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The Muskau Park constitutes the central place of the Muskau Bend Landscape Park. It is situated on the largest terminal moraine in the world. This article aims at evaluating the tourist valuables of the Park, their size and tourist development conditions. It presents the results of a poll conducted on a 100-peoplegroup of visitors to the Muskau Park. The poll was to determine the nationality of the surveyed tourists, the frequency of their visits, time they spend there, the number of accompanying persons, reasons of their visit, forms of tourism they practice, and their opinion on the tourism, landscape and leisure values of the historical facilities both on the Polish and German sides of the border. The questions will also consider tourism movement, tourist management, attractiveness, promotion of Muskau Park and the evaluation of tourist and leisure offer of the area. The conducted SWOT analysis will aim at describing the tourist values and chances of development for tourism in the Muskau Park. Thanks to the analysis, strong and weak points of the park will be emphasized. The article will propose forms of tourism which could become useful in activating the tourism and recreation aspect of the area. It will also suggest the forms of increasing tourist attractiveness and point out the threats for the values of the Park. The results of the SWOT analysis will be used to prove that the Muskau Park is predisposed for the tourism and recreation function. It is a domain of a large potential and possibilities for development. The conditions for this development lie within recognizing the social needs and expectations. Due to the insufficient tourist infrastructure and lack of a promotional campaign of a countrywide or even Europe-wide range, the tourism of Muskau Park and its values have not become widely known.
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Relics, Collections, and Memory

The article begins with an analysis of a modern relic and of relics in general. This leads to a twofold conclusion: we do not know of a society without relics; and the cult of relics is a cult of individuals, groups, or events these relics are believed to be related to. Relics therefore preserve the memories of those of whom they are relics. As such, they are tools of memorising, but not the only ones. Images, written texts, and recordings are also tools of memorising. Images and written texts belong to the class of objects called semiophors which contains all objects included in collections, the meaning of which depends upon the collection they are part of. It is therefore important to distinguish different types of collections: treasuries, private collections, museums (as well as libraries and archives), protected historical monuments, etc. The history of collections seen from this perspective appears to be tantamount to the history of the tools of memorisation, i.e. to the history of external memory preserved and contained in the objects. Recordings are not semiophors. They form a different class of objects because their meanings cannot be disclosed without special apparatuses which transform the physical traces left on them into images or sounds. Hence one may say they form a second belt of external memory, the first being formed by semiophors. The last and most recent belt is composed of all computers with their servers interconnected into the World Wide Web. This is a completely new type of tool of memorising, which duplicates all the previous ones and enables the user to retrieve an incomparably greater quantity of data, to do it much quicker, and to give virtual access to it to almost everybody.
The paper presents a diachronic analysis of Polish miód ‘honey’, English mead and German Met ‘mead’ conducted according to a new approach to contrastive studies.Taking into account potential cognates in other languages, the work aims to investigate the evolution of the common ancestor word *medh-u- in two lines of development: the Slavic leading to modern Polish, and the Germanic leading to modern English and High German. In order to understand these branching paths, the pertinent sound changes have been identified, which transformed the common proto-form. These developments are illustrated with further examples and, in the summary, ordered chronologically. The paper also discusses an old compound *medvědь (Polish niedźwiedź), which can be considered a taboo designation for a bear, and contains also the root *medъ ‘honey’.
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Kościół wędrowniczek

The purpose of the article is to present the history of the “wandering church” in Mętków, which shows on a microscale the strength of colloquial religiosity and religious culture in one of the small local communities in Poland. The biography of Pope John Paul II entered the history of this church, which is why it has the status of a church-relic for the faithful people, which is another interesting interpretative context.
In “The Waning of the Middle Ages”, J. Huizinga has pointed out that “all things would be absurd if their meaning would be exhausted by their function and their place in the phenomenal world, if by their essence they did not reach into a world beyond this.” (1924:201) Starting from this assumption, I purport to analyze the role/roles played by everyday/ordinary objects in the miracle stories depicted in the Trinity Chapel glazing and argue that their individuation/haecceity is subject to practices of ritualistic and artistic encodings
The High Book of the Grail, the Vengeance Raguidel and the Livre d’Artus include a scene in which a damsel offers a lurid inversion of desire, concerning not a knight conceived as a being, but seen as an object she possesses through death. The decapitation that she aims to make the knight undergo shows a viciation of feminine desire, which turns into a sulphureous veneration of his corporeal relic.
Le Haut Livre du Graal, la Vengeance Raguidel et le Livre d’Artus présentent une scène-miroir dans laquelle une demoiselle figure une inversion macabre du désir, qui ne porte plus sur un sujet chevaleresque inaugurant une relation courtoise, mais sur un chevalier devenu objet et véritablement possédé dans la mort. La décapitation qu’elle projette de lui faire subir manifeste une viciation du désir féminin, qui dégénère en un culte sulfureux de sa relique corporelle.
Among a lot of studies on tourism, determining the quality of historic buildings in the eyes of visitors is an extremely important factor showing their interest in these places. A study was carried out, the main purpose of which was to determine which of the proposed monuments of defense architecture of the Malopolska county were most often visited in the pandemic era, and what they think about the tourist infrastructure of the facility. Among many historic buildings in Malopolska county the visitors chose places located in the following places: Wawel in Cracow, Pieskowa Skałą, Korzkiew, Oświęcim, Zator, Wysoka, Sucha Beskidzka, Szymbark, Niedzica, Wytrzyszczka, Nowy Wiśnicz, Wieruszyce, Jeżów, Dębno, Niepołomice, Bydlin, Rabsztyn, Ojców, Tenczyn w Rudnie, Babice, Lanckorona, Nowy Sącz, Muszyna, Rytro, Czorsztyn, Czchów, Dobrzyce, Melsztyn i Wieliczka. Out of 76% of the respondents, during the year, visited at least one of the above-mentioned- sites. Tourists were most interested in such places as The Royal Castle in Wawel, the castle in Ojców, the castle in Pieskowa Skała and the one in Nidzica. The best opinions, however, had places situated in Cracow (Wawel), Ojców, Rabsztyn and Sucha Beskidzka. The visitors paid special attention to the facilities for the disabled, parking places, toilets and small infrastructure including benches and information boards. To get to those places, tourists mainly used their own means of transport but they got there by trains as well. Therefore, it can be said that despite the pandemic, places with historical meaning (of military architecture) in the Malopolska county were willingly a chosen destination for the interviewees.
Wśród wielu badań, dotyczących ruchu turystycznego, ustalenie jakości obiektów zabytkowych w oczach odwiedzających jest niezmiernie ważnym czynnikiem, ukazującym ich zainteresowanie wizytacją w tychże miejscach. Przeprowadzono badanie, którego celem głównym było ustalenie, które z zaproponowanych obiektów zabytkowych architektury obronnej województwa małopolskiego były najchętniej odwiedzane przez ankietowanych w dobie pandemii, a także co sądzą o infrastrukturze turystycznej obiektu. Wśród wielu obiektów zabytkowych w województwie małopolskim wybrano obiekty architektury militarnej zlokalizowane w następujących miejscowościach: Wawel w Krakowie, Pieskowa Skała, Korzkiew, Oświęcim, Zator, Wysoka, Sucha Beskidzka, Szymbark, Niedzica, Wytrzyszczka, Nowy Wiśnicz, Wieruszyce, Jeżów, Dębno, Niepołomice, Bydlin, Rabsztyn, Ojców, Tenczyn w Rudnie, Babice, Lanckorona, Nowy Sącz, Muszyna, Rytro, Czorsztyn, Czchów, Dobczyce, Melsztyn i Wieliczka. Spośród ankietowanych 76% odwiedziło w ciągu ostatniego roku przynajmniej jeden obiekt z podanych. Największym zainteresowaniem cieszyły się takie obiekty jak: Zamek Królewski na Wawelu w Krakowie, Zamek w Ojcowie, Zamek w Pieskowej Skale oraz w Niedzicy. Jednakże najlepsze opinie miały obiektu usytuowane Krakowie (Wawel), Ojcowie, Rabsztynie i Suchej Beskidzkiej. Odwiedzający zwracali przy tym szczególną uwagę na ułatwienia dla niepełnosprawnych, dostęp do parkingu i toalet oraz małą infrastrukturę, na którą składają się m.in. ławki i tablice informacyjne. Aby dostać się do wybranych miejsc, ankietowani używali głównie własnych samochodów osobowych, przy czym wybierano, także podróż pociągiem. Zatem można przyjąć, że pomimo czasu pandemii, miejsca z zabytkami historycznymi (architektury militarnej) w województwie małopolskim były chętnie wybieranym celem podróży ankietowanych.
This article shows the analysis of ecclesionyms extracted from the first volume of the five-volume Geographical-statistical dictionary of the Russian Empire by P. P. Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky. This text aims to presents the term ecclesionym as one of toponyms. The following three classifications have been suggested: 1) classification involving the key word indicating the type of the temple, 2) classification involving a descriptive component, 3) motivational classification.
This article contains many information about scientific and theological research on the Shroud of Tourin which arouses interest of many people. Especially fundamental theology research, the discipline which so far was interested in it very rarely and today should make necessary revisions, allows to see it as the picture of Jesus Christ, the third sign – beside paschal christofanies and so called the empty (not really) tomb – of the credibility of Christ’s Resurrection (maybe for some people the most evident) and a special sign of the Divine Revelation, God’s economy and the credibility of Christianity. Fundamental theology allows also to treat it as the miracle.
vol. 17
W ciągu ostatnich kilku lat postać świętego Spirydona – wielkiego hierarchy Cerkwi Greckiej – staje się coraz bardziej znana, czczona i wychwalana przez wiernych prawosławnych na całym świecie, w tym również na gruncie słowiańskim. W Rosji na ten przykład jest ona czczona niemal na równi ze świętym Mikołajem Cudotwórcą. Godnym podziwu jest więc jego życiorys: m.in. perypetie do przyjęcia święceń kapłańskich a jeszcze ciekawszy po chirotonii biskupiej. Na szczególną uwagę zasługuje jego czynny udział w Pierwszym Soborze Powszechnym oraz opis historii jego doczesnych szczątków – spoczywających do dnia dzisiejszego na greckiej wyspie Korfu - a także cudownej prawicy świętego, zwróconej dopiero po ok. 800 latach przez Kościół Katolicki prawosławnym Grekom.
In the last few years Saint Spyridon – the great hierarch of Greek Orthodox Church, is becoming increasingly known, glorified and praised by Orthodox Christians from all over the world including slavic territories. In Russia, for instance, St Spyridon is honored on a par with St Nikolaos the Wonderworker. Therefore, his biography is truly admirable, e.g. occurrences before the ordination to the priesthood and even more interestingly facts after he was made Bishop of Trimythous. St Spyridon participated in the sessions of the Firts Ecumenical Council, where he played a significant and remarkable role. Special attention deserve also the history of St Spyridon’s relics, which repose on the Greek island of Corfu to this day as well as his miraculous right hand returned to Orthodox Greeks by Catholic Church after c. 800 years.
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Historia rozumienia terminu w języku polskim rozpoczyna się od znaczeń synonimicznych wobec ‘pamięci’, upamiętnienia’ i ‘wspomnienia’. W ciągu stuleci zakres semantyczny stopniowo ewoluował w kierunku współczesnego uzusu, eksponującego materialne konotacje wyrazu: pamiątka oznacza rzecz, która odnosi do przeszłości. Pojmowane w ten sposób, pamiątki można podzielić na pamiątki rodzinne, pamiątki narodowe, relikwie, trofea, upominki i pamiątki turystyczne. Do tego szeregu należy włączyć – jako osobne kategorie – pamiątki medialne, które są rezultatem kommemoratywnego urzeczowienia przekazu, i pamiątki korporalne, dotyczące trwałych zmian na ciele (tatuaże, blizny itp.). Każde z tych ujęć umieszcza pamiątkę w kontekście czasu, przeszłości i pamięci. Dana rzecz może być charakteryzowana jako pamiątka tak długo, jak długo podtrzymuje emocjonalny stosunek do przeszłości. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, pamiątki należą do porządków pamięci osobistej i zbiorowej, mogą też przemieszczać się między nimi. Znaczy to ponadto, że w odpowiednich okolicznościach pamiątki mogą wędrować z kategorii do kategorii, na przykład niektóre banalne suweniry mogą wraz z upływem czasu nabrać wartości i stać się szacownymi pamiątkami rodzinnymi; z kolei niektóre pamiątki rodzinne mogą awansować do rangi czcigodnej pamiątki narodowej.
A history of meaning of the term (in Polish) starts with synonymous significances to ‘memory,’ ‘commemoration’ and ‘reminiscence.’ Over the centuries the semantic scope was gradually evolving to the contemporary use exposing material connotations of the word: a keepsake means an object that refers to the past. Comprehended in this way, keepsakes might encompass family heirlooms, national memorials, relics, trophies, gifts (donated „in memory”) and tourist souvenirs. One should include to this enumeration – as relatively separated categories – medial keepsakes that are results of commemorative reification of a message and corporal keepsakes that relate to permament changes in body (tattoos, scars, etc.). Every approach places a keepsake in a context of time, past and memory. A stuff has the characteristics of a keepsake as long as it takes an emotional attitude to the past. Generally, keepsakes belong to orders of private or collective memory and can move between them. It also means that in appriopriate circumstances keepsakes can migrate from category to category: e.g. some of trivial souvenirs can increase their value in time and became estimable family heirlooms; in turn some of family heirlooms can be promoted to the status of venerable national memorial.
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