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The aim of the study was to assess working memory and executive functions in first-degree relatives of schizophrenic patients (healthy parents). There were 25 healthy parents of schizophrenic patients, 8 males and 17 females, mean age 53 years, participating in the study. The control group consisted of 25 healthy individuals, matched by age and gender to the parents of schizophrenic patients. In this group, there were 10 males and 15 females, mean age 54 years. The neuropsychological assessment included Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, N-back Test and Stroop Test. The results indicated that there were statistically significant disturbances of working memory and executive functions in the group of healthy first- degree relatives of schizophrenic patients, compared to the group of individuals unrelated to schizophrenic patients. These differences were greater in the case of parents of schizophrenics with lower level of education, compared with the healthy subjects without family history of schizophrenia.
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Kognitívny deficit u pacientov so schizofréniou

The aim of the review article is to provide recent empirical evidence about cognitive deficit in patients with schizophrenia. Authors characterized cognitive deficit, analysed neurobiological basis and assessment of deficit severity, relationships to course of illness and symptoms of disorder. Approach of clinical neuropsychology is compared to current approach based on the cognitive neuroscience. Last part of the article is devoted to the topic of rehabilitation and treatment of cognitive deficit through the psychopharmacological intervention and cognitive remediation.
Autori sa v prehľadovej práci zameriavajú na priblíženie aktuálnych poznatkov v oblasti kognitívneho deficitu, ktorý je prítomný u pacientov so schizofréniou. Uvádzajú charakteristiku kognitívneho deficitu, jeho neurobiologický základ a taktiež zhodnotenie jeho závažnosti, vzťah k priebehu a symptómom poruchy. Opisujú prístup klinickej neuropsychológie a novších postupov v rámci kognitívnych neurovied k jeho skúmaniu. V závere sa venujú aktuálnym možnostiam ako ovplyvniť kognitívny deficit, či už prostredníctvom psychofarmakologických postupov, alebo prostredníctvom kognitívnej remediácie.
Schizophrenia still poses the greatest theoretical problems in contemporary psychopathology. These problems should be investigated through the works of authors who deal with schizophrenia representing different psychological theories. The author takes into consideration psychoanalytic and phenomenological point of view. The statements of those theories are encountered in the field of humanistic psychology.
Background. Schizophrenia is one of the commonly occurring disorders, often causing a high degree of disability to the patients, as well as being stressful to the caregivers. Objectives. To find the efficacy of psycho-education on knowledge regarding schizophrenia among caregivers and reducing their level of burden. Material and methods. A randomized controlled trial was used to assess the effectiveness of psycho-education among caregivers of patients with schizophrenia. This study was conducted at a selected state government mental hospital in Karnataka, India. 350 caregivers were randomly assigned to study (n = 175) and control groups (n = 175). Both the group subjects were initially assessed for knowledge and burden. The study group caregivers participated in one or two psycho-education sessions with routine nursing care. Control group subjects received routine care in the hospital. Post-intervention assessment was done at the end of one-month and three-month intervals. Results. At pre-test, the study group caregivers’ mean knowledge scores were mean = 22.93, SD = 17.03, which was improved to mean = 85.90, SD = 9.51 at the one-month follow-up and mean = 97.94, SD = 4.41 at the three-month follow-up. This improvement was statistically significant at a 0.01 level when compared to control group caregivers. The study group caregivers’ mean burden scores that were initially recorded at pre-test mean = 82.37, SD = 10.40 reduced to mean = 49.13, SD = 8.28 at the one-month follow-up and mean = 40.86, SD = 6.27 at the three-month follow-up. This improvement was statistically significant at a 0.01 level when compared to control group caregivers. Conclusions. The study group caregivers showed an improvement in knowledge gain and a reduction in care burden. The present study findings provided evidence for the role of psycho-education intervention in reducing care burden among caregivers of patients with schizophrenia and was also found effective in caring for their relatives with appropriate knowledge
Collaboration between doctors and patient is a perfect example of a specific kind of collaboration in the organization. Difficulties with establish proper relations between psychiatrists and patients with depressive disorders and schizophrenia is the subject of the paper. The thesis of the work assumes that psychiatrists and patients belong to the totally different “worlds” what is the cause of inability to create proper mutual collaboration between them. In 2009 a questionnaire survey was conducted at public mental hospitals of the Lodz region. Both doctors and patients notice a number of communication barriers and factors hampering the mutual cooperation, at the same time demonstrating the will to agree and cooperate. The proper contact and collaboration affect mental disposition and motivation for the process of recovery from the illness. Conclusion: To a large extent not only a course of the treatment, but also a correct social functioning of both groups of the patients depends on the quality of the interrelation between them and psychiatrists. It appears, however, that the hierarchy of obstacles of successful therapy is completely different among the doctors and patients
Studies indicate that physical activity has a positive effect both physiologically and socially for psychologically ill and vulnerable people, and that this effect is the same or greater for psychologically well-functioning people. In spite of this, treatment sites often hesitate to include sports and physical activity as part of the treatment offered. This article argues that there is a strong correlation between the body and mind, but from a different point of view than that adopted by the prevalent scientific research in the field. Specifically, I elucidate how the mind-body relationship and self-consciousness are influenced by physical activity for people with schizophrenia, and argue that symptoms are relieved as a result of physical activity. Consciousness has a bodily component that, for people with schizophrenia, is less well-integrated in the consciousness than for psychologically well-functioning people, and sports and physical activity can help facilitate this integration. My argument is based partly on phenomenological concepts and partly on an empirical research project concerning physical activity for people with schizophrenia. The conclusion is that their level of functioning and self-assessed quality of life increased markedly through physical activity. The purpose of the present article is thus partly to qualify the treatment chosen for people with schizophrenia, and partly to qualify the theoretical discussion concerning the role played by the body and physical activity in connection with consciousness and relief.
Roczniki Psychologiczne
vol. 12
issue 2
Naukowe zainteresowanie rodziną chorych na schizofrenię ma swoistą historię. W latach czterdziestych w systemie rodzinnym upatrywano główną przyczynę tej choroby. Obwinianie rodziny za spowodowanie choroby przerodziło się następnie w oskarżanie o powodowanie jej nawrotów. Akcentowane obecnie teorie genetyczne także nie rozwiązują problemu, gdyż rodzice czują się winni z powodu swoich genów. Z czasem zaczęto dostrzegać, że rodzina dźwiga materialne, emocjonalne i społeczne konsekwencje choroby, a ciężar opieki nad chorym nazwano „brzemieniem rodziny". W tym kontekście doszło do rozwoju tendencji przeciwstawnych, nastawionych na niesienie pomocy i wsparcia rodzinom z chorym na schizofrenię. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie, jak trudnym i złożonym problemem jest życie z człowiekiem chorym psychicznie w rodzinie. Artykuł składa się z dwóch części; w pierwszej nakreślono ogólnie funkcjonowanie rodziny w sytuacji zachorowania jednego z jej członków, w drugiej natomiast przybliżono rozumienie brzemienia i czynników z nim związanych.
Scientific interest in the families of schizophrenic people has had a history of its own. In 1940's, the family was considered to be the main factor responsible for the illness. Blaming the family was later replaced by accusing it of causing relapses. Genetic theories which are being propagated currently do not seem to solve the problem either, as the parents may feel guilty for their genetic load. With the course of time, it has become clear that the family bears the material, emotional and social consequences of the disease, and the responsibility of providing care for the ill has been termed "family burden". This stance gave birth to various tendencies aimed at helping and supporting the families of people with schizophrenia. The objective of this article is to demonstrate the difficulty and complexity of families providing care for a family member with schizophrenia. The article consists of 2 parts: the first one outlines the general family functioning in families providing care for a family member with schizophrenia and the second one aims at characterizing the burden and related factors.
The aim of this paper is to compare susceptibility to the Stroop effect in men with schizophrenia and in men with frontal lobe lesions. A sample of 90 men participated in the study. They were divided into three groups: men with schizophrenia (n = 30), men with localized frontal lobe lesions (n = 30) and healthy men (n = 30) as a control group. Significant differences measures found between controls and men with schizophrenia in all of the analyzed variable (Control task execution time p < 0,001; Interference task execution time: p < 0,001; Difference between two times p < 0,05). Men with frontal lobe lesions differed significantly from healthy controls in the terms of speed of the task execution (Control task execution time p < 0,01; Interference task execution time: p < 0,01), but were no more prone to the Stroop effect than healthy controls. No significant differences were found between schizophrenia and frontal lobe lesion groups.
The main aim of the article is to show a spectrum of problems experienced by people with schizophrenia, which emerges as communication disorders. In the area of problems, etiology of the disease and its impact on the discourse are taken into account. The occurrence of disturbed areas of communication outlines a language model which may appear among people with schizophrenia.
vol. 18
issue 2
Schizofrenia to jedno z najcięższych zaburzeń psychicznych. Nazywana jest chorobą królewską ze względu na bogactwo doznań i przeżyć chorego. W tzw. zdrowym społeczeństwie jest bardzo mało tolerancji dla inności i miejsca dla osób z niepełnosprawnościami psychicznymi. To wynik strachu przede wszystkim przed tym, co jest niezrozumiałe i nieznane. Chorzy często są marginalizowani i stygmatyzowani. Artykuł to próbaoddemoniz owania schizofrenii w powszechnej świadomości społecznej. Autorka czyni to, ukazując zarówno samą chorobę, jak i osoby nią dotknięte, które poprzez swoją artystyczną aktywność twórczą wpuszczają nas do swego świata, czyniąc go bardziej dostępnym i zrozumiałym.
Schizophrenia is one of the most severe mental disorders. It is called the “royal disease” due to the wealth of sensations and experiences of the patient. In a so-called “healthy” society there is very little tolerance for otherness, nor space for people with mental disabilities. This is primarily for fear of what is incomprehensible and unfamiliar. Oftentimes patients are marginalized and stigmatized. This article is an attempt to “undemonize” schizophrenia in the general public consciousness. The author does this by describing the disorder itself as well as aff ected individuals who through their artistic creativity let us into their world, making it more accessible and understandable.
Differences in semantic clustering and switching were examined in men with frontal lobe lesions, men with schizophrenia and healthy men. Men with frontal lobe lesions and men with schizophrenia generated fewer words than healthy men and presented intact clustering, but decreased switching during the semantic fluency task. However, after controlling for the number of words produced, between-group differences in switching disappeared. These findings suggest that all three groups used similar strategies of clustering and switching during the semantic fluency task, although men with frontal lobe lesions and men with schizophrenia did it less efficiently than healthy men.
The study was conducted on patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. It is concerned with the analysis of speech disorders (referred to as schizophasia in this experimental group) and selected cognitive functions. The study is divided into two parts. The first one contains conversations with patients on topics relating to their most immediate environment. They served as a basis for the evaluation of two aspects: lingustic phenomena according to N. Andreasen’s The Scale for the Assessment of Thought, Language and Communication, as well as grammatical, semantic and syntactic disorders according to A. Czernikiewicz’s Krótka Skala Oceny Schizofazji [Short Scale of Schizophasia Evaluation]. The second part is concerned with the assessment of the functioning of selected cognitive processes, i.e. semantic fluency and short-term memory. The results obtained have been divided into quantitative and qualitative analyses.The quantitative analysis of the first part has demonstrated that the most frequent linguistic phenomena among patients with schizophasia are: excessive attention to detail, digressiveness, illogicality. Apart from that, patients had the greatest difficulties with pragmatic coherence of their utterances (90% of the sampled patients). The study of selected cognitive functions has demonstrated that patients diagnosed with schizophrenia fared worse in semantic fluency and short-term memory tests. However, it is the qualitative analysis that turned out to be the most interesting element of the study. It identified some interesting phenomena in cognitive functions, which cannot be found in the control group. They are connected with excessive abstraction, specific parts of speech, neologisms, numerous perseverations, interjecting loose associations and changing the plot of a story. There is a relation between the appearance of some linguistic phenomena and the results of cognitive functions tests carried out on the experimental group. Although the general correlation between these two aspects is not high enough to be considered statistically relevant, in the most severe cases, the appearance of linguistic phenomena during the testing of cognitive functions proves that schizophasia-type disorders considerably affect semantic fluency and short-term memory.
Suicide is a type of behaviour which assumes the need of overcoming the instinct of self-preservation, as well as overcoming the natural fear of death; it is therefore an act which is in contradiction with basic human instincts. Scientists looking for the answer to the question, what makes people decide that they want to end their life, focus on different aspects of the problem, and as a consequence it is possible to distinguish several directions of suicidal behaviour analysis; they include, among others, psychiatric and psychological directions. Psychiatry analyses suicide in the context of psychological disorders of a person. Psychology studies self-destructive behaviours with particular focus on human psychology, motivation, personality and consciousness of the made decision. Findings of those sciences will be the subject of this article.
The aim of this review is to appraise current evidence on the association between employment and specific, non-vocational components that are indicators of recovery from schizophrenia, such as symptom remission, neurocognitive functioning, social cognitive functioning, and quality of life. Out of 754 studies identified in a comprehensive bibliographical data search, 43 were selected for abstract screening and 18 were included in the final review. The studies were categorized in terms of the type of employment investigated (supported employment, Individual Placement and Support, competitive employment). Studies on the Individual Placement and Support programs provide the strongest evidence for their effectiveness in terms of non-vocational outcomes. Quality of life, psychopathology and well being were the most frequently investigated outcomes and only 2 studies utilized a global concept of recovery as a measure. Employment was also associated with positive changes in domains that are not directly related to working, e.g., leisure activities. The current review reports promising, but not conclusive, results in the improvement of quality of life, social functioning and other indicators of recovery, but there is still a need for high quality, long term follow-up, randomized studies to further investigate this relationship.
The study aims to confront two concepts of fragile subjectivity: one by Emmanuel Lé vinas and the other by Paul Ricœur. However, this is not the purpose in itself. Actually, the first step consists on the pointing out the similarities and divergences that exist between both approaches in dealing with the open and labile trait of human identity. This step further serves to highlight the discussion points which, due to the tension generated by the underlined incompatibilities, stimulate thinking and the search for mediation. To illustrate the fertility of this controversy, it is transferred to the area of philosophy of psychiatry, where an attempt is made to apply both anthropological positions to a philosophical interpretation of the essence of the phenomenon of schizophrenia. This interpretation of the pathogenesis of the chosen phenomenon allows, in turn, for a cautious conclusion to be drawn as to the described controversy between Lé vinas and Ricœur.
The presented study was intended to shed some new light on the disturbance of body experience in persons with schizophrenia in reference to the Embodied Subject Model. The model proposes to complement theoretical linkages between concepts related to bodiness – body self and mental representations of the body (body schema, body image, body awareness) and a relatively new concept of body identity. The main research questions were: Given that persons with schizophrenia are characterised by the painful experience of their body as an external object, would they also manifest i/ weakened sensorimotor integration mechanisms, ii/ disordered mental representations of the body, iii/ weakened sense of body ownership? 41 individuals with schizophrenia and 41 matched controls participated in the Rubber Hand Illusion procedure. Body representations were measured with a Battery of Tests of the Body Self Representations. The individuals with schizophrenia showed lower scores in three body representations and greater susceptibility to the rubber hand illusion. It suggests that the explanation of susceptibility to disturbances in the sense of body ownership should be focused on the deficient structure of mental representations of the body.
Introduction and aim. In patients with schizophrenia, omega-3 (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) treatment was found to ameliorate the cardiovascular, metabolic, and inflammatory problems caused by antipsychotic medication and even reduce the need for medication by 20%. In this study, we evaluated the potential therapeutic effects of n-3 PUFA supplementation in patients with schizophrenia. Material and methods. The PRISMA guidelines were followed in conducting this systematic review. The Embase, MEDLINE, Web of Science, and Google Scholar databases were searched electronically. The first search yielded 50 papers in total. Subsequently, 43 publications that did not meet our eligibility requirements were removed, and seven articles were selected. Analysis of the literature. The analysis showed that n-3 PUFA supplementation and the placebo group both decreased their psychotic (PANSS and GAF scales) and Calgary Depression Scale symptomatology and boosted their functional ability (GAF) when used as an adjuvant to antipsychotic medication. When administered as a monotherapy with a metabolic antioxidant, n-3 PUFA supplementation proved beneficial for treating schizophrenia. In patients with schizophrenia, n-3 PUFAs have therapeutic benefits as adjuvant treatments to medications, although not for different variables or patient groups. Conclusion. In many studies, patients with chronic schizophrenia who received n-3 PUFA supplementation showed no improvement in their clinical condition.
The aim of the work was the evaluation of formal emotionality features of patients suffering from paranoic schizophrenia in comparison with healthy people. It was assumed that emotionality can be described by means of measurements (excitation, arousal, pleasure – displeasure) and that it is a self-regulating system constituting the background on which other, more complex emotional phenomena can be examined. The emotionality system was examined by means of Schaie and Heiss’s Colour Pyramid Test. The whole range of colour choices belonging to the so called syndromes has been analyzed (the normal syndrome, the stimulation syndrome, the drive syndrome, the achromatic syndrome, the turmoil syndrome). What was also examined was the so called sequential formula reflecting the range and stability of the choices. 72 persons suffering from schizophrenia and 49 healthy persons were examined. The schizophrenic patients were choosing achromatic tints for pretty pyramids more often, whereas the normal syndrome was less frequent. Healthy persons were choosing disorganization colours for ugly pyramids. The results have been interpreted as the indicators of the distortions of the emotional system on the level of evaluation and arousal. More differences appeared in the construction of ugly pyramids which may be explained by the reduced control of behaviour. Sex appeared to be another significant variable. Women reacted in a more conventional way (especially the healthy ones); they more frequently expressed their disapproval of disorganization and desire colours in comparison with men. On the other hand, women suffering from schizophrenia, were choosing stimulating colours for ugly pyramid (as if protecting themselves from the excessive stimulation) more frequently than the healthy ones. The analysis of the so called sequential formula has shown that sick persons were characterized by emotional inflexibility and the tendency towards reducing the range of their own reactions.
The text traces the development of the notion of catatonia in the work of Gilles Deleuze across three spheres – the individual (subjectivity), social and literary. The need for an analysis is based on (1) the author’s perception that Deleuze (and Guattari’s) thought on catatonia and slowness has been undervalued in many interpretations (particularly those linking the philosophers with accelerationism); (2) the recognition, in works of sociologists such as Hartmut Rosa, of the adverse effects of social acceleration. In the individual sphere, catatonia is the effect of a radical withdrawal into anti-production or the body without organs. In the social sphere, catatonia is also linked to anti-production, but since in capitalism most anti-production (or the socius) is included in the sphere of production (as capital), catatonia represents a special case of resistance to this tendency. Deleuze shows how these two spheres intertwine in his analyses of Herman Melville’s works, especially Billy Budd and Bartleby; the title characters of these two texts are interpreted as embodiments of the catatonic as a political-revolutionary figure.
The aim of the study was to learn about the dysfunctional factors inherent to a family environment which can contribute to a child’s development, with a particular emphasis on the risk of future formation of psychosocial disorders among the individuals in adult life. The first part of the study includes the profile of a family, its functions and role in a child’s upbringing. It also presents a description of selected forms of social pathology occurring among family members and the characterization of their effects. Another part of the study is devoted to the description of selected mental disorders on the grounds of a situation at family home. The study also includes a methodological part taking into account, inter alia, the major problem and other detailed issues. Finally, the results of the research are presented on the basis of the analysis of documents of patients in a psychiatric ward over the last 10 years (2004-2014) and interviews conducted with psychiatrists. The article ends with the conclusions summing up the research.
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