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Acta onomastica
vol. 61
issue 1
Soon after regaining independence (1830), the Greeks undertook efforts to rid their toponymical heritage of foreign names and to replace them with purely Hellenic oikonyms. Established in 1909, the ‘Renaming Committee’ made numerous decisions regarding local names throughout Greece, with 102 changes of place names on the island of Crete alone. In the present study, the author not only discusses the reasons for the elimination of the previous (foreign or ‘barbarous’) toponyms but also analyzes all of the new Cretan oikonyms introduced in 1920–1987 as a result of the planned Hellenization of geographical names.
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Onymickou stopou Petra Bezruče

The text is focused on the cult of Petr Bezruč (1867-1958), a Czech poet, and its reflection in Czech post-1945 proper names. This is both effected, and proposed cases of (re-)namings of selected localities in the Moravian-Silesian region connected with Bezruč’s life and poetry; the research is focused on the period of 1940s and 1950s. The survey, based on available archival sources and that-time opinion journalism, was aimed at investigating the motivation of local authorities to use Bezruč’s names and the arguments presented in their requests. From the region perspective, the cult was created mostly via proposals of new names of institutions (chrematonyms) and new names of settlements, the latter were not effected; from the state/national perspective, the crucial role was played by urbanonyms (street and square names) in the cult creation.
Acta onomastica
vol. 60
issue 2
The article looks into 177 names of streets, alleys and squares in the city of Kyiv, renamed between 2015 and 2017 as a result of the process of decommunisation. It presents lexical and semantic characteristics of urbanonyms and reveals the key principles and naming motives in the renamed objects. A significant number of changed urbanonyms are based on anthroponyms (114 names of streets, 64%). The lexical base of other urbanonyms is comprised of common lexis (24 names, 14%), and toponyms, particularly oikonyms, hydronyms, microtoponyms (29 names, 16%), and other onyms (10 names, 6%). As for the motivation, some renamed objects received their original historical names (14%), a part of them (12%) received new names, with the geographical and spatial location of the street being taken into account. Some street names refer to the activities of their inhabitants (8%), and some of them reflect the world-view and aesthetic preferences of their inhabitants (3%). The largest number of urbanonyms is dedicated to prominent figures of Ukrainian culture, science, art, national heroes, or representatives of other nationalities who are related to the development of the statehood of Ukraine and its capital (63%).
Text se zabývá 177 názvy ulic, tříd a náměstí města Kyjeva přejmenovaných v období 2015–2017 v důsledku procesu dekomunizace. Představuje lexikální a sémantické charakteristiky urbanonym a odkrývá klíčové principy a motivy pojmenování u přejmenovaných objektů. Největší skupinu změněných urbanonym tvoří názvy založené na antroponymech (114 jmen, 64 %). Lexikální základy ostatních urbanonym jsou tvořeny apelativy (24 jmen, 14 %), toponymy, konkrétně oikonymy, hydronymy, mikrotoponymy (29 jmen, 16 %), a jinými onymy (10 jmen, 6 %). V některých případech byla objektům vrácena jejich historická jména (14 %), část z nich dostala nová jména vycházející z geografické a prostorové lokace ulice (12 %). Některé uliční názvy jsou obrazem aktivity obyvatel dané ulice (8 %) a některé reflektují jejich názorové a estetické preference (3 %). Největší počet urbanonym odkazuje k významným osobnostem ukrajinské kultury, vědy, umění, k národním hrdinům, představitelům jiných národností, kteří mají podíl na vzniku ukrajinské státnosti a hlavního města (63 %).
Acta onomastica
vol. 59
issue 1
Urban toponyms are instruments through which the past is commemorated and introduced into the public sphere. They represent a chronicle of the history of a given territory and its inhabitants. It is widely recognized that a revolutionary changes in political order are accompanied by a reconfiguring of urban space, of which the renaming of streets and other public spaces is an integral part. But sometimes it is not the regime and its agenda that initiate changes in urban toponymy. This paper is focused on some kind of spontaneous renaming made by residents. All examples are choosen from Prague urban toponymy. These spontaneous urban toponyms remind local realities (e. g. náměstí Barikád - The Barricade Square) or political persons (e. g. Dubčekova třída - Dubček Street).
The article is devoted to the issue of renaming the streets in Ukraine which were named after famous politicians and military men of Soviet epoch, the authors consider contradiction between historically established toponymy and objectives of the Soviet toponymic policy. The process of reintroducing historical names and renaming the main streets of the Soviet period is an important element of the modern process of national and governmental development, revival of national consciousness and national memory.
The active nominating processes have started in the linguistic landscape of Ukraine quite recently. These processes have been caused by the political and economic transformation of the society: most importantly by the need to rename a number of cities, villages and streets in accordance with the law of decommunization, which came into force in 2015. This research is focused on 889 names of Ukrainian villages and urban settlements that emerged as a result of the decommunization process in 2016. The analysis of these oikonyms revealed two main directions of motivational processes. The first of them was restoring the former (old) names to villages (these names, 280 oikonyms, 31.5%, make up a third of the whole research material), for instance: village Жабки / Zhabky, village Кам’янецькі Хутори / Kamjanetski Khutory. The second way how to rename a settlement was to create new names (there are 609 items of this kind in the represented material, i.e. 68.5% of all renamings), for instance: village Бережани / Berezhany, village Чумацький Шлях / Chumatskyi Shliakh. When restoring the historical names, inhabitants, as a rule, used the names from the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century or names that emerged at the moment of foundation of the settlement (village Бузькі Пороги / Buzki Porohy, village Василів Хутір / Vasyliv Khutir). Among 280 restored historical names about 70 belong to the cultural heritage of original nation and national communities of Ukraine, which is about 8% of all renamings (village Карабулат / Karabulat, village Торосове / Torosove).
V posledních letech v ukrajinské jazykové krajině probíhají aktivní pojmenovací procesy. Je to vyvoláno politickou a ekonomickou transformací společnosti: především nutností přejmenování řady měst, obcí a ulic v souladu se zákonem o dekomunizaci, jenž nabyl platnosti v r. 2015. Tento příspěvek je věnován 889 přejmenováním ukrajinských obcí v důsledku procesu dekomunizace během roku 2016. Analýzou změněných oikonym byly zjištěny dva základní směry procesů motivace. První z nich představuje navrácení původních názvů obcím, zde bylo nalezeno 280 jednotek, což tvoří 31,5 % všech přejmenování neboli jejich třetinu (např. с. Жабки, с. Кам’янецькі Хутори). Druhý proces je spojen s tvorbou nových názvů, ve shromážděném materiálu jsou tato onyma zastoupena 609 jednotkami, jež představují 68,5 % všech přejmenování (např. с. Бережани, с. Чумацький Шлях). Při návratu historických názvů se zpravidla vycházelo z názvů z konce 19. a začátku 20. století nebo názvů, které vznikly v okamžiku založení obce (Бузькі Пороги, Василів Хутір). Mezi 280 navrácenými historickými názvy patří skoro 70 pojmenování (čtvrtina případů) do kulturního dědictví původních národů a národnostních menšin Ukrajiny, jedná se o 8 % celkového množství přejmenování (např. с. Карабулат, с. Торосове).
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Nové reálie v urbanonymii Ukrajiny

Acta onomastica
vol. 64
issue 1
The article analyzes modern official urbanonyms (509 names) that came into being in 2022 (February–August) in Ukraine as a result of renaming. The geography of urbanonymic material covers the city of Kyiv, regional centers and their territorial communities (Lviv, Rivne, Lutsk, Dnipro, Kropyvnytskyi, Khmelnytskyi, Ternopil, Vinnytsia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kharkiv, Uzhhorod, Chernihiv, Chernivtsi). The reasons and motives for the street renaming process are clarified, and the structural types of proper names that most often arise as a result of renaming are determined. The urbanonymic material includes the highest number of deonymic urbanonyms (306), among them there are 170 deanthroponymic urbanonyms, 134 detoponymic urbanonyms and 2 urbanonyms based on chrematonyms. There are 140 deappellative urbanonyms and 63 urbanonyms that were motivated by both appellatives and proper names. The study of urbanonymic material that appeared in the public space as a result of renaming in various territories of Ukraine has confirmed commemorative function as a defining feature of modern Ukrainian urbanonymy, and has also revealed the general trend in the development of modern Ukrainian urbanonymy – total derussification, rejection of names associated with ideology, symbolism, imperial narratives of the aggressor state.
Acta onomastica
vol. 60
issue 1
This paper focuses on urbanonyms (street names) in the Czech borderland town of Jeseník in the context of 20th-century history. In the Middle Ages the town of Jeseník (part of the Olomouc Region of the Czech Republic) was settled by Germans who became a majority of the population (thus most names were of German origin). This changed after 1945, when the Germans were expelled from the Czech borderlands and the town was resettled by Czechs from other regions, Slovaks, and returning émigrés. As a Czechoslovak town, Jeseník was part of the Eastern bloc until 1989. Street names are dependent on (political) developments in the society, therefore they were quite unstable and developed in a specific way in the Czech borderlands; in the post-1945 period this process involved Czechization and renaming. Currently just 16% of the original (pre-war) urbanonyms have been preserved (from the semantic point of view). This is especially due to the frequent use of street names for commemorative purposes during the post-1945 period; indeed, commemoration become the main motive for street naming. In the Czech borderlands, commemorative names (honouring important national figures) also appear on the outskirts of communities; this may be due to the fact that they are losing their commemorative function.
Studie se zabývá urbanonymií (uličními názvy) pohraničního města Jeseník, a to na pozadí historického vývoje 20. století. Město Jeseník (Česká republika, Olomoucký kraj) bylo v době středověku osidlováno německým etnikem, které se stalo majoritou (většina jmen tedy byla německého původu). To se ovšem změnilo po roce 1945, kdy bylo německé obyvatelstvo odsunuto; Jeseník byl znovu osídlen Čechy z vnitrozemí, Slováky, reemigranty atd. Do roku 1989 byl Jeseník jako město Československa součástí východního bloku. Uliční názvy, které jsou závislé na (politickém) vývoji společnosti, proto byly v pohraničí nestabilní a měly – ve srovnání s vnitrozemím – svůj specifický vývoj (to se týká např. bohemizace po roce 1945 a přejmenování). Do současnosti se zachovalo pouze 16 % původních (předválečných) urbanonym (z hlediska motivační báze). Tento stav je především výsledkem častého užívání honorifikačního motivu v poválečné době. Honorifikace se stala hlavním motivem při pojmenování ulic. V pohraničí se honorifikační jména (oslavující významné národní osobnosti) objevují také na periferii, což může být dáno tím, že ztrácejí svou honorifikační funkci.
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Lidová etymologie a "hanlivá" příjmení

Acta onomastica
vol. 59
issue 1
There are many Czech surnames motivated by parts of human or animal body. Some of them are connected with sexual or fecal activities. These surnames are pejorative and many of them were changed during the time and disappeared from our onymic system. This article is focused on surnames which are meant to be obscene only by a folk etymology but their real origin is different and they have nothing to do with vulgar common nouns. However, the pressure of the folk etymology is so strong that many people rather change their surname not to be objects of jokes and notes about their names.
This article explores the substitution of words considered as offensive that designate marginalized and stigmatized social groups over time. The substitutions, framed in the politically correct discourse, are renamings that go against certain traditional naming ways perceived by a broad social sector as obsolete, according to an ideology which tries to remove from the vocabulary everything implying discrimination, to promote an orthodoxy of moderation and reduce the linguistic inequality in the way of referring to the strong and the weak. Thus the speaker stands between the need for freedom of expression and that of adopting ethical conduct.
Cet article explore le remplacement de mots considérés comme offensifs désignant des groupes sociaux marginalisés et stigmatisés au fil du temps. Les substitutions s’encadrent dans le discours politiquement correct et constituent des redénominations qui vont contre des façons de nommer traditionnelles, perçues à présent comme obsolètes par un grand secteur de la population, selon une idéologie qui essaie d’effacer du vocabulaire tout ce qui implique une discrimination, afin de promouvoir une orthodoxie de la mesure et de réduire l’inégalité linguistique dans la manière de désigner le fort et le faible. Le locuteur se place ainsi entre la nécessité de la liberté d’expression et de l’adoption d’une conduite éthique.
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Ke změnám českých oikonym v letech 1996-2017

Acta onomastica
vol. 59
issue 1
The article analyses the official changes of the names of municipalities and their parts in the years 1996-2017. 59 changes were recorded; an absolute majority of these changes involve minor formal alterations of the existing names, consisting of minor phonological changes (mostly changes in the vowel quantity), adding a distinctive attribute (or its deletion), etc. Most of the changes, which are made without any opinion of onomasticians or other linguists, are unproblematic from the onomastic point of view. However, some of them (mostly those based on a folk etymology of the name) are disputable, or even entirely unsuitable. Special attention is paid to an exceptional case of changing the place name Táborská to Vlastislav. This is the only case of a change of an oikonym to a form that has no relationship to the original name. Before 2016, the toponym Táborská belonged to a part of the municipality of Hazlov in the westernmost part of Bohemia. This locality (originally Seichenreuth) obtained its Czech name after the World War II, when a majority of the original German names were changed after the displacement of German inhabitants from Sudetenland. In the late 1940s, the local representatives tried to enforce the name Vlastislav for the given village; the motivation of this name was political: it was to express relations to the homeland - "vlast". This name was not approved by the toponymical committee, and the village finally got a new name Táborská in 1961. However, the name Vlastislav was not forgotten in the locality: in 2016, the local authority decided to rename Táborská to Vlastislav and this change came into effect immediately.
In the article there are discussed the names of modern settlements in Ukraine, motivated by church-Christian vocabulary. It was found out that such an oikonim is formed out of microtoponimes motivated by appellates to denote sacral structures; from the general or proper names that originally indicated the belonging of the object to clerics, on collective names denoting a family, a family, a collection of such persons were named an omonim nickname, surname; from naming the consecrated church or on the occasion of the settlement or its renaming in the time of the church-Christian holiday; from the collective names of persons named for belonging to a particular parish; series of appellates with sacred semantics; from anthroponimes with the original God and so on. It is proved that the oikonimes that explicate the information of the spiritual linguistic and cultural code are equally widespread both in time (from archaic to modern) and in space (throughout the territory of Ukraine). This indicates the continuity of the Ukrainian tradition of naming settlements.
Acta onomastica
vol. 65
issue 1
The article deals with the role of place names in the context of language identity of a territory. The scale of variability of toponyms depends on the linguistic situation, political changes, and stratification of society. National standardization of proper names in this context is an integral component of the territorial integrity of the state. The study focuses on ethnolinguistic and ideological markers of the toponymic dimension of identity in the context of the Ukrainian language reality. The issue of the prevalence of official and unofficial names in the parameters of the socio-ethnic and linguistic structure of society is raised. In particular, the article deals with the sociolinguistic variability of nominations in multilingual regions of Ukraine and interlingual interaction at the level of toponymy in situations of bilingualism. The study shows the dynamics of linguistic manifestations and linguistic changes, in particular, on the example of the toponymy of Chernivtsi region, Transcarpathia and Crimea, urbanonymy of Kyiv, Dnipro, Chernivtsi. The reasons, strategies, and principles of these changes are schematized. The study is also an attempt to show how the destruction of ethnolinguistic markers and the emergence of “artificial” names in the toponymy of the Soviet period became instruments of language and ideological pressure on the historical linguistic identity of the territories. This article pays considerable attention to the trends of modern renaming processes in Ukraine and the role of place names in the information society in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war. It is noted that the sociolinguistic markers of the place name system influence the formation of linguistic and ideological stereotypes in modern society.
Článek se zabývá rolí toponymie v kontextu jazykové identity území. Škála variability toponym závisí na jazykové situaci, politických změnách a stratifikaci společnosti. Národní standardizace vlastních jmen je v tomto kontextu nedílnou součástí územní celistvosti státu. Hlavním zaměřením studie jsou etnolingvistické a ideologické znaky toponymické dimenze identity v kontextu ukrajinské jazykové reality. Nastolena je problematika rozšířenosti oficiálních a neoficiálních jmen v parametrech sociálně-etnické a jazykové struktury společnosti. Zejména jde o sociolingvistickou variabilitu názvů ve vícejazyčných regionech Ukrajiny a mezijazykovou interakci na úrovni toponymie v situacích bilingvismu. Studie ukazuje dynamiku jazykových projevů a jazykových změn, zejména na příkladu toponymie Černovické oblasti, Zakarpatské oblasti a Krymu, urbanonymie Kyjeva, Dnipra, Černovic. Schematicky určujeme příčiny, strategie a principy těchto změn. Výzkum je také pokusem ukázat, jak se ničení etnolingvistických znaků a vznik „umělých“ jmen v toponymii sovětského období staly nástroji jazykového a ideologického tlaku na historickou jazykovou identitu území. Značná pozornost je v tomto článku věnována trendům moderních procesů přejmenovávání na Ukrajině a roli toponym v informační společnosti v kontextu rusko-ukrajinské války. Je třeba poznamenat, že sociolingvistické markery toponymického systému ovlivňují tvoření lingvistických a světonázorových stereotypů v moderní společnosti.
Głównym celem artykułu jest pokazanie różnych trajektorii krajobrazu kulturowego w kontrolowanych i niekontrolowanych częściach rozdartego wojną Donbasu. Krajobraz kulturowy Ukrainy znacznie się zmienił w XX w. Główne czynniki tych przemian mają charakter ideologiczny, wojskowy i geopolityczny. Podporządkowana pozycja Ukrainy w ZSRR pozwoliła przywódcom komunistycznym na egzekwowanie sowietyzacji krajobrazu kulturowego. Polityka ta była szczególnie widoczna w wielkim przemysłowym regionie Donbasu. Osiągnięcia niepodległości przez Ukrainę i demokratyzacja życia publicznego w kraju doprowadziły do transformacji/zachowania krajobrazu kulturowego, który odpowiadał kulturze politycznej poszczególnych regionów. Wojna w Donbasie stała się katalizatorem procesów tworzenia różnych typów krajobrazu kulturowego po różnych stronach linii styczności. Polityka tworzenia krajobrazu kulturowego stała się narzędziem politycznej socjalizacji i mobilizacji ludności. Proces ten nie jest kompletny i może przyczynić się do krystalizacji nowych subregionalnych tożsamości w różnych częściach współczesnego Donbasu.
The main objective of the article – to show the different trajectories of the cultural landscape in controlled and uncontrolled parts of the war-torn Donbas. The cultural landscape of Ukraine significantly changed during the twentieth century. The main factors of these transformations were ideological, military and geopolitical. The sub-ordinate position of Ukraine within the USSR allowed communist leaders to enforce sovietisation of the cultural landscape. This policy was especially noticeable in the great industrial region of Donbas. Achievements of independence by Ukraine and democratization of country' public life have led to transformation/conservation of the cultural landscape, which corresponded with political culture of individual regions. The war in the Donbas has become a catalyst for the processes of creating different types of cultural landscape on the different sides of the contact line. The policy of creating a cultural landscape has become an instrument of political socialization and mobilization of the population. This process is not complete, and can contribute to the crystallization of new subregional identities on different parts of contemporary Donbas.
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