In this article we intend to present the theoretical bases for the contrastive study of colloquial and formal registers from a pragmatic point of view. Although we start from the point of view of contrastive linguistics, we consider that neither the comparison of the theoretical grammars of two languages, nor the description of specific actions of learners of an L2, can show the nuances of the formal and colloquial registers.Formal and colloquial registers should not be understood as watertight departments with no relationship between them, but as two extremes within the continuum of speech. Obviously, this continuum will differ depending on the language in question, since certain lexical, pragmatic or syntactic elements, among others, can be understood as corresponding to different registers.Now, how should we face the contrast of this continuum belonging to different languages? In the paper we present both the techniques used to measure the attitude of the interviewees regarding different elements of the colloquial and formal records, as well as the concepts that will help us to analyse the data obtained. Finally, the analysis can draw conclusions that refer to the learning process and the teaching process.
The solutions concerning the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity (CEIDG) regulated in the Act of 6 March 2018 on the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity and the Information Point for Entrepreneurs are analysed. The starting point of the analysis are the assumptions set out in the rationale for the draft act. Next, the changes introduced by the new act in terms of these assumptions, in particular with regard to the ordering of regulations, the division of data contained in CEIDG, their exchange and facilitations for entrepreneurs are assessed. The authoress also analyses the activities that are not subject to entry in the CEIDG (not registered) introduced by the provisions of the Act of 6 March 2018: Law on Entrepreneurs.
Autorka poddaje analizie rozwiązania dotyczące Centralnej Ewidencji i Informacji o Działalności Gospodarczej (CEIDG) uregulowane w ustawie z 6 marca 2018 r. o Centralnej Ewidencji i Informacji o Działalności Gospodarczej i Punkcie Informacji dla Przedsiębiorcy. Za punkt wyjścia przyjmuje założenia określone w uzasadnieniu projektu ustawy i ocenia zmiany, jakie wprowadza nowa ustawa pod kątem tych założeń, w szczególności w zakresie uporządkowania przepisów, podziału danych zawartych w CEIDG, ich wymiany oraz ułatwień dla przedsiębiorców. Autorka analizuj także tzw. działalność niepodlegającą wpisowi do CEIDG (tzw. nieewidencjonowaną) wprowadzoną przepisami ustawy z 6 marca 2018 r. Prawo przedsiębiorców.
Background: The aim of this paper is to present a concise but comprehensive information on the occurrence of carcinogenic or mutagenic agents in Polish enterprises and the number of workers exposed to those agents reported to the central register by employers. Objectives and responsibilities of the register, as well as the range and methods of data gathering are discussed. Material and Methods: Data concerning carcinogenic or mutagenic chemical substances and technological processes reported to central register in 2008-2010 were analyzed. Results: In 2008-2010 more than 300 carcinogenic or mutagenic chemical substances were reported to the register. Approximately 2500 plants reported above 150 000 per-person-exposures annually. Among all technological processes regarded as occupational carcinogens, hardwood dusts exposure (about 660 companies; 11 000-13 000 exposed workers each year) and exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) present in coal products (117-125 plantsl 3000 exposed per year) were reported. Conclusions: The most widespread carcinogenic/mutagenic substances were: benzene, chromium(VI) compounds: potassium dichromate and chromate, chromium(VI) trioxide and other chromium compounds, ethylene oxide, asbestos, benzo[a]pyrene and gasoline. The highest number of men was exposed to particular PAHs and benzene , and the majority of women was exposed to benzene, potassium dichromate and chromate, acrylamide, ethylene oxide and gasoline. The lack of clear-cut definitione of occupational exposure to carcinogen creates a problem faced by employers in defining the accurate number of exposed workers. Med Pr 2013;64(2):181–192
Wstęp: Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie informacji o występowaniu w zakładach pracy w Polsce czynników o działaniu rakotwórczym lub mutagennym oraz o liczbie zgłoszonych przez pracodawców osób narażonych zawodowo na te czynniki na podstawie danych zgromadzonych w centralnym rejestrze. Omówiono cele i zadania prowadzonego rejestru oraz zakres i sposób gromadzenia danych. Materiał i metody: Analizie poddano dane dotyczące substancji chemicznych i procesów technologicznych o działaniu rakotwórczym lub mutagennym nadesłane do centralnego rejestru w latach 2008-2010. Wyniki: W omawianych latach zgłoszono do rejestru ponad 300 rakotwórczych lub mutagennych substancji chemicznych (corocznie zgłaszało je ok. 2,5 tys. zakładów pracy). Spośród procesów technologicznych uznanych za zawodowe kancerogeny wykazywano prace w narażeniu na pyły drewna twardego oraz procesy technologiczne związane z narażeniem na wielopierścieniowe węglowodory aromatyczne (WWA) obecne w produktach węglowych. Prace w kontakcie z pyłami drewna twardego zgłaszało corocznie po ok. 660 zakładów pracy, a liczba zgłoszonych osób zawodowo narażonych na ten czynnik wynosiła 11-13 tys. rocznie. Procesy technologiczne związane z narażeniem na WWA obecne w produktach węglowych zgłaszało 117-125 zakładów pracy, a osób narażonych zgłaszano ok. 3 tys. rocznie. Wnioski: Najbardziej rozpowszechnionymi rakotwórczymi/mutagennymi substancjami chemicznymi były benzen, związki chromu(VI) - dichromian(VI) i chromian(VI) potasu, tritlenek chromu oraz inne związki chromu(VI), tlenek etylenu, azbest, benzo[a]piren oraz jedna z niespecyfikowanych benzyn. Najwięcej mężczyzn było narażonych na poszczególne WWA i benzen, a kobiet - na benzen, dichromian(VI) potasu, chromian(VI) potasu, akrylamid, tlenek etylenu i niespecyfikowaną benzynę. Brak jednoznacznej definicji narażenia na czynniki rakotwórcze powoduje, że pracodawcy mają problem z właściwym określeniem liczby narażonych pracowników. Med. Pr. 2013;64(2):181–192
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Variabilita češtiny : multidimenzionální analýza

The article summarizes the theoretical foundations and results of a corpus-driven study of register variability in contemporary Czech. The descriptive framework is based on the methodology of multidimensional analysis, as previously applied to various other languages (see Biber 1995). The starting point is a quantitative analysis of a custom-built genre-diversified corpus in which linguistic features have been identified that are likely to be related to functional and systematic variability on different linguistic levels. Statistical processing using factor analysis then yields a model which identifies (in the case of Czech) 8 dimensions of variation of the texts. The greatest proportion of variance is explained by the first two dimensions, which can be described as dichotomies distinguishing between dynamic vs. static and spontaneous vs. prepared.
ClassificationThis contribution deals with the topie of the spoken and the written from the perspective of stylistics; in this context, attention is devoted to some stylistic concepts which currently appear to be controversial or reąuire some revision. It reacts, among others, to the recently published Polish publication by Kordian Bakuła Mówione ~ pisane: komunikacja, język, tekst (2008) [Spoken ~ Written: Communication, Language, Text] and leans toward the understanding of the spoken and the written as two different styles. The analysis of the written and spoken versions of the same story, told by the same person, is oriented above all toward syntactic differences; it serves as an argument for the claim that spoken and written Czech cannot be understood as two different languages, with a differing repertoire of syntactic structures or grammatical means. Though both versions of the narration dififer in many ways, they do so through their overall coloring, atmosphere - it means through their style. The idea of spoken and written style is likely in harmony with that of the conceptual written and spoken (as opposed to the medium-specific, cf. Raible 1994).The spoken and the written are further placed in a relationship to concepts from the area of typology of style. K. Hausenblas (1973) considered the style of spoken and written expression to be simplex styles. Perhaps the term macrostyle would be appropriate for them, though it is oriented to the functional styles in the dictionary by Kozina et al (2003). Of the functional styles, the broadly understood “spoken style” is closest to the Czech terms styl hovorovy (proste sdelovaci, beźne mluveny, kolokvialni) [colloquial style, simple informative style, everyday spoken style], in Polish potoczny, in Russian razgovornyj. However, it is not possible to unambiguously connect style with a particular realized variety; also, the concept of register most likely refers to a point somewhere in between style and variety. The delimitation of the concepts of idiolect (which is close to individual style) and sociolect (which is close to language variety) is also complicated from this perspective; sometimes, for example, a distinction is madę between idiolect and idiostyle.
The purpose of this institution is to prohibit managing the real property by a given entity in the way that can considered as distorting. The essence of this regulation is to eliminate other entities applying for the same thing. This law applies only in case of selling the real estate that constitutes the property of the State Treasury or local authority and does not apply in case real estate is sold by other owners. Legal consequences of concluding the sale agreement of real estate with avoiding priority in acquisition are assessed differently. Most decisions indicate for the lack of invalidity sanction. The prevailing opinion is that liability for damages seems to be the only sanction.
Instytucja ta oparta jest na zakazie rozporządzania przez określony podmiot nieruchomością w sposób ją naruszający. Jej istotą jest eliminacja innych podmiotów ubiegających się o tę samą rzecz. Prawo to ma zastosowanie tylko do zbywania nieruchomości stanowiących własność Skarbu Państwa lub jednostki samorządu terytorialnego, nie stosuje się go przy zbywaniu nieruchomości przez innych właścicieli.Skutki prawne zawarcia umowy zbycia nieruchomości z pominięciem pierwszeństwa w nabyciu są różnie oceniane. Większość orzeczeń wskazuje na brak sankcji nieważności. Dominuje pogląd że odpowiedzialność odszkodowawcza ma charakter jedynej sankcji.
The paper presents the critical review of sociolinguistic investigations, in particular in the field of social typology of language variants. The author considers such conflicting problems of sociolinguistic classifications of language changes as the lack of exact use of the notion “the language”, the intersection of different classification criteria and the lack of one way of dividing, contradiction as well as incompleteness of the classification. Some categories of social language distinctness, for example the opposition of written and spoken language, are also objects of criticism. The author arranges the linguistic no- menclature, in particular he introduces two opposite categories: informal language/spe- ech as a functional style and ordinary/colloquial language/speech as one of sociolects. The author proposes his own classification of language variants, which leans on two criteria: subjective or functional proprieties of language variants. In this way, following the example of the natural binary Gray codę, the matrix of language changes is generated, where nine categories can be distinguished. The proposed model of language variants can also be applied to the description of multilingual situations.
Celem rozważań jest pokazanie sytuacji biur podróży na rynku polskim. Omówiono zasady wpisu do ewidencji oraz pokazano dane statystyczne pochodzace z Centralnej Ewidencji Organizatorów i Pośredników Turystycznych oraz dynamikę zmian. Imformacje obejmujądane dotyczące biur podróży według struktury przestrzennej, struktury własnościowej, rodzaju prowadzonej działalności, zakresu działania oraz typu gwarancji. Zgodnie ze stanem na dzień 27 listopada 2014 roku, w Centralnej Ewidencji Organizatorów Turystyki i Pośredników Turystycznych zarejestrowano 3790 podmiotów, które uzyskały zezwolenie na prowadzenie działalności organizatora turystyki lub pośrednika turystycznego, tj. o 265 czyli o 7,5% podmiotów więcej niż w roku ubiegłym. Największa koncentracja biur występuje na terenie województw mazowieckiego, małopolskiego, śląskiego i dolnośląskiego, a zdecydowanie najmniejsza w województwach: lubuskim, świętokrzyskim, opolskim i podlaskim. Na koniec omówiono dalsze możliwości i perspektywy rozwoju biur podróży.
An aim of considerations is to show the situation of travel agencies in the Polish market. The author discussed the rules of filing and presented the statistical data originating from the Central Register of Tourism Organisers and Intermediaries as well as the dynamics of changes. The information covers the data concerning travel agencies by the spatial and ownership structure, type of activities being carried out, the scope of activity, and the type of guarantees. As of the state on 27 November 2014, the Central Register of Tourism Organisers and Intermediaries filed 3790 entities that had obtained the permit to carry out activities of the tourism organiser or tourism intermediary, i.e. by 265, or by 7.5% of entities more than a year before. The highest concentration of agencies takes place in the territory of Mazovian, Lesser Poland, Silesian and Lower Silesian Provinces, while definitely the lowest in the Lubuskie, Świętokrzyskie, Opolskie and Podlaskie Provinces. In the final part of the article, the author discussed further opportunities and perspectives of travel agency development.
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