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High quality of services in residential care is one of the most important issues. Standardization of facilities can only partly solve this problem in Poland. There is a need of the continued action in this field.
Population aging affects almost all areas of social life. In less than a quarter of a century, almost every third inhabitant of Poland will be 60 or over 60 years. Needs of society will change mainly due to the change in population age structure. The increasing need for care will be impossible to be satisfied only by the family. Greater involvement of informal support networks, NGOs, religious associations, local government and state will be required to ensure an adequate standard of care for seniors. The aim of this paper is to analyze the demographic, social and economic factors affecting the demand for nursing services provided in both the older person's living environment as well as in specialized institutions and the ability to meet the needs of care by shrinking and aging labor force. The paper first discusses the factors influencing the increasing demand for support. The second part discusses the factors affecting the ability to meet care needs.
Problem: Residential care environment represents a specific social space that is associated with a number of negative consequences, covering most aspects of children and youth functioning. The paper analyzes of the presence of adjustment problems among adolescents from institutional care environment and compares this results with a population of adolescents who grew up in a family. Methods: The sample consisted of two groups of adolescents. The first group included 285 adolescents currently growing up in an residential care environment, aged 13 to 21 (M = 16.23, SD = 1.643). The second group consisted of 214 adolescents growing up in a family, aged 15 to 20 (M = 17.07, SD = 1.070). We used a questionnaire Youth Self Report. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and MANOVA. Results: Results showed that adolescents in residential care exhibit higher average values in all adjustment problems. Also, in the context of diagnostic categories are the residential care adolescents more frequently in non-normal range (borderline and clinical), primarily in the border range. The greatest differences were reflected in the Thought problems and Rule-breaking behavior. MANOVA showed a significant multivariate effect between groups of adolescents, Hotelling's T = .803, F(8, 490) = 49.202, p <.001, d = .445 (large effect). Univariate analysis further showed a significant effect for Withdrawn/depressed (p = .044, d = .089, small effect), Somatic complaints (p = .002, d = .139, medium effect), Social problems (p = 004, d = .127, a small effect), Thought problems (p <.001, d = .633, strong effect), Attention problems (p <.001, d = .320,strong effect), Rule-breaking behavior (p <.001 , d = .383, strong effect), and Aggressive behavior (p = 015, d = .110, small effect). Results for the dimension of Anxious/depressed were not significant (p = .159). Discussion: The results didn’t confirmed the assumption that more than 30% of residential care adolescents have adjustment problems in the clinical range. Overall, the results do not correspond with previous findings, which describes more frequent presence of various adjustment problems. More frequently occur only the thought problems and rule-breaking behavior. Hyperactivity and cognitive problems are indicated as typical for residential care children, with wider causes in the emotional development. Problems with rule-breaking behavior have most likely a complex background. MANOVA analysis confirmed the finding that there is a significant difference between groups, but in most cases only with small effect. The residential care environment in the Czech Republic thus can be evaluated as functional, regarding its purpose and function. Conclusion: The results showed the differences in the presence of adjustment problems in adolescents growing up in the family and in institutional care, but also pointed to the fact that these differences are in most cases only small. The current state of the residential care environment in terms of adjustment problems can be evaluated as quite positive.
Journal of Pedagogy
vol. 3
issue 1
A professional family is an organizational form of institutional care which is used mainly in residential children's homes. By considering the psychological development of the child and by providing a supportive environment, the professional family provides systematic, purposeful and professional care and education for the child. It attempts to respect age differences and developmental disorders in the child. The professional family provides this care and education continually for a specific period of time. The process of forming a relationship between the parents and the children being cared for is very problematic. There is a significant lack of clarity and many problems exist in this field and to make it worse the status of the professional parents, mainly the professional mother are not clearly defined. We attempted to define this status through qualitative research using the theory of object relations by Donald Wood Winnicott.
Housing policy has been and still is an important part of social policy. The intervention instruments of housing policy maintain a balance between the housing market and the financial affordability of adequate housing even for those with the lowest income. This article aims to analyse the involvement of social workers in addressing housing issues in the city of Ostrava in the context of the housing policy of the former Czechoslovakia. In terms of time, the project was focused mainly on the period of the first half of the 20th century, which is associated with the professionalization of social work in Czechoslovakia. Social work has been actively involved in the practical application of housing policy measures since residential care was made part of the work of social workers. The housing issue and seeking solutions to it in Ostrava more or less followed the progress of the country as a whole. The emphasis on the readiness of future professional social workers in the performance of residential care under the respective departments in state institutions in Ostrava was already incorporated into their training. The social work methods applied in Ostrava included social casework. Ostrava based companies, in particular Vítkovice Ironworks have made contributions to housing construction and residential care. Based on studies of archival resources it can be concluded that social work as a practical activity was actively involved in addressing housing issues during the reporting period.
It has been established that several factors, such as legal framework of state documents in vigor in a concrete time, can have an impact on the work of managers of institution of general education. In a modern understanding, word «factor» means a cause, the impetus of any process, phenomenon, thus determining its character or single features. Under current conditions of social incertitude and economic crisis, in order to manage an institution of general education is worthwhile to turn to the past experience, to study, analyze and rethink it. The experience of Anton Semenovitch Makarenko, manager of the showpiece institution, Colony of labor named after M. Gorki is quintessential unique. On the basis ofthe normative-legal documents of Ukrainian educational management organs of the first part of the XX century the legal foundationsof A. S. Makarenko’s administrative activity in the period of managingthe Labor Colony named after M. Gorky are revealed. The activity of A. S. Makarenko during his administration of the colony named after M. Gorki, the history of the institute and the fortune of its graduates became a special topic in the researches of national and foreign scholars such as E. Balabanovich, A. Bojko, I. Zjazun, I. Kozlov, I. Krivonos, V. Kumarin, F. Naumenko, M. Nezhinskij, N. Tarasevich, A. Tkachenko, A. Frolov, M. Yarmachenko and others. Relevance of the study are: M. Vinogradova, L. Hordin, O. Ishchenko, N. Tarasevich, A. Tkachenko, A. Frolov, L. Tsybulko and others. Generally, the analysis of state organ regulatory documents the activity of the Education boards in Ukraine in the first half of the XXth century (the beginning 1920 – the end 1920), when were defined the trends and the way for the implementation of a national educational reform, offers the possibility to find out which normative frameworks used A. S. Makarenko during this management activity: 1) diversification of education, creating a system of social education, while Ukraine became a socialistic workers republic; 2) development of appropriate measures for the implementation of social education at the institutional level, with the passage from more simple to more complex forms of children collective; 3) promotion of a «new» generation to use their intellectual and physical potential for the good of society during the process of recovering of the domestic market and the conquest of the foreign market; 4) creation of a «new man», able to build up the socialist society using his energies together with the State and working class; 5) sociability and public support in education of new generations; 6) development of a child movement and creation of a system of autonomous bodies at the premises of institutions of social education.
Young people who cannot live with their birth families are provided with care through the child and youth welfare system. They are placed in foster, or residential care. In Germany, children and young people in care, and after leaving care are referred to with the English term “care leaver”. This phrase has become a code name for this group of persons in society. They have increasingly received attention from policy makers, and researchers over the last two decades. The chapter gives an overview to the German situation of children in and leaving care. It introduces the statistics in the field and the organizational, as well as legal framework, describes the path to independence when leaving care, and promising recent developments to empower care leavers, as well as to support self-organization.
Młodzież, która nie może mieszkać ze swoimi rodzinami urodzenia, jest objęta opieką w ramach systemu opieki nad dziećmi i młodzieżą. Są umieszczani w rodzinie zastępczej lub w domu opieki. W Niemczech dzieci i młodzież pozostające pod opieką oraz osoby opuszczające opiekę są nazywane angielskim terminem „wychowawca opieki”. To wyrażenie stało się kryptonimem dla tej grupy osób w społeczeństwie. Od dwudziestu lat przyciągają coraz większą uwagę decydentów i badaczy. Rozdział zawiera przegląd sytuacji dzieci pozostających pod opieką i opuszczających ją w Niemczech. Wprowadza statystyki w tej dziedzinie oraz ramy organizacyjne i prawne, opisuje drogę do niezależności po odejściu z opieki, a także obiecuje ostatnie osiągnięcia w zakresie wzmocnienia pozycji osób opuszczających opiekę zdrowotną, a także wspierania samoorganizacji.
Introduction: When the family ceases to fulfill its roles, does not foster the development of its members, and all the attempts to make the family functional and integral are not effective, it becomes necessary to place the child in a foster care environment. The image of parents present in an orphanage pupil’s consciousness has a crucial meaning for his/her personal development since it plays an important role in regulating the individual’s relations with the world, as well as it influences the ways of how the work with the family should be conducted.Purpose of research: The purpose of the undertaken research is to diagnose the image of mother and father in the perception of young people growing up in an orphanage.Method: The research was based on the diagnostic survey method. In the research participated 67 orphanage pupils from the Lublin voivodship and 66 adolescents living in their own complete families.Results: The ways social orphans perceive parents are less positive than those typical for adolescents living in their own families. Moreover, the ways young people perceive the parental attitudes of the father, as well as their own attitudes towards him, including the extent to which they accept him, are significantly less positive in the group of adolescents remaining in residential care.Conclusions: There is a need for a professional diagnosis of the family image of an orphanage pupils, ensuring properly oriented educational and therapeutic work with  child and the family.
Wprowadzenie: Gdy rodzina przestaje wypełniać swe funkcje, nie sprzyja rozwojowi swoich członków, a wszelkie możliwe działania na rzecz integralności rodziny okażą się bezskuteczne, konieczne staje się umieszczenie dziecka w środowisku zastępczym. Dla rozwoju wychowanka domu dziecka ogromne znaczenie ma obraz rodziców jaki istnieje w jego świadomości, gdyż odgrywa on istotną rolę w regulacji stosunków jednostki ze światem, a także ukierunkowuje pracę z rodziną.Cel badań: Celem podjętych badań jest diagnoza obrazu matki i ojca w percepcji młodzieży wychowującej się w domu dziecka.Metoda badań: W badaniach zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego. Wzięło w nich udział 67 wychowanków domów dziecka z województwa lubelskiego oraz 66 osób wychowujących się w pełnych rodzinach własnych.Wyniki: Obraz rodziców u sierot społecznych jest mniej korzystny niż u młodzieży wychowującej się w domu rodzinnym. Ponadto ocena postaw rodzicielskich ojca, jego akceptacja oraz postawy wobec niego są istotnie mniej korzystne w grupie młodzieży z domów dziecka.Wnioski: Istnieje potrzeba profesjonalnej diagnozy obrazu rodziny wychowanka domu dziecka, zapewniająca właściwe ukierunkowanie pracy wychowawczej i terapeutycznej z dzieckiem i z rodziną.
The article discusses the issue of the implementation of the statutory design of the transition into adulthood of residents leaving socialization institutions. Independence preperation of foster care pupils, both institutional and familial, has been largely covered by two legal acts – The Social Welfare Act and The Act on Supporting Families and the Foster Care System. Moving from a 24-hour care institution to an independent household is a big change in life, significantly influencing the course of the biography of a transitioning pupil. The article provides a voice in the discussion on the said transition in particular focusing on discussing imperfections in the statutory criteria and support system for care leavers. The course of the process in practical terms was presented on the basis of selected results of quantitative and qualitative research, including those conducted for projects carried out by the Gdańsk Foundation for Social Innovation, SOS Children’s Villages and The “ Robinson Crusoe ” Foundation. The article makes reference to Michael Lipsky’s theory – Street level bureaucracy – which was used by Author to develop recommendations aimed at mitigating or eliminating the inconsistencies that arise in the transition into adulthood and which, through their presence, can lead to inequalities resulting in a deterioration in the living conditions of those leaving the residential care system.
W artykule została poruszona problematyka realizowania ustawowo zaprojektowanego procesu usamodzielniania wychowanków opuszczających placówki opiekuńczo-wychowawcze typu socjalizacyjnego. Usamodzielnianie podopiecznych systemu pieczy zastępczej zarówno o charakterze instytucjonalnym. jak i rodzinnym, zostało ujęte głównie w dwóch aktach prawnych – ustawie o pomocy społecznej oraz ustawie o wspieraniu rodziny i systemie pieczy zastępczej. Przechodzenie z placówki zapewniającej całodobową opiekę do samodzielnego prowadzenia gospodarstwa domowego stanowi dużą zmianę życiową, wpływając w znaczący sposób na dalszy przebieg życia usamodzielniającego się wychowanka. Artykuł stanowi głos w dyskusji dotyczącej przebiegu procesu usamodzielnienia, w szczególności skupia się na omówieniu niedoskonałości obecnych w ustawowych kryteriach i systemie wsparcia osób opuszczających instytucje opiekuńcze. Przebieg procesu usamodzielnienia w ujęciu praktycznym został przedstawiony na podstawie wybranych wyników badań ilościowych i jakościowych, w tym prowadzonych na potrzeby projektów realizowanych przez Gdańską Fundację Innowacji Społecznych, SOS Wioski Dziecięce oraz Fundację Robinson Crusoe. W niniejszej pracy odwołano się do teorii Michaela Lipsky’ego – Street level bureaucracy – która posłużyła do skonstruowania rekomendacji mających na celu łagodzenie lub niwelowanie niespójności pojawiających się w procesie usamodzielnienia, a które, poprzez swoje występowanie, mogą prowadzić do nierówności skutkujących pogorszeniem sytuacji życiowej wychowanków opuszczających instytucjonalną pieczę zastępczą.
The article deals with the question of what kind of educational concepts in residential care adequately prepare young people for leaving care, and for the transition to a self-determined life. For this purpose, two debates, and research fields are brought together in the article: One discourse concerns the re-search findings on the specific situation of care leavers, who often have to master the transition to self-employment with fewer resources than peers, who move out from family home. The other discourse concerns the critique about residential care groups, which work with systematic punishment and token systems. It is discussed in depth on the basis of a case study of a group in which the staff abused power in the name of the behavioural IntraActPlus approach. Data analyses is done by excerpts from the daily documentation of the professionals. It is shown how systematic punishment affects the inter-action, and educational relationship between professionals and young people in care, and how the young people ́s needs are faded out by a strictly behaviouristic perspective on adolescents actions and everyday life. Against the background of the empirical findings, the conclusion is drawn as to how group concepts can promote young people in care in subjective development processes, in learning to handle conflicts, and in their independence processes.
W artykule podjęto pytanie, jakie koncepcje wychowawcze w opiece pobytowej odpowiednio przygotowują młodzież do opuszczenia placówki opiekuńczej i rozpoczęcia samodzielnego życia. W tym celu w artykule zebrano dwie debaty i obszary badawcze: Jeden dyskurs dotyczy wyników badań dotyczących szczególnej sytuacji osób usamodzielniających się, które często muszą poradzić sobie przy mniejszych zasobach niż rówieśnicy, którzy opuszczają dom rodzinny. Drugi dyskurs dotyczy krytyki grup opieki pobytowej, które działają w oparciu o system kar i systemy żetonowe. Jest to szczegółowo omawiane na podstawie studium przypadku grupy, w której personel nadużył władzy w imię behawioralnego podejścia IntraActPlus. Analizy danych dokonano na podstawie fragmentów codziennej dokumentacji profesjonalistów. Pokazano, jak systematyczne kary wpływają na interakcje i relacje wychowawcze między profesjonalistami a młodymi ludźmi będącymi pod opieką oraz jak potrzeby młodych ludzi gasną dzięki ściśle behawiorystycznemu spojrzeniu na działania i codzienne życie nastolatków. Na tle ustaleń empirycznych wyciągnięto wniosek, w jaki sposób koncepcje grupowe mogą promować młodych ludzi w procesach rozwoju subiektywnego, w nauce radzenia sobie z konfliktami oraz w procesie ich usamodzielniania się.
Modern child and family services in Poland have to focus their attention on supporting troubled families, to be able to provide a child with adequate educational conditions. However, if these operations are not effective, it is necessary to place the child, at least temporarily, in foster or residential care. The fundamental directions of reform in the area of child and family services in Poland are discussed in the text. These directions express themselves in the process of de-institutionalisation. The statistical data illustrating the degree of assumed changes is also presented.
Współczesny system pomocy dziecku i rodzinie w Polsce ma być nastawiony przede wszystkim na wsparcie rodziny w kryzysie, tak by była w stanie zapewnić dziecku odpowiednie warunki wychowawcze. Jeżeli jednak działania te nie przynoszą pożądanych rezultatów, konieczne staje się przynajmniej czasowe umieszczenie dziecka w rodzinnej, ewentualnie instytucjonalnej, pieczy zastępczej. W tekście omówiono zasadnicze kierunki reformy systemu opieki w Polsce wyrażające się procesem deinstytucjonalizacji oraz zaprezentowano dane statystyczne ilustrujące stopień realizacji zakładanych zmian.
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