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Folk culture of the South Eastern Poland (Podkarpacie) was very interesting. Rich rituals belonged to her. Tees and shrubs were important in the ceremonies
Rites and ceremonies are very important in university reality. They are extremely important for maintaining the continuity of academic values and highlighting the rank of certain events, which is particularly visible during various academic ceremonies. This article will be devoted to academic rituals, ceremonies and symbols in the context of their social meaning and values. I refer this issue to other dimensions of socio-cultural reality (including ceremonial court practices), I will look for similarities, explaining their significance and roles. I will try to justify how – regarding their long history and tradition – we can understand them in the 21st century.
Ludzie mieszkający na wsi mieli zawsze szczególny i bardzo bliski kontakt z przyrodą. Ich życie, podporządkowane siłom i prawom natury, przebiegało według określonego rytmu pór roku i wiążących się z nimi obowiązków, zwyczajów, obrzędów oraz wierzeń (zarówno chrześcijańskich, jak i pogańskich), co znajdywało odzwierciedlenie w języku. Artykuł jest próbą ukazania funkcjonowania gwarowych nazw roślin w świadomości mieszkańców wsi. Fitonimy gwarowe odzwierciedlają bowiem subiektywny stosunek nadawcy do rzeczywistości oraz ukazują utrwalone w świadomości zbiorowej struktury poznawcze i pojęciowe.
Most countrymen and countrywomen have always lived particularly close to nature. They obey the laws of nature, their life has been subordinated to the sequence of seasons and related chores, customs, rituals, and beliefs (both Christian and pagan). All of these practices find their reflection in language. The author attempts to depict the ways in which dialectl plant names function and how dialect users comprehend them as dialect phytonyms which carry the user’s subjective attitude to reality and reflect the conceptual and cognitive structures fixed in the collective consciousness.
The author discusses a Mesolithic sanctuary discovered in Bolków, dated to about 9350-9050 BP and associated with the oldest Duvensian occupation. It was a place of ceremonial rituals and magic linked with the beliefs of a local hunting community and related to different aspects of the natural environment and the forces of nature governing it. The main structuralelement was a structure of pinewood poles, 1.20 m high, a cluster of stones and an arrangementof sharpened yew points stuck into the ground, resembling the shape of the Big Dipper constellation. Offering deposits and numerous objects, some directly linked to ritual practices, accompanied these elements.
Do dnia dzisiejszego w wielu obrzędach i zwyczajach dorocznych, jak i rodzinnych, obecne są rośliny. Obok aspektu leczniczego roślinom tym przypisywano również właściwości magiczne, wykorzystywano je do odpędzania chorób lub zabezpieczania zwierząt, ludzi oraz domostw przed złymi mocami. Zioła skropione wodą święconą przez kapłana nabierały szczególnej mocy, uzyskiwały większą siłę sprawczą i pełniły ważną funkcję w późniejszych zabiegach magicznych. Do chwili obecnej okazji do święcenia roślin w kościele jest kilka: Niedziela Wielkanocna, uroczystości Bożego Ciała czy dzień Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Marii Panny. Wierni nadal przynoszą do świątyni bukiety lub wianki, lecz ich wierzeniowo-magiczna rola coraz bardziej odchodzi w niepamięć. Obecnie mało kto wystawia palmę wielkanocną do okna w trakcie burzy, nie okadza krów dymem z ziela poświęconego 15 sierpnia i nie przygotowuje z tych roślin naparów. Gdzieniegdzie jeszcze połyka się poświęcone bazie czy zjada poświęcone jabłko, aby uchronić się od chorób gardła lub też zatyka się krzyżyki z gałązek poświęconych w Niedzielę Palmową w pole, aby ochronić je przed gradobiciem. Ale i te dawne zwyczaje powoli odchodzą w niepamięć. Artykuł ten jest próbą zebrania informacji o zwyczajach i obrzędach, w których dawniej i częściowo jeszcze obecnie stosowano rośliny nie tylko z uwagi na ich aspekt leczniczy, ale przede wszystkim magiczno-wierzeniowy.
To this day plants are present in many annual and family rituals and customs. Except for the belief in their medical powers, plants were also often attributed with magical properties. Hence they were used to ward off disease or protect animals, people and homes from evil spirits. Herbs sprinkled with holy water by a priest acquired a special power. Thus they were granted with even greater causative power and played an important role in the later magical treatments. To this date, there are still several religious occasions during which people may consecrate plants, that are: Easter Sunday, the Feast of Corpus Christi or the day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Although the faithful continue to bring to bouquets or garlands to temples, their religious and magical role gradually sinks into oblivion. Today, hardly anyone sets an Easter palm in a window during a storm, moxibusts cows with smoke from herbs consecrated on August 15 as noone prepares infusions from these herbs. However, in some places people still practice swallowing consecrated willow catkins, eating consecrated apples in order to protect themselves from diseases of the throat or they set crosses made of twigs consecrated on the Palm Sunday in fields to protect them from hail. But those old customs are slowly fading away. This article is an attempt to gather information about the past and currently cultivated customs and rites concerning the use of plants not only due to their therapeutic properties, but especially due to their religious and magical powers.
An indigenous Shuar community in Ecuador have been hosting tourists seeking retreats that feature traditional medicinal plants such as ayahuasca and tobacco. The community has provided individual ceremonies with the plants, or more complex rites such as Natemamu. Natemamu is a rite that is comprised of repetitive ceremonies lasting ten to twelve days, which involves drinking large quantities of Ayahuasca. The author primarily focuses on: 1) the commodification of the Shuar Natemamu rite as a product that is offered on the global market; and 2) the impacts of this commercial trade on the hosts and visitors. This article is based on data collected by means of participant observation, interviews, and audio-visual documentations. The findings imply that the introduction of western tourists to the Shuar community and its rites has contributed to processual changes to the rite and to ideational and material changes on both sides. Furthermore, the find- ings suggest that while the tourists experienced more ideational changes, the impact on Shuars was more material. This seems to be in accordance with the respective expectations of the encounter of both groups.
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Pop-rytualne oblicze uniwersytetu

The aim of this paper is to take a closer look at university pop-rituals that can be treated as one of the elements of what a contemporary high school is. Rituals or rites of an institution reflect its culture understood as a selection of values, symbols, attitudes, ideas, beliefs and customs. In the text, I analyze the phenomena that are present at universities and that I refer to as pop rituals (various contests, parties organized at universities), and beforehand I explain that the concept of an institution’s pop-ritual side stands for in my view. The subject of the considerations that I undertake is thus the presence of phenomena typical for pop culture within the walls of high schools, possible reasons and consequences of his state of affairs, especially the positioning of a university on the so-called educational services market and new dimensions of the privileges of members of academic communities.
W warunkach odnowy narodowego systemu edukacji Ukrainy, aktualna staje się potrzeba odrodzenia tradycji ukraińskiej rodzinnej edukacji jako duchowo-moralnego źródła kształtowania się osobowości, skutecznego środka kształtowania narodowej świadomości, utwierdzenia norm i wartości ukraińskiej mentalności. Rodzinna edukacja jest rdzeniem procesu wychowawczego. W Ukrainie ma ono dostateczny potencjał, ponieważ jego doświadczenie gromadziło się od dawnych czasów i dlatego jest głęboko historycznie zakorzenione. Tradycyjna ukraińska rodzinna edukacja – to historycznie uformowany, oszlifowany przez bezustanne stosowanie w ciągu wielu wieków w środowisku Ukraińców pedagogiczny system poglądów, ideałów i środków ojcowego- -matczynego wpływu na dzieci i młodzież, skierowanych na kształtowanie energicznej osobowości, zapewnienia rozwoju duchowej jedności, ciągłości, dziedziczności pokoleń.
Ukrainian people’s family traditions in the education of children and youths in the national revival of education in Ukraine is particularly acutely needed to renew traditional Ukrainian family education as a source of the spiritual and moral formation of national consciousness, establishing norms and values of the Ukrainian mentality.Family education is an important part of the educational process. In Ukraine, it has deep historical roots, as the experience accumulated since ancient times. Family education based on the national identity is a historical educational system of beliefs, ideals and generation link effects on children and young people, designed to create a moral and aesthetic identity, to ensure the development of spiritual unity and the heritage of generations
The aim of the article is to show transformations in selected Polish school ceremonies over decades during tens of years in a case study of schools in the city of Bialystok. The presented results are the result of the joint research project conducted by the Department of the History of Education of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology at the University of Bialystok and the Bialystok Open Air Museum (the Branch of Podlaskie Museum in Bialystok) in 2011. The work shows the period of the Second Polish Republic (1918-39), the Polish People’s Republic (1945 – 89) and the present day (since 1989). It helps to show a more comparative point of view. The article describes the yearly cycle of school ceremonials, and especially shows those holidays which have undergone social changes most. The main goal of the ethnographic-historical research was to record forms of school ceremonies and to analyze their course and significance in the school system and the social system. Aschool environment is a microsphere of society, where the importance, kinds, and forms of school ceremonies are changed depending on social transformations. To collect empirical material, research methods and tools from social sciences were used (i.e. surveys, questionnaires collected from teachers, students, and their parents). The valuable basis of knowledge about ceremonies was school documents and school chronicles, which needed reliable and critical analysis because they are indirect historical sources.
Roczniki Kulturoznawcze
vol. 12
issue 2
Elementy mitologiczne w tradycji pogaństwa rzymskiego Kultura starożytnego Rzymu jest w urzekający sposób wyjątkowa, dlatego uczeni od zawsze się nią interesowali. W starożytnych społeczeństwach komponent religijny zawsze odgrywał wielką rolę, dlatego jego badanie staje się kluczem do zrozumienia głębi ludzkich uczuć. Starożytna percepcja świata jest wyraźnie widoczna w mitologii, która jest przejawem ludzkiej świadomości, a której odbicie przejawia się we wszystkich kolejnych etapach rozwoju człowieka. Artykuł ma na celu wskazanie komponentów mitologicznych w tradycji pogaństwa rzymskiego ułatwiających dogłębne zrozumienie religii starożytnego Rzymu. Jednocześnie fundamentem badań jest relacja między tym, co religijne, a tym, co ludzkie – jaką rolę w procesie przemian społecznych i kulturowych odgrywał komponent religijny, jak głęboko komponenty mitologiczne splatały się z doktryną religijną, jaki był charakter relacji Rzymian z ich bogami, jak według starożytnych Rzymian cechy mentalności wpływały na uniwersalne dążenia człowieka. Wszechstronna analiza tego zagadnienia otwiera dalsze perspektywy badawcze, które można uznać za szerszą warstwę kultury starożytnego Rzymu.
The culture of ancient Rome is impressive with its uniqueness, so scholars have always been interested in it. In ancient societies religious component always plays a great role, so studying it becomes key in understanding the depth of human feelings. The ancient perception of the world is clearly represented in mythology, the first type of human consciousness, whose reflections manifest itself in all the following stages of human development. The article seeks to identify the mythological components in Roman paganism tradition that facilitates deep understanding of the religion of ancient Rome. At the same time, the cornerstone of the study is the relationship between the religious and the human-what role in the process of social and cultural transformations the religious component played, how deeply mythological components intertwined with religious doctrine, what was the nature of the relationship of the Romans with their gods, and how the features of mentality transformed universal human aspirations as seen by the ancient Romans. A comprehensive analysis of this issue opens up further prospects for research, which can be considered a broader layer of the culture of ancient Rome.
The gradual MS 7021 (kept at Poznań University Library) is one of the earliest examples of the reception of post-Trent reform of Gregorian plainchant in the seventeenth century Poland. The volume comes from the scriptorium of Benedictine convent in the Chełmno congregation. The article’s aim is to present the liturgical alterations and changes that occurred in the Polish Republic in the early seventeenth century with the example provided by an analysis of the content of the Benedictine manuscript as well as other available sources. Additionally, the article examines the problem of the reform of the Georgian repertoire introduced by the Apostolic See and the its subsequent reception in Poland. In the liturgy of the Western World, the most significant outcome of the post- Trent reform was the introduction of standarised principal liturgical books, which in consequence led to a unification of liturgy in the whole of the Church’s life. The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth adopted the breviary and the Roman Missal, the liturgical book that contains the texts and rubrics for the celebration of the Mass in the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church, as well as the antiphonary and gradual. Local traditions, however, were attempted to be retained in these liturgical books, so that the proper Roman rite could not have been implemented to the full. However, the gradual, MS 7021 BU UAM, from the Toruń scriptorium of the Benedictine convent, is an example of the implementation the Trent reform in the seventeenth century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth that has no connections with any local or locallybased monastic tradition. The Benedictine nuns from the Chełmno congregation were undoubtedly prominent in the history of the Trent reform in the Republic of Both Nations. By dissenting from the spirit of St. Benedict’s rule professed by the Tyniec Benedictines, and by creating their own rule based on the resolutions of the Council of Trent, the convent adopted an innovative and attractive stance. The cooperation of the nuns with the Jesuits from the Society of Jesus, who were also promoters of the liturgical reform, was also instrumental. The article shows how important it is to carry on with research studies on Polish music and liturgical sources from the post-Trent period. The article is also an important contribution to the investigation and description of a source that, as yet, has not been satisfactorily addressed.
Graduał rkp 7021 Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu jest jednym z wczesnych przykładów recepcji potrydenckiej reformy chorału gregoriańskiego na terenie XVII-wiecznej Rzeczypospolitej. Księga pochodzi z toruńskiego skryptorium benedyktynek kongregacji chełmińskiej. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie przemian liturgicznych, jakie zaszły w Rzeczypospolitej na początku XVII wieku, na przykładzie analizy zawartości rękopisu benedyktynek i innych dostępnych źródeł, a także nakreślenie problemu reformy repertuaru gregoriańskiego wprowadzonego przez Stolicę Apostolską i jego polskiej recepcji. Dla liturgii Kościoła zachodniego najważniejszym osiągnięciem reformy potrydenckiej było ujednolicenie ksiąg liturgicznych, co prowadziło do unifikacji liturgicznej całego Kościoła. W Rzeczypospolitej przyjęto brewiarz i mszał rzymski oraz mające z nimi ścisły związek – antyfonarz i graduał. W księgach tych starano się jednak zachowywać tradycje lokalne, co nie pozwoliło na całkowite przyjęcie rytu rzymskiego. Graduał rkp 7021 BUAM pochodzący z toruńskiego skryptorium zakonu benedyktynek kongregacji chełmińskiej i będący przykładem wprowadzania przez zakonnice reformy trydenckiej na terenie XVII-wiecznej Rzeczypospolitej nie ma powiązania z tradycją lokalną czy zakonną. W historii recepcji reformy trydenckiej na terenie Rzeczypospolitej benedyktynki kongregacji chełmińskiej mają niewątpliwie wiele zasług. Odcinając się od reguły benedyktynów tynieckich i tworząc własną, opartą na postanowieniach soboru trydenckiego, okazały się zakonem nowatorskim i atrakcyjnym. Nie bez znaczenia jest tu ich współpraca z zakonem jezuickim, który był również propagatorem reformy liturgicznej. Artykuł ukazuje, jak ważne są badania polskich źródeł muzyczno-liturgicznych okresu potrydenckiego. Stanowi też ważny wkład w rozpoznanie i opisanie źródła, które do tej pory nie było powszechnie znane.
The main aim of this article is the general presentation and description of the eastern liturgy by emphasizing some of its characteristics different from the Latin one. The subject of the analysis was the Slavonic version of Byzantine rite which is better known in Poland and neighboring countries. The worship plays the leading role in the life of Eastern Churches. The liturgy is closely connected with teaching of the Church and it is also the source of theology. The East has never known the separation of spirituality, theology and ecclesiology from liturgy. The article presents some essential information about the Eucharist (called in the east the Divine Liturgy), the liturgy of the hours (the Divine Office), liturgical year and shows some differences in the celebration of the sacraments in comparison with the Latin practice. More important features of the eastern worship are the epiphanic, doxological, dynamic, anamnetical and eschatological ones. What strikes you about Eastern worship from the sociological point of view is its intimate union with culture and history of the lo- cal, national Church. From an external point of view the eastern liturgy is a synthesis of the arts and demonstrates a particular beauty. The liturgical action is not just a ceremony.  It   is an object of contemplation, an awesome vision, full of mystery. It is our participation in the liturgy of heaven, the implementation of the Kingdom of God on Earth. Therefore, the actual purpose of the liturgy is our communing with God.
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Rola liturgii w katechezie

Catechesis and liturgy enable the Church to fulfill its saving mission awarded by the Christ. Preaching the word is to lead to the celebration of liturgy. The heart of the catechesis and faith of those who receive the message of salvation is the mystery of the Christ celebrated in liturgy. As catechesis is essential to gain understanding and ultimate experience of liturgy, a catechesis that supports and translates liturgical values into daily life is indispensable. Catechesis should relate to liturgical experience, consolidate its values, point to the richness of life renewed in Christ and propose ways of attaining sainthood in daily work. The characteristic element of liturgy is the language of celebration, which imparts significance to the celebration in the process of transmission of faith. Liturgy also uses symbolic language, which is an indispensable way of expressing and sharing religious experience. Symbols can help catechesis to resist the temptation of teaching only, because they bring teaching closer to daily life and add necessary dynamism to catechesis.
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