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Introduction. Breast cancer is the most frequent neoplasm among women. That is the reason why scientists all over the world are attempting to improve early detection methods of this particular malignancy. Aim. The most common and most widely used examination methods for screening for and detecting breast cancer is presented herein. Material and methods. This review was performed according to systematic literature search of three major bibliographic databases. Results. Available data suggest that incidence and mortality in high-resource countries has been declining whereas incidence and mortality in low-resource countries has been increasing. Conclusion. The role of a physician is to select the most suitable one for each patient in order to obtain the best result. No matter the method however, between 2005 and 2011, the 5-year relative survival was found to be 89%. This is thought to be due to both the increase in utilization of population-wide screening, as well as advances in treatment.
Introduction and aim. Newborn blood spot screening (NBS) uses genetic technology to screen for selected genetic, endocrine, and metabolic disorders. The purpose of the study was to assess the knowledge of newborn blood spot genetic screening among expectant mothers. Material and methods. Between October 2015 and January 2016, a 20 question, multiple-choice questionnaire was administered to expectant mothers presenting for a pre-natal ultrasound at the Maternal Fetal Care Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin Froedtert Hospital. Statistical analysis used Chi-Square or Fisher’s exact test for categorical variables. Results. 103 women completed the survey; 34% believed that education regarding screening is incomplete and 39% believed that it needs improvement. 27% knew the purpose of newborn screening. Conclusion. Many mothers lack general and specific knowledge about NBS and the diseases screened for. Health education that provides accurate and complete information on the newborn blood spot screening should be provided to all parents prior to the administering of any genetic testing. Key areas that should be targeted include: purpose of NBS, screened diseases and how to interpret the results of the test.
Background. Identification of individuals at high risk of psychotic disorder can help to prevent onset of the disorder. Objectives. To examine both psychometric characteristics of the Czech version of The Prodromal Questionnaire Brief Version (PQB) and prevalence of risk symptoms for psychosis among Czech adolescents. Sample and methods. The PQB was administered to a sample of students in Prague (grammar and secondary vocational schools-SVS and apprentice training centers-ATC) aged 15–20 years. The PQB consists of 21 items. The cut-off score for positive screening (PQB+) was set as ≥ 8 items, the cut-off score ≥ 8 positive symptoms with significant distress was set for PQB distress + and the cut-off score ≥ 24 for total distress for PQB total distress +. Statistical analysis. Cronbach α, item analysis and exploratory factor analysis were used for reliability estimation of the PQB. Exploratory analyses using Fisher,s exact test, Mann-Whitney test, Pearson chi square test, and Kruskal- Wallis test were used as appropriate for testing between group differences in the PQB scores. Results. Data from 435 students were analyzed (mean age 17.2 ± 1.0 years). Sample consisted of 249 males (54%) and 216 females (46%). Sex distribution among schools differed (female, grammar schools 49% vs. ATC 87% vs. SVS 31%, p<0.001), but age distribution did not (p=0.08). Cronbach α of the PQB was 0.85, and three-dimensional factor structure was found. Factor 1 was made up of 7 (factor load 0.444–0.729; Cronbach α=0.73), factor 2 of 6 (factor load 0.404–0.721; α=0.73), and factor 3 of 4 items (factor load 0.313– –0.618; α=0.65). 204 subjects in the total sample were PQB+ (44%), 44 were PQB distress+ (9%) and 174 were PQB total distress + (37%). Study limitation. Generalization of study results is limited, since only students from Prague high schools were assessed.
Úvod. Identifikace jedinců ve vysokém riziku rozvoje psychotického onemocnění může pomoci v prevenci vzniku onemocnění. Cíle. Popsat základní psychometrické vlastnosti české verze dotazníku The Prodromal Questionnaire- Brief Version (PQB) a prevalenci výskytu symptomů rizika rozvoje psychózy u českých adolescentů. Soubor a metody. PQB byl předložen studentům pražských škol (gymnázia, střední odborná učiliště-SOU a střední odborné školy–SOŠ) ve věku 15–20 let. PQB se skládá s 21 otázek. Celkový skór ≥ 8 pozitivních položek byl nastaven jako prahový pro pozitivní screening (PQB+), celkový skór ≥ 8 položek, vyvolávajících signifikantní distres pro PQB distres+ a celkový skór ≥ 24 pro PQB celkový distres +. Statistická analýza. Pro testování psychometrických vlastností PQB byl použit Cronbachův koeficient α, položková analýza a explorační faktorová analýza. Rozdíly v PQB mezi skupinami (pohlaví, typ školy, věk) byly exploračně testovány pomocí Fisherova přesného testu, Mann-Whitneyho testu, Pearsonova chí-kvadrát testu a neparametrického Kruskal-Wallisova testu, dle obvyklých zvyklostí. Výsledky. Analyzována byla data 435 studentů (průměrný věk 17,2 ± 1,0 let). Mezi dotazovanými bylo 249 (54 %) chlapců a 216 (56 %) dívek. Mezi školami byl rozdíl distribuce pohlaví (dívky gymnázium 49 % vs. SOU 87 % vs. SOŠ 31 %; p < 0,001), ale ne v průměrném věku respondentů (p = 0,08). Cronbachovo α pro PQB bylo 0,85. U PQB byla nalezena třífaktorová struktura. Faktor 1 byl sycen 7 položkami Příloha: Česká verze dotazníku PQB 1. Zdá se vám někdy známé prostředí jako divné, matoucí, děsivé nebo nereálné? 2. Slyšel/a jste někdy v uších neobvyklé zvuky jako bouchání, cvakání, syčení, tleskání nebo zvonění? 3. Vypadají věci, které vidíte, jinak než obvykle (světlejší nebo tmavší, větší nebo menší, jinak změněné)? 4. Zažil/a jste někdy telepatii, nadpřirozené schopnosti nebo předpovídání budoucnosti? 5. Cítila/a jste někdy, že nemáte kontrolu nad svými nápady či myšlenkami? 6. Máte potíže dostat se k tomu, co chcete říct, protože mluvíte nesouvisle nebo zabíhavě? 7. Máte silný pocit nebo přesvědčení, že jste nějakým způsobem neobvykle nadaný/á nebo talentovaný/á? 8. Máte pocit, že ostatní lidé vás sledují nebo o vás mluví? 9. Máte někdy zvláštní pocity na kůži nebo těsně pod kůží, například jako pohybující se brouci? 10. Cítíte se někdy zničehonic vyrušen/a vzdálenými zvuky, které si běžně neuvědomujete? 11. Cítil/a jste někdy, že nějaký člověk nebo síla je ve vašem okolí, i když jste nikoho neviděl/ a? 12. Máte někdy starost, že s vaší myslí by mohlo být něco špatně? 13. Měl/a jste někdy pocit, že neexistujete, že svět neexistuje, nebo že jste mrtvý/á? 14. Byl/a jste někdy zmaten/a tím, zda něco, co jste zažil/a bylo reálné nebo imaginární (smyšlené)? 15. Udržujete některá přesvědčení, která by ostatní lidé považovali za neobvyklé nebo bizarní? 16. Cítíte, že části vašeho těla se nějakým způsobem změnily, nebo že části vašeho těla fungují jinak? 17. Jsou vaše myšlenky někdy tak silné, že je téměř můžete slyšet? 18. Přistihnete se někdy, že některým lidem nedůvěřujete nebo je podezíráte? 19. Viděl/a jste neobvyklé věci jako záblesky, plameny, oslepující světlo, či geometrické obrazce? 20. Viděl/a jste věci, které jiní lidé nevidí, nebo se nezdá, že by je viděli? 21. Je pro druhé lidi někdy těžké porozumět tomu, co říkáte? (faktorová zátěž 0,444–0,729; Cronbachova α = = 0,81), faktor 2 tvořilo 6 položek (faktorová zátěž 0,404–0,721; α = 0,73) a faktor 3 se skládal ze 4 položek (faktorová zátěž 0,313 – 0,618; α = 0,65). Z celkového souboru bylo 204 (44 %) studentů PQB+, 44 (9 %) PQB distres + a 174 (37 %) studentů PQB celkový distres+. Záchyt u dívek byl častější než u chlapců. Omezení studie. Ve studovaném souboru jsou pouze studenti středních škol v Praze, což limituje přenositelnost výsledků na celou Českou republiku.
Economic Themes
vol. 53
issue 2
The Republic of Serbia has successfully completed the first part in the European Union integration process, being granted candidate status for membership in the European Union (EU). The stage of accession negotiations is in progress, and it includes the full harmonization with the EU acquis, whereby the analytical review of legislation, the so-called screening is being carried out in 35 chapters. The global financial crisis that affected our country in 2008 has required a timely reaction of the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) in order to preserve the financial system stability, especially the banking sector as its most important segment. As the financial services sector adjusts within chapter 9, the aim of this paper is to assess the level of compliance of national legislation with the EU legislation regarding banking sector. Along with the regulatory initiatives in the field of preserving financial stability in the EU countries, the NBS has paid great attention to the harmonization of its financial stability policy with the financial stability policy of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB).
vol. 11
issue 3
The purpose of the article is to draw attention to the issue of movies and comic books relationship. Nowadays we can see numerous cinematic versions of graphic novels. Especially what is so called „super hero movies”. Historical development of both movies and comic books was the same. There were several thematic borrow-ings. Also popular culture had significant influence on these media. It is possible among movies and graphic novels to distinguish inspiration, adaptation and screening. Comic book movies are not a new phenomenon. But its character seems a bit morę complicated.
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder is an overarching term that describes the extent of effects of prenatal alcohol exposure. It includes the range of neurodevelopmental findings and other medical findings specific for FAS. Measurability of characteristics depends on several factors, such as diagnostic instruments, multidisciplinary focus, etc. The objective of the contribution is to provide the primary early care givers with recommendations for FASD screening. It involves suggestions that deal with recognition, protection and intervention of children with FASD in the most elaborate and unbiased manner. Results of the study offer selective intention of screening in preschool-aged children. The research was conducted with 173 children aged from 3 to 7 years. The authors used their own concept of selected domains indicating the occurrence of impairments in FASD domains. Specific quantitative and qualitative research methods were assigned to them. The impairments relate to anthropometric deviations determining early occurrence of FASD. The authors have selected the domain of basic anthropometry: head circumference, height and weight and philtrum and the obtained results from domains: auditory processing, selected cognitive components, motor system, speech and sensory processing. Conclusions define basic criteria for FASD screening in general population and basic algorithm of distribution of recognized child in a system of early care in the SR. They rely on the fact that there is urgent demand in Slovakia to involve participants in active FASD care.
Neurodevelopmental disorders are changes in the development caused by internal and external factors, they manifest from the prenatal period or become visible in the early child development. The early age (0-3 years) is crucial for the detection and identification of diversion in psychomotor development, as well as for the initiation of intervention strategies. The paper provides insight into the current understanding of neurodevelopmental disorders (according to DSM-5 and MKCH 11) at an early age; explains their more detailed context, the possibilities of recognition predictors and precursors in paediatric practice, and the related need for professional care. It underlines the importance and real possibilities of interdisciplinary cooperation of paediatricians and psychologists to support the maximization of psychomotor development, built on the research-verified common neurodevelopmental basis of particular developmental domains.
Background Given the growing number of occupational voice users, easy and quick broad-scale screening is necessary to provide prophylaxis of voice disorders. The aim of the study was to assess applicability of the Voice Related Quality of Life questionnaire (V-RQOL) to screening occupational voice disorders. Material and Methods The research comprised 284 subjects divided into 3 groups: 0 – the control group of normophonic subjects, non-professional voice users (N = 60), 1 – occupational voice users with objectively confirmed voice disorders (N = 124), 2 – the non-randomized group of occupational voice users with and without voice problems (N = 100). Self-assessment of voice was performed by means of the V-RQOL in comparison to the Voice Handicap Index (VHI). The relation between the V-RQOL and VHI was determined by means of linear regression. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves were constructed and the cut-off point of the V-RQOL was determined to discriminate between normophonic and dysphonic subjects. Results The relationship between the VHI and V-RQOL scores indicated a satisfactory coefficient of determination: R² = 0.7266. High values of Cronbach’s α confirmed high reliability of the V-RQOL test (0.867). Voice-Related Quality of Life questionnaire (V-RQOL) results were significantly worse in the study group than for normophonic controls (p < 0.001). The cut-off point for the test was set at 79 points. The determined area under the curve (AUC) = 0.910 (p < 0.001) showed high diagnostic accuracy of the V-RQOL. Results of the V-RQOL differed for diagnose-based subgroups of dysphonic patients. Conclusions The study gives grounds for application of the V-RQOL as a reliable tool for screening occupational voice disorders. Med Pr 2018;69(2):119–128
Objectives Manicurists are exposed to various chemicals in nail and skin care products and may develop ocular, nasal, respiratory or skin adverse reactions to them. To investigate the occurrence of ocular, nasal, respiratory and skin problems among manicurists and to identify their causal factors, particularly allergic etiology and occupational origin. Material and Methods Manicurists employed in beauty salons in the central region of Poland were invited to fill in the questionnaire and undergo medical examination, skin prick tests with common aeroallergens, patch tests with European Baseline Series and (Meth)Acrylates Series-Nails and spirometry. Results In the questionnaire adverse nasal symptoms were reported by 70%, ocular – by 58%, respiratory – by 42%, hand eczema – by 43% of manicurists. In the medical interview, the frequency of those complaints was lower: nasal ones – 41%, ocular – 24%, cough – 18%, hand skin dryness – 20%, hand eczema – 6%. Cough and hand skin dryness occurred significantly more frequently than in the case of controls. Contact allergy was found for 41% of manicurists and 35% of controls. The prevalence of nickel sensitization was high in both groups (38% and 27%, respectively). Only 3 manicurists reacted to (meth)acrylates. The frequency of atopic diseases was similar in compared groups. Irritant nasal and respiratory reactions were significantly more prevalent among manicurists (nasal – 18% vs. 2%, p < 0.01; respiratory – 18% vs. 1%, p < 0.001). Work-related nasal irritant reactions were finally diagnosed for 19%, ocular ones – for 13%, respiratory – for 18% and within hand skin – for 23% of manicurists. Conclusions The frequency of workattributed irritant mucosal and skin symptoms among manicurists is high. Exposure to acrylates is an important source of mucosal irritant reactions while occlusive gloves cause irritation of hand skin. The prevalence of nickel allergy among Polish females is high. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2017;30(6):887–896
ObjectivesHigh prevalence of hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia requires searching for efficient and cost-effective methods of an early detection of these disorders. In Poland, obligatory employee medical check-ups could be a solution.Material and MethodsThe study included a group of university employees who underwent obligatory occupational examinations in 2018. Each employee had an additional lipid (unit cost: EUR 2.56) and blood glucose profile (EUR 0.93) done. The number of respondents involved in the study was 850 (340 males and 510 females), and their average age was 47 years (SD = 11 years). The education distribution was as follows: employees with secondary vocational and general education (physical, frontline and administrative workers): 176 (age: M±SD 50.3±10.3); employees with a university degree (academics with an M.Sc. or/and Ph.D. title and administrative staff): 535 (age: M±SD 43.6±9.8); and academics with a university title (Ass. Prof. and/or Prof.): 139 (age: M±SD 56.2±10.2).ResultsDyslipidemia (elevated total cholesterol ≥190 mg/dl and/or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol ≥115 mg/dl) was reported in 560 workers (65.9%). Hyperglycemia (fasting glucose ≥100 mg/dl) was observed in 256 workers (31%). The total cost of detecting a single case of dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia was EUR 3.88 and EUR 3.09, respectively. Divided by age groups, the costs were as follows: EUR 4.34 and EUR 4.53 in the age group <45 years; EUR 3.56 and EUR 2.42 in the age group ≥45 years. The costs of detecting a single case of dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia in employees aged ≥45 with regard to education were as follows: EUR 3.20 and EUR 2.07 in persons with secondary vocational and general education; EUR 3.40 and EUR 2.80 in persons with a university degree; and EUR 4.38 and EUR 2.28 in persons with a university title.ConclusionsDue to the fact that the reporting rate for screening tests in the framework of occupational medicine is high, the cost of occupational screening tests for dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia can be lower than the cost of screening tests in the general population.
ObjectivesCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) had spread worldwide since December 2019 and became a pandemic in March 2020. The diagnosis of an active infection is based on the real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) from the nasopharyngeal swab specimen. The aim of the current analysis was to assess the usefulness of the rapid serological tests for diagnosing SARS-CoV-2 infections.Material and MethodsThe rapid serological tests detecting IgG/IgM antibodies for SARS-CoV-2 were voluntarily performed in asymptomatic employees of 2 companies. The examination was conducted at the date and time selected online by the study participants. The testing team consisted of 2 nurses collecting the samples and 1 doctor who interpreted the results. Each positive rapid test result was verified by an RT-PCR examination from a nasopharyngeal swab. The testing kits named Vazyme: 2019-nCoV IgG/IgM Detection Kit (Colloidal Gold-Based) were provided by the employer along with the manual and certificates.ResultsThe overall interest in testing among employees was below the employer’s expectations and reached 30% and 20% in each of the 2 companies, respectively. A total of 516 participants were included in the analysis. Ten positive results of the rapid tests were documented, including 7 for IgM and 3 for IgG antibodies. No positive result was confirmed by the detection of the genetic material of the SARS-CoV-2 by the RT-PCR examination.ConclusionsHerein, the authors demonstrated the uselessness of rapid serological tests performed in asymptomatic volunteers for diagnosing SARS-CoV-2 infections.
Traktat Lizboński nadał instytucjom Unii Europejskiej (UE) nowe kompetencje w stosunkach zewnętrznych, włączając bezpośrednie inwestycje zagraniczne (BIZ) do wspólnej polityki handlowej. Wykorzystując te kompetencje Komisja Europejska sformułowała propozycję regulacji ustanawiającej ramy dla screeningu BIZ, która weszła w życie w kwietniu 2019 r. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest dyskusja nad kwestią screeningu jako elementu polityki wobec inwestorów zagranicznych, prowadzonej przez kraje rozwinięte, ocena uzasadnienia wprowadzenia screeningu oraz jego potencjalnych konsekwencji dla napływu BIZ do UE. Przyczyną wprowadzenia nowego instrumentu na poziomie UE była potrzeba ochrony strategicznych ekonomicznych interesów UE w stosunkach z krajami trzecimi. Nowy system screeningu BIZ napływających do UE nie jest scentralizowany. Prawo do screeningu pozostaje w wyłącznej kompetencji krajów członkowskich. Jednak mechanizm koordynacji na szczeblu UE wydaje się dawać gwarancję, że wspólne interesy będą chronione. Należy spodziewać się, że nowa regulacja przyniesie ekonomiczne i polityczne konsekwencje. Oprócz kosztów administracyjnych, a także związanych z procesami dostosowawczymi, niepewnością i opóźnieniami projektów inwestycyjnych, dwie kategorie skutków wydają się być szczególnie istotne. Są to: ograniczenia w napływie BIZ do niektórych krajów członkowskich UE, w szczególności tzw. ‘nowych’ oraz pogorszenie się relacji z krajami trzecimi, w szczególności z Chinami.
The Lisbon Treaty gives the European Union (EU) institutions new external competences, including foreign direct investment (FDI) in the common trade policy. Using these competences the European Commission formulated a proposal for a regulation establishing the screening framework for FDI, which entered into force in April 2019. The aim of this paper is to discuss the issue of FDI screening as an element of policies towards FDI applied by developed countries, to assess the justifications for its introduction, as well as the potential consequences of the screening framework for inflowing FDI into the EU. A need to protect the EU’s strategic economic interests in relations with third countries was the reason for the introduction of the new tool at the EU level. The new system of screening FDI inflows into the EU is not centralized. The right to screen remains the sole responsibility of the Member States. The co-ordination mechanism at the level of the EU which has been constructed seems to give guarantees that common interests will be protected. The economic and political consequences of the EU’s screening framework for FDI should be foreseen. Apart from administrative and compliance costs, as well as uncertainty and delays related to investment decision processes, two categories of potential consequences seem to be important. These are the expected reduced access to capital by some Member States, especially the ‘new’ ones, and the worsening of relations with external partners, especially China.
Celem pracy była ocena wiedzy kobiet mieszkających na terenach wiejskich na temat profilaktyki, czynników ryzyka, objawów klinicznych oraz badań przesiewowych w raku piersi, w zależności od wieku i wykształcenia. Materiał i metody: Badanie przeprowadzono w grupie 80 kobiet, zamieszkałych na wsi w województwie małopolskim. W badaniu wykorzystywano autorskie kwestionariusze ankietowe. Wyniki: Nie wykazano istotnych statystycznie różnic pomiędzy wiekiem i wykształceniem a znajomością czynników ryzyka, objawów klinicznych i badań przesiewowych w raku piersi. 93,75% respondentek zaznaczyło czynniki genetyczne jako czynnik ryzyka. 86,25% kobiet uważa, że obecność twardych, bezbolesnych guzków stanowi objaw raka piersi. 90% kobiet wskazało mammografię jako podstawowe badanie przesiewowe. Zaobserwowano istotną statystycznie różnicę dotyczącą znajomości badania mammograficznego (p=0,004) oraz wieku rozpoczęcia wykonywania badania przesiewowego w grupach wiekowych (p=0,008). Kobiety powyżej 50. roku życia zdecydowanie częściej zaznaczały właściwe odpowiedzi. Kobiety z wyższym wykształceniem prezentują większą wiedzę w zakresie samobadania piersi (p=0,058). 78,75% kobiet wskazało jako źródło wiedzy na temat raka piersi media, a 27% ankietowanych wiedzę uzyskaną od lekarzy. Wnioski: Znajomość czynników ryzyka zachorowania na raka piersi oraz wiedzy na temat profilaktyki jest niewystarczająca. Największe znaczenie w propagowaniu wiedzy na temat raka piersi według badanych kobiet mają media.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of knowledge on prevention, risk factors, symptoms and screening for breast cancer among women living in rural areas, depending on their age and education. Material and Methods: The study was conducted in a group of 80 women living in rural areas of the Małopolska province and was based on the original questionnaire survey. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between age and education, and knowledge of risk factors, clinical symptoms and screening for breast cancer. 93.75% of the respondents indicated genetic factors as a risk factor. 86.25% of the women believe that the presence of hard, painless nodules is a symptom of breast cancer. 90% of the women indicated mammography as the primary screening test. There was a statistically significant difference in the knowledge of mammography (p = 0.004) and the age of commencement of this form of screening in the age groups (p = 0.008). The women over the age of 50 indicated much more appropriate response. The women with higher education represent greater knowledge on breast self-examination (p = 0.058). 78.75% of women identified media as the major source of information about breast cancer and 27% of respondents indicated doctors as their source of medical knowledge. Conclusions: Knowledge of risk factors for breast cancer and knowledge of prevention is insufficient. The mass media are seen as the main source of information about breast cancer.
Voice disorders are the most frequently diagnosed occupational disease in recent years, making it reasonable to consider the need for and methodology of voice screening in voice workers. This article addresses the issue of the effectiveness of voice screening assessment using a pilot study in a group of teachers (n = 22) and choristers (n = 14) as an example. The results of the study indicate the diagnostic effectiveness of a combined voice self‑assessment (using the VHI) and assessment of the phonation time parameter (MCF) and listening assessment according to the GRBAS scale categories.
Zaburzenia głosu są w ostatnich latach najczęściej orzekaną chorobą zawodową, dlatego zasadne jest rozważenie potrzeby i metodyki przeprowadzania badań przesiewowych głosu u osób pracujących głosem. Artykuł podejmuje problematykę skuteczności oceny przesiewowej głosu na przykładzie pilotażowych badań w grupie nauczycieli (n = 22) i chórzystów (n = 14). Wyniki badań wskazują na efektywność diagnostyczną połączonej samooceny głosu (przy pomocy VHI) oraz oceny parametru maksymalnego czasu fonacji (MCF) i oceny odsłuchowej według kategorii skali GRBAS.
Introduction: In Pokarpackie voivodeship a continuous increase in morbidity and mortality from breast cancer in women is observed. In the years 1999-2010 a 56% increase in morbidity and 4,8% increase in mortality was reported. The aim of the study was to assess the trends in morbidity and mortality from breast cancer in women in Podkarpackie voivodeship in the years 1999-2010. Materials and methods: 6 851 breast cancer cases and 2 627 deaths from breast cancer in women were analysed. Crude morbidity and mortality rates, standardized morbidity and mortality rates, structure rates and the participation of breast cancer cases detected in the screening programme were formulated. Results: In 2010 an increase in breast cancer cases by 235 of newly diagnosed cases was observed in Podkarpackie voivodeship, in comparison with 1999. Crude and standardized rates of morbidity showed a rising tendency from 38,5/100 000 (standardized rate 28,6/100 000) in 1999 to 60,2/100 000 (standardized rate 39,4/100 000) in 2010. Mortality rates remained stable from 19,2/100 000 in 1999 to 20,2/100 000 in 2010. Standardized mortality rates showed a subtle decrease from 13,3/100 000 in 1999 to 11,5/100 000 in 2010. High differentiation in morbidity and mortality from breast cancer was observed in 2010 in the districts of Podkarpackie voivodeship. Morbidity rates ranged between 25,4-132,9/100 000, whereas mortality rates ranged between 0,0-44,4/100 000. The percentage share of breast cancer cases detected in the screening program in 2006-2010 increased by 19,5%. Conclusions: In the years 1999-2010 the morbidity and mortality rates were lower in Podkarpackie voivodeship in comparison with the same rates for Poland in the same time. In the districts of Podkarpackie voivodeship in 2010 the highest value of the morbidity rate in Lesko District was 5-fold higher than the value found in Tarnobrzeg District, whereas the mortality rate in Strzyżów District was 44-fold higher in comparison with Bieszczady District. The percentage share of breast cancer cases detected in the screening programme increased in the years 2006-2010 from 3,7% to 23,2%.
Wstęp: W województwie podkarpackim obserwuje się stały wzrost zachorowań i zgonów na raka piersi u kobiet. W latach 1999-2010 zanotowano 56% przyrost zachorowań oraz wzrost zgonów o 4,8%. Celem pracy była ocena trendów zachorowalności i umieralności na raka piersi u kobiet w województwie podkarpackim w latach 1999-2010. Materiał i metody: Analizie poddano 6 851 zachorowań i 2 627 zgonów z powodu nowotworu złośliwego piersi. Zostały opracowane współczynniki surowe zachorowalności i umieralności, współczynniki standaryzowane zachorowalności i umieralności, wskaźniki struktury oraz udział wykrytych raków piersi w programie skryningowym. Wyniki: W 2010 roku w województwie podkarpackim zanotowano, w porównaniu do 1999 roku, wzrost rozpoznań na raka piersi u kobiet o 235 nowych przypadków. Współczynniki surowe i standaryzowane zachorowalności wykazały trend rosnący, od 38,5/100 000 (standaryzowany 28,6/100 000) w 1999 roku do 60,2/100 000 (standaryzowany 39,4/100 000) w 2010 roku. Umieralność utrzymuje się na stałym poziomie od 19,2/100 000 w 1999 roku do 20,2/100 000 w 2010 roku. Współczynniki standaryzowane umieralności zanotowały natomiast niewielki spadek z 13,3/100 000 w 1999 roku do 11,5/100 000 w 2010 roku. Zaobserwowano również duże zróżnicowanie zachorowalności i umieralności w powiatach województwa podkarpackiego w 2010 roku. Współczynniki zachorowalności wahały się w przedziale 25,4-132,9/100 000, natomiast współczynniki umieralności 0,0-44,4/100 000. Udział procentowy raków piersi wykrytych w programie przesiewowym w latach 2006–2010 wzrósł o 19,5%. Wnioski: W latach 1999–2010 w województwie podkarpackim współczynniki zachorowalności i umieralności przyjmowały wartości niższe niż współczynniki w tym samym czasie dla Polski. W powiatach województwa podkarpackiego w 2010 roku największa wartość współczynnika zachorowalności w powiecie leskim była 5-krotnie wyższa od wartości współczynnika w powiecie tarnobrzeskim, natomiast współczynnik umieralności w powiecie strzyżowskim był 44-krotnie wyższy niż w powiecie bieszczadzkim. Udział raków piersi wykrytych w skryningu wzrósł w latach 2006–2010 z 3,7% do 23,2%.
W artykule dokonano oceny trafności nauczycielskiej diagnozy przesiewowej ryzyka specyficznego zaburzenia uczenia się czytania i pisania. Rozpoznanie tego zaburzenia (dysleksji) w jak najwcześniejszym stadium rozwoju dziecka jest warunkiem powodzenia interwencji, która może zapobiec trudnościom w nauce szkolnej lub ograniczyć je. Warunkiem dobrej przesiewowej oceny jest – zgodnie z założeniami diagnozy opartej na dowodach empirycznych – stosowanie narzędzi o wysokich parametrach psychometrycznych, bazujących na aktualnej wiedzy teoretycznej i danych empirycznych. W artykule omówiono Skalę prognoz edukacyjnych oraz przedstawiono badania wskazujące na trafność tego narzędzia. Wyniki obserwacji nauczycielskich zestawiono z pomiarami dokonanymi przez specjalistów z zastosowaniem wystandaryzowanych testów czytania i pisania. Rezultaty analiz dowodzą, że nauczyciele mogą trafnie identyfikować dzieci z grupy ryzyka dysleksji, zarówno rodzinnego, jak i ocenianego na podstawie wskaźników behawioralnych (poziom czytania).
The purpose of this article is to assess the validity of screening, as performed by teachers, for the risk of specific learning disabilities . The diagnosis of specific learning disabilities at the earliest possible stage of a child’s development is a prerequisite for intervention success, which can prevent or limit future school difficulties. The condition of a good screening according to evidence based assessment is the use of tools with high psychometric properties, based on current theoretical and empirical data. In this article we describe the SPE IBE Educational Prognosis Scale and research demonstrating the validity of this tool. The results of observations of teachers were compared with measurements made by specialists using standardized tests of reading and writing. The results of the analysis show that teachers can accurately identify children at risk of specific learning disabilities.
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